Quran interesting facts. Islam and science: scientific discoveries confirming the information contained in the Quran (photo) Interesting facts about the Quran

For more than 1.5 billion representatives of the Islamic faith living on the planet, the Koran is the main book, the provisions of which must be followed for a correct lifestyle. Few people know that the largest copy of the Holy Scriptures is kept in Russia, and in Baghdad - written in the blood of Saddam Hussein. These are just some of the amazing facts about the Quran that are presented in this collection.

The largest in the world

The largest handwritten Quran was created in Mashhad (Iran) by master caligrapher Ali Akbar Kuchani. He worked on the giant book for 7 years, starting in 2008, and 30 artists participated in the design of the pages. The result of the joint work was a 650-page manuscript, which weighs 3.5 tons and has dimensions of 2.5 x 1.75 m.

The largest printed copy in the world is located in the city of Bolgar in the Republic of Tatarstan and is considered one of the main attractions of the city. Its height is 2 m, width – 1.52 m, thickness – 17 cm, and the cover is decorated with semi-precious stones, silver, gold leaf and malachite. The book consists of 632 pages, each of which is made of high-quality paper and specially reinforced to protect it from destruction for a long time.

Unusual coincidences

No less surprising facts concern interesting coincidences with numbers and words found in the text of the Koran. The number of mentions of individual iconic words looks very unusual:

  • A day is 365 times, which corresponds to the length of a calendar year.
  • Days – 30 times, the same as the number of days in a month.
  • Month – 12 times, which corresponds to the number of months in a year.
  • Male and female - 23 times each, which adds up to the number of pairs of chromosomes in the human genome.
  • Angels and devil - 77 times each.

In addition, mathematical coincidences attract the attention of researchers. Thus, most mathematical operations with surah numbers and verse numbers cannot be done without the number 19 - the number of Allah. For example, the text consists of 114 suras, which are divided into 19 without a remainder.

Political crisis due to typo

Muslims are confident that the text of the Koran accurately conveys the words of Allah, therefore the appearance of any inaccuracies or typographical errors in it is considered a serious offense.

Just such an offense was committed in Kuwait in 1999, when at one of the book fairs the distribution of a book with typographical errors was recorded. This incident so outraged the deputies of the Islamist faction that they began to accuse Parliament of neglecting the Muslim faith. As a result, its members were disbanded, and representatives assured everyone that typos were made intentionally.

Knowledge by heart

Memorizing the text of the Koran for Muslims is one of the expressions of the true Islamic faith. Hafiz are those representatives of Islam who managed to comprehend the entire text and thus earn special respect and respect among their brothers.

One of the most prestigious International Quran Recitation Competitions is held annually in Dubai. Scripture scholars from around the world will have to answer 5 questions relating to different chapters and, when answering, read at least 2 pages from memory. In this case, the answers are assessed not only by memorization, but also by compliance with the rules of reading the Holy Book and the beauty of reading. Depending on their knowledge, all participants receive valuable prizes. In addition, the prize for first place is $98,000, for second and third place – $54,000 and $40,000, respectively.

Unknown letters

The holy book consists of 114 suras (chapters) of varying lengths with instructions on various topics. Some of them begin with combinations of Arabic letters, the so-called muqatta (from Arabic: “scattered letters”). An amazing fact, but they do not form any words, and no one knows their meaning. Interpreters of the Koran offer many hypotheses and versions of their interpretation.

Some try to convert them into numbers depending on the ordinal numbers of letters in the Arabic alphabet and then find mysterious patterns. Others believe that they contain a special meaning, known only to Muhammad and no one else. But for Muslims themselves, this riddle is not of particular interest, since the main thing for them is reading the Koran, which is what the Islamic faith preaches.

Written in Blood

In the late 1990s, as a result of the “collaboration” of Saddam Hussein with a nurse and an expert in Islamic calligraphy, the Koran was created, written in blood. It is known that for this, the former dictator lost a total of 27 liters of blood during 2 years of painstaking work. Although some experts believe that it is impossible for a person to lose such a volume of blood during the specified period.

Now the Scripture is in the vault of one of the mosques in Baghdad behind three locks. The keys to them are held by different people, so you can enter the vault only by a common decision of all “custodians.” The authorities still cannot decide on the fate of the Holy Book. On the one hand, the Holy Book is a reminder of the dictator, from whom politicians are trying in every possible way to get rid of them. On the other hand, the Koran is a book that is prohibited from being destroyed in any way.

Unique child

In 2009, amazing news spread throughout the Muslim world: verses and suras from the Koran began to appear on the body of a 9-month-old boy Ali Yakubov from Dagestan. According to the mother, the inscriptions appeared in the child on Mondays and Fridays, which was accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 40°C. After three days they gradually disappeared, and new ones appeared in their place over time.

To the house in the village. Crowds of pilgrims began to travel to Krasno-Oktyabrskoye, wanting to see this fact with their own eyes and touch the unusual child. However, there were also skeptics who suggested that the miracle inscriptions were deduced by the parents themselves on the initiative of the authorities: the religious hoax was supposed to distract people from pressing problems and conflicts and encourage them to repent of their sins.

Rules of circulation

The Holy Scriptures are revered by Muslims not only above any books and even many other things around them in life. It is also handled according to certain rules: in the house it is stored on the highest shelf, and it is forbidden to place other books on top. When reading, you should dress appropriately and read only while sitting upright, without leaning back. A book should not be placed on the floor, yawned while reading, left open, used as a pillow, or lying on it. To turn pages, do not slobber on your fingers or wipe off any dirt on the surface with saliva.

Some rules of conversion are related to the ideas of purity preached by Islam. Thus, for some Muslims, reading the Koran by a woman during menstruation is unacceptable.

In a number of Muslim countries, the law provides for punishment for desecration of the Koran, including the death penalty. The widest international resonance associated with manifestations of religious extremism was caused by a story that happened in Pakistan with 14-year-old Rimsha Masih from a Christian family.

In 2012, the girl was accused of burning pages of the Holy Book and was held in a maximum security prison for several weeks. She was released on bail, a unique case for blasphemy charges, after doctors found that the girl's development was consistent with an earlier age. Later, all charges against Rimsha were dropped, but the family was forced to move to Canada to avoid threats and persecution from extreme Muslims.

The most expensive copy

In 2007, at a Christie’s auction, a book of Muslim scripture was sold for $2,330,000, although the organizers estimated the lot to be almost five times cheaper. This price became an absolute record for any manuscripts related to Islam.

The text of the most expensive copy, dated June 1203 (17 Ramadan 599 AH), is written in gold, and its commentary is in silver. It was found in Cairo by archaeologist Archer Milton Huntington back in 1905.

What is written in the Holy Quran is a dogma and an accurate theory for all Muslims. A true believer in one God does not need any evidence of what is said in the Koran, for true faith presupposes the replacement of doubts of unbelief with the firmness of conviction in the rightness of the Creator.
However, unfortunately, there are people on Earth who, for some reason, evaluate the text of the Koran from the standpoint of the achievements of modern science. I would like to say the word “modern” - some discoveries and scientific information that were considered dogma a hundred years ago today cause a smile, and the phrase “from the point of view of modern science” for any sane person is at least a funny statement. Science is a human product and its postulates change, just like human civilization itself, unlike the Koran, which was written once and for all.

But however, yesterday, and today, and I’m sure tomorrow, scientists are making discoveries that not only confirm the accuracy of the information contained in the Koran, but also say that the Koran contains data that was not available to humanity either 1400 years ago or 200 years ago. and even a hundred years.
Below is a small selection of scientific discoveries that became a scientific sensation, but I wanted to start this publication with one eloquent fact:
One of the claims of Islam is that life expectancy is strictly defined and a person cannot live either less or more than the period predetermined for him by the Almighty.

So, quite recently, several scientific laboratories in different parts of the world made the discovery that a person’s life span is already programmed in his genome, i.e. When a person's chromosome divides, each time the advanced section is lost and modified, and at a certain point cell division stops, which leads to the subsequent death of the person. I have very much summarized the information about this discovery and you can read more about it on the Internet.


Some surahs of the Holy Qur'an indicate that Allah is the Lord of the "easts and wests" (plural) or "two easts and two wests." For example, one verse states:
He is the Lord of both the two easts and the two wests. (Surah “The All-Merciful”, 55:17)

Critics of Islam often use these and similar verses to refute the Quran. For 1432 years of the enemy
Islam has always found verses that, in their opinion, contradict generally known facts, but every time, with the development of science and technology, people have become convinced again and again that the Koran is the truth.

Western media reported that astronomers have found a planet that has two suns at once - it revolves around two stars. The planet discovered by experts is located approximately 200 light years from Earth, reports the American space agency NASA.
It was found by indirect evidence, namely the shading of the corresponding stars.
The Kepler Space Telescope examines the light of 150,000 stars, tracking the passage of planets in their background. It was the first NASA telescope capable of finding Earth-sized planets in what it calls "potentially habitable zones," areas of the planetary system where liquid water may exist on the planet's surface or near such zones.

Both stars around which Kepler-16b orbits themselves, in turn, eclipse each other. This is what astronomers first noticed. But then they noticed that even when these stars are not blocking each other, their light is sometimes dimmer than it should be. This is how the third object was found, which was in connection with the indicated stars.
The planet is approximately equal in size to Saturn. The stars themselves are smaller than the Sun. The mass of the first is 69% solar, the mass of the second is 20%. The planet's orbital period around these stars is 229 days, which is almost equal to that of Venus, which passes around the Sun in 225 days. Its distance to these planets is 104 million km, which is also close to that of Venus, heated by the rays of the Sun, notes the BBC.

US scientists are again forced to recognize the inerrancy and scientific value of the Qur'an

The latest research conducted by a research group in the United States has proven the scientific infallibility of the Koran and Shariah provisions related to the determination of a period of 120 days (4 months and 10 days) for a divorced woman, during which she is prohibited from remarrying.
The Egyptian news agency Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reports the words of Dr. Jamaladin Ibrahim, professor of venom science at the University of California and director of biological research laboratories in the United States.

“Studies of the woman’s immune system showed the presence of special cells with hereditary memory. Having come into contact with sperm that have entered the body, the cells of a woman’s body retain their hereditary qualities. These cells remain active in her reproductive organs for 120 days,” the professor said.
“Studies have confirmed that if before the expiration of this period there is contact with other seminal fluid, then this causes a malfunction in the immune system, which can cause cancerous tumors. This scientifically explains the incidence of breast and ovarian cancer in women who have multiple sexual intercourse, and thus, accordingly, the prohibition of polyandry in women is clarified,” he added.

Bible, Koran and Science

In 1976 The publishing house SEGHERS (Paris) published the book “The Bible, the Koran and Science” in French. Its author is Maurice Bucaille, an academician of the French Academy of Medicine, who worked all his life as a practicing surgeon. By 1995, this book had been reprinted fifteen times in France. In 1986, its French edition was awarded the title "Golden Book".
In addition, it has gone through dozens of editions in English, German, Arabic, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian, Indonesian, Farsi, Urdu, Gujarati, Bengali and other languages. It was published in Russian after 1996.

The book has 5 parts:
1) “Old Testament”,
2) "Gospel"
3) “The Koran and modern science”
4) “Narratives in the Bible and the Koran”
5) “The Koran, Hadith and Modern Science”

In the 4th part, the author consistently describes various natural phenomena, such as the creation of the Earth, the water cycle in nature, the development of the human fetus in the womb, etc. And everywhere he compares the description of the Quran with modern scientific knowledge, summing up - these phenomena are clearly described in the Quran , indicating a number of details that were not known to people of the 7th century (i.e. the time of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) - and at the same time, everything described does not in any way contradict modern scientific knowledge. For example, Maurice Bucaille examines in detail, from the point of view of modern knowledge, the following verses:

“And if We opened the gates of Heaven for them and they began to rise there, they would say: “Our eyes are intoxicated, we are enchanted people!” (Sura Al-Hijr, verses 14-15, translation from the Russian edition of the book “The Bible, the Koran and Science”).
In Kuliev’s translation of the Koran, the words of non-believers sound like this: “Our eyes are clouded, and we ourselves are bewitched.” Maurice Bucaille continues: “To those outside the Earth's atmosphere, clouds do not appear bluish as we see them from the Earth's surface. After all, the apparent blueness is the result of the absorption of sunlight by atmospheric layers. An observer located above the Earth's atmosphere sees a black Sky, and the Earth seems to him shrouded in a bluish haze - due to the same absorption of light by the Earth's atmosphere.

The Moon, however, has no atmosphere, so it is seen in its true color against the black Sky. So a completely new sight appears before the eyes of a person in outer space. Such photographs are well known to everyone today.” (this is just one of dozens of examples from the 4th part of the book).

In one place, the author, being objective, cites the discrepancy between the Koran and science. This concerns the number of planets in the solar system. Here is what Maurice Bucaille writes: “It is difficult to say how much the ideas about the planets presented in the Koran correspond to our current ideas about these celestial bodies. Planets do not have their own light. They revolve around the Sun, and the Earth is one of them. Assuming that planets exist in other places in the Universe, one should keep in mind: so far only those that belong to the Solar System are known.”

In ancient times, people knew five planets besides Earth: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The remaining three were recently discovered: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In the Quran, the planets are designated by the word “kaukab” (plural “kauaqib”), without indicating their number. The description of Joseph’s dream (Sura 12) says that there are 11 of them, but it is quite natural that imaginary information may also be present in the description of the dream.” This is the amazing verse in question:
“So Yusuf (Joseph) said to his father: “O my father! I saw eleven stars, the sun and the moon. I saw them bow to me." (Sura Yusuf, verse 4, translation by Kuliev).

Maurice Bucaille draws attention to the fact that celestial bodies are mentioned in the Koran under the names “najm” and “kawkab”. And if Elmir Kuliev translates everything with one word “stars”, then Maurice Bucaille claims that the word “najm” refers specifically to stars, i.e. sources of light, and the word “Kavkab” refers specifically to the planets, i.e. celestial bodies that do not emit their light (Maurice Bucaille explains this point of view, including the verses of the Koran). As for the dream of Yusuf (peace be upon him), this verse uses the word “kawakib” (plural from “kawkab”), i.e. The verse can be translated as follows: So Yusuf (Joseph) said to his father: “O my father! I saw eleven planets, the sun and the moon. I saw them bow to me."

It is logical to assume that the word “kawakib” refers to all planets except the Earth, because the earth in the Koran is mentioned separately as “Al-Ard” and when the word “kawaqib” is mentioned, it rather denotes celestial bodies, in addition to the Earth, and the Earth seems to act as the “origin of coordinates” - the point from which we build our reasoning and observations . If so, then it turns out that according to Yusuf’s dream, there are only 12 planets in the solar system (including Earth).

According to Maurice Bucaille, there were 9 planets in the solar system (after all, the book was written before 1976) and he relied on the data of modern science. Faced with a contradiction, the author found the following compromise: “it is quite natural that imaginary information may also be present in the description of a dream.” And this once again confirms the author’s objectivity - he did not hide this moment from the reader, but presented it without distortion.

In 2006, news appeared under the sensational headline “The solar system will have 12 planets instead of 9.” “The solar system has 12 planets instead of 9, as previously thought.

Participants came to this conclusion at the congress of the International Astronomical Union in the capital of the Czech Republic. “This is a revolutionary change in man’s system of views on the world around him and the structure of our galaxy,” the correspondent reported. ITAR-TASS by phone at the Congress Secretariat.

To the list of 9 planets of the solar system from Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, 3 newcomers can be added - asteroids Zena, Ceres and Charon. At the same time, Pluto, previously considered a planet, may be renamed an asteroid. The new grouping is based on the gravitational principle, reports newsinfo.ru. The solar system is the house in which we live. What do we know about our home? For many years, humanity has preserved and increased its knowledge.

For years, accumulating information, astronomers stored all the information about the universe, constantly adding more and more information to it. Today this knowledge is quite extensive and for an ordinary person, not a specialist, quite confusing.” All the data given in the article once again testifies to the superiority of the knowledge available in the Quran and the Most Pure Sunnah (which exactly corresponds to the Quran).

The article by Professor Abdul Wahid Pallaken, “Memetics governed by the Universe is based on the Koran,” was published in July 2010 in the American journal “Software, Engineering and Applications” with open access on the Internet and for sale, AzanNews reports.

The theory describes the universe as a programmed system designed and created by God.

A computer model of the universe was first proposed by Dr. Waheed in 1998 in his book “Divine Expert System” published by the Muslim Association for the Advancement of Science (MAAS).

He subsequently published three books on this issue (The Computer of the Universe: A Scientific Portrayal of the Holy Qur'an, An Introduction to Islamic Science, and The Great Gene Collapse: The Qur'an Defines Life), and he also published a work refuting the Darwinian theory of evolution: Science to Order. Books are available on the IslamicScienceForum website.
The computer concept proposed by Dr. Waheed also helps explain some of the revelations of the Qur'an from a scientific point of view. He used Qur'anic revelations in combination with science to develop a comprehensive, holistic knowledge, which he calls Islamic science.

From a scientific point of view, an important result of the fusion of the Qur'an and science is a clear understanding of the phenomena of life and death, which until now remained a mystery in biology. These phenomena were identified and explained in the light of the revelation of the Qur'an.
Professor Waheed reveals the inability to explain these phenomena in biology. He argues that genome material is not a biological program, not the cause of life.

According to the Koran, it is not subject to our concept (ghayb in Arabic), “rooh” is a soul not consisting of molecules (also called nafs), which was created according to the divine program.

In fact, the non-physical genes originally proposed by Wilhelm Johansen in 1909 are consistent with the revelation of the Quran, but not the molecular gene.

In a computer model of an organism, all visible parts (chemical structure, including genome) are hardware, invisible biological programs (most likely stored in chromosomes, cell hard drives) are divine bio software.

The soul of a computer is stored in an invisible hard drive. Likewise, the human soul is the invisible software (nafs). The phenomenon of life has been defined as the manifestation and execution of divine bio-software.

The Koran also indicates (SK 6:93) that the removal of the soul leads to death. This means that dead bodies are like a computer without software. It is precisely because of the lack of bio-software in the cells that a dead body cannot manifest “life”, although it carries the genome in every cell.

According to Professor Waheed, it is impossible to create life from non-life because "life" is caused by non-physical (i.e. non-molecular) bioware.

In addition, it is not possible to restore life to dead cells. Recent reports of the creation of synthetic cells, synthetic lives, etc., are highly misleading, since they were produced from living organisms and not through pure chemical synthesis. The products of such experiments cannot be called synthetic.
Chemical synthesis of cells is impossible with the current level of molecular technology. But scientists can approach the problem from the other side, restoring the life of dead cells (for example, dead bacterial cells) as well as chemically synthesized artificial cells. Creating life from non-life (pure chemicals) actually confirms the scientific evidence for the truth of the revelations of the Qur'an and the existence of God.

Prof. P. A. Waheeda is the former Dean of Kerala Agricultural University. He published approximately one hundred scientific articles in leading scientific journals and five books during his 35-year scientific career.

Man is born with faith in God

The discovery of scientists from the British University of Bristol caused a real sensation in world scientific and intellectual circles. As ITAR-TASS reports, researchers have found that modern man is born with faith in God.

"We found that children's thinking involves an intuitive belief in the supernatural," said study leader Professor Bruce Hood.

For centuries, the world's leading theologians and philosophers have tried to prove or disprove the existence of God, writes the London weekly Sunday Times. However, ordinary logic turned out to be powerless to answer this question, which was declared irrational by modern science.

However, the latest research from a research team from Bristol has shown that without belief in God, neither Homo Sapience nor modern society could have been born.

According to experts, at the dawn of humanity, those groups of people who believed in the Almighty, in the justice and orderliness of the world order, created stronger social ties and thereby increased their survival rate. It was they who laid the foundations of modern civilization and gave it impetus for development.

Accordingly, tribes and groups of people, devoid of the concept and faith in God, disintegrated and disappeared, leaving no traces behind.

Based on materials from websites

Muslims make up more than 1.5 billion of the planet's population, for whom the most important book in the world is the Koran. Few people probably remember that Saddam Hussein used a copy of the Koran, written in his own blood. But there are many more fascinating facts related to this book, sacred to every Muslim.

10. The world's largest Koran.
In 2008, Said Hammoud from India broke the world record by creating the largest handwritten Quran. However, in 2011, the world record was broken by Russia, where a Quran was produced weighing 800 kilograms with 632 pages. This massive book was inlaid with gold and silver and several precious stones. However, already in 2012, an even larger Koran was made in the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. It took 5 years of manual work to create it. The page size of this Quran is 2.3 m by 1.5 m and its weight is 500 kg.

9. A typo in the Quran caused a political crisis.
The Qur'an is considered to be the exact word of Allah, so it is a serious offense to print any inaccuracy or make a typo when publishing the Qur'an. However, this happened when 120,000 copies of the Holy Book were printed in Kuwait in 1999. Believers accused the country's parliament of “attempting to disfigure the faith of Muslims” and as a result, the entire Kuwaiti parliament was dissolved. Opposition members said the typos were intentional.

8. Quran by heart
Seventeen million people around the world tuned in to watch the Dubai National Quran Competition, which sees children recite the Quran in pursuit of a US$70,000 cash prize. In addition to the main prize, the competition provides a prize for the most beautiful voice.
Memorizing the holy book Quran is one of the manifestations of true Islamic faith. Those who have memorized the Qur'an are called "Hafiz" and these people are respected and respected among their fellow Muslims.

7. Prohibition of the Koran.
Banning religious books has a long history and is a very bad idea. For example, all holy books, including the Koran, were banned in Soviet Russia from 1926 to 1957. In recent years, the notorious Dutch politician Geert Wilders tried to pass a bill in parliament to ban the Quran in the Netherlands. In Spain, former Muslim Imran Firasat petitioned the Spanish Legislature of the Quran to ban the Quran, but also failed.

6. Miracle Child
In 2009, Muslims from all over Dagestan flocked to one village to see a nine-month-old boy. It was reported that verses of the Quran spontaneously appeared on the skin of young Ali Yakubov. Thousands of people visited his home to see the miracle with their own eyes. Skeptics were happy to point out that this could, in fact, be child abuse.
Ali's father is a policeman who has suffered greatly from Islamist extremism in the republic. Police and security personnel have recently become popular targets for terrorist groups in the region. The local mayor suggested that the writing appearing on the child is a sign from Allah that religion should not be too far from people.

5. Swear on the Koran
In most European countries and countries of European civilization, the highest symbol of the honesty of a politician and an ordinary citizen is the ritual of “swearing on the Bible.” New presidents and kings swear on the Bible, witnesses swear to speak honestly in court, etc. However, this tradition will probably change soon. So in November 2006, Democrat Keith Ellison became the first Muslim in the US Congress. In a ceremony that usually involves a solemn oath on the Bible, Keith Ellison used the Koran. In Australia, MP Ed Husic swore on the Koran for the first time in the country's history.

4. Rules for handling the Quran
Muslims revere the Koran, above all other books (and most other things, in general). Many people know that the Koran should be kept on the highest shelf in the house. Also, you cannot leave it open, you cannot get the pages wet, and you cannot read the Quran on your lap.
Many rules for handling the Koran are derived from Islamic ideas of purity. Also, sorry, but many Muslims believe that women should not read the Quran during their menstrual cycle because it is not a “clean time.” You should also not yawn while reading the Koran.

3. How much does the Koran cost?
The most expensive Koran was sold for more than $2.3 million in 2007. Although this does not make it the most valuable holy book (one volume of the two parts of the Bible was sold for $5.5 million in 2008), it is still a significant amount. The Koran is known, written in June 1203 and it is the oldest complete Koran.

2. Burning the Quran
Notorious pastor, Terry Jones became famous around the world in 2010 for his plan to create an “International Quran Burning Day”. He collected 2,998 books of the Quran, but was arrested for illegally carrying kerosene to set fire to a trailer loaded with Qurans. Also causing widespread unrest, leading to the death of dozens of people, was the fact that US troops in Afghanistan in 2012 mistakenly threw several Korans into a fire along with garbage.

1. Rimsha Masih.
Pakistan is one of several Muslim countries where damage to the Koran is punishable by law. In this country, 97 percent of the population is a Muslim majority. One of the sad examples of recent religious extremism is the story of Rimsha Masih, a 14-year-old girl with disabilities from a Christian family. In August 2012, Rimsha was accused of defacement of the Quran after she was found with a singed page of the Quran. The police arrested her, and 600 Christian families from her village were forced to flee their homes from persecution by Muslim fanatics.

Among the divine revelations, the Holy Quran is the most respected scripture, as it was revealed to the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The Quran contains teaching and guidance for all mankind, it is written from the words of Allah (praise be to Him) and is under His protection.

“Verily, We have sent down a Reminder, and We protect it.”(Quran, 15:9)

The great miracle of the Blessed Manuscript is that unlike other divine Books of the Almighty God (Tawrat/Torah revealed to Musa, Zabur/Book of Psalms of Dawud, Injil/Gospel revealed to Isa), the Holy Qur'an has not undergone any changes, remaining for all 1400 years under the protection of the Most High.

The most interesting facts regarding the Holy Scriptures, which will undoubtedly expand the horizons of readers:

  • 23 – the number of years during which the entire text of the Koran was revealed
  • 114 – total number of chapters
  • 30 – number of parts
  • 6 – number of chapters named after prophets
  • 25 – number of names of prophets mentioned in the Quran
  • 136 – the number of times the name of Musa (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Quran
  • 29 – how many times the name of Isa (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Quran
  • 43 – how many times the name Nuha (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Quran
  • 10 – this is the number of rewards promised for reading one letter of the Quran
  • 4 – the number of times the name of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) appears in the Quran
  • Al-Bakara is the longest surah of the Quran
  • Friday is the only day of the week mentioned in the Quran
  • Maryam is the only woman mentioned in the Quran
  • Surah Ya-Sin – “The Heart of the Quran”
  • 40 – the age of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) at the time of the first revelation

Below are more details about the above facts about the divine Message:

40 years old - at this age the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) received his first revelation

Although Mr. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was chosen by Allah even before his birth to transform the world and turn it towards piety, he was declared a prophet only when he turned 40 years old.

From his youth, this man was the embodiment of all virtues and the highest moral principles on which Islam is built. Among the Arabs, he was considered the most respected of husbands due to his honesty, cleanliness and decency. By the age of 40, he began to regularly retire to the cave of Hira, where he reflected on the purpose of his existence and where, in the end, he received the first revelation from the Lord from the lips of the angel Gabriel. The first five verses of Surah al-Alaq:

“Recite in the name of your Lord, who created all things. He created man from a blood clot. Read, because your Lord is the Most Generous. He taught by means of a writing stick - he taught a person what he did not know" (Quran, 96: 1-5)

Thus, the very first revelation of Islam contained instructions on the obligatory nature of reading and education.

23 – over so many years the entire text of the Koran was revealed

Furqan-i-Hamid revealed himself to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) gradually over a period of 23 years.

“We divided the Koran so that you could read it to people slowly. We sent it down in parts."(Quran, 17:106)

A large amount of information is difficult to comprehend in a short period of time - the essence is much easier to digest when the information is broken down into separate fragments, so the revelation of the Holy Qur'an by the Almighty happened gradually so that it would be easier for people to understand its meaning.

30 – number of parts of the Koran

In addition to the fact that the Holy Book consists of suras (chapters) and verses (verses), it is divided into 30 parts, which are called juzes.

The division of long suras was done to facilitate reading the text during the holy month of Ramadan, when, as you know, it is customary to read the entire Quran from beginning to end.

Long before this, the “ruku” (stop) signs were only in Surah an-Nur. Later, during the Umayyad era, they were added to the text by Hajjaj ibn Yusuf to facilitate the reading of the rak'ahs, since, for example, Surah al-Baqarah was too long to be read in full.

114 – total number of chapters

The Holy Qur'an consists of 114 suras (chapters) of varying lengths and contains instructions on a wide variety of topics. The first sura is called “al-Fatiha” (The Opening), the last is “an-Nas” (The People).

Surahs are also divided according to the place and time of revelation. Meccan suras consist of short poetic verses, which mainly talk about the improvement of religion, i.e. faith in One Allah and the prophecy of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). They also remind us of the prophets of the past and their peoples, promising Paradise to those who believe and Hell to the infidels. On the other hand, the suras revealed in Medina consist of long verses and often deal with more specific everyday topics, for example, they talk about the duties of believers, such as zakat, fasting, hajj, set out the ethics of behavior in society, details of legislation, rules of war and etc.

6 – number of chapters named after prophets

Of the many prophets sent down to earth, only six were given the honor of being mentioned in the titles of the suras of the Koran. The six suras are named after the six prophets because the Qur'an tells their true stories, which emphasizes the importance of their messages for their respective peoples. These suras are called:

  • Yunus
  • Yusuf
  • Ibrahim
  • Muhammad
Al-Bakara is the longest surah of the Quran

The Holy Quran contains many suras, both short and long, but surah al-Baqarah (The Cow) is the longest. It tells the story of the prophet Musa (peace be upon him), who, by order of Allah, ordered the Banu Israil tribe to slaughter a cow in order to unravel the mystery of the mysterious murder. The Surah contains a total of 286 verses, with the 282nd verse being the longest in the entire Quran.

25 – number of names of prophets mentioned in the Quran

From Adam (peace be upon him) to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) The only purpose of the messages of the prophets to the peoples is to lead these peoples to the remembrance of the One Allah (praise be to Him), to moral purity and piety.

According to the report of Abu Umama al-Bahili about the conversation of Abu Zarra (may Allah be pleased with him) with the holy Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), the total number of prophets who have ever come into the world is 124 thousand.

“I asked: “O Prophet of Allah, how many prophets were there?” To which he replied: “There are 124 thousand of them, and of them 315 (messengers)” (Ahmad)

Messengers of Allah whose names are mentioned in the Holy Quran:

  • 1. Adam
  • 2. Idris (Enoch)
  • 3. Nuh (Noah)
  • 4. Hud (Eber)
  • 5. Salih
  • 6. Loot (Lot)
  • 7. Ibrahim (Abraham)
  • 8. Ismail (Ishmael)
  • 9. Ishaq (Isaac)
  • 10. Yaqub (Yaakov)
  • 11. Yusuf (Joseph)
  • 12. Shuaib (Jethro)
  • 13. Ayyub (Job)
  • 14. Zulkifli (Ezekiel)
  • 15. Musa (Moses)
  • 16. Harun (Aaron)
  • 17. Daoud (David)
  • 18. Suleiman (Solomon)
  • 19. Ilyas (Elijah)
  • 20. Alyasa (Elisha)
  • 21. Yunus (Jonah)
  • 22. Zakariyya (Zechariah)
  • 23. Yahya (John the Baptist)
  • 24. Isa (Jesus)
  • 25. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
136 so many times in the Quran the name of Musa (peace be upon him) is mentioned

Musa was the main prophet who liberated the people of Banu Israel from the despotism of Firaun (Pharaoh) and led them to the light of Monotheism. His name is mentioned in the Koran more often than the names of other prophets - as many as 136 times.

“Behold, We gave Moses (Moses) the Book and discernment, so that perhaps you may follow the straight path.”(Quran, 2:53)

43 - number of times the name Nuha (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Quran

The 71st sura of the sacred Book of distinguishing between good and evil is named after the prophet Nuh, whose mission was to lead the people to the commandments of the Lord.

“We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people: “Warn your people before a painful torment befalls them”” (Quran, 71:1)

29 so many times the name of Isa (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Quran

Prophet Isa, to whom the All-Merciful sent down the sacred scripture Injil (Gospel), called his people to piety, faith and worship of the One and Only Allah. His name is mentioned in the Holy Quran 29 times.

“These are the messengers. We have given preference to some of them over others. Among them were those with whom Allah spoke, and some of them Allah elevated to degrees. We gave Isa (Jesus), son of Mary (Mary), clear signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit (Jabrail)..." (Quran, 2:253)

Friday is the only day of the week mentioned in the Quran

The most blessed day of the week in the Islamic calendar is, of course, Friday. On Fridays, Muslims all over the world offer a special prayer, which is accompanied by a sermon - a khutba. This is the only day mentioned in the luminous Koran; moreover, one of its chapters is named after this day: Surah al-Jummuah. In it, Almighty Allah speaks about the prescription of Friday prayer.

“O you who believe! When called for prayer on Friday, then rush to the remembrance of Allah and leave trading. It would be better for you if only you knew” (Quran, 62:9).

Maryam is the only woman mentioned in the Quran

The mother of Mr. Isa (peace be upon him), Maryam, has the honor of being the only woman who has ever lived on earth whose name is mentioned in the Holy Quran. Moreover, a separate sura is even dedicated to it - the 19th sura of the glorious Koran, this is Surah “Maryam”.

“Remember Maryam (Mary) in Scripture. So she left her family to the east"(Quran, 19:16)

10 – this is the number of rewards promised for reading one letter of the Quran

The entire Qur'an is full of instructions and commandments that serve to provide wisdom and warning to the reader. In the eyes of the Merciful Lord, even simply reading the Holy Scriptures in the hope of enlightenment is already a meritorious deed. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Everyone who reads at least one letter from the Book of Allah will have one good deed written down for this, and for each such good deed he will be rewarded tenfold. I do not say that “Alif, Lam, Mim” is one letter, no “Alif” is a letter, and “Lam” is a letter, and “Mim” is a letter” (Tirmidhi).

Thus, for reciting each letter of the Quran, we receive tenfold blessing from Allah.

Surah Yasin - the heart of the Koran

All surahs of the Holy Quran are equally valuable and important, each in its own way. For example, Surah al-Fatihah is read repeatedly during each daily prayer.

Surah Yasin also occupies a special place among other chapters of the Quran; it is called the “heart of the Quran” in accordance with the reliable hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

“Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin” (Tirmidhi)

4 – the number of times the name of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) appears in the Quran

The Holy Quran was sent down to the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) so that the Arabs would leave paganism and immorality and come to Monotheism and piety. Despite the fact that he repeatedly orders believers to follow the sunnah of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in order to succeed, the name of Muhammad himself appears in the text only 4 times, in the surahs “The Family of Imran” (3:144), Al-Ahzab (33: 40), Muhammad (47:2), Al-Fatah (48:29)

“Muhammad is only a Messenger. There were messengers before him too. Is it possible that if he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will not harm Allah in the least. Allah will reward the grateful" (Quran, 3:144)

Apart from this example, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was called “Ahmad” (his name in Paradise) in Surah Al-Saff (61:6).

In conclusion, we note that the Koran contains 6666 words, 86 Meccan and 28 Medinan suras, to facilitate reading the text is divided into 7 parts and 540 ruku (paragraphs). The Koran consists of 10 types of verses, after 14 verses it is necessary to make sajd, the importance of salat is emphasized 700 times, zakat is mentioned 150 times, the name of Allah is mentioned 2698 times.

This is the most important information about the Holy Quran that every Muslim should know besides reading and studying the Quran to increase their knowledge about the holy Book of Allah.

Muslims make up more than 1.5 billion of the planet's population, for whom the most important book in the world is the Koran. Few people probably remember that Saddam Hussein used a copy of the Koran, written in his own blood. But there are many more fascinating facts related to this book, sacred to every Muslim.

10. The world's largest Koran.

In 2008, Said Hammoud from India broke the world record by creating the largest handwritten Quran. However, in 2011, the world record was broken by Russia, where a Quran was produced weighing 800 kilograms with 632 pages. This massive book was inlaid with gold and silver and several precious stones. However, already in 2012, an even larger Koran was made in the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. It took 5 years of manual work to create it. The page size of this Quran is 2.3 m by 1.5 m and its weight is 500 kg.

9. A typo in the Quran caused a political crisis.

The Qur'an is considered to be the exact word of Allah, so it is a serious offense to print any inaccuracy or make a typo when publishing the Qur'an. However, this happened when 120,000 copies of the Holy Book were printed in Kuwait in 1999. Believers accused the country's parliament of “attempting to disfigure the faith of Muslims” and as a result, the entire Kuwaiti parliament was dissolved. Opposition members said the typos were intentional.

8. Quran by heart

Seventeen million people around the world tuned in to watch the Dubai National Quran Competition, which sees children recite the Quran in pursuit of a US$70,000 cash prize. In addition to the main prize, the competition provides a prize for the most beautiful voice.

Memorizing the holy book Quran is one of the manifestations of true Islamic faith. Those who have memorized the Qur'an are called "Hafiz" and these people are respected and respected among their fellow Muslims.

Banning religious books has a long history and is a very bad idea. For example, all holy books, including the Koran, were banned in Soviet Russia from 1926 to 1957. In recent years, the notorious Dutch politician Geert Wilders tried to pass a bill in parliament to ban the Quran in the Netherlands. In Spain, former Muslim Imran Firasat petitioned the Spanish Legislature of the Quran to ban the Quran, but also failed.

6. Miracle Child

In 2009, Muslims from all over Dagestan flocked to one village to see a nine-month-old boy. It was reported that verses of the Quran spontaneously appeared on the skin of young Ali Yakubov. Thousands of people visited his home to see the miracle with their own eyes. Skeptics were happy to point out that this could, in fact, be child abuse.

Ali's father is a policeman who has suffered greatly from Islamist extremism in the republic. Police and security personnel have recently become popular targets for terrorist groups in the region. The local mayor suggested that the writings appearing on the child are a sign from Allah that religion should not be too far from people.

5. Swear on the Koran

In most European countries and countries of European civilization, the highest symbol of the honesty of a politician and an ordinary citizen is the ritual of “swearing on the Bible.” New presidents and kings swear on the Bible, witnesses swear to speak honestly in court, etc. However, this tradition will probably change soon. So in November 2006, Democrat Keith Ellison became the first Muslim in the US Congress. In the ceremony, which usually involves a solemn oath on the Bible, Keith Ellison used the Koran. In Australia, MP Ed Husic swore on the Koran for the first time in the country's history.

4. Rules for handling the Koran

Muslims revere the Koran, above all other books (and most other things, in general). Many people know that the Koran should be kept on the highest shelf in the house. Also, you cannot leave it open, you cannot get the pages wet, and you cannot read the Quran on your lap.

Many rules for handling the Koran are derived from Islamic ideas of purity. Also, sorry, but many Muslims believe that women should not read the Quran during their menstrual cycle because it is not a “clean time.” You should also not yawn while reading the Koran.

3. How much does the Koran cost?

The most expensive Koran was sold for more than $2.3 million in 2007. Although this does not make it the most valuable holy book (one volume of the two parts of the Bible was sold for $5.5 million in 2008), it is still a significant amount. The Koran is known, written in June 1203 and it is the oldest complete Koran.

2. Burning the Quran

Notorious pastor, Terry Jones became famous around the world in 2010 for his plan to create an “International Quran Burning Day”. He collected 2,998 books of the Quran, but was arrested for illegally carrying kerosene to set fire to a trailer loaded with Qurans. Also causing widespread unrest, leading to the death of dozens of people, was the fact that US troops in Afghanistan in 2012 mistakenly threw several Korans into a fire along with garbage.

1. Rimsha Masih.

Pakistan is one of several Muslim countries where damage to the Koran is punishable by law. In this country, 97 percent of the population is a Muslim majority. One of the sad examples of recent religious extremism is the story of Rimsha Masih, a 14-year-old girl with disabilities from a Christian family. In August 2012, Rimsha was accused of defacement of the Quran after she was found with a singed page of the Quran. The police arrested her, and 600 Christian families from her village were forced to flee their homes from persecution by Muslim fanatics.

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