Who discovered chiron in 1977. Chiron - astrological description

Only crazy love, which the horoscope predetermined by a favorable position celestial bodies, is able to maintain the tandem of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man for a long time.

Representatives of these two zodiac signs will not be content solely with affection and the habit of being close, as is the case with most couples. They do not like living with an unloved person in constant dreams of “great love”.

Relationship Development

The compatibility of an Aquarius girl and a Virgo man cannot be called successful. Aquarius shocks the prudent Virgo. And she, in turn, irritates him with her distrust of strangers and a desire to save. Therefore, they will have to work hard to make their union strong and serene.

The horoscope gave Aquarius many qualities that distinguish her from other women, and Virgo will not be able to pass her by indifferently. He is ready to throw the whole world at her feet.

But this is only at the beginning of their acquaintance, when both the guy and the girl enjoy romance. And he has not yet realized that the relationship imposes certain obligations on him.

Ultimately, their relationship continues, but Virgo begins to understand that it would be worth limiting themselves to friendship. While the Aquarius girl is at a loss as to why Virgo, who recently fell in love, became indifferent and cold.

Only true crazy love can motivate a Virgo man to start a family, while Aquarius is constantly in search of his soul mate. She doesn’t think much when she breaks off old connections and easily makes new ones, until the moment when the guy of her dreams appears on the horizon.

The Aquarius horoscope has endowed these women with independence from public opinion. They rely solely on their own judgment of morality and standards of behavior.

Characteristics of Virgo and Aquarius

No matter what, these zodiac signs have a lot of similar interests, including a love of order and misanthropy. Virgos are perfect in everything that relates to their environment. They simply need order in their existence, otherwise they are tormented by a constant feeling of anxiety.

Women born under the Aquarius zodiac sign are also prone to structure, but it looks a little different. First of all, they create an ideal scheme of the world in their heads, and then they begin to fight with what violates or does not fit into it.

As a result, each of them, understanding the need for order for their partner, respects his work.

A Virgo man can be selfless and gentle, becoming overly critical and capricious in moments of weakness. Whereas the Aquarius woman is most often self-centered and harsh, and sometimes cold and dismissive of people. Virgos are attracted by the unusual nature of the latter, and they are thrilled by the sincerity and care of their partner.

Compatibility in love

The feelings of Aquarius and Virgo resemble roller coaster, when a man alternately burns with unbridled passion and then seeks peace. And a woman needs stability and a strong shoulder. However, this situation will not suit her.

There is every chance that their relationship will work out. But this is only if Virgo says goodbye to her independence without regrets.

In this case, Aquarius will have to provide the man with personal space and a chance to do what he loves. Then their love will be mutual without betrayal or betrayal.

Marriage and family life

For both zodiac signs, family is, first of all, a chance to get rid of their own shortcomings. Virgo and Aquarius are equally in no hurry to formalize their relationship.

Perhaps this is because they need time to understand the strength of their feelings. Or maybe a woman is wondering if this is her man. But more often than not, his refined manners and charm triumph over Aquarius.

It's not hard for them to find common language in marriage, because long conversations will help to express all the accumulated grievances. It is easy for both to understand the problems of the spouse and even help in solving them. A lot of disagreements will arise in matters related to raising children. But even they will not become insoluble.

Couple compatibility in bed

Horoscope intimate compatibility Aquarius and Virgo are quite harmonious. Virgo is sensitive and ardent, and she can rightfully be considered a femme fatale.

As a result, their sex life is full of fantasies and innovations that will appeal to both. Moreover, body language will be an excellent way for them to reconcile after daytime battles.

In this area they will give each other what they both lack in everyday life. Aquarius will be able to force the usually reserved Virgo to open up. It is also important that both hesitate and do not rush the start of an intimate relationship. Both partners try to get to know each other as best as possible.

The complexities of the union

From the beginning of the relationship, the couple will be faced with the issue of compatibility of their leisure time. At first, Aquarius is interested in the measured, orderly life of a man. And Virgo, as an experiment, is able to rush into adventures with his beloved.

But the subsided passions will force everyone to return to their familiar world. Those born under the zodiac sign Aquarius vitally need a cycle of impressions, meetings with friends, social activities, and Virgo cannot live without a quiet, peaceful pastime in her cozy nest.

How to avoid difficulties in relationships?

1. A Virgo man’s horoscope says that he is smart enough not to try to change his wife. Although sometimes he also has a desire to teach her morals or to involve her in his interests.

But in general, he understands the impossibility of changing himself or her. The most important thing is that you don’t need to stop him from going about his business, disrupt his plans, or turn the house upside down.

2. The Aquarius woman must learn not to be offended by Virgo’s irony and criticism. She only has to take advantage of the subtle humor and composure inherent in this zodiac sign, and the conflict will be settled. It is strictly forbidden to criticize him - Virgo will not tolerate this. It is better to try to maintain an internal humorous and positive attitude.

Compatibility in friendship

Friendly compatibility between Virgo and Aquarius is, rather, at the level of friendship. The Virgo man is not a fan of being friends with women, or, moreover, opening up to them 100%.

His horoscope does not allow him to be as sincere and reliable as Aquarius. Their rare meetings are interesting for Virgo, but they must take place on neutral territory.

In addition, the views of representatives of these zodiac signs on the same situation will be diametrically opposed. Therefore, their friendship is more likely if they have mutually beneficial business interests or an old, childhood friendship.

Business compatibility

The business alliance of these people is rarely successful. They are so different that they do not understand each other at all. Virgo does not appreciate his partner’s interesting ideas, and Aquarius finds it difficult to come to terms with a clearly planned work schedule.

As colleagues, they will achieve good results only if each of them has their own responsibilities. It is extremely rare to find representatives of these signs working on the same project.

The Aquarius woman does not like to command, but due to the fact that Virgo is very responsible and hardworking, he does not need control. However, he may be offended by the lack of attention from management to his efforts.

The opposite situation is simply catastrophic. Aquarius does not tolerate control and often goes to any feminine tricks, just to leave her alone. But it’s hard to imagine a more petty and picky boss than Virgo. They have virtually no chance of working together.

Chances for the future

These signs are so similar and at the same time do not understand each other at all. They equally hate being criticized and adore order, but such weaknesses have different reasons.

Aquarius women are interested in global issues. They are ready to serve the people, but do not listen to the wishes of an individual. Their minds are often focused on one thing at a time, making it difficult for them to see the whole problem.

The Virgo horoscope reproduces everything exactly the opposite. He gets caught up in a huge number details. In tandem, they are able to help each other, but, unfortunately, they both like to criticize, which ultimately leads to a break in the relationship.

But they should be together. They are a wonderful intellectual and sensual couple. Virgo will make any environment harmonious, and Aquarius will bring a drop of lightness and romanticism to its formalism.

According to the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man, their family union is rarely strong. The Virgo man is careful and prudent, while the Aquarius woman is unpredictable and eccentric, which simply frightens the Virgo man. But because of stinginess and lack of hospitality.

There are quite a lot of contradictions in this couple’s everyday life. Even the fact that an Aquarius woman loves is enough most of spend time outside the home, and the Virgo man, on the contrary, is a homebody, which causes dissatisfaction and complaints from his wife that their life is not interesting and monotonous enough.

Of course, a couple in Aquarius-Virgo compatibility can be happy, but for this both partners will have to make a lot of effort. If this relationship is truly dear to both a woman and a man, then they should try to accept their partner for who he is and see only positive qualities.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Virgo man – PROS

IN perfect couple the Aquarius woman and the Virgo man have learned to accept each other as they are, to respect other people’s opinions and the desire to live one way and not another. The Aquarius woman simply needs a feeling of freedom like air, and in an ideal pair she gets it. Nothing restricts her movements. And the Virgo man is happy that the Aquarius woman is not trying to pull him out of his cozy nest just for the sake of going to visit someone. , but next to a Virgo man, this problem is solved in the best possible way. In turn, the Virgo man is glad that he is safe, he does not need to take risks and get into awkward situations.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Virgo man – CONS

The biggest difficulty in the compatibility of the Zodiac signs of Aquarius and Virgo is that they cannot agree on how to spend their free time. If, at first, the Aquarius woman is interested in the measured and calm life of the Virgo man, and he, for the sake of experiment, may once again plunge into the whirlpool of events in which the Aquarius woman lives, then all the same, sooner or later everything will turn out okay their usual places. The Aquarius woman needs a lot of new impressions, communication with friends, and a variety of active activities. And calm evenings.

For a harmonious life, the spouses only need to agree that they will spend their free time separately, but this does not work. The Aquarius woman sincerely believes that the Virgo man will like it in her company and tries in every possible way to “draw him in”, and the Virgo man begins to suspect his wife of cheating because of her craving for communication. This offends her greatly, because she is sincere in her feelings.

Aquarius-Virgo horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Virgo, in order for there to be harmony in their family, the Aquarius woman needs to learn not to be offended by caustic ones. He doesn’t do this out of malice, it’s just his character. An Aquarius woman can do this very well. After all, she naturally has incredible subtle humor. When you hear comments again, just turn it all into a joke, and the conflict will be settled. Just don't criticize back. The Virgo man will not tolerate this and the situation will only get worse. Also, when getting ready for your next meeting with friends, do not forget to tidy up the house, and then the Virgo man will be able to calmly go about his business and will hardly notice your absence.

How an Aquarius woman can win a Virgo man

To win the heart of a Virgo guy, an Aquarius girl needs to act, first of all, through his intellect. The Virgo man’s favorite activities are to reason, analyze, and draw conclusions. The Aquarius woman is sociable and will be able to support almost any topic of conversation, which will undoubtedly bring pleasure to her communication partner. Besides, she always has a lot in her head. interesting stories and situations that will make a Virgo man think.

An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man have a good sexual compatibility. This should not be discounted either. The Aquarius woman is soft-spoken, romantic and friendly. The Virgo man will like all this. It is worth noting that he does not like aggressively sexual women. Therefore, moderately intimate life with an Aquarius woman will suit both him and her.

It is worth noting that the Aquarius woman should in every possible way delay inviting the Virgo man to his home. The Virgo man loves to be taken care of, and he will closely watch you to see how willing you are to help him in everyday life. But the whole point is that the Aquarius woman’s ideas about everyday life are more reminiscent of a disaster to the Virgo man. Therefore, it is better to invite him to your place or meet on neutral territory.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Virgo man in friendship

An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man are rarely true friends. Their relationship can best be called friendly. Common things can unite them business relations or a long-standing childhood friendship. These two have different views on the same situation and different attitudes towards it. So, for example, an Aquarius woman is open and friendly, but a Virgo man is not ready to be sincere and reliable, especially with women. Also, he invites to visit only those who, by his standards, are predictable and neat.

The halves of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man should not be afraid of cheating.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Virgo man in business

The business relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man does not bring any positive results. Sometimes it seems that they speak not only different languages, but also flew from different planets. For the Aquarius woman, the planned schedule of the Virgo man seems boring, and she cannot work at such a measured pace. And the Virgo man, in turn, is not able to appreciate the high flight of thought of the Aquarius woman

When an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man are colleagues or partners, such a balance of power will bring good results if they perform different responsibilities and functions. It is worth noting that the work of Aquarius and Virgo in television journalism provides good job department. But, still, friendly relations or working on a common project is extremely rare for them.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Virgo man is a subordinate, this is not a bad combination. The Aquarius woman does not control her subordinates and does not like to command. And the Virgo man just doesn’t need control. He has a heightened sense of responsibility and great hard work. The only thing that may offend him is that the Aquarius boss does not pay attention to his diligence.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Virgo man is the boss, this is the most terrible balance of power. It will be extremely difficult for these two to work well together. The Virgo man is scrupulous and petty. He is used to delving into all the smallest details, and the Aquarius woman generally does not like to be controlled.

The union of a reliable Virgo man and a slightly frivolous Aquarius woman is quite interesting from the standpoint of astropsychology. After all, both partners dreamed of seeing in their other half completely different personal qualities that they ultimately received. The Virgo man appreciates women who are restrained in their judgments, while the Aquarius woman, on the contrary, is too sociable.

Sometimes she wants to express what has been accumulating in her soul for a long time, but she often loses control of herself and can say a lot of unnecessary things, touching on painful or simply unpleasant topics for her interlocutor. At a certain point in life, the Aquarius woman begins to consider any opinion she has as the absolute truth. It is useless to convince her or prove anything to her. She herself admires eloquent men who are able to caress her pride with their sweet compliments. The Virgo man, on the contrary, does not like pompous statements; it is easier for him to express his feelings through actions.

The Aquarius woman, as a representative of the air element, is changeable in her ideas and plans. Now she can be in Paris, in half a day she can be in Goa, although just yesterday she happily enjoyed her grandmother’s pancakes in the village. In this case, all the movements of the Aquarius woman will be unplanned. And the Virgo man is accustomed to early years build your life according to a pre-thought-out plan. He first sets goals, and then strictly moves along the path to achieving them. The Aquarius woman achieves many goals as if in passing, playfully, thereby causing admiration and amazement among those around her. And, of course, this lady is extremely freedom-loving (no doubt this is main feature character of this sign). The Aquarius woman cannot stand it when someone tries to impose their opinion or will on her, while she herself constantly tells others what and how to do. And the Virgo man always expects that his word will be the last.

It is probably not worth mentioning that these two opposites, like the South and North Poles, have practically no points of contact. But the old rule that opposites attract works perfectly in their case. Neutralizes the excess of one’s own vital energy Aquarius woman in direct communication with a silent Virgo man. With him next to her, she feels like a queen, the mysterious Cleopatra or the iron lady. However, the question is whether a Virgo man is capable of becoming a kind of background for the bright individuality of his beloved. After all, he can be very erudite, versatile, diplomatic, but, unlike his Aquarius woman, he demonstrates his own talents much less often. However, this does not mean at all that in his soul the Virgo man does not expect approval and admiration from his beloved.

If the Aquarius woman is not too busy with her problems to sometimes give her lover a chance to prove herself and make him happy with praise, the Virgo man will be immensely grateful to her. In a relationship, it is enough for him to periodically be in the role of the main violin; the rest of the time he feels comfortable in the background. The most important thing is that the relationship between lovers does not take the form of “the queen and her page.” Because the Virgo man, despite his imaginary restraint, is very proud. He is ready to bring coffee to his beloved’s bed or clean the apartment if she doesn’t have time. But not in a situation where she sharply demands to do this.

The Virgo man stands for democracy in relationships, never allowing himself to exploit or humiliate his other half. At the same time, he will not play the role of an errand boy.

Neither the serious Virgo man nor the enthusiastic Aquarius woman blindly submits to passion. Having fallen in love, they are cautious, in no hurry to get closer to the stronghold of their desires. Rather, they retreat for a while, hiding in the depths of their subconscious. It’s just that both the temperamental Virgo man and the brave Aquarius woman are afraid of their own feelings.

If possible, they both avoid marriage. But the Aquarius woman, if the choice is made, is ready to plunge headlong into family life, and the Virgo man delays until the last minute, thereby giving rise to quarrels.
It is generally accepted that tenderness is feminine quality. But when a man is gentle, in this he surpasses his woman. This is absolutely true for the Virgo man. His tenderness is almost tangible, permeates absolutely his entire attitude towards his beloved. But the Aquarius woman believes that every experience should be fleeting: tenderness is replaced by rough passion, insane possession by painful languor. This obsession with novelty must be taken into account by her lover.

However, the Virgo man is alien to the intemperance and rudeness of a caveman. He is not able to get over himself. An Aquarius woman can count on her lover to change his love technique every night. It is useful for her to take into account that modesty, moderation and purity kindle passion in a Virgo man much more than harsh familiarity.

The thoughts of the Aquarius woman perform incredible somersaults and somersaults. This often irritates the Virgo man. He insists that the plate was not washed well, and she talks unimaginable nonsense about aliens. Just the very mention of the plate excited her thoughts and imagination. And the strange questions of Aquarius women... They ask one thing, but strive to find out something completely different. For example, these two separated for a while in order to indulge in reflection and make the only possible decision: to separate or to make peace. The Aquarius woman writes to her lover: “I hope we will remain friends no matter what happens, don’t we?” Of course, the Virgo man knew her too well to interpret this phrase literally. And if he longs for a truce, he will answer decisively and straightforwardly: “We will not remain friends: either love or separation. You understand it and you’re just trying to figure out if I understand it, aren’t you?”

Compatibility Horoscope Aquarius women and Virgo men foretell an unfavorable alliance for this couple. By entering into this relationship, both take great risks, since this is a union of two people who are the complete opposite each other in almost everything.

The Virgo guy is very insecure in himself and in his relationship with this lady, because it is so difficult to find a common language with her. The Aquarius girl is not serious and does not accept any restrictions, and Virgo will only tire her with his attempts to force her to take any action.

In this couple, the man must become more decisive and courageous in his actions. Aquarius is a flighty person who is used to fluttering through life, which is not always to the liking of her partner. But still, if her partner is ready to turn a blind eye to these petty pranks, they can have a good relationship.

The Virgo guy is endowed with an analytical mind, which will play important role in their financial matters. Since Aquarius is practically incapable of counting money and does not know how to spend it wisely, this man can be an excellent match for her.

So, let's sum it up. The Virgo man is a practical and stable person who is used to listening to the voice of reason, and the Aquarius woman is a freedom-loving and dreamy person who is moved by the impulse of her heart.

What can unite such a different couple? Will they be able to close their eyes to the qualities of their partner that irritate them so much? Will they be ready to give in to each other and make compromises?

Know that your happiness is in your hands. And if you are ready to go to great lengths for the sake of love, then perhaps you will be able to create a strong union.

Passionate relationship- the basis of a happy marriage?

Yes it is

I can't agree

What kind of spouses will an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man make?

As a rule, this is a hopeless union. An Aquarius wife and a Virgo husband are not only very different in character and worldview, it is often a union of two people who do not suit each other in appearance.

It should be noted that Aquarius is not immediately ready to get married, because she is obsessed with freedom, and family life, especially if this is a marriage with a Virgo, will fetter her impulses.

That's why compatibility horoscope does not recommend these signs to tie the knot.

Virgo's father is afraid of responsibility, and the responsibility for raising children scares him twice as much. He is not able to care for and monitor the child, and his wife will very soon understand that entrusting the child to such a man would be complete recklessness.

An Aquarius mother devotes too much time to fulfilling the whims of her children. Overindulgence can be detrimental to the upbringing of children, and they will grow up to be capricious and spoiled, accustomed to getting whatever they want.

Can one parent raise a child?

Find out what kind of colleagues the Aquarius woman and Virgo man will be

At first, Virgo may think that he can put pressure on Aquarius to pity him, but he will soon realize that this is impossible.

Aquarius leader ready to pay well for an employee who really works well and deserves bonuses. Virgo subordinate must understand that the shortest way to get money from Aquarius is to work hard and hard.

Virgo head must understand that if he wants Aquarius to work hard, then he needs to be motivated. Aquarius is a very loyal employee, but as soon as he feels like an undervalued employee, the desire to work simply disappears. If the leader manages to maintain the interest of Aquarius, he will definitely not regret it, because he will never find such a companion again.

Office romance could it have a serious sequel?

Nothing will work out

The relationship will be successful

Can an Aquarius woman and Virgo man hope for compatibility in friendship?

This couple has very little chance of being compatible in friendship. Even if they have common interests, profession or field of activity, they still cannot understand each other.