Healing runic formulas. Uruz will heal all ailments and restore your health! will sweep away all your failures, get the ball rolling and open any doors for its owner! The impact of runic formulas on health

A correct interpretation of runes for health can only be obtained by contacting a highly qualified specialist. During fortune telling, maximum concentration on the result is important - you should completely control your own emotions and not be distracted.

Since ancient times, people have turned to the help of magical signs - they can not only tell about a person, but also help, even save lives.

The individuality of each person is taken into account when interpreting the runes, since everything depends on the direction of thoughts, mood, and mental state. Even life experiences and memories matter.

The associations that arise during a magical action help the interpreter to accurately understand the answer that the runes give.

The meaning of runes on health does not always show the future, but the symbols will definitely tell you about the current situation. And, knowing all the existing circumstances, you can understand how to move forward, what steps to take.

Meaninghealth runesand healing

Runic staves for health

Not only individual symbols have healing properties, but also combinations of runes, as well. They can be used as amulets that bring long-awaited recovery.

Helps to restore the body after complex procedures or a long stay in a supine position. Kenaz-Perth-Inguz .


This is the strongest combination of magical signs. The energy of the runes combines so harmoniously that the person using them quickly achieves balance and confidence in his healing.

Kenaz is responsible for the positive attitude of the patient. It helps you pull yourself together and, despite obstacles, move forward, develop and strive for your goal.

The energy of the rune symbol protects from the negative effects of demonic forces. Kenaz guides: with her help it is easier to make a difficult decision.

Perth accelerates the healing process, tunes the subconscious to self-healing. Self-confidence is crucial in the fight against illnesses, even fatal ones. Sometimes, the most hopeless patients got back on their feet and forgot about their past problems forever.

Inguz symbolizes rebirth - transformation of personality. Reveals the body's potential and brings into play all previously hidden resources.

Runes for getting rid of diseases (video)

The meaning of runes in fortune telling


It is possible that surgery will be needed in the near future. There is a high probability of fractures, injuries, as well as pathological processes in the body. If the inverted Turisaz falls, then the operation can be avoided. But serious treatment will still be necessary.


If you get sick, don’t immediately run to the doctor - home treatment will be much more effective. But the inverted Kenats says the opposite - without specialized help, recovery will not come soon.


The rune serves as a warning about a serious illness. Without wasting time, you need to do all the necessary tests and diagnostics. The sign in an inverted position shows that the disease is already progressing.


A full medical examination by all specialists is required. It’s worth doing this at least for the sake of prevention. If the symbol is upside down, it means that your family is hiding something about the health of a relative close to you.


Despite the heavy workload at work or other troubles, take a break. Recover well, otherwise your general condition may worsen significantly.


Indicates an unfavorable course of the disease, unsuccessful treatment, and progressive symptoms.


The Creator is watching over you, so trust Him completely. In your situation, doctors are helpless - only divine intervention can save you. An inverted Urus, unfortunately, is bad news - your illness has already completely taken over your body.


The gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable - be careful with this area. Limit your consumption of junk food and alcohol. If the rune falls out during fortune telling for a pregnant woman, the development of the fetus may be at risk. In an inverted position, Perth suggests that the doctors’ conclusion is incorrect - it is necessary to double-check the diagnosis.


The patient needs female help. It will be very good if the attending physician and nurses are women. But the inverted Berkana, on the contrary, speaks of the maximum limitation of the sufferer’s communication with all representatives of the female sex.


This means that soon the disease will begin to progress or recede - one of two things will happen.


In the near future, the patient's condition will be stabilized. Reverse Fehu – new injuries, fractures, manifestation of chronic diseases.


Supernatural forces will help. If you address them correctly, the symptoms, and then the cause of deterioration in health, will go away. The reversed Laguz rune shows that it was otherworldly forces that caused the problems.


Shows that a person has instability of the nervous system, so mental disorders and depression are very likely.


Smile - soon you will forget about your illnesses.


In the near future you will have no reason to see a doctor. But the opposite Vunyo warns that caution does not hurt. It's better to play it safe and not expose yourself to danger.


If you don’t miss the point and make it a rule to contact a specialist as needed, then everything will be fine. But delaying treatment will lead to very unpleasant consequences.


Visit a doctor and undergo a full examination - there is a possibility that the disease has begun to develop. Reverse Algiz speaks of your indifference to your condition.


A very unpleasant rune that carries dangerous predictions. If it falls out during fortune telling, then you should prepare for the worst: serious long-term illnesses or other serious health problems.

I wish you good health and long life!

Alena Golovina- white witch, psychic,author of the site


Clean and healthy energy is important to maintain the spirit of the body. Therefore, healing runes are used to improve health. These are inscriptions that help cleanse the body at all levels. They have additional effects, in addition to various medications. Runic writings are aimed at improving the energy state, the outflow of energy in the right direction and filling a person. But practitioners clarify that only the correct application of signs helps to cope with difficulties.

Strong runes

Restoring health with the help of ancient forces is possible. This kind of magic has been practiced for several thousand years. Runic vitamins can improve health and cleanse human energy. With their help, teeth, nerves, lungs or ligaments are restored. But there are differences between the Scandinavian and Slavic runic alphabets, therefore it is necessary to know which symbols for diseases are better suited for strengthening the vital capabilities of the body. The Elder Futhark, which appeared in Scandinavian writing, or Slavic healing runes are standardly used. They help to heal, maintain the health and strength of the patient.

Examples and symbols

Use the following health and healing runes shown in the table:

Helps heal from fatigue, eliminates negative effects
UruzThis is a powerful runic symbol for restoring energy after a protracted illness, to cure frigidity
Restores men's health
TurizasImproves the condition of the urinary system
Purpose - strengthening leg joints, use for fractures and other injuries
AnzusTreats the throat, ligaments, helps get rid of coughs and sinusitis
RaidoHelps strengthen the skeleton, eliminates pain in the back and feet
KanoWounds are healed and facial skin is restored
Effective for the regeneration of the damaged layer of the epidermis
GeboHas a positive effect on the central nervous system, can calm the nerves, and sometimes helps with stuttering
HagalazImproves the patient's mental state
To relieve nervousness
NautizFreeing a patient from addiction to alcohol
IsaStops the development of diseases
EyvazUsed to treat diseases of blood vessels and heart, restores blood circulation, helps eliminate colds
AigizHelps relieve headaches, dizziness, improves the quality of vision
SouluAllows a sick patient to restore energy strength
TaivazPositively affects the condition of brain tissue and blood vessels
Helps relieve impotence
Healing runes for women's health, all gynecology
Helps a woman’s reproductive system, can induce menstruation and increase the chance of getting pregnant
EvazOverall health of the body, helps cope with addiction
MannazGives a boost of spirit, helps with diseases of the urinary system
LaguzCures infections, relieves bad mood, removes emotional blocks

With the help of such ancient signs, any disease can be eliminated.

This is a restoration rune, which consists of several signs. They have a looped shape. Scientists claim that this is the most effective method of influencing health, since such symbols can influence any aspect of treatment. These are the most effective ancient signs of health and longevity, which appeared long before the elder Futhark. But to strengthen the general condition, it is better to choose existing schemes, because incorrect spelling can lead to serious consequences. And in no case should you write healing runic staves in a mirror form, since in this way they only worsen the condition of the body.

How to choose staves for treating diseases?

To use runes for healing, you need to know their meaning. Experts recommend immediately using a strong runic spell for recovery, which contains a certain sequence of signs.

Together they give greater results. Thus, the combination Kenaz - Uruz - Inguz contributes to the accumulation of health, although the formula contains only one powerful Slavic rune, thanks to which significant strength is given. Freggy's healing rune will help in the fight against viral illnesses. It helps to treat women like gynecology and balance hormonal levels.

There are even formulas that help you get rid of excess weight.

Becoming “Healer” acts as a pain reliever and relieves spasms after tooth extraction, and removes migraines. But it must be applied correctly, because a mistake can lead to deterioration in health. Slanders are chosen depending on the patient’s problems and the energy content of the letters. There are schemes for active weight loss and beauty. Some of them additionally bring well-being in the family or at work.

Almighty, they can change a person’s life in a matter of hours, if not minutes. This effect is achieved through the activation of human resources with the connection of the forces of the Universe. Signs drawn on stone or other media have a certain direction of energy, affecting both the human body and its energy, and the processes carried out by higher forces. Healing runes, healing staves and formulas can help both in organizing personal affairs and in improving health, as well as healing from various pathologies.

Healing with staves

Composing formulas for healing is a long-standing pastime of spellcasters of all stripes. Of course, it’s better to inscribe signs on a stone or other medium and make a reservation than to go to the hospital, spending money on medicines and paid specialists.

But in order for treatment with staves to be successful, you need to know everything about each rune. Namely:

  • The influence of the rune sign on the body.
  • Which disease is most affected by this or that stave?
  • Rules for making bets.
  • The sequence of drawing runes in a stave.

There is nothing complicated about this, but if you make a mistake, you can lose precious time, which is sometimes so lacking to stop a serious pathology.

You should clearly remember the influence of each rune on the human body, as well as what diseases they treat. This is the main knowledge needed by the spellcaster.

  • has a beneficial effect on hands. The use of this sign gives a signal to higher powers that the pathology is somewhere in the area of ​​the forelimbs. It could be anything: simple pain, irritation, a burn, or even a fracture.
  • has a beneficial effect on the eyes. There are cases where already ten minutes after drawing a rune, farsightedness significantly decreased and colors returned to the surrounding world.
  • helps with respiratory system problems. Cough, mild forms of bronchitis - all this falls under the scope of this rune. But there is no need to try to cure diseases such as lung cancer with runes. No one is saying that there will be no positive effect, but this disease is too serious; to be sure of success, it is better to combine the outline of the staves with hospital treatment.
  • solves problems related to childbirth. This can be both difficulties with conception and easier childbirth. This rune has proven its effectiveness. It is known that one 74-year-old resident of St. Petersburg was able to give birth to a child after drawing the Verkana rune.
  • calms the nervous system and relieves depression. It is recommended to combine the drawing of this rune with taking sedatives, but in minimal doses. This is necessary to enhance the effect, since the effect of this rune has not been fully studied by our spellcasters.
  • - a truly wonderful rune. It allows you to cure stuttering. Not even all doctors are capable of this, but a rune sign can. Isn't this magic?

Of course, combining several runes and drawing up staves must necessarily complement classic hospital treatment. At the same time, it is very important to avoid mistakes in drawing, because diseases progress, and it can take quite a lot of time to correct the outline of a sign.

Precautions when drawing health guidelines and formulas

All stakes are aimed at appealing to higher powers. And they don’t like jokes and disrespectful attitude towards themselves. It is especially important to follow all established rules when it comes to health issues. No, you won’t lose your health if you make a mistake, but precious time will be lost, because you’ll have to redo everything all over again.

So, what you need to remember when drawing runes and making reservations for health improvement:

  • Runes are runes, but no one has yet canceled the doctor’s orders. Even world-famous spellcasters and recognized magicians recommend combining the use of health spells with hospital treatment.
  • When drawing a stav and making a slander, you need to think only about the upcoming recovery. Any negative thoughts can incorrectly influence the will of higher powers. This means that if not complications are possible, then definitely no effect.
  • No alcohol or tobacco before drawing runes! Everything must be done completely sober and with a body not contaminated with nicotine. Violation of this condition leads to a conflict with universal forces, and this is fraught with the development of a disease that the caster wants to get rid of.
  • Drawing up a stav should be done in a calm, balanced state. If the caster, for example, had a fight with someone and then immediately began to draw, then he will not get the expected effect, since part of the energy will be spent in the wrong direction.

The attitude towards runes should be extremely serious. They are the embodiment of universal power, capable of healing any disease, but also capable of causing harm. Make bets with faith in success and in a good mood, then the effect will definitely not keep you waiting!

Runes for health are a powerful magical tool. They help to use the body’s own forces and direct them towards healing and strengthening vitality. Read below about how to use rune magic.

These runes can also be used by a healthy person to always be protected and not be afraid of diseases:

  • - helps to reveal the potential inherent in man by nature. Provides energy and strength for a full life.
  • - increases endurance and strengthens the immune system, helps to recover faster after a protracted illness.
  • - helps get rid of energy clamps. Energy begins to flow freely throughout the body, a state of harmony and balance comes. A person is literally filled with strength for a successful and healthy life. Moreover, this applies not only to physical, but also mental health.

Just as in the previous case, a stave made up of these three symbols works best.

Directional runes

If you need strength to heal a specific disease, use runes that clearly act on solving a specific problem:

  • - fills with energy, even if a person is completely empty and does not feel vitality. Helps quickly cope with headaches, relieve fever, and has an effect on healing skin and bone diseases.
  • - a rune with a very powerful effect. It is used, as a rule, after severe operations or tiring illnesses that deprive a person of energy. Helps replenish energy deficiency. Targeted against diseases of the lungs, liver and nerves. Treats impotence, infertility, frigidity and other diseases of the genital area.
  • - solves all problems related to speech. Treats stuttering, helps relieve a person from the fear of public speaking.
  • - a rune that heals the skin. Used in the treatment of wounds, burns and other skin diseases. Promotes regeneration and rapid restoration of damaged tissues. It also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • - the peculiarity of the rune is that it is able to heal wounds. But only if they are inflicted with a weapon.
  • - a rune that heals depression and emotional distress. Helps a person cope with feelings of despair. It also eliminates the evil eye, damage, and the negative influence of others. Good in treating diseases of organs located in the lumbar region.
  • - healer of karmic diseases. It is used in difficult situations, when it is necessary to remove a heavy generational curse, to save a person from paying for the sins of his ancestors.
  • - a rune that heals from vices and addictions. Most often used to turn a person away from alcohol or drugs. But it also works well in the treatment of gambling addiction and codependency. Has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • in itself does not have a healing effect. But it helps to literally “freeze” the disease, preventing it from developing further. Treats old phobias, complexes, fears, has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs.
  • - rune of rejuvenation. “It works” comprehensively - it heals both the physical and spiritual shell of a person. Helps to resist other people's influence and interference in your life.
  • - rune-amulet. Protects its owner from all kinds of negativity coming from the outside world. Grants understanding: which people are beneficial and which are harmful.
  • Gives a person positive solar energy, helps cleanse and heal the chakras. It affects the level of the subtle body. As a result, physical health is normalized.

Watch a video about healing runes:

Runes for healing the soul

In psychosomatics, it is believed that all diseases are associated with problems of a person’s mental state. For example, cancer is a consequence of old resentment and guilt. Inflamed facial skin is a sign of self-dissatisfaction and uncertainty.


Do you want to regain lost strength for yourself and your loved ones? Then in this article you will learn the meaning of runes for promoting health and healing, and also get acquainted with some types of popular staves. Happy reading!

How runes affect the health of the body

To find out detailed information about runes for creating bets to restore health, I recommend enrolling in training at the Russian Tarot School. In the meantime, check out what rune is and how it affects your health.

Fehu. A rune that has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, and intestines. In an inverted position, it normalizes the circulatory system of the spine and the human etheric body. It will help with arrhythmia and severe energy loss. Promotes the emergence of sexual energy.

Uruz. The rune works with disorders of the central nervous system, treats the genital organs, problems of the respiratory tract, and the musculoskeletal system. Restores after a protracted illness with enormous “animal energy”. Helps to cure frigidity, infertility, impotence.

Attention! When working with Uruz, please note that it can increase blood pressure, so it is not recommended for hypertensive patients

Turisaz. The rune treats arthritis, diseases of the ureters, and disorders of proper metabolism.

Ansuz. A speech restoration rune that can relieve stuttering and fear of speaking in front of a mass audience. Can cure throat diseases (chronic tonsillitis, etc.), migraines. Eliminates possible nervous disorders, including VSD, dizziness associated with disorders of the immune system.

The inverted position of Ansuz treats colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergic conditions (runny nose, asthma, etc.).

Raido. The rune has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It has proven itself well in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, and other joint diseases.

Kenaz. Allows you to heal ulcers, wounds, and other manifestations of skin diseases. Improves health and increases potential in the sexual sphere.

Gebo is a source of new vital energy.

Vunyo. Health-improving effect. Even with short wearing it can significantly improve your mood.

Hagalaz. Affects the urinary organs and nervous system. Harmonizes body, soul and spirit, curing mental disorders. Helps relieve melancholy, depression, etc.

Nautiz. In addition to neuroses, it can cure baldness and diseases of the cardiovascular system. It will protect against alcohol addiction and cure existing ones - for this purpose it is recommended to make an amulet and carry it with you constantly. You can draw an image on the nail plate of your middle finger.

The inverted Nautiz position works with the lymphatic, endocrine systems, loss of strength, and obesity.

Isa. Freezes the development of the current disease, acting on the principle of ice. It will save a person from obsessive complexes. Can be used for hormonal disorders, vision problems, muscle pain. There is a pronounced healing effect in cases of low blood sugar and partial paralysis.

Yera. Preventive, health-improving effect. It will give confidence and strengthen the nervous system.

Eyvaz. Works with blood diseases, colds, strengthens the central nervous system (CNS), gastrointestinal tract.

Perth. Normalization of hormonal levels, inclusion of internal reserves of the body.

Algiz. Restoration of the nervous system, elimination of headaches. Helps improve blood supply to the brain and heal injuries. The inverted meaning of the rune is an effect on the lower abdomen and liver.

Soulu. Solar energy, which allows you to cleanse the chakras and human aura. Normalizes blood sugar levels, removes paralysis, strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Teyvaz. Improves the functioning of bone marrow and endocrine glands, eliminates vascular fragility and limb tremors.

Berkana. It has a targeted effect on the genitourinary organs and cerebral cortex. Successfully used for pyelonephritis, andexitis. Aligns Yin and Yang energies.

Evaz. Strengthens the central nervous system, supports chronic illnesses in a state of remission, cures mental pathologies from the series “obsession”, “loss of soul”, etc.

Mannaz. Eliminates loss of strength, gives vigor and confidence to its owner. Treats gynecological diseases and is often used in hematology.

Laguz. Strengthens bones, skin diseases, infectious manifestations, schizophrenia. Allows you to get rid of fears and doubts, therefore it is used in psychological practice.

Inguz. It will give vitality and have a restorative effect on the entire body. Can cure impotence and infertility with regular use.

Othala. Revives brain cells, harmonizes the musculoskeletal system, develops intuition.

Dagaz. Gives strength, self-confidence, strengthens the central nervous system. Promotes healing from long-term illnesses, including their psychosomatic etiology (origin).

Attention! Berkana. Not used in the treatment of neoplasms and other diseases, as it aggravates existing ailments

Inguz. Strengthens the immune system, but cannot be used to treat inflammatory processes, as it can attract a horde of microbes. The interpretation of this symbol is harvest.

How to use runes to diagnose health problems

Diagnostics allows you to determine the presence/absence of protection at a certain object. Correctly carried out diagnostics using runes of health and longevity will help to show negative magical effects such as damage, the evil eye, and curses.

Recommendations before conducting runic diagnostics are simple. Sit down, calm down, relax. Any negative manifestations (poor health, irritability, etc.) will negate the diagnosis. You can meditate, light a candle, turn on pleasant music.

When asking a question regarding health, use the following interpretation of the dropped values.

  • Uruz: Health will soon deteriorate
  • : Expect negative statements addressed to you
  • Kenaz: Change your worldview, otherwise illnesses and illnesses will pour in like from a cornucopia
  • Raido: There are paths that lead to damage, unsuccessful journeys
  • Gebo: Relations with partners will soon deteriorate - long-term contracts may be broken
  • : Expect depression, stress
  • Nautiz: They want to force you to do something
  • Isa: Implementation paths will be temporarily unavailable
  • Perth: Disturbances in the normal functioning of female organs are coming
  • : The body's defenses are weakened
  • Soulu: Failures, failures
  • Teyvaz: When telling fortunes about a man, take care of men’s health
  • : You will be left alone
  • Evaz: Closing disease-related development opportunities
  • Mannaz: You have damage received during translation
  • Inguz: Illnesses will appear soon, discord in relationships is possible
  • Dagaz: Psychological problems are coming

Pay attention! If you get one of the runes listed below, you need to clarify the question, which boils down to a short “yes-no” answer.

  • Turisaz: Clarify the progress that will be achieved using the predicted rate
  • Hagalaz: What will be the nature of the destruction after using the selected runescript?
  • Eyvaz: What to expect from a state of uncertainty/unknown
  • Perth: Which secret will finally be revealed?
  • Inguz: The path of development of a new situation/new stage of life
  • Dagaz: Predicted outcome from rapid changes

Runic staves to improve health

There are several popular runic staves for improving health. Let's start with the most common ones.

The essence of stav is the joy of gradually increasing well-being, well-being. Improves physical well-being until the period when you felt as comfortable as possible, were full of ideas, inspiration for realizing yourself as an individual. The formula allows you to increase the breakthrough, helping to destroy temporary blocks that interfere with the body’s restoration and connection to the matrix of health and longevity.

The runic stave consists of the following components.

  • Dot. Points to the matrix. In this situation, it represents a beautiful, young, healthy body
  • The triple formula ALU personifies the changes taking place under the auspices of the Gods. The goal is to completely remove existing blocks that interfere with the process of restoration and renewal
  • Yera - Inguz. Allows you to start a recovery process that works like a matrix
  • Berkana - Perth. Indicates the rebirth of the object's body
  • Algiz - Vunyo - Otala - Fehu (zerk). Symbolizes the restoration of health and youth

Visualize the desired result, make a reservation, writing it down on a piece of paper. Talk over each component of the stav.

Runes to heal the soul

This includes money, love and health.

It is known that any cancer is a consequence of feelings of guilt and lack of forgiveness for offenses. The same applies to other somatic diseases.

The purpose of this runic formula is to get rid of psychological problems that negatively affect the health of any person. I will give a brief explanation of the symbols.

  • Otala: She is the patroness of the elderly. It makes it possible to realize, accept the life experience gained, and stop blaming yourself for the mistakes you have made. Will allow you to slow down the aging process as much as possible, maintaining clarity of mind until old age
  • Dagaz: The task of this rune is to fill a person with harmony, happiness, luck, and peace. Allows you to get rid of negative emotions
  • Mannaz: Allows you to strengthen the central nervous system, develop resistance to possible stress at work and at home
  • Laguz: Relieves fears, phobias, and other complexes
  • Evaz: Heals the soul, especially the presence of mental disorders
  • Berkana: Helper of women. It will allow you to get rid of insecurities, complexes, and other phobias. Fills you with feminine energy and makes you more attractive

Becoming to restore lost vision

The main essence of the runic formula is the slow restoration of vision to normal levels.

Symbols used.

  • 2 Kenaz (straight, mirror position) - 2 Dagaz
  • Direct/mirror position of two Perth - Fehu
  • 2 Vunyo (direct/mirror position) - Soulu - Yera

Runic staves for beauty and longevity

The right combination of runes for health and beauty in stavs allows you to maintain an attractive appearance even after years. I will give the most interesting examples of runic formulas.

It is one of the most powerful runic combinations that allows you to maintain health and beauty. This formula should be applied to a bottle of any perfume, indicating its beauty and youth.

The stav consists of the following symbols: Laguz - Berkana - Gebo - Soulu. Charging the combination is done using breathing.

Gives beauty and charm to ladies of any age. Becoming should be drawn from the side of the lower ray, gradually connecting the runes.

The interpretation is as follows.

  • Gebo - Nautiz: Symbolizes attention, a flow of new acquaintances
  • Vunyo - Kenaz: Stimulate attractiveness, the light of the soul of a certain person, a kind of wraith based on charm
  • Inguz - Soulu: It is a kind of magnet for attracting pleasant, joyful events into the life of the operator. Creates a harmonious aura, feeding human forces

The peculiarity of this stav is blocking/slowing down the aging process. The only drawback is that the impact is easily removed by cleaning from possible negativity. The effect is obvious, especially if used as a talisman. Can be applied to the skin of the face (specify the desired result on the cream).

Consists of the following characters.

  • Hv: Promotes the return of beauty and youth. Is a Slavic initial letter
  • Soulu: Beauty, youth (dubbing Xv)
  • Raido: Allows you to return the above item (duplicate XB)
  • Turisaz: Elimination of aging processes in the human body
  • Yera: Operates on a permanent basis (until cleansing of negativity)

Runes for women's health

To bring lost women’s health back to normal, I’ll give you a few interesting, in my opinion, positions.

Runic becoming to maintain women's health on an ongoing basis

This formula will take care of you for a long time. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to apply it to stone or any other natural material and carry it with you at all times. As an option, you can draw a picture on an object that is with the woman. This could be a wooden comb (not plastic), the inside of a leather handbag, or a leather-bound diary.

The combination used is Soulu - Evaz - Gebo - Uruz - Dagaz - Yera - Uruz - Gebo - Evaz - Soulu. You need to update it no more than once a month.

Eliminating women's health problems

It is a very strong combination that can eliminate existing diseases of the female organs. It is successfully used for diseases such as fibroids and endometriosis.

Attention! Improper use of the formula in rare cases leads to perforation of the cyst and the occurrence of acute diseases. Before use, consultation with specialists from the Russian Tarot School is recommended.

The stav includes the following signs - Perth - Evaz - Dagaz - Laguz - Yera.

Draw the above combination on white lingerie and wear it on yourself from time to time. You can also create an amulet with this stav pattern. Activation of the slander - breathing.

Runic formulas for child health

To protect a child from negative magical influences, help maintain health, and strengthen the immune system, there are several runic formulas. See below for details.

Becoming from childhood diseases, to strengthen the immune system

As the name suggests, becoming allows parents to heal their child from illnesses and increase immunity. The formula should be drawn with a pencil on any object made from natural material. It is advisable to choose one with which the child often interacts - the inside of a briefcase, a favorite wooden toy, etc.

The combination consists of Algiz - Uruz - Mannaz - Algiz.

When composing a stav, be sure to write the symbols in the above sequence. Once a week you can update the drawing. There are several options for activating the stave - breathing, slander, laying hands on an object.

Becoming a cleanser of negativity for a child

It assumes protection of the child from Higher powers, eliminates negative magical influences, harmonizes all planes - psychological, astral, mental, emotional, astral. Peace is the main goal of this formula.

Consists of the following Scandinavian characters:

  • Algiz: The rune acts as a fuse, symbolizes the protection of higher powers
  • Raido: The symbol removes negativity from the child’s body
  • Soulu: Promotes the accumulation of psychological energy, restoring bright, pure children's energy
  • Laguz: Eliminates negativity
  • Berkana: Protection, renewal, purification. Enables you to find inner peace regardless of the situation
  • Gebo: Balance, normal communication according to the “mother-child” scheme
  • Soulu - Raido: Is a psychological assistant
  • Laguz - Algiz - Berkana - Soulu: Allows you to destroy any negative manifestations of magic

Attention! The agreement should be aimed at eliminating the negative impact on all areas of the child’s life, eliminating energy blocks and other third-party negativity

The above stanza is applied to paper. You can make an amulet so that the child always carries it with him. If the last option is not relevant, wash it with water in which this talisman has been.

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