Moon in Leo July. Astrological forecast for the month

You are all alone and alone. Your prince on a white horse got lost somewhere and doesn’t want to find you. Maybe it's time to change the situation yourself?

first: slipper.

You need to buy men's slippers in the store. It is not recommended to buy Chinese consumer goods. If you want a wealthy and serious prince, don’t waste your time on trifles. Buy shoes worthy of their future owner. When choosing, feel and imagine how they will look together. If you want to meet a businessman, take solid, important slippers. If your ideal is young, modern, living with the times, then his shoes should be the most fashionable.

When you bring the slippers into the house, put them in the hallway and leave them for three days. They must wait for their master. Don't let anyone wear them!

Three days later, preferably on a full moon, in the hallway, put the slippers on your hands with your toes facing toward the apartment, knock them on the threshold 27 times and say three times:

"The betrothed-mummer, without bad habits, positive, show up!”

Make a list of qualities that you would like to see in a future prince, write it on a piece of paper, fold it and put it in your slippers. Let them stand in the hallway and wait. You can talk to them, take them to the kitchen, sit them at the table, even put them to bed. In general, imagine that He already exists. To enhance the effect, they also recommend driving the slippers in an expensive car.

second: red coward.

On the 11th of any month, you take red panties, already worn before, but clean, lightly wet them with water, concentrate on the desire to meet your man and throw them on the chandelier to dry. This must be done in three attempts. For greater effect, the desire must be shouted three times, and then snap your fingers three times and stamp your foot three times. They must hang there for at least three days. If desired, the ritual can be performed more than once.

Ritual three: loving.

The point is to love it masculinity. To do this, throughout the first week you must “love” all the men who meet on your way. Wherever you see a male representative (age does not matter at all, a baby or an old man will do), you must concentrate and say out loud or to yourself: "I love this man..." If there are several of them, then talk about each: “And that one too!!!” This way, you will set yourself up for a positive perception of men.

In the second week we repeat the ritual. Only now you should say a different phrase: “This man loves me... both that one and that one!!!”

During the entire third week we will prepare ourselves for a meeting with mutual love. Therefore, we will have to repeat completely different words: “I love him, and he loves me too...”

What it will bring to you? You will set yourself up internally to accept and give love, and also send a positive message to the Universe about your readiness to meet your chosen one.

Ritual four: paper scribbling.

To complete it, you need to concentrate and clearly imagine the man of your dreams. Next, take a sheet of paper, it’s better if it’s Pink colour, because this color symbolizes love and write everything on it positive features that you would like to see from your prince. After this, turn the sheet over and reverse side write down the shortcomings that you could come to terms with... Next, roll up the piece of paper, repeating three times:

“My betrothed mummer, I love you with all your advantages and disadvantages.”

You will need a nice box and a ribbon, preferably red, to put the list in and tie it up nicely. After that, put the box away and forget about it.

Ritual five: perfumery-Valentinovsky.

It should be held on Valentine's Day, February 14th. It is on this day that there is an opportunity to achieve complete harmony with the world around you and attract the vibes of love.

Grab your favorite perfume. Put them in front of you and try to be filled with love. Feel how much you love them and pass on all that energy to them. Next, carefully stroke the bottle with your fingertips, like a little beloved kitten. You should feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation in your fingertips.

After this, say the phrase three times: “Love is always with me!”
You charged your perfume with love. Now they are magical. Use them daily, and they will send out love vibes from you that your betrothed will definitely feel.

Ritual six: incoming-outgoing.

If you really can’t bear to get married, you can try the proven Simoron ritual. Make a sign (for example, from a sheet of thick paper) and write on it: "Getting Married" . Next, hang it on front door and start taking action! Every day you will "get married" several times a day, thus sending a positive request to the Universe.

If your goal for now is simply to find love, you can write on the sign: "Exit to happy love» , and on the reverse side – “Entrance”. Now your door has become magical and is your ticket to love.

Ritual seven: balloon

Buy a red heart-shaped balloon, it is better if it is inflated with gel, take a red marker and write a request on the balloon: “We urgently need a husband (then list his main qualities).” Below is the recipient's address: « Heavenly office. To the main supplier of husbands" . Next is your signature.

You can write on paper and attach a note to the ball. Next, you must “release” your order - send the ball into the sky and forget about it. It is best to perform the ritual on a waxing moon, on a full moon or on a new moon.

Ritual eight: spring leaf.

You can ask Vesna for love. To do this, you need to go for a walk in the park on a nice spring day. Take a walk along the alleys, enjoy the beauty of the emerging spring, look at the emerging greenery of the trees, walk with your feet on the young grass... Breathe full breasts. Feel your harmony with this place and merging with Spring. Next, find a quiet, secluded alley where no one will disturb you. To perform the ritual you will need a leaf from the tree.

Take the leaf in your hands, press it to your heart and say: “Spring, I love you with all my heart, I say thank you for this leaf!” Next, stretch your arms forward with the leaf and repeat three times: “Spring, Spring, come quickly! Charge my sheet with mutual love!”

You should feel the solemnity of the moment: the forest, you and the leaf in your palms. Merge with nature, become part of it. Then close your eyes, hold the leaf between your palms, feel how it pulsates in your hands, stand there until you understand that it’s time, and then say: “No matter where, no matter how, I will meet love... Let it be so!”

Mentally say thank you to Spring and take the leaf home. Find a book about love, you should definitely like it! Open it to the page where there is a scene mutual love heroes, and put your piece of paper there. Put the book back on the shelf. There is no need to hide it. The agreement with Spring has been concluded, believe that love will find you very soon.

Now you know how to attract love with the help of Simoron. I hope that at least one of the methods suggested above will suit you and make your life happy. Good luck finding mutual love!

They are waiting for a positive result, the achievement of a cherished goal. Contrary to expectations, faith and the feeling of soaring, sometimes nothing works out. There can be many reasons: you don’t believe enough in your actions, the Universe has decided that it is not available to you to receive it, you perform the ritual at the wrong time.

Moon calendar will help you choose the day when it is most favorable to perform.

There are days when magic, even if desired, will not work and days when it is recommended to perform magic. Let's start with the new moon.

First lunar day needed to set the task, the ultimate goal of the ritual. On this day it is better not to be shy. In general, during the new moon phase it is favorable to carry out rituals that will help complete previously started work. This could be if, for example, the treatment of a disease that has begun is delayed, or rituals for success if the started project does not want to get off the ground.

During the first quarter phase can be carried out . But provided that you clearly understand the further development of events, this will give additional strength and the chances of success will increase.

Full moon– the phase of the moon when the power of rituals increases many times over. At this time, you can perform rituals to attract money, to achieve success, and many others. On the full moon, wishes made earlier come true; it is better not to set new goals at this time.

The waning moon is not made for magic, every day the lunar energy fades away, and the rituals will have less power. But, if you can’t wait, then you can, if you want to eradicate any bad habits.

Moon in Zodiac signs

In addition, it is known that there are phases of the moon when it enters a particular sign of the Zodiac. Depending on the stay of the moon in a certain sign Zodiac, it is recommended to carry out certain rituals.


The moon favors holding Simoron rituals for success in any endeavor, as well as for achieving sports victories.


You can safely carry out rituals to attract money into the house, for financial well-being families.


You can use it to achieve success in business, to conduct successful negotiations, etc.

Valid magical rituals to achieve peace in the family.

At a time when the night luminary entered the sign of Leo, you need to make plans for self-improvement and the development of personal qualities, in particular, leadership abilities.


Can be carried out magical rituals for good health.


Attract into your life magical rituals harmony in family affairs. Business people can ask for help in running their affairs.


The moon will help you attract love into your life. At strong desire there is a chance to find the love of your life.


Rituals work great for spiritual growth, and you can also ask for good luck in travel.


Desires regarding advancement in career ladder, recognition at work.


You can blame yourself for your success in scientific research and the development of intuition.


Wizards are accepted to perform rituals to achieve success in creative activities.

Now you know what influence this or that phase of the moon in the zodiac signs has on magic and simoron. Many wizards strictly adhere to these rules, so as not to ask in vain at the wrong time for the fulfillment of this desire.