Magicians - the magical world of magic. World of magic

Magic exists, and the magical world that you read about in childhood turns out to be very real, and not at all safe. Is it so? A new fantasy series “The Magicians” has been released. There are adventures, drama, fantasy, and even detective scenes here, and many of our, sometimes strange, illusions will become clearer.

As children, we have our own ideas about life. Sooner or later we forget about them. The world of children's fantasies remains a thing of the past. In the plot of the series, a group of young people in their 20s, led by the main character Quentin Coldwater, enter a secret university specializing in magic. Events begin to happen that will not leave any viewer indifferent. The action takes place in modern New York. The focus was on several students studying magical rituals. Students learn to know themselves, and discover many possibilities within themselves, magical and inexplicable by reason. It turns out that magic can be learned! They surprise themselves.

Contrary to all prohibitions, the main characters decided to move to another “area” - through a portal, into a parallel reality where sorcerers, magicians and other creatures exist. The series will attract your attention with an incredibly fabulous world filled with sorcerers and magicians. Once upon a time in childhood, we dreamed of plunging into such a world and feeling all the charm of being in it. It turns out that all the heroes we know from the fictional world of fairy tales really exist and live in an unusually beautiful magical dimension. Soon Quentin and his friends learn that the fantasy world that everyone read about in childhood is more than real. What they saw shocked and at first greatly fascinated the young students, but after a while they began to understand that in addition to all the wonderful things, there was also something very dangerous and unpredictable hiding here that needed to be avoided. All this may represent serious threat for humanity.

A viewer of the series may ask himself, can he learn this way? “Nonsense,” others will think. Can you do it like them, the heroes of the series? Look TV series "The Magicians" season 2 online it is simply necessary, it attracts our attention from the first minutes, because there are not so many science fiction series. Let's hope that the writers will create many more episodes, because magic has always fascinated people.

I don't want people to have the idea that magic is an easy path to happiness and power. Understand: this world of magic it is designed in such a way that nothing in it is given for free.

Human life is inextricably linked with the world of Entities. They are invisible, intangible, odorless, their movements are silent, but the influence of the Entities on a person’s life and consciousness is undeniable.

Entities are (rather roughly) divided into friendly, indifferent and aggressive.

Magical abilities are not given for free

The basis of the world of magic is its Laws, which must be followed by all magicians, regardless of origin and level of skill. The Third Law states: none of the magicians should ever, anywhere, under any circumstances reveal themselves to anyone. From here simple truth: all those who publicly declare that they are sorcerers and magicians, in fact, are not so.

Because the penalty for breaking any of the Laws is death, and sometimes something worse. The only exceptions to the Third Law are teacher-student and magician-magician combinations. But the second rarely happens, except in special cases. Mages prefer loneliness and silence.

Kernel applied aspect magic - spells. These are long phrases that have no meaning in any earthly language. None of us knows what their mechanism of action is. But the fact is that these sounds have a very definite effect on real things.

Some of the spells are effective only at a certain point in time - the season, the location of the planets, the time of day, and a certain place play a role. Sometimes it is necessary to take a certain pose, most often to form a tricky figure with your fingers. Pronouncing the text of the spell incorrectly is fraught with trouble.

IN best case scenario it simply won’t work; at worst, the consequences can be dire. It is believed that the spells are the remnants of some legendary ancient language.

But no one except me has been able to find patterns in them, even with the use of modern computer technology. A few daredevils who tried to compose and pronounce their texts in this ancient language ended badly.

Werewolves. A werewolf (or lycanthrope) is a person in wolf form who sometimes copulates with people and animals, but his main desire is to maim, kill and devour.

Mythical creatures

This also happens when the werewolf is not a person, but evil spirit(much less often), possessing the body of a real wolf.

Thus, the qualifications of a magician largely depend on how much he knows of spells and how quickly he understands the possibility of using them.

You should always make the calculations yourself, not trusting astronomical calendars - any of them are full of errors, due to which the effect of the spell can be exactly the opposite of what was expected.

Magical knowledge is everywhere - come and take it, you just need to see it.

One of the laws of magic states that every magician must at least once try to pass on his art to a student who has passed the appropriate test.

May your Path be clear!

Don't look for truth in spells - try to find it in everyday life, as Zen masters teach.

Human life filled with pleasant worries and troubles, perhaps it’s worth living it brightly!”

Magic books online

With the support of: ZAO "AURA" publishing house Russia.

  • The list of literature is useful for reading for a novice magician.

    Kabbalah High Magic Genre: Esoterics Abstract: The emergence of a society of the future

    High Magic

  • Brief information; Initial information Each number depicts an idea and form Language of Kabbalah Physiology Key to Turner Abstract

    Title: Practical Magic

  • This book talks about how you can influence your body and develop supernatural abilities. With this book you can... To read online, click Read book

    Genre: Esoterics Abstract: ZOGAR

  • For centuries the book was hidden. The Book of Radiance is the main and most famous book of all centuries-old Kabbalistic literature. Although the book was written back in the 4th century AD. With its special, magical language, the Zohar explains the structure of the universe, the circulation of souls, the secrets of letters, the future past. The book is unique in its spiritual impact... To read online, click Read the book

    Genre: Esoterics Philosophy

  • There are three types of worlds, namely, elementary, celestial and intellectual. Each lower world is governed by its higher one and receives its influence. The archetype and Supreme Creator communicates the properties of his omnipotence, revealing himself to us in angels, heaven...

    Initial information. Every thing has an entity controlled by it. Physiology Key to Turner

  • The proposed essay belongs to the outstanding occult magician, Dr. Gerard Encausse. The medical genius used the pseudonym “Papus” to sign his works on the occult, while his medical works were published under his real name... To read online, click Read the book

    Genre: Esoterics - Philosophy:

    There are many solar things, none of which contain all the solar perfection... To read online, click Read the book

Mythical creatures

Nosferat is a Romanian Transylvanian vampire. A person who is killed by a nosferat becomes just like him. A vampire can be either an incubus or a succubus. He can drink the blood of his victims and cause nocturnal emissions. This is the spirit of a stillborn illegitimate child whose parents were also born outlaws (or, as stated, it may be the victim of another nosferat).


We don’t know each other yet, but you’ve already come to the site, clicked on the link and ended up here.

On a hundred Internet pages, united by the incomprehensible name “Argemona,” by some miracle a huge world fits. Although why "somehow"? The simplest and most understandable miracle.

“It"s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside" (c) - “More inside than outside.” But the outside is quite enough.

/ Once upon a time, on the foundation of an ancient, now destroyed magic school, it was decided to build a new one. Since this place was filled with Magic, ancient laws were established on the territory of the New School that were in force in those distant times, long before the appearance of the founding magicians of Hogwarts Sirius. /

For ten years, people, elves, gnomes, Valkyries and many others taught, studied and simply lived in this school.
It is not surprising that even the largest school became insufficient. It grew until it began to crack, through which, like through the shell of an egg (the cracks between the stones in a dam by the river or any other comparison you like), a new world poured in.

Of course, he - the world - was scared. Wouldn’t you be afraid to come out of your cozy shell and openly declare: “Now I exist, I was born, and I am who I am!”?
And, probably, this world was built according to.

But we took a risk and came out together with the world. The world opened his eyes (and didn’t even close his eyes from the bright light) and said: “I am Argemona.”
Like a flower breaking through cracks in the asphalt or stretching out from under the ground, opening and burning bright scarlet.
A small world is like a small child. You can never tell what he will become when he grows up. He can be educated and taught, but for this it is always necessary to educate and learn ourselves. Do you want to take part in this?

Everyone loves to be goddesses, elves, dragons, monsters and the undead, but here we are wizards and demiurges. Masks, races, incredible abilities (to transform into anyone and sing in five voices at the same time) and strange needs (to drink other people's tears and every full moon to chew the root of a mandrake that lay for thirteen days under the pillow of a black magician) - all this remains outside of Argemona. Why? Because here everyone is capable of much more. Almost everything. And when you are capable of anything, why waste energy on harmful nonsense, which you yourself do not need in the first place?

Are you ready to put your carnival costumes in the closet and learn to look at the world with clear eyes without curtains, filters or films? Not to cling to one single cozy swamp, but to dive headlong into the endless ocean, where dark magic has no meaning, and light magic is limited only by your imagination and courage?

Then, whoever you are, hello.

Episode 1 - "Aladdin and Ali Baba"

No, you didn't miss anything. The episode begins with a scene from the distant future. But let's return to the present. Zagan is subdued, Sindria repels Altermen's attack, and everyone celebrates these two events. Dunia, who fought on the side of Altermen, came to her senses, she changed, became good again, but it was too late and she died in the arms of Aladdin. This prompts him to go on a journey, and he is immediately joined by Morjanne, Ali Baba and Hakuryu.

Episode 2 - "The Path to the Dungeon"

Before leaving, the princess of the Kou Empire and Sinbad staged a grand training battle. Duniya gets worse and worse, eventually dying from the curse of the dark vessel. Princess Kyougyoku finally confessed her love to Sinbad, which he took advantage of, hoping to establish strong political ties with the hostile Kou Empire. In the evening, she pours out her soul to Aladdin, because she has no one to tell about her feelings.

Episode 3 - "The Magic of Accomplishment"

So, friends go on a trip. Aladdin - to Magnashtadt to become a real wizard, Ali Baba to the Ren Empire to master the genie's cover, Morjan to the Dark Continent to understand himself. And Hakuryu returns home, hoping to end the feud in his family and destroy the Kou Empire. True, Ali Baba decided to secretly go on a trip, for which he was cruelly trolled by Aladdin and friends. Everything was going great until the ship was attacked by a gang of pirates.

Episode 4 - "The Plainsmen"

The pirates turned out to be quite difficult. They are all children and each was armed with magical weapons from Magnastadt. Having taken Aladdin as a hostage, the pirates robbed the ship without any problems. Hakuryu quietly planted Zagan's search seeds into the stolen cargo. The pirates disappeared under the water and the friends had no choice but to sail to the nearest port. There they found out that all the children who became pirates were kidnapped from the parents of the surrounding cities. At this time, Hakuryu, with the help of seeds, found the pirate base, and together with Ali Baba and Morjana went to save Aladdin.

Episode 5 - "Dungeon Keeper"

Pirate Island was surrounded steep cliffs. Morzhana, without thinking twice, threw Ali Baba and Hakuryu over them, and she herself jumped over the rocks. The ruler of the island turned out to be Oomadora; thanks to her magical weapon, she befuddled children and forced them to pirate in the surrounding waters. With the help of her magic, she was able to subdue Hakuryu and almost subdued Aladdin and Ali Baba. However, Aladdin and Ali Baba were able to overcome their secret desires and free yourself from the shackles of dope.

Episode 6 - "The Warlike Tribe of Fanalis"

Hakuryuu seemed to have gone crazy. He donned the cloak of genie and, without listening to anyone, began to destroy everything around in the name of Oomadora. Somehow joint forces Aladdin, Morjana and Ali Baba were able to defeat Hakuryu and remove Madora's influence from him. Meanwhile, Madora tried to escape, but failed. Imperial troops were waiting for her in the harbor. Finally everything fell into place, the children were returned to their parents. Madora was taken to prison... But Hakuryu... Could not forgive her abuse of children and lynched her right in front of the crowd.

Episode 7 - "Sinbad"

Episode 8 - "Broken Promise"

The prince turned out to be a real maniac and chopped all the bandits into mincemeat. They reached Magnostadt without incident. Aladdin entered the Academy of Magic without any problems, although without the help of Rukh he received only the sixth kadar (the most lame magician). As a result, he ended up in a group of losers who need to train not magic, but their body. He ended up in hell... Teacher Meirs is a busty witch - a real fiend of hell, who decided that it was not students who were brought to her, but a group of sinners. After grueling training, God forbid, a tenth of the students remained. but which ones...

Episode 9 - "A Prince's Duty"

Now we learn the story of Ali Baba. He successfully reached the Ren Empire. Well... or almost successfully. Now he is a homeless person without a penny in his pocket. But even in this state, he came where he wanted, to the gladiator school. And he flew out of there without ever entering it. And then his old acquaintances, his friends from the slums of Balbad, find him. Nowadays they are successful businessmen and owners of a cool casino in Ren. They dressed him and fed him. And Ali Baba is again trying to join the gladiator school. To do this, he needs to defeat the daughter of the school master, which he does.

Episode 10 - "Judal"

Entering the gladiator school Master Romal. He immediately sends him into a duel against a huge monkey who has already killed many gladiators. During the battle, he cannot use the genie's cover, so his chances of surviving, to put it mildly, are low. In addition, the Master noticed that Ali Baba has 2 streams of magic, and not one like normal people As a result, Ali Baba will not be able to use any of these flows. Thanks to incredible luck and at the cost of his right hand, he was able to defeat the monkey. Meanwhile, Magi Shahirizada watched the battle.

Die Travian Games GmbH, Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Str. 22, 80807 München, Deutschland (fortan: TRAVIAN GAMES) veranstaltet im Rahmen des Onlinegames Miramagia eine Gewinnaktion, bei der insgesamt ein circa 1 Meter hoher Plüsch-Drache und 5x 2500 Rubine zu gewinnen sind. Die Einzelheiten der Aktion richten sich nach den folgenden Bedingungen:

1. Allgemeines
  • Mit Einsendung seines Songtextes bestätigt und akzeptiert der Teilnehmer die Geltung dieser Bedingungen.
  • Die Teilnahme ist freiwillig und kostenlos.
  • Die Teilnahme ist nur für Miramagia-Spieler mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz möglich.
  • Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen, die zum Zeitpunkt der Einsendung ihres Song-Textes das 16. Lebensjahr vollendet haben.
  • Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
  • Jeder Teilnehmer hat die Aufgabe, einen Songtext für ein potentielles Miramagia-Lied zu schreiben und an [email protected] zu senden. Dabei soll er sowohl seinen Klarnamen wie auch seinen Miramagia-Nickname und seine Miramagia-Spielwelt angeben.
  • Der Song-Text darf keine gewalttätigen oder -verherrlichenden, pornografischen, diskriminierenden, rassistischen, moralisch verwerflichen, religiösen oder sonstige verbotene Inhalte haben. Durch den Song-Text dürfen außerdem keine Marken-, Urheber oder sonstige Rechte Dritter, insbesondere Persönlichkeitsrechte verletzt werden.
  • Die eingesendeten Lied-Texte der sechs Gewinner können auf der Miramagia-Homepage sowie den Social Media-Kanälen von Miramagia veröffentlicht werden. Dabei werden auch der Miramagia-Nickname und die Miramagia-Spielwelt des entsprechenden Teilnehmers veröffentlicht.
  • Eine Jury, bestehend aus mindestens drei Miramagia-Teammitgliedern, wird aus allen Einsendungen sechs (6) Texte auswählen und als Gewinner küren. Maßstab für die Bewertung sind Kreativität und Authentizität. Im Falle eines Unentschieden entscheidet das Los.
  • Die Gewinner werden bis zum 15.02.2015 auf der Miramagia-Homepage und den Social Media-Kanälen von Miramagia mit ihrem Miramagia-Nicknamen und Miramagia-Spielwelt bekannt gegeben. Zusätzlich werden die Gewinner persönlich per E-Mail benachrichtigt und um die Mitteilung einer zustellungsfähigen Adresse gebeten, um den Gewinn zusenden zu können.
3. Einsendeschluss

Einsendeschluss ist der 02/08/2015.

4. Preise
  • Es werden ein erster Platz und fünf zweite Platze ausgewählt.
  • Der Gewinner des ersten Platzes erhält einen circa 1 Meter hohen Plüschdrachen im Wert von 500€. Die fünf Gewinner der zweiten Plätze erhalten jeweils 2500 Rubine im Wert von jeweils 100€.
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6. Rechtsübertragung

Der Teilnehmer willigt mit Einsendung seines Beitrages (Songtext) in die Veröffentlichung des Beitrages, insbesondere im Rahmen der werblichen Nutzung für Miramagia und TRAVIAN GAMES ein. Er räumt TRAVIAN GAMES unwiderruflich ein zeitlich und räumlich uneingeschränktes exklusives Nutzungs- und Verwertungsrecht, inklusive dem Recht zur Unterlizenzierung, an den eingesendeten Inhalten ein.

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Der Songtext darf durch TRAVIAN GAMES oder beauftragte Dritte zweckgebunden bearbeitet werden. Das gilt insbesondere für die Verbindung mit dem Spiel Miramagia. Es darf auch mit einem Filter bearbeitet werden, um ein einheitliches Äußeres der Kampagne zu gewährleisten. Schließlich ist das Recht übertragen, den Songtext auch zur Herstellung, Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung für werbliche Zwecke im Zusammenhang mit dem Spiel Miramagia und zur Bewerbung des Gewinnspiel in allen Medien und Formaten zu nutzen.

Jeder Teilnehmer versichert, dass der von ihm eingestellte Beitrag nicht gegen die Teilnahmebedingungen dieses Gewinnspiels und nicht gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen (insbesondere, aber nicht abschließend Urheber, Leistungsschutz-, Bild-, Persönlichkeits- und sonst ige Rechte).

Jeder Teilnehmer erklärt, alle Rechte an seinen Beiträgen zu besitzen oder erworben zu haben, und die an der Herstellung des Beitrags ggf. weiteren Beteiligten angemessen vergütet zu haben. Ferner sichert der Teilnehmer TRAVIAN GAMES zu, dass er die Rechte am konkreten Beitrag an keinen Dritten übertragen hat bzw. nicht übertragen wird. Mit Einsendung des Beitrages versichert der Teilnehmer, dass die von ihm übersendeten Texte frei von Rechten Dritter sind (insbesondere etwa von Urheber- und Markenrechten an Text sowie von Persönlichkeitsrechten an genannten oder in sonstiger Form dargestellten Personen). Der Teilnehmer versichert zudem die Mangelfreiheit, insbesondere die technische Mangelfreiheit, der gelieferten Beiträge.

Bei Verstoß gegen vorbenannte Bestimmungen stellt der Teilnehmer TRAVIAN GAMES von etwaigen Ansprüchen, insbesondere von festgestellten oder behaupteten Ansprüchen Dritter, auf erstes Anfordern frei. Eingeschlossen sind etwaige im Falle eines Rechtsstreits entstehende Kosten und Aufwendungen. Schon bei begründetem Verdacht gegen einen Verstoß der abgegebenen Rechtegarantie ist TRAVIAN GAMES berechtigt, die eingestellten Beiträge herunterzunehmen/zu löschen.

TRAVIAN GAMES weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass die übersendeten Texte von den jeweils genannten Teilnehmern stammen und ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung des jeweiligen Teilnehmers wiedergeben. Auf den Inhalt der von einem Teilnehmer übersendete Texte hat TRAVIAN GAMES keinen Einfluss.

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Die Behandlung der überlassenen Daten erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Die Angabe personenbezogener Daten auf den Seiten von TRAVIAN GAMES erfolgt grundsätzlich auf freiwilliger Basis. Um an dem Gewinnspiel teilnehmen zu können, ist es unerlässlich, sich anzumelden und zu registrieren. Die Teilnehmer sind damit einverstanden, dass die Daten, insbesondere die Angaben, die bei der Anmeldung von TRAVIAN GAMES oder von beauftragten Dienstleistern erhoben werden, zur Abwicklung der Gewinnspielteilnahme gemäß den Bestimmungen des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes verarbeitet und genutzt werden. Die Daten werden – ohne gesonderte Einwilligung des Teilnehmers – nicht unbefugt an Dritte weitergegeben oder für andere Zwecke verwendet.

Jeder Teilnehmer hat das Recht, jederzeit über die von TRAVIAN GAMES über ihn gespeicherten Daten Auskunft zu verlangen sowie Änderungen zu fordern und gegebenenfalls Daten löschen zu lassen. Der Veranstalter steht dem Teilnehmer hierzu unter E-Mail zur Verfügung. TRAVIAN GAMES weist ferner darauf hin, dass er ggf. gesetzlich verpflichtet sein kann, Daten aufzubewahren. Bis zur gesetzlichen Löschungsverpflichtung werden dann die Daten aber auf Wunsch des Teilnehmers gesperrt.