Magic help of fairies. Doreen verce - magical kingdom of fairies

Doreen Virtue

fairy kingdom




If you believe in fairies, then you are not alone. Traveling all over the world, I often met people who told me about their contacts with the magical realm of the fairies. They fondly recall their childhood years and the impressions caused by communication with these creatures, and some, having become adults, still continue to talk with them. (Most of them told me about it in whispers.) About myself I can only say one thing: I believe in fairies! ..

As a little girl, I spent hours staring at pictures of fairies with a mixed sense of recall and recognition. Although from childhood I was endowed with the ability to see angels and people who left this earth, I saw the first fairy when I was already an adult. Since then, I have had the most kind and tender relationship with these creatures.

I have the utmost respect for their mission on Earth to cleanse the natural environment, protect animals and remind us of the importance of joy and fun.

Surveys conducted among the population show that if most people believe in the existence of angels, then much less believe in the existence of fairies. In many bookstores, separate shelves are dedicated to angels, while books about fairies are "banished" to the mythology section. Probably because fairies, unlike angels, appear only to those who believe in them.

I found that people in Britain and Australia believe in fairies much more than people in other parts of the world. In addition, these same countries are the focus of the largest number of fairies. Is it because there are so many fairies here that the local people believe in them? Or vice versa: is it because the local people believe in them that there are so many fairies here?

Other places whose inhabitants are also closely associated with fairies are New York, Hawaii, Iceland and the Canadian province of Ontario. In fact, most of my fairy encounter stories come from readers in Ontario, not elsewhere!

Those who believe in fairies receive miraculous help from them, as you will learn from this book. Fairies help us realize our earthly needs - such, like buying, renting or selling a house. They help us find jobs and money. They help our gardens and pets in a wonderful way, but they are especially happy to help those who share their love and care for the environment and animals.

Angels and fairies are God's creatures, performing an important mission and actively helping people in vital matters. Archangels and guardian angels assist us in our spiritual path and protect us. Fairies are the guardian spirits of nature and animals.

The more people believe in fairies, the greater the power of the latter. The power by which they purify the earth, air and water.

Please don't forget the immortal words of Peter Pan: "I really believe in fairies... I believe, I believe, I believe!" These words brought the fairy Din - Din back to life, and they are also able to infuse additional life and energy into any fairies in general.

Doreen Virtue

Chapter first

Who are the Fae?


Each blade of grass has its own angel who bends over it and says: “Grow! Grow!"

The angels that the Talmud mentions are "natural angels". Each of them has its own special purpose, but in general, nature angels look after the environment and animals.

Since nature is made up of the basic elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire, the natural angels thus belong to the "elemental realm". There are several different types of elementals, differing from each other depending on their purpose and the task they perform. In this book, we will focus on only one of their species - fairies.

Fairies are angels who are closely connected to the Earth, which allows them to carry out their Divine mission to protect nature and animals. Fairies also have wings: some like dragonflies, others like butterflies, in contrast to the feathered wings of guardian angels and archangels.

Again, unlike guardian angels and archangels, fairies have egos. So they are like people in the sense that they have judgments and evaluations. When the fairies meet you, they immediately evaluate you in terms of how you feel about the environment and animals.

Fairies know that a person is imperfect, and they do not expect perfection from him. However, if you do everything in your power to recycle waste, if you use environmentally friendly products, are kind to animals, and so on, they will treat you with the greatest respect and favor.

If, in their opinion, you are hostile to the environment or animals, they may begin to harass you and play evil tricks on you. That is why they sometimes have a reputation for being evil and mischievous spirits.

Fairies may be called differently by different peoples, but no matter how they are called and no matter how their names are pronounced, fairies sincerely want to help you live a healthier, happier and more fertile life. Since fairies are closely connected with the earth and everything earthly, they can help you solve material problems, including money problems, household problems, gardening and pets.

Did you happen to see fairies as a child?

But many children see fairies. Fairies are more likely to reveal themselves to children whose minds are open and whose hearts are pure than to adults (unless the hearts of men or women are just as open and pure). And fairies also love to help children and do it in all sorts of different ways, which you will also learn from this book.

Fairies remind us that we should not lose heart, be cheerful, joyful and enjoy life as often as possible. They love parties, music and dancing. They love candy and sweets, and some elementals have even been known to drink alcohol. But, despite the fun, they do not forget about the duties and responsibilities assigned to them, and this is one of the lessons that they teach us all.

Fairies remind us

That life is joyful and cheerful;

That nature requires respect for itself, which it fully deserves;

That animals are our brothers and sisters;

That everything around is alive;

That games and amusements are very important;

That you can magically accomplish whatever you need (especially with their help).

Chapter Two


To get in touch with the fairies, go outside, that's where they live. Fairies love flowers, trees, and bodies of water. They love open-ended gardens that aren't defaced by ridiculous shearing and pruning or polluted with pesticides.

In the pages of this book, you will read that the fairies are able to help you with gardening, so you don't need chemical fertilizers!

As soon as you go outside, contact the fairies, saying that you want to contact them. You can say it to yourself, out loud, or just leave them some kind of offering. Fairies catch your thoughts and love gifts. Especially candy (unwrapped, of course) and shiny items like crystals.

The fairies will study you - in terms of how well you feel about the environment and animals. If you pass this test, they will give you a sign - in the form of a thought or sensation. As a rule, they will ask you to collect and take out the garbage from the area where you are. And if you do, they will gladly help you achieve what you ask for, as Lisa Grubb found out, for example.

Arriving at her favorite place, where she used to pitch a tent and enjoy the camping life, Lisa was truly dejected at the sight of all the rubbish that littered the territory. She went to fetch wood for the fire, but wherever her gaze fell, instead of firewood, she saw only garbage that completely littered the ground.

There was nothing to do, and Lisa began to clear the slope of the mountain from debris. At the same time, collecting garbage, item by item, she blessed the land and asked for forgiveness for the people who littered it. She collected six large bags of rubbish, but could not find any firewood or wood chips. and even in the pits for there was not even a charred firebrand on the campsite either.

Lisa decided that she would go to the nearest garbage collector and buy firewood from someone. She collected garbage bags, came to the foot of the mountain, threw the garbage into containers, but did not find anyone who could sell her firewood.

Returning to the campsite, she decided that she would either find firewood or just leave the place closer to night. When she approached the parking lot, she was surprised to find a large pile of logs, sawn, chopped and neatly stacked in a pile. But she was absent for no more than 15 minutes and there was not a soul around. Where did this wood come from?

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are talking about. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Online fortune telling Oracle Doreen Virtue in three cards. This is a very unusual version of divination introduced by our contemporary Doreen Verche, she independently developed and successfully applied an oracle using angels and various spiritual states of a person. One of the features of this prediction is its generally positive attitude, there are no clearly negative cards here. Perhaps this is due to the activities of Doreen, she preaches the theory that any negative impact can be changed or removed with the help of a positive outlook on life, according to her method of communicating with angels and with the higher spiritual world. You can learn for yourself from the presented fortune-telling important tips on how to act, instructions and ways not to lose hope even in the most difficult and seemingly hopeless situations. Do not guess to clarify the same questions repeatedly, do not treat divination as a game, carefully reflect on the results obtained, here are some simple tips that I would like to give you before you start guessing using the presented method.

Online divination technique:

For divination, you will need a deck of angels Doreen Verche, it can be found on sale, although this is not very simple. Think in advance about the question that you want to clarify with the cards, or think about yourself (the querent) throughout the entire shuffle and layout. Shuffle the deck carefully and cut off part of it with your left hand towards you. Further, it remains to take out only three cards, which, and will give answers to the following questions: 1. The issue under consideration or the person, 2. What is hidden, in the situation or in the personality of the person, 3. Recommendations, further behavior. To get a prediction with our help, click on the back of the card a little lower on the page, you will be offered a shuffled deck and you need to remove three cards from it.

We have already talked about a certain lady, whose name is Doreen Virtue. Moreover, we did not just talk, but even offered you to tell fortunes on a deck of cards, of which she is the author. Surely you have already appreciated her magical invention. Well, Doreen's deck is unusual in every way. Today we would like to reveal one more little secret to you: Mrs. Verche has more than one deck of cards in stock. Providence itself encouraged this woman to share with us the inner light that she carries inside. She shared through maps and books that she has in huge circulations.

Fairy divination is also an invention of the beautiful Doreen. This is a real Oracle, which acts like any other, but only more delicately. A distinctive feature of this fortune-telling is that the Fairies will tell you what to prepare for and how best to spend the coming week. And it doesn't matter what day of the week it is. If, for example, you decide to tell fortunes on Wednesday or Friday, there are no prohibitions.

In this case, you get acquainted with the prediction that the Fairy of Wednesday (or Friday) whispers to you, and then get acquainted with the rest of the information. The same days that have already passed - Monday and Tuesday - will need to be interpreted as the past. Thus, the cards also have a "retroactive effect", i.e. talk about the past.

Of course, it would be ideal if you could take the advice of the little Fairies on a Sunday evening. Thus, you could understand: what events you can expect during the week. Fairies will always warn you about what not to do and what you should be afraid of. Their clues are not only magical, but also extremely truthful. Try to touch the real magic, try telling fortunes on the Fae and you yourself will understand everything.

Fortune telling with fairies is one of the youngest. However, according to the offers on the network of online versions of divination by fairy cards, one can judge the popularity of the prediction method.

What is the peculiarity of divination, in which pictures of fairies participate? The uniqueness of the idea is in the positive aura of the process. After all, the main characters of fortune-telling are cheerful sorceresses who do good deeds in many fairy tales.

Divination is simple: I thought of a question, pulled out a card. In the map, the fairy talks about the state of affairs, gives advice and ... an affirmation that can be muttered like a spell throughout the day.

Use colorful maps or the online version - decide for yourself. There are a lot of fairies on the maps - a whole fairy-tale country.

Choose from the ones below the one that you like the most - she will give you advice!

Card meanings

Kindness. The sorceress advises to fill the day with good thoughts and deeds. .

Setting: I am caring and kindness itself. I give good.

Higher intelligence. The true essence of the divine principle leads you through life by the hand. Listen to your heart - all the solutions are already there, you just need to be able to hear yourself.

Affirmation: My Spirit is my guide.

Visualization. A sorceress shares a secret about the power of imagination. Visualization skill refers to wizard skills.

Setting: I see the invisible, I create the impossible!

Everything will be fine. A good spirit is very friendly, consoles and supports: leave anxieties and doubts - they are empty. You are doomed to success!

Affirmation: Faith, Strength and Success!

Ecological consciousness. The sorceresses remind you to take care of Mother Earth. Devote a day to this thought.

Setting: I love and care for Mother Earth.

Awakening of the true essence. You are gladly informed about the awakening of your natural beginning. Now you are you!

Affirmation: I believe in myself!

Feeling of security. The sorceress, smiling, announces that the period of danger and risk is over. Heavenly patronage has come to you - leave your fears!

Setting: Forward! My angel is with me!

financial flow. The fairy presents you with the Horn of Plenty. Lack of money behind, but do not forget about good deeds!

Affirmation: Abundance is my element!

Inner strength. The sorceress reminds you of your inner strength - the power of the Spirit. Take advantage of this power.

Setting: I am the Force! I am Power! I am the Creator!

Stand your ground. The fairy asks you to be true to yourself, your principles and views. Only firmness in opinion tempers the will.

Affirmation: I trust myself. My principle is my shield.

New friends. The sorceress winks cheerfully: you will soon have new friends! New friends always come with new life. Therefore, do not be afraid to say goodbye to the old.

Setting: I appreciate and respect friends!

Vacation. The fairy seems to be hinting: you need to rest! Dedicate some time for yourself, for your favorite activities.

Affirmation: Time to enjoy and accumulate strength!

Inner child. The sorceress threatens with her finger: you forgot about your inner child! You can't do that to kids! Mentally take pity on the inner child, caress, talk to him.

Setting: Time to have fun!

Raise the bar. The fairy shakes her head: you missed a lot by chasing a little. It's time to change your life values.

Affirmation: I strive for the best!

Don't be afraid to take a step. The fairy advises you to be more decisive. You have to trust your own ideas. After all, thanks to your thoughts, actions and ideas, God improves the world.

Affirmation: Forward, every step I take is a victory!

Creation. The sorceress is trying to inspire you to express yourself creatively. It is not necessary to create for someone, you can do it just for yourself and have fun.

Setting: My creativity helps me to live!

Look into yourself. The sorceress is trying to explain to you that values ​​​​are not always outside of us, there is a lot of value in our inner world, you just need to remember to look there more often.

Setting: The light and beauty of the inner world give me strength!

Rise above problems. Fairy Tip: Don't look for problems, look for solutions!

Affirmation: The world is on my side and ready to help me.

Music. Fairies are very fond of good music. We must appreciate the power of music - it will cheer you up, make you think or tune in to a fighting mood.

Setting: The power of music is my power!

Parents and children. The fairy is happy to announce that something bright and good will happen in your family.

Affirmation: All is well in my family! I love everyone!

Problem solved. The fairy encourages: what has long disturbed you with uncertainty will soon be safely resolved.

Setting: I appreciate the support of the universe.

The magic of nature. Fairy advice: visit the bosom of nature as soon as possible. Nature gives freshness and strength.

Affirmation: I and nature are one!

As you can see, guessing is easy. Using the online version of divination is easy. Is the online version worse than real maps? After all, fairies are always with you, gradually becoming your friends and support in difficult times.
Author: Igor Vaskin

The layout for the Year can be used to delve into what the current year has in store for the fortuneteller.

The Fairy Year Spread can be used to gain insight into what the current year has in store for the fortuneteller. This alignment is best done at the beginning of the year. If the spread is used in the middle of the year, some of the cards will touch the past (those months of the year that have already passed), one of the present (the current month), and a few of the future. Remove eight festival cards from the deck: they are not used in this spread. Shuffle the cards, flipping some over to use the reversed meanings. Draw out the cards according to the diagram, starting with card one and ending with card twelve.

Begin your reading with card one, which represents January; go to card two, which represents February; and advance through the year to card twelve, which represents December. The interpretation of the general trends of each month is done on twelve cards.

General information about the Fairy Dance deck

The cards in the Fairy Dance deck are divided into four suits: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Most fairies are seasonal creatures, and individual fairies are shown during the period when they are most likely to appear. The thirteen cards in each suit are numbered one through nine, with four figures: Lady, Jack, Queen, and King. The cards depict different, non-repeating fairies and magical creatures, and there are fifty two of them in total. In addition, there are eight festival cards marking the main celebrations of the fairies Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Lita, Lughnasad, Mabon.

Before the start of divination, the cards are shuffled by the fortuneteller. The fortuneteller should pay attention to the fact that all the cards are turned over, i.e. picture down. Like Tarot cards, Fairy Dance cards have direct and reverse meanings.

The fortuneteller must lay out the cards face down according to the chosen layout. Some spreads will give a quick answer to a single question, others will provide a more detailed interpretation of life. Some spreads are better for practical matters, while others are better suited for emotional or spiritual issues.

Now turn one card face up. Notice if it is upright or upside down. Interpret each card before turning over the next. When you consider the meanings of the cards, keep in mind that any figure - Jack, Lady, Queen or King - can indicate real people in the fortuneteller's life. In addition, the appearance of one of the eight cards of the festival should be given additional weight in the interpretation of the layouts. They indicate powerful tendencies that cannot be fought against but must be accepted and worked with. Sometimes - and this needs to be carefully considered - they could indicate a period of time when an event might occur.

When you consider the meanings of the cards, keep in mind that any figure - Jack, Lady, Queen or King - can indicate real people in the fortuneteller's life.