Rabbit-Leo man: characteristics, personality traits and compatibility. Leo woman born in the year of the cat

The Leo-Rabbit man combines the most unusual qualities. From the Rabbit he received calmness and laziness, and from Leo he received assertiveness and ambition. As a result, this combination gives rise to a contradictory, capricious character. He always goes ahead, creates a lot of noise, and the result, as a rule, is zero. He loves family, but only if he is honored in it. He expects only positive evaluation from others.

The vibrations of the day are not favorable for these Pisces. They strengthen all the negative character traits that will only repel other people from them. They should constantly work on themselves, their spiritual qualities. This approach and the ability to correctly distribute your energy will only lead to positive results. Namely, they will be able to achieve a good position in society, become successful and prosperous.

They are impetuous in everything - words, actions, hobbies. And this can lead to them simply getting lost in their own affairs. Activity is good for them, but at the same time they should not forget about self-development. Due to the complex vibrations of the day, they can develop different character traits. The main thing they must remember is that they always have a choice. Knowing this, they will be able to maximize the positive aspects of their character.

Characteristics of a Leo-Rabbit man in Love

He becomes more open and unprotected in love. If before falling in love he demonstrates only autonomy and independence, then in love he tends to be vulnerable and tender, he constantly needs care. His partner should be affectionate, attentive and honorable. Even in this state, he does not forget about his royal nature. He always strives for reciprocity, so he makes his choice on this basis.

He always strives for reciprocity, but such a choice is not always positive, since he must also pay attention to the qualities of his partner. The choice will be ideal if it is based on interests and hobbies. He loves to be in society, so he will need the attention of more than just one person, so freedom is also necessary, even in love. It is these diverse qualities that often create problems for him in communication and relationships with his chosen one.

Leo Man, born in the year of the Rabbit, in the Bed

Intimate life is very important to him. He received from the Rabbit the desire to receive pleasure, to bask in pleasures, and from Leo he took his desire, passion and sensuality. That is why intimate life is so important for him - on the one hand, it is an opportunity to get pleasure, and on the other, to be at the height of passion, to be loved and the only one for a woman. And this makes the bed important to him.

He always stands up for everything unusual and the situation is important to him. A glass of champagne and other attributes will fuel his passion and desire. In addition, he always appreciates the cozy atmosphere that can only arise with a warm relationship with a girl. He may be content with a simple process, but it is important for him to have fun. She will also think about her partner’s pleasure, but this is secondary and not always important for him.

Horoscope of Leo-Rabbit man in Family and Marriage

He always shows his best side in the family. He is attentive to his wife, rarely initiates quarrels, and takes excellent care of the children. It should be noted that he will establish good relations with his wife’s relatives, as he understands that they can help him at any time. But all this is possible if his wife allows him to do his own business, but not to the detriment of the family.

Marriage for him is a twofold phenomenon. On the one hand, he strives to start a family, to be with one girl. But his desire for publicity and recognition often leads to the fact that he is not ready to be with one girl. If his wife allows him to be free, then he will get along well with her. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to fulfill family responsibilities and combine them with multifaceted and varied hobbies.

Liana Raimanova

The combination of the signs Leo and Rabbit gives their wards charisma, charm, developed intelligence and other traits that make it easy for them to win the sympathy of others. Leo-Rabbit (Hare) is willful and ambitious, he is determined to achieve great goals, even if subconsciously.

The influence of the eastern horoscope gives cats calm and gentle character. Representatives of this sign prefer to achieve what they want through cunning and deceptive maneuvers, and they extremely rarely enter into open confrontation. But if the Rabbit’s personality is influenced by the fifth sign of the zodiac, he becomes a completely atypical representative of his “breed”.

Leos are proud and straightforward, have an authoritative character and in most cases do not consider it necessary to hide their attitude towards anything or anyone.

The contradictory influence of the eastern and zodiac horoscopes could cause dissonance, but in this particular case everything turns out exactly the opposite. Leo and Cat (Rabbit) get along well together, harmoniously complementing each other.

Representatives of this astrological combination are cunning, selfish and assertive. They love to take risks and almost always win, because luck favors them in life. Lion-Rabbits (Hares) are persistent and hardworking, which is why many of them achieve solid career heights.

At the same time, they understand that toughness is a good business quality, but in personal life it only serves as a hindrance. With household members, such a person tries to be soft and tactful, and is prone to generosity. Among his friends, he also strives to show nobility, reserving the dark sides of his nature for his work competitors.

The Rabbit is one of the most exquisite signs of the eastern horoscope. Its representatives are characterized tact and extravagance, they rarely neglect good manners. Developed intuition helps them feel well the emotions of other people, so Rabbits usually do not experience a lack of communication. The above qualities allow them to gain respect in society; others cannot help but be interested in such an extraordinary personality.

Leo and Rabbit get along well together, harmoniously complementing each other

Characteristics of Leo men born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare)

The Leo man is a brave, determined and purposeful person. These qualities can ensure his rapid ascent to heights of the career ladder. The cunning of Rabbits allows them to skillfully avoid obstacles in their path. Those obstacles that could not be bypassed are swept out of the way by the formidable king of beasts with a blow of his clawed paw.

Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare), the Leo guy is an ambitious leader with an insatiable thirst for career development. But it is difficult for others to recognize such a powerful personality in him, since in appearance such a man seems quiet and calm.

By masquerading in this way, the Leo Rabbit receives a lot of benefits: competitors underestimate his business qualities, which they later bitterly regret

An obstacle to success can be the inability to direct energy in the right direction. Rabbits do not have a balanced character and tend to commit rash acts under the influence of emotions.

Leo men love to be the center of attention, but only if they were not born in the year of the Cat. People born under the sign of the Rabbit prefer to remain in the shadows. Not out of shyness, but simply because they like it better. At the same time, Leo-Rabbits are very sociable, love communication and do not tolerate loneliness well.

Disadvantages of the sign

One of the main disadvantages of representatives of the sign is selfishness. Leo-Rabbits, who follow personal growth, do not allow this trait to develop into egocentrism. But if such a man stops working on his character, then very soon he will focus on himself and forget about the problems of others.

At work, Leo-Rabbit demonstrates responsibility left and right, but at home this quality evaporates somewhere. Representatives of the sign can't stand it when they are given any responsibilities and try in every possible way to avoid fulfilling them.

At work, Leo-Rabbit demonstrates responsibility left and right, but at home this quality evaporates somewhere

Another disadvantage of the character of Rabbits (Cats) is their special attitude towards morality. Such people do not recognize generally accepted principles of morality and prefer to be guided only by their conscience. And it’s not at all difficult for them to drown out the weak voice of the latter if necessary.

Characteristics of Leo women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare)

The Rabbit-Leo woman, unlike men representing the same signs, loves to be the center of attention. Nothing makes her look better than the praise of others and universal admiration. Representatives of this zodiac combination like to catch the gaze of others, so almost all things in their wardrobe are bright and spectacular.

The Leo girl, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare), communicates very easily, because she knows how to liberate both herself and her interlocutor. It is not difficult for her to abandon her point of view if it is even slightly beneficial for her.

At work, representatives of the Leo and Rabbit signs show accuracy, pedantry, hard work and determination.

They do not rest until they have built a stable career and strengthened their position in society. But, having set her sights on too difficult goals, the Leo girl can waste her energy in vain, trying to jump over her head. It is important for people of this sign be able to soberly assess your abilities and make career plans in accordance with them.

Women born under the signs of Leo and Cat (Rabbit) have a self-sufficient character and do not need a serious relationship for a long time. They are started mostly in order to strengthen their status in society with a successful romance.

Disadvantages of the sign

Leo women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) pay too much attention to financial well-being to the detriment of other aspects of life. In personal relationships, they act as very demanding partners - a man must worship a girl with such a character and constantly show her signs of attention. But this is not enough for her. The Lioness-Rabbit partner should not only sing the praises of her beloved, but also, if possible, try to fulfill her every whim. Due to their innate egoism, representatives of the sign consider this state of affairs to be normal and the only possible one.

Another disadvantage of their character is inability to cope with one's own emotions. The Lioness-Rabbit is far from a weak person, but she is often unable to keep her own feelings in check.

The Rabbit-Leo woman, unlike men of the same signs, loves to be in the spotlight

Love compatibility of Leo born in the year of the Rabbit

Leo-Rabbit is an active and versatile person who always knows how to intrigue his soulmate. The relationship with this person will be anything but boring. The influence of the zodiac signs gives him increased emotionality, which he sometimes cannot cope with. Many failures in the personal life of Leo-Rabbit are directly related to this factor.

Problems in relationships may also arise due to excessive demands. The other half, according to representatives of the sign, should show complete dedication. But Leos themselves are not ready to give their best in relationships; they simply cannot focus on them.

Curiosity and varied interests push them to search for new adventures, but, having had enough of them, Lion-Rabbits will be drawn to a quiet family haven

They show extreme dissatisfaction if the spouse does not wait with open arms, but quietly enjoys his life. The petty and overly emotional Rabbit can easily cause a scandal over such an issue, and even the nobility of the royal sign will not prevent him from doing this.

Leos born in the year of the Rabbit have a special magnetism and know how to charm others, including sexual partners. They are rarely the first to be abandoned; usually the initiators of the break are the Rabbits themselves, dissatisfied with one or another aspect of the relationship. A little later they regret the hasty decision, but by that time they rarely manage to regain their partner’s favor.

Leo men and women born in the year of the Rabbit tend to exhibit different character traits, especially in personal relationships. Guys try to look independent and independent in the eyes of their beloved girl, but only until falling in love develops into more serious feelings. Having become attached to a partner, the Rabbit turns into a gentle and vulnerable person who needs care.

Lioness-Rabbit will be a faithful and loving wife, a caring mother and a wonderful housewife

For this reason Rabbit men subconsciously gravitate towards women who are affectionate and attentive, capable of creating for a loved one that very atmosphere of warmth that he so badly needs.

The Rabbit's main criterion when choosing a partner is reciprocity. He will be happy to court a girl who shows reciprocal signs of attention. If the lady of the heart does not show any sympathy, the Rabbit-Leo man will quickly lose interest in her. He is not one of those who will achieve and waste precious time. If the Rabbit does not receive sufficient reciprocity, he hastily begins to search for a more loyal girlfriend.

The Rabbit woman expects from her partner not so much care as praise and honest recognition of her many virtues

A man must be ready to fulfill all her whims, then the Lioness-Rabbit will show the positive qualities of her character to the maximum. This woman will be a faithful and loving wife, a caring mother and an excellent housewife. But only if she finds a person who will suit her character and will make every effort to make the girl she loves happy.

If a representative of the Leo and Rabbit signs is not satisfied with many things in her partner, she will not endure for long and will not be afraid to initiate a break in the relationship. Such women know how to enjoy solitude and can go without romance for a long time. They easily compensate for a lull on the personal front with vigorous activity at work, so they simply have no time to be bored. Approaching adulthood, the Lioness-Rabbit reconsiders her priorities and begins to devote more time to searching for a candidate to start a family.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Horse, Goat, BullDragon, Snake, PigMonkey, Rooster, Rat, Tiger
According to the Western calendar Leo, Pisces, GeminiVirgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, ScorpioLibra, Aquarius, Aries

Compatibility of Leo men and women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) according to the Western horoscope

  • Leo – Leos make loyal friends and successful business partners.
  • Virgo – average compatibility in all categories.
  • Libra is a prospect for successful business cooperation; Leo should not start a love affair with Libra.
  • Scorpio is quiet, calm and harmonious union. Passions do not boil in it, but the partners feel comfortable and cozy in each other’s company.
  • Sagittarius - a bright, but short-term romance is possible between representatives of the signs. Long-term relationships are unlikely to be successful.
  • Capricorn is a good love compatibility, but such people make terrible business partners.
  • Aquarius – low compatibility in friendship, love and business cooperation.
  • Pisces - Leo and Pisces have every chance to create happy family, because they combine perfectly in character.
  • Aries - in this pair there are two leaders, neither of whom wants to give in. A long-term relationship is unlikely.
  • Taurus - almost complete lack of mutual understanding, but sexually the partners are perfectly compatible, so something can come out of the union.
  • Gemini – very high compatibility, good prognosis in all types of relationships.
  • Cancer – love compatibility is slightly above average. Such a couple can become a family, but for this both partners will have to work hard on themselves.

Leos make loyal friends and successful business partners

Compatibility of Leo men and women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) according to the eastern calendar

  • Rabbit - people understand each other well, have similar characters. They are easy and comfortable together.
  • Dragon - this couple will have many disagreements, but the partners will be able to resolve them if they learn to come to a compromise.
  • The snake is a harmonious combination of two intellectuals. Everything will be fine in this couple if the partners agree in advance to avoid high-pitched conversations, which is common in such couples.
  • A horse is a union of open, cheerful and cheerful people who feel very good together. They are able to resolve almost any disagreement.
  • Goat is a harmonious combination of characters. Partners compensate each other for those positive qualities that they themselves lack.
  • Monkey – representatives of the signs Rabbit and Monkey it won't be easy to get along together, because their characters are completely different.
  • Rooster – very low psychological compatibility; such people will have a hard time with each other.
  • Dog - strong and harmonious union. Partners respect each other and are ready to provide support in any situation.
  • Pig is an excellent combination; such people make the most happy couples. The main danger for marriage is the Pig’s excessive temperament; over time, she will probably be pulled “to the left.”
  • Rat - completely different characters, complete incompatibility emotionally. It will be difficult for such people to be together; they literally irritate each other.
  • Ox - partners are united by the same priorities and similar attitudes towards family life. Both value the comfort and stability that each other can provide. Surely the Rabbit and the Ox will make a strong married couple.
  • The tiger is a contradictory union: such people feel good together, but something pushes them away from each other. Business compatibility is quite high: both partners love money and know well how to increase it.

It’s easy and comfortable for two rabbits to be together

Full characteristics of a Leo child born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

Children born under the signs of Leo and Rabbit know how to stand up for themselves from an early age. They fiercely defend their rights and are interesting, but they are not known as brawlers or bullies. It's raging in the little Lions colossal energy, which parents will have to guide in the right direction. Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), the Leo boy will certainly be glad if he is sent to engage in a sports section. The girl will also enjoy active leisure, but other options will suit her, for example, creative clubs.

The character of little Leo-Rabbits is very soft, so parents usually cannot get enough of them. Discipline, politeness, independence, friendliness - these qualities serve as an ideal description of the tactful nature of the baby.

It is very important for a Leo child born in the year of the Rabbit to have your corner, furnished according to his wishes. The ideal would be to provide him with a separate room.

25 October 2017, 12:54

This Rabbit is usually quick-tempered, willful and very ambitious. The sign of Leo imposes on the basically calm Rabbit assertiveness in fulfilling his desires and whims. And the point is not even that this person goes ahead - rather, he tends to create a lot of noise and... nothing!

The ultimate goal of his claims is not always completely clear to him - the main thing is to set off fireworks and express his “fey”. This, of course, is an extreme case. If a person with this combination of signs has already seen something in life and made the right conclusions, he will be more sensible and open, he will learn to use his potential for creation and moderate his selfishness.

Character of the Rabbit-Lion

With an unfavorable prognosis, the Rabbit-Leo will not be too scrupulous regarding moral principles. In this case, any means will be good for indulging your weaknesses. If anyone gets in his way, he will be crushed. This is, in a certain sense, a dangerous person. His cunning is not immediately visible, but can bring a lot of disappointment both for those around him and for the person himself. Periodic outbursts of rage are quite typical in this plot development. Since the Rabbit is a domestic animal, he can show his anger at home...

If the scenario for the development of the character of the Rabbit-Leo is more favorable, then such a Rabbit-Leo is quite popular in society. He is noble and capable of showing a generous nature. If necessary, he will give the last! In any case, everyone will think so... The Leo Rabbit is moderately home-loving and moderately active outside. He has a variety of hobbies and a constant craving for vivid impressions. If he is not too lazy, then in partnership he is quite extravagant. Life together with such an “animal” will be rich in both good and bad senses.

Stormy emotions will often cloud your eyes and then major losses in life are possible. In any case, if the Leo Rabbit does not find some kind of balance within himself, then in the second half of his life he will have to reap the fruits of his rashness and selfishness. The Leo Rabbit wants to demonstrate himself in front of people, and, in turn, expects approval from them and reacts very favorably to flattery. In love, he demands absolute devotion, although he himself is not ready to make sacrifices.

Rabbit-Leo Man

Proud, noble and independent. They will not try to impress their colleagues, flaunt their abilities and persistently court a girl who is too unapproachable. They live according to the principle that everyone is already obliged to them and do not consider it necessary to prove anything to anyone. Their childhood is turbulent due to their obstinate nature, however, if you do not put pressure on Leo-Rabbits and tell them what to do, they will not show their ambition. However, when it comes to making money, they can moderate their demands and accurately fulfill all the requirements of their immediate superiors (except for those cases when they do not go beyond the boundaries of Leo’s official duties).

But the leaders among them, oddly enough, are useless - being completely confident in the carelessness of their subordinates, they try to shoulder the implementation of all the key issues, for which they later pay with their health. When they get married, they quickly forget about all romance and turn into respectable fathers of the family, who do not tolerate fuss and thoughtlessness. It is unlikely that the spouse will expect a sudden invitation from them to a restaurant or a bouquet of flowers for no reason - this is not in their competence.

Rabbit-Leo Woman

On the outside they are proud and independent, but on the inside they are timid and in need of care. It is very difficult to approach girls of this sign in childhood - they are equally repulsed by both excessive attention and its absence. Parents have to put up with the fact that their beloved daughter knocks over a bowl of porridge because she was asked not to make noise, and an hour later she starts crying because no one talks to her. Leos never grow up - their fickleness and childish whims can appear at 30, 40, and 60 years old. However, in difficult situations they are able to pull themselves together and not be led by their own emotions. They are determined, fearless and cold-blooded.

Friends of Leo-Rabbits do not need to try to change them - if you learn to put up with the difficult character of a friend born under this sign, then this will more than pay off with extraordinary devotion, nobility and readiness to always come to the rescue under any circumstances. Their husbands also appreciate this - even though the house is not always calm and any nonsense like an unmade bed can cause a huge scandal, but their husbands never wash dirty linen in public and are always ready to help their spouse cope with the troubles that have fallen on them.

Compatibility horoscope: characteristics of the zodiac sign Leo Rabbit Woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Leo Man – Rabbit

The Leo Rabbit man is distinguished by determination, hard work and responsibility; he often follows his dream in order to make it come true.

Leo Woman – Rabbit

The Rabbit Leo woman is characterized by an increased need for attention and communication. She loves to be constantly looked at by men, admired, and liked by everyone. He often chooses a bright and slightly extravagant style of clothing to surprise and delight others.

Horoscope Leo-Rabbit (Cat)

Calm in appearance according to the horoscope, Leo-Rabbit (Cat) is capable of great things in life. These people are charming and easily talk about their desires. Unfortunately, they can be unrestrained and self-centered. But they are distinguished by good nature and culture of behavior.

These people can be too selfish towards loved ones. Leo-Rabbit (Cat) is able to agitate not just one person, but a huge group to its side. If circumstances require it.

Horoscope for combining Leo with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of the female Rabbit "Cat" - Lviv: They are talented, smart, insightful women who are gifted with positive energy from above. They are very lucky, so they usually achieve all the blessings of life. All achievements, as a rule, occur in the mature period of life, when the stage of self-development is almost completed. These women should not look for difficulties and contradictions in life; it is better to enjoy what fate gives them. Then they do not waste their natural potential in vain.

They are relaxed and easy to communicate with. If necessary, they quickly change their minds, forgetting what was said a minute ago. It's not bad if it doesn't bother others. These are high-status individuals who are ready to do anything for their position in society. And this often becomes a kind of engine for them. And if they direct their energy correctly, they will be able to achieve good results in all areas of life.

Rabbit Woman "Cat" - Leos in love and relationships: Relationships are often not important moments in development for them. They can completely do without romantic feelings until they experience real emotions. In this case, they quickly give up loneliness and embark on a variety of relationships. This often leads to illegible connections. In relationships with one partner, they can be too infantile, which often leads to a breakup.

Rabbit Woman “Cat” - Leos in finance and career: The financial side of life worries these women especially much. They want to take a position that would give them a sense of stability. And this again becomes the engine for climbing the career ladder. At the same time, it is important for them not to lose these ideals so that development continues. Usually, with properly directed energy, they can achieve good career positions and financial well-being.

Rabbit Woman "Cat" - Leos in the family and marriage: Family relationships will be happy if these women think about starting a family in adulthood. In this case, their choice will be correct and balanced. In the family, they expect recognition from others, otherwise they will not be able to feel fully happy. And for this they simply need to become needed by their relatives. There are many ways to do this, but you need to choose only worthy ones.

Advice to the Rabbit “Cat” - Leo woman: If these women become more demanding of themselves, their lives can change radically. In a relationship, you need to find support in yourself, not in your partner. Then the true love that fate will definitely give to these people will not be wasted in vain. They are also advised to establish principles for themselves from which they cannot deviate under any circumstances. This will help them find a foothold for everything.

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Leo, born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Leo is the ninth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature stable, perceptive to past events and prone to fanatical hobbies.

The specialty of the Zodiac sign Leo is “ director" A person of this zodiac sign is capable of fanatically getting involved in his activities, aligned with the consumer demand of those around him. Leo lives by the principle: “ Love vs Pride" He tends to impose his needs and tasks on the interacting person. Leo is able to cross rules, laws and people to achieve what he wants. Leo is inclined to demonstratively manipulate people, exerting strong-willed pressure on them. Leo is demonstrably fair in words and actions, adhering to his authority, but is secretly inclined to do the opposite.

Eastern sign year of the Cat-Rabbit – 1903, 1915, 1927,1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059 .

The Year of the Cat-Rabbit forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the fifth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit are surrounded by relationships with people who impulsively absorb a lot of statistical attention, thinking about future processes and events. Regardless of the zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit has to participate in work processes in which interacting people occupy positions of specialists in the field “ statistics, jurisprudence and refereeing" Interacting people show variability in words and deeds during a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, show increased intuition in the direction of future events. People around you tend to impulsively show emotional mood. Interacting people in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit conduct relationships according to the principle of the Pisces zodiac sign: “ There are no barriers in life ».

Horoscope of Leo born in the year Cat-Rabbit.

This combination of signs manifests itself in a person through attractive, sometimes demonstrative behavior in relationships with people who are slippery in words and changeable in agreements. Leo influences the mood of the people around him with his initiative and dynamic will. In relation to competing people, Leo is inclined to use anger and strong-willed pressure. The Year of the Cat-Rabbit creates the conditions for analytical calculations and anticipation of future processes. Zodiac sign Leo, born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, is in circumstances in which he has to compete with people who often change their goals and are unpredictable in behavior. At the same time, he is able to involve others in solving his own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey a given person due to his connections in society, authority, power and his demonstrative ambition. Leo has a tendency to use other people's results and opportunities in circumstances. The Year of the Cat-Rabbit promotes relationships with people hungry for profit. Leo can be fanatically addicted to various pleasures and is prone to robbing others and violence in moments of anger. People of this zodiac sign take life seriously, perceiving everything according to external indicators. Leo is demonstrably responsible and, when exposed, capitulates immediately, without resistance. He is capable of breaking off in unbearable events, running away from those to whom he is obliged, hiding out of reach. Having found a solution, Leo appears again. This person overcomes the variability of the people around him, trying to use the foresight of those interacting.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Rabbit - Cat - Lion

Russian military and political figure Yunus-bek Evkurov.

Leo, born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, shows his “lion” essence in all its glory: aggressiveness, suddenness, selfishness, pride, but at the same time justice and openness. This person loves to take risks, and luck favors him. For the Rabbit-Cat-Leo, victories are not always easy, but he is persistent, tireless and hardworking, so he does not leave the work he has started unfinished, no matter how difficult it may be.

Rabbit-Cat - Leo - man

Rabbit-Cat - Leo - a man is smart, purposeful, brave. This person cannot be stopped on the path to his dream; he will persistently move forward step by step through incredible difficulties, if any. A Leo man, born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, selflessly serves his work, having chosen a certain path for self-realization; he is unlikely to ever decide to dramatically change the scope of his activity for the sake of material or any other benefit, therefore such a person is highly valued at work and is in demand specialist. The Rabbit-Cat-Leo man is not the easiest partner for a family union. He has a high standard for his chosen one, it is important for him to feel a sense of pride in his partner, therefore it is necessary that the chosen one be beautiful, smart, and intelligent.


The Rabbit-Cat-Leo woman is extravagant, interesting in appearance, and has a strong character. This woman loves to be in public, loves to catch other people's gazes, strives to always be in the center of attention, and the methods of attracting attention can be very different. In her work she is pedantic, serious, and self-realization is important to her. In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rabbit-Cat-Leo woman needs constant praise and attention. She longs for complete worship and fulfillment of all her whims. If the couple has a harmonious relationship, where the Rabbit-Cat-Lioness feels loved and happy, then she will fully reveal her potential as a good housewife, a loving wife and a caring mother.

Rabbit-Cat-Leo is a rather ambiguous combination. For him there is no middle ground - it’s either everything or nothing. To love - with all your heart, to work - until you sweat, to rest - to the fullest. This is a maximalist at its core, full of sincerity, honesty and kindness for loved ones and friends, and the complete opposite for those on the other side of the barricades.

Leo born in the year of the Cat

Leo-Cat looks surprisingly calm, such an impression is often deceptive, but behind him lies enormous potential for great achievements. People of this combination openly talk about their desires and have a good-looking appearance. Leo-Cat practically does not know how to limit himself in anything. Such a Leo, like his other relatives, is prone to egocentrism, but in this combination he compensates for it with generosity and manners.

Regardless of gender, people born under these signs are beautiful, sensitive, calm and organized individuals. Their character is soft, but not meek. They are gentle and have excellent control over their character.

Leo-Cat undoubtedly has charisma, but does not strive to constantly be the center of attention. Thanks to this balance, people of this combination are often ambitious and successful in life. They are serene, and their serenity is charming and attractive, not demanding. They achieve what they want quietly and calmly, without unnecessary fuss and noise. At their core, they are hardworking and patient, know how to convincingly express their thoughts, and have excellent communication skills. It is thanks to all of the above that they make excellent workers in almost any field of activity.

The Leo Cat will also be an excellent partner in family life - they are helpful, attentive, and ready to protect their home and family. They have excellent intuition, are sensual, however, they offer their help only when asked for it. The Leo Cat is an excellent adviser; thanks to their innate sense of tact, their advice is always taken into account. Such people always have many friends and acquaintances around them; they can hardly be called loners.

Leo, born in the year of the Cat, knows how to love and appreciate; throughout their entire life, they are looking for friends who could admire them and a lover who needs to be loved and appreciated. Thanks to these qualities, Leo-Cat is not as trusting as other Leos and is often cautious.

People of this combination need a lot of time to rest and recuperate; if there is not enough rest in their lives, they become irritable and grumpy.

This combination is truly amazing; even without sufficient strength, the Lion-Cat can make the decisive throw. When such a person does not particularly value moral principles, he becomes cunning.

A cat born under the sign of Leo is quite selfish and rarely interested in the opinions of others. Although in general, representatives of this combination are not aggressive and safe. They know how to be popular and in demand.

Leo-Cat's hobbies are quite extravagant. They often choose strange and extraordinary professions and hobbies. Such a person does not see prohibitions; he is able to work above the norm. Such people often make good advertising managers or image makers. To some extent they are adventurers.

Leo Cats endlessly require new, fresh emotions, which is why they often change the scenery. In personal relationships they are fickle.

Leo Rabbit - man and woman, horoscope and characteristics of the year

Years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Leo Rabbit (Cat) - characteristics of compatibility of sign and year

Leo lives by the energies of emotions, which he immediately, without having time to really feel anything, turns into actions. He is a realist and knows his worth. But if the price is acceptable, it stops changing reality, because when he feels good, everything is already good. Unburnt energy and feelings are directed towards lazy bliss, sports, sex and self-love.

The Rabbit (or Cat) is sophisticated but realistic, unemotional but intuitive. He only strives to gain feelings, but contemplative existence, to which the Cat is so disposed, is more to his taste than the active “doing” of events. Therefore, everything is in order here with realism and bliss, but otherwise, internal contradictions are guaranteed for Leo-Cat.

And then the Cat, following his unconscious existence, becomes the most fearless fighter of the entire eastern zodiac. He begins to fight for his freedom, because, feeling physically free, he is able to be anyone and live as best he can. Thus, Leo and Cat are either lazy sybarites or active heroes in turn, but each for their own special reason.

So Leo-Rabbit is cold rationality, emotional storms, and indispensable love for his own person, which he will cherish, cherish and please - not because he is bad, but because he is like that! And yet, in the series of events, Leo wins, and Leo-Cat is a man of action. His actions help to gain a sense of freedom and freedom of feelings. Leo is ready to command, dominate or take under his wing, and the Cat is ready to deceive, cunning, and be tough towards the weak.

Leo-Cat is a sentimental realist and a sensitive self-lover! He also wants to reign, and for this he uses either harsh methods or subjugates people, using his talents in the field of mysticism, intuition, and the occult. Therefore, this is a Leo, who, on occasion, does not disdain the “cat” habits of a small predator. Among other traits, we note the ability to transform, acting and observation. Not all Lions are Cats

heroes and fighters. The contemplative and intuitive Cat turns his Leo into a hero for an hour, a performer of the role of heroes or a life writer of other people's exploits. You may be surprised, but Leo-Cat excels most in two areas: acting and writing. The Cat's love for secrets and mysticism brings additional nuances to this astrological alliance.

Horoscope of Leo-Cat (Rabbit) man

Simon Bolivar - liberator of South America from Spanish colonial rule. Bolivar was born into a wealthy family, traveled a lot in his youth, and upon returning home to Venezuela, he joined the rebels. Soon Venezuela became an independent republic, but not for long. Bolivar emigrated. His indomitable spirit was not broken, he issued the “War to the Death” decree, led the liberation movement and won victory after victory.

But Bolivar's Republic fell. Emigration followed again and again preparations for battles followed. This time, Bolivar promised freedom to the slaves, and his new army defeated the Spaniards, and he himself became president of Colombia. But he didn’t stop there, liberating Peru, Argentina and Bolivia at the same time. However, his good impulses to free people remained impulses - the landowners did not want to give up their power. Bolivar eventually gave up the title of president and died in poverty.

The thirst for personal freedom was at first tempered by the struggle for the independence of others, and when this was achieved, Bolivar no longer knew what to do. He is the hero of one idea.

Life writer John Galsworthy is the author of The Forsyte Saga, a chronicle of the life of several generations of a bourgeois family. Galsworthy is a prominent representative of the literary era of the “great novel.” John was born into a wealthy family of lawyers, and he himself decided to become a lawyer and entered Oxford. And then he undertook a round-the-world sea voyage. During the cruise, Galsworthy came to the conclusion that jurisprudence is a false science, and decided to study literature. Following the first collections of stories under a pseudonym, the first part of the Forsyte Saga was published in 1906. Suddenly rich, the Forsytes try to increase their fortune, and Galsworthy exposes the depravity of their lifestyle and morality. In 1929, the saga was published in full. The writer was also interested in writing plays, also accusatory.

Galsworthy's novels were close to readers because they were perceived as absolutely realistic, taken from life. This is something the life-writer-Cat (like a Cat-scientist) masterfully masters! Following fame, oblivion came to Galsworthy, and he was rediscovered after the death of the author.

Let's start with the art of illusion. There are a lot of Lion-Rabbits here. Director and film critic Peter Bogdanovich (“The Last Picture Show,” “Targets”); directed by Wes Craven (“A Nightmare on Elm Street”). Among the (very talented) actors, many play the roles of heroes: Nikolai Cherkasov embodied on the screen the images of tsars, princes and even one Baltic deputy (“Alexander Nevsky”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “Suvorov” “Man with a Gun”); Pavel Kadochnikov played in the films “The Tale of a Real Man”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “Tiger Tamer”; Vladimir Konkin is famous for his images of the mythical romanticized personalities Pavka Korchagin and Volodya Sharapov (“How the Steel Was Tempered”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”); actor, former author of scandalous reports, Stanislav Sadalsky (“Say a word for the poor hussar”) demonstrates enormous and all-consuming love for himself.

We also have: Ivan Dmitriev (“Striped Flight”, “Wagtail Army”); director and actor Martin Brest (“Scent of a Woman”).

Another strong point of Leo-Cat is writing. Don't believe me? Yes, there are only great and famous people here! Author of many historical romantic novels, Walter Scott (“Quentin Dorward”, “Rob Roy”, “Ivanhoe”). The writer's entire life was spent in debt and writer's bondage. He is extremely romantic, but the romanticism of his heroes easily coexists with the prose of life and the realism of the narrative. Scott hated his craft as a writer, but he wrote like a machine, using the (Mystic Cat) method of automatic writing. Writer Herman Melville (adventure novel Moby Dick) depicted “the struggle of will (Lion) and intellect (Cat) with evil.”

His work is "a tragic attempt by a strong personality to defy fate." Knut Hamsun (“Hunger”, “Juice of the Earth”) depicted the “individualistic rebellion of the individual against the world” (the freedom-loving Cat). This did not prevent the author from collaborating with the fascists based on pragmatism and “lion” vanity. Lev-Cat simply reaches out for power. Let's not forget to mention other everyday life writers: Boris Pilnyak and Ales Adamovich.

In politics and military affairs, Lion-Cats also find their place: Prime Minister of Italy, head of the European Commission Romano Prodi; Australian Prime Minister John Howard; Deputy Gennady Raikov; general, Cossack ataman Alexander Dutov; leader of the Mexican revolution Emiliano Zapata.

Lion-Cats walk through life with a song: Mikhail Matusovsky (“Moscow Nights”, “School Waltz”); songwriter Lev Oshanin (“The Volga Flows”); composer-songwriter Valentin Levashov (“Nightingales of Russia”). From the new formation of songwriters, we mention musician and public figure Bob Geldof, guitarist and singer of the Metallica group James Hetfield.

Among the Lion-Rabbits are expressionist artist Emil Nolde, architect Fyodor Shekhtel (Moscow Art Theater building), navigator William Bruce, football player Alexander Starostin, cosmonaut Valentin Ryumin, surgeon, politician, public figure Svyatoslav Fedorov, TV personality and producer Ivan Demidov.

There is also a religious figure, hermit, ascetic, wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov (“I gave myself up to the Lord, therefore, he knows better what to do with me”) and his antipode - a rogue from psychiatry, organizing health sessions on television and in stadiums Anatoly Kashpirovsky. Who else should study the occult sciences, extrasensory passes and shamanic rituals, if not the Cat and his closest relatives, the Pigs and the Goats? And the desire to command people, inherent in Leos, in this particular case leads to such a clear transformation.

Horoscope of Leo-Rabbit (Cat) woman

Women of this astrological family are noticeable, active, and businesslike. Great vital energy, will, self-confidence, combined with intuition and pragmatism, allow them to achieve a lot.

Playboy star and wife of magazine publisher Hugh Hefner, Kimberly Conrad. Mrs. Conrad tried to push Hefner's daughter out of her first marriage and take control of the empire into her own hands, but the marriage was dissolved due to “difference of interests.” There are many actresses among the Lviv-Cats: Irina Dolganova (“And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”), Irina Skobtseva (“War and Peace”), Natalya Belokhvostikova (“Tehran-43”); There are also quite a few singers: Tori Amos, Natalya Lapina, Whitney Houston. There is model and actress Charlize Theron, model Lisa Kudrow and US President Carter's wife Rosalynn Carter.

Avdotya Glinka is a poet, prose writer and translator. After the death of her father, she moved to live on her Tver estate and met the exiled Fyodor Glinka there. Avdotya fell passionately in love with him and in 1831 decided to “give her hand to a man who was also surrounded by unfavorable circumstances for him.” The couple settled in Orel, and then lived in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Contemporaries noted in her religious obsession and intolerance, arrogance and “German” appearance and taste. She did not adhere to any of the modern trends in literature, but did not shy away from communicating with writers. Moreover, the lady sought to actively influence their creative development and worldview.

Avdotya was devoted to the interests of her husband and together with him in the 1850s she became interested in spiritualism. She was also involved in charity work.

Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled) is an adventurer, adventurer and writer. At the age of 16, she married a 42-year-old court councilor, Erivan vice-governor Nikolai Blavatsky (she deceived the public about what a 70-year-old general was).

After the wedding, by mutual agreement, the spouses separated without formalizing the divorce. Elena went abroad, traveled around Europe, America, India and China (it is not known for certain where and how she traveled - hoaxes were her strong point). However, having achieved nothing, the woman returned to Russia. She lived with her aunt, opened an ink factory and an artificial flower shop. But trade did not go well.

And then, in 1860, Elena began organizing spiritualistic seances. In 1864 she went to Egypt and again traveled around Europe. In 1872, she returned to Russia, addressed a letter to the head of the HI department, offering her services as an international agent: “During these 20 years, I became well acquainted with all of Europe... with all the outstanding personalities of politicians of different powers... Being engaged in spiritualism, I became known as a strong medium ... I repent that three-quarters of the time the souls ... responded with my own - for the success of my plans - words and considerations. Rarely, very rarely, through this trap have I failed to learn from people... their hopes, plans, secrets,” “I have played all the roles, I am able to imagine myself as any kind of personality...”.

The III Department rejected Blavatsky's proposal. In 1873, she seemed to have received an order from a secret Teacher to immediately sail to America. There Lena met the occultist and spiritualist Olcott, began publishing articles on spiritualism and founded the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky declared her goal to restore the knowledge lost by modern times of the hidden forces of nature known in antiquity, to develop a “universal religion” and through it to achieve the brotherhood of man. The vain couple went to India.

Blavatsky headed the Theosophical Society, whose members were supposed to study the mysterious supernatural phenomena of nature. She was engaged in organizational and publishing activities. Of course, it was a comical sight when an aging lady of small stature and weighing more than 100 kilograms convinced her followers of the spiritual path and other limitations of spirit and flesh. In 1884, Blavatsky returned to Europe; in the same year, employees of the Colomb wife’s society made public a number of Blavatsky’s letters. The revelations were widely commented on in the press, but for some reason they were forgotten.

Tiger cat. It will go through life's journey with its claws extended.

Eastern horoscope- Cat/Rabbit

Zodiac horoscope- A lion

Sometimes deceptively calm, Leo Rabbit is potentially capable of great achievements. These people openly express their desires, they are colorful and attractive. Leo-Rabbits find it difficult to limit themselves. Their tendency towards self-centeredness and pomp is compensated by decent manners and generosity.

The combination of a Leo cat man or woman creates a wonderful personality who is highly sensitive, surprisingly calm and organized. These are people with a gentle character, but not meek. They are gentle and have great control over their character, and are not prone to confrontation.

The Leo Cat is a charismatic person, but at the same time does not like to be the center of attention. This combination creates quite ambitious people who usually succeed in life. Their serene persona is charming and friendly, not very demanding. These people like to find their own path without much effort, without fuss. They are patient and hardworking and speak in a persuasive manner and are therefore good communicators. This plethora of abilities makes them ideal workers in many fields.

In family life, they tend to be helpful, attentive, protective and even overly proud of their home. These people have intuitive sensitivity and understanding of other people's feelings, but offer their help only when asked for it. They know how to give advice very tactfully. These people are not loners, they like to have many friends around them. They love to communicate and enjoy helping others.

If you want to be loved and appreciated, these are the people you need. Throughout their lives, they are looking for friends who will admire them and a soul mate who needs to be loved and appreciated. This combination makes people who are not as trusting as other Leos, so they are quite cautious at times.

If they do not get enough time to rest, they become grumpy and irritable, and can show aggression. To minimize this weakness, they should get good sleep.

The diffusion in the combination of the lion and rabbit is amazing. Not a lion yet, but no longer a cat. Something in between, more like a lynx. Having a lot of ambitions, the lion rabbit is capable of a sudden attack even with a lack of strength. This is a very wayward cat, and if his willfulness is not burdened by moral principles, he is very cunning and can be dangerous. Fortunately, this does not always happen - the craving for natural cat laziness wins.

The lion cat is quite selfish and is not always interested in his surroundings. The Leo Rabbit man, due to the qualities listed above, turns on aggressiveness only in cases of extreme necessity. At the same time, he knows how to be popular - without extra effort he is able to win over not only individual people, but also a team and even masses of people.

In their hobbies, Lion rabbits, especially women, are very extravagant. The range here is quite wide - from strange professions and hobbies to difficulties in your personal life. In business, this cat’s ability to do a lot sometimes has no limits. He does not always consider it possible for himself to have at least some prohibitions. They make at least ideal advertising managers or image makers. But the desire for adventure is a double-edged sword. Predisposed to good luck at the beginning of life, in the second half of its life, lion cats do not avoid disappointments.

A penchant for vivid emotions requires such people to constantly change the scenery. Therefore, one should hardly expect constancy from them in personal preferences and attachments. Unless the lion rabbit is completely lazy.