Libra Dragon man in a relationship with a woman. Libra born in the year of the Dragon: characteristics and compatibility

Character of Dragon - Libra men: They are real intellectuals who grasp information on the fly and know how to calculate all moves well. Therefore, already in their youth they can achieve a lot and have a good income. But this is provided that they strive for improvement, a higher position, and not indulge in entertainment and indulge their whims and laziness.

These men are easy-going, love an active lifestyle and do not want to sit in one place. If they get excited about an idea, they can quickly implement it without spending a lot of time on its implementation. They are also good speakers and excellent leaders. With their speech, persuasiveness and indisputable facts, they can set men in a positive mood and force them to follow them.

Dragon men - Libra in love and relationships: Building relationships with them is far from easy. They do not like trials, showdowns and wasting time on conversations. They cannot be put under pressure, since even when they are in love, they will choose freedom and relaxed relationships on the side. Difficulties are created by their explosive nature and incredible stubbornness. Then they stop listening to anyone and can say a lot of bad things.

Dragon men - Libra in finance and career: These are men who are confident in their abilities, who are always collected and can easily prove that they are right. From a young age, they choose one activity in which they will constantly improve and gain professional experience. But, even having reached a high position and position, they rarely suffer from “stardom” and are ready to help and share their experience and knowledge with newcomers.

Dragon men - Libra in family and marriage: When married, they rarely look soft and fluffy. These are men who will do everything their own way and not take into account the opinions of their partners. But there are also positive aspects to such relationships. They are ready to take responsibility for financial and other issues, and their companions will be able to feel like they are behind a stone wall. They establish good relationships with children, but demand complete obedience from them.

Advice for Dragon-Libra men: These are difficult men, but along with negative qualities they also have positive ones. At heart, they often remain naive and simple-minded children with whom one can walk the path of life together. But seeing these qualities is only possible if you fully accept others. You need to be patient and try to become a friend with whom they will share all their experiences.

Years: 1916; 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012; 2024.

The Dragon in combination with Libra becomes the most graceful, well-mannered and stylish. This man is very handsome and has refined manners. The Dragon has strong energy. Under the influence of Libra, he becomes more peaceful and calm.

The pronounced features of Libra-Dragon include the following:

  • intelligence;
  • good nature;
  • pliability;
  • attractiveness.

A representative of this combination of signs does not like quarrels and conflicts. Only in case of a strong threat will he enter into confrontation. In cases where something disturbs the safety and peace of his loved ones, he can become completely uncontrollable and brutally deal with offenders. In anger, this person is relentless and merciless.

This combination of signs often gives rise to creative people. These two signs are a great complement to each other. As a result, a person perfectly combines rationality, activity, idealism, perseverance, sociability, ambition and pliability. Such properties are harmoniously intertwined in it and contribute to the implementation of the plans.

As a rule, romantic relationships with Libra, who were born in the year of the Dragon, develop safely and in a balanced manner. Life together with this person is characterized by ease and ease. He is loyal and understanding. Marriage for selfish reasons is contrary to his nature. From time to time, a representative of this combination of signs suffers from mood swings, but quickly copes with them. He is a loving, caring and sympathetic partner who highly values ​​ardor and passion in relationships.

Libra-Dragon: general characteristics

Libra-Dragon cannot indifferently pass by someone who needs help

There is a lot of mysterious and inexplicable things in Libra-Dragon. He attracts those around him. In any society, all attention is focused on him, although the person does not strive for it. Usually he lives his own life and will not interfere in other people's affairs without asking.

He is so kind-hearted and sympathetic that people constantly turn to him for help. Often, a representative of such a combination of signs becomes a hostage to this situation. He likes a closed lifestyle, however, those around him deprive him of his hope for solitude. Increased attention becomes a burden to him. For this reason, a person sometimes changes his social circle, because he has a strong need for solitude. He likes to use his own thoughts to analyze what is happening and decide how to act in the future.

It combines closeness, balance and rationalism. Sometimes Libra-Dragon is characterized by excessive frankness and straightforwardness. But it is precisely this feature that becomes the distinctive feature of such a person. And this property distinguishes the opposite sex.

A representative of such a combination of signs is quite self-centered, therefore he is not at all interested in politics, public opinion and the needs of people. At the same time, he is very popular with others and knows how to adapt to any circumstances. If he is in the mood, then he shows sensitivity, gentleness and kindness. The person is generous and capable of responsibility.

It's always interesting to be in his company. However, he will not become close to everyone. Usually the Libra-Dragon needs those closest to them. A representative of this combination of signs should not show disdain or make fun of him. He will certainly harbor a grudge and, if necessary, will take cruel revenge.

His life is filled with pleasures, freedom and active use of the benefits of the material world. This person will never be satisfied with what he already has. He selflessly strives for the best and brightest life. This attitude does not mean that he is fiercely fighting for the most convenient position for himself. The secret of Libra-Dragon's success lies in the complete absence of obstacles and difficulties on the road he has chosen.

A representative of this combination of signs is able to realize himself professionally in many areas. He has many qualities that help him become a high-quality employee in any field. In addition, he is honest and principled. But it is worth considering that excessive straightforwardness sometimes complicates career growth.

This man has no shortage of admirers. The opposite sex senses his frantic sexual energy and strives to build a relationship with him.

Libra-Dragon Woman: Characteristics

Family values ​​occupy an important place in the life of a Libra-Dragon woman

Libra bestows a woman with harmony, attractiveness and sophistication. She is beautiful and charming. The dragon gives her inner power, self-confidence and perseverance. The Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, has a balanced character. She looks at what is happening positively and believes in her strength. She knows her own potential, which she skillfully applies and reveals.

The fundamental characteristics of a Libra-Dragon woman include:

  • beauty;
  • grace;
  • durability;
  • optimism.

She objectively evaluates life, knows how to correctly set guidelines and is able to achieve what she wants. She likes to enjoy every day. A woman will not make too long-term plans. She has good makings of a leader. Sometimes she strives to defend her aspirations, desires and boundaries of what is permitted, which are not recommended to be crossed.

A Libra woman born in the year of the Dragon can realize herself in many areas. True, she doesn’t want to stand out from her colleagues. She copes with any tasks that seem incredibly difficult to others.

The team is located towards a representative of a similar combination of signs. But the negative characteristic of the Libra-Dragon woman is her unbridled temper. She loves adventure and innovation, so she needs endless movement and exploration of the unknown.

The Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, knows her own strength. However, she will not become arrogant. She is quite calm and modest. For this, those around her highly value her.

In romantic relationships, the Libra-Dragon woman tends to be overly honest, impetuous, emotional and picky. She wants to be looked after for a long time. She needs to open up and check the reliability of her chosen one. A woman approaches marriage very responsibly. She strives to fulfill her own responsibilities perfectly and bestows attention and participation on her loved ones.

She becomes an excellent housewife, a devoted wife and a caring mother who is ready to do a lot for the happiness of her household. For a Libra woman born in the year of the Dragon, family becomes a strong motivation for further achievements.

Libra Dragon Man: Characteristics

In everything that the Libra-Dragon man does, he puts a piece of himself into it and does it with complete dedication.

The Libra man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is intellectually developed and serious. He is erudite and able to easily assimilate the information received. He manages to predict the outcome of events.

The fundamental characteristics of a Libra-Dragon man include:

  • extraordinary mind;
  • eloquence;
  • leadership skills;
  • activity.

He is very active and is not able to sit within four walls. He quickly gets carried away by his next idea and always finishes the project he has started. The Libra man, born in the year of the Dragon, has good speaking skills. In addition, he can become an excellent leader. He easily convinces others and is able to motivate them.

For a representative of this combination of signs, someone else’s opinion is not of decisive importance. He won't ask for advice. He puts his soul and all his abilities into any activity, which enhances the business characteristics of the Libra-Dragon man. It is precisely these properties that help him, already in his youth, achieve unprecedented career heights and achieve complete financial independence. Of course, he should always set aside time to work on himself and have less fun, succumbing to idleness and laziness.

The character of a representative of such a combination of signs is somewhat specific and quite complex. Inside it, the energy that is characteristic of Libra is more manifested. And the activity and some rigidity of the Dragon is aimed at external activities. A person often feels uncomfortable because Libra strives for privacy. Such people need to carefully analyze, think about and balance everything. Only after this do they take action. But the Dragon brings endless chaos into life. A man needs to find a balance, learn to react quickly and change. He should take care of internal harmony, as well as external friendliness.

The personal life of a Libra man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is varied. It is not easy for him to start a serious relationship because he cannot decide what is more significant: family or professional fulfillment. But in life together, the Libra-Dragon man becomes a wonderful family man, a loving spouse and an attentive father. True, building an alliance with him is quite difficult. He won't tolerate pressure. And if a representative of a given combination of signs begins to be limited, he will immediately decide to break up.

He does not like to sort things out and waste time on conversations and proceedings. Problems in the family arise due to the explosive temper and irreconcilable tenacity of the Libra man, born in the year of the Dragon. But at the same time, he bears full responsibility for the material well-being of loved ones, and also deals with issues that arise. Every woman in such a relationship will feel protected and happy.

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Libra-Dragon is inherently original. A representative of two combined signs of the Western and Eastern horoscopes can simultaneously show flexibility and not give in to satisfying their egoistic needs, be persistent and moderate, show vanity and remain good-natured, and remain calm when stubborn. Neither a man nor a woman born in the year of the Dragon under the constellation Libra will definitely get bored.

General characteristics

In culture, the Dragon is the embodiment of something very energetically saturated and at the same time having a mystical aura. Idealism and selfishness are intertwined in this creature. His actions sometimes seem absurd. In combination with the sign of Libra, a person born in the year of the Dragon acquires a sense of inner balance. Dragons attach great importance to various symbols, ideas and fantasies. In some ways, they live in the world that they themselves created in their minds. This is also typical for Libra.

The air sign “cools down” the Dragon’s ardent desire for strong energy and makes it more understandable to the people nearby. Nevertheless, among Libra-Dragons one can less often meet technical people who are passionate about scientific research than those who are in the clouds of their own fantasies, splashing them out on this or that art - acting, writing, music.

Among the positive traits of Libra born in the year of the Dragon are the following:

  • they are brave and determined;
  • know how to maintain balance;
  • they know exactly what they want from life and move in a given direction;
  • know how to be diplomatic and conflict-free;
  • they are interested in new things, they are ready to introduce such things into their own lives;
  • achieve their goal persistently and judiciously;
  • intelligent.

Such people also have plenty of negative character traits:

  • they are self-centered and stubborn;
  • can be vindictive and vindictive;
  • vain and overly ambitious;
  • secretive;
  • They attach too much importance to the material side of life.

The mysteriousness of Libra-Dragons often makes them the center of attention of others, although representatives of this sign do not seek to attract attention to themselves. They tend to lead a solitary lifestyle, but they do not always succeed. They don’t meddle in other people’s lives, but their kind-heartedness leads to the fact that people often come to them for help.

This sometimes puts such people in an uncomfortable position, but it is difficult for them to refuse a request.

Positive and negative character traits of men

The Libra-Dragon man is a very interesting type. He is always new to those around him. At the same time, he is self-confident and does not assume excessive importance when communicating. Capable of generosity and responsiveness. Does not accept hypocrisy. He himself will never lie. It’s easier for him to remain silent than to tell a lie. He is inclined to trust people, but he cannot be called naive. He feels people well, understands the motives of their actions, but draws conclusions about them without words and does not show his awareness of others.

Thanks to great internal energy, such a person can work long and fruitfully. At the same time, fortune does not pass him by. He gets a lot in life thanks to luck. Libra brings to the character of such a guy the ability to maintain mental balance.

At the same time, the dragon's disposition sometimes makes itself felt, causing such a person to show impulsiveness and get excited.

Libra-Dragon men stand out for their intelligent manners. There is clearly a sense of beauty in them. Such people pay attention to detail and strive for perfection. It is a common belief among astrologers that the Dragon-Libra represents a harmonious combination of a soft and passionate nature. Such men are able to achieve the creation of order and justice. They know how to “resolve” conflicts, achieving normal relationships in the team. The dragon awakens leadership traits in them. Sometimes such men have to act tough.

Moreover, only those closest to him, who many times before have paid attention to the readiness to take a decisive step, hidden by a mask of coldness, can guess what the next action of such a person will be. Among the negative character traits of such a man are sullenness and tactlessness, which he can show when he is in a bad mood.

What you need to know about women?

By nature, the Libra-Dragon girl is confident in her actions, steadfastly endures the blows of fate and has enviable strength of character. She will remain an optimist even in a difficult life situation. Such a woman always soberly assesses what is happening, concentrates on what is most important and knows how to achieve happiness. Libra-Dragon is an adventurer by nature. She always needs to go somewhere, drive and swim, getting to know the big world that she has not yet had time to recognize. She usually has opportunities for such travel.

Such a woman is aware of the extent of her power, but this does not make her arrogant. She is more modest and level-headed than deserving the favor of the people around her. The Libra-Dragon woman is distinguished by her external attractiveness. She is graceful and has regal manners. Behind all this lies a fair amount of perseverance and energy given to her by the Dragon.

This lady’s hard work, curiosity, and ability to persuade can be envied.

She has her own opinion on everything. She will not allow anyone to invade her personal space. Thanks to analytical thinking, he reaches heights in any field, not allowing himself to retreat from any obstacles. The peculiarity of the Libra-Dragon woman is the ability to sacrifice herself for the sake of other people, be it a spouse, children, parents or just loved ones. Such ladies are responsive to praise and will do their best to make someone feel good. This behavior is convenient for others, but for the sign itself it is rather a disadvantage, since in caring about others its representative forgets about herself.


In friendship, Libra-Dragons are quite selective, although their social circle is quite large. Their good energy attracts people. In Libra-Dragons, others feel a reliable shoulder.

In difficult situations, when everyone will give up on solving the problem, the Dragon will continue to fight the circumstances for the sake of a friend and will come out of the situation with dignity.

Family and relationships

If we talk about a Libra man born in the year of the Dragon, relationships with women find him on their own. He makes almost no effort to do this, but he himself attracts the attention of the ladies. He may be interested in a woman who shows her intelligence and reveals the depth of her inner world. In the understanding of Libra, a candidate for the role of a wife must be predictable in her actions, be an open person and knowledgeable about economic matters.

Being selfish by nature, such a man will expect emotionality from a woman, but he himself will be able to respond not with a fire of passion, but only with warmth. Only that representative of the fair sex who is ready to be satisfied with such a reaction will remain next to him. Although the alliance with the Libra-Dragon man turns out to be strong. There is nothing more reliable than the love of such a person. He will be able to support his wife for decades, while remaining an excellent partner in bed. For constant passion, he needs an undiminished interest in the woman’s personality.

Marriage for him is an expected event. But he is not inclined to start a family too early. Having reached a certain maturity, such a man can combine both love and sober calculation, which only strengthens the strength of family relationships. The house of Libra-Dragon will be calm and joyful. The wife will not have to worry that, tired of family life, the husband will go looking for adventures on the side. Such a person will be, although peculiar, a little distant, but a responsible and caring father.

The Libra-Dragon woman is straightforward in her relationships with the opposite sex. If she liked a guy, she won't beat around the bush, but will find out his name and address. The thought that she might be turned away at this moment does not occur to such a young lady. And it’s hard to refuse an attractive and assertive person. She herself chooses candidates for boyfriends very meticulously. She is not interested in fleeting relationships. If she seriously liked someone, she will be focused on a long-term romance, preferably with a continuation in the registry office.

If the young man passed the first test and received approval, Libra-Dragon will enter the active phase of hostilities to win the right to happiness. In a relationship with her loved one, she is interested in official marriage. Living under one roof without a stamp in her passport, stretching out for years, does not suit her. It is no coincidence that such a lady quite reasonably takes the initiative to promote love events into her own hands.

In marriage, Libra-Dragon takes household duties very seriously and creating exactly the kind of atmosphere that, in her opinion, should reign in the family circle. In order to provide for her children financially, the lady takes on any job, although she will also require family members to take on certain responsibilities and fulfill them clearly.

This woman will not ignore her husband’s concerns in his work, giving practical advice from time to time.


Libra-Dragon men can find application in almost any field. Such a person can be found among clergy, and among market owners, and in creative circles. They will not hang around in third roles, but will always push forward, not noticing their ill-wishers. Representatives of this sign approach any task with creativity, finding non-standard, sometimes risky ways out of the situation.

Such guys are suitable for the role of boss. Without arrogance or pathos, they lead the team, maintaining a healthy creative atmosphere in it. At the same time, it would not occur to anyone to be indignant at the fact that they rule with an iron fist. Strict discipline is one of the principles of such a leader. In the leadership field, Libra the Dragon is helped by his ability to speak convincingly, attracting allies to his side. Men clearly calculate their moves and can assess the success of an enterprise in advance, so even in their youth they are able to provide themselves with a stable income.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the dragon, zodiac sign Libra woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

This Dragon is the most sophisticated and intelligent; style, taste and quality are important to him. He knows how to manipulate people better than other Dragons. He can be indecisive and inconsistent, which, in general, is unusual for Dragons, but is typical for Libra. Libra-Dragon is stylish, elegant, and has a beautiful appearance and manners. Such a person is fair and unbiased in his judgments, and knows how to control his emotions.

These are very good people who easily understand other people, so they rarely criticize anyone. They hate violence and injustice of any kind, so they can often be seen in the role of peacemaker. These individuals are inclined towards professions where they can benefit other people.

Libra-Dragon is a flexible and creative person. After work, they will simply be happy to spend time with family and friends. Libra-Dragon loves to go shopping. They have excellent taste in colors and style and are interested in fashion. They love decorating and furnishing their home to perfection. These Libras tend to be impulsive buyers and can sometimes unintentionally waste money.

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A few disadvantages of the Libra-Dragon are that during periods of frustration, such a person can become sullen and ignorant. They may forget about their tact. Another drawback is that these people like to exaggerate, but this is not present in all Libra-Dragons. The Libra dragon is a friendly, peace-loving and good-natured person. He attacks only if there is danger to himself or loved ones. In such situations, the dragon of the zodiac sign Libra becomes unrecognizable and unpredictable. In “peaceful times,” he prefers not to interfere in other people’s affairs.

The scope of applications of the dragon scales forces is very diverse. Honesty and high qualities, both human and professional, contribute to establishment in any new place. And even his frankness, which sometimes turns into incontinence, does not harm this, but rather evokes understanding. The sexual potential of Libra dragons is very high. This applies to both men and women, which attracts members of the opposite sex to them.

Dragon Combination

Libra – Dragon: Characteristics

People born under these strong signs never interfere in the affairs of strangers. They demand exactly the same model of behavior from others.

Responsibility and generosity are in their blood. Libra-Dragon attracts people to themselves like a magnet, it’s interesting to spend time with them. But they are not ready to let every person into their life, most often limiting themselves only to close people.

Libra Man – Dragon

The Libra-Dragon man knows how to concentrate on what is most important; he always does what he loves with great passion. This person does not need any advice, because he always gives his best.

For the Libra-Dragon representative of the stronger sex, it is very important that work brings not only income, but also moral pleasure.

On the personal front, everything is stable for such a man: he is a monogamous man who cares about his wife and children.

Libra Woman – Dragon

The Dragon-Libra woman is unusually emotional, although she tries to suppress them outwardly. The Libra-Dragon woman is capable of expressing herself in any field of activity, but she does not like to stand out in a team.

In relationships with the opposite sex, she is very selective and careful. She likes romantic courtship, in family life she is a faithful wife and a wonderful housewife.

Libra-Dragon is secrecy, rationalism and restraint. Such people prefer solitude, which helps them analyze the events that occurred at this stage of life.

Dragon-Libra (male): characteristics and secrets of personality

Astrological signs and the eastern horoscope are a great way to learn as much as possible about a person’s character remotely. By considering the sign of his horoscope, coupled with his year of birth, you can get a description of the person and, accordingly, a guide to action: how to attract him or how to interact with him.

For example, you can consider a combination of astrological and zodiac signs such as Dragon and Libra. The man whose characteristics are presented in the article will be viewed from different angles, in different social roles: as a partner, as a business person, as an individual. This makes it possible to understand the best ways to interact with it in different situations. The Libra Dragon (male), whose characteristics are presented below, is a model of an excellent combination of qualities.

People born in the year of the Dragon are distinguished, first of all, by their irrepressible vital energy. They manage to successfully do many things at the same time, they are not afraid of new beginnings and do not give in to troubles. The inner fire ignites passion in them, which becomes the embodiment of strength of character - the notorious core that every person, especially a man, needs.

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In contrast, the zodiac sign Libra is the embodiment of moderation, calmness, and the desire for harmony and balance. Libra men are born aesthetes; they are able to pay attention to any little detail, scrupulously building a picture of reality so that it is close to their ideal.

Thus, if you ask the question about which personality is the most harmonious from an astrological point of view, it is definitely the Dragon-Libra (man). The characteristic of this horoscopic tandem is the fusion of the passionate nature of the Dragon and the softness of Libra, which gives birth to a real golden mean of a person’s personality.

Work and career

The Dragon-Libra sign is definitely a creative people. This is confirmed by Libra’s natural inclination towards everything beautiful. These people know how to appreciate and, importantly, understand art like no one else.

The dragon, with its vital energy, may well take on a non-standard, unusual task. Having not met any competitors along the way, he will undoubtedly succeed in his chosen field. And having met, he will easily bypass them thanks to his ability to quickly make the most difficult and risky decisions.

But at the same time, the Dragon-Libra - a man whose characteristics reveal in him the personality of a “free artist” - can be an excellent leader.

Courtesy, honesty and delicacy characteristic of Libra will allow him to easily guess the slightest changes in relations between subordinates and resolve them. And the courage and certain firmness of the Dragon will become the reason for iron discipline in the enterprise entrusted to him.

Personal life

Dragon-Libra is a man whose characteristics indicate that he can attract more than one woman. He knows how to beautifully look after his chosen one; it is almost impossible to hear clumsy compliments from him or receive a ridiculous gift. Such a man will be courteous and affectionate with his chosen one, he will recognize her as an individual and will never give her zealous ultimatums or prohibitions.

At the same time, the Dragon’s energy gives him strong passion and, as a result, affection. If a man born under the sign of Libra in another year according to the eastern horoscope can choose a chosen one for a long time and meticulously and even after choosing doubt whether she is worthy of his love, Libra-Dragon is a man who, without hesitation, will plunge headlong into passion and will love your partner deeply for a long time and even throughout your life.

Thus, Libra-Dragon is a man whose characteristics say that he is a wonderful life partner, a talented worker and manager, an interesting and pleasant conversationalist.

Dragon - Libra

Russian singer Nikolai Baskov. Mexican director Guillermo del Toro. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. British singer and musician John Lennon. Soviet writer Nikolai Ostrovsky.

This person loves loneliness and does not let anyone into his inner world, at the same time does not interfere in the affairs of other people and never gives instructions. Libras born in the year of the Dragon are very responsible people, generous and kind. They have high moral qualities, so it is pleasant to deal with them. People are drawn to them, although Libra Dragons themselves rarely get close to anyone and generally allow few people into their lives.

Dragon Libra man

The Dragon-Libra man is serious, knows how to concentrate and is passionate about his work. This person does not depend on other people’s opinions and does not need advice - he does everything from the heart and gives his best. For a Libra man born in the year of the Dragon, it is important that work brings pleasure, so the choice of profession does not depend on status or income level. In personal relationships, this person is a monogamist who needs strong, stable relationships. He is a wonderful family man: a loving husband and a caring father.

Dragon Libra Woman

The Dragon-Libra woman is emotionally receptive, although outwardly she does not particularly show her emotions. She knows how to sincerely empathize, and is ready to lend a helping hand if necessary. This woman will be able to prove herself in any field and can cope with any job, although in a team she does not like to stand out particularly among the other employees. In relationships with men, the Dragon-Libra woman is careful and selective. She needs long-term courtship in order to be able to reveal herself and be convinced of the reliability of her partner. In family life, this woman is an excellent housewife, a faithful wife and an attentive mother.

Dragon-Libra is rationalism, secrecy, analysis of what is happening around. Such people need to be in solitude from time to time, thoughtfully analyze events and weigh which of several paths is the most optimal.

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Libra, born in the year of the Dragon

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Libra is the tenth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature logical, pragmatic and prudently strong-willed.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Libra is “ strategist, minister, diplomat" A person of this zodiac sign is able to dispassionately carry out his own and general tasks. Libras live by the principle: “ Everything in life will be useful" They tend to calculate everything, benefiting from every action or relationship. Libra is capable of invisibly manipulating people and work processes. Libra is effective in self-control and control of loved ones, interacting people and their resources. Libras are demonstrably fair in words, adhering to their own interests. They communicate only on topics that are beneficial and useful to them. Libras defeat competitors with absolute lack of perception, cold cruelty, or insensitive methods.

Eastern sign Year of the Dragon – 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060.

The Year of the Dragon forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the twelfth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Dragon are in relationships with people who are prudent due to their experience, business maximalists who strive for power. Regardless of the Zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Dragon has to participate in work processes in which interacting people predominantly occupy positions “ presidents and heads of public associations" Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Dragon in order to use his authority in their plans or take advantage of his resources. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Dragon, show increased logic, pragmatism and perseverance. People interacting with this person conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Aquarius: “ Show people their face ».

Horoscope of the sign Libra, born in the year Dragon.

This combination of signs is manifested by balanced behavior, a cold sparkle in the eyes and active sociability, with the benefit of a person who develops relationships with people who exhibit dictatorship and “dry” logic. The zodiac sign Libra influences the mood of the people around them with its selfishness and indifference. Libras tend to use cruelty and “dry”, inhumane logic in relationships with people. The Year of the Dragon creates arrogant conditions with interacting people who have strategic views on life events and a cruel, sadistic, inhumane attitude towards people in work and interpersonal processes. The Zodiac sign Libra, born in the year of the Dragon, overcomes the frequent dictatorship shown to him by the people around him. He is able to involve the surrounding masses of people in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey a given person due to his connections in society, power, cold, dispassionate reason and cruelty. Libras have a tendency to use other people's results and opportunities in circumstances. The Year of the Dragon promotes relationships with people who demand much more than they give themselves. Libras are addicted to various pleasures, they are voluptuous, and when threatened they can immediately resort to violence. A person of this zodiac sign is an arrogant atheist. Libras are responsible to the sources of their income. They are capable of breaking off when the benefits in a relationship are lost. Libra's policy is simple, it is based on advantage/disadvantage. The Year of the Dragon imbues this person with high-speed relationships and global scale of affairs. Interacting people provoke the zodiac sign Libra towards maximalism. When achieving what they want in a relationship, interacting people tend to behave as if the person in question owes them.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Horoscope Libra-Dragon

According to the horoscope, Libra-Dragon is a person who has a keen sense of beauty and style. Intellectuals by nature, they understand quality things and get along wonderfully with people. Sometimes he shows indecision, which prevents him from solving life’s issues.

The shortcoming in the character of Libra-Dragon can be called their rudeness and harshness. But they are like this only at the moment when they are seriously upset about something. They tend to exaggerate slightly.

Libra-Dragon is a peaceful, kind and well-mannered person. If he fights back against someone, it is only in case of danger. Especially if she threatens their family and loved ones. Then Libra-Dragon shows itself unrestrained and aggressive. The attractiveness of Libra the Dragon is noticeable at the first meeting. They are always surrounded by people with whom they communicate kindly. Although, they also need privacy from time to time.

Horoscope for combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

year of the dragon zodiac sign libra woman

Disappointing Dragon. Be careful – looks can be deceiving!

Zodiac horoscope: sign Libra

This Dragon is the most sophisticated and intelligent; style, taste and quality are important to him. He knows how to manipulate people better than other Dragons. He can be indecisive and inconsistent, which, in general, is unusual for Dragons, but is typical for Libra.

Libra-Dragon is stylish, elegant, and has a beautiful appearance and manners. Such a person is fair and unbiased in his judgments, and knows how to control his emotions.

These are very good people who easily understand other people, so they rarely criticize anyone. They hate violence and injustice of any kind, so they can often be seen in the role of peacemaker.

These individuals are inclined towards professions where they can benefit other people.

Libra-Dragon is a flexible and creative person. After work, they will simply be happy to spend time with family and friends. Libra-Dragon loves to go shopping. They have excellent taste in colors and style and are interested in fashion.

They love decorating and furnishing their home to perfection. These Libras tend to be impulsive buyers and can sometimes unintentionally waste money.

Personal relationships with Libra-Dragon will in most cases be harmonious and easy to live with. They have mood swings, but they don't last long. If Libra-Dragon begins a long-term relationship, then they will be loyal and devoted. These symbols strongly believe in loyalty. In general they are very loving, respectful, sensitive and considerate.

A few disadvantages of the Libra-Dragon are that during periods of frustration, such a person can become sullen and ignorant. They may forget about their tact. Another drawback is that these people like to exaggerate, but this is not present in all Libra-Dragons.

The Libra dragon is a friendly, peace-loving and good-natured person. He attacks only if there is danger to himself or loved ones. In such situations, the dragon of the zodiac sign Libra becomes unrecognizable and unpredictable. In “peaceful times,” he prefers not to interfere in other people’s affairs.

Both Libra dragon men and women are too soft and kind-hearted. And thanks to these qualities, there is always a hidden attractiveness in them. They are very often surrounded by more people than they would like. Sometimes this weighs on the Libra dragon and forces him to make attempts to change his social circle. Or at least be alone for a while.

The scope of applications of the dragon scales forces is very diverse. Honesty and high qualities, both human and professional, contribute to establishment in any new place. And even his frankness, which sometimes turns into incontinence, does not harm this, but rather evokes understanding.

The sexual potential of Libra dragons is very high. This applies to both men and women, which attracts members of the opposite sex to them.

The combination of Libra and Dragon: characteristics of a man born under these signs

An unusual combination of character traits was endowed by the nature of men born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon: in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988 and 2000. Calm, reasonable Libra acquired fighting qualities. This does not mean that don’t feed the representatives of the sign bread, let them wave their fists. Libra is still a Libra and knows exactly when to take a fighting position and when to control the situation from a distance.

Usually, when trying to learn more about a person, they wonder what zodiac sign he belongs to. The characteristics of the Libra-Dragon man are multifaceted. If you want to see a person from all sides, in different manifestations of his character, be interested in him.

Description of the Libra-Dragon man

You can stay next to this person for many years, constantly discovering something new in him. He is contradictory - he amazes with his self-confidence and at the same time he is easy to communicate, responsive and generous. Libra-Dragon does not recognize hypocrisy in any form - in difficult situations it is better to remain silent than to lie. He is trusting, but by no means naive.

He understands people very well, but is not always ready to discover this knowledge and share it with others. Not lazy, nature has endowed him with remarkable energy and efficiency. In addition, he is a favorite among the stars, he is often lucky.

In addition, in difficult moments he does not need to pronounce Carlson’s spell to himself: “Calm, only calm!” - Libras have the ability to control their state of mind by nature. However, dragon nature sometimes makes a man act impulsively and ardently.

I wonder what Of all those born in the year of the Dragon, Libra stands out for its intelligence and sophistication, regardless of what type of activity they choose. They are aesthetes, do not neglect little things, and strive to get closer to the ideal in everything.

Astrologers believe that in the character of the Dragon-Libra, the stars have achieved a golden mean - combined passion and gentleness and got a harmonious personality.

Characteristics of behavior

Like true Libra, men of this sign try to create an environment of balance, justice, and order around themselves. They are often entrusted with the role of peacekeepers, and they, indeed, successfully resolve conflict situations and return peace and tranquility to the team. Draconic traits, in turn, push Libra towards leadership, and then they themselves have to join the fight and take tough actions.

In general, only the closest people can understand how a Libra-Dragon man will act in a given situation: Behind the feigned coldness there is often hidden a readiness to take the most decisive steps.

In love relationships and marriage

The intimate life of the Dragon, as a rule, is in the background. He himself is practically not looking for a relationship, but he is the object of increased attention from the fair sex. Rapprochement becomes possible if a woman manages to interest him in her spiritual world and intellect.

According to the horoscope, Libra-Dragon is an egoist: he expects bright emotions from his partner, and, according to the harsh assessment of some astrologers, he himself gives only smoldering coals in return. It’s good if a woman is ready for such a development of events, otherwise she would face disappointment and an inevitable breakup.

However, it is with a representative of this sign that you can create a very strong alliance: Libra’s love is reliable, it will be enough for many years of family happiness. By the way, in bed, men of this sign can be excellent partners, provided that they are interested in the woman as a person - then there will be a place for passion, tenderness, and bold experiments.

The Libra-Dragon marriage is treated as an event that must happen sooner or later. Moreover, the word “late” for this sign is preferable. In late marriages of Libra there is both love and calculation (there is nothing wrong with that), the family union turns out to be strong, the man maintains an atmosphere of calm in the house and (this may seem unexpected to some) a stable feeling of joy.

There is no need to talk about any betrayal to the wife at all. Yes and The father from Libra turns out to be ideal - loving and responsible. True, children sometimes have the feeling that dad treats them coolly, but this does not correspond to his true feelings. This is how he is a “conspirator”.

In work and finances

Men of this sign are successful in any profession. Whether they become artists, doctors, pilots, clergymen, politicians, shop owners, musicians, success accompanies them everywhere. “Vegetating” is not their story; they will always strive for the best, not paying much attention to competitors and envious people.

Libra brings an element of creativity to every profession.. They know how to find non-standard solutions, boldly take risks, and do not stop when they encounter difficulties along the way, because they will definitely find a way to overcome them.

They make good leaders: without humiliating their subordinates with arrogance (“they do not suffer from star fever”), maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the team, Libra-Dragons can at the same time be demanding and establish iron discipline in the enterprise entrusted to them. They have pronounced leadership traits; besides, Libras are, as a rule, good speakers, can be convincing and easily find allies.

Libra-Dragons are great at counting: like in chess, they see several moves ahead and can figure out whether the business they are being asked to take on is profitable. Thanks to this quality, many Libras achieve stable income already in their young years.

It is often said about men of this sign that they are stingy with friendship. They are truly solitary people: they do not allow strangers into their inner world and they themselves try not to interfere in other people’s affairs. However, it is not always possible to limit your social circle - Libra-Dragons attract others like a magnet: they are interesting, reliable, and they have a peaceful energy.

As a result, one “beautiful” day, the Dragon notices that the circle of people who consider themselves his friends has grown to critical sizes, and his most cherished dream becomes solitude, the desire to be alone with himself.

What kind of woman does he need?

Best for a Libra-Dragon man will develop a relationship with a woman who is distinguished by:

  • predictability in actions
  • openness
  • commitment to order (at home, in relationships, at work)

The dragon himself is not used to hypocrisy, so he will be uncomfortable next to a woman who says one thing and thinks another. It is also important for him that his partner is an outstanding person, so he will readily support her ambitious plans in terms of study and career, and he will not even be embarrassed if he himself remains in the shadows.

Libra-Dragon not jealous, but only because he considers betrayal to be something unnatural, and loyalty is unshakable. There is no need to dissuade him of this.

Compatibility with other signs

Best Compatibility Libra-Dragons with representatives of the fair sex and with business partners note if they were born:

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The Libra-Dragon sign includes the period from September 24 to October 23, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012. People born at this time are distinguished by their extraordinary attractiveness and charisma. Representatives of the connection possess these qualities by nature; they don’t even have to do anything in order to have numerous fans. They manage to captivate people who allow themselves to be manipulated.

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Libra-Dragon is a very original person; he organically combines radically opposite character traits: egocentrism and flexibility, perseverance and moderation, vanity and good nature, idealism and condescension, stubbornness and peace of mind. It is this constant feeling of stability and bold progressiveness that covers everyone who is nearby.

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      • General characteristics

        Libra-Dragon is the most balanced connection of all possible horoscope combinations. Libras strive to achieve harmony in everything; they are idealists and aesthetes who dream of changing life and making it beautiful in all aspects. They try to understand the world through trials and attempts, and are rarely confident in the correctness of their actions. The air sign is flexible and diplomatic; a person does not like categoricalness and tries to resolve all issues in a conflict-free way. At the same time, he lacks confidence and stability of thinking.

        The dragon has irrepressible energy, sometimes it is even excessive. He is distinguished by increased efficiency, ambition, and ambitiousness. A representative of the sign never backs down in the face of difficulties, does not panic in case of failures, and does not give up on his dreams. This magical totem animal contains many strong-willed character traits. The combination of Western and Eastern signs synthesizes the positive characteristics of a person, making him balanced and peaceful. He will be calm until he feels real danger.

        Positive and negative character traits:

        Libra-Dragon never remains idle, waiting for its fate in the distribution of happiness. He loves pleasure and is not going to deny himself anything. The representative of the sign acts actively, but intelligently, gradually overcoming obstacles (some obstacles disappear on their own), and always achieves his goal.


        Magic symbols and talismans include:


        In the 12-year cycle of the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon occupies the 5th position. It belongs to the male Yang sign, is associated with the element of Wood, and is a symbol of power and freedom. A child of this combination demonstrates a kind and active character from the first years of life. The baby grows up brave, decisive, energetic and inquisitive. He behaves like a wise adult. He rarely plays pranks, listens to his parents, and is diligent and purposeful. He tries to complete any task and never stops in the middle of the path, ignoring all difficulties and obstacles.

        At the same time, the child has his own point of view and fiercely defends it. He is an idealist, so he is very demanding of himself and those around him. One of the characteristic features of the Dragon is considered independence. The little man rarely asks for help and prefers to handle any task himself. He is always confident that he is right, rarely listens to the opinions of others and is unable to objectively assess his strengths. The kid is distinguished by his good nature and fairness, and constantly provides all possible assistance to friends and relatives.


        The Libra-Dragon man is charismatic and attractive. The planet of Libra, Venus, awarded the representative of the sign with softness, flexibility, diplomacy and lack of conflict, and the eastern Dragon added fighting qualities and determination, completely conquering the imbalance and uncertainty of the zodiac sign. This connection makes the guy active, decisive and good-natured. A high intellectual level of development allows one to assimilate a lot of necessary information, which is given to the air sign easily and quickly.

        The guy is able to cope with any task or achieve his goal much faster than others. He simply prefers not to notice his enemies and not to succumb to provocations. But if necessary, he will always be able to mobilize forces and strike back. The dragon is an excellent speaker; he manages to win over a large number of people to his side without much effort. He never uses prohibited methods and always acts openly and honestly.


        In relation to love, the Libra-Dragon combination gives preference to the Western characteristic. A man admires feelings and cannot live without them, but they are more superficial than deep. The guy is always surrounded by many fans, so he doesn’t have to look for anyone and choose, the women do it themselves. Libra prefers to first find an interesting interlocutor, and only then - a lover. A person is attracted to unusual girls who can surprise him. The man is always polite and friendly to everyone.

        He behaves similarly when he falls in love. The guy does not show emotions, never “loses his head”, and never forgets about his responsibilities. He is an egoist in love relationships, so he thinks only about his inner perception. A woman should be interesting to him, demonstrate original hobbies, achievements, and skills.


        For Libra-Dragon, a wedding is a common event that follows a certain period of relationship. Most often, the initiative belongs to the woman, since the man, deep down in his soul, tries to postpone official registration to a later date. The paradoxical thing is that it is with Libra the Dragon that marriages turn out to be especially strong.

        A man will never cheat, will value the benefits of family life (he loves comfort and care), and will take upon himself to ensure a joyful and positive home atmosphere. He doesn't put sexual relationships first. But if there is a spiritual relationship between the spouses, the man becomes passionate and ardent. He will gladly accept a woman’s decision to add experiments and innovations to their intimate life.


        Venus rewarded her representative with beauty, grace and refined manners, and DRakon gave persistence in achieving goals, self-confidence and irrepressible energy. A woman knows from a young age what she wants. Her hard work, versatility and curiosity can be envied not only by her representatives, but also by representatives of other star combinations. The girl knows how to behave in any society, has the talent of persuasion, always adheres to her point of view, and does not allow anyone to violate her personal space.

        Having a keen analytical mind helps Libra succeed in any endeavor. Any science is easy for a woman, she sets realistic goals for herself and successfully achieves high results (this happens much faster than with other signs). A strong character does not allow you to give in to life's difficulties, panic and dramatize. The girl knows how to solve a problem and find the optimal way out of the most difficult situation, since there are no obstacles for her.


        The Libra woman, born in the year of the Dragon, has been dreaming since her youth of a wonderful young man who will radically change her life. She is very selective and demanding of men, and is always committed to long-term serious relationships. When a girl meets a guy, she intuitively sees the prospect of further living with him.

        Having made sure that the man fully meets her requirements, the girl begins to take active action. She takes the initiative into her own hands, approaches, introduces herself, and begins to have a conversation. Her openness and straightforwardness captivates the guy; he does not expect such behavior from the girl.


        Libra-Dragon considers only a serious relationship with a man and strives for official registration. If everything happened exactly like this, the woman fully gets used to the role of a faithful wife. She puts her husband's interests first. The girl becomes an excellent housewife, decorates the house, and raises children. Libra always takes an active part in her husband's professional affairs, helping him with wise advice. She doesn’t really want to work after marriage, but if necessary, the woman will go to work along with her husband.

        The dragon is demanding of itself and others, so complete order will reign in the house. The woman herself will work on comfort and prosperity and will not allow her loved ones to relax. She gives herself completely to love, so she doesn’t even think about cheating. The girl demands similar behavior from her chosen one.


        Good compatibility with Rats; they and the Dragon have excellent mutual understanding on all issues. Alliances with Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius and Leo will be especially prosperous. There is a high probability of harmony with Monkeys, who are born under the signs of Gemini, Aquarius and Leo. There is a chance to build a happy life with Sagittarius-Roosters and Leo-Snakes.

        Libra-Dragons will not find mutual understanding with partners born in the year of the Cat and Dog, especially Capricorns, Aries and Cancers. Cancer-Ox is absolutely not suitable.