On the way to modern science. Scientific picture of the world

The scientific picture of the world acts as a theoretical idea of ​​the world. It carries out a synthesis of various scientific knowledge. It is visual, easy to understand, and is characterized by a combination of abstract and theoretical knowledge and images. The scientific picture of the world and its essence is determined by basic categories: matter, movement, space, time, development, and so on.

These basic concepts are philosophical categories. They have been considered by philosophers for many years and are among the “eternal problems.” However, these concepts are included in the scientific picture of the world not in a philosophical definition, but in a natural scientific one. Therefore, the scientific picture of the world is a synthesis of scientific and philosophical concepts in the form of a scientific worldview.

Excerpt from the text

What is the scientific picture of the world? To answer this question, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the terms “world” and “picture of the world.” The world is the totality of all forms of existence of matter; The universe in all its diversity. The world as a developing reality means much more than a person imagines at a certain stage of socio-historical development. The picture of the world is a holistic image of the world that has a historically determined character; is formed in society within the framework of the initial ideological attitudes. The picture of the world determines a specific way of perceiving the world, since it is a necessary moment of human life. In modern science, understanding the picture of the world occurs on the basis of the study of folklore and myths with the help of cultural, linguistic and semiotic analysis of collective consciousness. By picture of the world we most often mean a scientific picture of the world, which contains a system of general principles, concepts, laws and visual representations that determine the style of scientific thinking at a given stage of the development of science and human culture.

The concept of “scientific picture of the world” in philosophy appeared at the end

1st century, but a more in-depth analysis of its content began to be carried out from the 60s

2nd century. There are many definitions of the scientific picture of the world; it is still impossible to give an unambiguous interpretation of this concept, most likely due to the fact that it is somewhat vague and occupies an intermediate position between philosophical and natural science knowledge.

Knowing our picture, we know our basic motivations. And this allows us to build our lives so that everything we do is consistent with our basic views on the world. Then whatever we undertake will have a greater chance of success. After all when the head (consciousness) and heart (subconscious) work in unison, we are most effective. For example, if a person believes in karma and justifies all difficult circumstances with it, then he is forced to endure and bear his cross. Having understood this to himself, he can consciously choose a cross that will suit the innate nature of man. Then life will be more joyful, and perseverance in bearing the cross will allow you to achieve great success in your chosen field over time. And if in a person’s picture of the world the basic value is development, then any difficult life situation can be a task for self-development.

The picture of the world does not determine the way to solve life problems, but it answers the question “Why?” And the method is dictated by our nature, which is also worth recognizing and taking into account. If we leave everything to chance, we act chaotically and often destroy our harmony with the Universe. Therefore, the foundations of your perception of the universe should be formed consciously.

Awareness of the internal model of the world will not bring relief and will not fulfill desires, but it will show your illusions and delusions. And gradually, as you develop, you will be able to clear your picture of the world, maintaining the integrity of your personality. And this will make life happier and more creative.

What happens when we are not aware of our picture of the world

Since childhood, I have loved to come up with projects for myself. And when I graduated from college, I started trying to create different businesses. One such project was the sale of Chinese tea in colorful cardboard packaging with fantasy pictures and Taoist quotes.

I found a printing company, made a mold to cut out the boxes, drew 6 different packages with quotes, ordered tea from China and put it all together. When there was a box of my already beautifully packaged teas in front of me in the room, it was time to sell them. I took a few packs and went to the nearest yoga studio to offer them my tea. It didn’t work out for me, they didn’t need tea and I thought about it. There was emptiness inside me. Just a week ago I was passionate about this project, enthusiastically coming up with packaging, creating a website and studying competitors. But after the product was ready, the project ceased to interest me. And this is not the first time this has happened!

Before tea, there were 13 more business projects in which I enthusiastically created a product, but stopped after the turn of the routine came. Similar things happened in childhood, so I had my own answer to this... I believed that I liked to work with information, to study a new field of activity. And when I received knowledge that was interesting to me, there was nothing left in the project that could captivate me. But after I realized my picture of the world, I understood what was the matter... and after realizing my nature, I understood it even more deeply.

In my picture of the world, the meaning of life is to comprehend one’s Original nature and in the end to completely merge with it, thus freeing oneself from the need to be reborn in this world. That is, my basic values ​​are freedom and knowledge. This is what I like about the beginning of my projects - learning new things and freely creating new things. And when I was faced with the fact that I needed to start doing some routine things for me, then interest in the project faded. My consciousness believed that I needed money for self-development, and my subconscious was sure that I needed freedom and knowledge. When I reached a stage in the project, after which new knowledge ended and lack of freedom began, my heart protested. I started to feel lazy and empty, with no energy to continue the project.

Now that I understand all this, I need to build my life in such a way as not to deprive myself of freedom of creativity, to express my nature, which strives for miracles, and not to limit my knowledge. That is, we need such projects and such ways (forms) of interaction with the world that will not give rise to a struggle between my consciousness and subconscious.

I must admit that I am still learning to organize my life according to my nature and picture of the world. This is very unusual and strongly diverges from the hackneyed truths that are propagated in books and society. From time to time you need to overcome self-doubt, doubts and fears. I am still working on myself in this direction and cannot yet be an example :) But my mind and heart are still in greater harmony now than before.

Awareness of your death and overcoming fear

When we build our picture of the world, we are faced with a number of questions:

  • Where did the Universe come from?
  • What happened before she appeared?
  • What will happen after the Universe disappears?
  • Was I in this Universe before I was born?
  • What will happen after my death?

Essentially we begin to ask questions about the beginning of everything and the end of everything and about our personal beginning and end. In the Taoist picture of the world, we and the Universe are one. Therefore, all these questions are about the same thing :) The difficulty of self-knowledge is that we have a mortal part and an original one, this gives rise to duality. And the task of spiritual development is to restore unity within ourselves, and this, in turn, restores our unity with the Universe.

We are looking for something, and in the end, we are looking for God or something higher, primordial, omnipotent. Our answer to questions about death determines what our picture of the world will be. If a person does not want to answer these questions and drives away thoughts of death, then his picture of the world remains unfinished. Such a person is always looking for something, feels vague anxiety and internal incompleteness. He doesn’t know why he lives and constantly doubts his decisions. And if a person removes God or something original from the picture of the world, then he deprives himself of the beginning and end, deprives himself of a foundation and motive. Then, as you age, the burden of life increases, and you feel an inner emptiness. And going through personal crises, we complete or remake our model of the world in order to cope with thoughts of death. But it also happens that a person cannot cope with this and dies without ever finding his basis (the basis of the entire Universe).

And of course, By comprehending the Universe and creating a picture of the world, we also put our misconceptions into it. For example, many people believe that the meaning of their existence is development. By developing, we supposedly help God to know himself. A beautiful theory, but if we take into account that God is a perfect absolute, then he simply has nowhere to develop and nothing to know... Since any knowledge implies that we do not know something (and then God is no longer an absolute). When I first came across this idea, I walked around in confusion for several days because my picture of the world was destroyed. The foundation was knocked out from under my feet and I didn’t know why I was living :)

In the Taoist picture of the world, Tao has no goals in relation to me. But there is a path along which we leave the wheel of rebirth and can either go to live in the spiritual non-material worlds, or even surpass all worlds and merge with Tao. Well, when there is a path, it’s interesting to walk along it :) Moreover, this is a very unusual and magical road!

How to understand your picture of the world

When a child comprehends the world by asking questions, a huge network of various concepts and connections between them is built in his mind. And, sooner or later, the child realizes that everyone is mortal. Questions arise about the beginning and end of life. During this period, the basis of the built tree of the world (concepts and connections) begins to form. At the base lies something that is the beginning and the end. Therefore, in order to understand your picture of the world, it is important to realize precisely this foundation, since everything else follows from it.

The model of the world is always based on 3 concepts: I, the World and the Source of everything. All human decisions depend on the relationship between these basic concepts! Therefore, to understand your picture of the world, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who am I? Why did I choose this answer and why is it convenient for me?
  • Where am I? And who created all this or how did it all come about?
  • What is my relationship with the world and the source of everything? Am I part of the world or part of the source? Is there some original plan for me? If so, what is it? If there is no plan, then do I have any obligations to the world or the source, obligations of the world to the source and the source to me and the world?

Answers should be born in the heart, that is, come to consciousness from the void, and not be generated through complex thoughts! Our task at the first stage is to understand the picture of the world that already exists now. And then, we will engage in its restructuring and attunement with our nature. In the meantime, it is important not to come up with an answer, but simply to sincerely answer what arises in your mind. It's best to ask yourself a question out loud and write the answer down on paper so you don't forget anything.

Once you have your answers, it’s important to think about each one…why am I comfortable with this particular answer? For example, if I consider myself an immortal soul, then why is this convenient? Is there a conflict in my picture of the world? Or maybe my model of the world removes any conflicts from my life?

If the world was created, then what is the meaning of this creation? Is there a certain purpose for everything or certain promises and obligations of the participants?

What is inherent in your picture of the world is reality! This is important to realize and accept. The relationships that exist in the model between you, the world and the source of everything are reflected in all your relationships with other living beings! Everything in our lives that does not fit into our picture of the world will be considered garbage. We value only what is considered valuable in our picture of the world. For example, if in the picture of the world our task is to help others, and we work in a company that spoils the environment, we will be unhappy, even receiving huge amounts of money for our work! And for a long time such a person may not even understand what is eating him, why he feels dissatisfied with life, despite all the generally accepted attributes of success.

You can understand a lot about yourself by reflecting on your picture of the world and why it is the way it is (that is, why it is convenient for you). After all, all the bricks that make it up didn’t get there by accident! Each of the pieces was convenient for you at one time or another, explained life and promised hope, and therefore formed the basis of your understanding of the world. Having realized these nuances, you can see your illusions and fears, understand your basic motives and realize what kind of relationship you are in with yourself! Because our relationship with the source of everything and with the world is, in fact, our relationship with ourselves (since the world, we and Tao are one)!

Testing our understanding of the worldview

Since our values ​​flow from the worldview, we can use them to test our sincerity. Our ego constantly protects itself and we may lie to ourselves to appear better in our own eyes than we are. Therefore, it will not be superfluous if we check how accurately we formulated our model of the world.

To test, take the following values ​​and rank them in order of priority (most valuable to least valuable):

  • Love relationships between a man and a woman (sexual partners).
  • Family and close friends.
  • Money and material well-being.
  • Pleasure and relaxation.
  • Self-realization (for example, in a career or business).
  • Personal self-development (more mundane, skills, languages, personal effectiveness, etc.).
  • Spiritual self-development (aimed at virtuous qualities).
  • Health and sports.
  • Freedom and inner harmony.

If the list is missing some values, then add them. It is important that you get a clear sequence of the areas of life that are valuable to you.

Once your values ​​are prioritized, look at the 3 most important values ​​to you. They must be somehow reflected in your picture of the world! If this is not so, for example, in the picture of the world, the idea of ​​​​creating the world is for you to endlessly develop, and in your values ​​family, pleasure and relationships come first, then somewhere you lied to yourself :) And most likely, you distorted your picture the world in order to seem more correct to ourselves.

When I first took inventory of my values, I sincerely believed that in my picture of the world the main goal of life was spiritual development. But I was very surprised that the most valuable things for me were freedom, pleasure and self-realization. After such a re-evaluation, I was forced to admit that I was lying to myself about spiritual development. Yes, it is important to me, but it is not in the first place. And I adjusted my picture of the world, in which the realization of my nature became the more important goal of life, and spiritual development follows.

Theoretically, you can change your values, but not touch the picture of the world... But this, it seems to me, will give rise to an internal struggle with oneself. When I reach a new stage in my development, my picture of the world will automatically change and affect my values. In the meantime, it is important not to lie to yourself in order to realize what is.

After the picture of the world has become at least a little clearer, it’s time to start interpreting it. That is, reflect on it and think about where it leads. How to change your life so that it matches your model of the world. Such attunement will remove internal conflicts and bring harmony to your soul. But we’ll do this next time :) In the meantime, good luck and good health to you on your Path!

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Modern philosophical picture of the world


In all, without exception, philosophical systems, the reasoning of thinkers of any level of intellectual talent began with an analysis of what surrounds a person, what is at the center of his contemplation and thought, what underlies the universe, what the universe, the cosmos is, what things are made of and what are the phenomena occurring in their infinite diversity - that is, what constitutes the phenomenon of Being as a whole.

The concept of “Being” is one of the foundations of philosophy. Thinking about it is associated with stating the existence of the world. At the same time, it is obvious to a person that there are differences between the bodily shell and the spiritual world.

Over time, man began to think about himself, about his spiritual world. Any philosophical reasoning begins with the concept of being. The question of what being is is constantly present in any philosophizing. It arose along with the birth of philosophy, and will constantly accompany it as long as thinking humanity exists. This is an eternal question, and the depth of its content is inexhaustible.

Let's consider five fundamental questions of the philosophical picture of the world:

Modern formulation of the problem of “being”

Modern formulation of the problem of “matter”

Modern formulation of the problem of “consciousness”

Modern formulation of the problem of “cognition”

Modern formulation of the problem of “truth”

Modern formulation of the problem of “being”

The concept of “being” - in the broadest sense of the word, refers to the extremely general concept of existence. “Being” and reality as all-encompassing concepts are synonymous. “Being” is everything that is, that exists. These are material things, and all processes (physical, chemical, geological, biological, social, mental, spiritual), these are their properties, connections and relationships. The fruits of the wildest imagination, fairy tales, myths and even the delirium of a sick imagination - all this also exists as a type of spiritual reality, as part of “being”. The antithesis of being is nothingness. philosophy picture world

“Being” is the universe. The universe is an infinite number of objects of material or ideal (immaterial) nature, and this is what philosophers deal with. The universe is everything. Accordingly, philosophy studies everything. And the main task of a philosopher is to pose the question correctly.

Any problem has two aspects:

Ontological (what exists?)

Epistemological (how does it exist?)

The ontological aspect of the problem of “being”: everything exists (both subject and object of knowledge).

The epistemological aspect of the problem of “being”: everything can be known with varying degrees of verisimilitude.

Reality: objective and subjective.

Matter reflects objective reality, respectively, consciousness, as a subjective phenomenon, is immaterial, namely, ideal.

Subjective reality reflects the “I”, that is, the subject of knowledge. Any object is a microcosm. The microcosm is not fully knowable, hence the problem of “truth” (or the problem of the degree of verisimilitude).

Modern formulation of the problem of “matter”


One of the important philosophical concepts is the concept of “material”. “Material” in philosophy is everything that is perceived by our senses and also has physical qualities.

Previously, “matter” meant the building material that forms the common basis of the variety of things. This concept is called the concept of "primal matter". At the end of the 19th century, philosophers thought that they were close to revealing the idea of ​​“prime matter” with the help of a mechanical picture of the world. Newton's laws of mechanics explained everything. And according to Newton, mass is a measure contained in an atom. The modern vision of the problem of “matter” is very different from the past, and seems more likely. “Matter” is the ultimate basis that allows us to reduce sensory diversity to something permanent, relatively stable and independently existing. This understanding of “matter” allows us to imagine it as the substantial basis of the world, which is the cause of any phenomena.

And here it seems not entirely correct to mix the philosophical concept of “matter” and natural scientific concepts of the material world.

“... It is necessary to distinguish between matter and materiality. Materiality is a characteristic of an object, indicating its independence from consciousness. Matter is the concept of an infinite number of material objects...” (D.I. Dubrovsky)

Modern formulation of the problem of “consciousness”

“Consciousness” is an epistemological image of the ideal world, a property of the human brain. “Consciousness” has an ontological status, that is, it exists. “Consciousness” is inherent only to man and is constantly present.

The mode of existence of “consciousness” is “knowledge”. “Consciousness,” as a complexly organized function of the brain, was formed under the influence of work and speech. “Consciousness,” as a specifically human form of reflection, is inextricably linked with language. Language is a form of expression of “consciousness”, objectifies “consciousness” into sounds or recordings, that is, in a sign-symbolic form.

It should be recognized that the world is holistic, an ontological universe, including both objective and subjective reality. That is, subjective reality or the world of “consciousness,” having arisen as a reflection of objective reality, acquired ontological status. Spiritual phenomena exist, but in their own specific way, as an immaterial, ideal (unattainable) entity.

The bearer of the phenomenon “consciousness” is the brain of a living individual. That is, individual “consciousness” arises and dies along with the birth and death of individual people. But spiritual “consciousness”, as one of the forms of “being”, covers not only the processes of “consciousness”, but also the “unconscious”.

Spiritual “consciousness” is divided into two types:

Individualized spiritual (the consciousness of an individual);

Non-individualized spirituality, which has been subjected to objectification (in books, in paintings, in cars, moral standards, aesthetic tastes).

The existence of “consciousness” is hidden from external observation and manifests itself in the form of knowledge generated by the activity of the human brain. The flow of “consciousness” can only be grasped by reflecting it on oneself (that is, “consciousness” proves the existence of itself). Introspection is an analysis of oneself.

The existence of consciousness is also specific, since the elements of consciousness do not have spatio-temporal characteristics, since a mental image is not a physical object with a spatial configuration. These images are purely ideal (immaterial).

Physical time also manifests itself in “consciousness” in a very unique way: thought is capable of reproducing the past in memory, and with the help of imagination, thinking about the future. But in human “consciousness” only his present always exists. A peculiar center of “consciousness” is self-awareness, that is, a person’s awareness of his body, his thoughts and feelings, his social status, his personality.

But along with “consciousness” there is also “unconsciousness”. Features of the “being of the unconscious”:

Unconscious, automatic, psychological control of a person over his body, satisfying the needs and requirements of his body.

The birth of thoughts and their awareness.

Intuition, where the “unconscious” is closely intertwined with human consciousness. Intuitive logic is the logic of common sense.

For living nature, the genetically original form of reflection is irritability. It is inherent in both plants and animals, but sensuality is a form of reflection specific to the animal world.

Modern formulation of the problem of “cognition”

“Cognition” is the process of representing the object of knowledge in the mind of the knowing subject. The theory of “cognition” (epistemology) is a description of the process of cognition for any object/subject.

Descartes' theory of "cognition": any person can use the theory of "cognition", since it is designed for a certain "I", namely a virtual, non-existent object. “I” is a collective image of a person. First of all, “I” is interested in “not I,” that is, what is outside the framework of “I”. We can learn everything we want in this way. When a person is interested in himself, “I” turns into “not I.” In the traditional theory of “cognition”, other designations are used, where “I” is the subject of knowledge, and “not I” is the object of knowledge.

In the theory of “cognition” we are always talking about a virtual object, about abstraction. There are as many theories/philosophers as there are opinions. There are as many sciences as there are theories of knowledge. Agnosticism - “the world is unknowable” - an extreme degree of skepticism. “Platonic” immanentism: consciousness is not material, it is immanent in nature - it exists, but it cannot be defined within a space-time framework.

Kant’s theory of “cognition”: “The world is unknowable due to the fact that there is a “thing in itself” and a “thing for us”, where:

“a thing in itself” is an object, a microcosm that cannot be understood;

“a thing for us” is an object that we cognize.

But every thing is a microcosm. The possibilities of “cognition” exist in the presence of sense organs. The human sense of “knowing” is intellectual in nature—we make sense of what we sense. Human sensations are an elementary fact of consciousness.

Types of sensory “cognition”:

Imagination is a representation distorted in memory;

An idea is a trace in a person's brain that remains in memory;

Perception is the reflection in the consciousness of objects and phenomena in general;

Sensation is a reflection in consciousness of individual properties of objects and phenomena.

Forms of rational (conscious) “cognition”:

Philosophical picture of the world;

Metascience is the science of science;

Science is the spiritual activity of man aimed at expanding knowledge;

Metatheory is a theory about a theory;

Theory is a system of preference bound by logic;

Inference is the process of deducing some judgments from others, a certain system of judgments;

Judgment is the opinion of the subject of “cognition”;

A concept is an epistemological image that reflects the essence of the object of “cognition”.

Level of theoretical “knowledge”:

Empirical (sensual, experimental);

Analytical (rational, theoretical).

Modern formulation of the problem of “truth”

“Truth” is the correspondence of a judgment to the real circumstances of affairs. “Truth” is the extreme case of verisimilitude. The problem of “truth” is the problem of correspondence between knowledge and reality. “Truth” = authenticity. Pluralism is plurality. Plausibility is a score of truth from 0 to 1, where 0 = false, 1 = true. “Truth” as the limit of plausibility is unattainable, since any object, thing, is a microcosm that is infinitely diverse and completely impossible to know.

Relative Absolute

Subjective Objective

Knowledge is a way of existence of consciousness. All knowledge is relative, since it is not complete (since each thing is a microcosm). But there is absoluteness in some points of knowledge. The subject in which we are interested becomes an object of knowledge. “Truth” is the absolute limit to which the subject of knowledge strives. But any limit is unattainable, so “truth” is the maximum estimate.

Based on the above, we can build a table of the modern philosophical picture of the world “how is the world organized?”:

Epistemological images are “traces” in the human brain - sensation, perception, representation, imagination.

State of mind - fear, faith, hope, love, hatred.


In conclusion, we will present a clear concept of “being”, written by D.I. Dubrovsky:

“Objects that depend on consciousness are immaterial, i.e. ideal. And consciousness is the name of an infinite number of ideal objects. Apart from material and ideal objects, nothing exists in the world, therefore all these objects together are included in the ontological universe, to denote which the concept of “being” is introduced.

Having examined the 5 issues described in the abstract (namely, the problems of being, consciousness, knowledge, matter and truth), in my mind everything adds up to a common, integral vision of our world.

Dubrovsky D.I. Problems of the ideal. Subjective reality. M.: 2002

Mikeshina L.A. Philosophy of knowledge. Problematic chapters. M.: 2002

Petrov Yu.A., Nikiforov A.L. Logic and methodology of scientific knowledge. M.: 1982

Thomas Hill Modern theory of knowledge. M.: 1965

Verstin I.S. Educational and methodological manual (Philosophical picture of the world, terminological dictionary). M.: 2005

Posted on Allbest.ru


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People have always sought to make understandable to themselves the world in which they live. They need this in order to feel safe and comfortable in their own environment, to be able to anticipate the onset of various events in order to use favorable ones and avoid unfavorable ones, or minimize their negative consequences. Understanding the world objectively required understanding the place of man in it, the special attitude of people to everything that happens in accordance with their goals, needs and interests, one or another understanding of the meaning of life. A person, therefore, has a need to create a holistic picture of the external world, making this world understandable and explainable. At the same time, in mature societies it was built on the basis of philosophical, natural science and religious knowledge and ideas about the world around us, and was recorded in various kinds of theories.

This or that picture of the world constitutes one of the elements of a worldview and contributes to the development of a more or less holistic understanding by people of the world and themselves.

Worldview is a set of views, assessments, norms, attitudes, principles that define the most general vision and understanding of the world, a person’s place in it, expressed in life position, behavior programs and actions of people. The worldview presents in a generalized form the cognitive, value and behavioral subsystems of the subject in their interrelation.

Let us highlight the most important elements in the structure of the worldview.

1. A special place in the worldview is occupied by knowledge and specifically generalized knowledge - everyday or life-practical, as well as theoretical. In this regard, the basis of a worldview is always one or another picture of the world: either everyday-practical, or formed on the basis of theory.

2. Knowledge never fills the entire field of worldview. Therefore, in addition to knowledge about the world, the worldview also comprehends the way and content of human life, ideals, expresses certain systems of values ​​(about good and evil, man and society, state and politics, etc.), receives approval (condemnation) of certain ways of life, behavior and communication.

3. An important element of the worldview are the norms and principles of life. They allow a person to value-orientate himself in the material and spiritual culture of society, realize the meaning of life and choose a path in life.

4. The worldview of an individual and the social worldview contain not only an already rethought body of knowledge, closely associated with feelings, will, norms, principles and values, with differentiation into good and bad, necessary or unnecessary, valuable, less valuable or not valuable at all, but also, most importantly, the position of the subject.

By being included in the worldview, knowledge, values, action programs and its other components acquire a new status. They incorporate the attitude, the position of the bearer of the worldview, are colored by emotions and feelings, are combined with the will to action, are correlated with apathy or neutrality, with inspiration or tragedy.

Different ideological forms represent people's intellectual and emotional experiences in different ways. The emotional and psychological side of the worldview at the level of moods and feelings is the worldview. The experience of forming cognitive images of the world using sensations, perceptions and ideas is referred to as worldview. The cognitive-intellectual side of the worldview is a worldview.

Worldview and picture of the world are correlated like beliefs and knowledge. The basis of any worldview is certain knowledge that makes up one or another picture of the world. Theoretical, as well as everyday knowledge of the worldview in a worldview is always emotionally “colored”, rethought, classified.

The picture of the world is a body of knowledge that provides an integral understanding (scientific, simply theoretical or everyday) of those complex processes that occur in nature and society, in man himself.

In the structure of the picture of the world, two main components can be distinguished: conceptual (notional) and sensory-figurative (everyday-practical). The conceptual component is represented by knowledge, expressed concepts and categories, laws and principles, and the sensory component is represented by a set of everyday knowledge, visual representations of the world, and experience.

The first pictures of the world were formed spontaneously. Attempts to purposefully systematize knowledge took place already in the era of antiquity. They had a pronounced naturalistic character, but reflected the inner need of a person to fully understand the world and himself, his place and relationship to the world. From the very beginning, the picture of the world was organically woven into a person’s worldview and had a dominant character in its content.

The concept of “picture of the world” means, as it were, a visible portrait of the universe, a figurative and conceptual copy of the Universe. In the public consciousness, various pictures of the world historically develop and gradually change, which more or less fully explain reality and contain different relationships between the subjective and the objective.

Pictures of the world, which assign a person a certain place in the Universe and thereby help him orient himself in existence, grow out of everyday life or in the course of special theoretical activities of human communities. According to A. Einstein, a person strives in some adequate way to create a simple and clear picture of the world; and this is not only in order to overcome the world in which he lives, but also in order, to a certain extent, to try to replace this world with the picture he created.

A person, building a particular picture of the world, relies, first of all, on everyday practical as well as theoretical knowledge.

The everyday practical picture of the world has its own characteristics.

Firstly, the content of the everyday picture of the world consists of knowledge that arises and exists on the basis of a sensory reflection of the everyday, practical life of people, their immediate immediate interests.

Secondly, the knowledge that forms the basis of the life-practical picture of the world is characterized by an insignificant depth of reflection of people’s everyday life and a lack of consistency. They are heterogeneous in the nature of knowledge, level of awareness, inclusion in the culture of the subject, in reflecting national, religious and other types of social relations. Knowledge at this level is quite contradictory in terms of accuracy, areas of life, focus, relevance, and in relation to beliefs. They contain folk wisdom and knowledge of everyday traditions, norms that have universal, ethnic or group significance. Progressive and conservative elements can simultaneously find a place in it: philistine judgments, ignorant opinions, prejudices, etc.

Thirdly, a person, building an everyday-practical picture of the world, closes it to his own everyday-practical world and therefore objectively does not include in it (does not reflect) the extra-human cosmos, in which the Earth is located. Outer space is as significant here as it is practically useful.

Fourthly, the everyday picture of the world always has its own framework of everyday vision of reality. It is focused on the current moment and a little on the future, on that immediate future; it is impossible to live without taking care of the rotor. Therefore, many theoretical discoveries and inventions quickly fit into a person’s everyday life, becoming something “native”, familiar and practically useful to him.

Fifthly, the everyday picture of the world has fewer typical features that are typical for many people. It is more individualized, specific for each person or social group.

We can only talk about some common features inherent in the everyday vision of the world by each of us.

The theoretical picture of the world also has features that distinguish it from the everyday practical picture of the world.

1. The theoretical picture of the world is characterized, first of all, by a higher quality of knowledge, which reflects the internal, essential in things, phenomena and processes of existence, the element of which is the person himself.

2. This knowledge is of an abstract and logical nature, it is systemic and conceptual in nature.

3. The theoretical picture of the world does not have a rigid framework for seeing reality. It is focused not only on the past and present, but more on the future. The dynamically developing nature of theoretical knowledge indicates that the possibilities of this picture of the world are practically unlimited.

4. Construction of a theoretical picture in the consciousness and worldview of a particular subject necessarily presupposes the presence of special training (training).

Thus, everyday practical and theoretical knowledge are not reducible to each other, are not interchangeable when constructing a picture of the world, but are equally necessary and complement each other. In the construction of a particular picture of the world, they play a different dominant role. Taken in unity, they are able to complete the construction of an integral picture of the world.

There are philosophical, natural science and religious pictures of the world. Let's consider their features.

A philosophical picture of the world is a generalized, expressed by philosophical concepts and judgments, theoretical model of existence in its correlation with human life, conscious social activity, and corresponding to a certain stage of historical development.

The following types of knowledge can be distinguished as the main structural elements of the philosophical picture of the world: about nature, about society, about knowledge, about man.

Many philosophers of the past paid attention to knowledge about nature in their works (Democritus, Lucretius, G. Bruno, D. Diderot, P. Holbach, F. Engels, A.I. Herzen, N.F. Fedorov, V.I. Vernadsky and etc.).

Gradually, questions of the social life of people, economic, political, legal and other relations entered the sphere of philosophy and became a constant subject of its interest. The answers to them are reflected in the titles of many works (for example: Plato - "On the State", "Laws"; Aristotle - "Politics"; T. Hobbes - "On the Citizen", "Leviathan"; J. Locke - "Two Treatises on public administration"; C. Montesquieu - "On the spirit of laws"; G. Hegel - "Philosophy of Law"; F. Engels - "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", etc.). Like the natural philosophers, the forerunners of modern natural science, socio-philosophical thought prepared the ground for specific socio-political knowledge and disciplines (civil history, jurisprudence and others).

It should be noted that the subject of philosophical exploration was man himself, as well as morality, law, religion, art and other manifestations of human abilities and relationships. In philosophical thought, this issue is reflected in a number of philosophical works (for example: Aristotle - “On the Soul”, “Ethics”, “Rhetoric”; Avicenna - “The Book of Knowledge”; R. Descartes “Rules for Guiding the Mind”, “Discourse on method"; B. Spinoza - "Treatise on the Improvement of Reason", "Ethics"; T. Hobbes - "On Man"; J. Locke - "An Essay on the Human Mind"; C. Helvetius - "On the Mind", "On Man". "; G. Hegel - “Philosophy of Religion”, “Philosophy of Morals”, etc.).

Within the framework of the philosophical vision of the world, two models of existence have been formed:

a) a non-religious philosophical picture of the world, formed on the basis of a generalization of data from the natural and social sciences, an understanding of secular life;

b) a religious and philosophical picture of the world as a system of dogmatic and theoretical views on the world, in which the earthly and sacred are mixed, a doubling of the world occurs, where faith is considered higher than the truths of reason.

It is worth highlighting a number of provisions that indicate the unity of these pictures of the world.

1. These pictures of the world claim to be an adequate theoretical reflection of the world with the help of fundamental philosophical concepts such as being, matter, spirit, consciousness and others.

2. The knowledge that forms the basis of these pictures of the world forms the basis of a worldview of the corresponding type (non-religious-philosophical and philosophical-religious).

3. The knowledge that forms the basis of these pictures of the world is largely pluralistic. They are ambiguous in their content and can be developed in a variety of directions.

Firstly, the philosophical picture of the world is built on the basis of knowledge about the natural, social world and the world of man himself. They are supplemented by theoretical generalizations of specific sciences. Philosophy builds a universal theoretical picture of the world not instead of specific sciences, but together with the sciences. Philosophical knowledge is part of the scientific sphere of knowledge, at least part of its content, and in this regard, philosophy is a science, a type of scientific knowledge.

Secondly, philosophical knowledge, as knowledge of a special kind, has always performed the important task of forming the basis of a worldview, since the starting point of any worldview consists precisely in such rethought and general essential knowledge associated with the fundamental interests of people and society. Since ancient times, in the bosom of philosophical knowledge, categories have crystallized as leading logical forms of thinking and value orientations that form the core and framework of the worldview: being, matter, space, time, movement, development, freedom, etc. On their basis, worldview theoretical systems were built, expressing a conceptual understanding of culture, nature (space), society and man. The philosophical picture of the world is characterized by the unity of cosmocentrism, anthropocentrism and sociocentrism.

Thirdly, philosophical ideas are not static. This is a developing system of knowledge, which is enriched with more and more new content, new discoveries in philosophy itself and other sciences. At the same time, the continuity of knowledge is preserved due to the fact that new knowledge does not reject, but dialectically “removes” and overcomes its previous level.

Fourthly, it is also characteristic of the philosophical picture of the world that, with all the diversity of different philosophical trends and schools, the world around a person is considered as an integral world of complex relationships and interdependencies, contradictions, qualitative changes and development, which ultimately corresponds to the content and spirit of scientific knowledge.

Philosophical worldview expresses the intellectual desire of humanity not just to accumulate a mass of knowledge, but to understand and comprehend the world as a single and integral at its core, in which the objective and subjective, being and consciousness, material and spiritual are closely intertwined.

The natural scientific picture of the world is a body of knowledge that exists in the forms of concepts, principles and laws, giving a holistic understanding of the material world as a moving and developing nature, explaining the origin of life and man. It includes the most fundamental knowledge about nature, tested and confirmed by experimental data.

The main elements of the general scientific picture of the world: scientific knowledge about nature; scientific knowledge about society; scientific knowledge about man and his thinking.

The history of the development of natural sciences indicates that in its knowledge of nature, humanity has gone through three main stages and is entering the fourth.

At the first stage (until the 15th century), general syncretic (undifferentiated) ideas about the surrounding world as something whole were formed. A special field of knowledge appeared - natural philosophy (philosophy of nature), which absorbed the first knowledge of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, navigation, astronomy, medicine, etc.

The second stage began in the 15th–16th centuries. Analytics came to the fore - the mental division of existence and the identification of particulars and their study. It led to the emergence of independent specific sciences about nature: physics, chemistry, biology, mechanics, as well as a number of other natural sciences.

The third stage of development of natural science began in the 17th century. In modern times, a transition gradually began to take place from separate knowledge of the “elements” of inanimate nature, plants and animals to the creation of a holistic picture of nature based on previously known details and the acquisition of new knowledge. The synthetic stage of its study has begun.

From the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, natural science entered the fourth, technogenic stage. The use of diverse technology to study nature, transform it and use it in the interests of man has become the main, dominant one.

The main features of the modern natural science picture of the world:

1. It is based on the knowledge of objects that exist and develop independently, according to their own laws. Natural sciences want to know the world “as it is” and therefore their object is material reality, its types and forms - space, its micro-, macro- and mega-worlds, inanimate and living nature, matter and physical fields.

2. Natural sciences strive to reflect and explain nature in strict concepts, mathematical and other calculations. The laws, principles and categories of these sciences act as a powerful tool for further knowledge and transformation of natural phenomena and processes.

3. Natural scientific knowledge represents a dynamically developing and contradictory system that is constantly evolving. Thus, in the light of new discoveries in natural science, our knowledge about the two main forms of existence of matter has expanded significantly: matter and physical fields, matter and antimatter, and other ways of the existence of nature.

4. The natural scientific picture of the world does not include religious explanations of nature. The image of the world (cosmos) appears as a unity of inanimate and living nature, having their own specific laws, as well as being subject to more general laws.

Noting the role of this picture of the world in the worldview, you should pay attention to the following:

– firstly, an abundance of worldview problems are initially rooted in natural science knowledge (problems of the fundamental principle of the world, its infinity or finitude; movement or rest; problems of subject-object relations in the knowledge of the microworld, etc.). They are essentially the source of a worldview;

– secondly, natural science knowledge is reinterpreted in the worldview of the individual and society in order to form a holistic understanding of the material world and man’s place in it. Thinking about space and the problems of the natural sciences, a person inevitably and objectively comes to a certain ideological position. For example, the material world is eternal and infinite, no one created it; or – the material world is finite, historically transitory, chaotic.

For many people, a religious worldview acts as a kind of alternative to the non-religious philosophical and natural-scientific pictures of the world. At the same time, from the point of view of faith, it can be difficult to separate the religious worldview and the religious picture of the world.

The religious picture of the world does not exist as an integral system of knowledge, since there are dozens and hundreds of different religions and confessions. Each religion has its own picture of the world, based on creeds, religious dogma and cults. But the general situation in all religious pictures of the world is that they are based not on the totality of true knowledge, but on misconceptions and religious faith.

We can name some features of the generalized modern religious picture of the world in relation to the main world religions: Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

1. Religious knowledge represents knowledge - faith or knowledge-misconception that the supernatural exists. If you treat him with respect and honor him, then a person can receive benefits and graces. The central point of any religious picture of the world is the supernatural symbol of God (gods). God appears as the “true” reality and the source of benefits for man.

In religious pictures of the world, God represents the eternal and non-developing absolute of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. He rules over the whole world. However, in different religions this power can be either unlimited or limited in some way. Gods in Christianity and Islam possess absolute omnipotence and immortality. In Buddhism, Buddha is not only not the creator of the world, but also not a ruler. He preaches divine truth (faith). By the multitude of gods, Buddhism represents paganism.

2. In the doctrine of the world as the second reality after God, an important place in various religions is occupied by the question of its creation and structure. Supporters of religion believe that material things were created by God, and that the world exists both as a this-worldly empirical world, in which a person temporarily lives, and as an otherworldly world, where the souls of people live forever. The other world is divided in some religions into three levels of existence: the world of gods, the world of heaven and the world of hell.

The sky as the abode of the gods, for example in Buddhism and Christianity, is very complex. Christianity builds its hierarchy of the upper world, which includes hosts of angels (messengers of the gods) of different ranks. Three hierarchies of angels are recognized, each of which has three “ranks”. Thus, the first hierarchy of angels consists of three “ranks” - seraphim, cherubim and thrones.

Part of the sacred (sacred) space is also present in the earthly world. This is the space of temples, which becomes especially close to God during services.

3. An important place in religious pictures of the world is occupied by ideas about time, which are interpreted ambiguously in different faiths.

For Christianity, social time is structured linearly. The history of people is a path that has its divine beginning, and then - life “in sin” and prayers to God for salvation, then - the end of the world and the rebirth of humanity as a result of the second, saving coming of Christ. History is not cyclical, not meaningless, it follows in a certain direction, and this direction is predetermined by God.

Buddhism operates in periods of “cosmic time,” which are called “kalpas.” Each kalpa lasts 4 billion 320 million years, after which the Universe “burns up”. The cause of the death of the world every time is the accumulated sins of people.

Many religions have “fateful” days and hours, which are expressed in religious holidays that reenact sacred events. Believers act, in this case, as it is believed, personally involved in a great and wonderful event, in God himself.

4. All confessions consider the existence of a person turned to God, but define it differently. Buddhism sees human existence as an extremely tragic fate, filled with suffering. Christianity places first place the sinfulness of man and the importance of its atonement before God. Islam requires unquestioning submission to the will of Allah even during earthly life. In religious explanations, man belongs to the lower levels of the world created by God. It is subject to the law of karma - the relationship of cause and effect (Buddhism), divine predestination (Christianity), and the will of Allah (Islam). At the moment of death, the human form disintegrates into body and soul. The body dies, but by the nature of its earthly life it will determine the place and role of the soul in the afterlife. Since in Buddhism earthly life is suffering, the highest goal for a person is to “stop the wheel of samsara”, to stop the chain of suffering and rebirth. Buddhism orients a person towards getting rid of passions if one follows the “middle” eightfold path. It means the transition from life among suffering to the state of nirvana - eternal inner peace, abstracted from earthly life. Christianity views the earthly existence of man, created by God in his image and likeness, as sinful due to non-observance of divine commandments. Man constantly uses the precious gift of God - life - for other purposes: to satisfy carnal desires, thirst for power, self-affirmation. Therefore, all people ahead will face a terrible judgment for their sins. God will determine the fate of everyone: some will find eternal bliss, others - eternal torment. Anyone who wants to receive immortality in paradise must strictly follow all the moral teachings of the Christian church, firmly believe in the basic tenets of Christianity, pray to Christ, lead a righteous and virtuous lifestyle, without succumbing to the temptations of the flesh and pride.

The content of religious concepts of the world forms the basis of an everyday or theoretical (theological-dogmatic) worldview. Knowledge about the supernatural in religious pictures of the world is empirically and theoretically unprovable and irrefutable. This is knowledge-illusions, knowledge-misconceptions, knowledge-faith. They can exist tolerantly with everyday and scientific-theoretical secular knowledge, or they can conflict and confront with them.

The considered pictures of the world have common features: firstly, they are based on generalized knowledge about existence, albeit of a different nature; secondly, while building a visible portrait of the universe, its figurative and conceptual copy, all pictures of the world do not take the person himself beyond their framework. He ends up inside her. The problems of the world and the problems of man himself are always closely intertwined.

Significant differences between these worldviews include:

1. Each of the pictures of the world has a specific historical character. It is always historically determined by the time of its appearance (formation), its unique ideas that characterize the level of knowledge and mastery of the world by man. Thus, the philosophical picture of the world, formed in the era of antiquity, differs significantly from the modern philosophical picture of the world.

2. An important point that makes pictures of the world fundamentally different is the nature of knowledge itself. Thus, philosophical knowledge has a universal and general essential character. Natural scientific knowledge is predominantly concrete-private, subject-material in nature and meets modern scientific criteria; it is experimentally verifiable, aimed at reproducing the essence, objectivity, and is used to reproduce material and spiritual-secular culture. Religious knowledge is characterized by belief in the supernatural, supernatural, secret, a certain dogmatism and symbolism. Religious knowledge reproduces the corresponding aspect in the spirituality of man and society.

3. These pictures of the world are built (described) using their own categorical apparatus. Thus, the terminology of the natural scientific representation of reality is not suitable for describing it from the point of view of religion. Everyday speech, although included in any descriptions, nevertheless acquires specificity when used in the natural sciences, philosophy or theology. The perspective of the constructed model of the world requires an appropriate conceptual apparatus, as well as a set of judgments with the help of which it can be described and accessible to many people.

4. The difference in the considered pictures of the world is also manifested in the degree of their completeness. If philosophical and natural science knowledge are developing systems, then the same cannot be said about religious knowledge. The fundamental views and beliefs that form the basis of the religious picture of the world remain largely unchanged. Representatives of the church still consider their main task to be to remind humanity that there are higher and eternal divine truths above it.

Modern concepts of existence, material and ideal, the content of the main pictures of the world are the result of a long and contradictory knowledge by people of the world around them and themselves. Gradually, the problems of the cognitive process were identified, the possibilities and limits of comprehension of existence, and the peculiarities of knowledge of nature, man and society were substantiated.

List of sources used

1. Spirkin A.G. Philosophy / Spirkin A.G. 2nd ed. – M.: Gardariki, 2006. – 736 p.

2. Kaverin B.I., Demidov I.V. Philosophy: Textbook. / Under. ed. Doctor of Philology, Prof. B.I. Kaverina – M.: Jurisprudence, 2001. – 272 p.

3. Alekseev P.V. Philosophy /Alekseev P.V., Panin A.V. 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: TK Velby, Prospect, 2005. – 608 p.

4. Demidov, A.B. Philosophy and methodology of science: a course of lectures / A.B. Demidov., 2009 – 102 p.

The modern concept of the scientific picture of the world

Systematic approach

Global evolutionism


List of sources

Excerpt from the text

Science is one of the stages in the evolution of human culture. Having gone through several preliminary stages from antiquity to the Renaissance, science in its developed form absorbed the achievements of other branches of culture, including philosophy and religion, representing on the whole a qualitatively new phenomenon.

The scientific picture of the world is a set of theories collectively describing the natural world known to man, an integral system of ideas about the general principles and laws of the structure of the universe. Since the picture of the world is a systemic formation, its change cannot be reduced to any single, even the largest and most radical discovery. As a rule, we are talking about a whole series of interrelated discoveries in the main fundamental sciences. These discoveries are almost always accompanied by a radical restructuring of the research method, as well as significant changes in the very norms and ideals of science.

Being an integral system of ideas about the general properties and patterns of the objective world, the scientific picture of the world exists as a complex structure, including as components the general scientific picture of the world and the picture of the world of individual sciences (physical, biological, geological, etc.) Thus, we will be in mainly consider the unification of knowledge based on the physical picture of the world, but this does not mean at all that it is formed only in physics lessons

The purpose of the work is to consider the relationship between the philosophical and scientific pictures of the world, to identify the features and traits of each of them and something in common. - to analyze the scientific pictures of the world;

In modern science, understanding the picture of the world occurs on the basis of the study of folklore and myths with the help of cultural, linguistic and semiotic analysis of collective consciousness. By picture of the world we most often mean a scientific picture of the world, which contains a system of general principles, concepts, laws and visual representations that determine the style of scientific thinking at a given stage of the development of science and human culture. There are many definitions of the scientific picture of the world; it is still impossible to give an unambiguous interpretation of this concept, most likely due to the fact that it is somewhat vague and occupies an intermediate position between philosophical and natural science knowledge.

In contrast, the pace of social development in technogenic civilization is accelerated, development in all areas is intensive. Traditions and established norms are inferior to innovative, creative activities, as a result of which new ideas, goals and values ​​are born.

This work is devoted to the scientific picture of the world. The main goal of the work is to consider the features of the scientific picture of the world. Study models of cognition in the scientific picture of the world.

The evolution of the scientific picture of the world remains a complex and controversial topic to this day. But modern physics has already reached the point that goes beyond the concept of experience, which also calls into question traditional scientific methodology. The very development of science in the near future remains a question, since the modern era of postmodernism calls into question the very need for a scientific understanding of the world.

List of sources

1. Gorbachev V.V. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook. manual for university students / V.V. Gorbachev. — 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing house "Peace and Education", 2005. - 672 p.

2. Ivanov-Shits, A.K. Concepts of modern natural science: A course of lectures. MGIMO educational website:

  • ?http://www.limm.mgimo.ru/science/intro.html? (01/19/13).

3. Nekrasov S.I., Nekrasova N.A., Penkov V.E. Evolutionary-synergetic paradigm: problems, searches, solutions. Educational and methodological manual for undergraduates and graduate students - M.: RGAU-MSHA named after. K.A. Timiryazeva, 2007. - 100 p.

4. System approach and principle of activity: Methodological problems of modern science / Compiled by: A. P. Ogurtsov, B. G. Yudin. - M.: Nauka, 1978 - 378 p.
