Folk omens for December 19. Folk customs and signs of the day

St. Nicholas, Archbishop Peace of Lycia, miracle worker.

December 19 - Nikola the Wonderworker. Nikola winter, frosty

When Nicholas was elevated to the priesthood, the bishop said that he would be a great shepherd. However, the young priest decided to go to a monastery. After some time, the voice of God came to him at the monastery, commanding him to go to the people. And Nicholas went to the Lycian city of Myra. It was here that the bishop was elected. One of the participants in this election was told in a dream that the bishop should be the one who enters the church first in the morning, and his name will be Nikolai. So Nicholas became a bishop and devoted all his works to his flock: he received everyone with fatherly love, listened to petitions and complaints, reconciled, helped those in need, defended the oppressed. Once, having learned that three were innocently condemned to death, he hurried to the place of execution and snatched the sword from the hands of the executioner. During the reign of the emperor Diocletian (from 284 to 305), the bishop was imprisoned, and here he became the comforter of the prisoners. With the accession of Constantine the Great in 306, Nicholas returned to the pastoral ministry and carried it out to a ripe old age.

It should be noted that despite the widespread veneration of Nicholas the Wonderworker Christian Church(Eastern and Western), his critically processed biography does not exist. V famous life compiled by Saint Demetrius of Rostov and placed in the Cheti-Minea, the features of this saint's life are mixed with the deeds of another Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Pinars (also from Lycia), who lived two centuries later (in the 6th century).

The name of St. Nicholas has always been surrounded by many folk tales and legends. It is difficult, almost impossible, to define the special area of ​​his patronage.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is a merciful saint, he is revered among us as the very first of all saints as a patron from any troubles and misfortunes. Nikola, Mikola - so lovingly, completely in Russian they call the saint, and few of the peasants thought about where and when this national patron was born, who he was by nationality. Nikola is a merciful, according to popular beliefs, a wise holy old man who always walks the roads of Russia, performing miracles, helping those who work tirelessly and lead a righteous life.

Unlike other saints, Nicholas not only prays, commands, points out, warns, he is busy with completely earthly affairs, he never shuns even black work and is ready to help under any circumstances: he goes behind the plow, helps the peasant to pull the cart out of the mud, takes hands the ship's steering wheel during a storm and safely brings the ship to the pier, heals ordinary mortals, etc.

This is a real "muzhik saint", to whom the peasant turns, as they say, easily, but also honors him "perhaps more than all the saints." Dedicated to nicholas great amount legends, legends, spiritual verses, folk prayers, conspiracies, proverbs and sayings, where he acts as the patron saint of agriculture and cattle breeding, the master of earthly waters and "the keeper of the waters", the "giver" to the poor and the savior of the innocently condemned, a wonderful healer. Perhaps, there are no such circumstances, troubles and needs, in which the participation of the saint would not be manifested, and the participation is disinterested. The latter is especially emphasized by folk storytellers. One example is enough. If Seraphim of Sarov or Andrew the First-Called, having seen a naked woman (here she is always a harlot), instruct her on the true path and help only after she has earned forgiveness by a long wandering in the desert (they take off their clothes or simply serve her clothes), then Nikola does the same without any reasoning and thoughts about correcting a person: “ There is a man and hides behind the bushes. And Nikolai the Pleasant asks him: “What are you hiding behind the bushes?” And the man replies: “Look, I'm naked and naked”. Nikolai the Pleasant took everything off himself and gave it away. It was with his kindness that he got into the calendar ”.

Nikola after God is the second intercessor.

Ask Nikola, and he will tell the Savior.

All gods wear their boots, and Nicola is more comfortable walking.

To understand the role and place of Nikola in folk orthodoxy extremely indicative is the legend known throughout Russia. She also demonstrates special respect for the people's patron, and explains why Nikola is celebrated twice a year. Here is the Oryol version of this legend, recorded in the middle of the 19th century:

“Once in the autumn, a man got stuck in a cart on the road. We know what our roads are; and then it happened in the fall - there is nothing to say! Kasyan the pleaser walks by. The peasant did not recognize him and let’s ask: "Help, darling, to pull out a cart!" And he went his own way. A little later, Nikola the pleaser walks right there. “Father,” the man yelled again, “Father! Help me to pull out the cart! "Nikola the pleaser and helped him.

Here came Kasyan the saint and Nikola the saint to God in paradise. “Where have you been, Kasyan the saint?” God asked. “I was on earth,” he replies, “it came to me to walk past a peasant whose cart was stuck; he asked me: help, he says, pull out the cart; but I don’t He began to stain the paradise dress. "-" Well, where did you get so dirty? "- God asked Nikola the pleaser. “Listen, Kasian,” God said then, “you didn’t help the peasant. For that, prayers will be served to you in three years. And you, Nikola the pleaser, for helping the peasant to pull out the cart, will have prayers twice a year. ” leap year prayers are served, and to Nikola twice a year ”[Afanasyev, 1990a, 78].

In fact, in the folk agricultural and ecclesiastical Orthodox calendars several days are associated with the name Nikolai. But really big holidays are considered two Nikolsky days - May 22/9 and December 9 / November 19, which are connected with each other, predetermine each other:

Two Nikolaos: one herbal, the other frosty.

Nikola will drive the winter horse into the yard, Nikola spring horse fatten.

What day is in Mikola in winter, so is in Mikola in summer.

On the Russian expanses, from St. Nicholas in the winter, there are already big frosts, which in some places are considered the first.

First frosts - Nikolskie.

If Nikolin's day came up, it would be winter on a sleigh (on a sled).

The weather on Nikola is determined by the preceding days, primarily by Mikhailov day (November 8/21), Yuriev, Varvara and Savva.

Nikola will tell you that Yegory will pave it.

Praise the winter after Nikolina's day.

Premature autumn frosts on Mikhail turn into a thaw for Nikola.

If winter sets on Mikhaylov's day, then it will on Nicholas.

They brought winter on a sled to Nikola, here's a thaw for you (Voronezh.).

If it’s winter before Nikolin’s day sweeps up the trail, the road doesn’t stand.

According to Nikolskaya weather, as in cases with other big holidays, the harvest is judged:

Frost in front of Nicholas - oats will be good.

Frost on Nikola - for the harvest.

Since a real winter path is established from Nikola, preparations for carts, contracts, and the sale of bread begin in the villages. Nikolskie fairs were opened, where the main product was bread, although in some places such fairs had their own specific character, due to the peculiarities of economic activity.

The prices for bread are built by Nikolin (Nikolsky) bargaining.

Nicola builds the price of bread.

The Nikolsky wagon train for the boyar treasury is more expensive than gold.

Nikolsky bargaining around the decree.

In Kandalaksha (Karelia), Nikolina's fair was called a reindeer fair, since the Sami came to it with reindeer products - skins, antlers, etc.

In the Middle Urals, from St. Nicholas in the winter to Sretenya (February 15), timber was harvested for housing construction, since at this time "the forest is asleep", that is, sap flow is suspended.

Highly important date Nikolin was considered a day in Pomorie: here he was the border of winter and autumn fishing season. By this time, the fishing for salmon, navaga, flounder, Murmansk cod fishing ended - and the industrialists returned home. With Nikola Zimny ​​began sea hunting and ice fishing for navaga and herring.

The main thing that made the winter Nikola's day stand out was the understanding of it as the last annual holiday. Nikolin's day, celebrated exactly one month before Epiphany, ends with itself old year... According to popular understanding, a year during its twelve months "lives" the entire life cycle- being born in early January, with the first increase in the day, it gradually grows, matures, matures and, finally, grows old and dies by the time of the winter solstice.

In the mind of the farmer, individual cycles, seasons of the annual cycle are correlated with gender and age characteristics and periods human being... So, the beginning of the year is thought of in terms of childhood, early spring is correlated with adolescence, the flowering of spring is the youth of the year, the middle of summer is the marriage season, the harvest time is maturity with its fruiting, "land births" (hence the word "harvest"), and end of autumn - beginning of winter - old age of the year. That is why practically all the peoples of Europe see Nicholas (Santa Claus) as an old man with a white beard, with a staff, he seems to take on the functions of the old, outgoing year (the current traditional Santa Claus is the transformed Nikola, Santa Claus, Pere Noel ). That is why he is so closely associated with children as the personification of the beginning, growth, the new, which naturally replaces the obsolete, old.

In Russia Nikolshchina is a holiday of old people. But it also has a place for young people - merry evenings, fortune-telling, round dances, games with kisses.

“Under the name of Nikolshchina,” wrote S.V. Maksimov, “one should understand the indefinite number of days of holidays, the period of time preceding and following the winter Nicholas. This festival is always held together, since one cannot afford to receive all the neighbors. Unlike others, this is a holiday for old people, families and representatives of rural and rural families. The general fun and the hunt for beer lasts at least three to four days, at the congress of all close relatives, but in a select and limited number. It is not good for someone who refuses to fold and avoids celebration: such a master is tormented by ridicule throughout the year. "

Nikolshchina is a favorite holiday, where there are always many treats, mainly pies and beer prepared in a special way, special “Nikolsky” beer.

Nikolschina is red with beer and pies.

On Nikolin day there is beer in every house.

For the godfather Nikolschina cooks mash, for the godfather he bakes pies.

The women called the Nikolsky guys to cook the mash, but the women did not know that the guys only drink mash.

A man grieved on Nikolytsin, why didn’t she whole year lives.

Malanya was having fun on Nikolin's day, that they were drinking the worldly brew, and Malanya did not know that they were beating men for a hangover.

Call a friend to Nikolschina, call an enemy - both will be friends.

Nikolshchina does not bow to the boyar court.

The Lord's Nikolschina on sledges runs through the streets, and the village village sits in a hut and drinks a beer.

It was not in vain that they said about the festivities on Nikola: What he anchored, he penetrated. Donned to the sum.(It happened that in holidays let down what had been making a fortune for months.)

The peasants go to Nikolshchina with a glance, and after Nikolshchina they lie under the bench.

To know the peasant that he was celebrating Nikolshchina, if the cap does not hold on to his head.

They drink Nikolskaya braga, but they beat him for a hangover.

With Nikola, youth Christmas gatherings began or preparations were made for them. Girls and boys agreed to buy out a hut from some poor lonely old woman or a widow, prepared firewood, splinters, and began making Christmas masks for mummers and costumes for playing plays and scenes from the repertoire of traditional folk theater.

On Nikola in the Tyumen Territory young people gathered for the evening "with the sole purpose of playing." Fyodor Zobnin, a collector and connoisseur of local folklore and customs, writes: “Then they do not take spinners and seamstresses at all, or, if they do, it is only for glory. Well done guys will come and say:

- Well, the devises are red, a song to us!

You will not refuse. In these cases, they sing no longer voted songs, but special ones that are sung soon and inevitably end with an invitation to kiss. Here's one of those songs:

The girls mow the swan, the swan

For the calves for food, for food.

Calves don't eat weed

Unmarried, do not lie [kiss] the girl.

Even worse, single, single,

Stand untied under the bed.

Salt me, young lad.

While singing such songs, the fellows walk up and down the room, holding hands, and at the end of the song they invite the girls to kiss. "

In the Voronezh Territory, in winter, matchmaking began with Nikola. On this day, prayers are served by those who are thinking of marrying or getting married. The same was recorded in the Nizhny Novgorod lands (Zavetluzhie): the time of matchmaking began with the winter Nikola - From Nikola to the brides the gates of the floor.

Choose not a bride, but a matchmaker.

For a good matchmaker, grooms and brides are all counted.

Without our matchmaker, the girl will not get married.

The crafty matchmaker is a seven-headed snake.

No one will lie against a matchmaker.

Only one matchmaker swears for someone else's soul.

Nobody will praise the other side against the matchmaker.

The matchmaker takes other people's sins on the soul.

At least sit down and roll on Svashenka's speeches.

People boast - you can't climb; matchmaker grabs - you can't jump on a horse.

Swatu first cup and first stick.

They will find a good bride on the stove too.

Hood groom wooing - good way it seems.

Do not break the mountain ash will not ripen; do not woo the girl without knowing it.

One got married - he saw the light, the other got married - he didn't see the light (he disappeared with his head).

A good wife and an honest husband.

In the church on December 19, the memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker is honored. Many have heard about him, but not everyone knows his story. The future saint was born into a wealthy aristocratic family around the 3rd century in the city of Patara, located in Asia Minor. When he was still a child, the family moved to the port town of Mira, where Nikolai lived to a ripe old age.

Translated from Greek, the name Nikolai means "conqueror of nations."

From childhood, Nikolai studied Holy Bible... He spent his days in the temple, and his nights at prayer. In matters of faith, he was like an old man. Such a ministry could not go unnoticed.

When the future saint was a youth, his neighbor went broke, so as not to die of hunger, the man decided to sell his three daughters to a brothel. Upon learning of this, Nikolai worried about the fate of the girls, in order to help them, at night he threw a bag of gold coins out of the window at them.

After the death of Archbishop John, the question arose of who would take his place. One of the bishops dreamed prophetic dream... In the vision, it was said that this place should be occupied by a young man who will be the first to visit the temple in the morning. And the name of this young man–Nicholas. And indeed, with the first rays of the sun, Nikolai entered the temple, who was later nicknamed the Wonderworker.

According to legend, the saint had a truly angelic face. A certain radiance emanated from him, as from the face of the prophet Moses.

For more than 1000 years, the relics of the saint have been in the Italian city of Bari. They were brought here in 1087 by sailors. In 1953, anthropologists uncovered the saint's tomb. Research has shown that the iconographic image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is fully consistent with his portrait.

Saint Nicholas Day: traditions, customs and ceremonies

During this period, outside the windows, frosts grow stronger, which are called Nikolsky. In Russia, matchmaking began with Nikola the Winter. Those who dreamed of getting married prayed to Nicholas the Wonderworker. They believed that prayer would help you meet your soul mate faster.

On December 19, it is customary to give gifts to children. Therefore, little family members are looking forward to the coming of the holiday with special impatience. From the very morning they looked under the pillow. Saint Nicholas gave sweets to those who behaved well during the year, and lozin to those who were bad.

The peasants treated this holiday with special trepidation. In the morning, people went to church, served a prayer service, and then returned home and laid rich tables. You shouldn't be sad about Nicholas the Winter, it is believed that sadness will lead to severe frosts.

During this period, fairs were organized in Russia, grain and flour were sold at reduced prices. The cost of almost all traders was the same, so buyers did not worry that they would be deceived by overstating the price.

It was customary to put up with Nicholas Winter by those who quarreled. People gathered and arranged lavish feasts. They believed that Saint Nicholas, in the guise of a gray-haired old man, descends to earth and performs miracles.

The miracle worker is revered as a protector from various misfortunes and an assistant in good deeds. They pray to him for a change in fate, for work, for health and for marriage.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Changing Fate

This prayer helps to change a person's life for the better. Do not think that having read it once, you will radically change your destiny. In order for prayer to work, it must be treated correctly.

You need to read it every day for forty days. If for some reason you missed at least one day, then start reading the prayer again. It is necessary to pray in a quiet place, preferably at home. Read the prayer while looking at the image of the saint.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help

If now you have difficult period in life, many problems have piled up, the solutions of which you cannot find in any way, then ask for help from Saint Nicholas, after reading special prayer... It is necessary to read it in front of the icon of the saint, being completely alone.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage

Pleasant Nikolai helps the girls arrange their fate and meet a worthy groom.

Prayers to Nikolai Ugodnik about work

If you are looking for new job, then in order to achieve success you can read a special prayer to Nicholas. You can do this at home, you don't have to go to church or memorize the words. If you wish, you can pray in your own words.

December 19: signs and beliefs

  1. If frost appears, then in next year a rich harvest of oats is expected.
  2. If the day is frosty and sunny, there will be a good harvest.
  3. How much snow falls on Nikolai, there will be so much grass in the spring.
  4. If the winter was harsh before December 19, then a thaw will begin from that day, which will last until.
  5. If he orders him for the winter, he will tell him about Nicholas.

Person born on December 19 according to the horoscope Sagittarius. These people are distinguished by self-sufficiency, they know how to defend their opinions and go through life boldly. They are not afraid of difficulties and failures. Rhodonite and lapis lazuli are suitable for them as a talisman.

Video: Nikola Zimny ​​- December 19

The history of the appearance of the holiday

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

Joint pain conspiracy

Fear conspiracy

Saved words in transit

“The road is a princess, the Way is my king. Faith in Christ was old, Faith is still. With me is my shield, Jesus Christ himself, the Savior's hand from every enemy. Whoever reaches out to me will become a dead man himself. The key is in my mouth, the lock is in the river, it is on me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Fortune-telling and ceremonies on the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

On this day, young people loved to conduct rituals and fortune-telling.

Divination by the betrothed

Unmarried girls went out into the courtyard in the evening, took off their shoes from their left feet and threw them with all their might through the gate. The further the shoe flies off, the further the girl will go after the wedding. In which direction the nose of the shoe points - from there the groom will come to marry. And if the nose of the shoe pointed to the house where the girl lives herself, then this year she will not get married.

Rite of passage for wealth on the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

To get money into the house, empty wallets were placed in a prominent place. Supposedly the saint will see that the person is poor and will help them. Some hung up signs with the words “there is nothing” to convey their need to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Rite of passage for the fulfillment of wishes for Nikola

To carry it out a prerequisite is the presence in the house of the icon of Nicholas the Ugodnik. You will need 40 more church candles... On the Day of St. Nicholas, you need to put his image on the table, and place candles near the icon. Then you should light the candles in turn, and while they are burning, turn to the Wonderworker with your request.

A rite of passage for the fulfillment of wishes

Today you can carry out a rite of passage to fulfill a wish. Buy twelve church candles and place them in front of the icon of St. Nicholas. Light the candles and, while they are burning (about an hour), ask the Pleasant of God to fulfill your most cherished desire (but not related to finances).

We wish you all the best and no troubles! Be happy and healthy!

Russian Orthodox Church December 19 celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. We all know this holiday well. Ever since childhood, we know that on this day all obedient kids receive gifts that the saint leaves under his pillow or in his shoes. At the same time, not everyone is aware of who Nicholas the Wonderworker was, what deeds he did, what traditions are associated with his name in different countries and beliefs.

Saint Nicholas, who lived in the III-IV centuries, became famous as a great saint of God, therefore among the people he is usually called Nicholas the Pleasant.

The history of the life of Nikolai the Ugodnik

The life of Nicholas the Wonderworker is not at all shrouded in legends. This saint was real historical figure... He is believed to have been born in 270 CE. NS. and lived until 345. The parents of Nicholas the Wonderworker were very pious and wealthy people: Theophan and Nona. He was the only child in the family. His parents prayed constantly, since for a long time they had no children at all.

When a baby appeared in their family, they promised God that the life of Nicholas would be dedicated to worship, faith and religion. Everything did not happen as it was intentionally, because the boy was left an orphan. The life of Nicholas the Wonderworker at that time was marked by the fact that he began to live away from people, like a hermit. The man was fully occupied scientific activities... Nicholas the Wonderworker was among the bishops-participants in the first Ecumenical Christian Cathedral in 325.

He did many holy deeds and wonderful things:

For example, making a trip (pilgrimage) to Jerusalem, Nicholas with prayer calmed the storm-raging sea. After the prayer, the sailor came to life, who crashed, falling from the mast.

There are also legends that Nicholas did not allow the executioner to carry out the death sentence for three, falsely accused by the local mayor.

prevented the severe hunger of the inhabitants of his native city called Mira;

more than once he saved people on water and land from misfortune and hunger.

Nikolai died on December 6, 334, having lived to a ripe old age. After death he was recognized as a saint. According to church legend, the relics of St. Nicholas have been preserved, which exuded myrrh that healed the parishioners. In 1087, the relics of Nicholas the Pleasant were transferred to Italy, to the city of Bar (Bari), where they are still located.

More recently, in 2009, scientists were able to describe the features of the saint on the basis of X-rays and cranioscopy. It was determined that this was a man of short stature (about 1 meter 68 centimeters) with a high forehead, protruding cheekbones and a chin, he had brown eyes and dark skin.

The church canonized Nicholas, and nowadays in many homes they pray to this saint in grief and joy, and kids every year on St. Nicholas Day receive gifts. But the main thing is that they learn kindness and love for people, so that later they can pass on this unshakable tradition to their children. And as long as the tradition and history are alive, the people and the family are alive.

The history of the appearance of the holiday

Perhaps the holiday took place after this incident:

“One poor man could not provide his daughters with a dowry. According to the customs of that time - due to the lack of a dowry, they could not get married. Therefore, the father decided to send them to work. Nikolai found out about this and decided to use his father's inheritance in order to make the whole family happy. For three nights, he secretly came to the poor man's house and every night he threw into the room (through the window) where the sisters spent the night, a piece of gold - for a dowry for each daughter. Nikolai decided to keep his benevolence a secret. "

There is also such a legend:

The Day of Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated not only in December, but also in May - this is the day when his relics were transported to italian city Bari. These two months (May and December) were chosen for a reason, because both are important for grain growers. As our ancestors said: "One Nikolai pleases with grass, the other - with frost."

"Once a simple man rode along country road and his cart got stuck in the mud. The cart was very heavy: the peasant could not pull it out alone. It was at this time that the saints were going to God. One of them, Kasyan, passed by a peasant with a cart. Then the peasant begged for help. Kasyan was offended that he was disturbed because of such a trifle. In clean, beautiful clothes, he walked past the peasant. Then St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The man also asked him for help. The saint helped the peasant without hesitation. Together they pulled the cart out of the mud. But Nikolai was all smeared. All the saints gathered with God. He began to ask them: why Nikolai was so late, because of what all his clothes are smeared with mud? Then Nikolai the Wonderworker told what story happened to him along the way. God then asked Kasyan why he did not help the peasant and walk past him? He replied that he could not be late for a meeting with God and come in dirty clothes. Then the Almighty said that the feast of St. Kasyan would be celebrated by people only once every 4 years - on February 29. At the same time, St. Nicholas Day will be celebrated 2 times a year - in May and December. After all, he helps without hesitation common people, let them honor and glorify him.

V folk calendar December 19 - Day of St. Nicholas Winter... The peasants treated this day with special trepidation: matchmaking began, and with it, severe frosts. That's why the day of December 19 was called Nikolsky frosts.

Saint Nicholas himself was greatly revered among the people as a protector from all misfortunes and an assistant in good deeds.

The saint was considered by the people to be the main helper for those convicted of imperfect deeds.

Nikolai is also the patron saint of merchants, children and sailors.

Farmers often prayed to him in order to get a good harvest.

Interestingly, it was the day of Nicholas that was often considered the time frame for a deal.

On this holiday, Christian and folk signs and customs are closely intertwined.

What not to do on St. Nicholas Day

December 19 falls on the Nativity Fast. On this day, you can eat fish, but you cannot eat meat, eggs and other animal products.

On St. Nicholas Day, you cannot lend. Our ancestors believed that the borrower, along with the money, can take good luck and luck out of the house.

In addition, according to folk customs, on this day you cannot do repairs, sew, wash.

What you need to do on the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

On this day, believers should definitely go to church and pray. The best place to start on December 19th is the morning service.

Following the example of Nicholas the Wonderworker, on this day it is necessary to help loved ones, to give alms, but not to advertise it.

According to folk tradition, on St. Nicholas Day, gifts are put under the pillow, most often they are sweets: sweets, chocolate, gingerbread. Gifts must be put at night so that the person wakes up in the morning and finds a present from Nikolai under the pillow.

Our ancestors always had fun on Nicholas Day, organized festivities, laid a magnificent table, and invited guests. This is a fun holiday, so December 19 should be spent in joy and fun.

Folk omens on December 19:

  • .what is the weather on Nikolai Zimny, so will be the day of Nikola Veshny (May 22);
  • If frost falls before Nikola's day, there will be a good harvest
  • If it’s winter before Nikolin’s day sweeps up the trail, the road doesn’t stand.
  • Sadness on Nikolai's day brings severe frosts.
  • Praise the winter after Nikolina's day. As much as Nikola Zimny ​​will give snow, as much Nikola Veshniy will give herbs.
  • If a person was born on December 19, then he should wear lapis lazuli or rhodonite as a talisman.

What needs do they pray to St. Nicholas?

  • Girls and married women pray to st. Nicholas about how to happily marry and live with your spouse in love and harmony.
  • Drivers, sailors and travelers alike pray to avoid hazards on the road.
  • There are many known cases when St. Nikolai saved drowning people.
  • Often they resort to the saint as a quick defender of the unjustly offended and slandered ..

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

“O all-merciful Father Nicholas, pastor and teacher of all who, by faith, flow to your intercession and call you with warm prayer! Soon sweep your way and deliver Christ's flock from the wolves that are destroying her; and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from gladness, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And as if you had mercy on the three men sitting in prison, and you delivered them from the king's wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins that exist, and deliver me the wrath of God and eternal executions, as if by your intercession and With help, with His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this whole thing and will deliver me from a shuiyago standing, and will vouch for a gum with all the saints. Amen."

Conspiracies on the day of St. Nicholas

Joint pain conspiracy

“Lomotica, forceps, bone birthmark, all joints and semi-joints, bootlegs, do not creak, do not hurt the servant of God ... (name), so that she does not suffer anymore, let her sleep. Amen."

Having pronounced the conspiracy, light a church candle and read the prayer to Nicholas the saint three times.

Fear conspiracy

On Sunday at noon, read the prayer to St. Nicholas, light a church candle and, approaching the icon, say:

“There is no fear neither in the dark night, nor in the light of day, nor in the deserted desert, nor in fire, nor in water, nor in military affairs, nor in a fist fight, nor in the face of the deceased, nor in earthly court. There is no fear in the heart of the servant of God / servant of God ... (name). In the name of Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, who was not afraid of death on the cross. Amen."

Conspiracy to cleanse the body

If you feel tired all over your body, suffer from insomnia, have a premonition of misfortune, and also after communicating with unpleasant people, after praying to Nicholas, you need to take a contrast shower of seven ablutions. For women, the procedure starts with hot water, for men - with cold water. After you wash yourself for the seventh time, looking at the running away water, say: “You water, holy water! You wash everything and clean everything! Wash me, the servant of God / slaves ... (name) pricks, ghosts, troubles, hardships. Amen". And read Our Father three times.

A conspiracy to prevent the child from falling into bad company

This conspiracy is also read after the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, at the head of the bed of a sleeping child.

“Go, child, to your house and do not bow to anyone else but your father, except your mother. Bow down to the icon (Nikolai the Pleasant) (3 times) and obey your parents. Amen."

“Let God rise again, and scatter them against Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like the smoke disappears, let it disappear, like the wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons die from the face loving God and celebrating sign of the cross, and in the joy of those who say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive out the demons by the power of the impregnated Lord Jesus Christ on you, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary. Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen."

St. Nicholas Day is traditionally celebrated on December 19. This is a favorite holiday for both children and adults. There are many associated with this day interesting signs, traditions and rituals. We will tell you about what is not allowed, and what can and should be done on this day.

December 19 opens a series of Christmas holidays. Children eagerly await St. Nicholas Day in order to find a gift under the pillow in the morning. It is customary to give gifts not only to children, but also to adults. It's nice to feel a surprise under your pillow at any age, isn't it?

Nicholas the Wonderworker - one of the most revered Saints after the Virgin Mary. In honor of St. Nicholas, many churches have been built in the world, they pray to him for health, well-being and the fulfillment of desires.

St. Nicolas day - one of the brightest winter holidays. Moreover, both in the folk tradition and in the church. The tradition of celebrating St. Nicholas Day on December 19 has taken root in Christianity, Catholics celebrate St. Nicholas Day by Gregorian calendar- December 6.

This is the day of remembrance of the saint. In Catholic countries, Saint Nicholas became the prototype of Santa Claus and other winter fairy tale characters.

Saint Nicholas Day: what not to do on this day December 19

There is a belief according to which you cannot do anything for yourself on St. Nicholas Day. Only for those who need your help. But if on this day you do not take care of the poor or orphans, then you will suffer losses for seven years.

Despite the fact that the tables were laid magnificently on December 19 and many people were invited, all the dishes were lenten, because until January 7, Orthodox Christians observed the Nativity Fast.

The main tradition on December 19, of course, is to put gifts under the pillow for children. Most often, candy and other sweets are given. In Europe, gifts are put in special socks that are hung over the fireplace.

And on this day, it is customary to do good deeds: to help those in need, to give gifts to orphans, the poor, children from large families. On this day, people bring sweets, clothes to boarding schools and orphanages and simply give a few hours of warmth and joy.

Christians consider Saint Nicholas to be their patron, patron saint of sailors and travelers. It is to him that sailors pray before sailing, those who are waiting for a long journey turn to him.

It is customary to celebrate the Day of St. Nicholas magnificently, laying tables and inviting relatives and friends.

From the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the matchmaking period began, since after Christmas it was already possible to play weddings.

Saint Nicholas Day: interesting rituals and traditions

St. Nicholas Day is rich in traditions and signs. Our ancestors performed very interesting rituals that day. For example, on December 19, the owner was supposed to wake up at dawn in order to be the first to go around his entire household. If someone managed to get ahead of him, the next year the family could befall misfortune.

Moreover, the owner had to look into the barn and feed the cattle. At the same time, it was necessary to say: “Give, God, good day, I’m thin, healthy bully, that I’m with you and with my wife” (Ukrainian).

When my father returned, the whole family went to church for services. It was customary to dress up in the best clothes, and put sweets in bags, which were then distributed to the children of relatives, godchildren and orphans.

After the service, they made a lavish feast. It was customary to invite not only relatives and friends, but also those people with whom they quarreled. It was believed that on this day you need to come to peace and improve relations. Moreover, it was considered a sin to refuse such an invitation.

December 19 for St. Nicholas Day was prepared lean dishes, and also honey cakes and gingerbread "Mikolajczyk", which were distributed only to children.

On December 19, all Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Nicholas the Wonderworker. This day was also named Nicholas Winter. This is not only a church, but also a national holiday.

The Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is not included in the list of 12 main Orthodox holidays, but it has quite rich history, many folk traditions. It is a kind of way of bringing people closer together. Nicholas the Winter is the day when Saint Nicholas, according to believers, descends to Earth and blesses the property of people, protecting it from the destructive power of winter.

Life path of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The saint himself was born 270 years after the birth of Christ. Despite the fact that he was not born during the life of Christ and did not meet him face to face, he carried the heavy cross of faith all his life, for at that time the people's faith was not yet strong enough to rid the world of paganism.

This man for his comparatively long life managed to do so much good to people that the list of these good deeds would be simply huge. There are countless legends and mentions of Nicholas the Wonderworker in the annals as a man who carried the Word of God around the world and performed miracles. He healed people with his prayers, he helped the poor and needy as much as he could, throughout his life. He died in peace from an illness that almost did not torment him.

Saint Nicholas has been recognized as one of the most important saints in the entire history of Christianity. He is the protector of orphans, children in general, the patron saint of travelers and prisoners who have been wrongly convicted or who have realized their mistakes.

Folk traditions and signs on Nikola Zimny

In Russia, everyone fell in love with Nicholas with the advent of Christianity. All Eastern Slavs celebrate Nicholas, marking the beginning of the winter Christmastide. The holiday is also called Nikolai Morozny.

Most interestingly, Saint Nicholas became the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus because of his kindness to people. He secretly gave gifts to people, which has become a tradition at Christmas.

  • they say that winter spreads its snowy wings and begins its well-deserved reign on the day of St. Nicholas the Winter;
  • if there is warm and sunny weather on Nikola, then you should expect a bountiful harvest next year;
  • what the weather will be on Winter Nicholas, the same will be on Summer, because in the summer there is also a holiday dedicated to Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • after the service in the church, people take a couple of candles to their home to use in the process of prayer;
  • people eat honey being lean food... This is important, because at this time the Nativity Fast is in full swing;
  • livestock is slaughtered on Nikolai Zimny;
  • on this day, the young had a tradition to walk and feast. It was customary to make new friends and put up with old ones;
  • winter matchmaking began on this day;
  • Since ancient times, they have been guessing at Nikola. Mostly these were girls who dreamed of getting married. They wanted to know their betrothed.

There were a huge number of traditions, and in each of the parts of Russia these traditions had approximately the same meaning, but were reproduced in different ways. It was a good and kind time when all people rallied and solved common problems.

Do not forget to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker on December 19 and ask him to pray to God for our health and for the happiness of our children. Be happy, may winter bring you only warm emotions and a lot of good. Strong faith in you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.12.2016 06:03

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays... This event was a turning point for ...