Real white magic spells. Features of black aggressive magic

White magic spells are one of the sections of witchcraft that involves creation rather than destruction. It can be used to improve family relationships, find love, become more attractive, attract money and good luck, cure many diseases and protect yourself from black magic.

In the article:

White magic spells and features of light witchcraft

If you have chosen the path of a white magician for yourself, then you should understand that the boundaries of development in light witchcraft are almost limitless. This means that self-development must be continuous. You should never assume that you know everything there is to know.

Much attention is also paid to the lack bad habits. These are smoking, foul language, addiction to alcohol and some others. It is not necessary to try to end all of them at once, but this should be strived for in the long term.

White magicians are not always Orthodox Christians. There are, for example, pagans among them, but there are not too many of them. Often, when pronouncing magic spells white magic uses various tools - icons, crosses, candles, ritual knives and other objects. , fortune telling cards, the frame is all those ritual accessories that are very popular among white magicians. With their help, you can find out the future, find geopathogenic zones and reduce their impact on yourself and your family.

It doesn’t matter whether the spells of ancient white magic or more modern variations are in front of you - they are united by the fact that they cannot cause harm. White magic spells are aimed exclusively at creation. This even applies to Punishing the offender with the help of white magic is possible, but at the same time your enemy will receive exactly what he deserves.

Magic for money at the spring equinox

There is an old ritual that attracts money and helps increase the income of the whole family. It is done on the day of the vernal equinox - March 20-21, the time is sunrise in clear weather. While doing this, stand facing east.

Get something fresh chicken egg. Try to buy an egg from a domestic chicken; it is usually not difficult to negotiate in the village. Make holes in it on both sides and pour the contents into two plates, separating the white from the yolk.

Now light the candle you bought in the church and give it the blessing sign of the cross yourself and an eggshell with two holes with these words:

By the grace of God, and with the help of the Almighty.

Take a small sliver of wood, dip it in the yolk and write your initials on the shell. In this case, each letter should be pointed three times. Blow three times on the shell, extinguish the candle without the help of water and air - with your hands or a special cap.

After you have extinguished the candle, count all the money you have in your house, wallet and pockets. If you have bank accounts and plastic cards, you should clarify or remember how much money is available on them. Write the resulting amount of all your funds on a small paper bill.

Now make the dough with just water and flour. A large quantity is not required. The dough is only needed to coat the shell with it. Do this after cooking it. While the dough on the shell has not yet dried, attach a bill to it with the written total of your funds and read the plot:

The egg is white, you spin and spin,
Turn around like a clear sun.
I conjure with the nightingale's song,
I bless you with a clear day and a dark night,
Singing copper, flowing water,
With burning fire and flying wind.
From this day my wealth will increase,
And the servant of God (your name) will forget about the sorrows forever!
And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen.

The shell needs to be planted. Use a flower pot and soil for this. Water it from time to time, preferably during the waxing moon. During watering, it would be useful to visualize the increase in wealth and profit growth.

The astronomical day of the equinox falls on March 20, but according to the creators Gregorian calendar The “official” date is considered to be March 21 (literally “12 days before the Kalends of April”) because this was the date of the vernal equinox during the time of the Council of Nicaea.

In order to find good job using white magic, go to church and buy two icons - Savior And Mother of God. You also need to take holy water there if you don’t have it at home. You should buy six more large church candles. In addition, for a plot to find a job, you also need a clay mug or cup. Any clay container into which you can pour holy water will do.

The time of the ceremony is from sunrise to noon.

Place the purchased icons and light a candle in front of them. Pour water into a mug and place it in front of the candles and icons. First, read the prayer to the Savior, and then to the Mother of God. Cross yourself, make the sign of the cross over the holy water, and then read three times over the water:

Mother of God, and God the Father! Give a blessing for good work. Amen.

Drink three sips of water at once, and leave the rest in the same place until the evening - you can wash your face with it before going to bed. Let the candles burn out in front of the icons. This ritual is repeated for three days in a row, that is, a total of six candles must burn in front of the icons. After three days have passed, you can begin to search for a job using the methods that you would use without the help of magic. You'll definitely be lucky. Don't forget to say prayers of gratitude when you find a job.

Ancient White Magic Spells for Trading

Such conspiracies and spells were used by merchants, and currently they are popular among businessmen who are engaged in trade.

In order to successfully purchase goods, sell them well in the future and increase your profits, you can use one of the white magic spells. It is read in the morning, before you go to purchase goods. Stand facing east, read a prayer to the Savior and make the sign of the cross. After this, read the spell:

The sun is clear, the sunrise is beautiful,
Find my way, find my way,
So that I take it cheaper and sell it more expensive!

As mentioned above, love spells white magic does not bring such harm as. As a rule, their texts contain an appeal to the forces of light that do not accept violence against the will of man. With the help of white magic spells, you can find love, strengthen family ties (especially if you got married in a church), ward off a homewrecker and attract the attention of a certain person.

Strengthening the relationship between spouses

There is a very simple conspiracy to strengthen marital relationships. It helps a lot if you have been married for a long time and think that your feelings have faded and need such influence. You should knead the dough, and then add an arbitrary amount of honey, powdered sugar and a couple of drops of rose oil to it with the following words:

Lada, bright Mother, Svarog, great Father, You have bound our souls forever, you have tied us together.

Use the dough to make any sweet pastries. You can leave it unchanged, or you can add berries, jam or pastry cream to make a cake, pie or something else. The dish needs to be fed to your spouse, you can eat it. But you shouldn’t treat strangers to this pie.

Returning passion to the spouses' relationship

There is another conspiracy to incite passion and return the husband’s old feelings. With its help, it is not difficult to restore the relationship that you had several years ago. The time for such a ritual is the waxing moon. To do this, draw running water early in the morning, at sunrise. This could be water from a well or spring. The amount of water you need is a full cup.

A cup of running water should be hidden somewhere in the house until the evening so that no one drinks it. After the sun sets and it gets dark, take this cup of water with both hands and say the following words to it three times:

A bird cannot live without a clear sky,
A wild beast - without meadows and forests,
Servant of God (name) - without me, servant of God (your name).
He's bored and grieving,
Cries and suffers
He doesn't know anything good.

While reading the plot, you should be completely alone, no one should hear you. You need to sprinkle your marital bed with water, but if you sleep separately with your husband, sprinkle clothes or other things that belong to him. The rest of the water should be poured out the window.

How to regain your wife's love and protect your marriage from cheating

There is a way to return the love of your wife, which will be useful to many men if the wife has lost sexual desire and began to pay attention to other men. This ritual is done in full moon. You should take holy water in church and pour it into any clean cup at home. As in the previous ritual to return the husband’s love, the cup of water is hidden until the evening.

At night, between dark and midnight, take a cup of water to left hand, stand near open window. It is advisable that full moon was visible in the sky. On blessed water the following plot is read:

Just as flowers bloom under the clear sun, so let my wife bloom and shine with love from me.
Just as the heat in her ignites and sinks down to her bosom, so my wife will come to me and keep smiling.
At night she keeps caressing me, and during the day she cries and kills herself without me.
Key. Lock. Language.

Add 12 drops of spoken water to your wife’s drink, but not hot. Compote, water, juices, etc. are suitable. After she drinks it, sprinkle the rest of the water on her clothes, personal belongings and, of course, your marital bed.

What to do if a wife doesn’t want a husband - a plot for a shirt

What to do if you don't want to intimate relationships with your husband, but still love him? With the help of white magic you can rekindle the flame of passion. To do this, at dawn a liter of spring water is collected. Mineral water without gas is not suitable here. This is also water from a natural source, but it is impossible to know what time it was collected.

Buy a new nightgown in advance and prepare a suitable large basin. This ritual is not done in church holiday and not on Sunday. You should not practice such magic while when the moon wanes.

So, try to be completely alone by midnight. Put on a new nightgown, place a basin near the table, and on the table - a container of water that you collected at dawn. Say the spell on the water twelve times:

I was born a red girl, I was baptized as a red girl, I will always be just as sweet and red. I, the servant of God (your name), will never forget a man’s blessing. Mouth to mouth, hands to hands, feet to feet. Amen.

Now take water, stand in a basin and pour this water over it. Take off your shirt. There is no need to wash it, just dry it. After it dries, wear it the next night when you go to bed in the bed you share with your husband.

Conspiracy against cheating husband

White magic can protect your husband from cheating. With the help of the following conspiracy, you can not only prevent infidelity, but also stop it once and for all. You need a liter of holy water. The right time for a conspiracy against betrayal is the waning moon, immediately after the full moon. The text must be learned in advance.

So, wake up at a time when it is still dark and the sun has not yet risen. Stay in one of the rooms of the house alone, take a container with a liter of holy water in your hands and read the spell ten times, while looking at the bottom of the container:

A brownie cannot leave the hut, nor can he come to someone else’s doorstep.
So I can’t change my dear one, neither with the pockmarked nor with the good one.
According to my words, everything will be fine, my beloved will never forget me.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After you have read the plot, walk around the apartment or house clockwise with the water. Each corner while walking around the home should be sprinkled with this water. What remains is added to the husband’s drinks (cold or room temperature) in the morning, ten drops at a time.

White magic spells for beauty and attractiveness

In white magic there is a way to become more attractive to the opposite sex. With slight differences in some points, it is suitable for women and men. This one will also help you find your love.

For this ritual you need a red candle, a glass ordinary water, a mixture of patchouli, ylang-ylang and rose essential oils (each oil has instructions that indicate the dosage of oils, and you need the one that is suitable for taking a bath), several handfuls of rose petals of any color. In advance, select pleasant music that is associated with relaxation, attractiveness and a romantic atmosphere.

into the night new moon You need to put a glass of water on the window so that the moonlight falls on it. Leave this glass until the full moon. This is suitable for women, men need to saturate the water with sunlight, not moonlight. Women put the glass away dark place during the day and men at night.

During the full moon, the glass of water is removed. Run a bath with water at a comfortable temperature. Water, saturated with the light of a day or night star, is poured into it. At the same time, women imagine how the water becomes silver, and men should visualize golden sunshine.

After this, turn on pleasant music, add a mixture of essential oils to the water (before adding them to the water, mix the oils with milk or drip them onto sea ​​salt) and pink petals. Immerse yourself in the water and try to relax. Spend as much time in the water as you see fit. While taking a bath, imagine how the skin begins to glow (silver light for women, and golden light for men), ask the Moon or Sun to bestow attractiveness and love, visualize yourself the way you want to see.

Protective spells of white magic

Protective white witchcraft is capable of many things. With the help of appropriate spells you can protect yourself from problems, damage or curses, the machinations of ill-wishers, evil spirits and negative energy. Knowing a few spells, each person will be able to protect himself and his family.

Protective spell against problems

In order to protect yourself from any problems outside the home, read the plot for a scarf or towel:

The shield is my guarantee, Christ is my protection.
I walk and everywhere there is a path and a bright road for me. Amen.

This is done right before leaving the house. After reading the plot, you should wipe your face with a handkerchief or towel.

Conspiracy to the native land before a long journey

In the distant past, before going to long journey, took with them a little of their native land in a bag. This is very powerful amulet, which can even save lives while traveling. Collect land near your home with these words:

Save your father's house and mother earth and protect it from evil God's servant(name) is on his way.

Tie the soil in a fabric bag and put it in your traveling clothes pocket or suitcase. This is done just before departure or early in the morning. You can make such a talisman not only for yourself, but also for your family members.

Protection from damage using light witchcraft

There are methods from white magic. As soon as you hear something that can be classified as a threat (for example, a promise to cause damage), stop listening to the words. Cross yourself (and your phone, if threats were heard during a telephone conversation), and then say (without hanging up if you are talking to an enemy on the phone):

Everything has reached you, it’s passed on to you. Perish, disappear, go away. Amen.

It doesn't matter whether your enemy was listening to you at the time. The main thing is that you sent back negative program and defended themselves from it.

Protection from negative energy using magic

The method is like after a quarrel in a personal meeting with your enemy. To do this, you need a regular black thread of any material, approximately the length of an elbow, and any wax candle. Black candles are often used to get rid of negativity, but if they are associated only with black magic, they should not be used for protection. There should be no lighting other than this candle.

So, wrap the thread around the index finger of your right hand and read the following spell seven times:

You go, the pain is angry from me to Ivan, and from Ivan to Pakhom, from Pakhom to Nikitka, and from Nikitka to this thread. She will be there forever, and I (name) will live in peace. Word. Key. Language. Lock.

Remove the thread from your finger as you would a ring - without unwinding the thread, and then burn it in the flame of a candle. Let the candle burn out, and throw the ashes from the burnt thread somewhere outside your home.

Protecting and cleansing your home with herbs

You can protect your home even without the help of conspiracies, only by resorting to the power of herbs. The technique described below is necessary to protect and cleanse your home from evil spirits, the evil eye and negative energy. Repeat it once a month, on the waning moon.

Prepare a steep infusion of thistle (can be found in almost any field) and dill. Herbs can be either fresh or dry. Wormwood, which has long been famous for its protective properties, is also good.

Make a small broom of white, speckled and black chicken feathers. Sprinkle your home with this broom and infusion of herbs, walking around it clockwise. Be sure to sprinkle the front door, windows and window sills. Don't skip the bathroom, storage room and balcony.

White magic can not only protect, but also get rid of damage. With its help, any person can always change their life for the better; the main thing is to do good not only in their thoughts, but also in their actions.

Anything that scares us makes us angry, fearful, and in denial. This is fine. It is common for the human race to fear and deny everything for which they cannot find an explanation.

Black magic is a special cult and ancient teaching

Black magic, as an ancient teaching or as a special cult, also causes a feeling of apprehension, fear among most people, and magicians who have chosen this type of employment for themselves are condemned by society. What is Black Magic in its essence, is it worth fearing and condemning?

History of Black Teaching

The first thing I will say is that in the world of magicians there is no clear definition of Black, White or Gray magic. Magic is a teaching, one stream, one sphere. But this area includes various branches. If you already want to share the concept so badly magical influence into categories, it is better to use psychological concepts rather than colors.

Black Magic is aggressive witchcraft. The actions of such witchcraft are aimed at aggressively achieving goals. If there is an enemy, then the dark magician does not offer to forgive him, but offers to take revenge and take revenge harshly. This is precisely what damage, curses and evil eyes are aimed at. Mentioning the power of Love, the consequences of Black magic are not aimed at enhancing the attractiveness of the magician performing the ritual, but at enslaving the will of the victim.

There is no need to argue that this is wrong or say that it is an unpardonable sin. None of us mortals, be we magicians or ordinary people, have received the supreme right to decide whether Black Magic and its rituals are a crime or not. You should not take on the role of the arbiter of someone’s fate or someone’s thoughts.

Aggressive Magic in Human History

If you look from the point of view of an adept of aggressive magic, that is, from my point of view, then Black Magic has been undeservedly oppressed and humiliated for many centuries. Yes, that’s exactly what is not deserved.

By accusing adherents of dark forces of harming humanity, the Inquisition, with its sentences, violated the main commandments of God: do not torture, do not kill, do not steal. And if their faith in God and Paradise was justified, then all those who passed judgment and carried out punishments quite successfully reserved a place for their immortal souls in the fiery hyena of Hell.

But, despite the fact that times are changing, the attitude towards Dark Magic has not changed much. People, ordinary people, are also afraid of dark magicians, they condemn their actions, and do not accept their way of life as a worthy choice. At the same time, absolutely everyone resorts to the services of the Black Teaching, consciously or unconsciously. Consciously, this is when a person goes to a magician and orders damage to his enemy.

And unconsciously, this is if a person, in a strong rage, showers his enemy with curses, sending all the troubles of the world to him and his family. So I’ll tell you that it is not yet known what is a great sin: the professional work of a magician who knows how to correctly carry out the ritual of punishing one person, or the menial work of an ordinary person who, with his evil words, harms not only the enemy, but also his children, and sometimes to grandchildren.

Should you be afraid of Black Magic?

I will not console you and say that there is nothing to fear from dirty deeds. Yes, Black Dark Magic is aggression, and if a ritual of punishment, revenge, damage or curse is carried out by a professional, the consequences will not only be terrible, they will be disastrous:

  • illness;
  • death;
  • psychological exhaustion;
  • loss of performance;
  • neurological disorders;
  • pursuit magic;
  • depression;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • destruction of personality, etc.

Psychological exhaustion is a consequence of the effects of black magic

But I will also mention that witches and dark magicians are not particularly eager to do damage, cast curses, or drive people crazy. Most offenses are not worth paying for with your life, even the most strong magic against the destruction of man. And Black Magicians appreciate human life even more than the ordinary people themselves.

Working with Dark Energy gives many opportunities, but takes a lot of energy. And therefore, I would not recommend getting involved in rituals and creating magical objects for those who do not feel enough strength and energy.

Who can and who cannot practice Black Magic?

Due to the rapid development of scientific psychology, as well as esotericism, many cease to perceive Magic as something serious and dangerous. Inexperienced and unprepared people are trying to discover superhuman abilities in themselves, others are studying various types of fortune-telling, practicing spells and summoning spirits, while others simply want to know themselves from a different perspective.

Speaking about modern Black Magic, ordinary people still tend to be more skeptical about it.

However, there are those who not only believe, but also have a desire to try themselves in a similar direction. There are many different types of magic, but, as my practice with beginners shows, Dark witchcraft is of more interest than Light deeds. And this is exactly what we will talk about, because in reality, not everyone knows what Black Magic is, and what it is, and who can and who is not allowed to practice it.

How to determine your strength for a choice like Aggressive Magic

Black, Aggressive magic is a relatively unknown concept for many people. All that the average person knows is that:

  • turning into a black magician can be spontaneous;
  • every witch knows how to make the enemy “death”;
  • ancient magic is stronger than modern rituals;
  • Black Magic spells are always Evil.

Basically, everyone associates it with destruction, chaos, evil and nothing but negativity. To a large extent, this is true - the basis of Black Magic is largely based on the worship of Satan, dark forces, and work with otherworldly entities. But on the other hand, adepts and sorcerers, witches and warlocks, just like light sorcerers, healers and sorcerers, adhere to the laws of the nature of magic.

But, it is rare when a spell made by an ordinary person has a powerful charge, or magic spell, containing special words, but pronounced by a novice practitioner will cause death to the enemy. It will take away vital forces, but it is unlikely to provoke death.

Fear and inexperience will ruin a novice practitioner

This side of magic is very difficult both in understanding and in practice, especially for beginners who, before learning all the basics of magical science, begin various kinds of spells, hexes, catching up evil forces on other people.

Such curiosity and bitterness can cost an inexperienced magician a lot. At best, the spell may not work, and at worst, it will have the opposite effect and return to its performer, leading to nightmarish consequences. That is why, in such a matter, you need to be as careful as possible and not get into trouble. Better yet, you should contact a specialist in this field, so you will have a better chance of not harming yourself and a chance to receive invaluable advice from an experienced magician.

In Black Magic there is the possibility of solving certain problems in ways that are simply not available in white magic.

Black magic can heal mental wounds making a person happy

But still, with the help of dark forces, you can not only harm a person. With the help of such teachings, sorcerers are able to help people recover from illnesses, wounds inflicted on them, and so on. It works on the principle that everything that is applied with a negative is removed with the same negative. Also, with the help of Dark Rituals, damage and love spells are removed.

How to determine that Aggressive Magic is your destiny

As already mentioned above, Dark Magic is very dangerous, sometimes painful and even fatal. Not every person can engage in such power, because in order to devote oneself to this matter, one must have great courage and strength.

When starting to study Black Magic, you need to decide and find out whether you can do this specifically. How to find out? Let's look at it:

Do you have enough strength and energy to practice Black Magic?

Each person has his own specific energy level. If your energy level is quite low, then under no circumstances should you practice Dark Magic. Otherwise, you will at least face health problems. In order to raise your energy level, start doing more sports, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, and so on. The choice is yours, so follow your preferences.

Can you control your thoughts when learning the Dark Teachings?

While you are practicing your Dark forces, you need to know clearly what you are thinking and what you want. The flow of extraneous thoughts is not allowed, especially if it is not related to Black Magic. In this situation, you can get an undesirable result or not very good consequences. Important role play, nuances that are insignificant for the average person, but in such a matter there are no trifles:

Your religious preference

Very many religious directions do not approve of those actions inherent in Black Magic. Christianity does not accept any kind of magic and does not accept it from its followers. If you are in some kind of religious community, you should think several times whether certain actions associated with the study of Dark Magic are consistent and whether you should do it. You must begin to master otherworldly magic without the slightest doubt, since any doubt is the key to unsuccessful work and results.

Do you have the patience?

As in absolutely all endeavors, the best results will naturally not be expected in a week. You will have to hone your skills over a long time, it will take a lot of effort and nerves, but this aspect is very important, since patience is the key to any success, Moscow was not built right away. Start with the easiest thing - develop your intuitive feeling.

Do you have a place to practice Dark Magic?

You must have your own private space, hidden from everyone, to practice Aggressive Witchcraft. No one should disturb you, you should be completely focused on your activities and not be distracted by anything. None living soul should not see your records and notes; only people trusted by you or your sorcerer brothers can be present at the rituals.

The ability to focus on one specific energy

If you practice your magical powers without being focused on your actions, expect to get any result other than what you want. In addition, such absent-mindedness can lead to disastrous consequences that you may regret in the future. There are many exercises to improve your concentration level. You can also try meditation, it is the best way to learn to concentrate.

Your doubts bring about the collapse of all endeavors.

You should absolutely not start studying black or any magic with doubts. You must be completely mentally prepared to accept magic into your life, as it will become part of everything you life path, and it will no longer be possible to eradicate it. If you have even the slightest doubt, you cannot start studying magic.

If you still have a fear of otherworldly magic, you should think about whether this is yours? Maybe you don’t need this at all and you should look for yourself in another type of magic, but you shouldn’t associate yourself with black forces. There should be no fear, you need to feel that this is your Path.

Aggressive magic and magic in general is a very serious and responsible type of science that requires detailed study and strong moral preparation. Get ready for big changes in your life, after you let him into it magical powers. Be careful, judicious and attentive while you use the magic of dark forces.

There is no need to harm people and be selfish, casting spells only for your own benefit and in the name of your motives. With great power comes great responsibility. Try to help people and not hurt them, treat diseases with the help of your magical abilities, do good, albeit with the help of dark energy.

What are black magic spells?

Black magic spells are very dangerous for both the sorcerer and his victims. Most often, such knowledge is used for fatal diseases, bewitching people, attracting money, communicating with gods and demons.

Black magic will help to punish the culprit, gain an advantage over others and resist the attack of other sorcerers. Black magic can be used not only for destruction, but also for good.

Only a person who has a very large supply of energy and willpower can effectively use the knowledge of black magicians. There are many frightening and mind-stirring rituals that can greatly impress a person with an unstable psyche. Before taking on such rituals, you need to gain experience and learn how to create strong protection for yourself.

If you are not sure that you can carry out the ritual to the end or correctly, then do not undertake it. Otherwise, you may suffer greatly. In order for the ceremony to be successful, it is necessary:

be an experienced sorcerer;

accurately pronounce incantations;

clearly formulate desires;

believe in what is planned;

be completely focused on your goal.

The centuries-old power when using a black magic spell in Latin acquires terrible power. IN general concept, black and white magic and their spells are types of all kinds of witchcraft and sorcery from the field of esotericism, which undoubtedly need to be studied in order to become familiar with the consequences of communication with the other world.

Types of black spells

Depending on the words of the books of black magic, spells are divided into:

Simple (one word for use in an unexpected situation and effective execution of an action at a close distance from the object). For example, “bondage” contributes to the emergence of a feeling of love, or “abara” - to prevent danger.

Easy - simple spells to achieve a specific effect. For example, you can turn to your angel by saying: “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, I am behind you." Afterwards, you will be able to set out on your journey without complaint, you will be protected by an angel.

Paired - conspiracies with a double effect, causing both action and reaction at the same time. Most often, paired spells correspond to a very strong spell, for example, black magic spells for love. Such rituals are carried out in the cemetery, and their removal takes place in the same place, but using a double (a similar spell).

Witchcraft (elemental spells) - used in complex rituals, using strong “helpers” from other world. They have a strong radiation spectrum, and an example is all kinds of damage, in particular, black magic spells on the enemy and other people's property.

The most strong conspiracies black magic - powerful curses that are resorted to only after accumulating sufficient strength and cooperating with a certain intention. Such curses are almost impossible to remove.

Black magic spells for love

Must be placed on white tablecloth three times the number of candles. The spell must be read three times and after each time one candle must be extinguished. When they all go out, you need to tie the candles together and light them again so that not a trace remains of them. The fumes and smoke must come out through the window, along with the spell.

ABOUT, great Lord, I pray to You. Yes, create an impenetrable wall. Create a bottomless abyss, a fence from everything, so that you can’t get around it. Depth - without end and edge. And the height is immeasurable. Create this, Lord, so that the slave (name) does not leave me. Didn't look at other girls. Hide him from all hated and envious eyes. Hide the key with yourself. Amen.

Black magic spell for money

Quite often, people, hoping to gain wealth and money, wonder what black magic conspiracies for wealth exist and how they can achieve the desired benefits. The following plot is considered very effective and fast-acting.

There is an island in the blue sea,

On that island there is an oak house.

In an oak house

The board is long.

And there, on the oak board,

There is magic gold.

Every day it doubles, sparkles and smiles.

He feels cramped in that oak house and on the island.

I sentence the slave (name) to him.

Come and live with me, my dear!

I have a lot of free space.

You can live in peace


No one will steal you, dear, or destroy you.

Live with me! After all, you will be safe.

And it’s no good for you to stay on the island.

Black magic conspiracies and spells instill fear in many people, but despite this, more and more individuals are turning specifically to the dark side of the universe.

It is important to note that there is a black magic conspiracy for good luck that will help solve some problems and bring joy from the fulfillment of cherished desires, good luck and luck in all endeavors. In order to carry out the ritual, it is necessary to cast a hex on an object that will never fall into the wrong hands. You can talk to a pin and pin it so that it is not visible. Throughout the process, say the following:

I ask Ivan the Theologian,

Ivan the Headless,

Ivan the Baptist,

Ivan Postitel,

Praskovya the Great Martyr,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Michael the Archangel,

I take, Hope, Love

And their mother Sophia.

Ivana Long-suffering,

Archangel Gabriel,

I stand before your protection.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Try to establish a connection with the otherworldly so that it will help you achieve what you want. But, don’t get carried away, because black magic is like a whirlpool that has its negative consequences.


Nail from the cemetery

Goga (spoil livestock)

Damage to mandrake root

Punish the offender

Damage to the wind

Ruin the business

Black magic voodoo

Voodoo doll

Strong love spell

Swomi loy swami san omweni,

Hmean wen ape koul demma.”

Black magic - book of spells

We present to the reader black spells with which you can take away health, wealth or luck.

Nail from the cemetery

This method causes the victim of witchcraft to stop urinating. This is a very dangerous damage from which a person can die. To bring it, the sorcerer had to get a nail from the cemetery, speak it and drive it into the wall of his enemy’s house or into any wooden surface closest to his house.

The nail is spoken as follows:

“Restless spirits of the earth, help me, so that (the name of the person being hexed) does not have time to live, or to sleep at night, or to have strength in an hour, or have patience for half an hour.”

A novice magician needs to know that this ritual is supposed to be performed on the day of Saturn, i.e. on Saturday. When driving a nail into a tree, you are supposed to wish harm on your offender.

Goga (spoil livestock)

Black magic can cause harm not only to a person, but also to his home, family, social status and even animals. For example, to spoil livestock, a warlock can do the so-called. "gogu". This is a paper-cut image of an animal (sheep, goat, cow).

Goga is buried where the owners most often graze livestock. At the same time, a special spell is pronounced:

“Not to grow, but to die, not to become fat, but to dry out! Evil spirits come, destroy all the cattle of my enemy!”

During the ritual, no one should see the magician. Therefore, goga is usually buried after sunset.

Damage to mandrake root

Mandrake root is often used in black magic. With the help of this plant you can bring misfortune to a person and serious illness. To do this, you need to touch the mandrake root three times on a full moon with a new knife, while pronouncing the name of your enemy.

Next, the magician cuts the root with the same knife if he wants to doom his enemy to a series of troubles (this is called cutting off luck). To take away health, you will need to dig a hole, put a mandrake root in it, cover it with salt and then earth.

Punish the offender

A sorcerer can use this method to punish a person who has acted unfairly towards him. On Saturday, before the sun rises, you need to get a branch of a one-year-old hazel tree. The branch should be carefully cut with a knife. In this case, you will need to cast a special spell:

“I cut you off in the name of (the name of the offender), whom I wish to punish.”

"In nomen Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctus, et in cute Droch, Mirroch, Esenaroth, Betu, Baroch, Maaroth."

Then the caster began to whip the hazel branch onto the tablecloth. The offender received as many blows as they were dealt.

Damage to the wind

This is a very simple method, a kind of black magic for beginners. In order to “plant” the disease on his enemy, the sorcerer had to get a handful of dust from the cemetery in advance. Then you should wait for windy weather and approach your enemy’s house from the leeward side (i.e. in such a way that the wind blows from the magician towards his enemy’s house).

It was necessary to throw a handful of dust in the direction of the enemy’s home, and then cast the spell:

“Amakula Kulaba! Blind (name of the offender) black, raven, green, brown or blue eyes. Dry it so that it becomes thinner than mown grass, and inflate its womb thicker than a coal pit!”

Ruin the business

In the old days, black magic was often used when it was necessary to ruin the trading business of a competitor or enemy. To do this, the warlock poured salt in the shape of a cross on the threshold of the store, while pronouncing the following spell:

“As soon as this salt melts, your business will fall apart. There is no way for you, no road!

Black magic voodoo

Voodoo magic originated on the African continent; over time, these unusual practices spread throughout the world. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the two most famous techniques - making a volt (doll) and using a love spell.

Voodoo doll

Volt is a figurine that should have maximum resemblance to the person who is planned to be damaged. The doll can be carved from wood or wax, or even sewn from scraps. She needs to be dressed in a dress of the same style as the enemy's. It is highly advisable to add the hair or nails of your ill-wisher, if they are available. Read more about how to make a Voodoo doll with your own hands.

The finished volt is named after its enemy, then you can perform various manipulations with the doll - beat it, prick it with needles, cut it with a knife, or even burn it.

Strong love spell

Black magic is not always used for harm. With the help of this plot, a sorcerer or witch can awaken reciprocal responses from the object of his sympathy. love feelings. To do this, write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper, then put the note on a saucer and fill the plate with honey.

A lit red candle is placed in the center of the saucer. While it burns, you should chant:

"Ammet kolt kolto, mett kolt, owenid

Rpete me rappet, poum m'daid,

Swomi loy swami san omweni,

Hmean wen ape koul demma.”

The candle should burn out completely. To complete the ritual, you will need to appease the loa spirits. To do this, you will need to leave the house after sunset and go to the crossroads (the place where two paths intersect). At the intersection you need to leave a plate with cakes or sweets.

Basically, all modern rituals, one way or another, came to us from ancient times. were able to prove that knowledge of all the rules and instructions plays a key role. If a person performs the ritual in a modified form, then all the actions that were performed can be turned against him. Especially if he doesn't know.

When casting spells, you must adhere to certain rules:

· The spell is pronounced in a quiet and clear voice.

· The spell must be memorized in order to avoid pauses and hesitations.

· Before you begin, you need to set yourself up psychologically and achieve ideal well-being.

· You should experience exclusively positive emotions.

· During pronunciation, a person must believe in what he is saying and only then will he receive it in full.

· In addition, he must be confident that everything will work out and he will achieve the purpose for which he is using ancient magic .

Ancient rituals and spells

In ancient times, each conspiracy had a name - a grimoire. Often the books that contained information about such rituals were called the book of the magician or witch. Such records contain rituals that can solve any human problem. However, it is more suitable for beginners.

There are many legends surrounding each book. Still not known exact date writing a grimoire. Previously, it was believed that only its owner could use the rituals described in it.

Today we will look at how it can be useful ancient magic and spells which are described in magic books. Each will have a different execution process and effectiveness. If you choose this particular category, follow the instructions exactly.

How to get the love of your chosen one using ancient magic

Every spell that was used in ancient times was written in Latin. To date, each of them has been translated verbatim, but still some of them may differ from the original spells. At that time, no paraphernalia was used, therefore, we will not need it. The text memorized will be enough:

The book shows that words need to be spoken exclusively during the waxing phase of the moon after the first twilight has appeared on the street. When the time is right, recite the spell:

« With black eyes from heaven I will cut through the dark human forest. I choose two young bodies (yours and the name of your beloved), I mix souls in them, I clothe them with a wedding. Let them drink the cup of love to the brim. Whoever does not hear my word will breathe his last day!».

Take the pronunciation of the conspiracy very seriously. After all, spells are a very complex science. And if you use it, be especially vigilant.

How to get good luck using ancient rituals

Ancient magic of ancestors for good luck it was used to attract rain and thereby get a big harvest. The requirements of the people of that time were different from ours, magical sacraments were created to achieve goals that seem meaningless to us today.

In order to get what every person wants, you will need to do a set of actions. First, you will need to go to a less traveled area and start a fire. It must be made of wood. Secondly, you need to learn a spell, which will give power to this ritual. The time should be evening. To keep the fire burning and not going out throughout the entire process, choose oak or birch. In addition, you will need to make a sacrifice in the form of some personal item.

After the fire is lit, begin to read the words:

« Okay, mother! Rainbows and yokes spread throughout the whole earth. Walk along it, happiness will be ahead! Open its doors so that we can pass through!».

Forbidden magical mysteries

The forbidden magic of the ancients was often used by witches and black sorcerers. It had an amazing effect. But few people could dare to take advantage of such sacraments. Therefore, these rituals could not reach our time. They have been modified too much and now cannot give what they could before. But you can still try to achieve your goals with its help.

There is a spell that was literally translated from Latin. It will help you get wealth, luck and even love. It can be applied to both men and women. To complete this you will need herbs. They need to be collected at dawn and then dried for a week. You should put them in your everyday clothes and carry them with you at all times.

« My spells are powerful, they will help me find happiness. Witchcraft lives in me. Despite everything, in spite of everyone, I will find everything I need. May it be so forever and ever».

Forbidden magic of the ancients is capable of much and should be used only in the most extreme cases, when other rituals have proven ineffective. Do not try to modify the plot - especially if it is or, but read it as written above and then you will be able to make all your deepest desires come true.

What is the oldest magic?

Mailer's magic is considered the oldest. It has been used in Egypt for many centuries. To perform the rituals that relate to it, it was necessary to draw pictures on the rocks. Thus, the performer could show higher powers, what exactly does he want.

The original rituals that were used by the people of those times had no consequences. This happened due to the fact that all actions were carried out in full accordance with the instructions.

To date, none of the rituals have survived to our times. Each of them has been modified, which will not allow obtaining the same effect that could have been realized previously.

Rituals were held before military campaigns. They helped the army win even in the most difficult and bloody battles. Rituals were used to cure this or that disease, gain wealth, and so on.

Naturally, the most ancient magic was quite complex, but the result that could be obtained with its help was worth all the effort. However, everything remains a mystery to this day.

Old Russian magic

Magical sacraments played one of the key roles in Rus'. Rituals were used not only to obtain love and wealth, but also to bring rain or obtain a good harvest.

Magic ancient Rus' was very strong. Often, to perform rituals, huge fires were lit and incantations were read. In some cases, sacrifice could be used. People of that time believed that if you present a sacrifice to the Gods, they will fulfill all your wishes.

Today there is a ritual that has not been changed and is capable of bringing a result that will please every person. It is used to obtain mutual feelings beloved. Can be applied to both men and women.

The traditions of that time have not been changed and to perform the ritual, you will have to make a big fire. While reading, you will need to add herbs to the flint, which you need to collect yourself, then dry them and prepare them. welcome.

After the fire is lit, pick up the plants and read the plot:

« Adversity, storm, nothing will affect our love. The bird will fly in, take the news and tell the whole world that we are together with you (name of your loved one). From this moment and forever, I will be your favorite!».

The entire time you are reading these words, throw previously collected herbs into the fire. The effect of what you have done will not take long to arrive, since the magic of ancient Rus' is very strong.

What did the ancient symbols mean?

Ancient symbols of magic were used to convey to higher powers what the person who used this or that ritual wants. Each of them had its own meaning and was used for completely various situations. in some way very similar to them.

╦ - this symbol meant what the person wanted to receive better life. It was used in rituals for good luck and wealth. The gods to whom the appeal took place could understand what a person wanted and gave it to him in the shortest possible time.

☼ - this symbol meant that the population lacked rain or harvest. In some cases it was used to remove frost. To date, there is little information left on how to use it.

╪ - this sketch has two lines that symbolized fate different people. The symbol was used to receive the love of a person who is on long distance.

 – used to achieve death in a particular person. The symbol refers to Black Magic and was actively used by sorcerers and witches.

These are the most common ancient symbols of magic that were used by our ancestors. Unfortunately, all the sketches could not be preserved and it would not be possible to make all wishes come true with their help.

Ancient Egyptian mysteries

Egypt gave birth to magical mysteries. The first rites or rituals began to be applied in this place. The priests were able to understand that with the help of magic they can take advantage of all the benefits of life. They used it to solve all sorts of problems that had completely different directions.

Magic ancient egypt numbered more than one thousand rituals, but, unfortunately, humanity is not destined to find out their true purpose. This happened because the ancient people of Egypt did not want to share their rituals with others. They were confident that with their help they could rule the world.

Each ritual had a very complex process of execution. In addition, the time allocated for this could take several years. Their rituals were completely different from modern ones. Their implementation could require specific actions that are beyond the capabilities of to modern man. Often, for magical sacraments, a sacrifice in the form of a person was required. That is why many nations have abandoned this. The magic of ancient Egypt became unclaimed, and all rituals dissolved over time.

Ancient magic of the gods She was very strong and capable of solving any problem, in principle. But today it is impossible to use most magical sacraments. Some rituals have been preserved, but modified, which will not allow obtaining the effect that was possible in those days. This article has presented several ordinances for you to choose from. Use them and you will get everything you want.

If you still have any questions, contact me through the “contact the magician” form and I will answer them.

Possibilities and rituals of black magic: when to turn to dark forces

Magical rites in the cemetery, blood conspiracies, appeals to the spirits of darkness - all this from time immemorial has caused ordinary people rejection and fear. Even now, many people associate black magic exclusively with evil. This is not entirely and not always true.

Yes, those who practice the dark arts can cast curses and damage, commit strong love spell and other aggressive influence on a person’s fate. But a black magician can also save you from such a misfortune - even in seemingly hopeless cases. An experienced master is able to cure illness and mental anguish, eliminate life’s troubles that befell you as a result of someone’s negative influence. Moreover, a number of ritual actions, for example, money conspiracies, are performed only with the help of black magic.

Black and white magic: what is the difference?

Since light and darkness are present in the world, there are two areas of secret knowledge - black and white. Both offer great opportunities for initiates, but those who choose the dark arts tend to be stronger. Why?

  • a master who has consciously taken the path of interaction with the spirits of darkness has no fear of them;
  • having well comprehended the otherworldly world, the black magician has a whole arsenal of means to protect against their destructive influence;
  • the dark arts allow you to decide various problems in ways that white magic simply does not use.

However, among professionals there is an opinion that, in fact, the separation of white and black magic is not entirely correct. This point of view is based on the fact that any specialist in the field of secret knowledge turns to higher powers, and they have no color. Everything depends on the thoughts and intentions with which conspiracies and rituals are performed, on how the master uses his gift. On this basis, myths related to black magic are also debunked:

Anyone who has connections with dark forces should not appear in the temple. In fact, both black and white magic practice spells and other actions with incense, blessed candles and other items that masters buy in churches. Some rituals are performed directly in the temple.
-All black power conspiracies cannot create true love. And this is not true: a strong specialist is able to change a person’s feelings, and he will not even know about it.
-Money received through black magic does not bring happiness, but, on the contrary, negativity. Firstly, conspiracies are not aimed at making wealth fall on you immediately and in large quantities. It's about about the gradual improvement of financial condition. Secondly, even a wallet that was accidentally found on the street was not stolen, which means that this event definitely does not threaten trouble.

If you decide to resort to the help of the dark side yourself, keep in mind that any black power conspiracies act faster and more aggressively than white magic. So think carefully about whether it really is impossible to overcome the problem in any other way and whether you can handle the ritual.

Black magic often uses blood and hair; conspiracies are often required to be read in a cemetery - are you up to such tests? If not, immediately abandon this idea. Just one wrong action or inaccurate word can lead to grave consequences not only for the person to whom the conspiracies and rituals are directed, but also for you and your family. These rituals are associated with much greater danger than white magic.

Therefore, if you feel an urgent need for otherworldly assistance and see no other way out, but are aware of your own inexperience and feel fear of the unknown, it is best to turn to an experienced master. I, Astart Ward, am ready to listen to you, assess the situation and solve the problem.

What to expect from black magic: how conspiracies work

For someone who is fluent in the dark arts, virtually nothing is impossible. Conspiracies from the black side can cause damage - as a result, the victim feels a loss of energy, physical and mental exhaustion, and often falls ill. In especially severe cases, white magic is powerless: it is possible to remove the negative impact and return a person to a full life only with the help of the same tools that were used to cast the spell.

Another task that white magic cannot cope with is attracting money. But this is easy to do with the help of the dark arts. Strong conspiracies can turn financial fortunes towards you.

How are black love spells performed?

Such rituals have an extremely powerful impact on the will of a person. Some spells cannot even be removed on your own - only with the help of a magician. So you need to handle this tool with the utmost care.

If you are firmly convinced of your feelings for your chosen one and the evening cemetery does not scare you, you can bewitch your loved one using one of the most famous methods in black magic.

To begin, prepare 2 recent photographs (yours and the object’s) - they should be taken no earlier than 6 months before the ceremony. In addition, you will need 3 black buttons, threads of the same color, a new needle, a black candle, as well as candy and a bottle of vodka.

The black magic ritual is carried out in two stages. In the evening, after 5 pm, go to the churchyard - it is not necessary to go there late at night. Take buttons, alcohol and sweets with you for the deceased. Find the grave of a person whose name is the same as your chosen one. Standing at the feet of the deceased, greet him and tell him that you have come to remember him. Ask for help to bewitch your loved one. If you feel a surge of strength, continue the ritual. In case of an attack of fear and sudden weakness, leave the offering and immediately leave without looking back. This means that you are denied help.

If events develop favorably, bury the buttons shallowly in three places: where the groin area, heart and head are located. Thus, you influence the attraction, emotional attachment and thoughts of your chosen one. Say the black magic spell:

"Buttons into the ground are a dead bed, force dead world I’ll transfer it to them.” Thank the deceased and leave.

After 3 days at the same time, dig up the buttons and bring them home. Place your photo on the table and your loved one’s card on top. Through both photos, sew buttons again in three areas - groin, heart, head. Here you will need a second black magic spell: “I’m not sewing on a button, but I’m sewing up your feelings for myself. You will love like no one else ever, forever.” Then light the candle, place it on the pictures and wait until it burns completely.

Expect results in 3-4 days. Never tell your lover that you turned to black magic and read conspiracies.

There are other black love spells. They often resort to a black wedding: it requires dolls made from wax, adding the nails and hair of the object. The corresponding conspiracies are also pronounced in the cemetery.

Spell for money: how to attract wealth using black magic

As we have already said, white magic does not involve solving financial problems. But black power conspiracies are quite effective in achieving the goal. One of the fast-acting rituals is performed using herbs:

– St. John's wort;
– hazel;
– yarrow;
– goldenrod;
– thyme.

Collect these plants in the forest, weave a wreath from them here and bring it to the churchyard at night. Now we need to find unmarked grave, leave the wreath on the cross and leave. After 3 days, return with an offering for the deceased (sweets, vodka, bread). If there is no wreath in place, immediately leave without looking back.

If everything is in order, remove the wreath and return to where you made it. Break the weaving while pronouncing a spell for money: “Just as the dead man will never come for this wreath, so wealth and happiness will never leave me. Amen". Scatter the leftovers on 4 sides.

Soon your affairs will noticeably improve, perhaps in an unexpected way. Exactly one year later, now buy a flower wreath at your own expense, take it to the same grave and thank the deceased. Don't ever come there again.

There are rituals for attracting wealth where you do not need to read money conspiracies. For example, this one. Heat a knife with a steel handle on a gas stove. While it turns black, every 5 minutes throw three pine or spruce needles on it and pour three drops of sandalwood oil. Then cool the knife. Make a cut in the palm of your hand at the base of your thumb. Do not wipe blood off the blade. After this, stick the knife into the jamb front door. The action of black magic has begun: now monetary energy will be concentrated in your home.

How to properly perform black magic rituals and read conspiracies?

Black and white magic differ not only in action, but also in the conditions required for performing rituals. Black power conspiracies gain full power after midnight - at this time the ritual should be performed.

If you decide to come to the cemetery, try to put aside fear - it deprives you of protection. Pronounce your incantations clearly and confidently.

When performing the ritual at home, maintain complete silence. Remove or cover all icons located in the ritual room. Wear pectoral cross? It must be removed for the duration of the black magic. Conspiracies can be read both loudly and in a low voice.

If you want to achieve the desired effect, never share your experience of using black magic with anyone, do not tell them what conspiracies you used. This can not only negate all your efforts, but also cause harm.

Help from white and black magic from Astarte Varda: strong conspiracies - an undoubted result

Is your loved one moving away more and more, and you don’t know how to win his heart back to you? Perhaps this works love spells your rival. Have you often begun to experience a strange malaise, your eyes dry out, and doctors cannot make a diagnosis? It is likely that an ill-wisher caused damage. Business is shaking, debts are growing, but no profit is expected? It is possible that here, too, black power conspiracies imposed by envious people are to blame.

The magical effect does not follow a pattern. In order to select the rituals and conspiracies of black or light power that are necessary in a particular case, it is necessary to find out all the circumstances and be sure to take into account the character, temperament and true aspirations of the person. The inherited gift and the experience gained allow me to do this. All that is required from you is a positive attitude and sincere confidence in success. Then the conspiracies will certainly work, and the result will not be long in coming.