Learn to tell your own fortunes using cards. Simple fortune telling on ordinary cards

Every person in life may experience a difficult situation, from which it is problematic to find a way out on your own. In this case, many turn to cards for help. Fortunately, today there are various layouts, accessible to execution even for beginners. In this article we will look at fortune telling by cards: layouts and meaning of cards.

During the time of our ancestors, the magic of fortune telling was known to at least one member of the family. In most cases, it was an elderly woman.

Before making an important purchase, making a fateful decision, starting sowing or harvesting, this woman was asked to make card spread, which showed how well the situation would develop. Then fortune telling played a huge role in people's lives, and its results were never in doubt.

Rules for fortune telling on cards

In order for the prediction result to be true, it is important to follow certain rules. First, you will need to choose a card that will be “you” in the fortune telling process. This is done this way:

  • if you are young unmarried girl– the Queen of Diamonds is taken;
  • representatives of the fair sex in the age category from twenty-five to fifty years old must use the Queen of Hearts;
  • older women choose the Queen of Clubs.

For men, you need to choose cards in the same way.

From this video you can learn how to tell fortunes using ordinary cards, as well as Tarot cards

Card layout “What was and what will be..”

Fortune telling on cards on the topic: “What happened, what will happen, how the heart will calm down” has always been extremely popular among girls. This alignment appeared a long time ago, with its help you can find out the features of your past and future, as well as receive practical advice on how to improve the current state of things in your life.

Fortune telling was actively used by our great-grandmothers, although, it should be noted, since then there have been some modifications in the meanings of the cards, but its meaning remains the same.

Now let's look at how to correctly perform fortune telling:

  • the best time to conduct it is at night. You will need to thoroughly shuffle all the cards from the deck;
  • then remove the first five cards with your left hand towards you and lay them out on the table surface;
  • repeat the described manipulation again;
  • perform the same action again, while one of the cards must be set aside separately. As a result, you will receive 5 piles of cards, each with 3 cards and one will be placed separately.

The cards are interpreted as follows:

  • 1 stack– characterizes you as a person;
  • 2 stack– will shed light on your worries and worries that torment you;
  • 3 stack– your home, loved ones and relatives;
  • 4 stack– events of the past;
  • 5 stack- future events.

And the most last card will tell you how the thing you are thinking about will end. From her you will receive the main recommendation.

How to interpret the meanings of cards in a classic layout

To understand what exactly the cards are telling you, remember their correct interpretation.

Heart suit

  • Six - you will be very lucky;
  • Seven - feel free to take risks, everything planned will come true;
  • Eight - it’s worth revaluing what you have, you are already happy enough;
  • Nine - you are in a good environment;
  • Ten - get financial benefits;
  • Jack - comrade;
  • Lady – a woman you don’t know;
  • The king is an unknown man;
  • Ace - take care of your family.

Diamond suit

  • Six - everything planned will come true;
  • Seven - you have a great friend, you need to take care of him;
  • Eight - the person you are guessing sincerely treats you;
  • Nine - everything will end successfully;
  • Ten - cast aside doubts, they are of no use to you;
  • Jack - they are trying to “lead you by the nose”;
  • Lady - you have a secret admirer;
  • King - someone secretly admires you;
  • Ace it's important for you to know everything last news so as not to miss important things.

Club suit

  • Six - you should listen to what they are saying;
  • Seven - Lady Luck is with you;
  • Eight - promises to receive a present;
  • Nine - life will soon change for the better;
  • Ten - buy an expensive thing;
  • Jack - pleasant vanity;
  • Lady is a family woman;
  • The king is a family man;
  • Ace - receiving interesting news.

Spades suit

  • Six - you will have to go through a breakup;
  • Seven - events will not unfold in the best way;
  • Eight - you will cry because of betrayal;
  • Nine - take a closer look at your health;
  • Ten - your actions will push you away;
  • Jack is empty vanity;
  • Lady - ignore envy with slander;
  • King - you have a secret enemy;
  • Ace - bad news.

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of what you want

The deck of cards is shuffled well, then you remove the cards with your left hand, think about your secret desire. Then the cards are laid out one at a time in four piles, with the back facing up.

Then take the first pile on the left side, turn it face up and remove all the cards except the first ace. Do the same with all the stacks of cards until they are all connected together.

The resulting stack should be divided into three parts, with the cards facing up. Then repeat the previous manipulations (eliminate all cards up to the first ace). But do not forget to turn the right stack face up each time and place it on the left one, without shuffling it.

The cards that remain must be divided into two parts and the described steps must be repeated again. At the end, arrange the remaining cards in two piles, mix well and place them in one line. If all 4 aces come together, your secret dream will definitely become a reality.

By resorting to fortune telling by cards it is easy to understand true position things in your life, because the cards act as an “independent expert” who will help you find answers to your questions and make right choice in a difficult situation.

As children, girls love to guess. Firstly, this process always looks very interesting and mystical. And secondly, everyone wants to know what will happen in the future. At the same time, they often wonder what about Everyday life, and about romantic relationships and important events.

Women want to get advice or a special sign by resorting to divination. Of course, cards cannot tell you what to do or what to do, but many girls believe that they suggest solutions in difficult situations.

You can learn how to learn to tell fortunes using tarot cards or regular playing cards. The main thing is to master the basic layouts and understand how the result should be interpreted.

Some tips:

  • It is not recommended to use the decks that you took to play;
  • It’s best to buy several new ones with different-colored shirts to use for individual layouts;
  • keep the fortune telling decks in a place where other people will not take them;
  • they are also advised to treat them with respect, so they should be stored in a separate place;
  • don't use them very often, but only in really important cases.

If you decide to carry out fortune telling on regular maps, then before starting, formulate a question that interests you. When telling fortunes for another person, look at his photo or imagine his face.

Learn to tell fortunes using simple cards - step-by-step instructions

1. First, you need to master the basic layouts. Below are a few of them.
2. Then shuffle the deck and do the fortune telling itself.
3. Look carefully at the result obtained; depending on the fortune telling, pay attention to certain groups of cards.
4. Using the descriptions for each individual one, decipher the meaning.

"Fan" layout

This option is best suited for questions about career, destiny or love.

1. You need to think about the person and determine the appropriate card for him. If you are telling fortunes about a boyfriend or husband, just imagine the king of the red suit.
2. Now take the deck and mix it thoroughly.
3. You should then fan out the first three cards in front of you.
4. Place the next three under the first.
5. Lay out these threes until you get the hidden card.
6. As soon as you see your “king”, place another row below him.
7. Now you need to correctly interpret the result obtained. The cards located near the one you wished for represent the present. Those located on top are the future, and those below show you the past.

Layout "15"

  • conceive a person;
  • Shuffle the deck thoroughly;
  • then take 15 of any cards and place them in front of you;
  • you need to make 5 equal stacks;
  • the first stack shows the present time;
  • the second determines the personal life of the intended person, his family status;
  • the third denotes relationships with friends;
  • the fourth will show the main dreams and goals in his life;
  • the fifth will demonstrate the future, perhaps there will be some advice or warnings;
  • Now you need to look closely at the result by overlaying the value on each of the stacks.

You can learn to tell fortunes on cards for free, video and step by step instructions will help you quickly deal with this task. Do everything carefully, following each step. Once you have mastered the basic folding options, move on to labeling the results. You need to interpret them depending on the suit and order.

Card meanings

The “hearts” suit is considered a love suit, and the “crosses” suit is considered a business suit. In addition, each card has its own meaning. Sixes mainly mean the road, sevens - conversations, eights - meetings, nines - love, tens - goals and dreams. Volts most often show problems or various troubles, ladies - mistresses or married women, kings - married or divorced men, ace demonstrates home or important matters and news.

Moreover, for the cross suit, most of these meanings are associated specifically with business life, that is, sixes are not just a road, but a business trip. At the same time, sevens and eights determine business meetings, and tens determine profit. Queens and kings are business partners or colleagues, and an ace is some kind of business.

“Tambourines” mean more joyful options - a close road, love, important news. But “Peak”, on the contrary, demonstrates bad situations - long journey, disappointment, enemies and failure. You can also view more detailed meanings for each specific suit.

Now you know how to make basic layouts and interpret the cards that fall out. When a friend comes to you with the words: “I want to learn how to tell fortunes with cards,” you can easily teach her using these step-by-step instructions.

Video: how to learn to tell fortunes on cards

Question “How to guess on playing cards? arises when we are just learning to guess with playing cards. Therefore, we will first give some simple recommendations, how to learn to guess with playing cards. Only constant practice of fortune telling with playing cards will give you the necessary skill correct interpretation schedules, but believe me, it's worth it. An interesting world of different methods of fortune telling on playing cards will open before you, and your intuition will always help in interpreting the meanings of the layouts.

There are many various types, and there can be a great many combinations of cards in layouts, but with constant practice you will begin to intuitively understand the meaning of playing cards in fortune telling.

How to tell fortunes with playing cards? For fortune telling with playing cards, take a new deck of regular playing cards consisting of 36 sheets. To get the most truthful and accurate prediction best used for fortune telling new deck, which has never been played before. Real fortune tellers prefer not to even give their fortune telling deck to anyone; it is believed that this can disrupt the energetic connection with the deck. Allowed only to select a few cards from the deck to the person being told the fortune. Regardless of whether the person telling fortunes with cards believes or does not believe in the power of fortune telling, fortune telling always gives some kind of consolation and always serves as an excitingly interesting pastime.

Sometimes during fortune telling, cards may fall out of the deck. These cards are usually interpreted together with cards from the layout; it is believed that they want to say something to the fortuneteller. By the way, it is believed that cards lie on Sundays and Mondays, these are the most bad days for fortune telling with playing cards. Most favorable days For fortune telling on cards, Friday and the thirteenth of any month are considered, and, of course, Christmastide.

When you start telling fortunes with playing cards, first hold them in your hands for a short time to establish an energetic connection. Before fortune telling, it is better to whisper a special spell onto the cards so that no one hears:

“Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and comrades.

Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship.

Thirty-six cards of four suits, tell me the whole true truth:

What to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business not to take on.

I call on you all, name you and reprimand you: my word is strong and fits the cards. Amen."

Then the deck is shuffled with the left hand, towards the heart, several cards are removed from the top and moved to the bottom of the deck. Only after all the procedures have been completed can you begin to guess with playing cards. Next, we present several methods of fortune telling with playing cards and tell you how to tell fortunes with playing cards.

Regardless of what deck of cards you use and what layout you prefer to tell fortunes with playing cards, the main thing you need to know is the meaning of playing cards when telling fortunes in the layout. You will learn the general meaning of playing cards when fortune telling by suit on a separate page, and you will learn the meanings of cards characteristic of a particular layout along with a description of the layout itself.

It is also important to consider not only the meaning of each card, but also the suit as a whole, the upright or inverted position of the dropped card and its combination with other cards. As a rule, a combination of cards enhances each other’s meaning, and the inverted position of a card is interpreted as negative by all fortunetellers. On detailed values We will not dwell on playing cards in combinations, but will touch only on the most important of them.

Meaning of card suits

To tell fortunes with playing cards, you need to decide on a “blank” card, which will represent the person you are telling fortunes about. Each suit matters. All suits are “responsible” for one of the four elements, the most important areas of life:

♠ Peaks - Air (misfortune), signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The suit shows all events associated with problems, losses, lies, failures. Element - Air.

♣ Crosses (Clubs) - Fire (power), its signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The suit is associated with financial status and position in society, power. Element - Fire.

Hearts (Worms) - Water (love), signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The suit symbolizes sensual and romantic emotions, relationships with people around you. Element - Water.

♦ Diamonds (Tambourines) - Earth ( material goods), signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The suit is associated with business situations and issues, any active activity, education, travel. Element - Earth.

Often, a person’s suit during fortune telling is also determined in this way:

if in front of you is a dexterous, crafty, adventurous person, then his suit is clubs;

if in front of you is a loving, open, cheerful person, then his suit is worms;

if in front of you is a rich, business or military person, then his suit is diamonds;

if the person in front of you is sick, aged, gloomy or gloomy, then his suit is spades.

Methods of fortune telling with playing cards

On our website there are simple and not very simple ways fortune telling with playing cards. You will learn how to learn to tell fortunes on playing cards for a wish, for tomorrow, for the future, for fate and for a name. We will also tell you how to tell fortunes with playing cards for love and how to tell fortunes with playing cards for your beloved man.

- this is the layout “What happened, what will happen, how the heart will calm down.” Simple fortune telling for the future and one of the most popular methods of fortune telling using playing cards allows you to answer difficult questions: “What will happen?” or “What awaits me?” In this fortune telling, three pairs of cards in front of “your” card and paired cards at the top of the “portrait” symbolize the near future, and pairs of cards at the bottom of “your” card mean minor events.

- a simple way of fortune telling on playing cards “Fortune telling for an event” or for the near future will help you find out what event is possible soon and how it will happen. This is a way of telling fortunes using playing cards for the future that awaits you soon. One random card is drawn from several parts of the deck, and the meaning of these cards is determined, which symbolize the near future and the events awaiting you.

It is used on playing cards at certain moments in life; it cannot be called everyday. The secret of the coming future, which awaits us in the next month, the coming season or the coming year, will be revealed in this fortune-telling. Without the help of fortune tellers, you can look at your destiny with one eye and find out what will happen tomorrow, in a month and in a year.

- also a simple method of fortune telling on playing cards “Fortune telling for the betrothed”, it is recognized by experienced and hereditary fortune tellers as one of the most reliable and in demand, because the king is the desired betrothed of the still single representative of the fair sex. The king card that appears on the saying indicates the feelings, intentions and events of the present or very near future object of this fortune telling.

- another simple way of fortune telling on playing cards for four jacks; it has been known to girls for a long time as simple and very informative. Fortune telling by 4 Jacks is a fortune telling for the love of several men at once, which allows you to determine your beloved from several men. Fortune telling about your beloved man will help you find out the feelings of all the men you care about.

- a simple “Fortune telling on 21 cards” will help you open up to your intuition, get the necessary answers, predict your future, accept right decisions. In this method of fortune telling with playing cards, they remove three cards from above and see if among them there are cards of the same suit or the same value, then they put aside the one that differs from the others in the three to “their” card.

Simple and accessible fortune telling with playing cards for everyone. Focus and make a wish on the suit of one card. This method of fortune telling will predict whether it will come true. If there are cards of the same suit left, this will mean the fulfillment of your desire.

Playing cards will tell you about your destiny and future. In this method, you need to guess with the words “diamonds, clubs, spades, wine” and remove the cards from above one at a time. Cards that match the suit named are set aside. After there are at least ten cards set aside, the fortune telling is completed; the meaning of these cards, which will tell about your fate, is determined.

- quite famous and at the same time truthful fortune telling on a person's attitude. This method of fortune telling is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but it allows you to consider the situation in love from different points of view, from different angles. The cards in this method of fortune telling are laid out several times in different ways, and reveal only part of the secrets of love and destiny, and you can always change your life for the better.

A simple and truthful fortune telling to determine the prospects for cash receipts in the near future on nine ordinary cards playing deck. Nine cards are randomly drawn from the deck and laid out in front of you. The answer to your question will be the drawn suits and meanings of the cards, the interpretation of which we will suggest.

Cards are the most affordable way join the world of magic. It is not at all necessary to run to a special store for Tarot, it is enough regular deck with kings, queens, tens. How to learn to guess with playing cards? First of all, you should buy them - only a brand new deck, never used in a game or playing solitaire, is suitable for communicating with fate.

Learning and remembering meanings

It is quite difficult to memorize the readings of all the cards; it will require practice and time. For beginners, you can briefly write down on separate sheets of paper the values ​​​​by suit from six to ace - you will get four “cheat sheets” with which it will be convenient to check when playing.

Let's take sixes, for example. Their general meaning- trip, road. What will this mean, adjusted for suit? A card of diamonds will warn of possible additional expenses during the trip, a card of hearts will predict a successful ending. Peak - hints at the futility of hopes. Cross - will make it clear that in order to achieve the goal you will have to give up something and work hard.

Main principle: from simple to complex

It's not just the meaning that matters specific cards, their combination will tell much more. But only an experienced specialist can interpret such a detailed alignment. You shouldn’t take on something big right away; first, it’s better to limit yourself to answering one or two questions.

Clearly formulate the problem on which Fate’s advice is required. Pull out one card and see what it means. If it needs additions, you can take two more at random from the deck - the main thing is not to try to “calculate” them somehow, think for a long time and tune in, everything should go intuitively.

Has the deck already gotten used to its new owner and begun to reveal secrets? You can complicate the task by analyzing the problem according to the principle: where it all began, what state it is in today, and how it will end in the future. Should be posted according to

Any of us, more often, of course, the fair sex, sometimes want to penetrate the secrets of the future. Some people believe in omens, horoscopes, others in prophetic dreams, or the predictions of all sorts of psychics and witches, but the majority, naturally, is inclined to fortune telling on cards, as the most common and proven means. Young girls also tell fortunes, suffering from unrequited love, and mature ladies sometimes allow themselves to spread their cards to find out what is, what will be, how their souls will calm down. We will tell you how to do this correctly and protect yourself in our article.

It should be noted that any intention to find out the future is an attempt to influence fate. In the world of subtle energies, everything is interconnected. And fate, changed by knowledge received from outside, can turn in a completely unexpected way, not always favorable. Therefore, if you are a believer, before performing fortune telling, you should go to church and pray, asking God for forgiveness for wanting to know the unknown.
The most harmless from the point of view of energy effects is considered to be independent fortune telling on cards. Moreover, the cards should not be related to mysticism (Tarot), but the most ordinary ones. The cards may not be new, the main condition and criterion is that they should not be played before fortune telling for money. We offer you an old, folk method of fortune-telling, not associated with the known canonical fortune-telling, the so-called gypsy. This method is quite effective and has been tested by many generations. In our article we will talk about the correct layout of cards and their designations. We will need a deck of 52 cards for a more complete picture.

Card layout diagram

Cards should be laid out clockwise in the order shown in the photo. Before fortune telling, the deck is shuffled by those who wish to tell fortunes. The suits of the head card of fortune telling correspond to the age, gender and status of the person whose future you need to know. The king or queen determines the gender. Tambourines - young (young), or unmarried. Hearts - married or married. Clubs - divorced. Well, the suit of spades is a widow or widower. The entire deck is laid out. When interpreting, the cards of a certain point are laid out in strict sequence. It is better to write down the interpretation. Since in the abundance of information in the process of fortune telling, it can be forgotten. And one more important nuance: if you remove a card from the deck that symbolizes you as the head card of fortune telling, add a card of the same value to the deck. Each pile must contain six cards. We put aside the extra ones. They won't be needed.
Designation of fortune telling points, which also goes clockwise, but not as a layout, but in the usual sequence:

  1. The stack of cards numbered 1 symbolizes questions, problems, or concerns that are troubling you in this moment. So to speak, “in the head.”
  2. The stack of cards numbered 6 symbolizes reasons that can affect your future.
  3. The pile of cards numbered 2 marks events that may happen in the near future, within a week.
  4. The stack of cards number 7 tells about events in the distant future, from a month to infinity.
  5. The stack of cards number 3 tells about the plans that you are making, but which are not allowed to come true at all, or they will come true worse than expected.
  6. The stack of cards numbered 8 will tell you about the events of the past that influenced today.
  7. The stack of cards numbered 4 are situations that are completed and to which you will never return in your life. What is a thing of the past and cannot be changed.

Card interpretations

Aces in fortune-telling indicate news if they are positioned with their tip facing upward (excluding diamonds). Point downwards indicate houses.
News: diamonds are joyful, hearts are love, clubs are money, spades are sad.
Houses: tambourines - the house of friends or a pleasant place, hearts - own house, clubs - a state house associated with finance (shop, bank, etc.). Ace of spades point down - a government house associated with troubles or illnesses (hospital, clinic, prison, police station, etc.).

Kings. As we said above: Tambourines - young, or unmarried. Hearts are married. Clubs - divorced. Well, the suit of spades is a widower.

Ladies. Tambourines - young or unmarried. Hearts - married. Clubs - divorced. Well, the suit of spades is the widow.

Jack denotes troubles. Diamonds - workers or business, hearts - love affairs, jack of clubs - money. Well, the peak one is in vain.

Ten indicates interest. Diamonds - new, hearts - love, clubs - money. Peak means failure.

Nine in fortune telling is associated with pleasure. The diamond is a new pleasure, an unexpected joy. Chervonnaya - harmony in relationships with your loved one, good luck in love. The nine of clubs is associated with a joyful monetary event, profit. Well, the nine of spades is the collapse of all pleasures. Placed in fortune telling after a card, it resets its value.

Eight is a conversation. Bubnovaya - wait for news. Chervonnaya - they will tell you something nice, praise you, or confess their love. Clubs - there will be a conversation about money. Eight of Spades- scandal or unpleasant conversation.

Seven - meeting. Bubnovaya - a new acquaintance. Chervonnaya - date. Clubs - meeting on financial matters(for example, getting a job or making a decision monetary issues). The Seven of Spades promises danger or trouble from a meeting.

Six is ​​the road. Six of diamonds is an early road. Chervonnaya is a road for personal interests. Clubs - late road. Peak is a dangerous path.

Five - mood. Being near a king or queen indicates his mood. Outside them indicates your mood in the situation. Diamonds and hearts - a good mood. Clubs - calm disappointment or slight offense. Peaks - anger, rage

The number four represents the state of the location. Bubnovaya - on the street, in the crowd. Chervonnaya is a calm, familiar, comfortable place where a person feels confident. Clubs is an unfamiliar place. Peak - uncertainty, loss of orientation.

Three denotes natural phenomena and weather, depending on the season. Bubnovaya - good weather, but not hot if in summer. Chervonnaya - heat in summer, frost in winter. Clubs - slush. Peak - natural disasters seasonal orientation.

Two - seasons. Tambourines - spring. Hearts - summer. Clubs - autumn. Peaks - winter.

Fortune telling on cards /video/

Card reading

Learning fortune telling on a deck of 36 cards

Circle layout

The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling

Fortune telling with playing cards


Of course, we are all adults, and living in the real world, we understand that card predictions are very conditional. But at a minimum, fortune telling is a fun way to spend your free time. If you are interested this topic, in the video supplements to our article you can consider other methods of fortune telling.