Nikita: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. The meaning of the name Nikita Historical figures with the name Nikita

The name Nikita is of Greek origin, and translated it means “winner.” In Rus', this name appeared at the dawn of Christianity, along with many other now famous and popular Byzantine names, but initially only monks were baptized with it. In the 13th and 14th centuries, a large number of Russian statesmen and public figures who bore church rank were canonized.

In the 18th century, the name Nikita became private, and continued to remain so until the end of the 19th century. In the 20-30s of the last century, the name lost its popularity, as it was considered too simple and had nothing to do with the revolution. Interest in the name arose again in the 80-70s of the last century, and since then its popularity has only been growing.

History knows many outstanding personalities who bore the name Nikita. Among them are the Soviet composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, politicians Nikita Khrushchev and Prince Nikita Trubetskoy, director Nikita Mikhalkov, Russian actor Nikita Vysotsky and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The first saint with the name Nikita, canonized by the Christian Church, was Saint Nikita of Goth, Constantinople. He was born and lived on the banks of the Danube, and by his example of pious life led many pagans to the Christian faith.

However, some pagans hated Christians and persecuted them in every possible way, and Saint Nikita did not escape the sad fate. He was subjected to many tortures and thrown alive into the fire, which is why he died in 372. His friend, under cover of darkness, found the body of the martyr - he found it undamaged by the fire and illuminated by a miraculous light. The body of the holy martyr Nikita was transferred to Constantinople and buried there.

All owners of the name Nikita can celebrate their name day on the day that coincides with their date of birth or immediately follows it. These days are: January 3; February 13; March 4; April 2, 16 and 17; May 12, 17 and 27; June 2, 5, 6, 10 and 30; July 4 and 7; September 22 and 28; October 26; December 30th.

Characteristics of the name

Nature has endowed Nikita with unpredictability and brilliant talents; he was born to be a leader and a winner. He is a very decisive person, balanced and firm, he likes to stand out among everyone, to feel chosen. He knows his own worth very well, is always purposeful and selfish, knows how and loves to stand up to society.

Nikita feels like the master of his fate, and therefore does not tolerate any pressure or dictate, but he is smart enough to listen to smart advice. He is touchy, does not get along with people right away, at first he takes a long time to look closely. He follows a straight path towards his goal, persistently and steadily. Usually he understands well what he wants, he always takes care of himself, without causing trouble to his loved ones. Beneath Nikita's stubbornness and self-will lies a very vulnerable and lonely soul.

Diplomacy is not the strongest side of Nikita’s character; he hates adapting, tries to “bend” this world to suit himself and has difficulty “bending” himself. For this reason, he has few friends, although he is charming, witty and resourceful, and he is adored by the public, especially the female audience.

Negative traits can be considered excessive categoricalness, straightforwardness, as well as impatience of other people's superiority. It is very important for a man to impress others, otherwise he will look for a society where he will be admired.

Another distinctive feature of Nikita’s character is lack of composure. It is difficult for him to gather himself and concentrate on one thing, and he is equally unconstant in his sympathies and affections. He is able to cross out long-established relationships in one fell swoop, break off a love affair.

Overall, Nikita is a very talented, hardworking and charming person. He is controlled by reason, not emotions, and it is to the voice of reason and reasonable arguments that he listens before committing this or that act. Nikita can be called the owner of a tough and uncompromising character, but at the same time he remains a vulnerable, sentimental and deeply worried man.


Little Nikita is a calm and cheerful child, but he was born to be a leader, and leadership qualities have been present in him since childhood. He is moderately inquisitive and hardworking, with great creative potential, and the spirit of self-will lives in him, so in no case should you put pressure on this boy - you can only negotiate and convince him. This is exactly the case when it is better not to educate a child, but only to gently guide him - he himself knows perfectly well what is best for him.

Parents will not have any special problems with Nikita the schoolboy, since knowledge will be given to him easily. In order for a child to develop harmoniously, it is best to alternate moderate physical activity with mental activity.

As a teenager, Nikita is very vulnerable, and this age will be the most difficult in his life. This will be a time of searching for yourself and your place in society, and the choice will be made very difficult. Pride and eccentricity will appear in the character; a teenager’s straightforwardness can create many problems.

This young man prefers to learn from his own mistakes, rather than from others, and make his own mistakes. But if his parents are delicate and sensitive people, Nikita will listen to their advice.


Usually Nikita carefully monitors her health, does not abuse alcohol and smoking, and leads an active lifestyle. Therefore, he has every chance of living to an old age without experiencing health problems.

However, he should be wary of overwork, monitor his blood pressure and eat right. He will also continue to have a tendency towards neurasthenia - such things as emotional comfort and tranquility will always be important to Nikita.


Sexuality is inherent in Nikita by nature and it awakens very early. It is not difficult for him to win a woman; he knows how to look after her beautifully and give compliments. This man can break women’s hearts easily and naturally, without suffering from remorse.

For Nikita, the external characteristics of his partner are extremely important - they must be impeccable. He appreciates a woman's free attitude towards sex, her intelligence, and active sexual behavior.

This man is able to become attached to a woman only when he achieves love and sexual satisfaction with her. He experiences orgasm as the highest degree of bliss, especially if he experiences loving feelings for his chosen one.

Marriage and family, compatibility

A narcissistic and independent man named Nikita is in no hurry to start a family. And even when he marries, it will be difficult to call him an exemplary family man. His marriage does not always work out well due to his desire to rule and lack of diplomacy. Most likely, Nikita will marry more than once. But he is not a supporter of divorce, so he will try to do everything to save the family.

A man is not constant in his affections, so the reason for divorce can be betrayal. Nikita himself is very jealous and will not tolerate any flirting from his wife.

Children, whom Nikita will be very attached to, can become a strong bond. He will try to do everything so that they grow up in a calm and comfortable environment.

The most successful relationships can develop with women named Alla, Veronica, Irina, Lyudmila, Lydia, Natalya, Svetlana and Polina. You should avoid marriage with Anastasia, Anna, Angelica, Valeria, Galina, Zhanna, Ekaterina and Tatyana.

Business and career

Nikita is a talented and creatively gifted person, and the realization of his talents depends only on him. He is purposeful and responsible, a real workaholic. It is in his work that his leadership qualities are best demonstrated; Nikita’s opinion is always authoritative and weighty. Very often he chooses a creative profession, since he has a great desire for fame and glory, but not for power and big money.

A man can achieve success in any activity, because it is not for nothing that his name means “winner.” He does not like competition, intrigue, envy and hypocrisy are alien to him. His abilities are most suitable where non-standard solutions and a new approach are needed. Slightly inflated pride suggests the presence of high standards and demands on one’s own person.

Nikita may be hampered by slight self-doubt and indecision in managing his own business on his own, and he has a negative attitude towards partnerships. He is not a team player, it is difficult for him to obey and adapt to other people. Such a person works better alone than in a partnership or team. It is very important for Nikita that his chosen profession brings him moral satisfaction.

Talismans for Nikita

  • Patron planet - Jupiter and Mercury.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Gemini and Sagittarius.
  • A good time of year is spring, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky color - brown, red, orange.
  • Totem plant - bluebell and ash. The bell is a symbol of frivolity and talkativeness. In the Christian tradition, the bell symbol resembles a church bell, for this reason the flower is also considered a symbol of spirituality, faith and love. Ash is a symbol of renewal, the desire for life, fertility and immortality. This is a real masculine tree, from which the best weapons are extracted, so the tree represents masculinity, strength, war and revenge.
  • Totem animal - hedgehog. This animal symbolizes self-defense, and our ancestors attributed to it the ability to drive out evil spirits and fight witchcraft. In the east, the hedgehog is considered a symbol of wealth, hospitality and friendliness, and in the Christian tradition the animal is associated with greed, hot temper and gluttony.
  • Talisman stone - garnet and fire opal. Pomegranate will give Nikita vitality and self-confidence, instill optimism and help overcome difficulties. But this stone should only be worn by an energetic man, since a garnet will only further exhaust a person who is uninitiated and lazy. Fire opal is a unique stone and a powerful talisman that protects its owner from the evil eye and witchcraft spells, revealing the gift of clairvoyance and foresight. But only a strong-willed person can wear it, since it will not bring anything good to a weak and melancholic man.


Aries- an emotional, persistent, selfish person. He always strives to be the center of attention and can be obsessive. In achieving his goals, he is stubborn, has a fighting character and excellent organizational skills. Nikita-Aries tends to lack caution and easily makes both enemies and friends. As for material well-being and career growth, there are no unattainable limits for him. Success usually accompanies this person in everything. In Nikita-Aries’s personal life, everything is not as simple as in his career - and this despite the fact that his soul passionately desires romance and close relationships. At heart, he will forever remain a big child - touchy, vulnerable and vulnerable, with difficulty admitting that he is wrong. He is a real rebel who denies any power over himself. Therefore, the wife must support him in everything and be unquestioningly faithful and devoted.

Taurus- personality is stubborn and strong. He was used to achieving everything on his own, overcoming obstacles and regardless of people who were spiritually weaker than him. This person is extremely practical, careful, patient and cunning. Material well-being and independence are what he strives for all his life. Nikita-Taurus cannot be a poor person; he will always find a way to earn money. He has amazing endurance and performance, can go through enormous stress and fatigue, and is not afraid of any work or stress. But he will achieve success and prosperity only by honest work, since he hates intrigue, lies and hypocrisy. Nikita-Taurus will make a wonderful husband - he knows how to love and care for a woman like no one else. He is very family-oriented; nothing is more important to him than his loved ones. However, the wife will have to be patient and learn to delicately manage her husband, since he has one distinctive feature - amazing stubbornness.

Twins- a charming man with a bright appearance, infinitely charming and attractive. He is very sensitive to his person and considers himself irreplaceable. Nikita the Gemini's mood is changeable, just like his tastes and preferences - he is not constancy. Being an intellectual by nature, he organically does not tolerate fools and narrow-minded people, while in relation to himself he does not tolerate any criticism. Ambition forces Nikita-Gemini to move up the career ladder, but having achieved a certain success, he quickly loses interest. The most suitable job for him is where diplomacy and the ability to communicate with people are required. In financial matters, this person may not be very conscientious; his strong point is quick schemes to get rich. In addition, it is difficult to find a greater spender than Nikita the Twin. In marriage, this person is extremely unreliable, as he is not distinguished by fidelity and constancy, as well as financial stability.

Cancer- a contradictory and very independent person, sometimes causing hostility with his “correctness”. He has a complex inner world, not understandable and accessible to everyone, and for all his independence, Nikita the Cancer is a very sensitive and vulnerable person. He is prone to depression and melancholy, especially if he does not feel love and support from his loved ones. He generally has a very vivid imagination; Nikita-Cancer can easily “inflate a mountain out of a molehill” and suffer from non-existent problems. He is a pessimist by nature, so he should trust his intuition more and not lose faith in success. The intellect and vivid imagination of this person can bring him success in life, and he also has a great desire for financial independence. Nikita-Cancer is a wonderful owner, zealous and economical, very successful in the matter of accumulation. This man is excellent as a husband - he is a caring husband and a brilliant father. But his wife will have to learn to tell him words of love and support a hundred times a day, and never give him reasons for jealousy.

Lion- a very exalted personality, which is difficult not to notice, since the charm and charm of this person are overflowing. He knows his own worth and knows how to quietly adjust people to his needs and interests. Nikita-Leo can be called lucky, since luck very rarely turns away from him. In addition, he is generous, noble, knows how to forgive and never keeps a stone in his bosom. But if he is attacked, he will be able to quickly and accurately strike back. Nikita-Leo does not like to work, but at the same time he gravitates toward a luxurious and idle life, which is why he can fall into financial bondage. However, he is usually successful financially because he knows how to get money from unexpected sources. Having a very independent character, this person does not tolerate anyone's control or pressure, but can persistently move towards his goal at great speed. He has power over people and is able to lead a team. Nikita-Leo craves love and admiration much more than money; by nature he is a born leader. If success in life contributes to him, then the man will become an excellent husband and loving father, and may even allow his wife to command him. But if luck turns away from Nikita-Leo, he has every chance of turning into a domestic tyrant, blaming his wife for everything.

Virgo- a calculating and restrained person who knows how to keep his emotions and feelings under control. He wears a mask of benevolence and good nature, and is always modest, neat and attentive to details. Nikita-Virgo has a brilliant and inquisitive mind, so he is successful in business, as in any other profession. He is a materialist to the core and bones, he never dreams of the impossible. Excellent taste and sense of humor make him a pleasant person in all respects. However, excessive pedantry and pettiness can sometimes irritate, just like conservatism. He does not like people who are lazy, incompetent and unnecessary, but everyone knows that the word of this person can be trusted. In love he is as conservative as in life. Nikita-Virgo is not distinguished by her romantic nature, but she is distinguished by her reliability and fidelity. He is born with the instinct of love for work, his family, duty and discipline, and nothing can change his nature. Such a man lives on a material level, and you should not expect a serenade under the balcony or ardent declarations of love from him. There will be no place for scandals and Mexican passions in his family; the flame of his love will always burn evenly and steadily.

Scales- an impressionable and delicate nature, with refined taste and a heightened sense of justice. Nikita-Libra is a hardworking person, but he tries to avoid responsibility; it is difficult for him to make responsible decisions. He has such qualities as an intuitive sense, the gift of foresight, and he needs to learn to trust his intuition more. Good-natured by nature, he loves communication, can be a very attentive listener and an intelligent adviser. He has an innate desire to make this world a better place, a desire for harmony in everything. But he is also characterized by stubbornness and selfishness; he rarely listens to other people’s opinions. This person can work a lot, painstakingly and persistently, but such periods often alternate with periods of laziness and “doing nothing.” At the same time, he is extremely scrupulous, responsible and honest in his work, but leadership roles are not suitable for him. He is a team player and a great performer. Nikita-Libra cannot imagine his life without love, and more than one marriage usually happens in his life. He is a romantic and a womanizer, but his heart is cold, and therefore is rarely broken.

Scorpion- a quick-tempered and nervous person who sometimes cannot control himself during a quarrel. In anger he can be disgusting, at this time he does not see or hear anything around him. But then he regrets his outbursts, is ashamed of his emotions and withdraws into himself. In his character, Nikita-Scorpio combines all the best and worst that can be in a person, good and evil. Despite everything, he is very attractive to others, as he has innate skills in manipulating people and has the gift of persuasion. A man can literally work to his limits, sparing neither himself nor anyone around him. Any manifestation of weakness evokes contempt in him. Sooner or later, Nikita-Scorpio will show interest in the occult sciences, as he knows how to observe and analyze the character and actions of other people. The life of Nikita-Scorpio will never be simple or easy, but sooner or later he will definitely be successful. Family life with this man will always be associated with emotional tension, since it is difficult to find a greater jealous, owner and brawler.

Sagittarius- an unpredictable person with frequently changing moods. He prefers to be free and unencumbered by any obligations, but at the same time he can be an excellent worker and a good performer. Nikita-Sagittarius is usually successful in business, but at the same time prefers not to stop there. Highly energetic, with favorable energy, he is a gifted conversationalist, a wonderful storyteller and the soul of any company. However, Nikita-Sagittarius is inclined to go to extremes and make sudden decisions, or cancel decisions already made, so you should not trust his promises too much. But he does everything quite sincerely, falsehood and deception are alien to him. In addition, Nikita-Sagittarius is simply attracted by danger; he loves physical and emotional risk. He is a born optimist and sincerely believes that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. This person's weakest points are a tendency to alcoholism and gluttony, and his sin is tactlessness and inattention, but never deliberate cruelty. Only a woman who will not limit his freedom and can adequately perceive some oddities in the character of her chosen one can become happy in a marriage with Nikita-Sagittarius.

Capricorn- a courageous person, a little stern and taciturn. In society he carries himself with dignity, looks a little down on those around him, is always confident in himself, and is spiritually strong. He is a thinker and intellectual, almost always successful in business and in any other endeavor. Nikita-Capricorn has a very independent and noble character, so she can’t stand being under someone’s supervision. One of his striking features is his subtle sense of humor, the ability to laugh at himself as well. From the outside it may seem that this person has a heart of stone, but underneath his calm appearance lies a compassionate soul; he is ready to sacrifice a lot without expecting to receive anything in return. The home and family life of Nikita-Capricorn is often hectic, as he may feel lonely and underappreciated, even if this is not the case. But if he truly falls in love, then even no time or circumstances will be able to destroy his marriage.

Aquarius- a sentimental, nervous person, but able to feel deeply. He often loses control of himself, which he later regrets, and he feels offended and lonely. Nikita-Aquarius is active in his work, does a lot for the common good, and can easily give everything he has for the sake of a suffering person. He is not naive or overly wise, but he is full of enthusiasm and cares about people. He may have many friends, but he will always strive for loneliness. With this person you always have to be prepared for all sorts of surprises; he loves to shock and challenge public opinion. He has a broad outlook and an inquisitive mind, but a very delicate nervous system, prone to depression and melancholy. A woman who wants to connect her life with Nikita-Aquarius must first of all interest him - an open book will not arouse his interest. He has a negative attitude towards marriage and tries with all his might to delay it. He is not jealous, unpretentious in everyday life, a wonderful father, but not a very attentive and caring spouse, and the wife will have to take care of the material well-being of the family herself.

Fish- as a rule, this is a man with a very handsome appearance, who has enormous success with women. At the same time, he is a kind and trusting person, generous by nature, without an iron will and strong character. Nikita-Pisces is prone to depression, especially if things go badly, but he only blames himself. He is highly susceptible to the influence of others, touchy and sensitive, and has difficulty withstanding criticism. He does not like loneliness; he needs the love and support of loved ones like air. He tries to avoid any responsibility, does not like to make important decisions, and often doubts his abilities. This person is not a fighter in life; he prefers to go with the flow rather than resist circumstances. One of his subtle weapons is humor, which can be harmless and kind, or sarcastic and offensive. In love, Nikita-Pisces is a great romantic and dreamer, but in material terms he is not always prosperous. His wife will have to learn to save money or earn good money herself.

Derived from ancient Greek (νῑκητικός) “ensuring victory (Nike)” or from ancient Greek (νύκτιος) “night”. Being a feminine name, it became a masculine name.

Famous people named Nikita

Nikita Kozhemyaka (Slavic hero, character in the chronicles of the times of Kievan Rus)

Nikita Antufiev (Antyufeev), Nikita Demidov ((1656-1725) Tula gunsmith, Russian industrialist-entrepreneur, builder of Ural factories, a peasant by origin, but received nobility for his merits, founded the Demidov dynasty)

Nikita Mikhalkov ((born 1945) Russian actor and film director, received his first film role at the age of 14, winner of an Oscar, Kinotavr, Cannes Film Festival, and many other international film awards. He starred in more than 50 films, became a director of more than 30 films.)

Nikita Bogoslovsky ((1913-2004) Soviet and Russian composer, wrote more than 300 songs and music for 119 films and 80 performances. He was also the TV presenter of the “Evening of Fun Questions” program, which became the prototype of KVN.)

Nikita Dolgushin ((1938-2012) Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, also choreographer and choreographer, winner of various titles and awards, starred in the films “Hamlet”, “Masquerade”, “Shakesperiad” and others)

Nikita Zotov ((c.1644-1718) Russian official, became the teacher of Peter the Great, was a close person of the Tsar)

Nikita Khrushchev ((1894-1971) statesman of the USSR, First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee)

Nikita Moiseev ((1917-2000) Soviet and Russian scientist, studied mechanics and applied mathematics, was actively involved in social activities, environmental protection. Founded several scientific schools, became the author of 10 textbooks, more than 300 articles, monographs and scientific works.)

Nikita Trubetskoy ((1699-1767) Russian statesman, assistant to Elizabeth Petrovna)

Nikita Dzhigurda ((born 1961) Russian actor, singer)

Nikita Mikhailovsky ((1971-1990) Soviet actor, he became famous for his role as Roma Lavochkin in the film “You Never Even Dreamed of...”)

Nikita Semyonov-Prozorovsky ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian actor, dubbing actor for foreign films, cartoons and computer games, currently the “voice” of the TV channels “NTV+”, “Discovery”)

Nikita Kamenyuka ((born 1985) Ukrainian football player)

Nikita Tolstoy ((1923-1996) Soviet linguist, folklorist, studied Slavic culture, wrote many works on dialectics, lexicology, ethnolinguistics, history of the Slavic language)

Nikita Tolstoy ((1917-1994) Soviet physicist, worked in the field of quantum optics, public figure)

Nikita Magalov ((1912-1992) Swiss pianist, originally from the family of Georgian princes Magalishvili, was the first to record all of Chopin’s works for piano)

Nikita Salopin ((born 1970) Russian actor)

Nikitas Kaklamanis ((born 1946) Greek statesman and politician)

Nikita Stanescu ((1933-1983) Romanian poet)

Nikita Tserenok ((born 1993) Russian hockey player)

Nikita celebrates name day

February 13, March 4, April 2, April 16, April 17, May 13, May 17, May 27, June 2, June 5, June 6, June 10, June 30, July 4, July 7, September 22, September 28 , October 26, December 30.

Harmonious patronymic for the name Nikita

Sometimes he has a good influence - Nikita Vladimirovich, Nikita Leonidovich, Nikita Sergeevich.

But there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Nikita and character depending on the season

The winter child is stern and wayward.
The spring child is creative and capricious.
A year old child is passionate and active.
The autumn child is smart and obstinate.

Nikita and character depending on date of birth

This is true for any name, not necessarily Nikita:

Aries, the April child is assertive and active.
Taurus, the May child is a hard worker.
Gemini, June baby is outgoing.
Cancer, the July baby is vulnerable and sexy.
Leo, the August child is confident and creative.
Virgo, September baby is orderly.
Aquarius, the February child is willful and dreamy.

Spring and May child with any name - contains creative, hardworking and stubborn potential. A name can strengthen or weaken an innate given.

Therefore, there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Psychoacoustics named after Nikita

Many parents are interested in the sound, so that the name “looks” good with the middle name. And so that the soul likes it, there is a feeling of goodness, calmness, harmony.

Melody is the first thing a name emits, but this is the tip of the iceberg.

They greet you by their clothes, but what's inside?

Name is a sound, a sign (symbol), information.
Child- a unique fusion of parental DNA, God's spark, and surrounding culture. This is a unique psychic pattern of information and energy.
World— lives according to the laws of nature, and as a rule, a specialist knows and can give results in a narrow area of ​​his professionalism.

Here comes the name Nikita, once, twice, three times. Gradually, the baby becomes attached to the name and becomes mentally attuned to the entire volume of information about the name in the culture. Absorbs. Changes.

Previously, before computers, in Tradition, as mothers now turn to doctors,
fathers turned to wise people for help in choosing a name.

Knowledge of the psychoacoustics of a name brought good results and gave protection to the child!

What can the name Nikita stimulate?

Materiality, love, stability, health energy, creativity, intuition, intelligence, sexuality and family, spirituality, kindness and cordiality, joy and strength.

How to give maximum evolution, truth, love through the name Nikita?

Go only from the child’s individuality.

Check only through the channel of direct knowledge (meaningful spiritual intuition).

Learn only through sober experience, honest feedback.

No ideology!

Where to start checking the name Nikita

Talk to the child's soul, ask the child's opinion, listen.

Make a promise to your child - to choose only a good name, only a useful one.

Listen to the child's answer. Agree with your child not to give a name with harmful psychoacoustics.

Next, try to use real (working) knowledge. After all, it was not without reason that Stalin changed his name and date of birth with the help of the legendary mystic of the 20th century - Gurdjieff.

People with power, money, famous directors, athletes, top models, actors, scientists and inventors use spiritual names and pseudonyms as a tool for developing personality and soul qualities.

Download and study the book. Sergei Mikhailovich Bobyr, one of the pillars of modern Russian spirituality, helps you choose a name that suits the child’s psyche and character.

For example, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bündchen, George Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Alfred Nobel, Sigmund Freud, Stalin received an additional average of plus 40% of strength due to the psychoacoustics of the name.

If you ignore the individual psychoacoustics of the name, then with a 79% probability you will weaken the child’s psyche and vitality by 32% of the original power.

Ask your heart. A wise mother's heart is the best adviser!

How to choose the absolutely correct, strong and appropriate name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give your child a good name, as support in life, protection from birth problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be a good person. Or you even want to make your child better, more successful, more sociable and have fewer problematic situations in life.

Winter Nikita has a rather complex character: for example, it is often difficult for him to concentrate on any one thing, because he is restless and impulsive. His stubbornness, determination and perseverance help him achieve great success in life. Winter Nikita cannot be limited in his actions and influenced by shouting and rough treatment, since he will withdraw into himself.

Spring Nikita - a selfish and easily wounded nature, sensitive to criticism and comments. He has a philosophical mindset and is constantly in search of truth. Nikita, born in spring, is good-natured and sensitive, so he often perceives other people's problems as his own. He is capable of deep empathy, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state.

Summer Nikita very talented and versatile. He is good-natured and does not seek his own benefit from communicating with people. His fairness, self-reliance, pride and independence often prevent him from making a brilliant career, despite the fact that this person is very responsible and disciplined. Summer Nikita is sociable, attentive and courteous with women who do not deprive him of their attention. In family life he is rarely a leader.

Autumn Nikita - this is a truly unique personality, the embodiment of a rational principle and a creative component. All his endeavors are doomed to success, and he easily finds a common language with people, which is why he has a huge number of friends. Autumn Nikita has such qualities as prudence, determination, practicality, charm and wit.

Stone - talisman

Nikita's talisman stones: garnet, carnelian, fire opal.


This is a stone that gives vitality and energy, instills optimism and helps overcome difficulties. In addition, the pomegranate is considered a talisman for lovers, symbolizing strong friendship, passionate and happy love.

A red stone imparts calmness, prudence and wisdom, but a green garnet teaches you how to properly organize your daily routine and distribute funds.

Interesting fact! Pomegranate brings good luck and success to energetic and emotional people, while, on the contrary, it will exhaust the uninitiated and lazy owner mentally, which is fraught with serious nervous disorders.


This is the strongest love talisman that can enhance passion and love attraction. In addition, this stone protects against envy and damage, attracting prosperity, calmness and prudence to its owner.

Fire opal

This is a stone with a dual attitude towards it: for example, Europeans consider it a symbol of love, luck and hope, while residents of the East identify opal with disappointed hopes and a waste of time to achieve an ephemeral dream.

This mineral, which protects against the evil eye and witchcraft, opens the gift of clairvoyance. But it is recommended to wear it only for creative individuals with a strong character, while for weak and melancholy people this talisman will only bring misfortune.






The happiest zodiac signs for Nikita are Sagittarius and Gemini (you can read about these signs in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).

Animal - symbol

Nikita's symbolic animal is a hedgehog.

The hedgehog symbolizes self-defense, since when in danger it curls up into a ball, exposing its sharp spines. Our ancestors attributed to the hedgehog the ability to drive out evil spirits and fight witchcraft.

Easterners consider the hedgehog a symbol of wealth, openness, and friendliness. However, in the Christian tradition, this animal is the personification of greed, hot temper, greed, gluttony and anger.


Plants that bring good luck to Nikita are ash and bluebell.


This plant is a symbol of strength, life, renewal, fertility and immortality.

Ash is a primordial masculine plant, because weapons were made from it, so the tree itself personifies masculinity, strength, war and revenge. It was also believed that this tree contributes to the development of the gift of clairvoyance, since it is a connecting link between heaven and earth, between the material and spiritual worlds.

An ash amulet protects against evil spells and negative influences from outside.


This beautiful and delicate flower is a symbol of talkativeness, frivolity and carelessness. In addition, the bell is the personification of friendly communication and noisy companies.

In the Christian tradition, the image of this plant is symbolically emphasized and resembles a church bell. For this reason, the bell is considered a symbol of spirituality and love.


The metal that brings good luck to Nikita is silver, which protects against vicious thoughts and actions. This metal, symbolizing fidelity, friendship and love, protects against evil spirits and damage.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that kitchen utensils made of silver can protect water and food from the negative effects of microbes harmful to the body.

However, this metal also has a negative property: for example, people whom it protects often have character traits such as greed and idolatry.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Nikita

Name translation

The name Nikita is translated from Greek as “winner”, “victorious”.

History of the name

The name Nikita, which was popular back in the days of Kievan Rus, has ancient Greek roots. The most famous “ancient” owner of this name is the Byzantine writer and historian Niketas Acominatus (or Choniates), from whose pen the work “The History of the Greek Emperors” was published.

Today the name Nikita is one of the three most common male names.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most used forms of the name Nikita: Nik, Nikitka, Mitya, Nikusya, Nikusha, Kesha, Nikitochka, Mikitka, Kita.

The legend of the name Nikita

There is a legend about the Monk Nikita the Confessor, who was raised by his pious grandmother, since his mother died soon after his birth, and his father became a monk. It was his grandmother who instilled in him the love of God, to whom he decided to devote his life, for which he took monastic vows at the monastery of St. Nicephorus.

Monk Nikita led a truly righteous and humble life, thanks to which, after seven years in the monastery, he was elevated to the rank of priest. Moreover, he became the right hand and deputy of the old and sick Nikifor, after whose death the monk Nikita became the abbot (abbot) of the monastery.

God gave the Monk Nikita the ability to heal people from ailments and expel unclean spirits from their bodies. According to legend, the reverend father restored the gift of speech to the mute and treated mental confusion and many other diseases.

He endured many persecutions, insults and torments from the iconoclast king Leo the Armenian, but these trials did not break his faith and spirit. Confessor Nikita spent the last years of his life in complete silence in the desert located near Constantinople.

The secret of the name Nikita

Patrons of the name

  • Venerable Nikita the Confessor.
  • Hieromartyr Nikita the Slav.
  • Venerable Nikita the Stylite (or Pereyaslavsky).
  • The reclusive bishop Nikita of Pechersk (or Novgorod).
  • Hieromartyr Nikita the New.
  • Confessor and Archbishop Nikita of Apolloniad.
  • Hegumen Nikita of Midiki.
  • Rev. Nikita Nifont.
  • Venerable Nikita of Chios.
  • Confessor Nikita of Chalcedon.
  • Martyr Nikita Nirossky.
  • Bishop Nikita of Remesiansky.
  • Hieromartyr and scribe Nikita of Constantinople.
  • Great Martyr Nikita Gotfsky.
  • Venerable Nikita of Constantinople.
  • Hieromartyr and Bishop Nikita Pribytkov.
  • Hieromartyr and Bishop Nikita of Orekhovo-Zuevsky.
  • Hieromartyr and Protodeacon Nikita Almazov.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 3rd number.

February: 13th.

March: 4th number.

April: 2nd, 16th and 17th.

May: 13th, 17th and 27th.

June: 2nd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 30th.

July: 4th and 7th.

September: 22nd and 28th.

October: 26th.

December: 30th.

Famous people

Famous political figures named Nikita:

  • Prince and Voivode Nikita Odoevsky;
  • Prince Nikita Trubetskoy;
  • Decembrist Nikita Muravyov;
  • Nikita Khrushchev.

Famous actors named Nikita:

  • Nikita Mikhalkov;
  • Nikita Mikhailovsky;
  • Nikita Efremov;
  • Nikita Dzhigurda.

Nikita Bogoslovsky - Soviet composer.

Nikita Dolgushin - Soviet ballet dancer and outstanding choreographer.

Nikita Presnyakov - singer (son of Vladimir Presnyakov).

The meaning of the name Nikita

For a child

Little Nikita is an inquisitive, calm and cheerful child who grasps new information on the fly. However, parents should take into account the fact that shouting, rudeness and the use of physical force as punishment can lead to the boy becoming stubborn and withdrawn. Encouragement and affection are the levers through which you can influence Nikita.

Even in his childhood, Nikita is in no hurry to let people get close to him, so he doesn’t have many friends, despite his sociability. Trust is the foundation on which his relationships with others are built.

Nikita is a real intellectual with an excellent memory, who is interested in everything and everyone, but it is quite difficult for him to concentrate his attention on one thing, and he prefers to combine his studies with walks and games. His seriousness, poise and patience help him gain the respect of both his classmates and teachers. The boy also has a developed creative streak: for example, from early childhood he writes poetry and composes amazing stories, which he happily transfers to paper.

But what little Nikita lacks is self-confidence, so it is extremely difficult for him to make this or that decision (often he turns to his parents for help, who must teach their son independence).

In general, the boy’s contradictory character combines determination and self-doubt, calmness and excessive impulsiveness, generosity and rancor, stubbornness and vulnerability.

For a teenager

Having matured, Nikita becomes more decisive and self-confident, which will subsequently help him make a brilliant career and simply establish contact with others. His balanced and fair character becomes the foundation on which Nikita builds strong friendships. His opinion is often authoritative, and he never tries to impose it on others. It is not surprising that Nikita has many friends who should remember that excessive praise of his positive qualities can lead to the development of vanity and narcissism in Nick (this is what Nikita is often called in his youth).

By nature, Nikita is a leader, so it is extremely important for him to always be the best in everything. At the same time, he should learn to treat himself with humor, otherwise it will be difficult for him to avoid many mistakes in life.

Among Nikita’s negative qualities the following can be noted:

  • pride;
  • self-centeredness;
  • intransigence;
  • impatience;
  • vulnerability;
  • impulsiveness.

His straightforwardness can also create many problems: for example, Nikita can sharply and rudely express his opinion, without thinking that his words may offend a person.

It should be noted that youth is the most difficult period in Nikita’s life (this is the time of searching for oneself and one’s niche in society). But the whole point is that he prefers to learn from his own mistakes, rather than from those of others, while he rejects any offered help.

For a man

Adult Nikita knows his own worth, so he will not tolerate being commanded or pressured. His persistence and stubbornness help him achieve career heights, but prevent him from starting a family. Nikita's leadership qualities must be constantly fed with flattery and praise, and this applies to both work and family relationships.

Nikita has a cheerful disposition, he loves friendly gatherings and noisy parties, and his friends tell jokes about his passion for travel. His charm and charm contribute to the fact that Nikita has no shortage of fans: women fall in love with this impressive and creative man at first sight. Nikita is able to create mystery and mystery around his person, which undoubtedly attracts the fair sex.

It is important for Nikita to make a favorable impression on those around him, who are simply obliged to admire his merits. Otherwise, he will withdraw into himself or will look for a society in which he will be “appreciated.”

In general, Nikita gives the impression of a gentle, good-natured and unforgiving person. But don’t expect him to open his soul to you, because he is controlled by reason, not emotions. In addition, a man with this name is rightfully considered to have a tough and uncompromising character.

Description of the name Nikita


Nikita can safely be called a moral person who builds his life in such a way that his children and grandchildren can be proud of him. He always defends his principles and views on life to the end, regardless of whether his opponent likes his position or not.


Nikita has good health, the condition of which he carefully monitors. Although he is not a fan of physical activity, he tries to lead an active lifestyle, so even in old age he remains in good shape.

He needs to pay special attention to the cardiac system: for example, stress and overwork can lead to heart attacks, stroke and high blood pressure.


Easy to talk to, charming and cheerful, Nikita enjoys success with women, so he is not used to making special efforts to win over his next passion, who should be beautiful and smart. But still he is attracted to women whose hand and heart he will have to fight for.

Nikita is an amorous person, so his chosen one will have to make a lot of effort to constantly maintain interest in herself. And he most often treats a woman as just another amusement. But in fairness, we note that Nikita is always honest towards his woman, so if he stops loving, he will say so directly and will not torture himself or his partner.


Narcissistic and independent Nikita is in no hurry to start a family, taking a long time to choose a suitable wife. But if he really falls in love, he will certainly formalize the relationship with his soulmate.

However, his marriage is often not always successful, and his desire to rule and lack of diplomacy are to blame. From his wife, he demands complete concentration on the family and household, while his woman always has a strong and strong-willed character, and therefore will not put up with this situation. As a result, the family will either fall apart, or the wife will take the initiative into her own hands, and Nikita will only have to obey her will.

Family relationships

Nikita can hardly be called an exemplary family man, since the weight of his character will sooner or later be felt by all family members. Everyone must obey Nikita’s will unconditionally.

He is fickle in his affections, and therefore can cheat on his wife, but he will not leave the family, because he loves his children very much and will do everything so that they grow up in a calm and comfortable environment.

It is important that Nikita seriously cares about the future, and not only about his own: for example, he tries to provide financially not only for his family, but also for all his relatives.

If Nikita wants to create a strong and happy family, then, firstly, he should choose a gentle, affectionate and calm woman, whose priority is family, as his wife; secondly, you need to learn to be softer and compromise.


For Nikita, sex is not only a physiological need, but a whole ritual from which he receives true pleasure. He is an attentive and sensual partner who tries to give his chosen one unforgettable pleasure. Moreover, the degree of his satisfaction largely depends on how deep his love for his partner is.

Despite his amorousness, he classifies relationships as intimate only with the woman whom he has known for more than one day or even more than one week, and Nikita loves thoroughness in everything: for full sex there must be an appropriate environment and ambiance that is conducive to intimacy.

Mind (intelligence)

Nikita has a sharp mind, excellent memory and the ability to think analytically. He not only thinks through his plan of action down to the smallest detail, but also knows how to highlight the main thing.


Nikita is a purposeful and responsible man who gladly shows his leadership qualities at work, and often does this harshly, which is why he is considered a real tyrant. But he is fair and smart, so his opinion is always authoritative.

For the owner of this name, a creative profession is more suitable, in which he can discover more and more new facets every day. Nikita will make an excellent geologist, director, advertising agent, image maker, TV presenter, writer, journalist, photographer, artist, actor or musician. But if he chooses the path of a politician, public figure, lawyer, mathematician or engineer, he will also not be mistaken.


Despite the fact that Nikita is a man of not only words, but also deeds, he is not always ready to manage a business on his own due to his indecisiveness and self-doubt. At the same time, he has a negative attitude towards partnership, because he does not like it when his mistakes are pointed out to him or his point of view is imposed on him. But still, if Nikita can organize his business correctly and does not give up halfway, he can achieve success.


His hobbies are reading books and listening to his favorite music. He loves animals, so you can definitely meet a dog or cat in his house. In addition, he also gets pleasure from the process of driving a car, although he is unlikely to repair his “iron horse” on his own.

Character type

According to Nikita’s character type, he is most often melancholic (you can read about the features of this type of thinking in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Nikita is hot, impulsive and persistent. He loves praise, but knows how to distinguish flattery from well-deserved recognition of his merits. He will not tolerate two-faced people and flatterers in his environment.

This is a person who is used to calculating his every step, so any changes bring dissonance into his life. However, if necessary or under the influence of a sudden impulse, the uninitiative Nikita is capable of actions that can radically change his life.

Nikita's selfishness often hurts the feelings of those close to him, but don't expect the culprit to come with a guilty head: on the contrary, Nikita will be able to convince both himself and those around him that he is right.

In general, Nikita is a kind, gentle, unforgiving and hospitable person who strives to look after his family and patronize the weak. He is energetic and has an enviable sense of purpose, while his willpower is not always enough to complete the work he has begun.


People named Nikita have well-developed intuition, which can transform into clairvoyance if directed in the right direction.

Horoscope named after Nikita

Nikita - Aries

This is an emotional, assertive and selfish nature that loves to be the center of everyone's attention. The main disadvantages of Nikita-Aries are tactlessness and persistence: thus, it will not be difficult or arrogant for him to impose his friendship or communication. This manner of behavior often repels people, so Nikita, born under this sign, has practically no real friends. He is also too pushy towards women, which can repel the fair sex.

Nikita - Taurus

This is a strong man who is stubborn and self-willed, purposeful and calculating. He is not used to deviating from the intended path and avoiding obstacles: Nikita-Taurus goes ahead, often without taking into account the interests of the people around him. Such egocentrism can harm both your career and building a happy family life. Nikita-Taurus is very amorous and loving, so he has countless novels, while he tries not to start a serious relationship.

Nikita - Gemini

The charm, charisma and intelligence of Nikita the Gemini help him achieve great heights in life. The main thing is not to overdo it in the desire to be the first and the best, otherwise you cannot avoid the development of such qualities as vanity and pride. Nikita-Gemini knows how to use his charm, so he basks in the rays of female attention, love and affection. But at the same time, he treats his companions carelessly, whose love he does not know how to appreciate.

Nikita - Cancer

Independence and pride are the character qualities that Nikita-Cancer cultivates in himself, not realizing that arrogance repels people, causing only irritation and hostility. For Nikita-Cancer, everything must be perfect: his appearance, his home, his work, and his beloved woman, whom he tries to “adjust” to his high standards. If this fails, he will break up with his beloved, no matter how deep his feelings are.

Nikita - Leo

This is an exalted, eccentric and witty personality who is always in the center of attention (and it doesn’t matter whether Nikita-Leo wants this attention or not). He knows how to manipulate people, so his life is often a bright kaleidoscope, full of idleness and fun. From his chosen one, Nikita-Leo demands not only complete obedience, but also praise of his virtues. In return, he will give his beloved incredible tenderness and love.

Nikita - Virgo

Pragmatism, prudence and restraint of Nikita-Virgo take precedence over his emotionality. He is always courteous and benevolent, but you should not think that this person will allow himself to be offended (under the mask of good nature lies a strong-willed and strong personality, capable of much to achieve his goals). With women, Nikita, born under the sign of Virgo, is reserved and cold, because he is afraid of being disappointed in the relationship. In general, he is monogamous, so he has been looking for his soul mate for a long time.

Nikita - Libra

This is a pampered man, spoiled by female attention, who is extremely impressionable and emotional. Nikita-Libra has a refined taste; he is disgusted by everything connected with violence and human pain. Therefore, he will make an affectionate, caring and gentle husband who will try to protect his beloved from all troubles. But in the professional sphere, the gentleness of his character can only do harm.

Nikita - Scorpio

Nikita-Scorpio's impulsiveness and hot temper bring a lot of trouble into his life. He is irritable and prone to rash actions. In addition, he does not want and does not know how to hear other people, believing that only his opinion is true and undeniable. As a result, Nikita-Scorpio often changes jobs, and women are completely afraid of his difficult temperament. But if the partner can be lenient towards the manifestation of his character, then Nikita will become a sensitive husband and grateful friend for her.

Nikita - Sagittarius

He can confidently be called a person of mood, whose actions and reactions to what is happening around him are unpredictable. Nikita-Sagittarius is sometimes difficult to understand even for those closest to him, not to mention his work colleagues and acquaintances.

But the originality of his thinking and unpredictability make Nikita-Sagittarius an interesting figure for both men and women (the latter are attracted by his mystery, but at the same time they must come to terms with the fact that Nikita does not like to talk about his feelings, and is also in no hurry to show them ).

Nikita - Capricorn

Strength of spirit, masculinity and toughness are the main characteristics of Nikita-Capricorn, who prefers to build an impregnable fortress around himself. He is important, taciturn, restrained in expressing feelings and emotions. His woman should be a balanced, calm and homely person, unquestioningly accepting the fact that the head of the family is exclusively a man.

Nikita - Aquarius

This is a sentimental, sensual and insecure person who often judges people superficially. Nikita-Aquarius is a pessimist, for whom life is painted in dull gray shades. Even such a bright and bright feeling as love must, in his understanding, carry a connotation of suffering and doom. Nikita-Aquarius needs a cheerful woman with an active life position who can bring new positive emotions into his life.

Nikita - Pisces

This is a dreamer who is often dissatisfied with life and his place in it. He likes to engage in soul-searching and create problems where they do not exist. However, the philosophical attitude of Nikita-Pisces attracts women who, as you know, “love with their ears.” Only Nikita, even in relationships with women, is in an eternal search for ideal love, so he experiences truly deep feelings extremely rarely.

Compatibility of the name Nikita with female names

Nikita and Olga

This vibrant union, formed by people of different characters, is often successful and long-lasting. So, it is in the cheerful Nikita that Olga finds an outlet, while the practicality of the woman in this tandem guarantees the stability and well-being of the marriage.

Nikita and Anna

Nikita and Marina

This fragile union is bright and hot, it contains love, hatred, passion, and jealousy. The only thing missing in this tandem is stability and mutual understanding, which becomes the reason for the collapse of the relationship between Marina and Nikita.

Nikita and Maria

Both in this couple have a rather complex character, which at the beginning of the relationship gives them novelty and passion. However, subsequently, reluctance to compromise can destroy this tandem (especially if falling in love does not develop into love).
Maria - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Nikita and Svetlana

Absolute trust reigns in this union. Nikita and Svetlana understand each other without further ado and try to do everything possible to diversify their relationship. They have no time for quarrels, because both are moving towards the same goal - building a friendly family.

Nikita and Christina

This tandem is far from being called “ideal,” but as long as there are feelings between Nikita and Christina, they will cherish them. Both partners in this union have different temperaments and characters, principles and views on life, which will ultimately lead to the breakup of the couple.

Nikita and Victoria

Crazy love rules these relationships, but often the passion between Nikita and Victoria quickly cools down, not having time to develop into a long-term relationship. The independence and love of freedom of both partners also do not contribute to the stability and harmony of this union.

Nikita and Ksenia

Nikita and Evgenia

Nikita and Alena

Nikita, despite her practicality, knows how to surprise her beloved, which is appreciated by Alena, for whom it is extremely important that life be like a holiday. But this union may not withstand material difficulties.

Nikita and Margarita

Nikita and Valeria

This is a promising tandem working for the benefit of the family. Nikita and Valeria adore each other; it is extremely important for them to create a trusting atmosphere in the family.

Name " Nikita"Greek origin. Literally translated, it means “winner.” In common parlance the name sounds like “Mikita”. In Rus' - one of the most common names. During the years of Soviet power it was not used very often, but recent decades have brought it popularity again due to the return of fashion for old names.

Nikita - character traits

From an early age, a boy named Nikita shows intelligence and ingenuity in all matters that interest him. But he turns out to be even more resourceful when faced with the need to solve an uninteresting problem. If something needs to be done through an effort of will, then Nikita will come out of the situation with even greater brilliance, having come up with the most rational way to solve the problem.

He is silent and makes contact with strangers quite difficult. Initially, he needs a period of adaptation. Nikita must get used to his new acquaintance, study the characteristics of his character and manner of behavior, and only then he will decide whether it is worth dealing with such a person at all.

He can't stand rudeness. Therefore, if he was raised with blows, this can cause serious psychological trauma to the child. But he will not raise his children with the help of a whip. He is a good family man. In addition, you can rely on him to resolve business issues. If he agrees to help, then you can definitely count on help from him.

Nikita - name compatibility

Nikita is a rather easy-going person. But he often determines for himself which of his friends he is most comfortable with. He won't be friends with everyone. By choosing one friend, he will become the most faithful friend and comrade. As for relationships with women, Nikita is a man – a father. And the woman who is best suited for building family relationships is the one who seeks warmth, affection and care in life.

The most productive marriage will be with Natalya, Svetlana, Olga, Elizabeth, Maria. Communication with Irina, Vera and Ekaterina is categorically not suitable for long-term relationships. If Nikita agrees to play the role of a follower in family relationships, then creating a family unit with Tatyana or Alevtina would be a completely suitable option.

Nikita - famous people who bore this name

Nikita Demidov is the founder of the dynasty that owned the Ural factories in Tsarist Russia.

Nikita Mikhalkov is a great actor, film director, winner of many film festival awards, a famous and creative personality of our era.

Nikita Khrushchev - First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in the USSR. Head of state, initiator of the “thaw” policy.

Nikita - interesting facts about the name

Nikita Khrushchev, who decided that the problem of providing Soviet citizens with food could be quickly solved, sowed half the country with corn. Unfortunately, the American experience did not take root in the USSR. The “Corn Epic” ended in complete failure.


Nikita 11/11/2016

Well, everything that is written is definitely about me. I have a classmate and friend Nikita, so we are very similar. Not only by character, but also by habits, interests and physique.

Vera 04/16/2016

These Nikitas are very nice people. Non-conflict, picky in relationships, original, calm and reasonable. Otherwise... that Nikita is silent is right, he is a man. Chatting incessantly is the prerogative of women. A man must be able to think and solve all problems.

Zhanna 04/16/2016

Very positive men, judging by the description. I respect people who you can rely on, if they agreed to this, of course. And regarding the choice of friends - a very correct position. You can be somewhat calm that Nikita will not get involved with bad company.

Yana 04/16/2016

Now the name Nikita is very popular, they call everyone in a row, either Nikita or Daniil. I'm afraid that in the near future this name will again fade into the background, because everyone will simply be fed up with it. The name is good, I like it, but such excessive popularity is simply annoying.

The name Nikita means “winner” in Greek.

Origin of the name

The name Nikita came to us from Ancient Greece. The patron saint of this name is Saint Nikita the Confessor, who was the abbot of the Midice monastery. He distinguished himself by confessing to everyone, absolving them of their sins, thereby saving lost souls from purgatory. He popularized the Christian faith and preached true moral values.

Characteristics of the name

The name is suitable for all boys born under the zodiac sign Gemini, Taurus, Libra, Virgo. But newborn Leos, Aries, Sagittarius and Scorpios are not at all impressed by it.


Little Nikita is a stubborn and cheerful boy. He has a very well-developed imagination, so Nikita likes to tell unusual and interesting stories of his own authorship. All the boy’s experiences will be reflected in his fairy tales: if Nikita is in a bad mood, then the story will be sad with a sad ending; if the young author is inspired by something, then his hero will overcome all obstacles and achieve his desired goal.


Boys with this name have very developed creative potential. Nikita, who has matured, will try to realize himself in professions that require a non-standard approach to solving assigned problems. But he can achieve real success in life only through hard work.


Nikita is a very inquisitive and versatile person. He likes to communicate with new people, and his natural charm helps him in this. He knows how to express his thoughts competently and beautifully, thereby captivating the listener. He may even have admirers. But Nikita has little confidence in his abilities to become an idol for others.


Nikita should be careful when choosing friends, since it is quite difficult to distinguish the attention of an enthusiastic follower from true friendship, fawning and flattery from real praise.

Personal life

Nikita's sociability and natural magnetism attracts the fair sex to him. Family life with him will not be boring, as he loves to realize his fantasies. Rearranging the house, changing her image, moving to another city - this is what Nikita’s wife should be prepared for. If a woman resists these changes, then first he will try to persuade her to accept his view of the world, but if this fails, then Nikita will part with his companion in search of a new muse.

Name compatibility

The best compatibility of the name Nikita with women whose names are Tamara, Ekaterina, Tatyana, Polina, Svetlana, Natalya, Lydia, Irina, Alla, Zinaida, Veronica.

Name day

Orthodox name days:

  • February 13;
  • April 2, 16;
  • May 3, 17, 27;
  • June 5, 6, 10;
  • July 6;
  • September 22, 28;
  • October 26.

Famous people

Famous men with the name Nikita: Mikhalkov (film director and actor), Khrushchev (first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee), Dzhigurda (actor), Salopin (theater actor), Magalov (pianist), Kozhemyaka (hero of folk tales).