Fumigation with cyanotic blue to cleanse the house. The magical properties of wormwood: we cleanse the house of negativity

Today, more than ever, the question of cleanliness arises. hearth. Fumigating the house with herbs is a very powerful way of cleansing the space, which our people have used since ancient times.
It is bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it is filled with negative energy, it is even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and leakage of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. That is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time. Such energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, like a regular one. general cleaning apartments.

With quarrels, stress, etc. Primary heavy thought forms are formed around us - all this hangs like "energy clusters" around the house.


Sage is a powerful purifier.

Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels, difficult emotional experiences, clears the space.


Wormwood helps to clear the "atmosphere" of irrelevant extraneous influences - someone else's or your own thoughts "not on the case." Fumigation with wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house.

It is used to fumigate a sick household. If you hang a sprig of wormwood over the front door or put it in a vase, then this will be enough to protect your home.


Purifies the atmosphere and banishes various unwanted entities, guards the house, protects against damage and other magical attacks, purifies energy, purifies and refreshes the air. The disinfecting effect has been known since ancient times - cellars were disinfected with juniper smoke in the villages, barrels were treated for salting, and plague barracks were fumigated.

St. John's wort

Reliably protects against negative entities and damage, as it is one of the most powerful anti-demonic plants, protects the house from negative energies and attacks evil people, cleanses the space not only from harmful vibrations and stratification of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.


A very simple and pleasant way to spice up a room is to light an incense stick when you are cleaning the room. The smell will penetrate into your room, filling it not only with a pleasant aroma, but also helping to clean this space. The scents you use are very important. Energy changes from one situation to another, and your need for different scents changes accordingly.

For the complete expulsion of harmful entities

cleaning should be done in 2-3 stages. Take a mixture of 4 parts juniper, 2 parts pine needles (or cedar) and 1 part cloves. Fumigate the room with this mixture with the windows and doors closed, let it brew, then completely ventilate.

The next stage is the final cleaning - fumigation with sage and wormwood. After such an expulsion procedure, of course, it does not hurt to simply clean the room, wash the floor, etc.

How to fumigate

If the plants were tied in a bunch during drying, then first set fire to one edge. When it flares up, blow out the fire. The bundle should continue to smoke. Hold the bunch over some kind of fireproof dish, there should be a bucket of water nearby so that you can put it out right away if something is wrong.

If you fumigate with coniferous needles or small-leaved plants, then from practice - take candles in metal cases, put them in a low jar, set fire to it. Place a small metal strainer on top of the jar.

Pour pine needles or leaves into a strainer. As it starts to smoke, start moving around the rooms and fumigating. This "construction" must be monitored to avoid fire.

Remember that the smoke must be very strong.

Start work clockwise from the east corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the room, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.

From personal practice, juniper smells best. But sage smokes best - such smoke is obtained that the neighbors immediately come running.

In addition to fumigation, ordinary coarse-grained salt wonderfully removes all kinds of energy pollution. Scatter it in the corners for 2-3 days, then collect and flush it down the toilet.

Here is such a practice for energy cleansing of space and body. It is recommended to carry it out regularly and also as needed - a serious illness of the household, major quarrels in the house, a large crowd of people.

Source - http://rodrus.com/news/news_1460373558.html


The pins are also new: for memory loss, drowsiness, seizures, etc. Pinned to the patient's clothes from the inside out with the words: "Carry your health with you."

Wedding candle - it is used to treat "whoops", i.e. spoiled. Usually they are "reprimanded" in the church, but even this does not help. Rather, treat with a wedding candle.But getting such a candle is not easy, since not every newlywed will give their candles after the wedding to someone unknown. Still, you need to try to get wedding candles, they treat a lot.
Willow - dried from Palm Sunday. They treat suffocation, spoilage, sexual impotence, etc. with slander.
Holy verbena - if you bring it to a house where they are at enmity, with the words: “How Palm Sunday was and is, so the peace in this house is restored, ”the enmity will disappear.
Hair from a stallion - it is known that black-book masters spoil a man with hair from a gelding. To fix this, you need to have hair from a stallion. Usually they put hair into shorts along with an elastic band with the words: "I was a gelding, became a stallion." Let the corrupted wear hair from the new moon to the full moon.
Hare's foot - from a walking spouse. The paw obtained in the spring is placed under the feather bed (mattress) where the spouses sleep, with the words: “The hare ran away, and you are in your family.”
Grains of raisins - remove the seeds from 12 raisins and tidy up. They treat pain: teeth, head, etc. The bones are placed in the pocket of the patient with the words: "They were taken out and the pain was taken out of the body."
Needles "unsewn" - remove damage. They open the package with new needles, and, no matter how many there are, they make a stitch on the patient’s clothes with each needle, saying: “You embroidered it, I will sew it.”
Stones from the stomach of birds - if, while gutting chickens, you find stones in the stomach, clean them up. They are needed in the treatment of paralysis. Let the patient walk along one floorboard, and you throw these stones after him and say: “The food was ground with these stones, and I will grind the disease and pray to the Lord.

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Today, more than ever, the question arises of the cleanliness of the hearth. Fumigating a house with herbs is a very powerful way to cleanse the space that people have used since ancient times.

It is bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it is filled with negative energy, it is even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and leakage of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. This is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time
. Such energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, like a regular general cleaning of an apartment.

During quarrels, stresses, etc., primary heavy thought forms are formed around us - all this hangs like "Energy Clusters" around the house.

* sage is the strongest purifier.

Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels, difficult emotional experiences, clears the space.
After sage, it is recommended to use wormwood, as if it neutralizes the remnants of "Mental Dust" after sage.

Wormwood helps to clear the "Atmosphere" from irrelevant extraneous influences - someone else's or your own thoughts "not on the case." Fumigation with wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house.

It is used to fumigate a sick household. In the event that a sprig of wormwood is hung over the front door or placed in a vase, then this will already be enough to protect your home.

* juniper.

Purifies the atmosphere and banishes various unwanted entities, guards the house, protects against damage and other magical attacks, purifies energy, purifies and refreshes the air. The disinfecting effect has been known since ancient times - cellars were disinfected with juniper smoke in the villages, barrels were treated for salting, and plague barracks were fumigated.

* St. John's wort.

It reliably protects against negative entities and damage, as it is one of the most powerful anti-demonic plants, protects the house from negative energies and attacks by evil people, cleanses the space not only from harmful vibrations and layers of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.

* Incense.

A very simple and pleasant way to spice up a room is to light an incense stick when you are cleaning the room. The smell will penetrate into your room, filling it not only with a pleasant aroma, but also helping to clean this space. The scents you use are very important. Energy changes from one situation to another, and your need for different scents changes accordingly.

* for the complete expulsion of harmful entities.

Cleaning should be done in 2-3 stages. Take a mixture of 4 parts juniper, 2 parts pine needles (or cedar) and 1 part cloves. Fumigate the room with this mixture with the windows and doors closed, let it brew, then completely ventilate.
The next stage is the final cleaning - fumigation with sage and wormwood. After such an expulsion procedure, of course, it does not hurt to simply clean the room, wash the floor, etc.

* how to carry out fumigation?

Only if the plants were tied in a bundle during drying, then first set fire to one edge. When it flares up, blow out the fire. The bundle should continue to smoke. Hold the bunch over some kind of fireproof dish, there should be a bucket of water nearby so that you can put it out right away if something is wrong.

In the event that you fumigate with coniferous needles or small-leaved plants, then from practice - take candles in metal cases, put them in a low jar, set fire to it. Place a small metal strainer on top of the jar.
Pour needles or leaves on a strainer. As it starts to smoke, start moving around the rooms and fumigating. This "Construction" must be monitored to avoid fire.

* remember that the smoke must be very strong.
Start work clockwise from the east corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the room, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.

From personal practice - juniper smells best. But sage smokes best of all - such smoke is obtained that the neighbors immediately come running.

In addition to fumigation, ordinary coarse-grained salt wonderfully removes all kinds of energy pollution. Scatter it in the corners for 2-3 days, then collect and flush it down the toilet.

Here is such a practice for energy cleansing of space and body. It is recommended to conduct it regularly and also as needed - a serious illness of the household, major quarrels in the house, a large crowd of people.

New topic Lydia Knyazeva - about how to do the "energy cleaning" of your own home.

Lydia Knyazeva

Why can't you sort things out at home? Photo: Lori.ru.

My house is really my "fortress". Small but the most expensive in the world. Only the closest people enter here, everything here is saturated with comfort and peace - of course, I work with pleasure on this, as well as on everything else. And one of my favorite activities is “energy cleaning”. You feel like a real witch who creates something magical and very powerful!

Our house is “alive”, it breathes, it feels and, alas, it also gets sick. This is especially felt when someone either very negative, or sick, or a tired and embittered person was brought to visit you, someone died in the house, or for a long time you were haunted by troubles that you, of course, “digested” in your beloved home. By the way, the house is very much pumped out by problems with money (this fear of poverty literally blows in the air), as well as all sorts of love experiences.

What options do I like to use?

1. Candles
There is a complete variety here: you can simply place burning candles in all corners - the fire itself is a very powerful substance - either carry the candle throughout the apartment, or, if you are close to the runic, use classic combination candles and four runes Kveort. Believers can use classic prayers ("Our Father," Life-Giving Cross”), and if everything is fine with visualization, just read any conspiracy that you come up with yourself.

2. Wormwood
This legendary weed not only smells amazing - it banishes everything “evil, bad, bad and alluvial” from the house. This is a very ancient method - and what our ancestors used is priceless to me. Wormwood can be annealed: we light a bunch of dried grass and go around the apartment, “baptizing” the space with smoke, or you can brew it in boiling water and wash the floors with it. You will see - the air in the apartment will become absolutely transparent, and your loved ones - calm and peaceful.

3. Bells
I have a whole collection of bells at home - it’s good to periodically “ring” the apartment with them. This sound is also great for clearing space.

4. Salt
She can also wash floors, wipe mirrors. It will be ideal if you pre-heat it in a frying pan with a prayer or a conspiracy. I have such salt in all corners - this also protects the house from negative energy.

5. Frankincense
Light it in the incense burner (you can buy it in church shop) coals and put two or three pieces of incense on top and go around the apartment clockwise, starting from the far corner.

General rules for energy cleansing at home:
- Be sure to pay attention to the corners - the most "wonderful" is hidden there.
- Open ALL doors, including ovens and microwaves, before cleaning.
- Don't do "energy cleaning" if you are tired, not feeling well, or just "not in the mood." This ritual is perhaps the most important thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones - you don’t want to “feed” them with negativity, do you? By the way, for the same reason, try not to cook food with bad and evil thoughts. Believe me, it’s better to let your family starve than to pick up your “gifts”, even unintentional ones ...
- After the ritual, take a shower or just wash your hands up to the elbow. Be sure to thank the guardians of your home for their help!
- Regularly throw away old, broken, cracked things - such "savings" will turn into real poverty for you, as they attract lack of money into the house. In general, try not to save anything and not litter the apartment, especially the corners! Part with things easily and calmly - when you trust yourself and the Universe, a lot of new and very good things will come into your life.

Thickets of sagebrush along the path to the lake. Photo - Doris Ershova

Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, shamans have used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

* wormwood drives away evil spirits * protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes * promotes fertility.

Thickets of wormwood. Photo - Doris Ershova

In ancient times, the priestesses of the goddess of fertility and motherhood Isis wore wreaths of wormwood, and the temple was decorated with its branches.

In many religions, the fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used in religious activities.

magical properties wormwood

Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet.

They say, for example, that a mermaid, when meeting a person, will certainly ask him: “wormwood or parsley?” : "wormwood", then the mermaid will run away from him with a cry: "Come on, you, perish!".

Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood.

Always answer the mermaid: "wormwood" Wormwood among grasses and reeds by the lake. Photo - Doris Ershova

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affect the energy of the whole organism.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of incense.

Dry bunch of wormwood in the bedroom. Photo - Doris Ershova

An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or corridor).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water spirits that it leaves the house where the wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths of wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They told about the future fate.

The sacred wreath (the one that adorned the effigy of Kupala all night by the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. Highly bad omen it was believed that if such a wreath fell or was torn - this spoke of the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase on the waning moon.

There was even a special day when it was possible to collect wormwood for these purposes. They did it at the end of August on the Assumption.

The wormwood collected at that time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes, it could be harvested throughout the summer.

For home protection

* a bath in which wormwood is added will cleanse from all evil

* burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, will protect the house from evil spirits and elves. In China, for this purpose, the plant is hung over the door.

* wormwood burning or thrown into the boiler will protect the house from storms and lightning

* protect children in the house

* wormwood amulets will protect lovers during trips from all troubles and will contribute to a safe return

For health and healing

* to gain strength during a long walk or run, put wormwood leaves in shoes

* a pillow stuffed with wormwood will cause prophetic dreams to the person sleeping on it

* Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case, you will not be poisoned by poison, do not be attacked by wild animals, do not get sunstroke

* wormwood is worn to protect against back pain and other diseases

*from madness

* wear it to arouse passion, increase potency.

For home magic

* the plant is used in predictions, for this they prepare an infusion of wormwood with honey and drink it before predictions

* Chernobyl wormwood is burned along with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening psychic powers

* for successful work wormwood leaves are placed around or under the magic mirror

* in Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to conjure the spirits of illness; it is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl.

* wormwood placed next to the bed will help with astral projection

* wormwood oil is used for consecration crystal balls, prisms, magical mirrors and other divinatory instruments, especially those made of silver

* wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and magic mirror, so magicians use the infusion of the plant to wash them. Prepare a not very strong infusion. Gently wipe the mirror with a clean cloth in a circular motion. Adepts of various denominations - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can sentence at the same time a daily mantra or prayer.

* Chernobyl attracts the power of the Moon to the magic glass and helps it to be more fully realized.

Wormwood common.
Botanical illustration from the book "Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen", 1887


However, it is worth remembering that this plant is far from harmless.

Uncontrolled intake of large doses of drugs with wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, cause convulsions, vomiting, fainting, lead to nervous system disorder!

Do not use preparations from wormwood during pregnancy and do not give them to small children!

Remember that for some people wormwood is an allergen.

The post was compiled based on materials from the site masterveda.ru

Health to you!

The cleansing of the body is carried out with medicines and folk remedies. One of effective methods cleansing the body is the use for this purpose of the medicinal plant wormwood.

Wormwood as a medicinal plant

In herbal medicine, wormwood has gained popularity due to its rich and varied medicinal composition, which contains malic and ascorbic acids. Bitter wormwood contains valuable chemical elements:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • bromine;
  • selenium.

In what branches of medicine are the healing properties of bitter wormwood used?

Two main methods of cleansing the body with wormwood are widely used.

Method one

When applying this method, dry wormwood grass is used. Raw materials must be carefully ground and sieved. It is not necessary to brew or infuse wormwood. The herb is consumed dry, and simply washed down with water. Cleansing lasts 7 days. The first three days you need to take a teaspoon of medicinal wormwood every three hours. (Day includes night hours). In the next 4 days, herbal powder should be consumed only during the daytime.

Method two

Two and a half teaspoons of dry wormwood brew 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for about half an hour. Take two to three tablespoons in the morning and evening. The course of purification is from 7 to 14 days, depending on the intensity of excretory processes.


Pour 1 tbsp. dry herbs with a glass of hot water, allow time for infusion for half an hour. Next, you need to strain the broth and use 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals for several days. In addition, the tincture can be used for enemas.

The tincture has a tonic, diuretic effect. It contributes to the normalization of the disorder of the digestive tract, activates the secretory function of the digestive system, improves appetite, stimulates metabolism.

Wormwood, due to its composition, contributes to a significant facilitation of the absorption of food. The herb activates the secretion of gastric juice, helps the proper flow of bile, activates the liver to increase the production of bile.

It will also be useful for you to learn how to cleanse the body of salts and all about folk cleansing of the body.

And it depends very much on it, the anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase in its waning phase.

It is distinguished by a great variety of species, and all of them have different magical properties, especially the so-called "common wormwood." Previously, it was hung indoors, fires were lit near the house to drive away evil spirits. Women made brooms from wormwood and swept all the negativity out of the house with garbage ...

4) More for strength (an old recipe) wormwood was put in shoes (but fresh grass is already needed here)

5) For prophetic dreams you can make pillows from wormwood. And again, rest on such a pillow is very restorative. To make it, you can sew a cover, or you can buy a ready-made beautiful cover and fill it with dry grass)

6) It is also very useful to clean the mirrors in the house with water with an infusion of wormwood, especially if you yourself made this infusion from your weed collected on the day of strength !!! Why is this - mirrors (all) are connected with the other world . They absorb all the energy of the residents. They need to be cleaned periodically.

7) Inside...

Inside, an infusion of wormwood with honey is drunk before predictions.

Wormwood loses part of the vulture in the water infusion, and it is very bitter in taste. At the same time, the strength of wormwood is very high and it can be used inside only in microdoses.

As a medicine, wormwood is used for:

A) wound healing. It is enough to knead fresh wormwood leaves or soften dry ones and apply them to the wound. Small wounds, thanks to such a lotion, heal quickly, and purulent ones need to be washed with a stronger infusion, prepared from 2 tablespoons of wormwood herb for the same amount of interior pork fat, steamed in a water bath for 5 minutes. Strain the mixture afterwards. Lubricate the sore spot with the resulting ointment.

B) with cystitis. In chronic cystitis, wormwood treatment lasts about six months. Put a handful of herbs in a container and pour 2 hot milk, cover and let it brew. As soon as the composition has cooled down a bit, pour the composition into a plastic bucket, and then sit on the bucket, wrapping yourself in a downy scarf to the waist. The cooled broth can be heated. In the absence of milk, you can fill the wormwood with water, but then the effect will be a little weaker.

B) sweating. Prepare a decoction of oak bark and wormwood branches: for 1 cup of wormwood-0, 5 cups of oak bark, brew 1 liter. boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes over low heat. Strain and pour the decoction into a bath of water. After such a procedure, a very pleasant aroma emanates from the body. Or wipe the body with a decoction.

D) With angina pectoris, as well as with difficulty breathing caused by stressful situations, with a breakdown and excessive thinness

D) In ​​diseases of the stomach. For gastritis or ulcers, chew a pinch of dry or fresh wormwood, swallow saliva. Gradually, you can get used to the bitterness of wormwood. You can drink wormwood, brewing, like tea, a pinch or 1 sprig in a glass of boiling water.

E) headache. Apply wormwood to the temples and forehead. You can combine wormwood with lovage leaves, making a compress out of them and applying to your head.

G) From pain in the legs. Add to shoes or spread out leaves and twigs in a layer of 3-5 cm in linen or cotton fabric. Take the fabric in such a size that the compress completely covers the place. Put the prepared compress in a saucepan and pour boiling water so that the water completely covers the fabric with grass. Leave until partially cooled. Then gently squeeze and apply to the inflamed area, covering the top with a dry woolen cloth. After a while, a feeling of warmth will appear. Remove the compress after it has completely cooled down. Repeat the procedure until complete cure.

8) Eat.

Traditional medicine recommends using wormwood as a seasoning. You can season with wormwood, salads, soups, meat dishes. The taste of wormwood is bitter, so do not overdo it when seasoning the dish. You can use this wormwood seasoning dry and fresh.

Wormwood is also a pronounced antidepressant and an excellent tool for improving immunity, it has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects.

In cosmetology and dermatology medicinal properties plants are used to treat papillomas and warts, pustular diseases and oily, prone to inflammation of the skin.

Important: there are contraindications to the use of medicines from wormwood. Preparations from wormwood should not be instilled into the ears and nose. Wormwood is not recommended during pregnancy.

It must be remembered that the use of preparations from wormwood in large doses can cause poisoning. Follow the dosage, dilute pure wormwood juice.

Yes, it is necessary to dry the wormwood in bunches, flowers down, in a dry room.

Space cleansing

The ritual of cleansing space is practiced in almost all traditions and cultures of the world. Designed for cleansing vital energy your house chi, these techniques draw out stagnant energy and improve the overall atmosphere of your home. Even though there is big choice cleansing techniques, my favorite is fumigation. The Indians used this technique to get rid of any negative energy with the smoke of special herbs and resins. They used for this the leaves of sage, fragrant bison, cedar and lavender. The tradition of fumigation is becoming more and more common, it is very simple and pleasant. At your local supermarket or bookstore that specializes in metaphysical literature, you can find a wide range of products, including scented sticks, incense, and aromatic herbs. If you prefer to use the services of a professional energy purifier and feng shui consultants, then you can always invite them into your home and they will do all the work. Choose the method that seems most convenient to you.

I prefer to use California sage, and I like to fumigate rooms during the day. I start by opening all windows and doors and letting in as much sunlight and fresh air as possible. First, I open the front door, and then methodically walk through the house and open all the others. You need to go into every corner, closet and room of your home. As you do this, keep your intentions in mind and watch your thoughts. In tradition American Indians it is customary to pray in the process of such a cleansing of one's home. You can say your favorite prayer or just a small blessing - for example,

like this: "Sanctify and cleanse this house and make it a cozy nest for my beloved" Remember, your goal is to remove all negative energy from your personal space and welcome new, fresh and positive energy that is loving and supportive.

To start:

Light the incense sticks and place them on the shell or on a heat-resistant dish (if you use fragrant herbs, put on an oven mitt).

Wave your hand or pen over the wand to spread the smoke all over the area you want to clean.

If you are fumigating a room, hold a stand and make large circles with your hand as you walk around the room and think of your desire to exorcise any negative energy and create a place where love can flourish.

Remember to fumigate all door frames and all closets with smoke,

Remember to use your common sense when walking around with lit sticks.

If you don't like the smell of sage, or if you live in a small or poorly ventilated apartment, here are a few other techniques for clearing your space:

Use your favorite incense to cleanse your home. Walk through all the rooms with three lit sticks as described above.

Pour a glass pure water add some favorite toilet water or essences, and walk around the house, lightly dipping the tip of a handkerchief into a glass, and then generously splashing scented water around.

Attach pieces of crystal to a red or pink ribbon and hang them in the corners of your home to banish all that is in the house and keep out any negative energy (more on this in the next section).

There is no right or wrong way to fumigate your home. The only necessary ingredient is your intention to cleanse your home of old, unwanted, limiting, and negative energy that may be preventing love from finding its way to your door. Once your home is clear of unwanted clutter and obstructions, you can use some basic feng shui principles to turn your home into a temple of bright, inviting, and positive energy.

Cleansing - fumigating the house with herbs

Today, more than ever, the question of the cleanliness of the home is raised. Fumigating a house with herbs is a very powerful way to cleanse the space that people have used since ancient times. It is bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it is filled with negative energy, it is even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and leakage of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. That is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time. Such energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, like a regular general cleaning of an apartment. With quarrels, stress, etc. primary heavy thought forms are formed around us - all this hangs in "energy clusters" around the house.

Sage is the strongest purifier.

Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels, difficult emotional experiences, clears the space.

After sage, it is recommended to use wormwood, as if it neutralizes the remnants of "mental dust".

It is used to fumigate a sick household. If you hang a point of wormwood over the front door or put it in a vase, then this will be enough to protect your home.


Juniper has a strong cleansing potential. The smoke of burnt juniper needles is great for dealing with creatures and influences. underworld, clear the unfavorable aura in the apartment. Juniper can also help a person in removing the evil eye or damage. It helps to get rid of the action of a love spell, from envy and ill-wishers. Sometimes we become victims negative impact beings from the underworld. When this happens, we either fall under their will, or we resist, but from this we begin to get sick - in this case, inhaling juniper smoke helps a lot.

Juniper fumigation stimulates, restores peace of mind, directs thoughts and feelings to noble cause. Eliminates stress reactions and destructive emotions: irritability, aggression. It prevents the spread of infectious diseases, purifies and refreshes the air, clarifies the senses, gives inner strength on days when not everything works out.


Wormwood helps to clear the “atmosphere” not only from mental dirt, but also from irrelevant extraneous influences, someone else’s, or your own, “irrelevant” thoughts. Fumigation with wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. In shamanic practices, wormwood is also used for fumigation when preparing a space for shamanic work, to improve concentration and open the ability of clairvoyance and predicting the future. Wormwood is also used to fumigate a sick household, as it perfectly neutralizes negative energy. If a sprig of wormwood is hung over the front door or placed in a vase, then this will already be enough to drive away evil spirit and protect your home.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase on the waning moon.

It is necessary to hold the end of the beam on the flame of a candle or a fire until the end of the beam turns red, then you need to blow out the fire, the beam will begin to smolder. When fumigating a person or a room, you can use a fan or a bunch of feathers, directing the stream of smoke in the right direction, or wave the bunch itself clockwise. Start fumigating from the basement. Go around all the rooms around the perimeter and clockwise. If there is no basement, then the first room, which is fumigated with wormwood - bedroom! After that, open all the windows and ventilate the entire room for as long as possible. In addition, you can use candles, one per room. Throw away the cinders after they have burned. Also helps old way: laying one fresh egg in each corner for a couple or more days. Eggs absorb negative energy.

In order to protect the house from induced evil, the threshold and door handle are rubbed with wormwood. It is also effective if once a week the floors of the house are washed with water, to which a decoction of wormwood was added. If you have your own yard, then insert a few branches of wormwood between the twigs of your broom. This will protect you from damage by damage if damage was poured into your yard or thrown to you.

Now wormwood is not thrown into food, but it is hung on the windows or placed between the frames. If a twig or bunch of wormwood is hung on the left side of front door or put in a vase, then this will already be enough to ward off evil spirits and protect your home. A decoction of wormwood is added to the water that is used to wash the floor to destroy harmful microbes in the room. To protect yourself from the effects of evil spirits and to protect yourself from other people's influence, if you go to visit or you have to public speaking, after bathing, pour an infusion of wormwood grass over yourself from head to toe. The dose is irrelevant here. In order to protect the house from induced evil, the threshold and door handle are rubbed with wormwood. It is also effective if once a week the floors of the house are washed with water, to which a decoction of wormwood was added. If you have your own yard, then insert a few branches of wormwood between the twigs of your broom. This will protect you from damage by damage if damage was poured into your yard or thrown to you.

Thyme (thyme)

This is a very strong herb, the main sphere of its influence is fertility. Thyme is able to restore fertility to the soil, animals, plants, people. Smoking from thyme calms the nervous system, allows you to find a solution to a difficult problem, cuts off the action energy vampires. thyme also helps against spoilage, pacifies the brownie, drives out the poltergeist (when a violent spirit makes noise at night, leans on sleepy household members and strangles them).

In villages, this herb is often used for fumigating premises, for example, cowsheds and cows after calving, for fumigating milk pots, hunting tackle, and also fumigated places infected with the disease with the smoke of thyme, fumigated with it also frightened children. Fumigation: set fire to a pinch, put out the fire and fumigate the room or person.


This plant is used mainly for fumigating rooms, as a means to exorcise evil spirits. They also fumigate newborn children with smoking grass. However, large doses of rue can have a hypnotic effect on a person, which some use to open the "third eye".


Sage is a powerful purifier. Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels, heavy emotional experiences, clears space, destroys equally good and mental and emotional harmful forms. After sage, it is recommended to use wormwood, it somehow neutralizes the remnants of “mental dust” after sage.


In smoking, this plant is rarely used, thistle smoke is very bitter, eats the eyes and throat. Evil spirits drive out, but it’s also difficult for people to stay in such a haze, so you need to fumigate with thistles with caution and after the ritual, be sure to ventilate the room. In addition, with bronchial asthma, it is recommended to smoke dried crushed thistle leaves or put them on smoldering coals to breathe smoke.


Before bathing a mentally ill person, the bath is fumigated with oregano, throwing dry grass on a hot stove.


Nettle is an aggressive defender, not only does it absorb all the harmful magic that you or your territory has been exposed to, but also redirects it back to the offender. Therefore, it is recommended to fumigate things and buildings for which neighbors or enemies feel fierce envy. Protection is built on the principle of destruction and counteracting evil sorcery. That is, it will not protect from troubles due to fate or its own negligence, but it will destroy other people's spells, expel all evil spirits, help remove the evil eye from a person, avert danger.


Rosemary protects against evil eye and spoilage, promotes the return of interest in life and the development of intuition. Fumigating with rosemary smoke helps keep love and peace in the home.

St. John's wort

It reliably protects against negative entities and damage, as it is one of the most powerful anti-demonic plants, protects the house from negative energies and attacks by evil people, cleanses the space not only from harmful vibrations and layers of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.


A very simple and pleasant way to spice up a room is to light an incense stick when you are cleaning the room. The smell will penetrate into your room, filling it not only with a pleasant aroma, but also helping to clean this space. The scents you use are very important. Energy changes from one situation to another, and your need for different scents changes accordingly.

To exorcise harmful entities

cleaning should be done in 2-3 stages. Take a mixture of 4 parts juniper, 2 parts pine needles (or cedar), and 1 part cloves. Dip the room with this mixture with the windows and doors closed, let it brew, then completely ventilate. The next stage is the final cleaning - fumigation with sage and wormwood. After such an expulsion procedure, of course, it does not hurt to simply clean up the room, wash the floor, etc.

How to carry out fumigation?

If the plants were tied in a bunch during drying, then first set fire to one edge. When it flares up, blow out the fire. The bundle should continue to smoke. Hold the bunch over some kind of fire-resistant dish, there should be a bucket of water nearby so that you can immediately put it out if something is wrong.

If you fumigate with coniferous needles or small-leaved plants, then from practice - take candles in metal cases, put them in a low jar, set fire to it. Place a small metal strainer on top of the jar.

Pour pine needles or leaves into a strainer. As it starts to smoke, start moving around the rooms and fumigating. This "construction" must be monitored to avoid fire.

Remember that the smoke must be very strong.

Start work clockwise from the east corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the room, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.

From personal practice, juniper smells best. But sage smokes best of all - such smoke is obtained that the neighbors immediately come running.

When you're done, thoroughly ventilate the room, while creating a clear intention for all unwanted guests to leave. To do this, open a large window or balcony for a few minutes and wish the evil spirits to leave your house, saying similar words: "As the smoke leaves my house, so do troubles, illnesses, etc. leave my house."

In addition to fumigation, ordinary coarse-grained salt wonderfully removes all kinds of energy pollution. Scatter it in the corners for 2-3 days, then collect and flush it down the toilet.

Here is such a practice for energy cleansing of space and body. It is recommended to carry it out regularly and also as needed - a serious illness of the household, major quarrels in the house, a large crowd of people.