Hazel Druids. Psychics about the Druid horoscope

According to the Druid horoscope or Gallic horoscope You are Hazel (hazelnut). The time of influence of this sign is from March 22 to March 31.

HUTTER (hazelnut) - 22.03-31.03; 24.09-03.10

Hazel, as a Druid sign, is the most original among them and unlike all the others. He resorts to constant changes or work on himself due to the fact that life, into which he throws himself headlong, interprets all the aspirations and true desires of Oreshnikov differently, not like everyone else. The hazel tree is a fairly kind, wise sign, perhaps somewhat patient, but at the same time dangerous, malicious and beyond any explanation.

Main character traits: Weakness and homeliness, sluggishness and some infantilism even towards oneself - distinctive features real hazel. They also have a tendency to constant reflection, intuition, and deeply developed imagination.

Human qualities. If you get to know Hazel better, you will not be able to help but feel the undeniable charm that he literally radiates. The hazel tree needs little from life, which is why it is content with little; unlike other tree signs, it knows how to adapt to diverse, ever-changing living conditions; his mentality allows him to understand everything, down to the smallest detail.

Appearance. Often sickly, unprepossessing, the hazel tree does not impose its individual distance, but if you have already recognized him, then you cannot succumb to his atmosphere, not notice his original mind. The oreshnik is content with little, adapts to all forms of life and understands everything. His charm is almost magical. Hazel's appearance is astounding, like the shine of the most expensive diamonds in the world, it is capable of producing some kind of semi-magical effect on others, “semi-magical” can often develop into... hysterical. If Hazel sets himself a similar task, he can easily and fully please almost any person he wants to take possession of; he knows how to force himself to love, uncontrollably, truly, ardently and hotly.

Manners. From Oreshnik you can expect almost everything, up to extreme extravagance mixed with a dose of originality. The unbalanced character of Oreshnik allows us to judge his psycho-emotional factor: he can be very proactive in front of everyone, but despite this, he sometimes leaves everything out of the blue so that in the future he can simply continue to go with the flow.

Personal life. If for some reason the Hazel Man shows a certain affection for someone, then he can and will do everything to make the life of the person for whom he warms his rare, but accurate, friendly or more feelings. Be extremely careful in this affection, because if you cannot win his final sympathy, he is worthless - he will trample you over time, like a mad elephant, breaking everyone and everything in his path.

Inner world. It embodies witchcraft itself - white or black, it doesn’t matter. Hazel is ready to give his enemy all the quirks of both, if, of course, he still wants it. But, despite this ominous fact, he can be kind or sophisticatedly cunning to his same enemies; although not without reason.

If someone openly, openly loves him, he most often awakens in his beloved a feeling of spiritual anxiety, perhaps even fear.

All of Hazel's extravagant actions cannot be explained by some of his recklessness or simply outright stupidity. He is quite reasonably aware of his actions, even in those cases when he presents himself as a very calculating, mercantile person and negatively disposed towards someone or something. IN love situations Hazel most often becomes the most beloved of all the signs, or one of the most painful partners for their lovers. Being subject to sudden changes in his own mood, he often experiences melancholy, sometimes severe depressive states, turning into " natural disasters", such as psychic attacks against yourself. If you experience some feelings of attachment to Hazel, then the most best advice for you at the stage of a love relationship it will be: your complete occupation with him, unless, of course, you are afraid of the risk of being abandoned by Hazel in completely inexplicable circumstances. If your feelings are strong enough and life together with the crazy Hazel will not bring peace, then your entire life together, every minute of it will be too exciting for both of you. Oreshnikov has varied interests in knowledge, through which he not only learns the truth, which is considered most dear to him, but he, to a greater extent, probably, learns in order to comprehend everything unusually quickly and easily.

Professional qualities. Hazel is often able to guess other people's thoughts, loves to delve into someone else's soul, even if it is so dark there that you cannot find your way in during the day; loves to shower his surroundings with unexpected proposals and his own conclusions and almost always does exactly this so that no one will guess why he does this. In the design team, he is the first to introduce some unexpected projects, the fruits of which are then reaped by his managers.

Born under the sign of the Hazel: Prosper Merimee, Toscanini, Graham Greene, Cervantes, Marcel Marceau, Raphael, Goya, Van Gogh, Nelson, Sophia Loren.

Main qualities: Analytical skills developed intuition and fantasy.

Successful compatibility: Ash, Hornbeam, Walnut, Cedar

These people are very mysterious and contradictory. Hazel can behave modestly and shyly in one company, and in another be the life of the party. Patient, good-natured and calm individuals when no one bothers them. But as soon as you touch this person to the quick, a crazy flurry of emotions will fall on you.

They can be angry, aggressive and even dangerous. The mood of such individuals is constantly changing, and everyone around them notices these strange changes. Hazelnuts strive to learn as much interesting things as possible; knowledge very quickly captures them in its amazing captivity.

But they do not always use the acquired knowledge to their advantage. For such people it will not be difficult to adapt to circumstances, why not? With their natural charm and charisma, Hazels can make a lasting first impression.

They will force themselves to love, one way or another, but with these individuals it is better to be in good relations. True maximalists who look at this world in black and white. Gray does not exist, there are only two key colors and nothing else.

The hazel tree either loves or hates, so those born under this sign have always aroused suspicion. They were often accused of witchcraft. It is not so easy to win the sympathy of this person, but if you achieve your goal, you will become friends forever.

An original personality is ready to constantly surprise everyone around him with his creative antics, although not everyone understands them. But they are comfortable and try not to pay attention to other people’s opinions, because people will always discuss and find reasons for sarcasm.

On the love front, Oreshnik experiences constant fighting; they are ready to shoulder the entire burden of responsibility for their soulmate and will do everything possible to always be there.

With a loved one, the Hazel behaves differently from the people around him; he completely dissolves. For loved one he is even capable of heroic deeds, but he behaves very coolly with strangers and tries to hide his irritation behind a smile.

Hazel Man: Characteristics

Representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign literally grasp everything on the fly. They very much depend on their mood, which can change a hundred times a day.

It is not at all easy for Hazel to please him; he takes the choice of his soul mate very seriously. Be prepared to go through his casting to build the relationship brick by brick.

Hazel Woman: Characteristics

The Hazel Woman is ready to give up everything for her lover and go and live with him in another city. She is an impulsive, harsh and unusually caring beauty who cannot always control her emotions. With her everything goes from one extreme to another, at first the young lady is eager to fight, but after a few minutes she cools down and calms down.

Hazel, like no one else, knows how to make a magical impression. Everyone likes him, even without wanting to. He can be good or evil at his own whim. If he loves, then to the end (though he doesn’t like to forget about himself), if he hates, it’s better for the enemies to hide away. Hazel does not act directly, preferring sophisticated, intellectual revenge to a fight. He must be sure that there will not be a wet spot left on the enemy.

Despite modesty and restraint, it never goes unnoticed. Extremely original, unlike anyone else, he interprets life differently than everyone else, and sometimes in defiance. Even when he is loved, he awakens a feeling of anxiety. He is able to guess the most intimate thoughts, come up with unexpected proposals, is spontaneous and you can expect anything from him.

As for love, it is difficult to love representatives of this sign. The whole world must revolve around him, otherwise Hazel becomes completely unbearable. He is pedantic, pays attention to detail, and analyzes every problem from the point of view of one of the sciences, which he, of course, comprehended to perfection.

Hazel characteristics: tendency to synthesis, intuition, fantasy.

Rowan (October 4 – October 13, April 1 – April 10)

Behind the outer fragility of mountain ash lies incredible resilience. She is always polite and smiling thanks to her total self-control. It’s almost impossible to guess what a mountain ash actually feels. Rowan constantly strives for independence, but cannot live alone.

Rowan gravitates towards life's difficulties, managing to find them even where there is no trace of them. Rowan is almost impossible to fool, especially when it comes to love - even if the partner is crystal clear, Rowan will doubt and endlessly check whether feelings for her are really that strong, or is it just a sophisticated game? Her personal life is very rich. Full of worries about tomorrow. She is prudent, which often suggests marital relations with her. Very smart and often quite impressive. It happens that he does not implement some of his plans, getting bogged down in everyday affairs.

Traits inherent in mountain ash: sensitivity, intelligence, imagination, tendency to synthesis, intuition, imagination.

Maple (October 14 – October 23, April 11 – April 20)

The energy of maple is inexhaustible. He is always cheerful and cheerful. Friendly, and most importantly - between endless get-togethers and parties, of which he is a passionate fan, he manages to closely monitor his appearance. Yes, external manifestations are very important for maple. He dresses in the latest fashion, often looks in the mirror, his appearance, as it seems to him, is the key to success. Maple has the amazing property of provoking people to be frank. Moreover, the maple never condemns other people's actions and does not chat about other people's secrets. Usually it is full of plans, often unusual, even with a certain amount of extreme.

Maple loves public opinion, they should talk about him, and only good things! It’s not easy to know this in love. He can only get along with a person who is equally original and ready for adventure. Klen is not devoid of imagination, and therefore he constantly has a sea of ​​projects in his head, for which, however, due to constant parties, there is often simply no time left. Those born under this sign, as a rule, have excellent intuition.

Features inherent in maple: lively character, sense of humor, ability to deduce, analytical mind.

HUTTER (hazelnut)
22.03-31.03; 24.09-03.10

Hazel, as a Druid sign, is the most original among them and unlike all the others. He resorts to constant changes or work on himself due to the fact that life, into which he throws himself headlong, interprets all the aspirations and true desires of Oreshnikov differently, not like everyone else. The hazel tree is a fairly kind, wise sign, perhaps patient, but at the same time dangerous, malicious and beyond any explanation.

Main character traits: Weakness and homeliness, sluggishness and some infantilism even towards oneself are the hallmarks of a real hazel. They also have a tendency to constant reflection, intuition, and deeply developed imagination.

Human qualities. If you get to know Hazel better, you will not be able to help but feel the undeniable charm that he literally radiates. The hazel tree needs little from life, which is why it is content with little, and, unlike the honeycomb tree signs, is able to adapt to diverse, ever-changing living conditions; his mentality allows him to understand everything, down to the smallest detail.

Appearance. Often sickly, unprepossessing, the hazel does not impose his individuality, but if you already know him, then you cannot succumb to his atmosphere, not notice his original mind. The hazel is content with little, adapts to all forms of life and understands everything. His charm is almost magical. Hazel's appearance is astounding, like the brilliance of the most expensive diamonds in the world, it is capable of producing some kind of semi-magical effect on others, “semi-magical” can often develop into... hysterical. If Hazel sets himself a similar task, he can easily and fully please almost any person he wants to take possession of; he knows how to force himself to love, uncontrollably, truly, ardently and hotly.

Manners. One can expect practically everything from Oreshnik, up to extreme extravagance mixed with a dose of originality. The unbalanced character of Oreshnik allows us to judge his psycho-emotional factor: he can be very proactive in front of everyone, but despite this, he sometimes leaves everything out of the blue so that in the future he can simply continue to go with the flow.

Personal life. If for some reason the Hazel Man shows a certain affection for someone, then he can do everything to make the life of the person for whom he warms his rare, but accurate, friendly or more feelings. Be extremely careful in this affection, because if you cannot win his final sympathy, he is worthless - he will trample you over time, like a mad elephant, breaking everyone and everything in his path.

Inner world. It embodies witchcraft itself - white or black, it doesn’t matter. Hazel is ready to give his enemy all the quirks of both, if, of course, he still wants it. But despite this ominous fact, he can be kind or sophisticatedly cunning to his same enemies; although not without reason.

If someone openly, openly loves him, he most often awakens in his beloved a feeling of spiritual anxiety, perhaps even fear.

All of Hazel's extravagant actions cannot be explained by some of his recklessness or simply outright stupidity. He is quite reasonably aware of his actions, even in those cases when he presents himself as a very calculating, mercantile person and generally negatively disposed towards someone or something. In love situations, Hazel most often becomes the most beloved of all the signs, or one of the most painful partners for their beloved. Being subject to sudden changes in his own mood, he often experiences melancholy, sometimes severe depressive states that turn into “natural disasters”, such as mental attacks against oneself. If you experience some feelings of affection for the Hazel, then the best advice for you at the stage of a love relationship would be: be completely engaged with him, unless, of course, you are afraid of the risk of being abandoned by the Hazel in completely inexplicable circumstances. If your feelings are strong enough, and life together with the crazy Hazel does not bring peace, then your entire life together, every minute of it, will be too exciting for both of you. Oreshnikov has diverse interests in knowledge, through which he not only learns the truth, which is considered most dear to him, but he, to a greater extent, probably learns in order to comprehend everything unusually quickly and easily.

Professional qualities. Hazel is often able to guess other people's thoughts, loves to delve into someone else's soul, even if it is so dark there that you cannot find your way in during the day; loves to shower his surroundings with unexpected proposals and his own conclusions and almost always does exactly this so that no one will guess why he does this. In the design team, he is the first to introduce some unexpected projects, the fruits of which are then reaped by his managers.

Born under the sign of the Hazel: Prosper Merimee, Toscanini, Graham Greene, Cervantes, Marcel Marceau, Raphael, Goya, Van Gogh, Nelson, Sophia Loren.

The hazel tree is content with little, adapts to all kinds of living conditions and understands everything. His appearance almost magical effect. If he wants, he can please him, he knows how to make him love himself. He can be kind, wise, patient, but he can also be dangerous, evil, and harmful. Everything about him is witchcraft - white or black, depending on his momentary mood or his own whim. Without a trace of good or subtly evil - such is the Hazel, and not without reason, people born under this sign were often accused of witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Once attached to someone, he will do everything to make his life easier. But be careful if you don't win his affections.

Despite modesty and restraint, it never goes unnoticed. Extremely original, unlike anyone else, interprets life differently than everyone else. Even when he is loved, he awakens a feeling of anxiety. He is able to guess the most secret thoughts, make unexpected proposals, and acts in such a way that you can expect everything from him. Very unbalanced, can be very proactive, or can leave everything and go with the flow.

In love, he can be the most beloved or the most painful partner. Subject to rapid mood changes. Do it if you are not afraid of risk. Even if life together with him does not bring peace, it will be very exciting. He has versatile knowledge, learns and comprehends everything unusually quickly and easily. But only from him goodwill depends on whether he will apply his knowledge usefully and completely.

Traits of those born under the sign of the Hazel: a tendency to synthesis, intuition, fantasy.

The ruler of this sign is Mercury. People born under the sign of the Hazel are receptive, intelligent and sensible. This sharpness of mind makes them excellent debaters and writers. They are excellent organizers and planners, capable of planning everything down to the smallest detail. The need to acquire knowledge makes them scientists and specialists.

People born in the first half of the month are distinguished by a desperate desire for knowledge and curiosity, which can turn into a desire to stick their nose in everywhere. But favorable aspects promote a more balanced approach to life. People born in the second half of the month are distinguished by openness and temperament. They tend to strive to achieve social recognition in order to have the opportunity to educate other people in the field of art. Their positive features are honesty and integrity.

A negative trait is excessive criticality, resulting from innate hypersensitivity.

A person born under the sign of the Hazel is distinguished by insight, mental mental influence, contrasting changes in mood and behavior, and daring. He has an amazing influence, and not only because of his deeply original mind, which does not allow him to go unnoticed. He easily navigates mental world, the world of unconscious thinking - those layers of the psyche that most people are not aware of; hence his influence and intuition. He is able to guess the most secret thoughts.

Moreover, he knows how to actively, consciously influence the psyche - not so much with a word, but with a “fiery” thought, a psychofield. This goes as far as interfering with karma. For example, in order to speed up the achievement of a certain goal, he likes to lead his interlocutor through a chain of contrasting moods. And in business, he loves contrasts: sometimes he will let things go naturally, sometimes he will suddenly take the reins of managing the situation and show a lot of initiative. Strives to test and study himself in all possible situations, to demonstrate his abilities in action.

It is difficult to deal with such a person: no one can predict how his train of thought will suddenly turn, what conclusions he will draw and how he will want to act. Even those who love him find him uneasy. He doesn't strive at all easy life, likes to go against the flow. He dares to transform stagnant swamps into living streams and rivers, takes on the work of a catalyst, an accelerator of life, like the god Shiva, fieryly destroying old forms, clothes that have become tight, ossified “chemical” connections of the elements of the psyche for the sake of a new, living combination of them. A person of the Hazel sign is decisive in his thoughts and actions, believes in his ability to cope with unexpected situations, and boldly goes for experiments.

Possessing powerful knowledge and great mental strength, he, in impatience and irritation, is capable of going overboard and causing trouble. He must realize more clearly that not everyone can bear it." surgical operations", must strictly follow the laws of cosmic ethics. However, he is quite clearly aware of his responsibility and is not afraid of it, knowing that everything can be corrected if one does not lose vigilance.

If his moral level is high enough, he is infinitely kind, selfless, honest, faithful, modest, without stooping to pitiful sentimentality, always remaining a warrior of Light, compassionately stern and decisive, enlightening space and matter with pure thought. For his activities accelerating social evolution, one can forgive him a lot, because rotten inaction is worse than even villainy.

He has a subtle mind that easily grasps everything. He loves to circulate in society, but also loves solitude in order to gather his spirit, his thoughts, after which, in communication, he gives vent to his accumulated thoughts and mental energy.