Distinctive features of a Scorpio man. Scorpio man: behavioral characteristics and psychology of relationships

Deep bikini waxing(synonyms - “waxing”, “Waxing”, “Brazilian hair removal”, “total or complete”) is one of the types of cosmetic procedures in which unwanted hair in the perineum, external genitalia, anus, buttocks is removed using heated (hot or warm) liquid wax.

The deep bikini area is usually hidden from prying eyes by clothing and is out of sight of others. However, look like an intimate place modern girl should be equally flawless not only during the sunbathing and swimsuit season, but also in Everyday life- in bed, fitness club, sauna, etc. situations. Therefore, the demand for removing unwanted hair in one way or another is stable. Some people go to a beauty salon, others use a razor the old fashioned way. It’s better to put yourself in the hands of a professional - salon waxing of a deep bikini will allow you to get impeccably smooth and delicate skin of this delicate area!

Historical information.

Epilation of the deep bikini area is an intimate procedure, known to women for more than 3000 years. The wax method of removing unwanted vegetation in the deep bikini area was used by queens Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians epilated their hair with sharply sharpened objects, which were the ancestors of modern razors. The ancient Egyptians also invented the first depilatory creams. They were a thick mixture of honey, wax and plant juice, which was applied to the areas intended for hair removal (deep bikini, buttocks, including the anus, and limbs). Nefertiti used this mixture. Ancient papyri contain records that the pharaohs wanted to see their concubine girls hairless. Egyptian queens and high nobility had special maids who removed hair from the mistress's body with special tweezers. IN Ancient Greece It was considered a disgrace for a woman to have hair on her genitals. And ancient Greek men treated a woman’s overgrown perineum and anus with contempt.


Hair removal occurs along the panty line. They are removed from the pubic area and from the inner thighs - so that they do not peek out from under the edges of the underwear. The hair on the labia, perineum, intergluteal fold and anal area is not touched in this embodiment. This is a “lighter” version of the procedure, sometimes used as preparation for deep hair removal. This option of intimate hair removal involves the complete removal of vegetation in the anogenital area and perineum - from the pubis, labia, around the anus, folds between the buttocks, buttocks (optional). Deep bikini hair removal is the ideal way to appear completely naked, or with a small stripe on your pubic area.


Before doing deep bikini hair removal, it is advisable to know a few points. Almost no preparation is required, except for taking a shower before the procedure. It is desirable that the hair length be at least 4-5 mm. When visiting a specialist during menstruation, it is mandatory to use a tampon.

How to do everything as painlessly as possible? If the procedure for hair removal in the deep bikini area seems too sensitive to you, we can suggest applying an anesthetic cream, optimally EMLA, 20-30 minutes before the start of the session. However, you shouldn’t wait, this will completely numb everything - as a rule, sensitivity is reduced by 30-50%.


  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Fungal diseases in the intimate area
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Violation of skin integrity
  • Oncological diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus, varicose veins
  • Skin diseases of the anogenital area
  • Bleeding disorder (hemophilia)
  • Exacerbation of herpes infection
  • Mental illness
  • Warts, moles in the hair removal area
  • Age up to 14 years

How to do deep bikini hair removal

It is best and safest to have deep bikini waxing done in a cosmetology salon or clinic. In the Kutuzovskaya metro area, in the very middle of Kutuzovsky Prospekt in the city of Moscow, women, girls and teenagers undergo hair removal by experienced and sensitive specialists of our clinic. We use the best imported waxes from the best manufacturers.

During the procedure, you will need to trust the specialist and forget about shyness during the procedure. You calmly take off all your clothes from the waist down (although many prefer to stay in just a bra) and sit comfortably in a professional chair and spread your legs. The office is neither cold nor hot; a fairly neutral temperature is always maintained. As the session progresses, you will take positions that the specialist will indicate to effectively and least painfully remove hair from the desired areas. For better results, we can perform hair removal on a gynecological chair.



First you need to prepare the skin: thoroughly treat it with an antiseptic, clean it, soften it and dry it using special cosmetics. Wax can only be applied to clean, dry skin.


Using a disposable spatula, apply a strip of hot wax to the skin from the edge of the area, gradually approaching the most intimate corners. Within a few seconds, the wax dries and “hugs” each hair. Next, the skin is properly stretched with one hand, and with a sharp movement of the other hand, the wax is sharply removed from the skin area along with unnecessary hairs. Having treated one side, we move to the other half and repeat the procedure (bikini edge, part of the pubic hair, the area between the buttocks, including the folds between the buttock and leg, and finally the labia and above the clitoris). These areas are epilated while lying on your back with your legs spread to the sides and your knees bent; at certain stages you will need to alternately or simultaneously pull your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach.


We move on to the most intimate areas - hair removal around the anus and the area between the buttocks. For the most complete and painless process, you may be asked to take one or another position. You lie on your stomach and hold your buttocks apart with your hands, or lie on your back or side with your legs pulled up to your stomach, or take a knee-elbow position. The last position when epilating a deep bikini allows you to get the easiest and fullest access to hard-to-reach places in the anal area and remove hair as cleanly and painlessly as possible. Anyway, the last word the choice of one position or another is up to you).


At the end, the remaining wax is removed with a special lotion, then the skin is disinfected and a moisturizing, softening or healing cream is applied. Additionally, you can conduct sessions of cosmetic care for the intimate area. Since the skin is very irritated at this moment, it needs time to restore its functions. It is recommended not to sunbathe, visit the bathhouse, sauna or take a hot bath for 2-3 days. See: Results deep bikini hair removal: before and after photos!



Often girls refuse to have hair removal in intimate places because they are embarrassed to appear naked in front of the specialist. Some people are also confused by the postures taken during the procedure. Firstly, taking a particular position is necessary to ensure the greatest tension of the skin and, accordingly, minimize discomfort. Secondly, embarrassment is unnecessary, because in our clinic a doctor will work with you - a specialist in intimate cosmetology. In addition, cosmetologists joke that it is only awkward at the first session, and then everything becomes familiar. In any case, the last word in choosing a particular position when epilating hair in the bikini area remains with you))


If you want to get beautiful and delicate skin in an intimate place and not experience psychological stress, there is no need to rush and do this procedure “on the run”, in the first salon you come across. Our specialists take their work responsibly, ensure complete sterility of the session and excellent results! Therefore, we are not in a hurry - the time for deep bikini waxing is from 60 minutes (depending on the type of hair removal and the selected options). We do not strive to set speed records for pulling hair out of the client’s skin - what is more important to us is your well-being during this intimate procedure and satisfaction with the final result! Therefore, we kindly request you to reserve time for the procedure in advance by phone or through the online form on the website!

Every woman sooner or later thinks about whether it is worth removing hair in intimate places. In fact, there is no specific recommendation on this matter. It's up to you and you alone to decide. By the way, you can ask your significant other if he likes a clean-shaven pubis. After all, there are a number of men who do not accept smoothness in their intimate areas.

Women go to great lengths to get a “smooth” result - shaving, waxing, electrical hair removal, laser hair removal, photoepilation, etc.

Is it worth removing hair in intimate places?

Gynecologists say that completeness is neither physiological nor correct. Since the hair in this area performs protective function, that is, deep depilation deprives the external genitalia of this protection, and this contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases.

Pubic hair protects the external genitalia from friction with clothing, which is also important. Rubbing the labia against each other causes irritation.

The armpit area is also an intimate place. Is it worth removing hair from the armpit area? In the hot season - definitely yes! Vegetation in the area of ​​women's armpits is not only terribly ugly, but also unhygienic. After all, hair promotes increased sweating, and as a result, the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Using a razor

Removing hair with a razor can damage the integrity of the skin. That is, a razor simply cuts off the top layer of the epidermis. Delicate skin in intimate areas is prone to irritation after shaving. It is not known what is more beautiful - or the red dots. At the same time, the hair grows quite quickly (it would be like that on the head!), it becomes many times darker and becomes incredibly stiff. This completely and completely deprives the most intimate part female body natural sexuality.

Using an epilator

The second easiest to use method of dealing with unwanted hair after a razor. Unfortunately, using an epilator can cause injury to the blood vessels that feed the hairs. That is why the epilator can be called one of the reasons for the development of diseases such as varicose veins and thrombosis. The epilator has its contraindications: you cannot use it when large quantities moles, wounds and in case of skin diseases.

Now you can buy an epilator in absolutely any store. household appliances. Additional attachments can make the procedure easier, reduce pain and make shaving as safe as possible. However, it is still not recommended to use an epilator to remove hair in intimate places, on the legs - please!

Laser hair removal

Considered the most effective way removal of unwanted hair. The laser action is aimed specifically at the hair, so the skin is not injured. Rarely appear allergic reactions. Laser hair removal does not cause pain. The only disadvantage of this method of getting rid of hair is the high cost.

What is harmful and what is useful about removing hair in intimate places?

The results of research by physiological scientists at Harvard University claim that the widespread fashion for shaving intimate parts threatens women with hormonal imbalance, obesity, and early menopause.

Girls, tell me, who goes to the salon for hair removal (sugaring) of a deep bikini?? Tell me - what is it like??? Do they do epilation of the labia? Butts?? What poses will these be?? I can’t even imagine, it’s embarrassing.. Taking off your panties in front of a stranger - HOW?? And then everything is overgrown there.... What if I have discharge during the procedure? p.s. How many days before a date should you do sugaring so that the irritation goes away and so that the first hairs don’t come out?

Read completely...

About beauty!

Somebody hit me in the last few days. Ladies, tell me this thing... Why the hell do you have such a bald desire to stay young forever with parameters of 90-60-90??? Can you even imagine if suddenly this becomes possible suddenly and immediately.... did the Sepford wives watch the film? Don’t you feel disgusted yourself? :))))) Why is it good to look 35 by 25? For example, I don’t want to, I want to look 35 at 35, and 50 at 50... like a normal 35 and...

There is an ambiguous attitude towards hair in some areas of the human body. On the one hand, Europeans for the most part consider pubic hair an atavism and strive with all their might to get rid of it. On the other hand, Asian countries are currently experiencing a peak in the popularity of operations during which hair from the client’s head is transplanted onto his head. The fact is that Asians have extremely sparse hair in the genital area, and they are confident that they will become more sexually attractive and fertile after such a transplant.

Why does hair grow in intimate places of the human body?

There is still no consensus on why, in the course of evolution, not all hairs are human body became short and thin. There is a hypothesis that the hair in the groin is an antenna created by nature itself, through which people transmit and receive special information. Another hypothesis states that the hair is not intended to attract the attention of a potential partner to the fact that this individual has reached biological maturity and is ready to mate and bear offspring. Finally, the third common hypothesis is most similar to the truth: hair preserves and enhances the spread of odors, which, again, attract maximum attention suitable partner of the opposite sex.

So is hair necessary in intimate places?

There is no definitive right answer to the question of whether you should remove hair from your groin and armpits. From a hygiene point of view, it is highly advisable to do this precisely in order to prevent the appearance of the smell of sweat or discharge. Even though from the perspective of a caveman these smells were appropriate and attractive, but modern man, “smelling” of old sweat, society will in any case perceive it negatively.
On the other hand, there are many people who defend their right to naturalness in everything. This also applies to body hair. Moreover, such people are no less developed, educated and clean than those who prefer to remove body hair. This is their opinion, which, in any case, is worthy of respect.
However, the fashion for smooth skin all over the body continues, and thousands of people visit beauty salons every day. They want one thing - to remove hair from places on their body, and to do it as effectively as possible. The modern beauty industry offers dozens of ways for this, each of which has its own pros and cons.

Intimate hair removal has been known to mankind for a long time. After all, even ancient women removed hair from delicate places. Epilation of the most delicate places is still a tradition in some eastern countries.

Of course, you can regularly visit beauty salons. But what to do if there are no funds, no time, no desire for this? Intimate is possible. Of course, these are temporary measures, each of which has its own pros and cons. Therefore, it is worth considering the most popular methods of removing unwanted hair.

1. Intimate hair removal usingrazors

This is probably the simplest hair removal method known to every woman. All you need is this and Undoubtedly, the low cost of “tools” is an advantage. In addition, the procedure is carried out quickly (especially if you have some experience) and does not require any special skills.

Unfortunately, this method also has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, during shaving, only the topmost hair can be removed, so new shoots will appear within 1 - 3 days after the procedure. Secondly, shaving hair in the bikini area is often associated with burning, itching, redness and irritation. And, of course, you should be careful, because the possibility of a cut always exists.

2. Intimate hair removal using cream

You can get a special one in almost any store. Such products contain special chemicals that can destroy the hair structure. As in the previous case, the advantage of this method is its simplicity and low cost. In addition, the procedure is painless and goes quite quickly.

But there are also disadvantages. The cream destroys only the top part of the hair, which means a new one appears very quickly. On the other hand, the likelihood of developing an allergy when treating intimate areas is very high - first conduct a sensitivity test to the product. Disadvantages include an unpleasant odor. By the way, you should not use this cream if you have any skin infections.

3. Intimate hair removal using an epilator

Electric epilator is in high demand among women. The device works like tweezers, but quickly plucks out several hairs at once. The advantage of this method is that using this device you can completely remove the hair, including the bulb located under the skin. Over the next 1 to 3 weeks you will enjoy smooth skin.

But on the other hand, hair removal in this way is quite painful, especially in the bikini area. Therefore, the epilator is not suitable for people who are too sensitive to pain. In addition, under no circumstances should it be used to remove hairs on the inner thighs and labia - severe pain and bruising are guaranteed.

4. Intimate waxing

Hair removal with wax is another very popular procedure. In any store you can buy wax or ready-made strips with the product applied to them. The principle here is quite simple - wax is applied to the skin, secured on top with a special strip of fabric, and then torn off with a sharp movement. Hair is removed along with hair follicle, which means that the effect lasts quite a long time - from 1 to 3 weeks.

Wax strips are not too expensive, and the hair removal process itself does not take much time.

But there are several disadvantages here too. Since the hair is pulled out along with the follicles, pain (to varying degrees) is unlikely to be avoided. Remember that you need to accurately determine the temperature of the wax (if it needs to be heated in a water bath), because otherwise you can burn your delicate skin.

In addition, some experience is required here. After all, if you tear off the strip too sharply, you can easily injure the skin in the area of ​​the external genital organs, which can lead to hemorrhages and even wounds. And if you lack practice, then such a procedure should still be entrusted to a master cosmetologist.