Who is the fallen angel? Attacks on people

Fallen angels, or dark angels as they are also called, are rebel angels. They went against the will of God and were expelled from Heaven following the first fallen angel Lucifer. Everyone knows the identity of Lucifer, but not everyone knows how it happened that God’s beloved angel turned out to be fallen.

Lucifer, or, as he was called in Heaven, the angel Dennitsa, was the brightest, kindest, strongest and closest angel of the Creator. But his pride and self-confidence that he was the most powerful destroyed him, and when he opposed God, God expelled him from Heaven and sent him to Hell. After which, Lucifer became so angry with God that he decided to create his own army and began to lure his other brothers over to his side.

But not everyone had motives similar to Lucifer. Some fallen angels paid for the fact that they wanted to implement their plans without restrictions and do whatever they wanted, even if it was to help people. Others were endowed with great destructive power, and when given the opportunity, they simply took the opportunity to continue their work.

Tattoo meaning

Fallen angels are free to choose good or evil. Therefore, the tattoo of a fallen angel, first of all, means the internal struggle of a person. Also, this tattoo can mean the loss of a loved one through one’s own fault, and its owner, as it were, shows everyone his grief.

The black angel tattoo means the reaper of human souls, which symbolizes the human fear of death. After all, life is fleeting, and you need to appreciate every second you live.

Position, styles and color of tattoo

A fallen angel tattoo is placed on the back. This is due to the scale for its implementation. Artists often depict tattoos in the style of realism in black and white to show all the color and convey the full significance of the design. The fallen angel is always depicted with black wings, this is a reference to the fact that when he was exiled, his strength was taken away and his wings turned black. Some additions are made to the drawing: it could be a sword, a mace or a staff, after all, all angels are warriors; a blindfold or exposed wings are the consequences of exile.


If you are a fan of the famous series “Supernatural” and your state of mind is always one of struggle, then this particular tattoo will come in handy for you. The main thing is to approach the choice of artist and sketch responsibly.

The fallen angel is a sad and at the same time dark, terrifying image of Lucifer, popular among writers, directors and screenwriters. Why and when the angels of light rebelled under the leadership of the “son of the Dawn” Lucifer is not known for certain; legends only speak of a feeling of superiority that overwhelmed him.

Fallen Angel in the Bible

What does a fallen angel mean in Christianity? The sacred source The Bible talks about angels as sinless and luminous beings surrounding God. Any fallen angel, being at the beginning a being of a higher order, had free will and had the right to choose between good and evil. Some angels were fascinated by Satan, rebelled and betrayed the Lord, for which they were cast down to earth.

Names of fallen angels

The fallen angel Lucifer was the first among a host of others who fell after him. All these entities possessed powerful power in the heavenly kingdom, and were of high rank, but went over to the side of the rebellious Lucifer:

  • Asmodeus– causes lust in people, attacks of jealousy, lust and hatred;
  • fallen angel Lilith- coming to men in dreams and inclining them to sexual intercourse;
  • Samael– angel of the Judgment of the Underworld;
  • Beelzebub– lord of demons;
  • Satan- accuser of man before God;
  • Leviathan- serpent-tempter.

Why do angels become fallen?

The legend of the fallen angel Lucifer tells where the line of dark angels came from. Lucifer “the luminous” was the most beloved and devoted bright angel of God, who brought him so close to himself that Lucifer became proud and decided to become equal to his Creator; a battle broke out in heaven between the dragon into which Lucifer turned and the Archangel Michael with his army. Lucifer was defeated and God in anger cast the angel who had turned evil to earth. Along with Lucifer, his allies fell. The fallen son created hell.

What do fallen angels look like?

A fallen dark angel is believed to be able to appear before a person in any guise: woman, man or child, as well as in the form of mythical characters, such as a dragon. The flesh of a fallen angel is devoid of the usual gross matter, like that of humans, and is woven from a subtle ethereal substance. The following external characteristics are found in descriptive religious sources:

  1. Black or dirty-gray bird wings or hard bone wings) are a sign that distinguishes the fallen from the bright angels.
  2. In general, they have human features and only some of the body parts look like those of an animal (horns, hooves, tail) that protects the fallen angel.
  3. They can appear both in an ugly, terrifying form, and in a beautiful, seductive one.

Fallen Angel Abilities

Fallen angels on earth have powers that are many times greater than those of humans, they consist of finer matter than humans, but they have a powerful influence on material nature. Their mind and will are developed to a significant extent, knowledge about the laws of the universe and the universe helps them use their skills a thousand times more efficiently than people. The abilities of angels extend far beyond the limits of the human mind:

  • teleportation – the ability to instantly move in space;
  • capable of transporting material substances and people from one place to another;
  • influence changes in weather, can cause torrential downpours, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought;
  • masterfully wield various types of weapons;
  • telepathy - people and can themselves instill thoughts that a person perceives them as their own;
  • able to change appearance and gender;
  • can have sexual intercourse with earthly women - this is how Nephilim fallen angels of a lower order are born.

Films about fallen angels

Films about creatures of a different order and world are especially popular among fans of the fantasy genre. Movie about fallen angels:

  1. "Fallen", 2016. Lucinda, the heroine of the film, is grieving the loss of a loved one. At a school for troubled teenagers, she meets a mysterious guy, Daniel. A spark flares up between them. Daniel is shrouded in mystery, and Lucinda tries to unravel his secret: who is he really? The film is based on the book of the same name.
  2. "Legion", 2010. Archangel Michael, who fell to Earth, resisting God’s desires to destroy humanity, intends to save it. Michael fell for the specific purpose of protecting the future savior of the human race, Charlie, who is still just a child. Demonic entities begin to possess people, and everyone has one goal - to get to Charlie.
  3. "Dogma", 1999. A fun film about two fallen angels, Loki and Bartbly, who are stripped of their wings and sent to Earth for disobeying God.

Books about fallen angels

Modern fantasy novels abound with mythical characters, and fallen angels are among the top popular characters among mythology and fantasy fans. Dark entities have always attracted people with their mystery. Series of books about fallen angels:

  1. "Fallen" by Lauren Kate. Trilogy. Unlucky girl Luce Price is involved in a fire case in which a man mysteriously dies. Luce is sent to a reform school, where she has a hard time and the only bright spot in this institution is the sudden feeling of love for her classmate Daniel. But for some reason, Luce is haunted by vague suspicions that they already know each other and are not from this life.
  2. "Dark Forces" by Jennifer Armentrout. The duology, consisting of the books “Hot Kiss” and “Cold Embraces,” tells the story of Leila, who comes from an ancient family of gargoyles, demon hunters. Leila's dark side is demonic, inherited from her mother Lilith, a fallen angel. Leila, like her mother, can take souls. Astaroth, an ancient demon, saves Leila from death and tempts her; the girl cannot resist him.
  3. "Thirst" by J.R. Ward. The hero of the book, Jim, a vengeful and sinful character, becomes a fallen angel with a mission to save the souls of seven people from mortal sins, with no room for error.

One of the first creatures that God created were the Supreme Angels. These creatures had a physical body and pure thoughts. Unlike the angels of the second level of the divine hierarchy, they could make their own conscious choice. The eldest among them was the Lucifer angel, he had almost the same power as God. Realizing his greatness, the Lucifer became proud and opposed the will of God to his own. For this he was cast out of heaven into the underworld.

Lucifer - fallen angel cast out of heaven

How the Fallen Came to Be

The most powerful fallen angel is . Translated from Greek, the meaning of his name is the bearer of the light of God. He was the eldest among the sons of God. He had incredible beauty and a sharp mind. He was the first of those who came into contact with people. Many people think that this was his ruin.

Comparing his strength with the powerlessness of people, the Lucifer began to realize that he was incredibly powerful. This was the reason that he objected to the creator and went against his will. God forgave his favorite, but the more he gave him his love and forgiveness, the more the Lucifer’s pride grew. Others, seeing this, doubted the power of the creator and his rightness.

Possessing consciousness, angels had their own desires, aspirations and ambitions. Being under the command of Lucifer, entire hordes of celestial beings followed his instructions. Dennitsa was jealous of God for people, and therefore he gave his warriors too much freedom. And when the Lord saw this, he called his son to account. Then Lucifer started a rebellion, the purpose of which was to overthrow God from the throne of heaven. At the moment of making the decision about war, darkness arose in the soul of the purest angel.

Great Battle


In the hierarchy of demons, Beelzebub is on the same level as Lucifer himself. According to some legends, this demon killed his younger brother during the uprising, so he was called the Tormentor of the defenseless. He inspires sinners with thoughts of their own impunity and demands bloody sacrifices.


In some legends, Azazel (Azazello) is a female demon who is called the sister of Satan. However, in the Bible, this is a fallen one who at one time held the post of an Observer Angel, but one day he felt lust for earthly women. With the permission of the star, he began to take on human form and have sexual relations with the daughters of Eve.

When confrontation broke out in Heaven, Azazel sided with Lucifer, believing that people deserved more knowledge and more freedom than they had. This is one of the few fallen who, having a close connection with people, gave them the knowledge of how to create and use weapons, as well as the ability to process wood and precious stones.


This fallen angel is known for tempting the human race with lust. Initially, people did not have lust and performed sexual intercourse only to procreate. The man did not desire women, and there was peace between the couples. But Asmodeus gave people sensuality, which led to the appearance of sins: a man, one of the first sons of Adam, desired his neighbor’s wife, and the girl did not refuse him. Then jealousy arose, from which revenge, hatred of one's neighbor, destruction and murder were born. In some sources, his name is written as Dorama - temptation and desecration of the flesh.


According to legend, Satan, who is also called the Devil, was also one of the first sons of God. He occupied a place at the right hand of the Lord. This angel created the human body: first - Adam, as the personification of God, and brought it as a gift to his father. God breathed life into Adam and placed an immortal soul in his body.

A little later, Satan created a second man. Taking part of the body and a bone from Adam, he created a woman - Eve. And he also brought it as a gift to his father. When the creator revived this creation of his, Satan saw that there was beauty and human warmth in living flesh. He desired Eve as a man desires a woman, and, taking human form, entered into intercourse with her.

This demon became the first among the angels to taste the sin of lust. Later, already cast down into the underworld, he released his minions, and they also entered into carnal relations with earthly women. The fruit of such connections was the appearance of giants.


This fallen one is strong in his own way. He personifies Evil itself. This is one of the two hundred angels of death in Islam. Samael in some sources is called the father of Cain. Being an ally of Satan and at the same time his eternal competitor, Samael, wanting to prove his superiority, also entered into a relationship with Eve, and she bore him a son.

This fallen one is also accused of wanting to bring down the apocalypse on Earth. His plans include the destruction of the human race and the creation of a new race - half-humans, half-gods. But this demon is weaker than the Lucifer, and, fearing his wrath, does not dare to put humanity to death. He awaits the next Great Battle in the hope that the Creator will destroy Lucifer and Satan. Then Samael will bring down a great fire on the earth, killing all living things.

The names of female fallen angels are practically never found in legends and traditions, because... Angels were originally asexual.

Lilith is the only one of the fallen to whom mythology assigned the feminine principle.

In some sources, Lilith is Adam’s first wife; she gave birth to sons and daughters and gave them the opportunity to live not on land, but in water. In other sources, Lilith is a disembodied and sexless spirit. One day, having learned about the relations of angels with people, the spirit also decided to have sexual intercourse with a person. But he was not attracted to the daughters of Eve, he was attracted to the sons of Adam. And then Lilith took the form of the most beautiful woman who seduced the man in a dream.

When a riot arose in heaven, Lilith left him and came down to earth as a girl, refusing to participate in the Great Battle. Having decided not to return to God anymore, Lilith took on the role of a succubus - the demon of lust, lust and temptation. Later, those of the fallen who managed to know the sin of carnal relations with humans joined it, taking on the roles of incubi and succubi.

In some sources, Lilith is Adam's first wife


This fallen one is the most humble and unknown entity in the hierarchy of demons. In some sources, Gadreel was not an apostate of God from the beginning. But after the overthrow of the rebels into the underworld, Gadriel became a messenger of God. He brought God's will to the inhabitants of Hell.

For a long time, this Supreme Angel's faith was firm, but with each visit to Hell, he learned more and more about the details of the Great Rebellion. The eldest among the fallen - Azazel, Satan and Asmodeus lured Gadriel, tempted him with power and pleasures. But he didn't give in. And then the star put him into a state of sleep and showed him everything that Gadreel would receive by joining the Dark Kingdom.

When the Angel awakened, he considered himself defiled and never returned to God. But he didn’t join Lucifer’s minions either. He became the demon of Death, taking and accompanying human souls to the gates of Heaven or Hell.

Gadriel guides human souls to the gates of Hell or Heaven

Legends of Fallen Angels

In many cultures, people view fallen angels not as enemies, but as those who gave them a choice. Along with the fallen, many crafts and skills came to people. Demons gave people the ability to doubt and make decisions. In both Christianity and Judaism, there are many legends about fallen angels. Only two deserve special attention.

About truth

The Jewish legend about the truth says that the love of the star for his father was so great and all-consuming that his only desire was to become a part of his creator, to become one with him. He pondered for a long time why the Lord placed his children, i.e. angels, below himself and turned to his father with this question.

Archangel Michael, who was present during the conversation, thought that the star wanted to take the throne by deception. He raised his spear at Lucifer and drove him away from God. And then the star flared up with anger and said that the Lord himself did not adhere to his main commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Other Angels who witnessed this also decided that God did not have true love for them, and allowed anger and resentment into their hearts. Thus began the Great Revolt of the Angels, which ended with their overthrow into Hell.

About the Fall

This legend tells that Satan, who created a human body from white clay and gave it to God, loved his creation so much that he could not give it up. Seeing how Adam loved with all his soul not him, his creator, but the Lord, who put life into his body, he experienced terrible jealousy.

Wanting to distract Adam from the Lord, Satan created the girl Eve. But God also breathed life into her, and she also loved him with all her soul. Then the angel, consumed by envy and anger, tempted Eve with carnal sin, and she brought this sin to Adam.

Having let lust into their souls, people looked at Satan with gratitude and expectation. Then Satan, secretly from the Creator, awarded Eve the ability to give birth to children. But he took a price for this benefit - the birth was with blood and pain.

For desecrating the human body, the vessel that holds the breath of God and his soul, Satan fell into disgrace with the Creator. Therefore, in the Great Revolt of the Angels, he stood at the right hand of Dennitsa, and not God, for which he was overthrown along with all the fallen.

Why you can't say the names of fallen angels

The Bible says that it is impossible to pronounce the names of the fallen out loud. Each of these abdicated angels, after the fall, carries sin within itself - greed, lust, murder, etc.

When the name of the fallen is heard in the world, human souls become vulnerable. This means that they may fall into the power of a demon.

Believers are rarely interested in the names of fallen angels. Mentioning those who betrayed God is prohibited. Nevertheless, every person who considers himself a Christian is obliged to know not only the “good” ones, but also the “bad” ones.

How did the apostates appear?

Mentions of spiritual beings who rebelled against the Creator are found mainly in Judaism and Christianity. In Islam, angels are presented as completely sinless creatures. They are deprived of freedom of choice, which means they cannot go against the will of Allah.

It is believed that God created angels to convey His will to people. However, some spiritual entities created by Him decided to challenge the leadership of the Creator and establish their own orders. Rebellious angels, also called Nephilim or demons, were cast out of heaven. This happened after the army led by the Archangel Michael defeated the renegade warriors.

Priests are often asked the question of why God did not destroy the Nephilim if He was truly all-powerful. There is no clear answer to this question. There is an opinion that the fall of some angels was predetermined by the Creator himself. God was pleased to create an opposition force. A person must make a conscious choice in favor of good or evil. Demons are necessary for the spiritual growth of people. Moreover, if sin does not exist, there will be no virtue.

The leaders of the fallen angels are considered to be:

Among the fallen angels they also mention:

The names of fallen angels have long become common nouns. Disobedient wives are often compared to Lilith. The inappropriate behavior of a naughty teenager is equated to the rebellion of Lucifer, going against the Creator. The Christian Church calls on you to avoid dark angels and resist them in every possible way. Moreover, even among religious figures there are many who understand the necessity of the existence of demons.

From time immemorial, the forces of good have been opposed by darkness. This can be seen in different areas, from fairy tales to religion. Angels are the main helpers of people, but if they do bad things, the Lord kicks them out of heaven and they go over to the side of Satan.

Who are fallen angels?

God created angels to help convey his will to people and perform various tasks. Among them were those who, for various reasons, decided to go against the will of the Lord, for which they were expelled from heaven. Also, people who are interested in what a fallen angel means should know that as a result, such entities went over to the side of evil and began to help Satan. The fallen angels are Nephilim because they fell out of the world and filled it with miscarriages from their fornication. Among the people they are also called demons.

Fallen angel Lucifer

Many do not know that God's main opponent was once his main assistant. Lucifer's name translates as "bringer of light" and was previously associated with the morning star. He always bathed in the love of the Lord, possessed great strength and beauty. For those wondering how Lucifer became a fallen angel, the main reason for his exile was his pride.

One day he considered himself equal to God and stopped listening to his orders. He descended into the Garden of Eden, taking the form of a serpent, and tempted Eve. God saw that there was no more love in Lucifer's heart and it was filled with pride. All this aroused the wrath of the Almighty, and he threw him into Hell, where he is still serving his punishment. Together with him, other fallen angels who took the side of darkness were cast out of heaven.

Fallen Angel Belial

It is believed that Belial is comparable in strength to Lucifer. According to legend, it appeared long before the emergence of Christianity itself. The names of the fallen angels have a special meaning, and Belial is translated from Hebrew as “one who has no dignity.”

  1. In ancient scriptures, the demon is presented as the root of all evil on earth.
  2. There is information that Belial was the first fallen angel before God kicked out Lucifer.
  3. In some ancient Christian sources he is presented as the Antichrist.

Fallen angel Leviathan

This demon, together with Lucifer, was at the head of the revolt of the angels. The quality that Leviathan is especially attracted to is greed. He is engaged in inducing people to commit sins, deviating them from the faith.

  1. The angel Leviathan has an opponent from the forces of light - the Apostle Peter.
  2. It is believed that Leviathan brought Satan together with Lilith, and from this union Cain emerged.
  3. Some sources accuse him of being the serpent who led Eve to sin.


Fallen angel Lilith

The Church completely refutes the information according to which Lilith was the first woman created by God as a mate to Adam. She was distinguished by her wayward and strong character, so she did not obey either her husband or the Lord, and he kicked her out of Paradise.

  1. It is believed that after the exile, three angels were sent to kill the woman, but they decided to punish her and there are three versions of this. According to the first, she suffered every night from the fact that hundreds of her children were dying, the second, her descendants turned into demons, and the third, Lilith became barren.
  2. The dark angel Lilith is considered an entity that harms childbirth.
  3. In Sumerian legends, she is described as a goddess of extraordinary beauty and destructive power.
  4. There are different options for describing appearance. More often she is presented as a beauty who has incredible attractiveness. In ancient sources, Lilith has a body covered with hair, paws and a snake tail.
  5. It is generally accepted that after being expelled from Paradise, she created a couple with Lucifer.

Fallen Angel Azazel

Among others, this entity is distinguished by its cunning and ability to plot intrigues for people. Many people are interested in whether Azazel is an angel or a demon, and so in different sources he is described differently, but the fact that he was one of Lucifer’s accomplices is for sure.

  1. Initially, Azazel was called a ritual animal - a goat, which was sent every year into the desert with all the sins of the Israeli people.
  2. The original meaning of the name is absolution.
  3. The story of Azazel's fall includes several episodes. There are interpreters who indicate that he was a tempting serpent.
  4. He is considered a cherub angel who taught men how to use weapons and women how to create potions.
  5. Many fallen angels are similar in appearance to humans, and Azazel is no exception. They represent him as old men with a beard and goat horns.

Fallen Angel Succubus

Among the expelled angels there were also representatives of the fair sex. The names of female fallen angels include such a creature as Succubus.

  1. The succubus appears to people as a beautiful naked woman who has wings behind her back.
  2. This fallen angel is considered a devilish incarnation that feeds on human powers.
  3. The demon comes to men when they are weakened by their own passions. He reads the wishes of his victim and makes them come true. The demon of lust gains power during sexual intercourse. When a man succumbs to her deception, he will no longer get out of her trap.

How to summon a fallen angel?

Before getting involved with the forces of darkness, you need to think carefully about everything, because it is very dangerous. Since the Devil is a fallen angel, you can summon him, but this requires special magical power and preparation. The call of dark forces is made so that the demon can be a witness at initiation into sorcerers, for the purpose of harming another person or getting an answer to a question of interest.

Remember that black magic rituals always have negative consequences, so take care of protection. You cannot bind a fallen angel to demand the resurrection of loved ones, to ask for power and strength to harm a large number of people. It is important to treat the forces of evil with respect, so as not to anger them with your words. For the ritual, prepare five black church candles, a mirror, black thick cloth and incense.

  1. Place the mirror in front of you and place candles around so that they are at an equal distance from each other. Light the incense and begin the ritual.
  2. Close your eyes, relax and tune in to communicate with the fallen angel. When you feel that the preparation is complete, read the plot.
  3. A cold touch to the face will indicate that the demon has arrived. In the reflection of the mirror you can see his appearance.
  4. Thank the fallen angel for making contact. After that, quickly and without hesitation, say your wish. The fact that it will be completed will be indicated by the resulting flow of cold air. If the candle flames sway, this also indicates agreement.
  5. Finish the ritual with gratitude, and then put out the candles and cover the mirror with a cloth. After that, hide all attributes.
  6. When your wish comes true, turn to the fallen angel again, expressing your gratitude to him.

Fallen angel in Christianity

The Church does not deny the existence of the forces of evil, which are represented by Lucifer and his assistants. Orthodoxy speaks of fallen angels as the main servants of darkness, who were once on the side of light, but were guilty before God and he kicked them out to Hell. It is believed that when a person embarks on a sinful path, Satan’s assistants act on him. Fallen angels use various tricks to lead people astray from the righteous path.