A couple of large dolls in a dream. Doll: interpretation of sleep

If you have a question about why a doll is dreaming, open the dream book and you will immediately find the interpretation of this dream.

Having seen this toy in a dream, it is very important to remember all the details, even those that you consider insignificant.

Only then will you be able to know what to expect in the near future.

What was she like?

If you dreamed of a doll with blond hair, it means that a kind, reliable person will soon appear in your life. And if your hair is dark, then you will cope with a difficult task alone.

A blue-eyed doll means that your friend is a very bright and fair person. And dark-colored eyes are a sign that there are envious people in your immediate circle.

  • Dreaming of a doll in a dress means peace.
  • She is wearing trousers to do a man's job.
  • A dream in which a doll talks means a conversation with a stranger.
  • Porcelain doll - to stability in relationships.
  • Barbie in bright clothes is a sign of fun get-togethers with a friend.

As the dream book writes, you dream of a doll on a shelf for a holiday in your home. And to see her on the bed means to make peace with your lover.

If the toy fell on the floor, then you have a cunning rival. And the doll sitting high on the closet speaks of your determination and achievement of your goals.

Daughters and mothers

If you dream that you are playing with a little doll, it means that in life you are underestimating yourself a little. A dream where a small doll, on the contrary, indicates that you are a confident person, not burdened with complexes.

Dressing Barbie in a dream means waiting for the approaching visit of guests. And to undress her is to try to take a break from everyday worries.

  • Bathing a doll in the bath means a trip to the seaside.
  • Sewing her clothes means searching for a new style.
  • Brushing your doll's hair means a pleasant evening in the company of your best friends.
  • Putting her to bed is a sign of rest after a fruitful day.
  • Braiding her hair means revelations from a sister or friend.

An unexpected gift from a loved one is what you dream of about a doll that you accidentally broke. And fixing it and continuing to play means successfully completing the job you started.

Losing a pupa means significant cash flows. And to find it means spending a lot of money on a good, necessary thing.

Other dreams

As the dream book writes, a doll made of plastic dreams of wealth, a doll made of rubber symbolizes an attempt to assert oneself, and a doll made of material symbolizes stability in family relationships.

You dream about bald Barbies when you have a lot on your mind, but you can’t concentrate. And toys without heads indicate that soon you will be madly in love with your partner.

A dream where a doll walks promises a pleasant walk in a romantic place. And if, when you put the toy down, her eyes close, then your friend is ready to follow you to the ends of the earth.

Dolls on a store window dream of a valuable acquisition. And Barbie in the hands of a child means that you will be able to do something that you weren’t very good at before.

Having found out why the doll is dreaming, it will be easier for you to take the right steps on the path of life.


Why do you dream about a doll?

A dream of a doll in a beautiful outfit, for example, in a dress with bows, promises a girl pregnancy or an imminent addition to the family, and a man - sudden pleasant acquaintances or even a romantic relationship. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the discovery of new qualities in oneself that were not previously manifested in any way, for example, entrepreneurship.

If the doll lies motionless on the floor, as if abandoned, unnecessary to anyone, then in the near future there is a high probability of parting with someone very close.

If the doll suddenly breaks down and has missing body parts, such a dream is a symbol of minor troubles at home or at work, minor quarrels or insults. You should be more sensitive towards others so as not to repent once again.

If you had a dream about a doll in which a purchase is being made, then this is a sign of a new profitable cooperation, which in the future can bring excellent results and improved material wealth. It is important not to miss a rare chance!

It's not every day that you see a doll in your dreams. It can be dreamed of by both a child and an adult who has never held it in his hands. Why does this happen and what is this dream for? There are several different interpretations of a dream about a doll.

You can decipher a dream in which you happen to play with dolls in someone’s company as follows: what awaits you is a happy home life in the circle of loved ones and relatives, happiness at the family hearth, and if you dreamed of playing alone, then this means that your plans will soon come true. Perhaps in real life there are insincere people nearby at work who seek to suppress and control like a puppet. It's time to declare your independence to them.

On the other hand, the dream indicates a great possibility of rapid self-realization and the fulfillment of long-cherished desires. It's time to gather your strength and make the final push towards achievements and acquisitions. If in a dream a doll speaks in human language, it means that in reality the feeling of loneliness haunts you. It's worth shaking yourself up, going to the cinema or just calling your friends.

Thus, having the necessary information, you can easily understand why the doll is dreamed of. Please note that a dream about a doll has different interpretations.

On the one hand, this is a completely neutral dream, symbolizing longing for a bygone childhood, and on the other hand, it is a warning that it is time to change relationships with loved ones and stop playing on their feelings.


I dreamed about a Doll, what is it for, what does a Doll mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Doll:

You dreamed of a Doll, what does it mean - unsatisfied sexual desire. Disguised passion. Sometimes - coldness. Venus in the 12th house.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does a Doll mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream? What does a doll mean in a dream - You see a doll in a dream - you thought you knew yourself well - but no; life will put you in a situation in which you will show unexpected qualities. You see a talking doll in a dream - you will learn something about your child that you did not know before. You dream of a girl playing with a doll - one of your loved ones will get sick; In this regard, additional worries await you.

Home dream book Why do you dream about a Doll in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of a Doll, what is this for - childhood; the desire to be loved.

Jewish dream book What does a Doll mean in a dream:

What does a Doll mean in a dream - Warning: you are ready to show excessive gullibility towards your new acquaintance.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about a Doll?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed of a Doll; why is it creative work? Buying a doll - tired of loneliness. Playing with a doll means allowing yourself to be manipulated. An old or broken doll means inability to build relationships with people. Receiving a doll as a gift is a memory of wonderful moments in life.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Doll mean in a dream:

What does a Doll mean in a dream - Wasted work and waste. Imagine taking a doll to a toy store and it gets lost among other items (see Toys).

Creative dream book Meaning of the dream Doll:

You dreamed of a Doll, what is this for. 1. A doll means that the dreamer feels like a child, or he feels the need for comfort. The doll can also express an undeveloped part of the dreamer's personality. 2. We all want to experience and learn through play, and that is why a doll appearing in a dream expresses our need to re-learn some lessons from childhood that we have forgotten. 3. The doll represents the soul of a specific person who can be helped or harmed using white or black magic.


Why do you dream about a talking doll?



This is not how dreams are solved. We need a plot. Write to me and I will decipher it for you.

Dmitry Salnikov

didn't finish playing as a child


They say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations. Unjustified effort.

Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law. If you see yourself in a puppet theater, this means that the laziness and sybaritic moods that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment. If you dreamed of a doll, get ready for a dark streak to come in your life again, and this will affect everything that it can touch. It is likely that very soon one of your loved ones will become seriously ill, that your best friend will deceive you, that you will suddenly find yourself in a very bad story. Be carefull! Wasted work.

Huge baby dolls Dream Interpretation Huge puppet dolls

dreamed of why you dream about Huge puppet dolls? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Seeing a doll in a dream foretells large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

The doll is wasted work.


Why do you dream about a Voodoo Doll? You can find out for free in the dream book, why do you dream about a voodoo doll

, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a Voodoo Doll in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

A voodoo doll with needles stuck into it - someone is manipulating you, using your connections to their advantage

The doll is wasted work.

Old dolls

Dream Interpretation Old dolls dreamed of why Old dolls are seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Old dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you incorrectly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dream that in a dream you find yourself surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your surroundings, which are trying to use you to their advantage. These people don't care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to speak evil about you behind your back and will have no qualms about taking any opportunity to set you up.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unfulfilled dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.

Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans can come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

"plant, slip a doll" deception in money.

"inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deception.

“like a wind-up doll” mechanical, imitative behavior.

"painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Playing with a children's doll means having fun with trifles, doing worthless work, or remembering childhood.

Dreams about a doll can also mean a strange relationship with someone, an incomprehensible dependence.

Receiving a doll as a gift means taking on the responsibility of raising a child or re-educating a teenager.

Buying a doll as a gift means being deceived in your expectations.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

If you dreamed that you were playing with a doll, very soon you will be nursing a child. To make this happen, draw a green triangle on the doll’s back and give the doll to the young mother.

If you dreamed that the doll was just lying there, in the near future you will have to say goodbye to someone dear to you. To make the separation short, put photographs (or things they gave you) of all the people dear to you in a dark place and place a burning candle next to it.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Doll - they say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Symbolizes a person and expresses adults’ nostalgia for childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially girls. A doll is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic “Super-Ego”, which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image signifies the almost complete dominance of the disfiguring mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. An absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of perverted, criminal aggressiveness.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dressing a doll means deceiving a friend; washing a doll means waste, loss of money.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law.

If you see yourself in a puppet theater, this means that the laziness and sybaritic moods that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Seeing a doll in a dream foretells large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

A doll is a waste of labor, a waste of money - playing with it is a happy household.

The doll is wasted work.

Boy and girl doll

Dream Interpretation Doll boy and girl dreamed of why you dream about a boy and a girl doll? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a boy and a girl in a Doll in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boy, girl

If you are pregnant, you will have a boy.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you incorrectly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dream that in a dream you find yourself surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your surroundings, which are trying to use you to their advantage. These people don't care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to speak evil about you behind your back and will have no qualms about taking any opportunity to set you up.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unfulfilled dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.

Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans can come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

"plant, slip a doll" deception in money.

"inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deception.

“like a wind-up doll” mechanical, imitative behavior.

"painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Playing with a children's doll means having fun with trifles, doing worthless work, or remembering childhood.

Dreams about a doll can also mean a strange relationship with someone, an incomprehensible dependence.

Receiving a doll as a gift means taking on the responsibility of raising a child or re-educating a teenager.

Buying a doll as a gift means being deceived in your expectations.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

If you dreamed that you were playing with a doll, very soon you will be nursing a child. To make this happen, draw a green triangle on the doll’s back and give the doll to the young mother.

If you dreamed that the doll was just lying there, in the near future you will have to say goodbye to someone dear to you. To make the separation short, put photographs (or things they gave you) of all the people dear to you in a dark place and place a burning candle next to it.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Doll - they say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

To see a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Now you can find out what it means to see Huge dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Symbolizes a person and expresses adults’ nostalgia for childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially girls. A doll is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic “Super-Ego”, which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image signifies the almost complete dominance of the disfiguring mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. An absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of perverted, criminal aggressiveness.

Most people associate dolls with a cheerful and carefree childhood, when they could play with their favorite toys and not worry about any serious things. But what if we saw this object in a dream? Should you expect a time without worries and sorrows, as in childhood, or, on the contrary, does it make sense to be mentally attuned to the emergence of difficulties and problems in your life? We suggest turning to several of the most complete and popular collections of dream interpretations for an answer to the question of why a doll dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse: porcelain or rag toy

According to the information in this collection, seeing a doll in a dream is a sign of very irrational business management and waste of money, which can ultimately result in serious financial problems. If you dreamed that you were playing with a rag or porcelain beauty, then happiness and good luck await you in your family life.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the compilers of this collection, such a dream promises some miraculous event in real life. However, a dream of this kind may be a harbinger of temptations that can damage your reputation.

Dream interpretation horoscope: dream about a doll

If you dreamed that you were playing with toys with a child, then in reality you should beware of events that could cause serious damage to your good name. In addition, seeing a doll in a dream for a woman can mean an imminent pregnancy, and for a man - the news that he will become a father.

Modern dream book: why do you dream about a doll?

If you dreamed of a baby doll that looks very much like a real child, then it is quite possible that in the near future you will be able to discover qualities in yourself that you did not even suspect. A dream in which a girl plays with a doll promises the onset of a difficult and troubled period in your life associated with the illness of a loved one. If you dreamed of a toy with any part of its body torn off, then you will face trials that you will overcome together with family members, which will strengthen family ties.

The talking doll warns that you will soon make some very unexpected discovery about your child. Why do you dream of a living doll? Such a dream is a reflection of the loneliness you experience and misunderstanding from others. If this is a vision, then subconsciously she is very worried that she will not be able to become a good mother for her unborn baby. In such a situation, you should calm down and not think about the bad, as this can only harm the course of the pregnancy.

Why do you dream about a Barbie doll? A similar image in a dream is associated with established stereotypes and ideals recognized by society. If you had a dream about Barbie, then it is likely that you feel unable to live up to the expectations of the people around you. Also, such a vision can be interpreted as your desperate desire to avoid everyday responsibilities, which you subconsciously view as unnecessary fuss or routine. Most likely, you desperately want to return to your carefree childhood. However, you need to be clear that you are now an adult and there is a need to behave accordingly.

Seeing a baby doll in a dream: children's dream book

Such a dream may mean a situation in which you lack the willpower to resist the influence of an outsider. At the same time, under no circumstances should you give up: on the contrary, try to concentrate, gain strength and get rid of negative influences.

Meneghetti's Italian dream book: if you dreamed of a doll

This source interprets such a dream as an adult experiencing a great desire to return to the wonderful world of childhood, full of fun, love and care. It is quite possible that in real life you are faced with a lot of problems in the face of which you feel powerless. It’s worth pulling yourself together and concentrating on overcoming difficulties.

The Italian dream book Meneghetti gives another interpretation of the dream, in which the doll plays the main role. It lies in the puppet behavior of a person when he follows the lead of other people who have a significant influence on his consciousness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: a ​​dream about a doll

The compilers of this source consider such a dream as a harbinger of serious financial costs associated with organizing a large family holiday. Playing with dolls promises the dreamer a happy marriage, harmonious relationships with children, complete understanding with the spouse’s parents and family well-being in general. If you dreamed that you were watching a puppet show in a theater, then in real life you risk succumbing to laziness and a craving for idle entertainment, which will distract you from truly important matters, thereby damaging your financial condition.

If you dreamed of a doll: oriental dream book

According to the interpretation of this collection, such a dream is extremely unfavorable. It can be a harbinger of deception and various troubles, as well as news of a serious illness of a person close to you.

Dream Master's Dream Book: doll

Since this toy resembles a person in its appearance, the compilers of this collection associate its image with the artificial and hypocritical relationship that you built with a sincere, at first glance, individual. It is likely that this person started friendship with you solely for his own benefit.

Dream Tarot: if you dreamed of a doll

The authors of this source consider a dream in which you see a rag doll with needles stuck into it to be a very bad sign. This could mean that someone is manipulating you for their own benefit. Also, such a dream may be evidence of your ill-wisher’s desperate attempts to harm you at any cost.

A collection of clues received in a dream: a children's doll

The compilers of this dream book consider this toy as a symbol of the false illusions you are experiencing. It is possible that someone is deliberately trying to mislead you, or that you are mistaken about someone in your circle. Try to take a closer look at your friends and acquaintances. It is likely that this will save you from disappointment and difficulties.

A doll in dreams is considered a favorable sign. For a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to reproduce in memory the entire scenario seen in the night dreams, remember exactly what she was like, what manipulations were performed with her. Only after this can you find out exactly what the doll is dreaming about.

A doll in dreams is considered a favorable sign

Different interpreters indicate their own understanding of these dreams. Sometimes it is even radically different:

  1. Egyptian dream book. A person does not live in reality, but in an imaginary world, he hides from all problems and does not even make attempts to solve them. If active action is not taken as soon as possible, serious problems are possible. You may even have to endure a serious illness.
  2. Female oriental interpreter. Receiving sad news in the very near future. Someone close to you will become seriously ill. Unforeseen expenses and the collapse of planned plans cannot be ruled out.
  3. Mayan Dream Interpretation. An unexpected gift will be presented, relationships with your lover will be improved. For an unmarried girl, such a dream promises a marriage proposal. The marriage will be strong and happy.
  4. Family dream book. Good health and financial well-being are promised by a dream in which you get to play with a doll. The toy’s smile promises a quick addition to the family.
  5. General interpreter. Receiving good news. Only if the toy is broken, the news will be unpleasant and financial investments will be required.

Doll in a dream book (video)

Why do you dream of a child doll or a baby doll, baby doll?

Dreams in which a little baby dreams can have several meanings:

  • joyful chores and worries;
  • the dreamer attaches too much importance to things that do not deserve such close attention;
  • fussiness about the upcoming trip. It is recommended to pull yourself together, calm down and go about your daily activities;
  • the sleeper wastes his energy in vain. The wrong goals have been set; it is better to devote time to family during this period;
  • the baby doll cries - worries will appear, the sleeper will be forced to shoulder them;
  • for a woman - the birth of a child;
  • for a businessman - at this time he is trying to win over a new partner, but all his actions will be in vain.

Dreams in which a baby is dreamed can have several meanings

The child doll represents the sleeper himself. He feels a lack of warmth and wants to be needed and useful. You should talk frankly with your loved ones and say that their attention is sorely missed.

A baby doll indicates that the dreamer is prone to excessive fussiness and worries in vain. Soon it is possible to discover new abilities and talents.

Seeing a Barbie or a porcelain doll in a dream

Sometimes you dream of not ordinary dolls, but porcelain dolls or those considered the standard of beauty, Barbie. Naturally, the meaning of such night visions will be special. Thus, the appearance of a porcelain doll indicates that stability and calm are expected in family relationships.

Beauty Barbie warns the dreamer that his demands are too high and for this reason he may soon lose a close friend. Also, long trips are not excluded during this period.

Also, a dream may indicate that a person is trying to deny the ideals imposed by society, trying to console himself with simple fun. It is quite possible that the dreamer will soon find a new hobby, with the help of which gray everyday life will acquire a bright shade, life will become interesting again.

Why do you dream of a doll in a beautiful dress?

The appearance of dolls in beautiful dresses in night dreams is a favorable sign. For a girl, such a dream can foreshadow an early pregnancy or a new addition to the family. The dream has no less positive meaning for men. New acquaintances will soon await them, causing only positive emotions.

The appearance of dolls in beautiful dresses in night dreams is a favorable sign

The beginning of a romantic relationship is also possible. He may soon discover qualities in himself that he had never even imagined before, which could change his life radically and exclusively in a positive direction.

If you dreamed of a Voodoo doll

A dream in which you see a Voodoo doll indicates that you should take a closer look at the people around you.

  • It is possible that one of them has selfish goals and uses the dreamer himself to achieve them. Taking into account all the nuances of the scenario, the meaning may change somewhat:
  • Voodoo in the workplace - a colleague perceives the sleeping person as a rival. You should be more careful, be wary of the smiles of your co-workers and not agree to work that will require the participation of several people. It might work out in the end. That all duties will be performed by the owner of dreams;
  • to manage Voodoo yourself - there is a desire in the soul to suppress the willpower of a colleague or loved one. To achieve this goal, rude, dishonest methods are used;

is being held by the dreamer’s child (boy or girl) - it’s worth thinking about how correctly the child is being raised. It is possible that the dreamer is too soft and indulges his child in literally everything. It is worth being more decisive and teaching him to take responsibility for what he has done.

Buying a doll in a dream has a negative meaning. A difficult life period is expected, filled with many problems that simply cannot be avoided. They will affect not only the financial sphere, but their health may also worsen. It is quite possible that the sleeper has not earned respect in society. People perceive him to be much worse than he really is.

Buying a doll in a dream has a negative meaning

A doll given in a dream is considered a symbol of fatigue. Life energy has already been exhausted, it is recommended to take a good rest, change the environment and retire for a while. Otherwise, health problems, job loss and conflicts in the family are possible.

Why do you dream about a living doll?

The appearance of a living doll in dreams promises serious problems. They can be connected both with the owner of the dreams himself and with his close circle. It is quite possible that the sleeper is simply trying to pretend to be more honest and noble than he is.

It is possible that soon a person will find himself in an unpleasant situation and become an object of ridicule. Your plans will fail.

The appearance of a living doll in dreams promises serious problems.

Such a dream has no less negative meaning for entrepreneurs. A new partner may turn out to be mean-spirited and harm an established business. A blow can also be expected from old, time-tested partners.

A talking toy indicates that in the near future you should be more careful about spending money. There may be thoughtless waste, as a result of which unnecessary, faulty things will be purchased. If this doll did not have an arm or leg, then the dream indicates the presence of problems in the body. It is worth seeing a doctor and undergoing a full examination.

Dolls in Miller's dream book

A well-known interpreter says that playing with a doll promises a happy family life and financial well-being. Just seeing toys is considered a harbinger of significant financial costs.

If you happen to dress up a doll in a dress, then the dream indicates that a person controls his own destiny. You just have to grow up a little and not expect help from others.

A toy that comes to life indicates that there are deceitful people around who are not posing as who they really are. A toy dressed in a wedding dress promises an early pregnancy and an acquaintance with a future life partner.

Why do you dream about toys (video)

The meaning of dreams in which dolls are present is most often positive. Even if the interpretation turned out to be negative, you should not despair. A dream is just a warning. If you pull yourself together in time and start acting, you can avoid unwanted consequences.

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Wanting to know his future, a person closely monitors everything that surrounds him: he lives according to signs, and also tries to interpret his dreams. Now I would like to talk about why dolls are dreamed of. After all, it would seem, on the one hand, this dream simply means longing for childhood, but there is also a deeper, different meaning.

So, what in general could a dream mean in which the sleeper saw a doll? This means quick cooperation, partnerships in business. It is important to remember that such a dream also promises excellent results from future transactions, so it is very important in reality not to miss your chance to improve your own financial condition.


If a person receives a doll as a gift in a dream, this may mean misunderstanding on the part of others, as well as loneliness. The doll in such a dream tries to replace everyone around him. If the sleeper goes to a store and buys a ceramic doll there (especially in packaging), this indicates that in life this person does not receive from his environment the due respect and attention that he rightfully deserves. Therefore, in reality you need to try hard to change this state of affairs.

A loss

Why do you dream about dolls? If a person gives his toy in a dream, this means that those around him in reality value and respect him very much. If the doll is simply given away as unnecessary, you should be wary, because all the bad deeds done by the person seeing this dream will be perceived too negatively by others in reality, and some people may even then incriminate the person. Gossip and unpleasant conversations behind your back from those close to you are also possible.

Be a doll

If a person is sleeping and understands that in the dream he is the doll, you need to take a close look at your surroundings in life. After all, all close people simply do not consider a person as an independent person, constantly trying to guide and direct the sleeping person at their own discretion.

Living doll

It is also important to understand why you dream about a living doll. In this case, it is important to remember what her face was like. If it is good, there is no need to be afraid, but if it is evil, then the sleeper needs to be afraid of what will soon happen in real life. After all, a person can be drawn into an adventure, which, unfortunately, will not end well at all. It is important to say that you should not underestimate the danger and you need to carefully look at any proposals, even the most harmless at first glance.


I would also like to talk about why Barbie dreams. A woman’s dream about a doll may indicate that she simply wants to return to the past, where everything was simple and carefree. If a young lady dreams of Barbie, this may mean empty fun, which may end in some problems. And the naked beauty doll says that a sleeping person in reality cannot trust anyone and open his soul, keeping his experiences to himself.

Games with a doll in a dream

When understanding why dolls are dreamed of, it is also important to fully remember the dream, taking into account even the most insignificant details at first glance. After all, they can tell you a lot. So, if a girl in a dream dresses up a doll in various beautiful outfits, this indicates that in reality no one appreciates the lady or pays due attention to her, and her beauty also remains unappreciated. If the sleeper combs the doll’s hair, this means that he will soon be initiated into a secret, which, however, he does not need at all and will only weigh on his mind and soul. If a man dreams of a large rubber doll, then this means that in his life he lacks thrills in the intimate sphere of life, and he is afraid to reveal his secret fantasies to the lady of his heart. It is also important whether one person plays with his doll in a dream, or in a group. In the first version, such a dream promises a single solution to one’s problems, an independent achievement of the intended goal. If the sleeping person plays with dolls in the company of friends or even strangers, this means that a huge number of well-wishers will help solve problems in reality.

Special dolls

Why do you dream about dolls? It is important to remember here that this is exactly what the toy was. For example, a dream about a voodoo doll is not a good sign. This means the beginning of a dark, difficult period of life. After such a dream, it is important to take a close look at your surroundings, because it is because of a loved one that some negative changes will occur in the life of the sleeper, and ordinary communication with him will not bring anything good either. If you dreamed of a broken doll, without a head or with torn clothes, this is also not a very good dream. You should expect deception or betrayal from a loved one. If a child breaks a doll in a dream, nothing particularly terrible will happen. The worst: too much spending or uninvited guests. Why do you dream about a child doll? A dream about a baby doll does not foretell anything bad; it means that the dreamer regrets the past time and is a little nostalgic about the past. However, in reality it is worth abandoning such actions, because living in the past, a person simply has no future. The matryoshka warns the sleeping person that he needs to be attentive to new friends, comrades and acquaintances. After all, some of them are a multifaceted person who only wants to benefit from communication for themselves, constantly changing masks and guises. Also, such a person can soon become a traitor and cause considerable damage to the life of the sleeping person if he does not get rid of such communication in time.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It is also interesting to consider what the Italian dream book says about what the doll is dreaming about. Thus, the author believes that such a dream of an adult only speaks of nostalgia for the past, especially for a carefree childhood. Also, in his opinion, this can indicate that a person is a puppet in the hands of others and he should change his pliable position.

Maly Velesov dream book

In this book you can read that the doll itself is a marvel. If you dream about a lot of them, it means having many children. If a toy is bought, the person becomes a leader in the work, maybe even a leader. If received as a gift - to profit or fulfillment of desires.

Eastern dream book

Eastern people say that seeing a doll in a dream is not good, it is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream could mean news of a loved one’s illness, deception from dear people, or even an unpleasant situation.

Esoteric dream book

On the pages of such a publication you can find the following interpretation: to see a doll - to receive real estate or something significant as a gift. If a person becomes a doll in a dream, you should be wary of losing your property.

Modern dream book

What does it mean for a woman to see a doll in a dream? According to the newest dream book, this promises a quick pregnancy for the lady, and a new love adventure for the man.

Dream book for the whole family

According to the interpretations of this source, seeing something like this in a dream means that the sleeper simply does not have the fortitude to resist others in defending his opinion; such a person very easily falls under the influence of others. This dream should be a signal that you need to get together and fight back against those people who brazenly apply pressure.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

If in a dream a person sees a voodoo doll pierced with needles, this means that the person sleeping in reality is controlled by other persons, constantly manipulating him. This may also mean that the new friend uses the connections of the sleeping person very well for himself, and for this purpose he becomes friends with him.

baby doll in a dream

In the dream book there are two meanings for the interpretation of sleep.
If you simply see a baby doll in your dream, then this promises unexpected expenses or the loss of something. More such losses are certainly associated with finances. You should also beware of any adventures and participation in dangerous activities. It is better to postpone concluding deals and carrying out important negotiations.
If in a dream you play with a baby doll, and the dream does not have a negative character, this portends you harmony in family relationships. For unmarried girls, such a dream foreshadows an inevitable meeting with their destiny.

what does it mean if the doll is a baby in a dream

If you decide to purchase a baby doll in a dream, this is a manifestation of your feeling of loneliness. This is where your status as a mother comes into play, since such a dream shows that you need a person who will need your care and affection.
A dream where you are playing with a baby doll indicates your vulnerability to public opinion. Don’t succumb to someone else’s provocation, don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.
Seeing an old, broken doll in a dream speaks of your inability to build relationships with people in real life and that is why you are so often disappointed in them.

baby doll in a dream

According to Tsvetkova’s dream book, a baby doll is interpreted as favorable events and delight in the near future. At the same time, it is important to remember that life is unpredictable, so you should not be dependent on what is happening around you.

dreamed of a baby doll

A woman dreams of a baby doll for her upcoming pregnancy.
A man is predicted to have an affair.

Why do you dream about a baby doll?

A dream in which you see a baby doll may mean the dreamer's sadness for children or childhood. Often such a dream speaks of an upcoming scam in your life or that you yourself may deceive someone. Try to avoid hypocritical people in your society

baby doll in a dream

A dream in which a baby doll appears speaks of frivolous affairs and deception in relationships.
If the doll has perfect features and it seems beautiful to you, it means short-lived success in business, a short-lived romance, a frivolous partner. Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter.
The baby doll represents the dreamer’s false ideas. Most likely, you are being deceived by someone from your society. We strongly advise you to take a closer look at your surroundings.