Petr Lavrovich Lavrov's attitude to the state. The main ideas of P.L’s work

Greetings! Do you believe in the energy of money? The fact that you first need to create a “wealth program” in your head, and only then look for a job or open a business?

Personally, in this regard, I consider myself a “loyal skeptic.” I don't believe in magic wand“draw pictures in your mind” format rich life“And you’ll wake up a millionaire.” 🙂

But I believe that the right thoughts really help you achieve a lot. Interesting fact: any “money” training increases your income by 10-50% within six months. After all, psychologists believe that a chain of three links leads to a result: thought – emotion – action. Exactly in that order!

Whatever one may say, you can’t do without a positive attitude. Especially in times of crisis! You can configure not only using . The easiest way to give your thoughts a “rich” direction is to study experience and recommendations successful people.

So, Rockefeller quotes, wise thoughts and character traits of the most famous billionaire in the world.

I think no one will argue that John Rockefeller is an “icon” of wealth. And although he lived in the last century, his thoughts about life, money and work are still relevant today.

Let me give you a couple of his quotes. You've probably heard some of them more than once.

About money and business

“I’d rather get 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than 100% of my own work.”

“You don’t have to be afraid of big expenses. Small incomes are much more dangerous.”

“The path to wealth lies only through passive income. This is when the receipt of money does not directly depend on your efforts.”

“Whoever works all day has no time to earn money.”

About character qualities

“The most important quality for any kind of success is persistence. It will help overcome even the laws of nature.”

“A successful person sometimes has to swim against the tide.”

“Everyone’s well-being depends only on their decisions.”

“Every disaster can be turned into an opportunity.”

About communication

“Without my wife’s advice, I would have remained poor.”

“Friendship through business is better than business through friendship.”

“Unsociable people almost never get rich.”

Nine Qualities That Made Rockefeller Rich

I didn’t pull the list of qualities out of thin air - John Rockefeller indicated them in his autobiography. By the way, some character traits surprised me.

  1. Determination and hard work. Obvious, right? I have studied hundreds of biographies of successful people. And I have never met anyone who would lie in bed until lunchtime. Or he only worked a couple of hours a day. Lazy millionaires do not exist in nature!
  2. Willingness to listen to the recommendations of smart people
  3. Habit is the cause of failure and success. Since childhood, Rockefeller wrote down all the results of his “commerce” in a notebook
  4. Kindness and love for people. Thanks to his philanthropic projects, the billionaire enjoyed great respect even among his competitors. Which, in turn, helped him earn even more. Let me remind you that Rockefeller donated huge sums to medical research, education and the church.
  5. Healthy lifestyle Until the end of his life, John remained a true ascetic and advocated complete cessation of smoking and alcohol.
  6. Family values. Rockefeller lived with his wife student years and until the end of his life, raising a son-heir and four daughters
  7. Modesty. Unlike others, Rockefeller never flaunted his own wealth
  8. Curiosity and healthy excitement. By excitement, I mean not being ready at any moment to spend two salaries in an online casino or invest them in. It's about not being afraid to try something new, constantly experimenting and looking for alternative sources of income. I was amazed that the future billionaire earned his first money at the age of 7: he dug potatoes for his neighbors and raised turkeys for sale.
  9. The ability to be in the right place at the right time

Everyone knows that most of Rockefeller made his fortune from oil. Moreover, at a time when no one had yet imagined the prospects of “black gold”. They said about oil that it was stinking dirt, the fashion for which would quickly pass.

I am sure that the skill of “keeping your nose to the wind” is much more important today than it was a hundred years ago! Have you noticed how many new things have appeared over the past 10-20 years? , YouTube, information business on the Internet, copywriting, social media, coaching, spiritual practices, training sites in English and hundreds of other niches in which people earn good money. Moreover, those who were the first to appreciate the prospects earn the most!

I am sure that at the beginning of the 21st century it is much easier to become rich than in late XIX...What quotes from successful people motivate you to succeed? Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with your friends on social networks!

John Davison Rockefeller is one of the richest people in the history of mankind. His fortune today would be equivalent to $310 billion. First world war brought the Rockefeller family $500 million in net profit. The Second World War turned out to be an even more profitable enterprise - tank and aircraft engines required gasoline, and it was produced at Rockefeller factories around the clock. The result was $2 billion in net profits earned during the war years. By the end of his life, Rockefeller, in addition to his shares in Standard Oil, owned 16 railroad and six steel companies, nine banks, six shipping companies, nine real estate firms and three orange groves.

Work less for someone else. The more you work not for yourself, the worse your life. Work comes from the word “slave”!

Save money. Look for where you can buy goods cheaper and in bulk.

The path to great wealth lies only through passive income! Income that comes to you regardless of your efforts. Create a source of passive income and live for your own pleasure!

A poor environment almost always drags you into poverty. Even very rich people will always have relatives, friends and other petitioners. Which, if you don’t fight them off professionally, will quickly deprive you of your money, goals and your dreams. If you are still a poor person, then most likely those around you simply do not like, do not respect, and some even hate the rich. You should always communicate with Optimists and Winners.

Poverty comes from avoiding responsibility. Don’t come up with excuses for yourself - why right now you can’t start moving towards your goal. You need to take responsibility and just start moving towards your goal, without excuses.

Study the biographies and thoughts of the richest people in the world.

Dreams are the most important thing in your life! Professionally turn your dreams into business programs and implement them to full effect! Each professionally developed program must contain the entire calculation until the most complete desired result. This is the only way dreams come true!

Help people unselfishly, from pure heart! But only those whom you yourself want to help. Donate 10% of profits to charity.

Create business systems and enjoy your earned money.

No one ever guesses who you will turn out to be in this life, but you should always know that you were born for something more.

Through perseverance, anything - right or wrong, good or bad - will be achieved.

It's not enough to just do the right thing, it's about letting people know you're doing the right thing.

Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

The path to happiness is based on 2 principles: find what interests you and what you can do well and put all your energy into it.

Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great.

When you hear a bootblack start talking about a stock, you know it's time to sell.

PS. Rockefeller's donations to charity during his life exceeded $500 million. Of these, the University of Chicago received about 80 million dollars, and at least 100 million - Baptist Church, of which he and his wife were parishioners. John Rockefeller also created and financed the New York Institute for Medical Research, the Council for Universal Education and the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefellers still exist. And today, members of this family influence the general mood of the American political establishment; there are many of their representatives among large law firms, lobbying firms, in the media, and military structures.

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