Why is it called Friday the 13th. From Paganism to Christianity

Why such a Friday is scary and how many times it occurs throughout the year is a question that worries quite a lot of people, especially the superstitious.

According to some, this combination of date and day of the week is unlucky. There are several such days throughout the year. What determines their number? How many unlucky Fridays can there be in a year and why is everyone afraid of them?

The combination of day of week and date occurs at least once a year, and a maximum of three times. There is no such likelihood that throughout the year, such a tandem will be absent from the calendar.

What determines the number of Friday the 13th in a year?

It all depends on whether the year is an ordinary year or a leap year. In order to calculate how many Friday the thirteenth there will be during the year, you need to take into account what day of the week the first day of the year falls on. For example. If the first day of the year is Monday, and the year is normal, then Friday the 13th will be in April and July. But if it is a leap year, it will be in September and December. Depending on the first day of the year and the type of year (regular or leap year), using the appropriate mathematical formula, you can calculate in which month there will be an “ominous” combination.

Genesis of the thirteenth

Apparently, the fear of the number thirteen stems from ancient Babylon. According to Babylonian laws, order in the world was based on the number of twelve: 12 months in a year, 12 hours of day and night, and 12 zodiac signs representing harmony. The appearance of the number thirteen destroyed everything. This number means chaos. It shifts the balance of the Universe. Even the ancient Egyptians felt fear of the number thirteen. Thirteen steps on the staircase leading to eternity, the thirteenth step symbolized death.

The number's fame reached ancient Rome because on the Ides of March ("ID" in the Roman calendar meant the thirteenth day of the month), one of the most famous Roman leaders, Julius Caesar, was stabbed to death. Whether the number 13 is a coincidence, and what kind of day Friday is, is up to you to decide.

Friday the 13th - superstition or reality?

The spread of evil forces dormant in the number thirteen owes much to the development of Christianity. We can say that the number is responsible for all the misfortunes that Christians have encountered.

It all started with the ill-fated last supper of Jesus Christ, in which thirteen people took part, including the well-known traitor Judas. Moreover, Christ was crucified on Friday. People combined Friday and the number to create a deadly duet, foreshadowing the apocalypse.

On Friday, October 13, 1307, the murder of the Templars took place, in collaboration with Christians and the then Pope Clement V.

Why is Friday the 13th dangerous?

This is truly a hellish number associated with Satan himself. It is not for nothing that the thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse refers to the Antichrist and the Monster. According to beliefs, Satan was the thirteenth member of the coven, in which twelve witches took part. Thirteen did not bring happiness to the head of the Roman Catholic Church. On May 13, 1981, an attempt was made on the life of John Paul II. It's a good thing it wasn't Friday, as it probably would have ended tragically. The sum of the digits of the date of his death, the sum of the digits of the time of his death, and the sum of the digits of his age when he died is thirteen.

Friday the 13th - what does this day mean?

The number 13 has both destructive power and great power of unification and harmonization.

Friday the thirteenth, according to pre-Christian beliefs, was the day of feminine energy and combined all the faces of the goddess - maiden, mother and destroyer.

The recognition of her as an unlucky day was caused by the fear of performing in honor of the goddess, through which, as it was believed, the old matriarchal order was supposed to be returned. Women on this day do not need to be afraid of failures; the goddess will help them discover their capabilities.

Phobias and reality

All the phobias against Friday the 13th seem absurd. Ultimately, Karol Wojtyła was elected pope at the age of 58 (5 + 8 = 13).

In the Old Testament, thirteen is indicated as the number of salvation. To this day, it brings good luck to South American Indians and Chinese. And yet people go crazy just thinking about the number 13, let alone Friday the 13th. Sailors are afraid to go to sea on the thirteenth day of the month; in some hotels there are no rooms under this number. The day became the starting point for a horror film of the same name. This is the day Jason began the bloodshed at Crystal Lake...

On this day, apparently, you should not start new things, sneeze or swim. The best thing is to stay at home and not get out of bed. But do not give in to this superstition, because to believe means to unconsciously provoke the occurrence of an expected failure. Four walls do not always provide security. Because even in a wooden church a brick can fall on your head.

In fact, Friday the 13th is the most ordinary day of the month, for some the happiest, for others not so much, which according to many coincidences and superstitions has acquired such a surreal meaning.

Friday the 13th is an unusual day, if only because there are a lot of signs and superstitions associated with it. In 2018, there are two such days – in April and July. Why Friday the 13th became such a “black” day in the calendar, and what signs and superstitions are associated with this day - read the material.

Felinologists (scientists who study cats) believe that black cats are indeed more connected to the other world and are more sensitive to the weather than other furry cats.

If we talk about today, then many people in the world are terrified of the number 13 in principle (even without reference to Friday). Moreover, entire countries can top this solid list! So, in the USA the 13th floor has been “abolished”, and there is no 13th row on airplanes. American financial reports are especially striking: according to them, losses from the fear of Friday the 13th amount to about $750 million. This is due to the fact that contracts are not concluded on this day, even if they are very profitable.

Signs and superstitions of Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th has always been distinguished by the fact that there are many signs and superstitions on this day. Even black cats, broken mirrors and spilled salt fade as this day approaches.

Therefore, it is believed that you should not borrow money on this day. Because any negativity and other bad emotions will be transmitted through money. In addition, it is believed that the subconscious is very sensitive on this day. And if you tell even close people about your dreams, you can deprive yourself of many vital forces.

You can't quarrel or conflict. It must be said that on this day all people are very emotional, so any minimal conflict will develop into a huge scandal.

Friday the 13th: all problems on this day take on special significance

It is also believed that on this day any long journey will be full of unpleasant surprises. Therefore, it is better to refrain from traveling.

Plants that were planted on Friday the 13th will not grow or bear fruit. It is highly discouraged to plan a wedding on this day. According to the sign, a marriage concluded on Friday the 13th will not be reliable and durable.

According to some scientists, it was on Friday the 13th that Eve ate the forbidden fruit and shared it with Adam. Other scholars have suggested that Cain killed his brother Abel on Friday the 13th. Third, that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day because of the crucifixion of Christ on Friday, and Judas, who betrayed him, was the 13th apostle. In addition, there are also opinions unrelated to the Holy Scriptures.

The ancient Romans considered “13” to be the number of death, destruction, and misfortune.

One of the most popular stories about Friday the 13th is the story of the Knights Templar. It was on this day in 1307 that Philip IV the Fair ordered the arrest of members of the order, not excluding their supreme leadership. This was followed by a trial accusing them of heresy and blasphemy. All members of the order were disbanded, and many Templars arrested in France were tortured and later executed, including by burning.

Being far from the first to associate some people with a special relationship with Friday the 13th, this story was perfectly described by Dan Brown in the novel “The Da Vinci Code”.

According to the most ancient belief, on Friday the 13th, 12 witches always flocked to the Sabbath, and at the height of the fun, when the full moon rose, Satan himself appeared on the thirteenth.

The most popular Friday the 13th story: the history of the Knights Templar

At the end of the 18th century, the superstition about Friday the 13th became so strongly entrenched in the minds of the British that the authorities decided to prove the absurdity of this sign. They built a ship called Friday, which began construction on Friday the 13th. It was also launched on Friday the 13th, and in front of the general public, again on Friday the 13th, the ship went out to the open sea. Since then, no one has seen “Friday” again: the ship and its crew went missing.

According to legend, to stay safe on Friday the 13th, you need to go to church

As surveys have shown, every 5 Europeans consider the number “13” to be an unfavorable number. In some countries, such as England, surgery is canceled on Friday the 13th because it is believed that the risk of failure doubles. Also on this day, people try not to make business meetings, weddings are cancelled, and many computer users consider Black Friday the most dangerous day in terms of virus attacks.


1) According to superstition, you cannot go on a trip on Friday the 13th, since such a road will be filled with not always pleasant surprises.

2) It is believed that many car accidents occur on this day, so drivers should be especially careful while driving.

3) It is believed that a plant that was planted on Friday the 13th will not grow or bear fruit.

4) For some people, the fear of Friday the 13th leads them to refuse hygiene: it is believed that even cutting nails is forbidden on this day.

6) It is believed that if a person’s funeral falls on this day, then it is possible that another person will die soon.

7) On this day, fun, drinking, delicious food, and laughter are prohibited. If you have fun on this day, misfortune may happen to you.

9) Do not enter into transactions on this day and do not make purchases, especially large ones.

10) To prevent the bad omens of Friday the 13th from coming true, according to popular beliefs, it is enough to simply go to church on this day.

October 13, 2017 falls on Friday. And, as you know, Friday the 13th- a special day on which various troubles can happen. Friday the 13th commonly called "Black Friday". This date has frightened people since ancient times, so Friday the 13th There are many signs and prohibitions associated with it.

Who's Afraid of Friday the 13th

There are people who are so afraid of this date that it is even considered a mental illness or at least a feature. This phobia has the difficult name “paraskevedekatriaphobia” or “friggatriskaidekaphobia” (fear of Friday the 13th) and is considered a special case of another similar disease - triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13).

What happened on Friday the 13th

The number 13 was considered unlucky even in the ancient world, and if this date fell on a Friday, then the unpleasant effect, according to people, was seriously increased. Thus, the ancient Jews believed that it was in Friday the 13th ancestress Eve tasted the forbidden fruit, egging her on it Adam, which had serious consequences for the entire human race.

In the Middle Ages it was in Friday the 13th- October 13, 1307 - by order of the French king Philip IV The Order of the Templars was defeated, and its members were subjected to severe torture and executed.

Here are some more tragic events that happened in Friday the 13th:

December 13, 1907 - the death of a British schooner "Thomas Lawson", named after the author of the book " Friday the 13th"(This is why English sailors do not like this date so much).

November 13, 1942 - a crushing defeat of the Allies in the naval battle with Japan at Guadalcanal, which even received the name “Battle of Friday the 13th».

October 13, 1972 - an Il-62 passenger plane crashed near Moscow, killing 174 people, which became the largest air disaster in the world at that time in terms of the number of victims. The causes of the tragedy have never been established.

January 13, 2012 - the Costa Concordia liner crashed with 4,200 people on board, about forty of them died.

Friday the 13th: folk signs and prohibitions

In the Middle Ages it was believed that it was in Friday the 13th 12 witches flock to the Sabbath, and Satan himself joins them on the thirteenth night of the full moon. This superstition is still alive.

Friday the 13th Doctors don’t like it very much, especially surgeons, so they try not to schedule planned operations on this date.

Due to the possibility of hacker attacks Friday the 13th Computer geeks don't like it either.

At all Friday the 13th It is considered an unlucky day for starting various important matters, financial transactions, travel, and especially weddings. It is believed that all undertakings on this day end in fiasco, and a family union concluded in Friday the 13th, will definitely fall apart, and with a scandal.

What else you can't do on Friday the 13th

According to superstitious people, on this day you should not do the following things unless absolutely necessary.

You should not go on a long trip unless absolutely necessary.

It is better not to drive on this day, since there is a high risk of accidents, and pedestrians need to be extremely careful.

You should not plant indoor or garden plants on this day; it is believed that they will not take root well.

It is believed that on this day you should not wash, cut your nails or dye your hair (as for the first point, we think that it can be followed only if you are not going to leave the house at all on this day).

You should not look for a new job or go to interviews on this day.

You should not perform complex medical procedures on this day if they are planned.

On Friday the 13th It's better not to plan a wedding.

On this day you should not enter into important transactions, or borrow or lend money.

Leaving work at Friday the 13th, better not look back.

But in fact - more positive, sense of humor, and Friday the 13th It will go like clockwork.

Is there anything to watch out for on Friday the 13th? It has long been established in our society that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, and this superstition has virtually a global scale. A bunch of horror films were filmed in honor of this day, and studies dedicated to this event are replete with the fact that the number of accidents increases on this day. But where did all this pressure come from?

Even in the era of pre-patriarchal times, Friday the 13th of the month was considered the day of the Mother Goddess. It was customary that on that day the creative feminine Goddess was worshiped, a piece of which is in all of us and respectfully observes the cycles of creation, death and rebirth.

This day was considered very powerful and was used to express, honor creativity and celebrate beauty, wisdom and nourish the soul.

Friday is also Venus Day, and as we know, Venus is the true embodiment of feminine energy. Her energy comes down to us at the end of the week to pass the days and remind us that it is important to rest, relax, play and enjoy, love. Even at the societal level, there is an expectation for the end of the week and the day of Venus, when we find ourselves in a relaxing energy.

Friday is the best day to feel the Venusian energies and focus on creativity, beauty and sensuality. Venusian energies also provide the impetus to tune into our receptive feminine energy to stimulate creativity and bring art, love, music, life and healing into the world. On this day, it is best for women to take care of themselves and have a day of beauty, relaxation, salon treatments and more.

The number 13 also has extremely strong feminine energy and is considered a number whose symbols are death and rebirth, creation, fertility and blood. This is because there are thirteen cycles of the moon each year, and the average woman also has the same number of cyclical renewal periods per year. If a woman's periods are in sync with the Moon's cycle, she will clear on the New Moon and ovulate on the Full Moon.

On average, the thirteenth falls precisely in the middle of the Moon cycle and becomes an intermediate point between the symbols of death and rebirth. Halfway between the New Moon, where the woman loses blood - this is death, and the Full Moon, where the woman ovulates - this is rebirth.

In pre-patriarchal times, when a woman bled, she was considered a symbol of divine and magical power. She was revered and respected by everyone for her embodiment of wisdom and ability to intuition and clairvoyance, they were at their peak at that moment.

When she was ovulating, she was considered at the height of power and was noted for her ability to receive, bear and create new life.

However, under patriarchy, women began to feel dirty when they had their periods, it was considered low and shameful and, at best, their amazing potential for creating and holding space for a new life was ignored. This attitude has undoubtedly contributed to the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.

The lunar calendar also consists of thirteen months, which also supports the number thirteen as a creative feminine force. The Moon is also the representative of feminine energies on Earth and helps us recognize and deal with our emotions and sensitivities. In astrology charts, the Moon is not only the ruler of our emotions, but also of our potential and how we want to express ourselves in life. In practice, for many people, the interpretation of their moon sign often brings more awareness than their sun sign, it is like knowing your shadow side, which you are not aware of, which hides the causes of many problems and their solutions. By highlighting Friday and the number thirteen as a whole, you can see that it is a truly powerful day for feminine energies and creativity.

Friday the 13th is often celebrated by women and pagan communities and people who live by the cycles of nature, and many rituals and spells are often dedicated to this day to make the most of this unique energy vein of nature. It also helped contribute to public fear, as it was an important day for many who worshiped the cycles of nature (often called witchcraft).

We all have feminine energy, a beginning, so Friday the 13th is not just for women. This is a day for everyone, good for honoring or tapping into the ability to create and receive energy from the world around us.

Now, let's look at this aspect from the point of view of numerology.
The number 13 has been considered unlucky since the Middle Ages, most likely due to its association with the number of people at the Last Supper. Friday is also considered unlucky because it was the day of the crucifixion. For superstitious people, this makes Friday the 13th a double bogey and therefore a particularly unlucky day. For the rationalists among us, the opposite is true, since they recognize that two minuses can make a plus.

Based on numerology, it can be considered a lucky day for some, a bad day for others and an average day for everyone. This is due to the fact that the effect of our individual cycles far exceeds any peripheral influences. So the question for you is which category will you end up in?

There are two different sets of influences that affect a person at any given time, internal and external. Numerology calls your internal forces your "personal cycles" and considers them much more powerful than any external energies. This is the main reason why numerologists usually do not consider any possible universal negative dates such as Friday the 13th, they are too small in relation to the individual.

The only people who suffer greatly from this superstitious date are those who suffer from the fear of Friday the 13th, a phobia and in my opinion it has even been given its name. These are people who undoubtedly live every Friday the 13th as a bad day - such is the power of self-fulfilling prophecies. For the rest of us, the experience of this day will not affect 99.9% of our personal cycles. Understanding where you are in your personal cycles can help you take advantage of positive forces and limit the potential impact of negative forces. As a human being, you carry forces and energies within you that influence how you live every moment of every day, and these forces are your working tools, so use them. And contrary to popular belief, you have a lot of control over them—it takes just as much effort to be unhappy as it does to be happy.
Therefore, you can find out what personal influences are at play on Friday the 13th or any other day. Take advantage of the knowledge you have and use it to your advantage.

Now, enjoy Friday the 13th and read a few little facts about this day.

The 13th day of the month is more likely to be a Friday than any other day of the week.
Each year has at least one and no more than three Friday the 13th.
Many people are born on Friday the 13th just like any other day, but there are slightly more people who die on Friday the 13th. The theory is that fear, with or without reason, can kill.

Friday the 13th is not an unlucky day. This is the day of the Goddess - a wonderful day to create and celebrate life. Our personal cycles are much stronger than external factors, even if they are negative. What about superstitions? People themselves attract bad things by constantly thinking in a negative way.
