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Where does envy come from and what ways can you fight it?

Envy has existed on earth since the beginning of time. Everyone has encountered this unpleasant feeling at least once in their life. All world religions talk about this vice and the fight against it; psychologists actively help fight envy. But it seems simply ineradicable. This vice has especially become the leading one among others with the advent of the Internet in our lives. We visit pages successful people, classmates and friends whose lives, it seems to us, turned out much more successfully than our own. And we would be happy for others, but no, a worm of envy settles in our souls and begins to eat away at us. It’s good when a person can switch to something, continue to live his life and enjoy what this life gives him. But more often something else happens - envy begins to eat a person from the inside, dissatisfaction with one’s life grows, everything becomes disliked, everything irritates, and in the person’s soul there is simply agony: “Why does my friend have a better life than me? Why am I worse?

This emotion, this feeling has a destructive effect on life, so you need to eradicate it in yourself as soon as you feel that you cannot be sincerely happy for someone.

Where does envy come from?

If we take from religious point sight, then envy is one of the great sins that makes a person unhappy. It is imposed on us evil spirits, oppressing our soul. Following envy comes pride, arrogance, anger, anger, discontent, grumbling, and painful selfishness. Life turns into a nightmare.

You can get rid of this vice only through sincere prayer, meditation and the understanding that everyone is equal before the Lord and he has something special in store for each of us.

Psychologists take a slightly different point of view and say that envy originates from our childhood, and, worst of all, it is imposed by our parents. How does this happen? Probably, each of us has heard the phrases from our parents: “But your friend/classmate studies better than you,” “Why don’t you play sports like your friend?”, “You see, your friend can draw, but you can’t,” and etc. Sound familiar? Of course, this is fundamentally wrong upbringing. A person grows up envious, complex and angry at the whole world. Is this what life is given to us for? The answer is obvious.

So what should we do with envy if it has settled in our soul?

Before you start fighting envy, you need to remember that there is no white, gray or black envy. Envy is a priori a negative vice, an emotion, a feeling that must be immediately eradicated in oneself so as not to poison life. We often hear the phrase: “I envy you with white envy that you have such good job" No! This can't be true. For a man, his successful career, work, love, one can only rejoice. Manipulations with the phrases “white envy” are just self-deception. Either joy for another or envy. There can be no shades here.

How to start being happy for others?

First, you must understand that you envy exactly what you see. For example, happy marriage girlfriends. You see joint photos of her and her husband, where they glow with happiness. In conversations with you, she praises her husband and talks about the love that burns between them. But it's not that simple. Every medal has two sides. This couple is not always in total happiness and absolute harmony. They just don't show off the hard times. family life. There is no such thing as endless happiness; you have to fight for it. Career growth girlfriend or boyfriend is very thorny and difficult. While she achieved a high position, a good salary, she had to go through not the best moments of her life. And so it is in everything. There is no happiness or success that you don’t have to fight for.

What should you do to get rid of envy?

As stated above - realize that you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg of someone else's success or happiness. For example, famous actresses they are forced to exhaust themselves with diets, they do not get enough sleep, they do not have the right to privacy, because they always risk getting caught by paparazzi cameras. Would you agree to such sacrifices? Compared to them, you free man for whom life is easier. It is popular stars who are regular clients of psychotherapists, because the laurels of their success are often difficult for them.

Envy can be transformed into motivation. Does your friend have a better figure? So why be jealous, buy a gym membership and go ahead to get a beautiful figure. Has your neighbor achieved high results in her profession? Who is stopping you from changing your unloved job and starting your life over? All problems (scientifically proven) are in our heads. There is no need to be afraid to start something that you have not done before. Man is an eternal child, he is always learning something. We were born and did not know how to walk. But in childhood, in that unconscious state, our sense of fear is dulled, so we take our first steps without fear, repeat words, which we then put into sentences, we learned to read and write. We came into this world absolutely defenseless; we once did everything for the first time. And so all our lives, we should not be afraid to take the first steps where we know nothing. There was a time when everything was for the first time. Our happiness depends only on us. No one will ring the doorbell and immediately give you the chair of the director of a successful company. You need to fight for it until you sweat. If you need it, of course.

Be grateful. The Universe loves it when we are grateful for everything it gives us. Yes, we are all different. Some people have better health, some are more beautiful, some have more talents. But this is not a reason to give up on yourself. Evaluate your life objectively. You have your own home, a job, a husband, healthy children, you have something to eat and drink. A trifle, tell me? Not at all. Look around you, how many people live below the poverty line, how many sick children there are around. And if you look at other continents. How do African children live? They don't even have water, they die from basic infections, they sleep under open air. But they, like every person on earth, are given life once. And they also want to live it happily. So, be grateful to the universe for everything you have, but don’t forget to move forward, conquering new heights.

Do charity work. It is not necessary to invest your entire budget to help someone in need; no one is demanding this. But giving something to someone who needs it awakens a feeling of happiness in our soul. In the fight against envy, many psychologists advise visiting orphanages. Spending time with children whom life has deprived of parental warmth, you will completely forget that your friend’s apartment has better repairs or a higher salary. Communication with those whose fate is more difficult than ours awakens light in our soul.

Treat yourself. Yes, yes! You heard right. Sometimes you need to pamper and delight yourself. Buy yourself what you have long wanted, do what you were afraid to do before. And after making a purchase, or maybe starting to go to the gym, don’t forget to praise yourself for your success. Master the art of small steps. When you move slowly towards your cherished goal, towards personal happiness. After all, happiness is not an end result, it is a path.

This is how you can easily and naturally get rid of envy. Learn to turn negative into positive, obstacle into opportunity. And remember - everything is for the better.

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As in many sacred texts, the Bhagavad Gita (an ancient Indian literary monument and source of Vedic wisdom) says that envy is one of the worst human vices. Envy prevents a person from developing spiritually; it “turns off” the mind. Refusal of envy is one of the conditions for achieving harmony, and now we will talk about how to deal with envy.

Do thoughts like: “Why do I earn so little?” often come into your head? Where is the justice?!” This is a fundamentally wrong attitude. You can't think it's unfair when your friend buys another new car, and you are mired in debt and saving on everything.

The world lives by its own laws, and it doesn’t owe you anything - remember this. Ask yourself the question: “Why do I have a roof over my head, but someone else doesn’t - where is the justice?” Focus on what you have and get rid of the idea that someone supposedly owes you something.

In many articles on how to deal with envy, you can find harmful advice like this: “Think about what you are better at than the object of envy!” or “Understand, not everything is so good in the life of the object of envy!” And you start thinking something like this: “My friend travels more often than me, but I have a better figure,” “My friend looks amazing, but her personal life is a complete nightmare.”

Understand that this way of thinking will not rid you of envy, but will only strengthen it. You do not extinguish this harmful feeling, but, on the contrary, add firewood. Make an effort, get rid of the “but” and just accept the fact that your friend travels more often than you, and your friend always looks beautiful.

Sounds very simple, doesn't it? But not everyone can enjoy success even loved one, if he is an object of envy. Nothing is impossible! Do the following exercise: as soon as you feel envy, imagine yourself in the place of the person you envy. Try to feel what he feels about success: how happy he is to live in new apartment or how happy he is to go to his favorite job! Do the exercise as often as possible and you will soon realize that the feeling of envy is gone.

Sometimes feelings of envy give rise to self-doubt in us. We feel like failures because things aren't going as well as someone else. Understand: you have work to do! Think about what qualities you envy and start developing them in yourself. But don't set a goal to become better than someone else. You are good on your own, and the only person you can reasonably compare yourself to is yourself. Try to be better than yesterday! Get started today! Watch a free webinar on the topic Vedic astrology and karma, make up yours natal chart. You can register

Worries that someone is superior to you in one area or another will go away if you put in a little effort. Compliment people you envy, even if it's difficult at first. Are you jealous of someone's determination? Tell this person, “I love how you set goals and achieve them! How do you do it? I would like to be able to do that!” You will get rid of negativity, please your interlocutor and, perhaps, receive valuable advice!

Answer the question: is what you envy really valuable? Perhaps you are so accustomed to experiencing this feeling towards others that you no longer realize that the object of envy will not bring you true happiness?

Realize that envy is a sign of low self-esteem and self-dislike. You don't have to be a copy of another person, you have a chance to go your own way and be responsible for your steps. Nothing and no one from the outside can make you happy - only you can do it! Happiness comes from within.

Once you start living with this attitude, you will feel incredible relief. Not only the feeling of envy will go away, but also other harmful emotions.

In order to consciously approach changes in your life, be it getting rid of envy or another destructive feeling, start with Vedic practices. Find time for meditation, read mantras. The most effective mantras are OUM (affects the Ajna chakra) and RAM (has a beneficial effect on the Manipura chakra).

Now you know how to deal with envy. Start putting these tips into practice and you will see how this unpleasant feeling gradually goes away.

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Envy is an irresistible passion to have what another has. In some cases, envy manifests itself as a desire for the other person to lose what they have. There are many objects of envy - beauty, material condition, health, happiness, success, love and much more.

An envious person limits his thinking to the framework of anger and negative motives. Such a person does not value his achievements and constantly compares himself with others. This causes dissatisfaction with one’s own life and a desire to be in the place of another person.

The Nature of Envy

The appearance of envy can be attributed to primitive society.

In those days, it was manifested by the desire to dominate and achieve great success. Men wanted to be the best at hunting. To do this, they tried to improve weapons or learn special techniques that helped in obtaining food.

If this failed, then measures were applied that made the leaders less successful. For example, a tool breaking down or being tripped during a hunt. From this it follows that envy is a constant problem in any society.

Envious people are always unhappy and unkind towards others.

Even if a person’s well-being is an order of magnitude higher than that of the object of envy. Such people may be jealous of buying a domestic car when there is a latest model jeep in the garage of his mansion.

They don't even think about how to deal with envy. This is a familiar state for them, which eats away from the inside for years.

Envy and its consequences.

This feeling harms not only the object of envy, but also the person who is immersed in this state. Such people do not find happiness in simple things.

An envious person is unlikely to become a leader among colleagues. Yes, he will simply be ignored, and he will never achieve career success.

To satisfy this feeling, they simply need everything at once. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression “black envy”. This feeling causes enormous harm to the envious person’s health.

Medical consequences of envy:
1. Anxiety.
2. Increased heart rate.
3. Nervous system disorders.
4. Insomnia.
5. Digestive problems.

Human health depends on the emotional state.

Psychologists consider envy a stress-producing emotion that requires professional counseling. Such consultations help people learn how to deal with envy and its consequences.

Envy factors
The occurrence of envy depends on external and internal factors.

Internal factors resonate with the characteristics and character of a person. Selfishness, narcissism and pride are traits of a person who easily succumbs to feelings of envy. External factors include proximity to the object of envy.

It is very difficult for such people to observe the successes and achievements of others. They constantly reproach themselves for their failure, stupidity and lack of success. Such people do not think about how to deal with envy.

There are also those who deliberately flaunt their achievements and, of their own free will, become objects of envy. They want attention and talk about their financial status, new acquisitions, successes in work or study, and much more.

Often such individuals are envious themselves, and in this way they compensate and improve their emotional state.

Or such a person had difficult times when he had to envy almost everyone. Such a person knows how to deal with envy. And boasting, in his case, is an example of struggle.

Types of envy

The concepts of “black envy” and “white envy” are very common. Black envy is considered the most dangerous and destructive. The object of such envy may be subject not only to psychological and emotional effects, but may also find themselves in a situation where there is a threat to their health.

A person with a feeling of black envy is ready for the most vile actions in order to deprive the object of his hatred of any things. Few people are informed about how to deal with envy of this nature.

White envy by its nature should express joy and happiness for another person. In the family circle, this can be called pride in achievements loved one. But how to understand this type of envy from an outsider? From strangers such envy should be regarded as the most ordinary.

It turns out that envy cannot be divided into white and black. This feeling needs to be eradicated. There is no such thing as white envy. This is simply a “cover” for people who want to veil their attitude towards the object of these emotions.

This question is relevant for almost all people who have thought about it and come to the conclusion that this feeling still visits them. The fight against envy begins with internal confrontation with this feeling. You need to tune in to a wave of positivity and happiness.

It is useful to do the following in the fight against envy:

1. Put yourself in the place of the object of envy. Every person's life has problems. Of course, this cannot always be noticed, but if you look closely at a person’s success, you can find many shortcomings. For example, a friend has an excellent, well-paid job. But she works day and night and hardly finds time for family and friends.

2. Direct your emotions to achieve your goal. There are situations when one person achieves great results than the other. This is not a reason for envy, but a reason for introspection and self-criticism.

3. Always be a busy person. If you fill your life with variety, you simply won’t have time to study other people.

Envy ruins the lives of many people. How to deal with envy? This question is always relevant. Envious people, without realizing it themselves, stop appreciating their achievements and the happiness they already have. This feeling destroys the psychological and physical health. Envy must be fought as the most dangerous disease.

Envy makes you feel bad. First, you experience a rush of blood to the brain, it literally “boils” with anger that someone got what you don’t have, you experience hatred, aggression, wish the other person harm, and only then you feel devastation, loss of strength, and disappointment. All this can be avoided by knowing how to deal with envy.

We are working on ourselves
First of all, having felt the beginning of the emergence of this harmful feeling, you need to learn to transform it into positive inclinations. Dealing with envy is a way to extract something productive from this phenomenon.

So, your friend bought a car and for some reason you are thinking about it while hooking up on the subway at rush hour. You begin to “wind up” yourself: they say that you are always less lucky in life than others, but this “spinner” gets everything into her own hands. Here you need to tell yourself “stop”: you just called a “twirlwind” a person who is your friend, with whom you have many common memories. Ask yourself, do you need a car? Maybe you don’t have a license and don’t know how to drive? And if you need a car, then why not take the path to achieving it?

This is the only way to defeat envy when it has already arisen. Either make the object of envy insignificant (“I don’t even need a car”), or direct your efforts towards achieving the object of envy (“It’s high time to find another job that will allow me to save up for a car”).

Exercises to improve self-esteem
There are also ways to eradicate envy as a phenomenon, but for this you need to work hard on yourself. At the same time, keep in mind that it is impossible to get rid of this feeling 100%, since envy is part of our human nature.

Repeat affirmations like this:
“I am who I am!”;
“I am unique, and I love myself this way!”;
“This is my life, I don’t want to compare it with anyone else!”

Think more often about what you have. You won't be annoyed by your friend's promotion if you enjoy your free schedule.
Think about those who don't have what you have. If you remember a friend who rents an apartment, you will not be angry with the one who bought a three-room apartment, because you have your own personal 20 m², which your first friend does not have.

When people envy you
At first glance, we take pleasure in the fact that we are the object of envy. If people envy you, it means you have achieved something that others cannot achieve. But we think about how to deal with the envy of others only when this negative aura around begins to really act destructively on our lives.

In order for them not to wish you harm, it will be enough to brag less about your achievements and share your joy only with trusted, less envious loved ones. Do not share your successes with those who in return wish you misfortune, otherwise it will really knock on your door, because thoughts are material.