Shelf for icons made of plywood drawings. How and from what to make a beautiful shelf for icons? Wall mount

IN Orthodox tradition It is customary to have at least one icon at home. And often there are much more of them and a special place is needed to store them. Church traditions It is recommended to hang icons on the eastern wall of the house or arrange the so-called “red corner” - a corner also oriented to the east. To install such a reduced copy of a church iconostasis, a special shelf is usually required.

Difficulties in making a shelf

There are no strict rules and requirements for arranging a shelf for a red corner, so you can safely try to make a corner wall shelf for icons with your own hands. However, a difficulty may arise in the fact that such shelves are usually decorated with intricate carvings and openwork balusters. But you can completely do without them or purchase ready-made parts from wood carvers. We will talk about how to make a simple shelf for icons with your own hands and the point that shows cutting out an ornament can be completely skipped.

Making a wooden shelf for icons

Of course, to make this, it is better to take planed wooden boards, since solid wood looks much more noble than, for example, chipboard. Moreover, our shelf is single-tiered, which means it is quite light, so there is no point in making it additionally lighter.

One can only welcome the increasing interest of contemporaries in religion and the church. Parents again bless the newlyweds with icons, grandmothers are presented with images of saints in silver frames, a baby’s sleep in the children’s room is protected by a hand-made image of a guardian angel. But it inevitably arises practical question: where and how to place the holy image without violating age-old traditions? Here we will be helped out by a do-it-yourself shelf for icons (goddess), made taking into account the size of the image.

There are no special instructions for making a shelf. Simple or decorated with carvings, it will be equally pleasing to God. According to the rules, the icon should be located in the eastern corner of the room. If this is not possible, then attach the shelf where there is space, but away from heating radiators and window openings, so that heat and drafts do not damage the material of the icon.

Preparatory work

The size of the images, and therefore the shelves for them, can be very different. Focus on the parameters of your icon. Here we show how to make a shelf for medium-sized icons 300x350x40 mm. To do this, we prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Solid pine board 15-20 mm thick, 150 mm wide.
  • Glued board for the bottom of the shelf, 15 mm thick, 210 mm wide.
  • Scraps of fiberboard and birch plywood for templates.
  • Emery cloth.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Drill and drill bits.
  • Milling table with bypass cutter with bearing.
  • Lathe. Of course, not everyone has such a serious item, but how can you make a shelf for icons without machined parts? They give a solemn accent to the entire product. You can turn these balusters in a workshop.
  • Metal meter ruler, pencil.

Making templates for shelf parts for icons

If you need to make several shelves, it is better to first draw and cut out templates from fiberboard. This is done like this:

  • We draw out the details of the sides, bottom, and sidewalls in full size on a sheet of fiberboard.
  • We cut them out with a jigsaw and bring them to the required dimensions with coarse sandpaper.
  • We mark holes on the templates for the screws on which we will assemble the product.
  • Using the fiberboard blanks, we draw templates on birch plywood 8-12 mm thick. Carefully cut out each stencil with a jigsaw at low speeds. Again we sand down the irregularities, achieving smoothness of the shapes, otherwise the cutter will repeat all the flaws on the main product. If you are confident in the accuracy of your hand, you can do without fiberboard by drawing the templates directly on the plywood. True, in case of an error, correcting a plywood stencil is much more difficult.
  • As a result, we get three templates: bottom, side and side.
  • Now we mark the holes. There will be 2 of them in the bottom, 3 in the side, 4 in the side. We drill all the holes with a 3 mm drill bit. They are needed to attach the template to the main workpiece.

Marking and cutting lumber according to templates

Place the template on the board and outline it with a pencil. We cut out the part along the lines with a jigsaw, leaving a small margin for milling. We screw the template to the resulting workpiece using self-tapping screws, using pre-drilled through holes.

We mill the workpiece according to a stencil on a milling table.

We cut out the sides and sides in the same order. In total, we make 6 elements for one shelf - 2 bottoms (top and bottom), 2 sides and 2 sides.

We turn out two decorative parts on a lathe, maintaining the same size so that the shelf for the icons with our own hands is level.

Now we grind out a round beam with a diameter of 15 mm and cut off six wooden cylinders 15 mm long from it. We take a three-millimeter drill and drill the cylinders through the center.

We sand all the parts of the shelf with sandpaper.

Assembling a shelf for icons

The holes in all parts are drilled according to templates. First of all, we screw the bottoms to the turned elements using self-tapping screws 41 mm long.

If all calculations are followed, when connecting the sides and bottoms, the screws will fall exactly into the middle of the ends of the bottoms.

We screw each side to the bottom using 3 wooden cylinders. To do this, insert self-tapping screws into the prepared holes from the bottom, put on the cylinders and screw the hardware into the side.

Cover the assembled product twice with drying oil. The tree will acquire a warm amber color and retain its natural beauty.

We attach the finished shelf to the corner with brackets. Now you can put the icon there. Turned parts will serve as a frame for the image.

However, the icon remains a window into another world. It would be extremely inappropriate to place paintings or posters with heroes of the vampire saga next to it. The decoration of the shrine can be fresh flowers, birch and willow branches. If we have decided to bring the image of God into our home, then we must treat it with due respect.

Just like several centuries ago, Orthodox houses decorated Christian icons . Previously, all the icons in the house were kept on the iconostasis, also called the red corner or shrine. IN modern apartments and in houses they try to place the iconostasis in such a way that it is in harmony with the room and interior in it.

To have space for icons special and beautiful, you can make corner shelves for icons with your own hands, this makes it possible to turn any idea into reality and put a piece of your own into the work souls.

With the help of modern materials and wood you can manufacture corner shelf for every taste. This shelf can be designed in completely different ways, antique or carved. In an icon shop or furniture store you can buy any shelf for icons, but if you really want something original and unique, then of course you need to do it yourself.

How to make a corner shelf?

Priests they say that the temple should always be open so that everyone who needs it can come to it. For believers, their home is their own small temple, where there are many shrines, and they take pride of place in the house.

What can be made from shelf:

  • Plywood;
  • Wood;
  • From plastic;
  • From metal.

Icon shelves can be single-tiered or multi-tiered. Icons for the iconostasis can be attached to the wall or placed on shelves. We will consider the option of making a wooden shelf, since this material is alive and has a certain energy.

Required Tools

To make a three-tier shelf for icons, you need to prepare a tool, as well as purchase a high-quality material:

  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Manual milling machine;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Screws or nails;
  • Screwdriver or hammer;
  • Glue for wood.

Stages of work

In order for the shelf to turn out beautiful and last a long time, everything must be done in a clear sequence, observing manufacturing technology.

  1. It is necessary to take measurements of the future shelf, to do this, measure the length, depth and width in the corner intended for the iconostasis. Making a shelf high 70 cm, on three sections.
  2. On a piece of paper you need to draw a 3-tier shelf, after which it will be possible to make a detailed drawing of it.
  3. Next you need to use a pencil transfer the drawing to wood or plywood. If the material dark color, then the pencil will not be noticeable, in this case it is better to use a construction knife. For convenience in the drawing you need to number all the details, then do the same with the already cut out components.
  4. Using a jigsaw cut out the components future iconostasis.
  5. If possible, you can use a hand router go around all the edges, then they will look much better more beautiful.
  6. To avoid unevenness and rolling pins, sandpaper should be sand the entire surface, but only in the direction of the fibers, then they will be smooth and beautiful.
  7. Nails or screws all parts are twisted among themselves. To make it more reliable, wood glue is also used.
  8. If desired, shelf covered with stain And varnish.
  9. Attach a corner shelf to the wall for icons you can use large screws, or using loops that are attached to the back wall of the shelf.

Good to know! For the reliability of the structure, it is necessary to glue the shelf parts together with a special universal PVA glue for wood, and additionally tighten them with screws.

Most often, a shelf for icons is made in three rows, with one main row - it is called deisis. In order for the iconostasis to be correct and to protect your home and yourself, it is necessary to place the icons in a certain sequences:

  1. Deisis - top row, in the middle of which they place an icon Jesus, By left side it is necessary to put an icon Holy Mother of God , and on the right is the icon John the Baptist. Further left is located Archangel Michael, and on the right Gabriel, also icons Petra And Pavel.
  2. Holiday icons should be placed in a row in the middle. Icons of famous and biggest Christian holidays, ideally there should be twelve.
  3. On the bottom shelf iconostasis there can be a variety of icons. The bottom shelf is usually called the local row, and the favorite icons of the residents of the house are placed on it.

Why is it worth making a corner shelf for icons?

Many centuries ago, icons were placed in huts in red corners. This angle was considered the most important place into the home, and none of the guests dared to approach it without the permission of the owners of the house. This corner in the house is still considered as an analogue of the altar, and it must be treated with respect. big in awe.

The corner for the icons must be placed on the very prominent place, and as soon as a person enters the room, he must see it. It is recommended to make a corner with icons in each room, but this is not necessary. There are some recommendations which you should adhere to when choosing a place for icons:

    1. The shelf cannot be placed about or in front of the TV.
    2. You shouldn’t hang icons on the wall, since they must have a specially designated place.
    3. The shelf needs to be made at such a height so as not to hit your head on it, and at the same time so that you can see all the icons without lifting your head - at eye level.

Advice! The height of the shelves should match the size of your icons, and maybe even a little more.

If you really decided on one's own to make a corner shelf for icons, then you should go to church and ask for a blessing, then your work will not only turn out beautiful, but the shelf will also carry special energy in your home. It's worth getting started exclusively V good mood and with prayers, as well as for cross stitch.

In the next video see photo selection of shelves for icons:

In all the homes of believers, icons occupy a special place. Most often, an iconostasis or a special shelf for icons is used to place them, which also contains other religious paraphernalia and symbols. Another option for using such shelves is storing literary books and magazines not only of a religious nature.

Where are the icons located?

Very often you see that the icon is located in some corner of the room. It is rational to use a corner shelf as a stand for these religious objects. This is the most inexpensive and convenient product that will easily fit into any interior. In addition, such a shelf will not take up useful space in the living room.

This piece of furniture can be easily purchased at any furniture store or ordered to be made according to an individual sketch. But you can also make a shelf for icons with your own hands without much difficulty or expense. To do this you will need a minimum of materials and special tools.

Store shelves

A corner shelf for icons, versions of which are on sale, is not particularly practical. Parts and fastening elements may not be of the highest quality. The complete set of this product from the store is sometimes not enough to carry out its high-quality installation. This leads to the need to purchase additional elements.

What to make a shelf for icons from

Having a small piece of chipboard, plywood or boards available, you can make a shelf at home. To do this, you will need a minimum of tools: a hacksaw, self-tapping screws, sandpaper and metal corners. Next, you need to decide on the dimensions and mark the drawing of the future product on the workpiece. After the workpiece is cut according to required sizes, its edges should be sanded until complete absence irregularities and nicks.

In accordance with the chosen design, the shelf can be decorated or painted depending on individual preferences. Its surface can be decorated with a colorful pattern or, if it is made of solid wood, with a carved design.

Shelf installation

Options for attaching a corner shelf can also be different.

For these purposes, you can use metal corners that are attached to the wall and at the same time to the outer surface of the product. To do this, it is best to use self-tapping screws 2/3 of the thickness of the workpiece. For a more durable attachment to the wall surface, it is best to use dowel nails.

During final installation, it is possible to manufacture hidden fasteners. To do this, you need to drill several holes of a certain size in the end part of the workpiece and place previously purchased grips in them. They will hold the shelf on mounts firmly fixed to the wall.

If free space allows, then more than one shelf for icons can be located in one corner. Their number depends on individual preferences, and sizes can also vary widely.

In any case, a home-made icon shelf will easily cope with its main function.

The Orthodox traditions of the Slavs involve the use of icons to decorate living spaces. This tradition means the desire of people to get closer to religion and to show deep respect for the church. Setting up a smaller copy of the iconostasis at home means placing icons and church objects on a special shelf. According to the canons of Orthodoxy, the shelf for icons is placed on the eastern wall or in a corner oriented to the east. At the same time, it is not recommended to place anything on it other than Orthodox paraphernalia.

Let's look at what a corner shelf for icons consists of and how to assemble it with your own hands.

Making a shelf for icons

In order to make a shelf with your own hands, you will need woodworking tools: a jigsaw, a milling cutter, a lathe, a drill.


  1. Board of any type of wood (from the list of construction lumber); thickness 15 mm.
  2. Pieces of chipboard, LDF or MDF of different sizes.
  3. PVA or any wood glue.
  4. Varnish or wax.
  5. Black, gilded, silver paints.

Accessories and hardware:

  • Carved slats, racks in the form of balusters.
  • Crucifix made of wood or metal.
  • Self-tapping screws with a length of 27 and 41 mm.
  • Plugs.
  • Loops.
  • Wall dowels.

Where to get carved elements?

Some custom-made elements (balusters, candlesticks or carved slats) can be made independently. The crucifix crowning the shelf should also be carved. All these elements are sold by craftsmen, woodworking enterprises, and can also be found in church shop. In addition to the specified details, a corner shelf for icons can have a back wall in the form of an iconostasis with carvings on a plant theme, birds, and figures of the holy apostles. The top of the shelf can be designed to resemble the outline of an Orthodox church.

How to make bas-reliefs and balusters with your own hands

They carve bas-reliefs and complex patterns with their own hands. To carve a crucifix, it is recommended to choose a suitable sketch. The wood used for carving is soft: juniper, pine, spruce, aspen, birch. A set of cutters is used as tools. On a solid board, 15 mm thick, using a paper sketch and transfer paper, we outline the outlines and main contours of the convex parts. Now we cut out the crucifix with a jigsaw. Using cutters we make concave elements. The carving is done in layers, carefully highlighting the internal corners with a thin cutter. After everything is ready, we take the finest abrasive mesh and sand the product, bringing it to perfection. If you have to make bas-reliefs in segments, you need to attach them to each other using an MDF sheet on the back side. We apply the resulting parts to the panel, outline the general outline, then cut out a margin along the edge (0.5 cm). We glue the parts of the decor close to each other, to the MDF sheet. Then carefully cut off the remains with a milling cutter or jigsaw. Sand the side with sandpaper.

Do-it-yourself balusters are made using a lathe. In the same way, products must be sanded after carving.

Manufacturing of parts

The shelf consists of several parts: side panels, racks, shelves, sides. We take a board 125*15 mm. We cut out templates from pieces of MDF or chipboard. It is not recommended to use plywood, as it needs finishing after cutting. The following parts are required: side panels (2 pieces), shelves, sides, fasteners.

First, we attach ready-made templates to the board. We form the part with a jigsaw. We process the edges with a milling cutter and sand with abrasive paper. We pre-mark the fastening holes with a pencil and drill them. We do the side panels in the same way. Assembly of the shelf begins after all the parts are ready and sanded. As a result, the shelf should be varnished.

Wall mount

The corner shelf is secured with dowels. First we attach the loops to the product. Then we attach the shelf to the wall and mark the mounting locations. Drill holes with a drill and screw in dowels.

How is the finished shelf attached?

Location requirements:

  • The shelf should hang at or above a person's eye level.
  • There should be no paintings or other decorative items near the icons.
  • When using candlesticks, there should be no flammable or combustible materials (fabrics, curtains, paper) nearby.

Additional decoration methods