The concept of Protestantism. Protestants: what do they believe and how to understand them? The Present State of Calvinism

Memos may have positive character , if it is necessary to highlight the work achievements of an employee of the organization, as well as negative, in order to punish the offender who caused offense, insult, assault or boorish behavior.

The document is compiled by an employee of the enterprise, including management, and is formed on the basis of an appeal to a person of higher position.

Reasons for registration may be related to complaints or reports on work performed. Often the reasons are offensive language at the enterprise during work, boorish actions that are taken into account with special attention when creating it.

Varieties and forms

According to the content they are divided into:

According to the addressee, the notes are:

  1. Internal: addresses issues related to unpleasant situations in production.
  2. External: intended for higher authorities.

Legislative framework

According to the law, various information of an official nature is not distinguished, so mention of the memorandum is not found in sections of the Labor Code and regulations. It is compared with an internal code used for the purpose of conveniently transmitting information to various officials of one enterprise, as well as explanatory or official notes.

According to the all-Russian classifier of management documentation, it has number 0286041.

Report - document, which provides proprietary information in comparison with other papers, is sent specifically to persons holding a high position, their representatives, heads of departments, and everyone who is authorized to take significant actions.

A memorandum differs from an official memorandum purpose. The first transmits information from a subordinate to the manager, the second informs employees of equal status. Another difference between official ones is that they do not belong to the all-Russian classifier of management activities, and therefore are issued in free form.

Compared to an explanatory report, it does not explain the event that happened to accuse or justify the employee’s actions, although both are intended for management. The documents imply encouraging management to take appropriate decisions on disciplinary violations. The notes are assigned an OKUD code and are compiled at the request of the boss.

A document on an employee’s behavior performs the main function of conveying information to a higher-ranking official, stimulating him to make an appropriate decision. With its help you can:

  • solve existing production, administrative or economic difficulties;
  • improve recommendations related to improving the production process;
  • convey ideas to the manager in accordance with by decision, often the employee expresses his disagreement;
  • explain your own opinion if it arises conflict situation between employees or with the head of the relevant department;
  • regularly provide reports on the activities of the enterprise;
  • complain about an employee who fails to follow the instructions of a manager;
  • deal with improper delegation of obligations;
  • notify the manager about violations of discipline by employees when performing work duties and work routines;
  • provide information regarding incidents that caused financial losses or physical harm;
  • present favorable information that requires a management response.

Classification and authorship

According to the facts, information addressed to the manager requires urgent decision-making. They are usually negative, but can be positive if the employee has performed well at work and management needs to be notified. Persons in higher positions take incentive measures towards the employee in material or other ways.

There are types related to:

  • violation of work order and discipline;
  • failure to fulfill or poor fulfillment of labor obligations;
  • allowing the use of offensive phrases by another employee, unacceptable behavior, provoking conflict situations;
  • work achievements worthy of awards.

Every official of the enterprise has the right to write notes reporting on the merits or demerits of employees. Often it is submitted by subordinates to the boss, observing the chain of command. He, in turn, decides to communicate information to the general director.

The head of a certain department, when drawing up a document, can address it general director . An employee has the opportunity to draw up a report directly to the head of the company, but before handing it over, it must be signed by the head of the department.

As an exception, papers of an informational nature are drawn up in the form complaints against the head of the department. The employee sends a note with complaints directly to the general director.

In registration it is necessary to comply mandatory requirements. Typically the document consists of three independent parts.

  1. Events, facts, reasons. Disclosure of the essence of the event.
  2. The compiler’s ideas regarding the current circumstances, what he proposes, what solutions he sees.
  3. Summing up and recommendations.

A memorandum is an official and business document, therefore, it is drawn up in accordance with the requirements established state standard No. 6.30-2003 on unified document systems, including organizational and administrative papers.

The design of an internal note consists of using an A4 sheet, while handwritten or printed text is allowed. There is no special form provided here. Be sure to indicate:

  • at the top, left and in the corner the name of the structural unit, data of the compiler;
  • on the right, above and in the corner the surname, first name, patronymic, position of the addressee;
  • the name of the official paper, using capital letters, placing it in the center of the sheet, sometimes it is placed in the left margin of the sheet, along the edge;
  • labeled with the date, month and year of signing, using Arabic numerals;
  • brief information about the content;
  • text from separate blocks.

The last line consists of the originator’s signature, as well as the surname, initials and position next to each other.

An external memorandum is considered outgoing official paper, compiled using the company’s letterhead. In addition to basic information, the document contains:

  • name, contact information about the compiler company;
  • number;
  • the name of the city where it was formed;
  • heading located under the title of the document, for example, “On violation of discipline.”

The requirements for the remaining elements - the name of this paper, information about the recipient, the text and signature of the originator - remain the same as when writing internal reports.


The bonus report has an incentive direction, in order to encourage a person higher in position to reward an employee for completed work duties or other merits.


The document represents an accusation of violation of labor order with its own design features, because it sets out the behavior of a certain employee who may be at risk of dismissal due to absence on work days.

The following points are important for proper paper formation:

  1. Absenteeism includes failure to appear at the place of performance labor activity more than three hours. When an employee is absent for less than the specified time, even for minutes, the violation will not be considered absenteeism, and the employee justifies the actions in the form of an explanatory note.
  2. To begin compiling, they receive from the offender an explanation in writing or other supporting documentation. The compiler indicates the listed papers in the report. As a result, it ends with demands to apply punishment to the offender or a request for mitigation.

Commercial department

General Director of Slava LLC

V.S. Lapin


from 03/11/2016

about absence from work

I hereby bring to the attention of management that yesterday, March 10, 2016, sales manager Ilya Sergeevich Klimov was not at the place of work duties throughout the entire work shift, namely from 10.00 to 19.00 hours.

Klimov I.S. did not provide information to confirm valid justifications for his action.

I ask you to take action against sales manager I.S. Klimov. disciplinary action.

Head of commercial department / Sovtsov / V.P. Sovtsov


Theft in the performance of official duties is considered a direct cause for termination of cooperation with the employee. The document is generated for the purpose of dismissing the guilty employee. Carrying out the procedure legally is accompanied by:

  • receiving a written request from an employee, where he admits to having committed an offense;
  • providing the necessary documentation confirming the actions taken.

Sometimes law enforcement agencies are involved in the case, which is why theft is serious offense.

Security department

To the Director of Rodnik LLC

Belov I.S.


from 06/07/2017

about theft of property

On June 1, 2017, at 16:40, the loader of the finished products warehouse, Nikolay Stepanovich Savelyev, tried to take a coffee machine out of the territory of Rodnik LLC. This fact was revealed by the head of the security service L.A. Gorkikh.

Savelyev N.S. could not explain this act, refusing to testify.

I ask you to appoint a commission and carry out an inventory of the warehouse where finished products are stored, and remove Nikolai Stepanovich Savelyev from work until the circumstances are clarified and the degree of his guilt is determined.

Head of the security department / signature / L.A. Gorkikh

Violation of discipline

The report is generated to convey information regarding labor violations and refers to internal documentation that does not go beyond the boundaries of a particular company. It must accurately describe the employee's violations, mentioning whether appropriate justifications are required from him or her.

Important points in design:

  • informational character without emotional statements, absolutely neutral style;
  • notifies the management of the enterprise, including going beyond its borders (certain registration conditions are accepted for each option).

The memorandum is drawn up for the reasons of transmitting information, expressing one's own disagreement, providing recommendations to the recipient, depending on the situation.

Supply department

General Director of Skala LLC

B.L. Voronov


from 08/07/2017

about violation of labor discipline

I would like to bring to your attention that on August 5, 2017, an employee of the supply department, Elena Mikhailovna Kudryashova, made a serious deviation from the labor procedure.

At the end of the lunch break, which ends at 13:00, Elena Mikhailovna did not return to her place of work and was not present at it until the end of the work shift, namely, until 17:00. Employee at at the moment did not present documents that could justify and explain her action.

In view of the gross violations of labor order, I submit my proposal to reprimand Elena Mikhailovna Kudryashova and enter the information into her personal card details.

Head of Supply Department / signature / A.L. Gradov

Failure by an employee to fulfill official duties

A memorandum of this nature allows notify the manager about failure to perform or improper performance of official functions by an employee, in accordance with professional duties.

The document ends with a request to take disciplinary action on the employee. It is permissible to apply punitive measures, recognizing them as justified.

Accounting department

General Director of Voskhod LLC

Kulikov V. A.


from 04/13/2017

about failure to fulfill official duties

Please take into account that an employee of the accounting department, Dragunina Katerina Petrovna, made a serious mistake when drawing up the quarterly report, according to the indicators of the previous quarter. Without checking the generated report, I submitted it to the tax service, and as a result, the tax inspector imposed a fine on the organization in the amount of 500 rubles.

Due to the violation, I demand that E.P. Dragunina a strict warning, followed by indicating it in her personal card, and also deprive the employee of a bonus payment in accordance with the amount of the penalty imposed by the tax authority.

Chief accountant / signature / S.I. Popova

Incorrect employee behavior

In order to provide information to management regarding the offensive actions of a certain employee towards another during the performance of work duties, an official document is generated and handed over to the boss. Management, according to the report received, is taking appropriate measures regarding the punishment of the perpetrator in order to prevent similar behavior in the future.

Production department

General Director of Pyramid LLC

Stolbovoy L.N.


from 06/07/2017

about inappropriate behavior of an employee

I would like to inform you that on June 06, 2016, technologist E.S. Zuev committed inappropriate actions towards the deputy head of the production department, Nina Vasilievna Klyueva. Zuev E.S. made tactless remarks about external image Klyuevoy N.V., adding obscene phrases of an offensive nature.

I would like to emphasize that this is not the first time that Evgeniy Semenovich Zuev, an employee of the production department, has used rude language when addressing other employees, while violating labor discipline and provoking conflict in the work team.

In this regard, I propose to conduct a meeting with E.S. Zuev. educational conversation and reprimand due to unacceptable behavior at the place of employment.

Head of production department / signature / Grishaev K.I.

Recipient's reactions

After receiving a document with information regarding the actions of a certain employee, the addressee, taking into account the listed events, applies appropriate measures.

The manager presents the intentions in the form of a resolution drawn up on the sheet where the text of the report is located. In accordance with the stated resolution, measures are being implemented in accordance with the decision taken.


The memorandum allows the head of the organization to keep abreast of events, interact with the work team and maintain labor discipline. The decision made by the head of the company regarding a certain official depends on competent and accurate registration.

The difference from the memo is presented in the video.

A memorandum is a document, containing a detailed explanation of some issue by the originator, this document is concluded by the conclusions of the originator. The memorandum is addressed to superiors, and can be formatted in different ways, and it can also have different contents.

Types of memos

There are memos different types. Among them are initiative, information and reporting. An initiative memorandum is drawn up with the goal of inducing the addressee to take some action. The information memo provides information about how the work is being done and should be written regularly. The reporting report informs the manager about the changes that have occurred in the organization.

Memo to an employee may be external or internal. An external memorandum is usually sent to a higher organization and written on a special sheet of paper. An internal memorandum is written on plain paper, and is written at the initiative of one of the employees.

How to prepare a memo for an employee?

There is a specific sample memo. So, in the top right corner you need to write the name, patronymic and surname of the recipient. Just below write your first name, middle name and last name.

In the middle of the document it says “ Memorandum" The memo for an employee consists of two parts. In the first part, you talk about what the employee you are complaining about did. Indicate what specific internal rules of the organization he violated, and what consequences his offense may cause.

The second part of the memo is devoted to how to deal with the guilty employee. Invite your boss to sort out the conflict, but do not write in an order form what needs to be done. Don't suggest punishing the employee. The leader himself will figure out how to influence him.

After writing, the document must be printed and signed, after which it can be sent personally to the director or sent by mail.

A memo is often drawn up regarding the absence of an employee from the workplace. If an employee was absent from the workplace for more than three hours, then he must give an explanation about this. If he cannot give an explanation, then a report is drawn up against him to management. For what can an employee be held liable? For failure to fulfill labor duties, for violation of labor discipline, violation of an employment contract.

If an employee missed work for a good reason, then a note is written about this and placed in the file. If the employee does not have good reasons, then such a memo can be considered grounds for disciplinary action. But if a month has passed since the employee violated discipline, then disciplinary action cannot be applied. The employee’s report takes into account how many times the violation was committed. If more than three times, then there is every reason for dismissal.

Memorandum sample:

What to do if one of the employees has no authority? If he does whatever he wants, fails to cope with his direct responsibilities? You can write a memo to such an employee, reporting his boorish behavior and insulting others, as well as failure to fulfill official duties or absenteeism. It is compiled according to samples of internal business document flow.

What is a memo for an employee?

A memo about an employee’s boorish behavior is a notification document, the purpose of which is to inform superiors about the inappropriate behavior of one of the employees, which does not fit within the permitted framework of corporate ethics or legislation.

There is also a memo about failure to fulfill official duties. This document informs that the employee does not comply with the requirements set out in the employment contract and internal labor regulations.

There is also a memo about absence from work. She informs management that the employee was absent or late for work. Absenteeism is defined as absence for more than 4 hours in a row or for the entire day or shift. Anything less than this time is late.

The note records the fact of inappropriate behavior. As a rule, the document contains a request to apply appropriate measures to the employee. If it is not filed, it will be difficult to hold such a person accountable.

How to write correctly: forms, samples, examples

The text of the report may be free. There is no single form. It is necessary to state the situation, describing as many details as possible. The main thing is that it contains all the necessary facts of violation and attributes of business document flow. The registration is done according to the GOST 6.30–2003 standard: a sheet of A4 paper, all the required details.

Boorish behavior, insulting employees and clients

The report on the rudeness of a particular employee must include the following parameters:

  • name of the addressee indicating the specific position, department and full name;
  • date and outgoing paper number (the document can be registered as internal mail of the organization);
  • text of the note;
  • date of compilation;
  • the applicant’s signature and its transcript indicating the position and department.

Failure to fulfill official duties

The memorandum of failure to fulfill official duties contains the following components:

  • addressee's name;
  • document title (centered);
  • the date when the paper was drawn up and the number;
  • the text of the note reflecting the list of duties that the employee does not perform properly and the consequences that occurred as a result;
  • proposals regarding the measure of responsibility that will be applied to the employee;
  • signature and position of the applicant.

Absenteeism and tardiness

The report on absenteeism or tardiness shall indicate:

  • the name of the department to which the employee (absent from work) belongs;
  • Full name of the manager and his position;
  • title;
  • text containing the fact and time period of absence from the workplace;
  • proposal for disciplinary action;
  • position of the server, his signature and transcript.

What are the consequences of memos for an employee?

The memo refers to internal correspondence. This is not a sentence or a guarantee of the application of punishment, but only the identification of violations. Management reviews the appeal and makes a conclusion as to whether it is justified to apply sanctions. The employee will definitely be given a chance to justify himself. They write an explanatory note. If the employer finds the excuse unsatisfactory, he will issue an order for disciplinary action. According to the law, this can be a reprimand, reprimand and dismissal.

Video: how to punish an employee

There are several types of memos that allow you to report to your superiors about certain employee misconduct. Each of them has its own requirements.