It is true that there is life after death. Is there life after death?! Scientific evidence

The article will tell you how to drink water correctly so as not to harm the body and give yourself health.

When the secretion of the stomach is diluted with water, the pancreas and liver should produce another portion of “enzymes” (a special secretion for high-quality digestion) with renewed vigor. This is quite energy-intensive for the body, because if this is not done, the food can rot and also decompose in the gastrointestinal tract, allowing toxins to be absorbed into the blood.

IMPORTANT: Constantly drinking cold water while eating can put too much stress on the gastrointestinal tract. This is why there is a feeling of heaviness, nausea, flatulence in the intestines, gastritis - in worst case. It is imperative to get rid of the habit of drinking water during digestion. Teach yourself to drink water before or after meals.

How long, minutes after eating, can you drink water, tea, coffee: health rules, tips. How long after you can drink water after eating chicken, meat, salad?

If you drink water before meals:

  • This is conducive to weight loss
  • Water clears the stomach of remaining food particles from the previous meal.
  • Water speeds up digestive processes
  • Dulls the feeling of hunger
  • Favors the fact that a person is satisfied with less food.

When is the best time to drink water:

  • Drink water before meals, preferably 20-15 minutes before
  • It is best to drink other drinks (juices, fresh juices, smoothies) 25-30 minutes before meals.
  • You should drink water after eating based on what exactly you ate (fruits and vegetables are digested quickly, but cereals, bread and meat are digested more slowly).
  • If the urge to drink water is very strong, just try rinsing your mouth.

FACT: Drinking cold water can contribute to weight gain because it retains food in the stomach. In addition, it does not remove the feeling of hunger.

Main rules:

  • You can drink water (not cold) 15 minutes before eating any food.
  • It is best to drink water (at any temperature) after eating 2-3 hours later (if the food was heavy, if light - 0.5-1 hour).

The best time to drink water, tea, coffee

The chemical composition of water is significantly different from tea and coffee. Such drinks have a completely different effect on a person, as they are able to saturate the body with essential substances. Any tea or coffee can bring changes to all systems of the body. They can also contain substances that are beneficial and harmful to humans.

Tea and coffee differ from water in that such drinks can be called a “full meal,” but only a “liquid” one. That is why make it a habit to drink hot drinks 20-30 minutes before meals and at least half an hour after meals. You can drink tea or coffee after meals earlier than water only because these drinks are hot, and therefore can help in the digestion of food, and not slow down the whole process.

Is it right to drink water: warm or cold?

IMPORTANT: As already mentioned, drink cold water– harmful to the digestive tract. While drinking water at body temperature or room temperature is very beneficial.

  • Start your day with a glass of warm water - it improves your body's metabolism and helps you lose weight.
  • Warm water, drunk on an empty stomach, removes toxins from the body.
  • You can improve the taste of warm water (many people cannot drink it) with a slice of lemon.
  • Warm or barely hot water may prevent constipation
  • Eliminates dehydration
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Prevents skin aging

Video: “How to drink water correctly?”

Delicious and aromatic coffee, which adults so often drink in the morning during breakfast, will sooner or later attract the attention of any child. It is quite possible that such interest will arise quite early, and the baby will persistently demand to pour him delicious-smelling coffee instead of the usual juice or milk. At what age can a child be given coffee and will it cause any harm?

In most cases, parents allow the child to try only a little coffee, which has been previously diluted with milk or cream. However, parents often refrain from drinking coffee again with their children. This is due to a banal ignorance of the answer to the question: at what age and in what quantities can you start offering coffee and coffee-containing drinks to your baby?

What do we know about the benefits of coffee?

Coffee is a specific product that is actively in demand and popular all over the world. Its miraculous properties can increase motor and brain activity. It also saturates the body with a number of useful microelements and vitamins A, B, D.

Coffee can be quite beneficial for a child, since it contains iodine, calcium, and magnesium, which take an active part in the development and growth of the baby. But does coffee have as beneficial an effect as it does for an adult body?

Real beans and properly prepared coffee have the following beneficial properties:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves brain function;
  • has an energetic effect;
  • speeds up the awakening process;
  • increases attention and concentration;
  • facilitates memorization;
  • reduces fatigue;
  • physically stimulates;
  • improves mood;
  • allows the stomach and intestines to work better;
  • protects the body from harmful influences environment due to the high content of antioxidants;
  • reduces the harmfulness of radiation exposure;
  • affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for breathing. Thanks to this effect, coffee alleviates asthma;
  • improves mood and improves well-being.

But excessive coffee consumption leads to the fact that everything positive qualities lose their properties and the drink becomes more harmful than beneficial. If you allow a child to abuse coffee in large quantities, catastrophic consequences can occur, manifested in insomnia and periodic tachycardia.

Children and coffee: how to give the drink correctly and at what age is it allowed to drink it?

The optimal age to allow your child to drink coffee regularly is 14-16 years old 1-2 cups of coffee per day. At this age, the body is strong enough and already formed to normally absorb caffeine without potential harm.

If a child demands to drink coffee, then you can be allowed to drink no more than 1 cup per day, starting from the age of 10. In this case, the strength of the drink should be kept to a minimum. If possible, it is necessary to dilute coffee with milk (1 to 1), cream, and condensed milk. Parents who fundamentally do not want to give their baby coffee can use cocoa.

How to start giving coffee? If a child expresses a desire to try a drink from your mug, then do not refuse him. Make sure there is enough sugar in the drink. Often, after the first try, children are dissatisfied with the taste of the drink and simply refuse it, since the coffee turns out to be overly bitter.

What coffee should I avoid?

  1. You should not start testing with instant coffee. It is not suitable for use by children. For adults, it also does not provide any benefit, since it is made on a synthetic basis and contains virtually no substances beneficial to the body. Compared to a drink made from grains, it lacks useful substances: acids and vitamins. Instant coffee is simply a cheaper product that can only invigorate you for a short time and drive away drowsiness. The composition is not enriched with vitamins. Powdered, granulated coffee varieties are of purely unnatural origin and contain absolutely no useful microelements and minerals.
  2. It is also advisable to avoid decaffeinated coffee. This type of “coffee” can cause the most unpredictable reactions in the body, ranging from allergic reactions and ending with a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Instant coffee bags are low quality caffeine-containing powder. This drink is dominated by dyes and preservatives with a small content of tonic. With regular consumption of such coffee, a child may develop various problems with stomach and teeth.

Possible consequences after drinking coffee

Even a weak drink can provoke a number of unpleasant consequences. The child may feel:

  • Nausea;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Headache;
  • Vomiting;
  • Tremor in the body;
  • Temperature changes.

All this can happen unexpectedly for parents. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for such a situation and, if you have one of the above symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

If symptoms occur, we can talk about individual intolerance to the coffee drink or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

The second morning snack is the ideal time to take a coffee-containing drink. Giving coffee in the late afternoon is not worth it, because the baby may suffer from insomnia or even disrupt his usual sleep pattern.

Negative effects of caffeine on children's bodies

The harm of caffeine to a child’s body is quite high; it affects several systems at once.

  1. First of all, coffee negatively affects the child’s nervous system. Due to caffeine consumption, children often experience increased activity followed by a loss of energy. But very often parents confuse the effects of caffeine with completely different symptoms. For example, a child may be hyperactive or absent-minded. If the child’s condition causes serious concern, it is better to consult a doctor for examination. But first of all, you should take care of your baby’s diet. Not only coffee should be excluded from it, but also frequent consumption of carbonated drinks, and energy drinks, which teenagers like so much, should be completely prohibited.
  2. Coffee is addictive. This is due to the fact that the drink actively stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. That is why, in the case of frequent consumption of coffee, a person experiences a surge of strength, emotional uplift and vigor. Children accustomed to coffee, having excluded coffee from their diet, are able to feel a strong desire for a new dose of caffeine. Without receiving one, they can become depressed and feel depressed, depressed mood, loss of strength, irritability, and fatigue appear. Very often, teenagers try to replace the missing coffee with another and more dangerous addiction, such as smoking or drinking low-alcohol drinks.
  3. In children, as well as in adolescents, coffee is also addictive. After drinking the drink, the child may feel cheerfulness, increased mental and physical activity. The danger lies in the fact that after such a surge of strength, relaxation occurs in the nervous system and the child’s entire body, which can lead to: hysteria, depression, tearfulness and capriciousness, absent-mindedness, hysterical laughter. So, the child wastes his supply vitality given for one day - in a few hours. Coffee activates it and makes it work extra energetically, which leads to loss of strength.
  4. Coffee is fraught with another unpleasant fact: the drink removes calcium, and as you know, calcium is very important for the maturing body. This threatens problems in bone formation and deterioration of heart function.
  5. Coffee affects the functioning of the heart, increasing the frequency of contractions, which is already higher in children than in adults. Because of this, drinking coffee at an early age can negatively affect the cardiovascular system.
  6. A child may suffer from hormonal problems during puberty. The insidious drink makes its contribution here too. During growing up and the formation of the reproductive system, a teenager may experience physiological abnormalities in the form of memory impairment and increased nervous excitability.
  7. Coffee is also distinguished by its diuretic properties. This can also affect the child’s health, because minerals - zinc, calcium, phosphorus - are washed out along with urine during frequent urination.


Drinking coffee and other coffee-containing drinks is not recommended if:

  1. Peptic ulcer disease.
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Kidney diseases.
  5. Enuresis.
  6. Vision problems.
  7. Tuberculosis.
  8. Insomnia.
  • It is best to prepare the drink from lightly or medium roasted beans or from ground coffee;
  • You should not use heavily roasted coffee for the drink you offer your teenager, as its beans have additional bitterness;
  • It is not recommended to prepare a drink from green coffee for a child, since its effect on the nervous system is more pronounced;
  • Serve brewed coffee with milk to reduce negative impact on the stomach;
  • When you offer your child coffee for the first time, carefully observe his body’s reaction to a previously unfamiliar product. If the child develops nausea, trembling of the limbs, severe pallor, rapid breathing, headache or other negative symptoms, contact your pediatrician immediately. Such a reaction may indicate the presence of individual intolerance or hidden diseases;
  • Coffee is not the best option breakfast drink. You should not give it after dinner either. Best time for an invigorating drink - a morning snack;
  • If a child under 14-16 years of age is interested in coffee and constantly asks to try it, offer him a drink made from chicory or coffee made from barley. These are harmless options for drinks with a taste similar to natural coffee and without caffeine;
  • Even if you purchased decaffeinated coffee, this does not mean that you can give it to your child in unlimited quantities. It contains many other active components, which are also very undesirable for the child’s body.

Facts about caffeine

Before giving children coffee, it will be useful for parents to know a few interesting facts about its main component - caffeine:

  • 100 ml of natural coffee without milk and sugar (approximate dosage of a regular children's cup) contains 60 mg of caffeine;
  • caffeine begins to harm the child’s body in excessive dosages, namely: if the child consumed more than 2.5 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight per day;
  • based on simple calculations, a child weighing 20 kg, of course, can safely receive up to 50 mg of caffeine per day (this amount is contained in approximately 80 ml of coffee);
  • however, caffeine is not eliminated from the child’s body for a very long time, having the ability to accumulate in various organs: accordingly, if you give a child this 80 ml of coffee every day, every day there will be more and more caffeine in his body, which will invariably lead to the most dire consequences for his health;
  • In addition, parents should take into account one more fact: the child can get the same 50 mg of caffeine from other products that he consumes almost every day - from 380 ml of Coca-Cola, 200 ml of black tea, 200 grams of milk chocolate (70 grams of dark ).

From the forum

guestz: caffeine is not eliminated from a child’s body at all until a certain age; I would not give coffee, tea, or this poison Nesquik at all. These are all artificial stimulants for vigor. Why does the child need them?

Espoir: Large doses of this substance adversely affect the child’s nervous system: at first they excite and cause insomnia, and then deplete the nerve cells, which is why the baby becomes lethargic, drowsy, and quickly gets tired. Caffeine speeds up breathing, increases the load on the heart, causing it to beat at an increased rate, on the kidneys, increasing urine output, and stimulates excess secretion of gastric juice. It turns out that by accustoming your child to an “invigorating” drink, you, without knowing it, forced the growing body to work for wear!”

Mikl_Strelok: Under no circumstances should you give your children instant coffee. But natural is possible if they are not allergic to caffeine. As a child, I was poured coffee along with all family members. Naturally, the dose of coffee only needs to be calculated in proportion to the weight. My offspring, for example, weighs 30 kg. So I pour him half a shot of espresso in the morning and dilute it with milk.

Marina: I don't think it's worth it. Many children love coffee, so in kindergartens, for example, they often give chicory. Of course, this is not coffee, but it is similar and at the same time healthy. I buy chicory powder and boil it with milk - the children drink it with pleasure.

Julia: But why feed a child this chemical, it’s better to give her compote, it will be more beneficial. Coffee is harmful for an adult, but here is a baby! As far as I know, children under the age of eight should not drink coffee at all! It's harmful. Better offer cocoa, it will be healthier.


Of course, coffee is not poisonous to a child’s body. But it is better not to give it at an early age and not to overdo it during the formation of the body. Maximum the right decision the child will be treated to coffee after 15-16 years, when the psyche and nervous system are fully formed. It is worth making a choice whether to give your child coffee based on his individual characteristics. Sometimes, a small cup of a very weak drink can only slightly cheer up a child and improve his mood on a cloudy morning.

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

I told you how to gradually and smoothly get rid of caffeine addiction and stop drinking liters of coffee. If, thank God, you don’t have such an addiction and never have, then you don’t have to completely give up coffee. You just need to know and understand what kind of coffee can you drink, and which is absolutely not allowed; What time of day is best to drink coffee?; and I will also tell you terrible secret about the invigorating properties of coffee: does coffee really invigorate, or is it a myth? In general, after reading this article you will know how to choose the right coffee, learn to identify good coffee from bad, and also find out what type of coffee is preferable to drink.

Coffee bean structure

I'll start my story about coffee a little from afar. To understand why coffee needs to be treated the way I will describe below, you first need to know what is inside the coffee bean, which is where the legs “grow”.

The coffee bean consists of two shells: outer and inner. The outer shell contains the alkaloid caffeine, and the inner shell contains the alkaloid theobromine.

Whole bean coffee

If we drink coffee made from whole grains (whole bean coffee/freshly ground coffee), then the drink contains two alkaloids. Caffeine starts working immediately and lasts for 20-25 minutes.

Effect of caffeine:

- constricts the blood vessels of all organs, and on the contrary expands the kidneys;

- blood pressure increases in all organs;

— renal blood flow improves (hence the diuretic effect of coffee).

After 25 minutes, the effect of caffeine wears off and theobromine begins to act.

Action of theobromine:

- dilates all organ vessels, and constricts renal vessels;

- blood pressure decreases;

- renal blood flow worsens (hence, nagging pain in the kidneys is possible)

The theobromine phase lasts for 60 minutes.

It is because of this effect of theobromine that in decent establishments they always bring a cup of water with a cup of coffee. Drinking water after 20-25 minutes helps the kidneys not enter into a state of impaired blood flow.

This concerns whole grain coffee and its effect on the body, and now we move on to the popular and cheaper version of coffee - instant coffee.

Instant coffee

When making instant/granulated coffee, the outer shell of the coffee bean is removed (it is used for the production of medicinal caffeine-containing drugs and caffeine-based fat burners) and only the inner shell, theobromine, is left. The outer shell, as we remember, is caffeine itself, the actions of which are known to us (see above). It turns out that when you buy instant coffee, you are buying caffeine-free coffee, which practically completely lacks the first caffeine phase (which causes the “pick up”), and the second theobromine phase immediately takes effect. To be precise, the caffeine content in instant coffee does not exceed 6-7%, which is almost the same as in regular coffee.

Have you ever noticed that after drinking instant coffee, it’s not that you don’t feel any vigor, but on the contrary, you want to go to sleep? Personally, I used to calmly drink instant coffee at night and could easily fall asleep within 15 minutes, and it did not affect my sleep in any way. And all because the invigorating effect of coffee can only be obtained from coffee in which the outer shell - caffeine - has not been removed. But even here you need to remember that even after such whole coffee, after 20-25 minutes the theobromine phase will STILL occur, which you can partially neutralize with water, and nothing else. Therefore, remember the golden rule:



If you drank two cups of coffee, then after 20 minutes you drink four cups of water, etc. And those extra cups are not part of your daily water requirement. You can calculate the daily water requirement using the following formula:

Your weight in kg x 50 ml of water

For example, if you weigh 50 kg, then your norm will be: 50 x 50 = 2.5 liters of water per day.

But let's get back to our coffee. Due to the fact that many people rush to work in the morning and literally drink their coffee on the go, they simply do not have time to remember to drink an additional two glasses of water, so I do not recommend drinking coffee in the morning to anyone. Yes, and in general your body asks not for coffee in the morning, but ordinary WATER, so don't upset him in the morning.

Why water and not coffee?

The role of water in our body is colossal, and I will not repeat school material and to say what percentage of a person consists of water, I think everyone already knows this. But few people know that you need to start your morning not with coffee or tea, but with a glass of raw water. It's water, not a cup aromatic coffee in the morning on an empty stomach helps our body wake up and properly start all the metabolic processes inside.
Water speeds up metabolism for the ENTIRE day, and coffee (and then only when consumed correctly and only whole bean coffee) – for only a couple of hours. In the morning, all the cells of our body are dehydrated, since we have not received water for 7-8 hours, and when in the morning we do not meet the needs of our body and cells, then what kind of high metabolism and weight loss can we talk about? All processes proceed very slowly, the process of fat oxidation is completely stopped, and all this is due to a lack of water balance in the body. Therefore, make a rule for yourself: get up, brush your teeth, wash your face and drink one glass of clean, unboiled water, this way you will activate the normal functioning of your body and help boost your metabolism.

 For reference

You should not be afraid of swelling from water; swelling is not due to water, but, on the contrary, due to its lack in the body. When the body is dehydrated (and coffee, as we know, is a strong diuretic), then all cells of the body begin to intensively store water from various sources, causing swelling. That is why, in order to lose weight and not swell, you need to drink a lot of water.

Now, let's find out what kind of coffee you can drink without harm to your health.

Which coffee should you choose?

Instant coffee is a favorite of many, primarily because of its accessibility and ease of use: pour it into a cup, pour boiling water over it - and the coffee is ready, this makes it very popular and the most purchased, but I want to warn you against drinking instant coffee.

Instant coffee is not only a decaf drink, devoid of all invigorating properties, but also a real POISON! It has been proven that instant/granulated/powdered coffee has carcinogenic properties and leads to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, etc.). In the production of instant coffee, the cheapest Robusta variety is used; it is significantly worse than the expensive Arbica variety in both taste and aroma. For example, the world leader in the coffee market, Nescafe, does not even hide the fact that they use only robusta when producing their instant coffee. But this is not the worst thing about instant coffee; the cheap variety is just “flowers”. The “berries” include phosphates (toxic compounds) and other artificial additives. Phosphates are added to coffee to enhance extraction, dyes to obtain a rich coffee color, and flavorings to give a more concentrated coffee aroma. You may not find all this on the packaging, since modern quality control is very “not very good”, and manufacturers indicate on the packaging only what they consider necessary.

Especially manufacturers often hide the presence of phosphates in their products, which lead to the leaching of calcium from the body, as well as to ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer. This compound is quite toxic; it is widely used not only in coffee, but also in the chemical industry (powders, detergents, etc.).

But this does not mean now that you cannot drink coffee. I will make you happy: you can drink coffee if you do it without fanaticism and correctly. So, what coffee to choose?

Coffee you can drink without risk to your health - This is natural beans or ground coffee of low roasting degree (1-3). This coffee is absolutely safe as long as you remember the “+2 glasses of water” rule. It is better to drink coffee during the day, rather than immediately after waking up. As for coffee and training, the situation is as follows.

Coffee and sports

Coffee before workout

Everyone probably knows about the fat-burning properties of coffee. I often see guys and girls at the bar in a fitness club drinking coffee before and after a workout. It goes a long way – many fat burners are caffeine-based. But is caffeine really capable of activating the fat burning process or is it all just stories?


There is not a single scientific research, which would confirm that coffee can burn fat deposits. Yes, coffee can increase metabolism by increasing body temperature, increasing blood pressure and increasing heart rate, but it CANNOT burn fat directly! The weight-loss and fat-burning properties of coffee are associated precisely with.

And people think that a cup of coffee before training will help burn fat, so some drink not even one serving, but two or three at once. It is pointless to do this!


They also drink coffee in order to cheer up before training after a hard day at work or, on the contrary, to wake up (those who train in the morning). But we already know that the invigorating effect of coffee lasts a maximum of half an hour, after which a completely opposite process occurs. Moreover, during these first half an hour, it is your nervous system that is “excited,” but not your body. What is happening to your body? When you drink a cup of coffee, your central nervous system is activated and your muscles, on the contrary, relax. It turns out that you seem to be full of strength and energy, ready to break all records (as your brain tells you), but less than half an hour passes and your muscles are in non-combat readiness, working only at 50-70% of their capabilities. This leads to the following conclusion: Drinking coffee before training is NOT EFFECTIVE either in terms of fat burning or in terms of additional energy.

 Exceptions to the rules

If you do HIIT and your workouts last no more than 30 minutes, you can drink a cup of water before your workout. natural whole grain coffee.

Coffee after workout

As for the question of whether to drink coffee after a workout or not, everything is clear - NO. While drinking coffee before your workouts is possible in principle, if your training is short and intense, then drinking coffee after your workout is not recommended for anyone.

Coffee blocks protein from reaching muscles for repair, and also prevents growth hormone, which is released during and after exercise, from performing its fat-burning functions. It turns out that by drinking a cup of coffee after a workout, even if it is natural, you yourself stop the process of fat burning in the body.

This concludes my story about coffee, and I hope that this article was useful to you. At least now you know exactly how coffee acts on the body and through what mechanisms this happens; how to choose coffee, and what degree of roasting it should be; what kind of coffee is good, and which one is not worth using at all. Well, most importantly, you learned why it is undesirable to drink coffee before training and absolutely not after.

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

When we say the word “coffee,” our imagination pictures a specific cup filled with the drink. Meanwhile, the cups we imagine are completely different for everyone. Which type of coffee is better to drink in the morning, which - in the afternoon, and which - in the evening? Gleb Neveikin, director of the barista department, chief roaster of the Coffeemania restaurant chain, 2008 world champion in making Turkish coffee (Cezve/Ibrik), told Roskoshestvo about this.

...for breakfast

I do not recommend drinking strong, undiluted coffee on an empty stomach - it is difficult for the morning, and you may feel discomfort. Coffee has a very active effect on many digestive processes. The best “morning” drink, in my opinion, is cappuccino. This is what Russian “coffee lovers” most often drink in the morning. And don't forget the snack! A cappuccino and croissant is a great start to the day. And although at its core it is coffee with milk, this drink is unique. The pleasant feeling left after a cappuccino will not be given to you by any other drink. The lower lip touches the warm edge of the cup, and upper lip- delicate coffee and milk foam... And people are fascinated by cappuccino.

...for lunch

After a hearty lunch, espresso is very good. After a quick lunch (for example, a sandwich, a roll), filter coffee or pour-over coffee is good. Americano coffee is quite appropriate. By the way, you can drink Americano while eating. Light snacks (sandwiches, sandwiches) go well with it.

...for dinner

Espresso is good after dinner. Espresso is generally recognized as one of the best digestifs (drinks that are served at the end of a meal and contribute to its better absorption. - Editor's note). You ate too much - drank espresso - sleep well! At home, again, you can drink a big cup of coffee: filter coffee, etc.

In Russia, it is more common to drink tea after dinner, since Russia is still considered a “tea” country. But residents of “coffee” countries (for example, Italians) drink coffee from early morning until late at night. They drink in the morning to wake up, and late at night - after a noisy and long dinner - to sleep better. But coffee is even more popular in Scandinavian countries. And the people here look good, they have a normal complexion, and so on... This is about the harm or benefit of coffee.

...for dessert

Irish, corretto, fredo are coffee drinks with some alcohol content that you can drink for dessert when you want to pamper yourself. Fredo time is still summer. It quenches thirst perfectly.

“I would like to note that there is a type of coffee that is better not to drink at all: neither in the morning, nor at lunch, nor in the evening,” adds Gleb Neveikin. - This is stale coffee. Roasted grains “live” only a month and a half (the error depends on the roasting style and storage method). After all, coffee is rich in beneficial substances and essential oils, but they are all vulnerable and volatile - they are the ones that begin to deteriorate, so if the coffee has been gathering dust in the corner for six months, it is unlikely that there will be any benefit left in it.

I’ll share how to make a big cup of simply delicious coffee yourself. It's not difficult at all! Buy freshly roasted coarse beans from a coffee shop or coffee store near you (for a week - no longer needed; keep in mind that it takes about 10-20 g per cup). Take a large cup, put a full tablespoon of freshly ground coffee in it, and fill it with hot water. You don't even need a spoon here - a trickle of water will stir the coffee. A crust forms on top of the drink. Wait 3-4 minutes, without covering the cup with anything, and break this crust with a spoon. That's it - a cup of gorgeous coffee is standing in front of you.

Word to the doctor!

Famous doctor, TV and radio host Sergey Agapkin answered Roskoshestvo to popular questions about the effect of coffee on the body.

When should you not drink coffee?

- Coffee should not be drunk about 4 hours before bedtime, as this is how long the effect of caffeine lasts, which can cause sleep problems. But there are categories of people for whom it is not recommended to drink coffee at all,

These are people with stomach ulcers, high acidity of gastric juice and irritable bowel syndrome. In other cases there are no restrictions.

How many cups of coffee can a person drink per day?

Recent studies show that 2-3 cups of coffee per day are safe for human health. But caffeine affects people with different types of nervous system (NS) differently. For people with a normal type of nervous system - tonic, for people with weak nervous system - sedative: it invigorates for a very short time, and then “slows down” activity. Such people exhibit paradoxical reactions: from large quantity coffee they begin to fall asleep, and a small cup has a tonic effect.

Will coffee give a tonic effect after eating?

The effect will only be if the person has not eaten too heavily. If he has eaten heavily, coffee will improve the secretion of gastric juice and gastric motility, but will not particularly affect the state of the nervous system. For coffee to have a tonic effect, you need to wait at least two hours.

What to do if caffeine no longer gives you the boost?

The effect of caffeine becomes weaker and weaker over time - caffeine is addictive. At a certain point, coffee may completely stop providing a tonic effect. Then it is recommended not to drink caffeine-containing drinks for two weeks, sleep more, and take a contrast shower. If people limit their coffee intake for a couple of weeks, then a small cup of this drink will have a big effect on them. Even marathon runners stop drinking coffee before the competition, and drink only one cup of espresso on race day. And this cup greatly tones them.

This is explained by the fact that caffeine does not allow the nervous system to rest. Sooner or later, she begins to work worse and comes to a semi-exhausted state. And the more the NS is depleted, the longer it will take to recover: a person with a depleted NS needs to add another hour or two to the usual sleep time.

By the way, there is a myth circulating on the Internet that there is a relationship between the level of cortisol in the human body (a hormone that is produced when a person is stressed, when he is tense, when he has not eaten for about a day) and the effect of caffeine. Allegedly, the degree of effectiveness of coffee may depend on the level of cortisol. So: this is nothing more than a myth. Cortisol and caffeine have different zones of action.

Detailed results of the Roskachestvo study of coffee machines are available.