Celebration of the Iveron Mother of God icon. Celebration in honor of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God or the Goalkeeper, located on Mount Athos, became famous for many miracles. On October 26, the Orthodox Church celebrates a holiday in honor of the transfer of the miraculous image to Moscow - an exact copy of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was delivered from Athos in 1648. According to legend, one of the most revered images of the Mother of God was created by the Holy Apostle Luke - the evangelist painted the icon during the days of his earthly life Holy Mother of God and with Her blessing.

This icon of the Mother of God was first mentioned in the 9th century - during that period, Holy images were desecrated and destroyed both in churches and in homes. Ancient icon of the Mother of God during a fierce struggle with Christian religion was kept by pious widow, who lived near the city of Nicaea (the territory of modern Turkey) with her son.

According to legend, soldiers who were searching for and destroying icons on the orders of the Greek Emperor Theophilus burst into the widow’s house one night. Seeing the icon, one of them hit the face of the Mother of God with a spear. The blow hit right cheek Mother of God, and blood flowed from the wound.

The woman, not losing hope of saving the shrine, begged the soldiers to leave the icon of the Mother of God until the morning, promising them a reward for this. The selfish iconoclasts agreed, confused by the blood appearing on the icon.

The woman took the icon to the sea and lowered the image into the water to save it from destruction. In front of the astonished widow and her son, the icon, standing upright, facing the shore, set off on a journey across the sea.

What happened to the widow in the future is unknown. As for her son, he became a monk of the Iveron Monastery on Holy Mount Athos. History ancient icons, which became sacred tradition monastery, it was he who told the monks.

The bleeding wound remained on the face of the Mother of God, which is why the Iveron Mother of God is always depicted with a small wound on her face.

How the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God came to Russia

The news about the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God spread in Rus' in the 17th century - Archimandrite Nikon of the Novospassky Monastery, the future Patriarch, asked the Archimandrite of the Iveron Athos Monastery, Pachomius, to send a list of the miraculous image to Moscow.
The blessing to paint the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos for Russia was received by the priest Iamblichus Romanov. Before the start, the brethren of the Iveron Monastery - all 365 monks - held a great prayer service from evening until dawn and blessed the water with holy relics.

Holy water poured over miraculous icon Mother of God, and then poured over a new board made of cypress wood, prepared for painting the icon. After Divine Liturgy The icon painter was given Holy water and particles of Holy relics - having mixed them with paints, he began to paint the icon of the Mother of God.

The Mother of God herself helped deliver an exact copy of her image to Russia. Tradition tells that the Athonite monks who were carrying the icon of the Mother of God to Moscow could not cross the Danube due to lack of money, and the Mother of God appeared to the wealthy Greek Manuil Konstantiev, ordering him to pay the Muslim carriers for the monks.

The image of the Mother of God was greeted by a solemn procession led by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Joseph at the Resurrection Gate of Kitay-Gorod - this happened on October 26, according to the new style, 1648. On this day, an annual celebration was established in honor of the bringing of the Iveron Icon to Moscow.

Subsequently, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was owned by Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna and her daughter Princess Sofya Alekseevna, who became a monk at the Novodevichy Convent in Smolensk.

Where are copies of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God located?

An exact copy of the Iveron Icon has been in the Novodevichy Convent since 1654 for three and a half centuries. After the monastery was closed, the Holy Image was kept in the funds of the State Historical Museum.

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was returned to the Novodevichy Convent on May 6, 2012. Then the shrine was transferred to the Assumption Cathedral of the monastery, where the icon remains to this day. The icon quickly spread throughout Rus' - in 1656, a second copy of the miraculous image was delivered from Athos to the Valdai Iversky Monastery.

The third copy of the icon of the Mother of God was placed in the Iverskaya Chapel, which was built at the Resurrection Gate of Kitay-Gorod in Moscow in 1669. This list was made in Moscow from the Athos image from Novodevichy Convent, but larger.

Prayer to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

You can pray in front of the miraculous icon using this prayer

"ABOUT, Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven! Hear the requests of the believers who bow before Your miraculous image and ask You for help. We pray to You for forgiveness of our sins, we repent for the evil deeds we have committed. Soothe our sorrows, guide us on the righteous path, protect us from evil people. Become our defender before the Lord God during the Last Judgment. Hear our prayers and do not leave them unanswered. Amen".

If it is not possible to visit the temple on October 26, you can purchase an icon and say a prayer at home. By turning to the Virgin Mary, you can find peace of mind, get rid of evil thoughts and protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles.


February 25 according to the new style, one of the days when Orthodox Christians honor the Iveron Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Iveron Icon, also called the Goalkeeper or Gatekeeper, depicts the Virgin Mary with the Child. The original image is located in the Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos in Greece.

In the 9th century, the image was kept by a pious widow who lived near the city of Nicaea. To save the face of the Mother of God from the iconoclasts, who became especially active during the reign of Emperor Theophilus, the woman lowered the icon into the sea. After some time - by different sources, between these events, from several days to two centuries passed - the monks of the Iveron Monastery, located on Mount Athos, saw her in the sea. The icon was supported by a pillar of fire. Saint Gabriel, a monk of the monastery, walked on the water and brought the icon to the monastery. However, in the morning she was found above the gate. According to legend, they tried to bring her into the room several times, but she always returned back. Therefore, the icon was nicknamed the Gatekeeper, and on behalf of the monastery - the Iversky Monastery - it received the name Iverskaya.

Feast of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in 2018: Miracles of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

During the earthly life of the Mother of God, the icon painter Luke was inflamed with the desire to paint Her image. Holy Mary approved of such intentions and allowed her image to be imprinted on the board. This is how the icon appeared, which many years later received the name Iverskaya. After painting the image of the Mother of God, the icon was in an unknown place for a long time and appeared only in the 9th century.

Throughout its existence, such an icon has shown many miracles that remain in history. christian church. After the construction of the gate church, the icon protected and patronized Athonite monks. One day the Persians began to attack the Iveron Monastery. The monks, realizing the seriousness of the threat, began to pray fervently, asking for help from their patroness, the Virgin Mary. Their prayers were heard - an incredible storm arose, drowning all the enemy troops. Only the military leader survived, fearing the power of the sacred image and making generous donations to the monastery.

Remembrance days: 2February 5, April 13, October 26 and Tuesday of Bright Week

Another miracle was the inexplicable filling of the monastery barns during the famine. There was a serious problem of depleting the monastery's supplies, leading to despair among all the monks. Therefore, the clergy began to constantly pray to the holy icon, asking for help and intercession. At night the abbot saw strange dream: The Mother of God ordered him to go down to the storehouse and look at the supplies. He obeyed and was amazed at the extremely abundant supplies of wine, oil and flour.

There is also multiple evidence of the help provided by the icon ordinary people. More often these were male representatives, because it is almost impossible for women to get into the monastery. People came to the icon to pray for their relatives suffering from various illnesses and in difficult situations. Many people who ask were able to be healed from serious illnesses and find an answer to difficult questions.

Feast of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in 2018: watch video

The Iveron Icon (which is now kept on Mount Athos) in the 9th century was in the possession of a pious widow who lived near the city of Nicaea. Under Emperor Theophilus (829-842), iconoclasts who were destroying holy icons came to the house of this Christian woman, and one warrior struck the image of the Mother of God with a spear. Blood immediately flowed from the affected area. The widow, fearing the destruction of the shrine, promised the imperial soldiers money and asked them not to touch the icon until the morning. When they left, the woman, together with her son (later an Athonite monk), lowered it into the sea to preserve the holy icon. The icon, standing on the water, sailed to Athos. The Athonite monks, having seen a pillar of fire rising to the sky for several days in the sea, came to the shore and found a holy image standing on the water.

After a prayer service for the donation of the shrine that appeared to the monastery, the pious monk of the Iveron Monastery, Saint Gabriel the Gruzin, by order Mother of God who appeared to him in a dream, walked on the water, took the holy icon and placed it in the temple.

However, the next day the icon was found not in the temple, but above the gates of the monastery. This was repeated several times until the Most Holy Virgin revealed Her will to Saint Gabriel in a dream, saying that she did not want to be kept by the monks, but wanted to be their Guardian. After this, the image was placed above the monastery gate. Therefore, the holy icon is called Portaitissa, the Goalkeeper.

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The Iveron Icon, also called the Goalkeeper or Gatekeeper, depicts the Virgin Mary with the Child. The original image is located in the Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos in Greece. According to legend, the icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke, a companion of the Apostle Paul.

Today, October 26, Orthodox Christians will honor the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Let's remember together what kind of holiday this is and how it should be celebrated.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, when is the holiday 2018: Days of Remembrance

We would like to immediately note that the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is honored several times a year. So that you know about them, we publish them in our article.

The Iveron Icon became famous for the miracles that happened next to it. Rumors about the image of the Mother of God reached Russia. The future Patriarch Nikon, who was then still an archimandrite, turned to the abbot of the Iveron Monastery, Pachomius, with a request to make a copy of the icon. On October 13 (old style), 1648, a copy was delivered to Moscow. Since then, the Orthodox began to celebrate this date - the day the list of the icon was transferred. According to the Russian calendar Orthodox Church According to the new style, it is October 26.

There is a legend that gave the icon one of its names. Below in the article we will remember about it.

The legend that has come down to us says that in the 9th century the image was kept by a pious widow who lived near the city of Nicaea. To save the face of the Mother of God from the iconoclasts, who became especially active during the reign of Emperor Theophilus, the woman lowered the icon into the sea. After some time - according to various sources, from several days to two centuries passed between these events - the monks of the Iveron Monastery, located on Mount Athos, saw her in the sea. The icon was supported by a pillar of fire. Saint Gabriel, a monk of the monastery, walked on the water and brought the icon to the monastery. However, in the morning she was found above the gate. According to legend, they tried to bring her into the room several times, but she always returned back. That is why the icon was nicknamed the Gatekeeper.

For all Orthodox Christians, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is considered the most important image. On April 18, all believers pray to the Mother of God for the most secret things. By properly observing the established traditions of this day, you can completely change your life.

Rich history The miraculous icon of the Iveron Mother of God begins in the 9th century. During persecutions and raids against Christians, a poor pious woman from the Georgian city of Nicaea found an image of the Virgin Mary unknown to her and hid it in her house. A few days later the opponents Orthodox faith During one of the raids, the icon was pierced with a spear. Immediately, real blood flowed from the puncture site, and the face of the Virgin Mary was distorted in pain.

This miracle so amazed and frightened the iconoclasts that some of them believed in God, while the rest fled in horror. The woman saw the Virgin Mary herself in a dream: she ordered the Christian to hide the icon under water. The next morning the Orthodox lowered miraculous image into the sea, and the icon sailed to Mount Athos.

The abbot of the monastery on Mount Athos also dreamed of the Virgin Mary: in the dream, the Mother of God told the monk that on the second attempt the monastery would acquire a miraculous icon. And so it happened: the next day the monks saw a bright white light breaking through the water. They ran to the shore, but did not have time to pull the icon out of the water: it was carried away by the ebb tide. However, the next day one of the monks rushed into the water after the icon, and everyone saw that he could walk on the sea as if on dry land, like Jesus Christ.

The icon was delivered to the monastery, and the monks fell on their faces before the greatness of the miraculous image. Continuous Prayer lasted several days, falling on Holy Week Great Lent.

During the prayer, the icon was above the doors of the chapel, and after it was brought inside. But the next morning the miraculous image appeared on the monastery gates. He was returned, but the next night the same thing happened again. The Iveron Icon to this day protects the gates of the monastery: for this reason, the people called it the Goalkeeper.

How to celebrate the day of the Iveron Mother of God

On the day of the Iveron Mother of God, a festive service is held in all churches, and several of the most obvious and amazing miracles of this image are remembered. For example, it is known that after the appearance of the miraculous icon in the Iveron Monastery, a spring with incredible clean water, curing disease. Every year thousands of pilgrims come to the monastery to experience the miracle and ask the Mother of God for forgiveness of sins.

Prayers to the Iveron image of the Mother of God are also offered during fires, great grief, losses and troubles in life. Young mothers ask the Mother of God for the health and happy destiny of their child, and grown children come to the image to ask for longevity and health for their parents. We wish you peace in your soul and strong faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.04.2017 06:01

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On April 10, the Orthodox Church established a holiday in honor of the gracious icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is called Iveron. For many years, the image helped believers get rid of various diseases, protected cities from enemy attacks, and also guided parishioners on the true path.

Annual veneration of the miraculous image

Several cases were also recorded when, with the help of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Iveron”, people were saved from natural disasters, warning them or, with the help of prayers, eliminating them. Today it is recommended to go to church and take part in a service in honor of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, and also pray to her. If a person does not have the opportunity to visit the temple on this day, then it is best to pray several times in front of the list of the Iveron Icon at home. Sincere prayer can heal the soul and body of parishioners, as well as protect them from possible troubles.

History of the Iveron Icon

The historical past of the miraculous shrine begins in the ninth century, unfavorable period for Christian believers. The fact is that at that time idolatry was imposed everywhere, and therefore the pagans hated Christians. Some time later, a law was issued that prohibited people from purchasing and keeping religious paraphernalia in their homes, otherwise they could go to prison. During the same period, in Nicaea there lived a believing widow and son who had lost the head of their family in the war. One day, pagans burst into their house and demanded that they give up all the icons and religious literature. In the center of the room, the law enforcement officers saw the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Iveron”, and therefore became very angry, and decided to destroy it right on the spot. Throwing a spear at the shrine, the pagans were very frightened, as blood flowed from the affected area. The sight they saw made them quickly flee from the hut in fear.

Miracles performed by the Iveron Icon

As we mentioned earlier, the first miracle happened right in the house of a believing woman, because blood flowed from the icon. After this, the widow took the Iveron image to the seashore in order to float it on the waves, and thereby prevent the pagans from destroying it. As soon as the woman let the icon float on the waves, the Iveron image suddenly rose vertically and remained in that position, floating further and further into the sea. 200 years passed, and only after that the Iveron shrine sailed to Mount Athos, where at that time it was located famous monastery. The monks who were serving in the monastery at that time saw a huge pillar of fire far in the water, in the center of which there was an icon. When an elder named Gabriel noticed this, he immediately began to pray to the Mother of God, after which he acquired the miraculous power to walk on water. The man stood on the surface of the sea and walked along it as if on solid ground. After this, many more miracles were recorded, the most significant among which can be considered deliverance from physical and mental illnesses, as well as protection of parishioners from possible conflicts or natural disasters.