I dreamed that I flew on an airplane. Why do you dream about an airplane? Dream book airplane

Dream interpretation of flying on an airplane

The plane is associated with the ascension, personifying the bird. This concept lays the foundation for the idea of ​​​​delineating the fundamentals: earth - mother and flight.

Dream symbolism

Man has existed for many centuries, and he has always been accompanied by the desire to break away from the earth's surface and soar, like a bird, to the heavens. So images of iron birds, capable of lifting a person into the air, pop up in our subconscious. This metal bird has no deep connection with millennia. Therefore, in a dream it does not have a corresponding magical connotation, because the first plane has been known to human history since 1903. Let's take a closer look at why you dream about flying on an airplane.

Previous interpretations

Soothsayers of yesteryear associated airplane flights with the internal development of a sleeping person.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the psychologist, flying on an airplane means receiving some interesting news. However, whether the dreamer can use this information properly depends on the breadth of his horizons.

Simulating flight on a simulated airplane promises a journey that will be forced. Perhaps this is a work trip.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were flying on an airplane

According to the famous seer, a flight on this air transport is a sign foreshadowing an imminent trip to an interesting country. Moreover, this trip will be the start of a trip around the world.

An airliner crashing in a dream can become a prophetic dream. In reality, in a plane crash, the culprit of which will be the pilot himself, many people will die.

If you dream that the plane began to descend sharply during the flight, it means that the dreamer will face tough tests of strength, which he will pass with dignity.

A large number of planes in a dream means the collapse of hopes.

Freud's Dream Book

The master of psychoanalysis has his own opinion when it comes to flying. They, according to the psychologist, personify the dreamer’s carefree life. The sleeper thinks that his life is a draft that can be rewritten.

I dreamed of a flight that someone else went on, but the dreamer only saw a trail in the sky. This means that the dreamer will lose something important to him. This loss will cause great pain, because the dreamer made every effort to prevent it. But they were in vain. Think about whether something needs to be changed? Maybe it will be better for everyone. This may be due to the fading of love, and the partner wants to break off the relationship.

Opinions of modern soothsayers

Today's professionals who specialize in dream interpretation believe that this image appears in dreams as a call to overcome your fears and complexes. It means a rise in career.

Loff's Dream Book

The pastor believes that flying into the sky in a dream is an indicative factor. This is the dreamer’s desire to change himself, to become more confident, assertive, and enterprising.

To successfully and professionally control an airliner in a dream means to keep a complex and tense situation under control.

If the airliner began to sharply lose altitude, it means the dreamer is losing confidence in himself and his abilities.

A plane crash during a flight promises trouble, the dream book indicates.

If in your night dreams you were on a long flight, it means you have to do difficult but very exciting work. You will put enough effort into this activity, but you will also get the desired results.

Watching the scenery through the window of an airliner means that in reality you are a cold-blooded person. You are indifferent to the problems of your family. Therefore, in difficult times, they will repay you in the same coin.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If you were in the role of a flight attendant

To dream of a plane being hijacked by terrorists represents your empty, irrational fears in reality.

If you were on board the airliner as a stewardess, the dream book indicates obsessive advances towards you by a handsome young man who is not interested in you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Taking off symbolizes the fulfillment of all the dreams of the dreamer.

Sitting in the pilot's seat and successfully controlling the airliner means achieving your goal unexpectedly quickly, faster than expected.

A burning plane, where you were on a business trip, indicates a failed deal.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The Italian psychologist is sure that air transport is a symbol of the dreamer’s contacts and memories.

If the dream is repeated over and over again, this may be a warning about the danger to the life of the sleeper. Be careful on the road while driving a car. Do not sit down if you are very tired or feel unwell.

Sitting in the passenger's seat and flying up represents the sleeper's obsessive and unpleasant memories of a situation to which he had an indirect connection.

Taking off while sleeping

Dreams about flying are very often associated with events in our real life. Usually these visions are memorable. To understand even the most elusive nuances of sleep and their messages, let’s look at specific fragments:

Seeing through the window glass that several other flying machines are flying around the plane in which the dreamer is flying is a warning of serious problems due to his careless passion for women. This can lead to a deterioration in the situation in the family and at work.

If you dreamed about the landing of the airliner you were on board, there are two interpretations: the body is signaling problems regarding health, or it is the successful completion of some project, thanks to which you will gain peace of mind.

If the landing was forced, emergency, then some event will happen in reality that will disrupt your plans. This may be due to the machinations of your competitors, who are trying to put a spoke in the wheels every time.

Perhaps among your colleagues there is a person who conveys information about the specifics of your enterprise. The dream calls for audits, monitoring, and all kinds of checks in order to identify the causes of malfunctions.

Having to take off on an Airbus represents the clarity of your thoughts, the ability to understand a problem and understand the nuances of important issues. Thanks to this, you correctly develop tactics of behavior in any current situations.

If you went on a long flight without purchasing a ticket, this indicates that you are tired of your daily routine. Because of this, you have become unfocused and inattentive. The message of the dream is the need to postpone all work trips. Because when collecting the necessary stack of documents, there is a risk that you will forget very important ones. This will ruin the deal.

If the plane did tricks

If an airliner exploded during takeoff, this dream may be a reflection of your turmoil from the experience of some psychologically difficult situation. It probably influenced your worldview, affected your character, and laid a heavy burden on your heart. You may not be able to do this without the help of a professional psychologist. Don't ignore this fact.

I dreamed that you were the pilot of an airplane in which you were performing sharp turns. This suggests that there will be global changes in your career. Perhaps you will radically change the scope of your activity. But when deciding to take such a step, think carefully about all the pros and cons of a new activity. Perhaps it will require a scientific approach. In this case, it will not hurt you to have a new employee with the appropriate qualifications.

Some nuances of night flights

It is not always possible to take into account all the details of a dream due to the fact that memory does not retain them until the moment of awakening.

Veiled fragments

Maybe something remains in the subcortex of our subconscious, which we later remember. We can understand what additional semantic load aerial visions carry by taking into account small details:

  • flying with a transfer means a change of partner, either in love or in business;
  • change course - avoid some troubles, and possibly danger;
  • jumping with a parachute means making unplanned decisions dictated by the situation.

Before you find out why you dream about an airplane, you need to remember what happened the day before. Perhaps you heard about a plane crash, watched a movie where the main character is a pilot, or your friends shared their impressions of a recent trip. In this case, the dream book says: a dream is a reaction of the subconscious to real events and does not need additional interpretation. But if the vision was sudden and exciting, for correct decoding it is necessary to take into account everything that happens in the dream.

Miller's version

Seeing an airplane in a dream is a good sign. The dream promises a successful journey and positive changes in life. Miller's dream book interprets a flying plane as a successful commercial undertaking for businessmen. And for more mundane professions, this is a leap upward, even if you are currently having difficulties at work.

Why do you dream of many airliners in the skies? In reality, unprecedented success in work or study awaits. But for a man, this image in a dream is also a warning that he is overly interested in the female sex. As a result, serious troubles will arise at work, and the atmosphere at home will become tense.

Miller's dream book deciphers a plane crash as amorous shocks, but most often of a positive nature. They will unexpectedly confess their love to you, or your beloved will show increased attention.

Other interpretations

For the most part, the dream book considers seeing an airplane to be a favorable sign, foreshadowing an interesting trip and positive changes in life.

The Muslim dream book correlates an airliner in a dream with the dreamer’s inner world. Probably, the goals set are unrealistic, so your desires will not come true. The dream book recommends not to rely on chance or luck. Before taking action, make a clear plan taking into account your capabilities and the specifics of the situation.

Vanga's dream book has a different interpretation of the dream. If a plane flies over you, in reality, serious problems are brewing. Troubles will come from a completely unexpected direction; it would be useful to be on the safe side.

According to Freud's dream book, this plot characterizes you as a creative and extraordinary person. Now you can solve almost any problem by looking at the situation from a different angle.

In a dream, many airliners cut through the sky - this means doubts about well-being and worries about the future. The situation in which you find yourself is unstable, and the dream book indicates the need not to postpone the resolution of emerging issues for the future. Then there will be no opportunity.

Why do you dream about a plane landing on the ground or standing on it? This is a recommendation to pay attention to your well-being. Start leading a healthy lifestyle, undergo a medical examination, the dream book recommends, since there is a high probability of developing a serious illness.

The psychological dream book deciphers the landing of an airliner as finding inner harmony as a result of completing an important task or a certain period in life.

Why do you dream of a plane taking off? Luck will be on your side, and your superiors will recognize your achievements. If this event was dreamed of by an unemployed woman or man, the dream book promises: professional success awaits their chosen one.

From the psychological side, this plot in a dream means a flexible mind, the ability to correctly use new information, choosing the right strategy in a constantly changing situation. The dream book tells you: act firmly. Your current attitude will help solve many problems.

Find yourself in heaven

Why do you dream of flying on an airplane? The time is coming for favorable changes. Higher powers will help you successfully complete any task. The people's dream book advises taking advantage of this period to make your most cherished dreams come true..

A long flight is deciphered by the dream book as a warning: when getting down to business, soberly assess your capabilities, do not take on projects that are beyond your strength. If you fail to complete the task, disappointment and financial losses await you.

Why do you dream about the plane you are flying? If the car rises into the air, you will have success with the opposite sex. You will be surrounded by a crowd of fans. But the dream book says: the changed situation will force you to make a choice in favor of one person. Be careful, among them there is a person destined for you by fate.

The psychoanalytic dream book deciphers a dream in which you were a pilot as readiness for tests, implementation of complex, serious projects, and taking responsibility. The plot in the dream, however, warns: if you have inflated self-confidence, you risk losing what you have.

Are you purchasing flight tickets? This means that in reality you are tired of everyday responsibilities and want to take a break from routine affairs. Are you going on a trip? The dream book recommends carefully packing your suitcases; there is a risk of forgetting something very necessary.

Being late for a flight in a dream, feeling hopeless - in reality, this plot foreshadows the beginning of an unfavorable period. The situation will get out of control, and attempts to correct things will fail. The best thing you can do is accept your circumstances and go with the flow.

If during the flight the plane began to shake or other signs of a plane crash were noticed, then the dream book warns: you are in serious danger. Postpone making deals, signing contracts, making important decisions. Pay attention to yourself and your family. And if you have a trip planned in the near future, cancel it.


In a dream, did an airliner take off into the sky? Try to remember what he was like.

  • Military - ill-wishers are becoming more active, expect new meanness, traps and gossip.
  • Large passenger plane. The dream book predicts that you will go on an unforgettable journey and get a lot of positive emotions.
  • Corn grower - fulfill your duties with diligence, otherwise major troubles will arise.
  • In the dream there were many different airliners - if you take on several things at once, you will fail. Focus on what's most important.

Plane crash

Why do you dream of a falling plane if you watch the crash and explosion from the side? Changes are coming that will not please you at all. Perhaps a blatant invasion of personal space.

In the dream, the airliner exploded before reaching the ground. In reality, you will receive information that promises serious trouble. If debris falls on you, problems will begin immediately. They will probably be work related.

Why do you dream of a burning plane? Vanga prophesies various troubles and misfortunes. Be extremely careful, the seer advises in her dream book. Avoid expressing your opinion in a harsh and categorical manner, otherwise you will aggravate hidden conflicts, creating the preconditions for quarrels.

The psychoanalytic dream book deciphers the catastrophe seen as internal confusion. The events that happened in reality were so disturbing that it affected your principles and beliefs.

In addition, if in a dream you watched an airliner explode, it means that old psychological traumas will remind you of themselves. In a difficult situation, turn to your family for support, and if the problem is serious enough, turn to a psychologist.

Landing or falling

The plane that lands shows health problems in reality. Start leading a healthy lifestyle, give up all bad habits to avoid worsening the situation. If a plane takes off into the sky, this promises you pleasant events in life. For example, success and recognition at work. For those who are not currently working, the dream book promises significant changes in the professional sphere of their partner.
If you see yourself as an airplane passenger, then expect favorable changes. Fate will bring you success, the white streak will come faster than you expect. Make the most of the upcoming period. Also, flying on an airplane brings interesting facts that will definitely be of interest to you.

Miller’s dream book will help you find out why you dream of a falling plane, foreshadowing a pleasant incident for young people. A pleasant surprise or an unexpected declaration of love awaits you.

If the plane exploded during the fall, then this is a sign of trouble. They should be expected from the employer. The plot of the dream is connected with the burning of an airplane - a misfortune in life. Be vigilant and careful in harsh statements so as not to get hurt in the future.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think about it. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - which and which lunar day.

By comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

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Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

Analysis of the smallest details will help you figure out what a dream about traveling on an airplane means. It is important to remember the area over which the flight took place, emotions, the plot of the dream, and your fellow travelers. Also important are the flight time, altitude, purpose of the flight, successful landing and the condition of the aircraft. Any nuance is decisive when deciphering the entire dream. What the dreamer does in life also matters.

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      Basic meanings of sleep

      Flying on an airplane in a dream is a favorable sign. It foretells changes in life, approaching success in business, rapid progress towards the intended goal.

      If the landing in the dream was soft and successful, everything will work out as planned.

      If in a dream you feel tired from a long flight, long and hard work awaits you, taking a lot of energy and time. This is a warning that dedication will not bring the desired result. Focusing your efforts on something else will be a better solution.

      • Many popular dream books also give the following meanings of sleep:

        • An airplane in a dream - to the fulfillment of your most cherished desires;
        • The plane crashes - an unexpected declaration of love;
        • A long journey by plane - the goals will be achieved soon.

        Fly on vacation

        For some, such a plot means a desire to go on vacation and escape from everyday worries and bustle, while for others it means a long and responsible business trip.

        When deciphering this dream, leading predictors and psychologists pay attention to who the dreamer is and what his life circumstances are.

        If you are a business person, such a dream foreshadows a stable financial situation. Your career is your priority, and your diligence will be rewarded. Sources of income will always come. A new project will appear in which you can apply and present all your best sides and skills, express yourself in the best possible way .

        If you are a family man, the dream has a slightly different meaning. With the appearance of an ideal relationship, the union begins to sink into everyday life. It is worth paying special attention to this, otherwise it will lead to a break.

        Try to go with your loved one to a secluded place where the two of you can find a compromise and save your feelings.

        Interpretations in various dream books

        Different dream interpreters sometimes give contradictory meanings to each other. Here it’s worth finding the description that best suits the plot of the dream and remembering its details.

        Your emotions experienced in a dream, as well as the associations that arose upon awakening, are also important. So, if you feel problems in your sexual life, you should look for answers in Freud’s dream book. You feel the simplicity of the dream, as if the answer is somewhere on the surface - you can turn to a modern dream book.

        Dream book of Gustav Miller

        An airplane flies over your head - in reality it will be difficult to avoid danger. For a girl, such a dream means that her wedding is under threat. Pay attention to what the groom is hiding.

        Flying an airplane symbolizes success with the opposite sex. If the plane is shaking, you should pay attention to your behavior. For women, this means that success is caused by excessive frankness in behavior. For men - problems in the family due to infidelity.

        Flying low above the ground and looking at the landscape through the window is an indifferent attitude to the problems of the people around you. Correct this situation before it's too late to avoid losing your friends.

        Interpretation according to Vanga

        Flying by plane to another country is a harbinger of a long journey, getting to know new amazing places.

        Seeing a plane crash is a bad omen. Vanga believed that this predicted a major plane crash that would take the lives of many people. This will happen due to the fault of the pilot. Perhaps flights planned in reality should be postponed.

        The plane is losing altitude - in real life, the time has come for serious tests. Gather all your strength and don't give up. You will be able to withstand and emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

        According to Sigmund Freud

        Freud believed that flying in a dream symbolizes sexual intercourse. Flying in a luxurious and comfortable airliner is a sign of good sexual tone. Old plane - problems with sexuality. Traveling on a military aircraft means your sexual self-esteem is very high.

        Freud believes that the second reason for the plane being taken away in a dream is a careless attitude towards life. He advises to pay attention to the mistakes made and analyze them. This will help you avoid new ones in the future. Seeing a clear sky through the porthole is a sign of cloudless happiness.

Dream interpretation plane takes off

Dreams can be different, memorable and not so memorable. The dream, which featured an airplane, rather belongs to the first category. But, it’s worth noting right away that if you are about to fly, or you’ve seen enough, read about plane crashes, then a dream of this type is just pictures that your psyche produces in order to free yourself from negativity.

Why do you dream about an airplane?

If you haven’t even thought about this type of transport lately, then the dream really carries a powerful message.

What does the dream book say about air travel?

To understand in detail what you saw in a dream, pick up a dream book.

Miller's dream book

At the moment, this is the most popular dream interpreter on the Internet.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If you dream that you are flying on an airplane, all your endeavors will be successful. All you need is more determination and creativity.
  • The plane with you is landing, but crashes - oddly enough, this is not a negative dream. It simply says that you should be more decisive.
  • Why dream of a plane in the yard that is not going to take off - your development, both spiritual and material, is being hampered by other people who are afraid to take decisive steps.
  • Seeing a plane flying in the sky means your life will turn upside down.

Freud's Dream Book

Taking off on an airplane means you have the wrong idea about life.

You think that now is a rehearsal, and real life will begin later. Unfortunately, you are mistaken, because we only have one life, watch so that you don’t bitterly regret that it was wasted.

Seeing a trail in the sky from a flying object means the loss of something or someone, not through your fault. Adultery on the part of the other half is not excluded.

Freud also believed that if you dream of something completely unrealistic, you should set the bar a little lower for yourself.

Modern dream book

Loff's Dream Book

Fly the plane calmly - you will be able to cope with any situation, even the most difficult one.

Emergency landing - you are unsure of your abilities, you think that you cannot cope with the proposed responsibilities.

How else are airplanes interpreted in a dream?

Meneghetti's dream book hypothesizes that an airplane in a dream is a way of communication between our subconscious and aliens. If you dream about something like this quite often, then the interpretation is completely negative. The dreamer will witness a disaster, or even take part in some life-threatening action.

For a man, seeing many flying objects in the sky is a sign of excessive infatuation with a certain woman. You will be so absorbed in passion that no persuasion will work on you. Because of this, the situation will become extremely tense both at work and in the family circle.

Psychologists believe that if you dream about something like this, then you are too worried about your well-being. You are happy with everything, and you are afraid that this will not always be the case.

Plane crash

  • In general, flying an airplane in a dream is pleasant. But there are also not so good dreams, for example you can get into a plane crash.
  • If you dreamed that a plane was crashing, it means someone will interfere in your life and try to set their own rules.
  • Why do you dream about a crashed airliner? You shouldn’t rely on outside help, decide everything yourself in the near future and keep the situation under control.
  • A modern dream interpreter says that if you dreamed that you were a participant in a plane crash, the near future will be painted in dark colors, troubles and hardships await you.
  • But the 21st century dream book says that if a plane is landing urgently, then they will unexpectedly confess their love to you.
  • Airliner crashes in a dream are sometimes associated with empty hopes in real life.

Airplane control

If you are not just observing the flight, but sitting at the helm, then this is a completely different interpretation.

If you were flying an airplane

If you dreamed that you skillfully controlled the flight, were able to take off normally, and announced that the plane was landing - your wishes will come true, and your work will proceed smoothly.

Why else can you dream about flying an airplane?

  • fortunately in your personal life;
  • to control your destiny alone;
  • to improve the overall standard of living;
  • to the manifestation of the dreamer’s volitional qualities.

Is the airliner flying up or down?

The direction of flight is very important for the interpretation of sleep. Why, for example, take off - success, both in your personal life and in the work sphere. The bosses will finally pay attention to your merits. If a non-working person dreams of something like this, it means that his closest relative is moving up the career ladder, usually a husband or wife.

Why else could you dream of taking off? Psychologists associate it with the dreamer’s mental enlightenment in real life. It is possible that you will look at your life from a completely different perspective and want to radically change everything.

Landing on an airliner in a dream - everything in your life is going according to plan. Peace and happiness became constant companions.

Why else do you dream about landing - to the end of a certain stage in your life, and the beginning of a new one.

Sometimes, if the plane is on the ground or about to land, the body signals you about problems in the body. Take a closer look at yourself and you will discover the disease yourself.

Other interpretations

  • The flight is too long - assess your capabilities realistically, do not take on too difficult and almost impossible tasks. You will be disappointed and may suffer material losses.
  • Why a dream in which a plane is landing or taking off literally above your head? You are overly ambitious, and your over-aspirations can lead you down the wrong path.
  • Buying a ticket on an airliner means you have won a “ticket to life”, amazing prospects are opening up before you, but you are still hesitating to take the decisive step.
  • Being late for a flight means you are paying too little attention to spiritual food, but without this a person cannot function normally.
  • Jumping out of a plane - in reality, you are getting away from troubles and obvious things.
  • During a flight, looking out the window means you are too busy with yourself and are not paying any attention to your household, which greatly upsets them.
  • Waiting for an airliner to arrive, but not seeing it land - there is no certainty in your life, and it will not appear in the near future.
  • A liner engulfed in flames means separation from your loved one, which will occur due to your negligence.

Our dreams are a hint about what awaits us in the future. Flying on an airplane in a dream - what does it mean? Understanding the language of dreams makes it possible to personally open the door to your future. So why do you dream of flying on an airplane in a dream, let’s take a closer look. We will find out what you need to be careful of, what actions not to do in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from danger. And vice versa, what needs to be done to bring joy and prosperity to the house.

Why do you dream of flying on an airplane? The dream book states that if the flight was successful, then success in business awaits you.

Flying an airplane in a dream - what is it for? To decipher dreams, the smallest details of the plot seen are important. Small details and insignificant circumstances allow us to interpret seemingly identical dreams differently. They provide an opportunity to expand your understanding of the picture you see. Such details can be compared to beacons; they will lead to a correct understanding of the dream.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

  • Why does a girl dream of flying on an airplane? This is a bad sign of fate; it prophesies a break with the groom with whom she was planning to walk down the aisle; the planned wedding will be canceled forever;
  • For a woman, such a vision is a signal that you should not tear your soul out and suffer - your chosen one does not deserve this. There is another version - you will come to the desired, intended milestone through a long path of waiting and suffering.
  • A man flying on an airplane, after such a dream, must gather all his strength into a fist, adjust to a new, busier work schedule, use his ingenuity - this is the only way you can complete the grandiose tasks planned. Without all this, the project will fail.

Were you a passenger or a pilot in your dream?

  • You dreamed that you were an airline pilot - you are able to keep a life situation of any complexity under your control. You can get out of any dead end in life on your own.
  • There is another version of such a dream: if you are a pilot in a dream, you are endowed with the right to dispose of other people. This dream also prophesies for the sleeping man a rapid increase in popularity among the fair sex.
  • As the dream book says, flying on an airplane as a passenger in a dream means that all matters will be in your hands, and the business you have started will flourish. Why dream of taking off on a plane in a dream - a lot of strength and energy will be required to complete a task that is very important to you, but in the end the result will upset you.
  • In your dream you are a flight attendant - happiness in the family. In your dream, you are the owner of an airplane - a bad sign, as it predicts very big financial problems due to improper placement of funds on the stock exchange or you will lose in gambling.

Taking off on a plane in a dream and seeing beautiful landscapes out the window promises harmony and happiness.

What exactly did you see in the porthole?

At a high altitude and seeing only clouds - you set inflated goals for yourself in life, they are beyond your strength. Your high self-esteem can affect your psyche and lead to internal suffering and even throw you into the abyss of depression.

If the plane flies low, and you can clearly see villages, cities, and nature, the business you have begun will end in a successful ending, and you will make a good profit. - the problems that arise will eventually be solved, but for this you will have to go through difficulties and troubles. If you saw a desert, then you have to go through a lot of difficulties and overcome a lot of obstacles. Trees and green lawns foreshadow a profitable business.

And, any water is a warning that you need to monitor statements, as well as carefully and competently study incoming information. If you see a source below, this sign should alert you. It means that the plans of your enemies and competitors have matured the idea of ​​​​destroying your enterprise, you should concentrate on the activities of the commercial plan, and devote more time to your business.

If there is a plane crash or emergency landing

In the dream, you were nervous because your flight was interrupted due to problems in the air, your plane made an emergency landing - a period of new goals, plans and prospects has come for you. This is a step forward compared to the previous life. The emergency landing of the airliner indicates that the opportune moment has come for a decisive step, the time has come for change.

If you have been in a dream in which you bravely made a parachute jump, a whole series of adventure stories and many new acquaintances await you very soon. A safe landing with a parachute on the ground promises you a happy wedding and family life. And if you are hanging on tree branches or tangled in slings, you will face difficult times in business.

- Let your life be filled with many troubles. If the plane crashed as a result of a disaster, you do not feel confident enough in life, hence indecision and excessive shyness. Because of this, you often think that you do not meet the requirements of society.

If in a dream you survived a plane crash, it is too early to rejoice in this case: such a dream may indicate that you are prone to suicidal behavior. The desire to commit suicide is very deep in your soul, so you don’t even suspect the presence of such an illness.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Flying on an airplane in a dream - what does such a plot mean? He prophesies career growth - there is a chance of reaching the top of the career ladder, promises guaranteed and successful self-realization in his favorite business and personal happiness. However, the dream book gives the answer to the question of why you dream of flying on an airplane depending on many details. To correctly read a dream, it is important to remember the psychological situation, your emotions, and the speed with which you rushed above the clouds is important. For a correct interpretation, it is necessary to know the place and time of the flight, the area over which the flight was made, the purpose of such a trip, the type of landing and landing, etc.

Miller's Dream Book - unexpected news

The famous dream book always read dreams in a special way. And in this case, his point of view is radically different from the traditional interpretation. A dream about flying on a plane in which you happened to fly means that you will be surprised by unexpected news from afar. This dream can also be interpreted as a trip on a last-minute ticket, i.e. sudden and forced.

If in a dream you survived the crash of a flying plane, this is a good sign.

If during a flight you fly over ruins, you will experience trouble and grief. If you see in a dream that the ground in the porthole is covered with green grass and trees, all your troubles and troubles will end very quickly.

But if you are destined to see the sun through an airplane window, you worried in vain, very soon your life will return to normal and there will be nothing left of troubles and problems, despite the fact that evil will be on your heels.

A great misfortune predicts a fall during a flight if your sleep is not interrupted at this terrible moment in the dream. If you wake up from horror, all troubles will pass by you. This is a sign that you were born under a lucky star; fate itself will protect you from evil, hypocrisy and misfortune.

A plane crash in a dream is a reminder to you of times where you constantly confronted the difficulties and adversities of life. Your immunity and personal resistance to life's challenges are very high. This dream also signals that you have the power to correct all mistakes and solve all financial problems.

Trying to jump with a parachute in a dream and seeing how it did not open - beware of an accident and other sudden incidents. With such a dream, you need to remember that everything in life is fixable and a lot can be prevented if you don’t let everything in life take its course.

Vanga's dream book - low self-esteem

In a dream, you see yourself as an airplane pilot - the famous Bulgarian healer interpreted this vision as a signal of timidity and low self-esteem of the sleeping person. According to this dream book, taking off on a plane in a dream means that you consider your current life to be a draft, and are mistakenly convinced that you will be able to rewrite it completely very soon.

The clairvoyant was convinced that a dream in which a plane flies very low over a person’s head is a warning of impending danger or difficulties ahead. You dreamed that your plane was losing altitude - a bad sign of fate. This is a message about upcoming trials, but you will emerge victorious from the dark streak, you can overcome all difficulties.

Freud's Dream Book - a new acquaintance

You dreamed that you made a parachute jump - you have to meet a person who will open your sex life to an unknown side. You previously considered yourself an intimate connoisseur, but a new partner will open up new facets of sex that you had never even imagined before.

Modern dream book

If you are an airplane passenger, this is a signal for a successful commercial transaction. Long flight - the time has come for intensive work in the name of the set goal. Looking through the porthole means troubles await you in your family because of your indifference to your loved ones and your reluctance to help them solve problems. The essence of troubles is that your loved ones will answer you in the same coin, and you will suffer from this. Seeing a plane crash means changes await you, the absence of which has darkened your life.


Your destiny is in your hands, your future depends on your desire, skill and efficiency, and sleep will only help you see a little earlier what awaits you ahead. Listen to the tips of the dream book, but think with your own head and build the future with your own hands. We wish you only good dreams!

Video “Why do you dream about flying”