Protestantism briefly about religion. Association of Christian Evangelical Free Churches

And auto mechanic Donald Leland Cobain. Cobain's ancestry included Irish, English, Scottish and German roots. In 1875, Cobain's Irish ancestors migrated from Northern Ireland's County Tyrone to Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, and then to Washington DC. On April 24, 1970, Cobain gave birth to a younger sister, Kimberly.

At the age of two, Kurt showed an aptitude for music, which is not surprising, since he was born into a family of musicians. According to Aunt Mary Earle, Wendy's sister, at the age of four the boy was singing and writing songs. She even tried to teach him to play the guitar, which she herself played, but nothing worked. Kurt enjoyed listening to songs by bands such as The Beatles and The Monkees; he often attended rehearsals with Aunt Mary Earl and Uncle Chuck Fradenburg, Wendy's brother, who were performing in a country ensemble at that time. Cobain was described as a happy, excitable and sensitive child. When he was 7 years old, his Aunt Mary Earl gave him a Mickey Mouse drum set.


After cremation, some of Cobain's ashes were scattered over the River Wishka in his native Aberdeen, and some were kept by Courtney. An unofficial place of tribute to the singer is a memorial bench in Viretta Park, located near Cobain's last home in Seattle. The greenhouse above the garage where Kurt's body was found was demolished in 1997, and the house itself was sold.

Kurt Cobain holds the record for musicians who earned more after death than during their lifetime. As of 2011, the copyright holders of his work earned over $800 million.

Solo career

Musical influence

Cobain loved music since childhood. One of his earliest and favorite bands was The Beatles: his Aunt Mary said she remembered him singing “Hey Jude” at the age of about two. In his diaries, he calls John Lennon his idol. The Beatles' influence can be seen in Nirvana songs such as "Polly", "All Apologies" and "About a Girl" (which he admitted to writing after listening to the album for three hours straight). Meet the Beatles!). As he got older, he discovered hard rock and heavy metal and began listening to Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, KISS, Aerosmith and AC/DC, and adolescence I became interested in punk after reading an article about this movement in a magazine. The first punk album he could get his hands on was Sandinista! The Clash, which disappointed him at first, but he really loved the Sex Pistols. He called it his favorite album of all time in his diaries. Raw Power cult proto-punk band The Stooges; Another important punk band for him was the Americans Wipers, whose “dirty” guitar sound and depressive mood greatly influenced Nirvana. Early Nirvana was greatly influenced by its fellow countrymen, the founders of grunge and sludge, the Melvins. His other major source of inspiration was the American independent scene, in particular bands such as Sonic Youth and the Pixies. The latter had a decisive influence on the development of his style: thanks to them, he turned to writing more melodic and memorable songs, built on their signature loud/quiet dynamics. He was a fan of twee-pop and lo-fi music and named bands such as The Vaselines, Beat Happening, Marine Girls, Young Marble Giants, Shonen Knife and others among his favorite artists. Also among his favorites were such artists as Leadbelly, Devo, David Bowie, MDC, Daniel Johnston and others.

Nirvana's acoustic concert, posthumously released in 1994 under the title MTV Unplugged in New York, may have provided a hint of Cobain's future musical direction. The record was compared to the R.E.M. album. 1992 Automatic for the People, and in 1993 Cobain admitted that Nirvana's next album would be "quite spiritual, acoustic, like the last R.E.M. album." .

Cobain's friend and lead singer of R.E.M. Michael Stipe, in a 1994 magazine interview Newsweek said: “Yes, he talked a lot about the direction in which he would move. I mean, I know what the next Nirvana album would sound like. It would be very quiet and acoustic, with a lot of string instruments. It would have been an amazing album and I was a little mad at him for killing himself. He and I were supposed to record a demo of the album. Everything was planned. He had a plane ticket, a car that was supposed to pick him up. And at the last minute he called and said: “I can’t fly.”

Literary influence

Movies and books

In 1997, the film “Kurt & Courtney” was shot. This is a documentary whose authors tried to find out whether Kurt Cobain's death was a suicide or whether he was murdered. And if they killed, then who? However, the film did not turn out to be complete due to huge claims from Courtney Love.

In 2003, comics about the life of Kurt Cobain were published in Britain. The plot consists of real facts from his life, and from fictional ones.

In 2004, Russian director Vasily Yatskin made a fictional documentary film “Blessing or Curse”, in which he tried to comprehend the spiritual side of Kurt’s life and death. The film includes interviews with Kurt's family and friends, his mother, sister, and wife, Hollywood star Courtney Love. The film draws parallels with the life story of another gifted person- the unique pianist Polina Osetinskaya.

Several books have also been written about Kurt's biography. One of the latest is Heavier Than Heaven by Charles Cross.


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  • Azerrad, Michael. . Doubleday, 1994. ISBN 0-385-47199-8
  • Burlingame, Jeff. Kurt Cobain: Oh Well, Whatever, Nevermind. Enslow, 2006. ISBN 0-7660-2426-1
  • Cross, Charles. Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain. Hyperion, 2001. ISBN 0-7868-8402-9
  • Keatts, Jeff. Guitar World Presents Nirvana and the Grunge Revolution. Hal Leonard, 1998. ISBN 0-7935-9006-X
  • Summers, Kim. Biography of Kurt Cobain on Allmusic


  1. Kurt Cobain's death certificate. Archived
  2. 1994: Rock musician Kurt Cobain "shoots himself". BBC. Archived from the original on June 24, 2012. Retrieved April 6, 2012.
  3. Cross, Charles - Cobain Unseen
  4. Halperin Ian Who Killed Kurt Cobain?. - London: Carol Pub. Group, 1999. - ISBN 0-80652-074-4
  5. Azerrad, s. 13
  6. Ancestry of Frances Bean Cobain
  7. Cross, p. 7
  8. Nirvana legend Kurt Cobain's roots traced to Co Tyrone
  9. True Everett Nirvana: True Story. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2009. - 640 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-367-01151-7
  10. "If it weren't for my family." Kurt Cobain, abandoned and talented. The life of wonderful people. My family. Articles MISSUS.RU
  11. Michael Azerrad Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana. - Three Rivers Press, 1993. - P. 37. - 336 p. - ISBN 978-0385471992
  12. Michael Azerrad. Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana, pp. 172-173
  13. Michael Azerrad. Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana, page 256.
  14. Even In His Youth: Interview with Beverly Cobain
  15. Rolling Stone
  16. Kurt Cobain (1967–1994) – Find A Grave Memorial. Archived from the original on October 17, 2012. Retrieved August 14, 2010.
  17. Eric Erlandson says Kurt Cobain recorded full solo album before he died -
  18. Butch Vig: "Kurt Cobain's solo album was just in his head" -
  19. Kurt Cobain. Journals
  20. MTV Unplugged in New York – Nirvana
  21. Fricke, David. "Kurt Cobain: The Rolling Stone Interview". Rolling Stone. January 27, 1994
  22. Everybody Hurts Sometime
  23. Kurt Cobain - all about celebrities
  24. Kurt Cobain - Guitar
  25. Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

Kurt Cobain - legendary rock musician, actor, super popular performer, was born in the suburbs of Seattle on February 20, 1967.


Kurt was the first-born in the family of a simple auto mechanic and a waitress. However, his mother had an excellent education and worked as a teacher for some time. But when children appeared in the family, a more free schedule was needed to spend more time with them. Three years later, a girl appeared in the family, Kurt’s sister.

When parents were too busy, the children were often left in the care of their mother's sister, Aunt Marie Earle. She was fond of music and often listened to AC/DC, Queen, Kiss and other popular bands, to which Kurt became addicted from early childhood. By the way, it was his aunt who discovered his extraordinary musical abilities. He could sing a musical phrase of any complexity.

On his seventh birthday, Kurt received a super pleasant surprise - a children's version of a drum set, a gift from his beloved aunt. But on the eighth, sad news awaited him about the divorce of his mother and father. She greatly undermined the psyche of the baby, who loved both. At first the boy stayed with his mother, but very soon moved to his father.

After his parents' divorce, he became very withdrawn. Kurt didn’t like communicating with strangers much before, but now his only outlet was his imaginary friend Bodd, because of whom his mother even took him to a psychiatrist, who, fortunately, did not find any other oddities in the boy.

Soon my father had a girlfriend, who then moved into their new home. The not very sociable, strange teenager did not find a common language with her and began to often leave home, spending the night sometimes with some relatives, sometimes with others.

Needless to say, with such a lifestyle, he had practically no time for normal studies, and he had practically no desire to do his homework. But somehow he finished school.

The Birth of Nirvana

Kurt began to study music seriously at the age of 14, when he managed to get a real guitar. And he was lucky with his teacher - by a stroke of luck, he became a musician from The Beachcombers, guitarist Warren Mason. He instilled in the boy a sense of musical style, which made his playing recognizable.

At the same time, the boy first became acquainted with the other side of musical parties - alcohol and drugs. At the age of 19, he even served 8 days in prison because he and his friends entered someone else’s house while drunk and screamed songs there. At the beginning of his musical career, he often did odd jobs, and sometimes even had to go hungry.

He put together his first group in 1985. The guys learned seven rock compositions, and occasionally they managed to perform for little money in local clubs. But, after going on like this for about a year, the musicians fled in different directions. Kurt began distributing unprofessional recordings of his band in hopes of putting together another one.

Kurt's friend Chris Novoselic was the first to decide to join, and a little later they got a super-professional drummer, Aaron Burkhardt. The team remained for a long time without a name, which changed before each performance, since for some reason all the options did not suit one of the participants. And it was only at NIRVANA that all three finally came together.

Glory and Death

The group's first album, Nevermind, simply tore apart listeners, and its main hit became almost a youth rock anthem. In the blink of an eye, the team became super popular. But it turned out that the guys themselves, and primarily Kurt, were not ready for such a turn of events. The musicians increasingly drowned in alcohol and drugs, and their performances were often accompanied by scandalous stories.

So, in 1992, they simply destroyed crazy expensive equipment on the MTV stage, where they were invited to perform at the opening ceremony as stars. Cobain simply hated his main hit, which by this time was sounding from almost all American windows. And it was he who was asked to perform by the show organizers.

Kurt insisted on performing his favorite composition, the name of which translates as “bury me.” Naturally, MTV management was categorically against it. It was agreed that Nirvana would perform another hit, “Lithium.”

But Kurt decided to take revenge for the wasted nerves and the intro chords from “Rape me” were heard first, which shocked the audience. But then the band continued playing “Lithium,” effectively splitting the instruments on the final chords.

The more famous the group became, and this happened after the release of each subsequent Nirvana album, of which there were only three with Cobain’s participation, the stronger his heroin addiction became. By the way, he himself last day claimed that he takes drugs solely for medicinal purposes, in order to drown out severe stomach pain before performing or recording.

In April 1994, Cobain's body in his own own home discovered by an electrician who saw him through the window, lying next to a gun and a pool of blood. According to doctors, death was caused by a shot to the head, but such an amount of heroin was found in the blood that Kurt would not have survived anyway.

Since there was a suicide note on the table addressed to the same imaginary friend who had not disappeared since childhood, they did not conduct a criminal investigation, but wrote it off as a banal suicide under the influence of drugs. However, there were those who unofficially believed that Cobain was killed. The musician's body was cremated and his ashes were scattered to the wind.

Personal life

The only love of his life was Courtney Love. Although in his early youth he was popular with girls, which he took advantage of without any twinge of conscience, changing one partner for another. He immediately developed a deep feeling for Courtney, but for almost two years he did not give up, not wanting to commit himself to a serious relationship.

The initiator of their romance was Courtney, who liked Kurt back in 1989, when Nirvana was just gaining momentum. A year later, she managed to officially meet him at one of the music parties. But only in 1992, when Courtney became pregnant, Kurt agreed to formalize their union.

With Courtney Love. Wedding.

The wedding was strange. It took place on a Hawaiian beach. Courtney was in wedding dress, taken from a friend, and Kurt himself was in striped pajamas.

The daughter of Kurt and Courtney also inherited a love of art from her parents, but she expressed herself differently - the girl became a famous artist. She practically does not remember her father - at the time of his death she was not even two years old.

With my daughter

Until the last day, Courtney heroically fought her husband’s drug addictions and even called doctors and the police a couple of times when he locked himself in the room, threatening to commit suicide. But she failed to pull her husband out of the drug quagmire.

1967. His father worked as a mechanic at a service station, his mother changed several jobs. She had to work as a teacher and at one time as a waitress in a bar. The family was very friendly with other relatives and the boy had developed good relationship with my aunts and uncles. Soon Kurt had a sister, Kimberly.

The boy became interested in music even before he began to speak, at about the age of two. His aunts and uncles performed in country bands, and as a child he often attended their rehearsals and performances. The child was especially interested in such groups as The Beatles and The Monkees. For his seventh birthday, his aunt gave the boy a drum kit. Later he became interested in the work of such musical groups: Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, Queen, Joy Division.

When the boy was 8 years old, his parents divorced. This time was difficult for Kurt; his childish, still fragile psyche was traumatized. Closedness and aggressive behavior began to appear more and more often in his behavior. At first the boy stayed to live with his mother, after a while he moved in with his father, but his father’s new wife and Kurt did not find a common language in communication. The teenager moved out from there, and from that time on he lived alternately with his relatives.


School is over, there is no family, one might say. Kurt lived with his friends for a while and found a job. And in 1986 he was arrested for 8 days, the young man illegally entered private property.

A year earlier, Kurt Cobain became the founder of the musical group Fecal Matter. A lot of work was done, seven compositions were written, but not a single album was destined to see the light of day. As a result, the group ceased to exist.

Soon his friend Krist Novoselic proposed to unite and create a new musical group. The friends spent a long time choosing a name for their band and decided to settle on a sonorous one - Nirvana.

In 1988, the musicians released the single “Love Buzz/Big Cheese”, a year later their first album “Bleach” was released. Almost all of the musician’s works combined the two styles of pop and punk. But the group gained worldwide fame by releasing the hit album “Nevermind”, this event happened in 1991. The song “Smells Like Teen Spirit” occupied the top of the charts for a long time.

The musician liked hard rock and therefore the fame that came to this composition incredibly irritated the creative personality. Kurt Cobain's next album was decidedly dark. He made it this way on purpose, but the expected fame was not achieved, although worthy places in the charts were taken.

Personal life

At one of the concerts, Kurt met with future wife Courtney, this event happened in 1990. Subsequently, his wife recalled that she noticed Kurt a year before meeting at a Nirvana concert. There was genuine interest on her part, but the musician did not pay much attention to the girl. Subsequently, he explained his behavior by his desire to remain single longer.

And yet the affair took place, and soon the girl found out about her pregnancy. In February 1992, a wedding was celebrated, this event took place in Hawaii, the bride was in a beautiful dress, and the groom came in pajamas. In August, the couple had a daughter.

Neither the creation of a family, nor the birth of a daughter, nor the fame of millions of fans made Kurt happy man. He had health problems before. Many diagnoses, including manic-depressive psychosis, were given to him since childhood. Plus, his addiction to drugs, in particular heroin, cut short the life of a young musician who gained worldwide fame. Two weeks before his death, the musician was saved from a heroin overdose, but on April 5, 1994, at the age of 27, his life was cut short. Everything was talking about suicide, but fans continue to believe that their favorite performer could not do it and he got help.

Today we will talk about where Kurt Cobain was born and how he became famous. Many people still listen to the songs he performed as part of the Nirvana group. They are a reflection of his rebellious soul. Want to know how Kurt Cobain died? Are you interested in the details of his personal life? You will find all the necessary information in the article.


Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in the small town of Hoquaim, located near Seattle. Then the whole family changed their place of residence. They settled in the city of Aberdeen. Father (Leland) worked as a car mechanic at a service station. And the mother (Wendy) managed to change several professions. She was a waitress, a secretary, and a teacher in a preschool institution. In 1979, Kurt had a little sister. The girl was named Kim.

Our hero with early years demonstrated creative abilities. What exactly did Kurt Cobain do? The boy composed songs literally on the go. He listened to songs by groups such as the Beatles and the Monkeys. As a child, Kurt was fond of drawing. On sheets of paper he depicted his favorite characters from Disney cartoons. A few years later it was added live music. Cobain Jr. tried playing the guitar. But he didn't do it well. Then Aunt Mary gave Kurt a drum set.

Hard fate

In 1975, our hero's parents divorce. Kurt's mother was tired because her husband did not devote time to her. He was more interested in baseball and basketball. The future rock star has a stepfather, whom Kurt immediately dislikes. At some point he decides to move in with his dad. But he is no longer alone. The man married for the second time. Kurt's stepmother had two children. And soon their baby together with Leland was born.

Our hero had to live either with his father or with his mother. In fact, his parents didn't need him. In moments of sadness and sadness, Kurt wrote poetry. He could only entrust his emotional experiences to paper.

Finding yourself

When the boy turned 14, his uncle gave him a guitar. And Kurt enjoyed learning to play this instrument. At the same time, our hero became interested in such a musical direction as punk. In one of the newspapers, Kurt read an article about the Sex Pistols. He wanted to listen to their compositions. In the city of Aberdeen it was impossible to get records from performers of this level. The guy dreamed that one day he would create a group that would surpass the Sex Pistols in popularity.

Soon Kurt met members of a local musical group called the Melvins. The guys played punk and hard rock. Cobain joined them, but not for long. Our hero dropped out of school without finishing 10th grade. This news infuriated his mother. She gave her son an ultimatum - either he gets a job, or packs his things and leaves home. Kurt chose the second option. For some time the guy lived under the bridge. Under such conditions, he wrote several songs. Later, Kurt Cobain's quotes will spread throughout the world.


In 1985, our hero, together with Greg Hokanson and Dale Crover, created the band Fecal Matter. But after a few months the team was disbanded. Kurt didn't despair. Soon he managed to create a new group, called Nirvana. In 1989, the band released their first album, which gained enormous popularity among listeners. People started talking about Nirvana in many countries. The second record came out in millions of copies. It was a real success.

Personal life

Kurt has always been popular with girls. There is nothing surprising here. He had a good-looking appearance and natural charisma. Cobain Jr. did not strive for serious relationship. Our hero changed girlfriends like gloves. But one day his heart trembled.

In 1989, Kurt met Courtney Love. The guy and the girl immediately liked each other. But none of them dared to talk about relationships. It was only in 1990 that Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl did everything to bring this couple together. Kurt and Courtney began a whirlwind romance. The musician did not look at the other girls. After all, his chosen one was ideal - beautiful, smart and feminine.

In 1992, the wedding of Kurt and Courtney took place. The young people glowed with happiness. In addition, the bride at that time was in interesting position. In August 1992, the couple had a daughter, Frances. The musician could not stop looking at his little blood.

Drug addiction

Many people know that the musician used heroin. However, Kurt Cobain's death was not due to drugs. He was treated several times for this destructive addiction. But heroin took over his mind.

In March 1994, Courtney Love sent her husband to a rehabilitation center. In a conversation with the doctor, Kurt claims that he is no longer taking heroin. But the specialist does not believe his words. On April 1, the musician manages to escape from this institution.

Death of Kurt Cobain

For Nirvana fans, April 8, 1994 will forever be remembered as a terrible date. On this day the famous Kurt Cobain died. His mutilated body was discovered by an electrician. The scene is the musician's house in Seattle. The electrician immediately called the police. Specialists who arrived at the scene found the musician’s body. A gun lay nearby. Kurt Cobain's suicide note was also found. In it, the musician asked for forgiveness from his family and friends. He also wrote that he was leaving this life voluntarily.

So what resulted in the death of Kurt Cobain? The official version is suicide. Investigators concluded that the leader of the Nirvana group shot himself in the forehead with a gun.

But what reasons did the 27-year-old guy, who had built a brilliant musical career, have for committing suicide? To understand this, just study Kurt Cobain's quotes. Here is one of them: “It’s better to be dead than cool.” And there are many such examples.

In conclusion

The death of Kurt Cobain is shrouded in many secrets and oddities. After 20 years, it is unlikely that we will be able to get to the bottom of the truth. In any case, Nirvana fans love and remember this talented musician and performer.

Kurt Donald Cobain (1965–1994) is one of the most famous musicians of the 20th century, founder, vocalist and guitarist of the legendary rock band Nirvana.


The boy was born in 1965 in the small town of Aberdeen. His father was a mechanic. He repaired cars. The mother periodically changed her occupation, working as both a teacher and a waitress. In general, it was the most ordinary, unremarkable family.

However, this could not be said about the boy’s immediate relatives. His uncle (mother's brother) performed in the band The Beachcombers. My aunt was a talented touring guitarist. But it was his great-uncle who achieved the greatest success. In his time he was a famous tenor.

Thanks to such an environment, the boy’s abilities did not go unnoticed. He was not yet three years old when he already enjoyed listening to music and performing songs by The Beatles. For a long time this British group remained his favorite. Later he discovered many others that are legendary in our time.

Kurt grew up as a sociable and inquisitive boy. But everything changed when my parents divorced. He was only 9 years old, and his usual, established life had already collapsed.

At first the boy stayed with his mother, but then decided to live with his father. However, the latter’s new wife did not find him with him common language, so Kurt changed his place of residence again and began to wander around visiting relatives.

The suicide of his beloved uncle was an even greater blow for Cobain than the breakup of his own family. Many believe that it significantly influenced the fate of the musician himself.

After graduating from school, Kurt rushed around for a long time in search of his corner and work, until he found himself behind bars for drinking alcohol and illegally entering private territory.

The Birth of Nirvana

The first group created by Cobain in 1985 was called Fecal Matter. It lasted less than a year, but became an important step on the ladder to fame. It was the Fecal Matter recordings that attracted the attention of like-minded people to Kurt, who together with him founded a new group and gave it the beautiful name Nirvana.

Already the first single, released in 1988, made it clear that future stars had appeared in the world. The album Bleach was a huge success, the number of fans of the group began to increase exponentially.

The second album, entitled Nevermind, was released in 1991. It was he who allowed the group to enter the world stage. People started talking about Nirvana on all continents, and the group’s compositions topped the most prestigious charts. Kurt Cobain himself became an idol of an entire generation, who heard their own thoughts and ideas in his songs.

In 1993, Nirvana released their last studio album, In Utero. With this collection, the team wanted to show that their music is not intended for the masses, and world fame, which is more typical of pop culture, is not of interest to musicians. However, despite all plans, the album still went down in history.

Personal life

Despite the image created on stage, Cobain turned out to be loving husband and father. His acquaintance with Courtney Love led to the musicians' quick marriage. In 1992, their daughter was born. Her parents gave her the name Frances Bean.

Most Cobain fans never accepted Courtney. For them, she forever remained the woman who ruined the life of their idol, and then became the reason for his departure. Be that as it may, Kurt loved his wife and doted on his little daughter. Most likely, their family would have lived happily ever after if not for drugs. And not the addiction of both parents to them.

According to Courtney herself, she repeatedly tried to fight her husband’s addiction. However, many people close to them claim that she herself was far from white and not at all fluffy.

In March 1994, Kurt agreed to undergo another course of treatment for addiction, but his desire quickly dried up. On March 30, he went to a rehabilitation clinic, and two days later he ran away.


April 8, 1994 became a dark day for all fans of the artist. Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home's greenhouse. According to the official version, he died from a gunshot to the head. He shot himself, as evidenced by the discovered suicide note.

To this day, the musician’s fans claim that he could not commit suicide. However, nothing can be proven.

Kurt Cobain was cremated and his ashes were scattered over the river in his hometown.