Settlement and number of Jews. World Union of Jewish Health Society

Below you will learn how to get to this place on your own, what you need to be prepared for, and also where to look for the mysteries of the Seven Brothers rocks.

How to get to Crocodile Ridge

I think everyone who visited the legendary cave city of Eski-Kermen on the way back probably noticed a long but low rocky ridge. I mean the one that you have to go around on the Red Mac-Tank road. The path literally goes out onto the road.

So if you are traveling by car, you can take a walk along the ridge while combining a trip to Eski-Kermen. If you prefer public transport, then your destination is the village of Krasny Mak on the border of Sevastopol and the Bakhchisarai region. By the way, a bus runs regularly from the North Side (Zakharova Square) to Krasny Mak.

What you need to know when going to Crocodile

As I wrote above, the ridge is small and low, but very narrow. The western “side” of the Crocodile is more flat, but east side ends with steep cliffs straight into Belbek.

So if you are going on a hike with schoolchildren or, conversely, very young children, then there is no need to worry. But if you have 2-3 year old children with big butts, give them safety instructions in advance, or postpone the walk for several years.

Photos from a recent walk

The most recent walk took place this week on May 9th. So, in fact, we were grilling shish kebab and baking potatoes in the coals when the idea arose to quickly go to Krokodil and return back. I didn’t even have a camera with me, just a phone. And it turned out to be a full-fledged adventure! Watch the video below.

1. The car can be parked right on the side of the road, where the Crocodile “flows” into Belbek

2. In some places the ridge is as wide as a path

3. Archaeologists believe that at the very beginning of the ridge there was a watchtower of the Principality of Theodoro

4. The places are picturesque, but you have to be careful not to fall

5. Looking back

6. But the most interesting thing was under the rocks when we descended into the so-called Lost World of Ediger-Asker rocks

Ediger-Asker is translated from the Turkic language as “Seven Brothers”. Of course, there is a legend about naughty brothers and a bride, but I don’t like such stories because they are banal. So I won’t even retell it.

Most likely, hundreds of years ago these rocks broke away from the main body of the ridge as a result of a landslide or erosion by Belbek. Be that as it may, a real stone chaos formed between the rocks, a lost labyrinth of rocks and scree. And also...

7. ... suddenly appeared around the corners...

On VKontakte they told me that these are the remains of the scenery for the film “Skif”. As far as I understand, the film has not yet been released widely, so it is not possible to watch it yet.

Video of a walk to the Crocodile Ridge

Along the way, as usual, I shot a movie, albeit on my phone, so forgive the quality. So, by the way, you can see the continuation of the walk, which I no longer photographed.

So this walk once again confirms that a) you need to be well prepared when going even to a barbecue; b) interesting and unusual things can be found on the most banal and simple route.