Birthday rituals to make a wish come true. Birthday conspiracies - how to guarantee the fulfillment of wishes

Birthday is a special day when people make their deepest wishes in the hope that they will come true. You can fulfill your wish and set up the next year for good luck, health, and love with the help of rituals and prayers. This is a magical day, unusual. If not on this day, ask for magical powers to attract positive energy, whatever you want.

Birthday conspiracies are different. Below you will find the most effective and efficient ones.

Return good luck for the whole year

Was last year not very successful? Haunted by failures or bad mood? This year you can improve the situation by returning your luck. There are two days a year when the words of the conspiracy have the highest effectiveness. Your birthday is also your birth mother's birthday. It takes place exactly at noon. Take into your hand as many coins as your full name. Go to the first (closest) intersection. Cross it, saying the words in the center:

“Lord, judge with the one who took my luck.”

"Bills paid."

Leave the ceremony site as soon as possible. It is forbidden to look around or talk to anyone. The ritual will end when you cross another intersection.

  1. For happiness and success, invite an even number of guests;
  2. Crying is a bad sign on a birthday. Cry only from happiness. Also, you should not borrow money on this day;
  3. Get out of bed in the morning and look out the window. Who do you see? A man promises you loneliness. For a woman, the year will be full of warm relationships. Cat or other pet - be attentive to your health;
  4. On this day you are sensitive to various kinds of signs, be attentive to them, try to notice only the good;
  5. On the night of your birthday, take a bath or a good bath. This is a kind of ritual to cleanse the soul, body, and chakras.

Wish come true

This is a very powerful, strong ritual. It is needed to fulfill your most cherished desire, which is very important to formulate clearly in a few sentences. To perform the ritual you will need a few simple attributes: fresh bread, salt, water, church candle. We spend a few minutes completely alone, concentrating without any extraneous sounds. The wish ritual consists of several spells. You need to read it by heart.

First we say, lighting a candle with matches:

“Bread and salt are a helper in everything, help now, be a support in everything. I want that... (Your wish in an affirmative and very brief form). I eat bread and salt and thank you"

We take a slice of bread, sprinkle it with salt, chew it thoroughly, while imagining a picture of a wish that has already come true. Try to keep in your head images and pictures of a wish come true. After eating a slice of bread, wash it down with water. Read the plot first:

“Water, water, you are the source of life, you are the basis of everything, help me again. Water-water, fulfill my wish, but don’t cause anyone suffering.”

Leave a sip at the bottom of the glass of water. Put out the candle in it while reading:

“Salt, bread and water - you have always been there. Salt, bread and water never fail. As said, so done. Amen"

Having completed the ritual, you can safely expect the fulfillment of your desire. There should be no doubts, think about desire, continue to scroll through your head those same images of fulfilled desire.

Prayer from the magicians

It is important to read this prayer not just on your birthday, but at the approximate time of birth. If you don’t know the exact time, read it after waking up. Why is it necessary? They say that this day takes a lot of energy, we become weak. This prayer helps to maintain energy at the right level, protect yourself from the evil eye, ask for forgiveness for past sins, and also set yourself up for the coming year.

The text of the prayer is long, if you can learn it, it’s great. You will read it in the coming years. If you can’t learn it, read it from a piece of paper. It’s worth reading without getting out of bed by candlelight, without strangers. Take care of everything in advance in the evening: put a candle, matches, a sheet with the text of the prayer under the pillow.

“Lord God, Ruler of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind. Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, having passed into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life. Amen."

Guardian Angel

This ritual will attract love, success in work, health and fulfillment of desires into your life. Your guardian angel will hear you on this day and protect you from all dangers.

Go to church and buy 12 candles there. When you go outside, take them in your hand, close your eyes and read a prayer. The text of the conspiracy is not long, so it can be learned by heart.

“Heavenly Angel, my faithful guardian. Follow me through this miserable life. Don’t give up on failures, save me from torment, and on my birthday, start studying again. Love and forgive, do not sin and do not get angry, pray to God as hard as possible. My angel, don’t abandon me on a long journey, don’t let my legs break in weakness. Let your hands control and your heart knock, I will pray again on my birthday. Amen."

Now cross yourself and go home. Place candles out of reach. When it gets difficult, light one of them and read the same prayer. The ritual can be performed no more than once a month.

Remember that a birthday is an important day. Be sure to read prayers and conspiracies, because this day comes only once a year!

Today is the day when we will talk about ways to fulfill desires. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will offer you witchcraft rituals that work through Christian Powers, as well as a simple black book conspiracy at the crossroads, which a beginner can do on his own, since today this magic of everyday life is rapidly gaining momentum.

Any day of our life can become a day of luck and good fortune. Today, many people use magical rituals and conspiracies to make their wishes come true. With the help of wish rituals, you can solve various everyday problems. This makes witchcraft spells effective and therefore attractive.

Home ritual for a birthday wish - calling on your shadow

For many people, the psychological perception of a birthday is very similar. We tell ourselves: today is a day of luck and good fortune.

  • This is a special day.
  • The beginning of a new personal year.
  • Another round of life.
  • Renewal, awakening of fresh strength and new hopes.

A special boundary, standing on which you can do real magic. And you can succumb to the influence of practical rituals of magic to fulfill your cherished desires.

Practicing magicians do a variety of birthday rituals to fulfill a wish - with different rituals through different Powers. Most of them are quite simple, and therefore can be done independently at home. This effective ritual for soon fulfillment of their strong desire is carried out on their birthday– an independent challenge to your shadow to fulfill a request.

A magical birthday ritual for good luck and money, which is really simple, is performed independently through the Powers of the Christian egregor. If you work with this egregor, then you can quite possibly have a powerful ritual on your birthday for the quick fulfillment of your innermost desire.

You need to stand so that your own shadow does not intersect with the shadows cast by surrounding objects.

Clasp your hands and read the plot for the urgent fulfillment of a strong desire three times in 1 day:

“Lord my God, I, Your servant (name), am before You. How You created the moon, and the sun, and the frequent stars, and the blue sea, and the black earth, and man, and his shadow - all this on the seventh day. And the Lord gave me shade for every day. I ask her and command: let (give the Forces a clear, extremely specific wording of the request) be fulfilled. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

A good spell to make wishes come true on your birthday

A really effective birthday conspiracy to make a wish come true needs to be read three times, looking at the rising sun. Cross your palms, press them to your chest, and read the text of this spell to fulfill your desires:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, bless myself, cross myself, wash myself with clean water, leave the hut, say goodbye to my father, and bless my mother. I’ll go from the hut to the porch, from the porch to the porch, from the porch to the open field. Behind that field is the Sea of ​​Okiyan, and in that Okiyan is the island of Buyan. There are three towers on the island. The first wooden mansion, in that mansion is the Mother of God, I will go, bow to her and say: Mother of God, as you looked after Jesus when he walked on the earth, so while I walk on the earth, and give me damask health and bright beauty. The second golden mansion, in that mansion is Saint Paraskeva, I will go, bow to her and say: Saint Paraskeva, give me good luck in financial matters, so that I will not suffer a lack of anything. The third mansion is made of jasper, in that mansion there are Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will go, bow to them and say: Saints Peter and Fevronia, I ask you for hot blood, a boiling heart for love, and a strong spirit for family harmony. Just as the door to the doorframe is pretending, so are my words to me pretending, all the days, all the hours, at noon and midnight, day and night. Amen."

White birthday conspiracy for money

On this unique day, not only requests for the fulfillment of what you want are popular, money conspiracies are also popular on birthdays. And here is one of them.

You need to read a strong spell for good luck at your hour of birth.

If you don’t know the exact hour of your birth, do the witchcraft ritual at midnight - at the beginning of your birthday, but it works worse. For independent birthday plot to attract money The following materials are needed:

  • church candle
  • icon of the Lord Pantocrator
  • a piece of pure natural fabric

Place the icon on the windowsill and a church candle in front of it. Light a candle and say prayers to the Lord (any prayers you know), then read the plot to receive wealth, luck and fortune 12 times:

“I will be baptized with the cross (be baptized once), I will be blessed by the Lord God (bow). Amen. Lord God, ruler of everything visible and invisible, all the days and hours of my life depend on your holy will. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to live this year, because I am a sinner and not worthy of mercy. But you are long-suffering and abundantly merciful, O Lord. Grant me more of your mercies. Extend my life in peace and virtue, in health and abundance of earthly fruits. Grant peace and love to my relatives to live in harmony with. And most of all, clear your conscience, strengthen it on the path of salvation, so that I may be the heir of your heavenly Kingdom. Bless, Lord, my year and all the days of my life. Amen."

After reading a home spell on your birthday for wealth and good luck in business, in obtaining an abundance of earthly fruits, extinguish the candle with the fingers of your right hand, wrap it in a cloth or sheet of paper prepared for the ceremony and place it behind an Orthodox icon. On your next birthday, you can repeat the home spell for good luck and money. Reading, i.e. counterfeit must be done on a new spark plug. And the candle that you have should be taken to the same temple (required).

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Returning stolen luck on your birthday - a witchcraft ritual at the crossroads

I would like to remind you that everything we have in earthly life cannot belong to us unconditionally and forever. Our life is temporary. We are all strangers here. And all we have is:

  • Love,
  • money,
  • health,
  • youth,
  • beauty,
  • success,
  • luck,
  • luck
  • and energy of life

– is given to us only for a while.

Including money luck. If you do not protect your luck, do not jealously protect it from the envy of others, it can be taken away by a sorcerer, an envious person, or a person who is energetically stronger than you.

If a bad streak has come in your life, make a spell for good luck on your birthday.

They read a very good conspiracy to fulfill wishes in 100 days, at a crossroads. And here it is not the Lord, but the devil who is called. So for those who practice white magic, this black ritual is not suitable. If you practice double-handedness, you can do it. The magical ritual is very simple, you can do everything with the power of black magic. It is clear that witchcraft ritual to fulfill your cherished desires for warlocks. Summoning the Forces is not necessary, unless your connection with the Dark Spirits is not yet strong enough. If so, then the call of the Forces is worth pronouncing. This can be done either while leaving the house or while standing at an intersection.

Birthday is always a happy and special day on which life is ready to give you a precious gift - the fulfillment of a dream. You just need to know how and when you can get it.

Strong and effective conspiracies will help you take back the gift of fate and open the door to harmonious energy that makes wishes come true. These are simple rituals that will bring joy into your life, making your birthday a truly happy day. Such actions will not bring any benefit if you decide to do them on another day. Hurry up to take advantage of the chance that the Higher Powers give you and make your dream come true.

What you can and cannot ask for on your birthday

This is your day, which means you only need to wish for yourself. Don't be afraid to be selfish when thinking about what you want most in life. Choose what is most important, what will make you happy. What you can wish for your birthday:

  • gain wealth, love, luck;
  • find a good job or something you love;
  • become a successful or famous person;
  • find your purpose;
  • create a strong family;
  • achieve a calling.

This is just a standard set of desires; you have the right to choose for yourself what you want. Your dream will be fulfilled in one year, so don’t be surprised if you wait more than six months for it to come true. Desire has 12 months to find its way to you. Wait, and it will definitely find you. The most important thing is to make it correctly, avoiding dangerous wishes:

  • you cannot wish for death;
  • upset someone else's happiness;
  • take away the success, happiness, love and wealth of another.

Practitioners and esotericists do not recommend stooping to such a level on your holiday and wishing harm on someone. This very evil will overtake you within a year, your luck will turn away, and you will get 12 months of misfortune. Higher powers severely punish those who neglect their desires and waste them in the name of evil, self-interest and deception.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true on your birthday

Set an alarm to wake up before everyone else and not miss the chance to make a wish correctly. Getting out of bed, go to the window, smile at the sun, the world and everything around, and then read the plot:

“The Lord, my shepherd! Give me a bright life, and send all the evil to the past. Let failures and sorrows forget the way to me and never return. I lock my happiness with seven locks and stay with it forever.”

After all the congratulations have been sent to you and you have received gifts, you should take a piece of the cake on which you made your wish and wrap it in a thick napkin or paper. Read the plot above this bundle in a half-whisper:

“I repent and with God’s help I protect myself from everything. In the name of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the plot, nothing else will stand in the way of your happiness and the fulfillment of your innermost dreams. Thanks to words, you will clear your destiny card, removing everything bad, sad and heavy from it. In their place will come moments of joy and fun. In order not to drag the tail of negativity along with you, it is better to throw the package with a piece of cake away from the house.

Birthday candle spell

You will need seven or ten candles and a good memory to remember a few words of the spell. You need to approach your desire with all seriousness; for this, it is best to reflect on it alone, clearly forming and visualizing your dream. Meditation on wish fulfillment is a great way to tune in to the wave and direct the energy in the right direction. Answer yourself the main questions: when your plans come true, will you not regret it, will no one suffer from it? If you are sure that your dream is a bright and pure message to the Higher Powers, then you can begin the ritual itself. Light all the candles, repeat your wish twelve times and recite the text you learned in advance, then leave the candles to burn out. Text to learn:

“Almighty God, grant me your mercy! Let happiness come to my door, and as soon as it crosses the threshold, the wished-for thing will immediately fall into my hands! Just as the sun rolls across the sky, so luck always finds its way into the life of God’s servant (name). The word has been spoken. It is done. Amen".

A powerful spell that grants a wish

To make a wish come true on your birthday, site experts advise you to use this technique. The conspiracy must be read into your own shadow - this makes it unique and unlike all other conspiracies. With words you will speak your own shadow to success. You only need to fulfill a few conditions. The first is to be alone for just a couple of minutes. The second rule is that your desire must already be formed and well thought out. Third, your shadow should not be blocked by unnecessary objects and people; it should be visible in full height.

When evening comes, find a secret place in your apartment, or better yet on the street, where no one will disturb you. The conspiracy is so strong that the fulfillment of your cherished wish will not keep you waiting long. Stand so that you can clearly see your shadow, and quickly, without hesitation or mistakes (you can practice in advance), read the plot:

“My shadow does not know life without me. Our Creator gave me a shadow on my birthday so that it would take away all the bad things and help me fulfill my desires. So fulfill my dream, shadow: (your dream). I secure all the words with a key, throw away the key and complete the plot. Amen".

Making your dreams come true is easy, especially if you know how to do it. It is more difficult to formulate it. After all, only correctly made wishes come true. Dream correctly and believe in the best. We wish you a great mood, success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Probably, Birthday is the most favorite holiday of every person. Firstly, this is a personal holiday, only yours. Besides, we all love gifts and kind words, which in such a

holiday they tell us especially a lot. Nowadays, it is rare that anyone does not know about the power of thought and words. So don’t be indifferent to congratulations: if a person sincerely wishes you what he wants, and if he also has strong energy, then there is a high probability that his wish will come true.

There is another holiday that we love no less - New Year. But I can please those who don’t know that the New Year doesn’t only happen on December 31st. This holiday is also different for each person. For each individual person, it comes on his birthday. It is on your birthday that the personal countdown of the year ends and begins. And on the New Year, miracles happen more often than on other days of the year, but you just need to show the Universe that you need the help of the Higher Powers. Therefore, as on the traditional world New Year, on your birthday you can perform magical rituals and read prayers and conspiracies.

Birthday Prayer

Lord, God, Ruler of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will.
I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind.
Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and harmony with all neighbors.
Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs.
Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your heavenly Kingdom.
Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life.

On the last day before a birthday, a person is energetically exhausted, the jug is empty. It has used up energy in a year and will only be filled at the moment of your birth, that is, at the hour of your birth. On this day the process of your birth begins, and this is not an easy process, it is stressful for your soul and body. Therefore, the day before the holiday can be the hardest day of the year. There may be quarrels, bad mood or poor health. Therefore, on such a day you should not start any serious business and not make plans for the future. It’s better to entrust the preparations for the holiday to your loved ones, and if you don’t want to burden them, prepare for it in advance.

And on your birthday itself, spend

Ritual of protection for the coming year

For this ritual, a gift of jewelry, a trinket or some small memento from someone close to you (ideally, your parents) will be enough, because it is important who gave you this thing - you must be completely confident in this person, in that he does not wish you harm.

No clothing, shoes or anything that you will not wear all the time and wash is suitable for this purpose. Ideally, it should be a pendant or ring that you will be comfortable wearing all the time.

The selected item must be cleaned - for this, a glass of clean running water (in no case boiled, such water is considered dead), into which the amulet is dipped and left on the window overnight, will be enough.

After this, in the morning, we need to take out our talisman, wipe it with a clean (ideally a new one, but you can’t get enough new towels every time, so just a clean one is enough) towel, then, holding it in your right hand, clearly imagine what we want: if protection, from what, in what aspects and for how long.

Don't ask for too much! If you become good friends with the amulet, it can be recharged in exactly the same way. All these operations should be carried out the day after your birthday (that is, the amulet should be cleansed on the night of your birthday on the next day).

There are many birthday conspiracies and whispers, however, there is one most effective one that will bring you good luck and material well-being in the new year for you.

Birthday plot to attractgood luck and money

Read in front of a lit candle on the day and hour of your birth. If you don’t know the exact time, then preferably either at sunset or dawn:

“Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer!
Olya-yaksh and the devil knight himself, appear, come to my oak table, and let neither windows nor doors be an obstacle to you. Bring me precious dust from gold, and a bone from a mighty bull. Leave them to me as helpers, protectors, concealers.
From now on, I (Name) will be lucky in all my endeavors and good thoughts, luck will not go away, but gold will come.
I lock my words tightly, and whoever tries to break them will only waste their strength.”

Read this plot 12 times, according to the number of months in the year. From this moment on, luck will not leave you, and the money itself should flow into your hands!

Conspiracy to make a wish come true on your birthday

Every person has wishes and dreams, and how you want every desired dream to come true as if by magic, but not everyone knows that every person has such an opportunity and all that is needed for this is to read an ancient as the world and a very powerful conspiracy to fulfill a cherished desire in your birthday and it will definitely come true.

Birthday spells for good luck

The day before your birthday, buy a red candle in church, at the hour when you were born (if you don’t know the exact time - in the evening after 22 o’clock) light a candle near the window and read this plot for good luck in business and protection from troubles and attacks :

The angel of my birth send me your blessing
From trouble, grief, deliverance, from my enemies nine nine times
From slander and vain blasphemy, from a sudden and terrible illness,
From the point in the dark, from the poison in the cup, from the beast in the thicket, from the gaze of Herod and his army,
From anger and punishment, From bestial torn apart, from eternal cold and fire,
From hunger and a rainy day - save, save me.
And my last hour will come, my angel, come with me.
Stand at the head, make it easier for me to leave.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


With the last words, put out the candle with your fingers (you cannot blow). Put the cinder under your pillow and go to bed without talking to anyone. In the morning, put the remainder of the candle in a secluded place until your next birthday. (next year, take last year’s cinder to church).

Birthday spells to make your cherished wish come true

Having several wishes is good, but on your birthday, choose your most cherished wish, which can be fulfilled by reading this plot. Memorize the words of the magical ritual in advance, because it is read twelve times in a row and you cannot get confused or stammer. On your birthday, prepare three church candles. Sitting down at the table and strengthening the candles so that you get a triangle pointing at you (two at a distance, and one in the center near you). Light the candles clockwise and read the memorized Birthday spell to make a wish come true :

Lord, my God, bless and have mercy.
Olya-yaksh and the devil knight himself, go through the gate, through the window, through the black pipe, to my oak table.
Bring me gilded dust, a crushed hare lip and three bones from a heifer.
Just as the moon moves across the sky at its hour, so I, God’s Servant (name), will be lucky from this hour.
Sand in the sea, word and deed are locked.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Birthday money plot

Many birthday girls only want money, they are sure that if they had money, we’ll buy the rest... The star girl published a lot of conspiracies and love spells to gain wealth, but a birthday is a special occasion and a conspiracy for money on a birthday has enormous power, Therefore, if you want “easy money”, do the following:
Early in the morning (from 4 to 6 o'clock) on your birthday, let your hair down and take off all your clothes, cross your palms, pressing them to your chest read the old conspiracy for money on your birthday:

I, servant of God (name), will stand up, bless myself and cross myself, wash myself with clean water,

I’ll leave the hut and say goodbye to my father and bless my mother.

I’ll go from the hut to the porch, from the porch to the porch, from the porch to the open field.

Behind that field is the sea-okiyan, and in that okiyan is the island of Buyan.

There are three towers on the island.

The first mansion is wooden, in that mansion there is the Mother of God, I will go and bow to her and say:

“Mother of God, how did you watch Jesus when he walked the earth,

So look after me while I walk on earth and give me damask health and bright beauty."

The second tower is golden, in that tower is Saint Paraskeva, I will go and bow to her and say:

“Saint Paraskeva, give me good luck in financial matters, so that I will not lack anything.”

The third mansion is made of jasper, in that mansion are Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will go and bow to them and say:

“Saints Peter and Fevronia, I ask you for hot blood, a boiling heart for

Love and spirit are strong, for family harmony."

Just as the door is pretending to the doorframe, so are my words to me pretending, all the days, all the hours,

At noon and midnight, day and night.

Birthday spell to make a wish come true

A magical ritual is done only for yourself and only on your birthday, so before it comes, you should prepare and decide on your dreams and choose your most cherished wish on the occasion of your birthday and the Almighty powers will help in its fulfillment. Buy twelve candles of 6 different colors (yellow and red) from the church in advance; on your birthday, place them around you, alternating one by one, then light all the candles and read the words of the conspiracy :

Lord Jesus Christ, Unspeakable Light, Bless and have mercy.
Don't judge me, don't scold me, close your eyes, calm your anger.
Olyayaksh and the devil himself, go through the gate, through the window,
Through the black pipe, to my oak table.
Bring me gilded dust, crushed hare lip
And three bones from a heifer.
As the moon moves across the sky in its hour,
So I, God’s servant (name), will be lucky from that hour.
Sand in the sea, words and deeds are locked.
Key, lock, tongue.

In the coming year, your cherished wish will definitely come true. Just don’t tell anyone how everything worked out for you, and already on your next birthday you can again return to this magical plot that helps in fulfilling the desired gift of fate.

Strong birthday spell

If you have been haunted by failures and lack of money all year, once a year on your birthday before mass, do the following: place any mirror on the table, light a yellow church candle, place Thursday salt to the right of it (on Thursday, ask 3 neighbors for a pinch under the pretext , what are you cooking, and the salt has run out) and a glass of holy water. Before reading the conspiracy, read the prayers in the following order: “Our Father,” “May God rise again,” “Mother of God, Virgin, Rejoice.”

Lord, Heavenly Father. Send me good fortune.

I leave my evil share, I send it into the mirror.

Go away, bad luck, into the distant distance, stay there,

Don't come back, I'll stay happy,

I will hide myself from you with Crosses.

With these words of the conspiracy, dip your fingers in holy water, sign the sign of the cross on your chest, continuing to read the plot Cross yourself three times and say:

In the name of the Lord I close myself with the Cross

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Eat a small pinch of Thursday salt, drink three sips of holy water, bow, sign the sign of the cross on your chest. Let the candles burn out completely. The next day in church, light candles for your own health to the icons of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity and the Mother of God. Before leaving the temple, make a feasible monetary donation for its needs. But you cannot give alms to beggars (people in need) on this day.

Birthday conspiracies for marriage

Many star girls wish to get married on their birthday; the following birthday love spells will help fulfill this wish. Getting up early in the morning, before sunrise, so that no one sees, take a broom and sweep the rubbish from the landing into your apartment, saying plot to get married on your birthday :

I don’t sweep up dirty laundry, I bring in suitors.

One hundred, two hundred, I’ll be together with one.


Collect the garbage in a bag and hide it in a secluded place, store it until the wedding, and then burn it. This birthday spell for love does not work immediately, but during this year you will definitely get married.

© Copyright: Magician

  • Lapel from a wife with an intention for divorce Girls who have fallen in love with a married man or boyfriend are looking for ways to independently make a lapel for a husband from his wife, and for this purpose the following lapel spell has enormous power and is done at home on a wedding candle with an intention for divorce. It is not for nothing that knowledgeable people advise keeping candles from a wedding for the rest of their lives behind the icon of the house where the spouses live. Only in this case the lapel on the wedding candle will not work and will save the family. If a mistress wants to turn her husband away from his wife, she must attend the church service first, buy a wedding candle without taking change, and take communion after the service. Give out small money to the poor at the porch. When night falls and the stars appear in the sky, open the window in your room, cross yourself three times and read the “Our Father” three times. Then place a white plate without patterns on the windowsill and place a wedding candle on it. Light the candle flame and read the words of the lapel on it:

  • SPELL FOR BEAUTY AND YOUTH The magic of beauty stores many powerful spells for beauty by reading which girls become younger and more attractive to the guys around them. If you have seen how men show signs of attention to an unattractive woman, most likely this is the effect of a beauty spell and this person has read a strong spell for beauty and youth and thus “cast a veil” over the entire male race with which she comes into contact. A beauty spell and a longevity spell can be combined with one magical ritual that is carried out independently and in complete secrecy from everyone. It has been time-tested that a spell for beauty and youth made on water and read on a full moon is very effective and increases attractiveness in the eyes of men.

  • A conspiracy to forget a loved one. What conspiracies help you forget a loved one very quickly? Read and choose the one that is easier for you to do at home; this is the most complete selection of the most powerful conspiracies that will help you quickly forget the person you love. How to get rid of longing for a loved one after a breakup? This question is asked by many who had to break up, but love remained and does not give rest for a minute. Even in ancient times, lovesickness and boredom were relieved with the help of spells, and it is very good that it was this magical spell that helped to forget a loved one on the same day. Don’t torment yourself and torment your heart by tormenting it with memories of someone who no longer needs you, you don’t know how to forget your loved one and live a happy life, read one of the conspiracies below and believe that you will meet your true love

  • Protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, ways to protect yourself and your baby at home from the evil eye and damage in everyday life. In the modern world of anger and envy, people put damage and the evil eye on each other without even realizing it, and today our magazine will tell you how to protect yourself from such influence in the modern world. The following methods of protecting yourself and your child from evil people who deliberately cause damage or a more harmless evil eye will help to divert the black energy of witchcraft back to them. Our ancestors knew methods of how to protect their home and family from damage and the evil eye, these are 10 magical methods that have survived to this day from mouth to mouth in Russian folklore.

  • How to remove damage from yourself yourself You can remove it from yourself or another person at home, but the most effective way is in a church or on the river bank. If you carry out a magical ritual to remove the damage caused correctly, the result will come very quickly, but still it is best, even after removing the damage, to go to church, which will help to completely remove the previously induced negativity and provide protection against the repeated induction of severe damage.

  • CONSPIRACIES TO MEET THE RIGHT PERSON This conspiracy works for a quick meeting with the right person, who avoids meeting and calling, but really needs to meet with him. You can use the calling spell at any time of the day or night. The best thing about a meeting conspiracy is that you can do it yourself and there is no need to use the services of hereditary magicians and witches. After the meeting, you will definitely meet with the person you are calling, so take a piece of paper and a pen and write down how to make a conspiracy for the meeting yourself. For a magical ritual, take a white scarf without a pattern, 12 buttons, a red thread with a needle and a knife with a wooden handle.

  • LOVE SPELL FOR THE OLD NEW YEAR Do you want to bewitch your loved one? We will teach you how to make a strong love spell yourself on the night of the old New Year. To perform this ritual, you need a church candle, a round mirror and a photo of the loved one you want to bewitch. Don’t worry if you didn’t have time to make a love spell for Christmas, there is an old effective love spell that you can do yourself on the night of January 13-14. Five minutes before the onset of the Old New Year, place a round mirror on the table in front of you, and on it a small photograph of your chosen one

  • Love spells are considered the most powerful in love magic. The best time when you can independently and forever bewitch your loved one is the holy holidays. To carry out the love spell ritual, you must have the following items prepared: a white handkerchief without a pattern, which has never been used, two church candles and a photograph of your loved one that can be printed from your phone.

  • Reading love spells during the holiday week is an old custom and a good tradition of celebrating Christmas time with benefit. The best and most popular love spell for Christmastide is the Yuletide ritual for love, which is done during the week of Christmastide from January 7 to January 19. To bewitch the groom and marry your loved one to yourself on any day of the holiday week, you need to cast a Christmas love spell. On any day of Christmas, approach your window at home (apartment) with a lit candle, read the words of the Christmas love spell