Runes to improve health. The latest runescripts Runes becoming a quick recovery of strength

Since ancient times, runes have been used not only to predict a person’s fate, but also to influence his life. With the right skill, a good runist can reverse illness, ward off thieves from your home, facilitate learning, and much more.

Creating rune amulets for health requires a lot of concentration and knowledge of some rules so as not to harm a person. In this article you will learn the intricacies of working with runes when making such amulets.

How to choose a runic alphabet

First you need to decide on the runic alphabet from which you will take the rune for health and longevity. Traditionally, the Elder Futhark of the Scandinavian alphabet or Slavic runes are used. The latter have become widespread only recently.

You can use any other exotic alphabet, but it is better to stick with these two. Preference is usually given to Scandinavian futhark, as a more developed system of symbols.

What runes to use

So what runes should you use for health and healing? In Scandinavian futhark, each of the symbols can have a positive effect on the body:

  • Fehu. Gives a person energy and relieves fatigue. Reflects negative energetic influences.
  • Uruz. It is a more powerful energy rune than Fehu. Fills a person with ebullient animal energy, and with prolonged use increases sexuality. This rune is used to restore health after a protracted illness, as well as for impotence and frigidity.
  • Turisaz. Has a positive effect on joints and the urinary system.
  • Ansuz. A rune symbolizing the vocal cords and throat organs. Helps in their treatment.
  • Raido. Improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system, accelerates metabolism.
  • Kano. Effective on skin diseases and wounds.
  • Gebo. Treats the central nervous system and reproductive organs.
  • Vunyo. Has a preventive effect. Wearing an amulet with this rune has a positive effect on your mood.
  • Hagalaz. The main effect of the rune is aimed at the human psyche. Calms and treats nervousness.
  • Nautiz. Helps in the treatment of alcoholism and other addictions.
  • Isa. Stops the development of the disease, but in a single form does not promote recovery. Freezes the situation completely.
  • Yera. It affects the entire body and can be used as a preventive measure.
  • Eyvaz. Treats blood diseases and colds.
  • Algiz. Eliminates headaches and helps restore vision.
  • Soulu. Cleanses the patient’s energy and imbues him with healing power.
  • Teyvaz. Affects the bone marrow and circulatory system. Helps with impotence.
  • Berkana. Treats female genital organs, prepares for childbirth. Cannot be used in the presence of formations, since Berkana accelerates the growth of something.
  • Evaz. Heals and strengthens. Helps after eliminating obsession.
  • Mannaz. Gives strength, treats the genitourinary system.
  • Laguz. Eliminates infectious diseases, gives confidence and gets rid of complexes.

  • Inguz. Normalizes metabolism and gives strength.
  • Odal. A strong rune that has the most positive effect on the health of older people. Stimulates cell regeneration, especially in the brain.
  • Dagaz. Gives energy and creates mental comfort. Calms and instills confidence.

The Slavic runes of health are named Ud and Bereginya. Oud is intended for men, it is a reflection of their strength in the alphabet. Bereginya can be used for anyone, it strengthens the body and speeds up recovery. Works especially well for women and children.

Reversed runes

Each rune has two meanings, often opposite to each other. Inverted runes are not used to improve health, since this position is not typical for them. Something “perverted”, like an inverted rune, will not bring health benefits.

However, then the question arises: what to do with runic tattoos, embroidery and amulets? It is impossible to ensure that these health runes are always exclusively straight to the ground.

It's simple: only the moment when the rune is applied matters. If, when making an amulet for health, the rune is meant to be positive, then there will be no changes in it when the amulet is shaken. The rune is inscribed in the world in its literal meaning and will not change.


In a general sense, galdrastavs are runes combined into one. They can be either looped or resemble a strange angular pattern. It is believed that cyclic galdrasts are the most effective because they accumulate energy and work with maximum benefit.

Galdrastavs are used not only for health and healing, runes are capable of much more. With due diligence and practice, it becomes possible to create your own pattern aimed at anything.

Some researchers believe that the Galdrasts are more ancient signs than the Elder Futhark of the Scandinavian runes. And this may be true: in many cyclic symbols there is no trace of runic script. Nevertheless, these galdrasts work perfectly and have not failed for many centuries.

If you decide to use galdrastav to improve your own health, it is better to choose an existing ligature. It has been tested by other runists and will bring the expected results.

Carefully study how to use runes for health, protection and longevity.

Rules for applying runes

There are several nuances, if you follow them you will be safe and get the result you expect.

  1. During work, you should never be distracted. A crazy thought can ruin the amulet, and it will have to be made again.
  2. You must be polite both to the runes and to the gods who come to your aid. This will allow you to remain on good terms with them.
  3. Make preparations before the ceremony begins. Then you will not have the opportunity to interrupt to take, for example, new threads.
  4. Creating an amulet can be extremely energy intensive. If you are unsure of your own abilities, then it is better not to make several amulets at once.

And the most important rule is that runes should not be cut by anyone who does not understand them!

This means that you must be clear about what you want to achieve and also know the meaning of each symbol you use.

Appeal to the gods

Divine intervention in the creation of amulets is of great importance. Runes for health without replenishment from the Scandinavian gods do not manifest themselves to their full potential.

When creating an amulet from runes for health, you can turn to the following gods.

  1. death and illness, you can ask her to take your gift and restore your health. It is worth contacting in the most extreme situations; Hel requires an equal exchange.
  2. Siv. Goddess of fertility, can help with fertility problems.
  3. Frey and Freya are also gods of fertility and good harvests. Favorable to requests for children.
  4. Idun. Goddess of youth. You can ask to cover “senile” diseases.
  5. Glin. A small goddess who protects people from injuries and promotes their healing.
  6. One. Supreme God. Able to give relief from illness. Just keep in mind that death can also be liberating.
  7. Gullveig. She is considered an evil witch, but is capable of bestowing healing. Be extremely polite when addressing her and give her good gifts.

Destruction of amulets

When the amulet has fulfilled the program embedded in it or has ceased to satisfy you, it should be destroyed. And here you need to know that throwing it in the trash is not enough.

When creating an amulet, applying a tattoo or embroidering, runic signs appear on several levels of existence at once. Their birth is confirmed by the gods to whom you turned when drawing and charging the runes. By destroying only the bodily shell, you will not get rid of the amulet: the gods will accept this action as proof of your determination and strengthen the connection with the runes. The outflow of energy will continue, and it will become much more difficult to correct it.

How to destroy an amulet?

The best way to destroy an amulet is to transfer it to flowing water. In this way, you can even preserve the bodily shell of the amulet, because water will simply wash away all the energy from it. Please note that tap water should only be used in extreme cases.

What happens if you give the amulet to earth or fire?

The burning of an amulet is perceived precisely as the destruction of the bodily shell. That is, for the gods you become an extremely confident magician who definitely does not want to destroy the amulet. Its power will increase and may even harm you.

If you bury the amulet in the ground, you will not get rid of it. He will simply change his location, continuing to work out the laid down program.

Before giving the amulet to the water, do not forget to thank the runes and gods who helped you. Politeness is always at a premium, even among otherworldly entities.

Health diagnostics using runes

To carry out diagnostics, you can use two methods: generalized and precise.

The exact method involves laying out runes on the organ or system that bothers you. When an answer is received, the rune is returned to the pouch and mixed with the rest before the runologist asks a new question.

With the generalized method, three runes are laid out:

  1. The state of the body now.
  2. What threatens health?
  3. What can be done to improve it.

This layout of runes for health is universal and extremely flexible. If necessary, you can add as many positions as you like, as long as there are enough runes in the bag.

Runes for health are a powerful magical tool. They help to use the body’s own forces and direct them towards healing and strengthening vitality. Read below about how to use rune magic.

These runes can also be used by a healthy person to always be protected and not be afraid of diseases:

  • - helps to reveal the potential inherent in man by nature. Provides energy and strength for a full life.
  • - increases endurance and strengthens the immune system, helps to recover faster after a protracted illness.
  • - helps get rid of energy clamps. Energy begins to flow freely throughout the body, a state of harmony and balance comes. A person is literally filled with strength for a successful and healthy life. Moreover, this applies not only to physical, but also mental health.

Just as in the previous case, a stave made up of these three symbols works best.

Directional runes

If you need strength to heal a specific disease, use runes that clearly act on solving a specific problem:

  • - fills with energy, even if a person is completely empty and does not feel vitality. Helps quickly cope with headaches, relieve fever, and has an effect on healing skin and bone diseases.
  • - a rune with a very powerful effect. It is used, as a rule, after severe operations or tiring illnesses that deprive a person of energy. Helps replenish energy deficiency. Targeted against diseases of the lungs, liver and nerves. Treats impotence, infertility, frigidity and other diseases of the genital area.
  • - solves all problems related to speech. Treats stuttering, helps relieve a person from the fear of public speaking.
  • - a rune that heals the skin. Used in the treatment of wounds, burns and other skin diseases. Promotes regeneration and rapid restoration of damaged tissues. It also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • - the peculiarity of the rune is that it can heal wounds. But only if they are inflicted with a weapon.
  • - a rune that heals depression and emotional distress. Helps a person cope with feelings of despair. It also eliminates the evil eye, damage, and the negative influence of others. Good in treating diseases of organs located in the lumbar region.
  • - healer of karmic diseases. It is used in difficult situations when it is necessary to remove a heavy generational curse, to save a person from paying for the sins of his ancestors.
  • - a rune that heals from vices and addictions. Most often used to turn a person away from alcohol or drugs. But it also works well in the treatment of gambling addiction and codependency. Has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • in itself does not have a healing effect. But it helps to literally “freeze” the disease, preventing it from developing further. Treats old phobias, complexes, fears, has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs.
  • - rune of rejuvenation. “It works” comprehensively - it heals both the physical and spiritual shell of a person. Helps you resist other people's influence and interference in your life.
  • - rune-amulet. Protects its owner from all kinds of negativity coming from the outside world. Grants understanding: which people are beneficial and which are harmful.
  • Gives a person positive solar energy, helps cleanse and heal the chakras. It affects the level of the subtle body. As a result, physical health is normalized.

Watch a video about healing runes:

Runes for healing the soul

In psychosomatics, it is believed that all diseases are associated with problems of a person’s mental state. For example, cancer is a consequence of old resentment and guilt. Inflamed facial skin is a sign of self-dissatisfaction and uncertainty.

Loss of vitality and constant illness - these problems indicate a disruption in the energy flow. The rune of health allows you to correct the situation, speed up recovery and remove damage if it is the cause of a serious condition. Ancient symbols are suitable for children and adults.

The impact of runes on the human body

Runes are used individually and in formulas to treat various diseases. Some symbols have a targeted effect on certain parts of the body or internal organs, while others provide a general strengthening effect. For complex treatment, staves are needed. In them, each rune for quick healing acts to destroy accumulated negativity.

Runes in the treatment of diabetes

For diabetes of any type, they are used. Good results are shown by becoming from and The combination ensures the strengthening of blood vessels, helps to launch regeneration processes. The ligament is universal and suitable for female, male and even children's bodies.

Uruz in an upright position exhibits healing properties. Strengthens the body, helps restart the immune system. The final rune is . It strengthens the immune system and protects the body from future diseases.

Treatment for stuttering

The Ansuz rune has several uses. It is used to improve health and ensure proper functioning of all organs. Ansuz also helps with stuttering. The rune is used as a personal amulet. It is given to children or people suffering. The symbol helps if the patient is frightened, and due to an unpleasant situation a speech disorder has arisen. The rune eliminates the psychological cause of the disease.

Staves are effective against stuttering. They have a complex effect, eliminating both the cause of stuttering and its consequences. What does an effective position look like:

  • three Laguz runes;
  • three Ass runes;
  • Ansuz;

This does not immediately eliminate stuttering. It acts gradually: for its complex effect it will take at least 2-3 weeks.

Preventing dizziness

A simple Eyvaz-Perto combination helps with dizziness. In this case, the cause of the disease is critical. If you cannot find why the dizziness recurs, runic staves will only give a temporary effect.

Eyvaz gives protection from disease. The rune blocks external negative influences. She starts working first and gives relief from dizziness. Perto in this case enhances the work of the first rune and provides a prolonged result.

Skin cleansing

Working formulas give a person not only health, but also a real salvation for people who have been resisting complex problems for years. It guarantees relief even from chronic diseases.

Becoming for clear skin:

  1. Starts working first. Eliminates the inflammatory reaction, affects formed scars.
  2. Changes healing skin. Hagalaz has already removed the main problems, and Inguz ensures smooth skin and improves its appearance.
  3. Laguz. Additional skin cleansing. As soon as Laguz starts working, new problems with the skin do not arise.
  4. Eyvaz. The rune gives beauty. It is maintained both externally and internally.
  5. Minor rune. Responsible for the rapid restoration of the skin.
  6. Plastur. Helps in healing and promotes rapid healing.

To strengthen the effect use.

Therapy for a child

Children experience health problems due to the operator's task to use runes that cannot harm the child. Universal and powerful signs of various respiratory diseases and increased anxiety help. Hagalaz is one of these signs. The symbol cleanses of negativity and starts regeneration processes.

It helps a child against snoring and poor sleep. The symbol burns away all the diseases that have settled in the baby’s body. Allows you to remove diseases in the initial stages without obvious symptoms. Working formulas for children include The rune symbolizes weapons and resists any disease.

Restoring good vision

Restoration of vision occurs through strengthening the body after it is cleansed. It would be useful to restore the immune system, then vision correction will happen faster and with better effect. Working formulas affect the optic nerve, circulatory system and body.

Through which runes does vision restoration occur:

  1. Algiz. One of the most powerful runes, responsible for restoration. It gives relief from diseases of all organs. Acts as a powerful cleaner.
  2. Laguz. Symbolizes water, its fluidity and ability to adapt. In stave it works as a mechanism for restructuring the body. Helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms - blurred vision, unclear pictures.
  3. Kenaz. Rune of energy revelation. Guides a person on the true path. In treatment, it allows you to choose the most effective therapy. Strengthens the effect of neighboring signs.
  4. Sovelo. Another name for the rune is Soulu. It symbolizes harmony. Allows you to restore health and strengthen the body.

Becoming helps in combination with traditional medicine. If surgery is performed to restore vision, the runic formula speeds up rehabilitation.

Removing blocks

To begin the proper functioning of internal organs, a strong runic formula is used. It removes energy blocks that create health problems. Blockages are removed for recovery and to prevent relapses of diseases in the future.

Ansuz is an integral part of the stav. Helps you gather your thoughts and take a sober look at the situation. Thurisaz is chosen as the second rune. It weakens the oldest blocks. They disappear instantly. To remove the negativity accumulated in the body and thoughts, Soula is used. It strengthens Thurisaz, and allows you to destroy the energy of the disease in the past and in the future.

Uruz is doubled in the formula. The rune activates the internal forces of the body. After cleansing, it adds energy to completely overcome the disease. The Teyvaz rune is depicted as the final one in the stav. It gives resilience to the task at hand.

Strengthening immunity

For diseases, staves that strengthen the immune system are used. One of these formulas is Bull. Stav consists of Uruz, which gives physical strength, Gebo, which activates internal forces, and Dagaz, which changes poor immunity. In addition, the runes Teyvaz are depicted to fight diseases and Inguz, personifying the new strong immunity. Algiz makes strong bets - the best defender of immunity.

Runes - ancient magic system, which is sought for help in a wide variety of situations. These amazing symbols are able to harmonize our lives, correctly direct energy to fulfill desires, and even punish an ill-wisher if necessary. People especially often turn to runes for help. in health matters.

How to correctly apply and activate rune signs

Healing from illnesses is a topical problem at all times. Even the ancient magicians discovered that the correct combination and use of rune signs in the right way can give amazing results. Nowadays, practitioners also turn to runes for help to receive energy from above and channel it for healing.

For a formula of runic symbols to work, it must be correctly composed and activated. Becoming can be applied directly on the body, on the diseased organ - to accelerate the effect.

If this is not possible, you can traditionally draw the formula on paper or put symbols on a handmade amulet. In this case, the amulet will have to be in contact with the patient until recovery.

Ways to activate magic formulas:

  • Breath. When you have become inscribed, you exhale and mentally charge the formula with your energy and desire to heal.
  • Energy of the palms. Instead of exhaling, use your own energy coming from your hands. To do this, rub your palms together, thinking at this moment about healing. Then bring your palms to the finished formula and begin to imagine how the energy charged by you emanates from the palm chakras. At this moment you will feel a slight warmth and vibration in your hands.
  • Help of the elements. Each rune is directly related to one or another element. If the number of fire rune signs predominates in the formula, then to activate you can burn it by becoming in the flame. If there are more watermarks, throw the formula into the river; earthen symbols, bury them in a secluded place or hide them in foliage. If air-bearing runes predominate, you can entrust the paper with symbols to the air flow.
  • Disclaimer. A slander means a short spell or saying out loud your desire. Experienced practitioners resort to this method most often, because the power of words is one of the most powerful. You can negotiate each rune in the stave or the entire formula. Your reference to runes should be clear and short.

We offer you only the best time-tested runic staves for getting rid of various diseases. Choose the best character layout and activation method.

Runes for good health and longevity

Runic formula for women's health. Since here we are talking about permanent effect, then it would be best to put signs on the amulet and try to wear it as often as possible.

You can also draw signs on the inside of an object that a woman often uses. This could be a comb, a handbag, a personal diary. Soulo - Evaz - Gebo - Uruz - Dagaz - Yera - Uruz - Gebo - Evaz - Soulo. This status must be updated once a month.

Runic formula for men's health. If the intended man does not believe in runic help or should not know about it, then you can act secretly. The best and effective way- write the formula on paper, specify it for the man’s health, indicating the name, and burn it in the flame of a candle.

Repeat also once a month. Teyvaz – Uruz – Ansuz – Perth – Dagaz. Becoming improves psychological well-being and energy, protects against health problems, and promotes improvements in the sexual sphere.

Runes for health and beauty

The strongest runic formula for the beauty and health of a young girl. When a person is young, energy flows in him much faster, so the selection of certain runic signs directly depends on age.

Focusing on improving health and appearance for adult women. Yera – Perth – Inguz – Berkana. There are several options for applying and using this formula. First way: the formula is drawn on paper while the moon is waxing.

Be sure to use the reservation that your health and beauty will increase along with the growth of the moon. Stav is charged with the energy of his hands and hides in a secluded dark place.

On the full moon you need to light a fire. If this is not possible, light several candles in the room. If you are outdoors, then throw the formula into the fire along with some old thing.

Be sure to say out loud that you are burning all your illnesses, shortcomings and mistakes of the past. If you are at home, write a list of what you want to get rid of on paper and burn it too. This powerful ritual will cleanse and renew your energy.

Second way: make a talisman with your own hands, draw the suggested runes and carry it with you at all times. It is recommended to sleep with such an amulet for constant energy replenishment and better functioning of the formula.

Formula to enhance male charm. It is drawn on an amulet or drawn on paper and burned in a fire: Teyvaz - Soulo - Fehu - Vunyo.

Runes for women's health

A powerful formula to eliminate women's health problems. This treatment can be used for endometriosis, fibroids and other chronic diseases. Contraindications – acute sudden diseases and perforation of cysts.

It is recommended to draw the formula on white lingerie and wear it as often as possible. You can also create an amulet with symbols with your own hands and wear it without taking it off. Signs are activated by breathing: Perth – Evaz – Dagaz – Laguz – Yera.

Magic formula for health during pregnancy and after childbirth. This classic form facilitates the processes occurring in the female body, normalizes the functioning of organs and eliminates unpleasant consequences, for example, toxicosis or hemorrhoids: Algiz - Laguz - Evaz - Dagaz - Raido - Algiz.

Runes are best depicted on paper, activated with the power of hands and put under the pillow. You can update this status once a week.

Runic signs used for children's health

To protect against diseases and strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to draw the formula with a pencil on some object with which the child often interacts, for example, on the inside of the backpack.

When activated use a disclaimer, breathing or laying on of hands. Algiz - Uruz - Mannaz - Algiz - the signs are written one after another in the specified sequence. The formula must be renewed once a week with a pencil and energy.

A powerful combination of symbols to cure viral and colds. Kano - Perth - Inguz - Kano - Isa - Perth - Uruz. The formula is applied to paper, activated by a short statement, and placed under the patient’s pillow. Becoming works for temperature removal, elimination of unpleasant symptoms, cure of influenza and various types of acute respiratory viral infections.

Runic staves for healthy joints

Formula for eliminating pain and strengthening the body. These symbols are drawn on an adhesive plaster and attached to the sore spot: Raido - Hyera - Perth. Be sure to specify the desired effect and healing period. The best option is 9 days.

Becoming to heal and eliminate the cause of illness. The formula must be depicted on a tube of ointment: Laguz – Evaz – Soulo – Evaz – Laguz. When making a reservation, be sure to turn to the element of Water and ask it to heal you. Timeframe for fulfillment of desire: 1 – 3 months.

During this time, the formula must be constantly updated and re-drawn, followed by reference to Water and Undynes. Continue until the situation improves.

Using runes for skin diseases

Formula to hydrate and improve skin appearance. Becoming is drawn on the bottle or cap of a cosmetic product, activated by a laconic clause for healing and beauty: Yera - Dagaz - Laguz - Dagaz - Yera.

Runic form to get rid of skin imperfections. The formula can be used not only to improve facial skin, but also for the entire body. Becoming eliminates cosmetic problems, moisturizes, tightens. Symbols are also applied to the bottle and specified: Inguz - Hagalaz - Nautiz - Teyvaz - Soulo - Vunyo.

Magic formulas for healing eye diseases

The most powerful formula for improving vision quality. This method is used for severe forms of myopia and serious eye diseases. The signs must be applied to a soft white bandage with which the patient will cover his eyes before going to bed.

The runes must be inscribed on the front side. The formula is very powerful and requires a lot of energy. To activate, slander and breathing are used. To facilitate the process of witchcraft, it is recommended bring gifts to Odin.

Main runes: Uruz (drawn 4 times), Inguz (2 times), Dagaz (2 times). Helper runes are drawn once each: Soulo, Ansul, Laguz, Algiz.

Formula for healing diseases that occur in a milder form. The position above is truly “heavy artillery”. If we are talking about mild forms of myopia or farsightedness, as well as temporary diseases, then you can use a simpler approach.

All signs are drawn 2 times: Gebo, Kano, Algiz, Fehu, Vunyo. It is best to apply the formula to paper or glasses case, activate by hand force.

Runic aid has proven itself to be effective and fast-acting way to expel disease and improvement of the body as a whole. Our ancestors left us a rich heritage, which we must use wisely and carefully. Remember that runic staves are powerful witchcraft rituals that require the practitioner serious energy costs.

You should not use several formulas at the same time. Try one first, evaluate the effect, analyze the impact of each specific rune in the stave.

And don't forget thank the universe for your help. Gratitude is a strong energetic feeling that in itself can heal and ennoble any person. Speedy healing to you!

OPENING MEMORY (to improve intelligence and memory, including generic memory).

Memory problems in many people, including some of my friends and relatives, made me think about a way to overcome this shortcoming, which is why such a laconic, but nevertheless quite effective method appeared, which has already been successfully tested several times.

Sample clause:

Laguz--- may the flow of life-giving Prana (or Qi, Ki --- whichever is closer) be beneficial by the power of the Runes


Inguz-all loci responsible for memory

Perthro--- in the genetic continuum of a given person (Name)

Gebo---- connecting previously destroyed neural connections with new, strong connections and forming additional strong neural connections

Ansuz--- between all neurons (this is a signaling system!)

Teyvaz--- actively coordinates

Laguz zerk.----the subconscious of a given person (Name) through the cerebrospinal fluid (this means cranial, cerebrospinal fluid)

Yera--- ultimately giving (Name) excellent results of lasting and obvious memory improvement)))).

The ending of the slander is traditional: “Without harm to...”, etc. Activation by elements.

The clause for restoring ancestral memory will sound almost the same, but with small changes.

To avoid any confusion, I present it in its entirety.
We draw each rune, while pronouncing the line written in gray font that relates to this rune.

Laguz --- may the flow of life-giving Prana (or Qi, Ki --- whichever is closer) be beneficial by the power of Rune


Inguz—all loci (regions) responsible for my ancestral memory

Perthro--- in my genetic structure and my subconscious (or name the person)

Gebo ---- connecting with new, strong, energetic connections all previously destroyed and blocked neural connections and forming additional strong neural connections

Ansuz --- between all neurons and with all sections of information encoded in my body about my blood ancestors.

Teyvaz --- Let the Teyvaz rune actively coordinate

Laguz mirror ---- my subconscious (Name) through the cerebrospinal fluid (this means cranial, cerebrospinal fluid)

Yera --- ultimately giving me (Name) a vivid and lasting enrichment with new, useful, meaningful information about my family, which I remember perfectly.

May the power of this runic pattern perfectly restore my ancestral memory and let me find out all the information I need about my ancestors.

Of course, you can also give Yera a time limit at the same time... Although I wouldn’t do this here, because the process is very deep and intricate, so being pressed by deadlines here can only do harm, because some people have a low level of biosystem.

Secondary Gebo, Teyvaz and Laguz zerk are considered as primary runes.

If you wish, you can use Eyvaz to double the strength, but I would also avoid this, especially if the person is elderly or weakened.

(To practitioners: I chose Eyvaz deliberately, because with appropriate reservation she is able to change the frequency of vibrations, which I personally would take into account and purposefully use for the general background improvement of magical practice)

In my position, I meant memory as a property of intelligence and sought to improve precisely this quality of a person.
However, if necessary, this can also be used to restore/strengthen Ancestral memory.

Rune sample:


Feedback from my respected TEACHER:

Nordis did a great job.
And it was built correctly, and the runes were chosen wonderfully, the structure of the stave itself was perfectly made, everything turned out great.
Becoming can be used to improve memory, can be used to enhance a person’s intellectual abilities, can be used to treat amnesia of absolutely any type, can be used to treat the consequences of a stroke, in general it has become very multifaceted in action and very useful. It can also be used to awaken the memory of the family, you are absolutely correct in what you said, in general, in terms of treatment and work with memory, it will become indispensable. Firstly, it is light, no matter what runes are used, the structure itself makes it surprisingly light, it can be used for different ages (not earlier than 15 years old), for people with poor health, and secondly, it does not reduce his strength in any way , it acts strongly and quite quickly. Plus the shape of the stave itself is very good.

You can put it on the photo of the person whose memory you will correct (if it’s you, then your photo too), or you can put it on a regular sheet of paper, this is not particularly important in this case, but a photo, of course, is preferable. The photo should preferably be up to date and only show this person alone without other people.
And if on paper, then you can drop a tiny drop of your blood in the center of the stav for better identification - this is if you will use the stav personally for yourself.

Keep in mind that since improving memory is a labor-intensive process, you will need to keep it up for several weeks. And don’t forget to periodically diagnose its effect, also monitor your well-being or ask about changes to the person to whom you gave this diagnosis.