Sample design documentation specification. Filling out the specification columns

In the column « format» indicate the format of the specified assembly drawing. If the assembly drawing is completed on several sheets of different formats , then in the graph « format» put an asterisk, and in the column « Note» list all assembly drawing formats in order of increasing size.

Count "format" do not fill out for sections « Standard products», « Other products» And « Materials». For parts for which drawings have not been issued, in the column "format" write down: Warhead(without drawing).

In the column "Zone" indicate the designation of the zone in which it is located part number or the gearbox assembly unit (when the drawing field is divided into zones according to GOST 2.104-68).

Marks dividing the drawing into zones should be placed at a distance equal to one side of A4 format. For example, a “horizontal drawing” in A1 format is divided into zones as follows: along the longer side 4x210mm; along the shorter side 2x297mm. Zone boundary marks are applied horizontally Arabic numerals from right to left , starting from the main inscription on the drawing. Verticalcapital letters of the Latin alphabet from bottom to top . The drawing field is not divided into zones if searching for positions (or drawing elements) does not cause difficulties.

In the column « Position» indicate serial numbers of parts And assembly units , of which the gearbox consists. Count « Position» do not fill in for sections « Documentation» And « Materials».

Between sections of the specification you can reserve multiple lines(leave them blank) in case any detail is missed when specifying the gearbox. At the same time skip the same number of positions . If, upon completion of the specification, the need to fill in the missing lines does not arise, then these positions will not appear on the assembly drawing.

In the column " Designation » record the designation of drawings of assembly units and parts that make up the specified product. Within the section " Documentation » – designations of documents: assembly drawing of the gearbox and explanatory note (for the assembly drawing of the gearbox), or assembly drawing of the worm wheel (for the assembly drawing of the worm wheel).

Specification Document Symbols

Assembly drawing The drive has a designation consisting of six pairs of numbers separated by dots. The first two digits are the assignment number for the course project; the next two digits are the gearbox circuit number; the next two are the number of the initial design data option; the remaining six digits are zeros, grouped in pairs through a dot.

The explanatory note for the course project has the same designation, but the difference in the designation of these two documents is in the final letters. The designation of the assembly drawing ends with the capital letters “SB”, and the designation of the explanatory note ends with the letters “PZ”.

For example: SB and PZ(Fig. 8).

The designation of the gearbox assembly drawing is formed during the process of drawing up the specification for the gearbox. If the machine drive has two assembly units (welded frame and gearbox), then the designation of their assembly drawings will be as follows: 05/07/10. 01 .00.00 SB – for frame and 07.05.10. 02 .00.00 SB – for gearbox. The worm wheel drawing will have a designation based on the designation of the gearbox drawing (for the example under consideration: 05/07/10. 02.01 .00 SB).

The designations of the drawings of the parts included in the gearbox are based on the designation of the assembly drawing of the gearbox. In this case, the serial numbers of the drawings of the parts are written down instead of the last zeros (in the designation of the gearbox drawing). For example: – input shaft (Fig. 8).

Format Zone Pos Designation Name Col. Note
A1 Bevel gearbox
A4 Conveyor drive
Assembly units
A4 3B Inspection cover
A4 2A Oil indicator
A1 1B Input shaft
A1 3A Driven shaft
(And so on …)
Standard products
Bolt GOST 7805-87
4B M8
2A M14
(And so on …)

Figure 8 – Example of a gearbox specification fragment

Thus, for a gear reducer, only one specification must be drawn up - for the gearbox, and for a worm gearbox - two specifications: for the gearbox and the worm wheel.


Basic Requirements

General requirements to text documents are set out in GOST 2.105-95. The settlement and explanatory note (EPM) must be drawn up in handwriting with the letters and numbers in height not less than 2.5 mm. Distances from the top and bottom edges of the RPZ format - at least 10 mm, on the right and left - not less than 5 mm.

The distance from the format frame to the text boundaries at the beginning and end of the lines is at least 3 mm. The distance from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom edge of the format should be not less than 10 mm.

Paragraphs the text begins with an indentation of at least 15…17mm. Damage to RPP sheets, blots and traces of incompletely removed previous text (when using a “stroke”) are not allowed.

Document text must be concise, clear and do not allow different interpretations.

Sections must have serial numbers within the entire RPP, designated Arabic numbers with a dot . Subsections must be numbered within each section. Their numbers consist of two digits separated by a dot: the first is the section number, and the second is the serial number of the subsection.

Section names and subsections should be brief. The names of the sections are in capital letters symmetrically (according to the width of the sheet), and the names of subsections are written from the paragraph in lowercase letters, except for the first capital one.

Word hyphenation in headings not allowed . Period at the end of the title they don't put it. The distance between the title and the text should be not less than 15 mm. Distance between section and subsection headings – not less than 8 mm. Each section of a text document recommended start on a new sheet.

Full product name on the title page, in the title block and at the first mention in the text of the document should be the same with its name basically design documentin the specification . The text of the RPP should be concise, clear and explain all calculations.

When presenting mandatory requirements in the text of the RPP, the words “must, should, necessary” and their derivatives should not be used. Not allowed the use of word abbreviations, except those established by the rules of Russian spelling, as well as the use of mathematical signs such as (>), (<) и знаков (%) и (№) without numbers . The list of permitted word abbreviations is established in GOST 2.316-68. On all sheets of the RPZ the main inscription must be made according to form 2a (Fig. 2).

According to GOST 2.106-96, each section of the RPP must consist of the following parts: introductory, main and final. For example:

ü introductory part, formulating the statement of the problem of the section, i.e. explaining what exactly needs to be done in this section. For example, the section “Calculation of bearings” can be started with the phrase: “For structural reasons, bearings were selected for the shaft supports... Their geometric parameters... These bearings must be checked for durability according to the condition:...";

ü main part, including calculations and comments on them. The order in which the calculations are presented is determined by their nature. In general, calculations should contain:

· sketch or design diagram of the product;

· calculation problem (statement of the problem indicating what needs to be determined during the calculation);

· initial data for calculation;

· conditions or assumptions taken when performing the calculation;

· calculation;

· conclusion or conclusions based on the calculation results.

Final conclusion according to the calculation, it should be formulated briefly and clearly; it must be written in perfective verbs . For example, “Calculation of a bolted connection showed that the bolt is strong and has a threefold safety factor for tensile stresses”;

ü final part, formulating the main results of the work done in the section or in the entire work as a whole; in other words, conclusions for a section or for the entire settlement and explanatory note. Conclusions should be formulated in perfect form: “ done, accomplished, calculated " Each conclusion should be concise, clear and understandable in meaning.

The specification contains a list of all components included in this specified product, as well as design documents related to this product and its non-specified components. The form and procedure for filling out the specification is established by GOST 2.108-68, as well as OST 4.000.030-85 “Design documentation. Fulfillment of specifications" (see also GOST 2.105-79, 2.113-75, 2.004-79, 2.109-73, etc.).

The specification is carried out in one of the following ways: handwritten, typewritten or machine-written. When typewritten and machine executed, it is allowed to print the specification on formats without horizontal lines, double-spaced. The distance between the section heading and the following text should be: for the handwritten method - one line; for typewritten and machine - two intervals. The distance between the section heading and the previous text should be: in the handwritten method - at least two lines; for typewritten and machine-written - at least four intervals. Section titles should be underlined.

If the text in the “Name” column is written in several lines, the “Quantity” column is allowed. fill in at the level of the last line, and in the “Note” column enter the text in several lines at the level of the first line. If the entry indicating the main parameters or dimensions does not fit on one line of the “Name” column, it is allowed to transfer it to subsequent lines anywhere in the entry and without a separating mark. If the material designation record looks like:

then the horizontal line in the designation can be replaced by an inclined one, and the name of the material can be placed on a separate line (Fig. 4.1 c) [Romanycheva].

In the “Note” column, additional information related to the documents and components recorded in the specification should be indicated. If there is not enough space in the column, it is allowed to write in it the indication “See. note." with the serial number of the note. The text of the note, in this case, is placed at the end of the specification under the corresponding number (Fig. 4.1 d) [Romanycheva].

In the case of using parts used in the product simultaneously without modification and with modification as blanks, the column “Qty.” should be filled out separately for parts and for blanks, and the total number of parts should be indicated under the final line (Fig. 4.1 f) [Romanycheva].

In the main inscription of a handwritten specification, the product designation is written in font 7; the name of the product is in font 5, and in typewritten and machine-written methods, the main inscription is in capital letters.

In the “Standard Products” section, the groups of main parts should be recorded in the order: electrical products, bearings, fasteners, other products. In each group, the arrangement of components must be in sequence according to standards: state, republican, industry. The “Designation” column is filled in when standard products follow the designation of the design document given in the standard. The “Format” column is not filled in. In the case of issuing a drawing for the manufacture of a standard product, fill out the “Format” column (Fig. 4.1 h) [Romanycheva]. Standard products are written in alphabetical order by name, in ascending order of the main parameters or dimensions of the product. In the “Other Products” section, the recording procedure is similar to the recording of standard products.

When recording products used under the same document, it is allowed to record them under the heading of the general name and designation of the document.

If there are several operational documents, they are recorded under the heading “Set of operational documents”

(Fig. 4.1 i) [Romanycheva].

Software products and programs (complexes and components) are written at the end of the “kits” section in ascending order of their designations. In the “Name” column under the heading “Software products” you should write: for the complex – the full name of the software products; for a component - the full name of the program, the name and type of document (Fig. 4.1 j) [Romanycheva].

In a machine-made specification, the double-sided tolerance sign “±” can be printed in sequential order, for example: +- 10% or

50 – 20%, and cross out the number zero. The components selected during regulation are written on a separate line for each position designation and their total quantity is not indicated. During computer-aided design, it is allowed not to write down products in ascending order of basic parameters or sizes in the sections “Standard Products”, “Other Products” and “Materials”. If the assembly drawing is not divided into zones, then in the specification you can increase the “Format” column at the expense of the “Zone” column.

Rules for filling out the specification

The specification for training assembly drawings typically includes the following sections:

1. Documentation;

2. Complexes;

3. Assembly units;

4. Details;

5. Standard products;

6. Other products;

7. Materials;

8. Kits.

The name of each section is indicated in the “Name” column, underlined with a thin line and highlighted with empty lines.

1. Design documents for the assembly unit are entered into the “Documentation” section. “Assembly drawing” is entered into this section in training drawings.

2. The sections “Assembly units” and “Parts” include those components of the assembly unit that are directly included in it. In each of these sections, the components are written by their name.

3. The section “Standard Products” records products used in accordance with state, industry or republican standards. Within each category of standards, records are made in homogeneous groups, within each group - in alphabetical order of product names, within each name - in ascending order of standard designations, and within each standard designation - in ascending order of the main parameters or dimensions of the product.

4. All materials directly included in the assembly unit are entered into the “Materials” section. Materials are recorded by type and in the sequence specified in GOST 2.108 - 68. Within each type, materials are recorded in alphabetical order of names of materials, and within each name - in ascending order of size and other parameters.

In the “Quantity” column indicate the number of components per one specified product, and in the “Materials” section - the total quantity of materials per one specified product indicating the units of measurement - (for example, 0.2 kg). Units of measurement may be written in the “Note” column.


General information

Construction drawing examines the rules for making drawings of buildings and structures.

All buildings and structures according to their functional purpose can be divided into civil, industrial, transport and agricultural.

Civil buildings are residential and public buildings: residential buildings, hotels, dormitories, schools, educational institutions, various institutions, banks, theaters and cinemas, hospitals, etc.

Industrial buildings - factories and factories, industrial complexes and plants, hydro and thermal power plants, garages, warehouses, etc.

Transport structures - bridges, overpasses, overpasses, bus stations, parking lots, etc.

Agricultural buildings - farms for keeping animals, warehouses for storing agricultural products, fertilizers, feed, buildings for storing equipment, etc.

Construction drawings are very diverse. They have much in common with mechanical engineering drawings, but also have many of their own specific features.

Construction drawings are carried out according to the general rules of rectangular projection on the main projection planes.

The building projections in the drawing have their own names.

Views of the building from the back, front, right and left are called building facades. If the facade faces a street or square, such a facade is called main. The name of the facade in the drawing is specified according to the alignment axes to which it is attached: “Facade in axes 1-4” or along the axis along which it is located: “Facade along axis A” (Figure 10.1).

Figure 10.1 – Facade of a residential building

The view of the building from above is called roof plan(roofs). The roof plan and facades of the building give an idea of ​​the shape of the building, the number of floors, the presence of balconies and loggias, the location of the entrance doors, the size of the building, as well as its architectural appearance.

Information about the location of individual rooms of the building, their dimensions, the placement of plumbing equipment, and the main building structures can be obtained from plans and sections.

Building plan a horizontal plane cut through window and door openings is called.

If you mentally dissect a building with a horizontal plane and cut off its upper part, and project the remaining part onto a horizontal projection plane, then the resulting image will be a plan of the building. Horizontal cutting planes are usually drawn through the windows and doors of each floor and plans of the 1st, 2nd and subsequent floors are obtained, respectively. If the layout of the 2nd and subsequent floors is the same, then it is drawn once and is called a typical floor plan. In an industrial building, the plan is carried out at the level of various elevations and the resulting plans are called according to these elevations: “Plan at elevation. +6.00" (Figure 10.2-10.3).

Figure 10.2 – Example floor plan

Figure 10.3 – Example of combining floor plans

By cut called an image of one part of a building, mentally dissected by a vertical plane. The position of the cutting plane is shown on the building plan. The cut is called longitudinal, if the cutting plane is parallel to the longitudinal walls of the building, and transverse, if the cutting plane is perpendicular to the longitudinal walls. Sometimes, to obtain a cut, not one, but several parallel cutting planes are used. In this case, the incision is called stepped(Figure 10.4).

Figure 10.4 – Example of a section of a building

The direction of the cutting plane for the section is depicted on the 1st floor plan by a thick open line (2s) with arrows indicating the direction of view of the observer. The cutting plane is given a name, denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The same name is assigned to the section obtained as a result of dissecting an object with a cutting plane.

Plans, elevations and sections of a building are called general architectural and construction drawings. Based on general architectural and construction drawings of the building, drawings are drawn up for special construction work on water supply and sewerage, heating and ventilation, gas supply and electricity supply, etc.