Sandra Ann Taylor: The Karmic Code of Life. What do the “tails” of the past teach?

Karma from past lives can be scary if you don’t know exactly what impact it has on your life today. Karma is not a sentence.

It is more like a reference book in which you can find answers to why situations and relationships develop one way or another.

In the article you will learn:

  • what's happened karmic code,
  • What are the benefits of remembering past lives?
  • and what are the important lessons need to be learned to live happily and not step on the same “rake”.

Sandra Ann Taylor

When she first began seeing snippets of her clients' past incarnations during sessions, she didn't immediately understand what was happening.

“Frames” from the client’s childhood and past life could spontaneously flash before her. After many years of practice, she can see the key point in the visitor’s past life, which is the reason for the trouble in the current one.

Sandra Ann Taylor's experience helps clients get to the root of the life's difficulties that brought them to therapy.

During her work, the psychologist understood a lot about karma, its patterns and characteristics.

Karmic code of life

Each of us has our own unique karmic code, accumulated over previous incarnations: It includes emotions and experiences that our soul once experienced.

Most of this energy information code does not have a negative impact on us; on the contrary, it helps us along the path of life as experience and previously acquired wisdom.

Our karmic code, like spiritual DNA, contains information about who are we, what we went through, how we perceived the events that happened to us in many previous lives.

The immortal consciousness of the soul of each of us preserves all the things thanks to which we are us.

Everyone's karmic code includes:

  • Hidden memories of past events.
  • Emotional reactions and experiences of events: joy, delight, rejection and fear.
  • Important conclusions made under the influence of strong emotions. They usually concern the dignity, importance of a person, his power and the power of others in his opinion.
  • Diseases,
  • Readiness for lessons in wisdom and personal development and connection with and expression of one's own spiritual truth.

What is karma

Difficult or unpleasant situations for us may be karmic, accumulated in past incarnations, but we should not perceive them as punishment.

Karma - part of our own soul's design, often together with other souls with whom we decide to go through this or that lesson of wisdom in incarnation.

Karma is NOT:

  1. Paying for the mistakes of the past. Not all adversities in our lives are consequences of the “sins” of other incarnations. Some challenges may also be given to overcome in order to develop new abilities or learn new skills in the future.
  2. Predetermined, predetermined fate. The soul actually plans most lessons before incarnation, but not the “technical” details and details of life.
  3. Step by step instructions. It is not at all necessary to go through the same path as in past lives, experiencing everything that affected us in past incarnations - we can always choose a new, better life.

Karma is:

  1. Understanding, returning and exchanging energy structures. She needs some lessons of the soul for expansion, evolution, gaining new experience - they do not extend from previous incarnations.
  2. Changeable, flexible, fickle. It can change as a person's consciousness changes.
  3. Related to specific problems. After solving them and learning the necessary lessons of wisdom, the karma associated with them is “removed” and dissipates as unnecessary - both in the current incarnation and in future ones.

How does karma from past lives affect the present?

There are certain factors that almost certainly lead to difficulties and problems in the current, and possibly in future incarnations.

1. Strong emotional charge and intensity

The stronger the emotional charge any experience contains, the more likely it is that it will influence all subsequent lives (until it is realized and removed).

This is true for both positive and negative experiences, because a strong emotional imprint encoded in the memory of the soul and through the subconscious determines our actions.

For example, if in a previous life you were betrayed by your husband, the subconscious conclusion drawn from that incarnation: men cannot be trusted.

This conclusion of the past will affect the course of the present life.

It is this intense perception of an event from a past incarnation that can become an obstacle to a romantic relationship, even if you passionately strive for it consciously.

In such a case, it is important to get rid of the emotional energy of strong experiences and re-evaluate the conclusions once made.

2. Somatic problems and bitter memories

Often the source of chronic pain, illness or physical damage in the current life is physical injuries from previous incarnations that shocked us and were not fully accepted.

Injuries received in the distant past by violence may remind themselves, requiring surgical intervention in the same area of ​​the body.

Sandra Ann Taylor recounts the experience of a visitor to her seminar:

“A woman was recently operated on for breast cancer, and later she learned that it was in this place that she was hit with a sword in one of her previous incarnations. It turned out that in both cases it was due to a lack of self-love.”

This factor is also illustrated by another story of a patient who, during a storm in a past life, severely injured his leg and was forced to give up his career as a ship captain.

Then a large beam fell from the mast, from a great height, and crushed his lower leg, ankle and foot.

A similar incident overtook him in this life - he had to quit his job as a pilot after the pain in the same leg intensified so much that he was unable to perform his duties.

This man felt unhappy in both cases because he loved traveling very much.

To get rid of pain and “negative” karma, he found new interests in life, new self-determination and freedom, and realized that even living a different life than the one he was so used to, he could feel happy.

3. Premature, unexpected or violent death

When a person dies unexpectedly and at a young age, and his soul did not plan this, it often wants to return as quickly as possible and finish everything planned - complete your homework, encoded in her deepest spiritual intentions.

Sandra Ann Telor suggests that many people born between 1946 and 1964 were returned souls and soul groups whose human lives were ended suddenly and violently during World War II.

Two main tasks of karma

Karma in our life performs two main tasks:

1.Allows you to feel and understand the energies of past lives, which we could misinterpret and “preserve” in the karmic code of the soul;

2.Helps you learn important lessons, from which we were unable to extract “pearls of wisdom” in previous incarnations.

Usually such lessons are very important - for the evolution of the soul and for the spread of love throughout the Universe.

These two tasks of karma are inextricably linked with each other.

Thanks to them, we sooner or later learn that the karmic lessons we have learned contribute to the return of our energy and parts of the soul.

However, if in a previous incarnation you were a killer, this does not mean that now you must be killed in order to free yourself from “canned” karma.

You need to learn to value, respect and honor the lives of others. This will change your consciousness and release encoded energy, as well as will raise your vibration and harmonizes them.

If you do not learn this lesson, perhaps someone close to you will be killed so that you can truly appreciate the value of human life.

This will be compensation for the energy that can open your eyes. From a human point of view, such experiences may seem excessive, but for the soul it is not so dramatic.

Priorities of the soul

Sometimes human life can be difficult, and sometimes simply unbearable. But the soul looks at things more broadly and sees earthly life differently than a person.

The soul is like an actor who knows that he will play a role in a film.

The actor knows that when filming ends, he will play a new role, and the suffering of his character is only an illusion.

The actor also believes that a very difficult and emotional role is an excellent opportunity to improve his skills, delve deeper into himself and rise to the heights that must be discovered to play the role.

For a soul, 80-90 years of earthly life is quite a bit, but even a temporary and short-lived role on the scale of eternal existence is very important for evolution.

Illness or poverty is no more serious grief for the Eternal Self than for the actor playing the corresponding role.

The soul views human adversity as important and valuable opportunities to work on its evolution, self-improvement, gaining wisdom, self-discipline, self-expression, spreading love, service and compassion.

How does the soul evaluate the events of human life?

She knows that there will be both good and bad, but she also sees the scale of the plan.

A person may not have clear ideas about his higher plan; he can perceive only ego, attachments and cravings.

But if you look at life from the point of view of the soul, everything changes. Every event contains a lesson, a deeper meaning, and the real meaning is not the event itself, but what it teaches.

Our soul knows that it is not what happens to us, but how we deal with it.

The priorities of the soul are an important pointer, following which you can fill your life with harmony, acceptance, gratitude and love.

This is what is important for the soul:

  • solving the question of how to bring light into darkness and love into adversity;
  • opening the heart to the inner Divine Consciousness.

Following these soul priorities will open a new path and change your destiny.

What to do to avoid stepping on the same “rake”?

#Step 1:

In traumatic and difficult situations, stop and look at what lesson you are going through, what the soul can learn from it, and how you can act differently.

Take the role of an observer; this will help you not to get involved and look at the situation from the position of your soul.

#Step 2:

Do good deeds that will attract positivity into your life and help mitigate the possible consequences of karma from past incarnations.

#Step 3:

Thank you! After all, gratitude is one of the most powerful means of transforming a situation and the ability to change it.

When you thank everyone and everything that happens to you and around you, it helps to live in acceptance and attract favorable events into your life.

Remember, karma can be changed. And you change it every day. Your thoughts, feelings, actions.

If you look back at your life, it will resemble a fascinating mosaic, although not always understandable. But if you add fragments from past incarnations to it, a lot will become clearer.

Over time, it is even possible to see a panoramic picture of who we were, who we should be, and what we should accomplish in this time.

Beauty, purpose and fortitude play a major role in this breathtaking scenario, and all the pieces of life's mystical and eternal puzzle fall into place,

An interesting and not at all difficult test that can tell you about your past life, if, of course, you generally believe in the reincarnation of the soul of every person. Whether you believe in the results of this test or not is up to you to decide, but I still advise you to read the continuation of the post.

First, let's determine the LETTER of the YEAR of your birth
In the vertical column of Table 1, find the first 3 digits of the year of your birth, and the last in the horizontal column. At the intersection of the lines - the letter of the year!
Table 1
For example:
You were born in 1990.
We find 199 in the left column and 0 in the top.
Letter of the year: Z

Your gender in a past life
Opposite your month of birth, find the LETTER OF THE YEAR.
If the letter is at the top - you were a man
If at the bottom - a woman

Table 2
For example:
You were born in April and your YEAR LETTER is Z
This letter is opposite April at the bottom of the table.
In a past life you were a woman.

Using the same Table 2, we determine the SYMBOL, SIGN and NUMBER of the profession
Look for the symbol and number above the LETTER OF THE YEAR
Sign on the left, near the month of birth
For example:
You are a woman born in April and your number of the year is Z
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Your NUMBER is 2
Your SIGN is B

Place of your birth
In the right column of Table 3 we find our symbol, and in the columns in the center (under the arrows) our date of birth
In one line with the date of birth, on the left, in the two outer columns the NUMBER OF YOUR PLACE OF BIRTH is indicated.
Consider your past life gender.
(For decoding, see table 4)
For example:
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Birth number - 17
Are you a woman
This means your birthplace number is 64
In a past life you were born in central India

Table 3

Table 4

Your occupation in a past life

In order to find out what you were doing, use your NUMBER and SIGN obtained in table 2
For example:
Your number is 2, your sign is B
Find B2 in Table 5
You were a cartographer and astrologer. astronomer..

Table 5

Karmic debts, information about past lives and even the date of death by date of birth are information that every person can find out. Below are the numerology calculations for this.

In the article:

Calculating the date of death from the date of birth

Many people would like to find out the date of death by date of birth. In this regard there is two diametrically opposed opinions. Some people would not want to have such information. Despite the considerable number of adherents of the concept and reincarnation, most people are afraid of death. Most people would experience real stress if they learned about the exact date of their death or the death of loved ones. In addition, this numerological fortune telling for death also reveals the cause of death.

Some believe that negative predictions come true solely due to the creation of a psychological program.
Simply put, a person tunes himself to what was predicted to him, and this prediction comes true - the thought is material. If you set yourself up for death at a certain age, it can actually happen. How reliable such numerological fortune-telling is to be considered is everyone’s business. However, they cannot be called accurate - they provide only approximate data. The exact date of death by date of birth can only be determined with the help of an astrological forecast, which takes into account the time and place of birth, the influence of various planets and much more.

Not all people are afraid of death. Some would be interested in finding out the date of death by date of birth in order to be prepared for a happy old age, or, on the contrary, try to have time to accomplish everything planned if an early death is predicted. In order to find out the date of death by date of birth, you should sum up the date, month and year of birth, and then bring the sum to a single digit form. In our example, let's try to find out the date of death of a person who was born on July 17, 1995:

After receiving the number, you can go to the interpreter, who will reveal all the secrets of your death in your current incarnation:

1 - the old woman with a scythe will come after 80 years. Death will be easy and painless, and life will be bright and rich.

2 - death from an accident at 7, 19, 29, 45 or 67 years of age. These years are the most dangerous for you, although, of course, you can live longer.

3 - most likely, you will live a long time, but will die from illness. The following years are especially dangerous - 44 and 73.

4 - you will live a long life. You have every chance to celebrate your hundredth birthday. Until your death, you will enjoy excellent health and lead an active lifestyle.

5 - death constantly walks near you, but you manage to avoid it. Your life is full of dangers, but this is not why you will die, and at a fairly advanced age.

6 - dangerous years for this number are considered to be 13, 22, 47 and 68 years. The cause of death and length of life will be influenced by karmic debts, about which a little below. The number of karma and other numerological indicators can give a hint.

7 - you have a strong guardian angel, but there is a serious danger of death from natural disasters. Be afraid of fires, floods, thunderstorms. Your death is guaranteed to be unexpected.

8 - you like to take risks and play with death. Sooner or later this will lead to tragedy. The date of your death is up to you. If you avoid risk, it is quite possible to live a long life.

9 - people with this number rarely live even to 50 years. They should avoid tobacco, alcohol and reckless risks. Take care of your health and get a chance to live longer.

Karma by date of birth - how to find out about karmic debts

There are only four karma numbers by date of birth, which indicate serious karmic debts. Every person has some lessons that they were supposed to learn, but they are not always as significant as is commonly believed. People tend to exaggerate their own problems. Determining karma by date of birth will help you understand in which direction you should develop in your current incarnation.

In order to determine the number of karma, you need to sum up the date, month and year of birth, but do not bring the result to an unambiguous form. Let's look at the calculations using the example of a person born on August 29, 1996:

This number does not fall under one of those that speak of karmic debts. These are 13, 14, 16 and 19.

People with karma number 13 in a past life they were selfish and fruitless. They preferred to shift difficulties onto the shoulders of others. If troubles happened due to the fault of such a person, they also sought to shift the blame onto another person. In the current incarnation, the punishments are obstacles that appear where other people go through everything without problems.

This karmic debt must be worked off, otherwise you will suffer from failure even in the most basic matters throughout your life. Obstacles should teach you to bring even the most difficult task to the desired conclusion, to accept voluntary help from others, but not to shift your worries or blame for what happened through your fault onto them.

Number 14 goes to people whose past incarnation preferred relaxation and escapism from reality. She preferred not to use her talent at all, which is a grave sin. The man could have benefited others and himself, but he missed this chance. The current incarnation is fraught with a threat in the form of excesses and addictions in the form of alcohol, drugs and other unpleasant things.

In order to pass this karmic lesson, you must completely eliminate what takes you away from reality - alcohol, drugs, addiction to video games. Excesses in material pleasures and emotions should also be reduced to zero. Cultivating restraint, sobriety and moderation is what you should do in this incarnation. Put things in order in your life, without putting off starting to work on yourself until tomorrow, and then your talents will open up again.

Number 16 indicates a person who in a past life preferred sensual pleasures to all others. He abused the feelings of those around him and brought them a lot of suffering. His adventures were condemned by society. In this life, a person with a karma number of 16 has to face situations in which it is difficult not to think about himself and his interests. As a result of poor decisions, relationships with others are seriously affected.

In order to work off this karmic debt, the cultivation of modesty and humility is required. Forget about your egoism that you received from your previous incarnation. Learn to think about your loved ones, put their interests above yours.

People with karma number 19 in a past life they liked to abuse power and position in society. This sin deprived them of even the slightest support in their current incarnation. Those who have such a karmic debt are alone, they have no one to ask for help in a difficult situation, they do not find support, and they do not have tender feelings towards them. If you don't pay off this debt, you can live your whole life alone. Learn to care for others unselfishly, without expecting anything in return.

There is another special number of karma - 10. However, it says that all the lessons were learned by you in a past life. Now your task is to prevent the emergence of new karmic debts. The life path of people with this number is usually rich in pleasant events and promises virtually no difficulties if they live according to their conscience.

Past life by date of birth - how to find out who you were in a past incarnation

All kinds of tests about reincarnation by date of birth are now gaining particular popularity. Subject rebirth of the soul is relevant, most people believe in it. Perhaps the fact is that few people would like to go to a place where they will have to spend eternity. A new incarnation without memory of past mistakes is a much more pleasant prospect.

There are many ways to find out about a past life by date of birth. Most tests about past incarnations require knowledge of the date of birth - day, month and year. With this information you can find out everything about any person from your environment. To do this, you need to sum up all the digits of the day, month and date of birth, without bringing the result to an unambiguous form. For example, for a person born on September 30, 1997, the calculations would look like this:

After receiving the result, all that remains is to find it in the list. The man from our example was a woman of easy virtue.

1 - clergyman, monk, preacher.

2 - navigator.

3 - artisan.

4 - magician, esotericist, scientist.

5 - chemist, alchemist, perfumer, creator of poisons, pharmacist.

6 - musician, composer.

7 - builder, architect.

8 - astrologer, astronomer, cartographer, traveler.

9 - famous artist.

10 - forester, shepherd, hunter.

11 - swindler, thief, murderer.

12 - terrorist, conspirator, enemy of the people, spy, traitor to the Motherland.

13 - slave, prisoner.

14 - a military or navigator who died in an accident.

15 - sold their labor for money, like most people.

16 - representative of the nobility.

17 - a lonely and poor man with poor health.

18 - sorcerer or witch.

19 - traveler, explorer.

20 - banker, economist, moneylender, rich and successful person.

21 - blacksmith.

23 - weaver, seamstress, tailor, any work with fabric or threads.

24 - icon painter, clergyman, monk.

25 - king, king, rich man, endowed with great power.

26 - healer or doctor.

27 - scientist or inventor.

28 - suicide.

29 - merchant.

30 - writer, poet, artist.

31 - actor.

32 - a traveler who did not start a family and children and died alone.

33 - court magician, shaman under the leader.

34 - a knight killed in a duel at a young age.

35 - singer or minstrel.

36 - maniac, executioner, doctor who conducted experiments on people, sadist who brought a lot of grief.

37 - a deeply religious person, perhaps a monk.

38 - corrupt woman or gigolo man.

39 is a player.

40 - chronicler, historian, philosopher.

41 - writer, popular among the opposite sex. Or a popular writer - you can determine your gender using another test about past lives.

42 - cook.

43 - executed representative of a noble family.

44 is a tyrant, responsible for the death of a large number of people.

46 - military.

47 - hermit.

48 - dealt with weapons.

Karmic astrology by date of birth - tasks of the current incarnation

Karmic horoscope by date of birth has as its main task to indicate the tasks of the current incarnation. In order to recognize them, you will need the date, month and year of birth. Karmic astrology by date of birth gives the most reliable predictions. With the help of simple numerological calculations, you can find out what tasks you came into this world with. Everyone is given a mission, and if it is not followed, you can expect serious problems.

In order to start calculations, you need to write down all the numbers of the date and year of birth in a row. Let's assume that you need to carry them out for a person born on August 30, 1996. The number series will look like this:

In our example, the karmic number will be 0 - the last digit of the birth number. The remaining numbers show what has already been developed in . In the example there is also among them - 0 appears twice in the number series of karma. This means that the person has already worked on the task encoded in this number, but lost these achievements or stopped paying attention to them, or perhaps did not complete his mission in one of his past incarnations. This is his main task in the current incarnation.

Missing numbers are poorly developed tasks, and the fewer of them, the closer a person is to harmonious spiritual development. They need to be written out separately, and you will also have to work on these tasks:

Each person is given tasks that he is able to cope with from higher powers. The higher his level of development, the more complex missions a person will have. After receiving the numbers of the main karmic task and poorly developed stages of development, you can proceed to interpretation.

Muladhara chakra

9 - mission is related to the development and strengthening of the Muladhara chakra. A person must learn to overcome difficulties with love, without fear and other negative emotions. Activity, development of willpower and physical body - this is what you need to do. Learn to take control of animal instincts, develop responsibility, discipline, try to take care of loved ones without their reminders.

Professions related to sports, geology, medicine, especially surgery, traumatology, are suitable for you; you can also make a good massage therapist. You are also shown physical labor, as well as that which is associated with changing and improving the material side of the world. Humanitarian areas are contraindicated, as are spiritual practices and work with energy.

8 - work on the Swadhistan chakra. The main task should be to create a family, especially a large one. You should learn to build relationships with relatives and raise worthy representatives of the new generation. Cultivate in yourself sacrifice within reasonable limits, wisdom and patience towards others.

Regarding the profession, you can become a teacher, educator, service personnel in hospitals, orphanages and nursing homes, as well as an ecologist - any profession related to helping people and nurturing the qualities you need is suitable for you. You can become a doctor, but it is better to choose specialties related to children and their birth. Avoid large companies and large teams. You want an almost family-like relationship between your co-workers, so frequent job changes are not an option. Regarding spiritual practices, it would be worth getting interested in Tantra.

7 - your mission is related to the development of the Manipur chakra. You must learn to control your emotions, otherwise troubles will simply fall on you. Your well-being depends on the stability of your emotional state. Be guided by logic and develop your mental body.

Regarding the profession, the one that will direct your activities towards creation rather than destruction is suitable. Learn to earn money, spend it and value it. You will need knowledge about the laws of cash flows and the rules of money egregor. You can be engaged in any field of work, but the goal should be to create something. Leadership positions are not contraindicated if obtained after many years of hard work.

6 - your life should be aimed at developing the Anahata heart chakra. Your mission is similar to that indicated by the number 8, but it is more complex and aimed at higher spiritual levels. Mercy, compassion, and the ability to empathize are qualities that you must develop. However, if the number 8 refers to close people, then the number six speaks of a larger group of people. Open your heart to the world and give people love.

Professional activity may be related to medicine and psychology - therapy, addiction medicine, neurology, working with difficult teenagers. You can become a good teacher. All professions aimed at healing the human soul are suitable. Art is contraindicated for you - the emotionality of its samples can confuse and distract from the main mission. Areas such as exact sciences and technology are also contraindicated.

5 - your life goal is related to the development of the Vishuddha throat chakra. This is the acquisition of knowledge and creativity. Engage in self-development, convey the beauty of the world and the correct principles of worldview through creativity or teaching. Learn to understand and respect other people. Identify your talent and develop it. If you bury your gift in the ground, the laws of karma will severely punish you.

It’s easy to guess that any activity related to creativity and teaching is suitable for you. However, in the latter case, it is worth working with students or adults, and not schoolchildren. Diplomacy, translations and everything related to travel are also good. Travel is recommended in any case - you should see as much as possible so that you can tell other people about it.

4 - your karmic task is closely related to the ajna chakra -. She is responsible for clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities. These are the ones you need to develop. Learn to see the essence of the phenomena happening around you. Look for the reasons for what is happening as deeply as you can. Otherwise, fate will send you a lot of troubles.

You can be employed in absolutely any industry, but your profession should not be associated with monotony and monotony. You can only be productive in the work that you enjoy. Community and charity organizations, HR, and cultural management are good examples of working with people, which would suit you really well.

3 - your lifestyle should be aimed at working with the Sahasrara crown chakra. You must fulfill and understand the law, and not only the one that is written in the Constitution, but the one that is called Divine. You have to improve not your mental body, but your soul. However, you have a craving for relevant knowledge, and fate will facilitate access to the sources necessary to obtain it. You must not only comprehend this knowledge, but also convey it to others. Failure to comply with laws and distortion of information will lead to serious problems.

You have access to any knowledge and you can get any profession. It is recommended to focus on the exact sciences, law, politics, and astrology. Any of your activities must be within the framework of the laws of the state in which you live, as well as Divine rules.

2 - you are under the influence of the Divine Ray of Knowledge. If you strive for knowledge of any nature, the Divine energy of Knowledge will help you find sources of information, as well as provide energy for active actions in the chosen direction. Learn to pay attention to the little things and notice how they can affect the life of an individual. Study the laws of energy, this is also one of your tasks.

1 - you were under the influence of the Divine Ray of Wisdom and Love. In order to receive his help, you must be sure that the source of strength and wisdom is within you. Open your heart to people, be honest and open with them. Otherwise, you will become a victim of self-deception and illusions.

0 - you are influenced by the Divine Ray of Power and Will. You are required to constantly update and cleanse yourself from various toxins, then its influence will not be harmful. You must learn to read the signs of fate and change it, and if it doesn’t work out, endure troubles. You are also required to acknowledge the Divine power, His authority and will. Otherwise, problems at work, loss of loved ones and other difficulties will follow.

In general, if not every person wants to know about the date of his death or his occupation in a past life, then information about karmic debts and main karmic tasks can be useful to everyone. It can significantly improve your quality of life and set you on the true path leading to spiritual development.


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You can find out what your past life was like based on your date of birth using simple numerology calculations. This will help you find out whether you have it, as well as in what earthly incarnations your soul lived before.

How to find out who I was in a past life

If you believe in reincarnation, you will be interested in knowing who you were in a past life. This will help you understand why in your current incarnation you are living this particular life, and what mistakes you are paying for.

The calculation is very simple: add up all the numbers of your date of birth to begin with. If, for example, you were born on October 16, 1991: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28. Then look for the corresponding value in the list:

  • 4 - you were engaged in magic or science, studied esoteric teachings
  • 5 - everything related to chemicals and their interactions. Were a chemist or perfumer, pharmacist or created poisons
  • 6 - activity related to the musical field
  • 7 - built or designed buildings
  • 8 - studied astrology or astronomy. Perhaps they traveled a lot, guided by the stars, helping to create a map of the globe
  • 9 - were engaged in creativity, were a prominent figure in the field of art
  • 10 - had to do with working with animals
  • 11 - we made a big mistake. They broke the law: they stole, killed, cheated
  • 12 - negative karma. Committed evil on a grand scale: engaged in terrorism, were a political criminal or an enemy spy
  • 13 were under strict subordination or imprisonment. Karma of a prisoner or slave
  • 14 - a heroic person with a tragic fate. Military
  • 15 - neutral karma of an ordinary person, unremarkable
  • 16 - were a representative of an aristocratic, noble and wealthy family
  • 17 - a sick person, exhausted, with financial problems and an unsettled personal life
  • 18 - medicine man or priest
  • 19 - a man who traveled half the world for scientific purposes
  • 20 - a very rich person who achieved success through hard work, not from the nobility
  • 21 - a man engaged in heavy physical labor
  • 22 - swindler and adventurer
  • 23 - a woman who made a living from needlework
  • 23 - a person close to God, a minister of the church
  • 24 - hermit or monk, a person leading an ascetic lifestyle
  • 25 - powerful ruler, head of state
  • 26 - an altruistic person who gave his life to serving people
  • 27 - discoverer
  • 28 - committed suicide
  • 29 - were engaged in trade
  • 30 - creative person, poet or artist
  • 31 - actor
  • 32 - traveled a lot, but died tragically all alone, there were no close people in life
  • 33 - close to the ruler of the state, a gray cardinal
  • 34 - a warrior who died in an unequal battle with the enemy
  • 35 - singer
  • 36 - a killer with a personality disorder, either a mad scientist who experimented on people, or a sadist who tortured his wife
  • 37 - a person who sought solace in God - a monk or hermit
  • 38 - sold the body for money: gigolo or prostitute
  • 39 - professional money player
  • 40 - contributed to history or science
  • 41 - popular bestseller or writer
  • 42 - famous cook
  • 43 were executed for the crime
  • 44 - a historical villain who killed a huge number of people (example: Hitler)
  • 45 - a doctor who later became a scientist and made a grand discovery in medicine, which humanity has been using to this day
  • 46 - a man engaged in military service, a patriot and a hero
  • 47 - lived as a hermit, led an almost primitive lifestyle
  • 48 - sold or produced weapons

Finding out who you were in a previous incarnation is quite interesting. But this fact may also be the answer to the question - what sins are you paying for in this life. For example, if in a past life you became a suicide, then now you are constantly under the yoke of difficult circumstances, killing your desire to live with your own hands.

It is important to understand what karmic lessons you need to go through in order to heal your soul and save it from suffering.

Watch a video about determining past lives by date of birth:

The task of the current incarnation

During your earthly life, your soul must work out and fulfill its purpose. You can also identify tasks in your current life using.

The calculation method is as follows:

  • Write down your date of birth. 10/16/1991. - the last digit, in our example - one
  • Let's look at how many times the unit appears in the date: in our example - 4 times. This means that in past lives you have already tried 4 times to fulfill your destiny, but were unable to do so.
  • Next, write down the numbers that are missing from your date of birth: 234578. The fewer there are, the further your soul has advanced in development. It is also advisable to work on tasks corresponding to these numbers.

The meaning of the resulting numbers:

  • 9 - develop your physical body. Sports, medicine, any physical work are suitable professions
  • 8 - your main task is to realize yourself in the family. Raise children and build relationships with relatives. Professions: teacher, social worker, orphanage teacher, etc.
  • 7 - the best option for you is your own business. You must learn how to make money and increase capital. Develop emotional control and logic
  • 6 - you need to develop mercy and compassion. Suitable professions: psychologist, narcologist, coach
  • 5 - engage in self-development and creativity. Your goal is to decorate the world and harmonize the space around you
  • 4- develop psychic abilities and intuition
  • 3 - you need to engage in spiritual development. You strive to gain knowledge and bring it to the masses
  • 2 - you have a strong thirst for knowledge, you strive to constantly learn and look for new sources of information. Your task is to study the laws of energy and engage in spiritual practices
  • 1 - you are endowed with Divine wisdom and love. It is important for you to become a source of love, strength and wisdom that you will share with others. Don't lie to anyone and try not to have illusions
  • 0 - your soul needs constant cleansing of negativity and faith in God

Knowledge of karmic tasks will help you figure out which direction to move in life in order to benefit others and yourself.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: