Saturn in Taurus fall. Saturn in Taurus: character traits, influence on fate

05/06/2010 | Visitors: 1823793

Taurus / Ascendant - indicates the desire for security in life, and in interpersonal relationships - for culture. Such a person cares about the strength of connections and their quality. He is kind in his handling, which helps to remove obstacles. He can be cruel in his actions, but maintains decency. Compliant if the matter does not concern personal interests. He strives to maintain order in his affairs and relationships.

Their hair is thick and beautiful. They are not straight, like those of Mercurians, and do not curl in large waves, like those of the Solar type, they are fluffy. The Venusian often wears his hair "a la garcon coiffeur", that is, a hairstyle of which he is very proud. The Venusian loves curls because they make her beautiful face even more beautiful. She removes them with delicate taste. He watches them and combs them in front of any mirror he comes across.

The forehead of Venus is not as developed as the forehead of the sun, but is similar to it. Like the sunny type, he is calm, without wrinkles. But while the solar type's forehead remains calm due to the complete self-control of its owner, the Venusian's forehead remains impassive for its own sake and also for fear of old age. The eyebrows are exquisite, quite thick and arched. They more often rise to a position of passive contemplation than to descend to a position of will.

The physiognomist distinguishes among Venusians the size of their eyes and their charming, captivating tenderness. The eyes of a Venusian express neither fierce energy, nor guile, nor mental superiority: they express love and call for it. A harmonious curtain of eyelashes further enhances the charm that these eyes exude. Venus' gaze expresses subtle sensitivity and developed intuition. Mars, Earth and the Sun judge deductively, Mercury and Venus - inductively - they guess. The nose of Venusians is often coquettishly turned up, slightly, like some lunar types. The nostrils flutter, emphasizing the sensitivity that radiates from their eyes. The lips are plump and well defined. The vertical line that runs from the nose to the lip is gracefully deepened. The delicately shaped ears are surprisingly small, but the lobes are fleshy.

Relaxed, graceful, lazy pose. Slow, ponderous gait. Thoughtful, more careful gestures.

A voluminous bust of a beautiful shape and a thin waist. Women prefer clothes with a deep neckline. The whiteness of the neck, the soft roundness of the shoulders, and the proud posture create the impression of attractive sensuality. The hands are plump, with dimples on the shoulders and elbows, the fingers are usually short, and the nails are almond-shaped. The skin is white, velvety soft. Heavy, full legs, short feet.

Ascendant in Taurus

Rising sign in Taurus

Ensuring the environment - preserving property. Investing strength in monetary enterprises and in the processing of raw materials. He loves the pleasant aspects of life and, with his creativity, creates beauty.

The desire for stability, peace and security, perseverance, firmness, homeliness, friendliness. The environment meets the internal needs of property, harmony and material values. The “I” demands heightened meaning, lives at the core of facts. Practical lifestyle.

Selfishness, thirst for pleasure, stinginess, stubbornness. You have a reasonable, realistic outlook on life, and you stand firmly on the ground (although you can sometimes have your head in the clouds in your thoughts). Others often see you as the embodiment of strength, durability, reliability and consistency. You are indeed surprisingly consistent, since you have great endurance and do not like to make changes or improvements to your usual routine. You do everything deliberately and methodically, and have difficulty adapting to the unexpected.

Outwardly, you are a soft person, but you have enormous willpower and stubbornness. You go on your own and don't like to be rushed or pushed into something you don't feel confident about. It is easy to motivate you, to persuade you to do something with the help of charm, beauty, love, tenderness - but not force. You will not fight anyone, but will simply stubbornly resist any attempt to force you to do something you do not want to do.

When you have a goal, you strive for it persistently, with incredible constancy; You can't be knocked off course. Your stubbornness often infuriates others, especially because it takes a lot of effort to get you to ignite or react to someone else's anger. Most of Sometimes you look like a calm, indifferent and unemotional person, but behind your good-natured and peaceful appearance hides enormous strength. When it comes to a contest of willpower, you often win simply because of your relentless persistence, which can overpower anyone. Another reason why you are reluctant to make changes is your strong need for protection. You feel best in stable, relatively unchanging conditions and really want to have tangible evidence of your security - own house, money in the bank, a stable position at work, etc. The other side of your constancy is the force of habit, under the influence of which you easily fall and strive to remain in a familiar situation (at work, in the family - anywhere) long after it has lost its vitality and interest.

You deeply appreciate material goods and get a lot of joy from the ordinary comforts of life and physical world with all its countless pleasures. You are very sensual - in a natural, healthy way - and know how to please yourself. You experience a natural, earthly attraction to opposite sex. You are also a great connoisseur of beauty - and your tastes can be called generally accepted, classical, but not modernist.

Francis Sakoyan

The ascending sign, or first house, is the sector of space (sign) located directly above the eastern part of the horizon at the time of a person’s birth. The rising sign gives us a lot of information about a person’s appearance and behavioral traits. In many ways, the rising sign has a greater influence than the signs in which the Sun or Moon was located at the time of a person's birth. Knowing the rising sign gives a lot of preliminary information about the character of the entire horoscope, about the general character of a person.

Taurus is a fixed sign, foreshadowing a person of a determined, stubborn nature. This sign is symbolized by a buffalo, which seems to advise one to be polite and careful with such a person. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, the character of this person will be sensual, artistic, such a person will be charismatic and strong. Outwardly, he is usually handsome, his character is loving, devoted, but at the moment of anger - passionate, prone to violence.

Although this person is proud and stubborn, he is at the same time polite and easily falls under the influence of the opposite sex. Such people are confident in themselves; they have great stamina and determination. The intellect is strong, the ability to understand art, know and love nature can develop well, these people can be generous in gifts. They are blessed with a spirit of sacrifice and their friendship is permanent. They love things in their own way and are capable of performing work that requires high quality. Trying to manage and irritate such a person can be risky business.

Taurus ascending is a sign of a person's brilliant appearance, big eyes and hands, but weak nerves. These people study well, forgive easily, and are lucky. Sometimes they treat their parents badly. They may have good luck in matters related to agriculture. They are attached to their husbands and wives, usually have more daughters than sons, but their children may not please them as much as other people usually do. In conclusion, we note that with Taurus ascendant associated with a responsive, feminine and pleasant character.

Many of you know very well that Taurus is part of the group of rapidly ascending signs, so we see the Ascendant in Taurus less often than Scorpio, for example. Those with Asc in Taurus have smooth shapes and a strong neck. I often see women with a Taurus Ascendant having a round face. With big cheeks :)

By the way, there are often dimples on the cheeks. Ascendants have them too. However, Venus is important to us here. After all, it has its own house, sign, aspects that may contradict the sign on the Ascendant. As an example, I wanted to take the young actress Dakota Fanning. These are roughly the cheeks I mean. If the Ascendant in Capricorn has sunken cheeks, then the Ascendant in the sign of Taurus wants to touch the cheeks.

1st house in Taurus for a woman

The Ascendant in the sign of Taurus gives women a stubborn disposition and a businesslike approach to life. In appearance, I can note full legs, hair that can be curly. But hair does not always have pronounced curls. Sometimes the hair just gets frizzy. They feel soft and thick. But they do not resemble the shape of a mane, like that of.
According to my observations, the eyes of women with Asc in Taurus can be said to be bulging. But this effect is not typical for everyone. As well as the outstanding fifth point :) Maybe this is due to the pear body type.

Ascendant in Taurus for a man

Ascendant in Taurus in men I also often observe a businesslike approach to life. But in the case of men, everything is complicated :) You need to look here daylight and Mars for accuracy. But Asc in Taurus is not Aries. Such a person will be calm, his gait will be measured. And not too fast, but not slow either. There is no such thing as a memorable gait.

If we compare the 1st house in Taurus and neighboring Gemini, then Taurus’ hobbies are much calmer. If Gemini is easy-going, then Taurus still needs to be stirred up. This is especially true for some new things. For example, a friend of mine has a husband with Asc in Taurus, and the woman herself has Asc in Aquarius. And here is a picture - she is engaged in diving and parachuting. And for several years now she has been trying to drag her husband into the same place. And her husband is no good! In general, it’s easiest for him to be at home.

Men with an Ascendant in Taurus have a “wiry” neck and broad shoulders. Of course, this is not observed in teenagers, but in men aged 30+ it is quite possible. The build is usually average, the person feels strong.

I can’t call my height tall, but not low either. In childhood there may be a full face. However, completeness is not always maintained. Here a lot depends on the ruler of the Ascendant. For example, I have a friend whose 1st house is in Taurus. But he has a lot of indicators that, on the contrary, indicate that his full face is a hereditary phenomenon.

The energy of aggression does not emanate from men; on the contrary, confidence in tomorrow. Because such a man prefers to plan everything. For some it is boredom, but for any other woman, especially with, it will seem like a fairy tale.

Representatives of the fair sex with an ascendant in Taurus have the image of a good housewife, faithful wife and a reliable friend. It is easy to communicate with them, they are able to support any conversation. Since childhood, they read a lot and can become interested in needlework, drawing and sewing. From an early age, girls with rising sign Taurus dreams of getting a profession, and they already know exactly who they will work as. They often study hard at school, but not because of grades, but because of a great thirst for knowledge. They strive to get prestigious higher education. While devoting a lot of time to their studies, they do not forget about the financial side of life - they often work part-time in student years. Already in the first years of the institute, they make useful connections and interesting acquaintances.

At work, these are self-confident and responsible women. They often occupy high positions or strive for this. The material sphere is very important for them, so they try to work hard. They quickly gain authority in the work team. By nature, these are leaders, however, they are not always able to reveal this quality in themselves. If they are engaged in entrepreneurial activities, they become real businesswomen. They know how to accept right decisions. Despite the fact that most women are characterized by intuitive thinking, representatives of the ascendant in Taurus are guided only by logic and common sense. Before coming to a decision, they will think about it a hundred times. They rarely listen to the advice of people around them.

Marriage can slightly change the attitude of a woman with a Taurus ascendant to life and career. It takes a very long time to choose a life partner, and often the main criterion for choosing is the man’s well-being. However, without love and mutual understanding strong relationships not build. Once married, she can devote herself to raising children and housekeeping. In a relationship with a man, a woman with an ascendant in Taurus is not inclined to show strong feelings and passion. She shows her feelings through actions, surrounding the man with care and giving him support. She is faithful to her husband, and demands the same devotion from her chosen one. A woman with an ascendant in Taurus is very jealous and will not tolerate betrayal. This quality often becomes an obstacle to family happiness.

Women with Ascendant in Taurus

The Ascendant in Taurus for a woman shows her as a soft, sensible and sensual nature. She is rarely dissatisfied with herself and is able to endure a lot in life. People see her as a feminine and balanced woman who is never late and respects the opinions of others. Men find her sympathetic and pleasant, so they happily communicate with her. Scandals and whims are definitely not for her. This woman has classic beauty, refined manners and a slender figure. Seductive externally and collected internally - that’s what you can say about her. She will not live at the expense of others, because she knows how to earn money herself.

Although, if there is a wealthy man next to her, she will not refuse such luxury. A woman with an ascendant in Taurus is a visualist, so she adores everything expensive and beautiful - things, clothes, cars and men. If in a company of friends or even at a bus stop she notices a real handsome man, she can easily be the first to meet him. To win her affection, a man needs to get to know her better. This artistic woman loves to play a game called “seduction.” She immediately feels when a man likes her, so she rarely stops halfway. The confidence and grace of the Queen shines through in her gaze, gestures and even her gait. She wants a man to appreciate and respect her for all the qualities that nature has generously endowed her with.

If a woman has a Taurus Ascendant, then she is quite picky about love affairs. She gives the impression of a decent and reserved person, so she does not react to vulgar offers. A true realist who can not only speak competently, but also listen carefully. The more persistent, brighter and more attractive man, the more chances he has to become her chosen one. But, only without unnecessary emotions and unbridled passion. This woman likes to live in reality, and not languish in expectations and worries.

A woman with a Taurus ascendant loves music, art, nature and everything that is mundane and tangible. She wants to live in peace, to be loved and to feel financial stability. With a strong and successful chosen one, she feels protected. If he surrounds her with care and attention, and also admires the beauty of the sunset with delight, then she will not resist. She is not looking for a companion obsessed only with passion and sex. She likes to feel his hand in hers, inhale his scent and kiss him tenderly before leaving for work.