Libra tarot. Free online fortune telling. magic. predictions

With the help of the advice that Libra is ready to give Tarot cards, you will receive lucky chance not only avoid making fatal mistakes in 2018, but also retain the good financial situation, improve relationships with loved ones, feel like a truly happy person.

The Sun and Moon cards in the layout protect Libra from creating love triangle, any other situation where there will be your participants, two of whom will compete with each other. Two great luminaries - two enemies - two opposites. You risk finding yourself between them. If you can’t avoid getting into such a situation, look for a solution within yourself, your imagination is your best helper. Know that any crossroads or fork will be understandable and clear to you only if you listen to your inner voice. For Libra women it is intuition, for Libra men it is the voice of reason.

This is the point that signifies victory. Sword in right hand demonstrates the logical, well-ordered thinking necessary to free justice. Libra is to her left, an intuitive hand showing that logic must be balanced by intuition. From under the cloak appears a small white shoe, reminding us of the spiritual consequences of our actions. The purple cloth draped behind it signifies compassion, while the gray pillars represent the limitations of the physical world.

Tarot Card Meanings

Simply put, the justice card represents fairness, fairness, truth and law. As a result, the justice card indicates that the fairest decision will be made. Please note that the justice scale is balanced, so it appearance indicates that events were designed because they were meant to work, and that what happens to you comes from decisions you have made and actions you have taken in the past.

Try to give as much attention to your children as possible. The Jester and Wheel of Fortune cards offer Libra to decorate their destiny with children's laughter - if they are still small, or with the contented faces of adult children. Take the initiative, be wise. Your destiny is determined, first of all, by your attitude towards the people around you, and not their attitude towards you. For Libra, 2018 is the time for the formation of stable, strong, warm relationships. Don't miss the chance and spend as much time with your children as possible.

Justice is the conscious awareness that your decisions and actions have long-term consequences, and that your current and future circumstances are likely to be the result of those decisions and actions. At the same time, the judge shows that your actions in the future can be changed by the lesson learned in this situation. You cannot become honest without spreading that honesty to yourself and others.

Justice reflects the search for truth. You must know and speak the truth and perceive it in the words and deeds of others. Be fair and just with everyone and you will soon be able to detect dishonesty in yourself and others. Learn the rules that govern what you are involved with.

The Six of Wands in an inverted position warns: be afraid of successful rivals, enemies, deceit and deception on the part of those who seem too successful and overly kind to you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. We are not talking about representatives of your family, about other halves. Watch who you deal with at work, in business. Be careful in your statements, do not throw away valuable information, carefully weigh every word when you are around such people. They do not bring you any obvious negativity, but they can take advantage of your slightest weakness to achieve their own goals.

You need to be fair and simple when you see the justice card in the reading. When everyone “plays fair” and adheres to the rules, positive results will be achieved. However, you need everyone to be on the same page for this to happen. It's not good if there is someone who goes against the grain or tries to wake up!

The Justice Card also indicates the time when a decision is required. Something in your life requires attention, mediation, or resolution. Look at the two cards on either side of the justice card to help you understand what you are weighing in your decision making process. When you consider your decision, are you the person to make the decision or is it your role to take decision made? How can you remain as objective as possible while searching for the truth? This important point, when your “inner judge” must make the “right” decision.

The Arcana Strength and Peace ask Libra to use all possible forces to extinguish the conflicts that will arise throughout 2018. This applies to both large non-standard situations and minor domestic quarrels with loved ones. Involve in the solution difficult situations as many people as possible, ask for help, collect advice. This applies to all aspects of life, except the sphere love relationship. In love you should not have advisers. Work on yourself, show the world your inner integrity.
Author Victoria Grom "Tarot Horoscope 2018"

Justice often refers to legal issues of all kinds. Courts are courts and decisions are made. The legal system is the formal arena in which the principles of justice are taught. If you see a justice card in a reading that involves legal issues, expect the outcome to be fair and just. You are also likely dealing with legal contracts such as a marriage license, divorce decree, business agreement, financial agreement or trial. If you are a person demanding justice, know that justice will be served and lawsuits won.

Popular materials:

His motto is “I EQUALIZE”

Cardinal sign, ruler- Venus. The element is air.
Lucky days- Friday and Saturday.
Bad days- Tuesday and Sunday.
Time of year- the beginning of spring.
Good places- banquet halls, meadows, gardens, fountains, river valleys.
Numbers- 2, 6 (and all divisible by 6), 7, 8, 9, 15.
Color range- dark blue, green, sea green and pastel colors.
Stones— coral, green jasper, crystal, peridot.
Metal- bronze.
Flowers- roses, violets, marigolds.
Symbols- scales, book, cup of tea.
Mascot- book.
Lucky numbers in the lottery- 1, 6, 11 and their combinations 1611, 611...

Are you trying to remember what tarot cards mean?

Of course, if you acted deceptively or did not tell the truth, keep in mind that justice will still prevail and you will need to take responsibility for your actions. If you want to deepen your intuitive connection with tarot cards and ultimately become a better tarot reader, then this is for you.

Discarded Justice Tarot Cards

Again, justice indicates dishonesty with oneself and others. This shows an unwillingness to understand the deeper meaning of why an event happened and shows that you lack the ability to better understand yourself in life. You do not take responsibility for your actions and may try to "dodge the bullet" and blame others for your mistakes. The key here is taking responsibility for your own situation and realizing that you are here through your own past choices and therefore whatever it takes to get out of the situation is fair and equitable according to the Universal Principles of Karma and Justice.

Libra Temperament: Mobile, sanguine.

Libra Personality: Noble, polite, honest, intuitive, harmonious, charming. Libras have a good feeling aesthetic values and analytical mind. Loves order and justice, objectively needs balance and harmony. When defeated, he is often at odds with the surrounding reality, not finding harmony in it, and can become extravagant, challenging everyone around him. Libra's desire for harmony and agreement leads directly to compromise and even the loss of one's individuality. With low development, Libra is an egoist, a liar, and an unreliable partner in business.

If, after taking a very hard look at yourself, you feel like you've done your best, know that the Universe has a path that you've laid out for yourself, and while your situation may be frustrating now, this is the right path for you. Over time, you will begin to see that he actually has a reason for this.

Given that the justice card can reflect a very strict, black and white view of the world, you may need to release all your thoughts about what is right and wrong and simply accept what is. Stop constantly judging whether you are doing the right thing or whether they are working. You are where you are and you just need to accept your current situation. Just allow yourself to be in at the moment" and refrain from any immediate decision. The reversed justice card also suggests that you might be better off by relaxing the rules a little and being a little more flexible with your current circumstances.

Professions of Libra: Judge, architect, actor, fashion retailer. Libras like to choose legal professions, conduct social work or engage in fine arts, music. Psychology, sociociology, pedagogy, any consulting activities and provision of services.
Science and higher education: Jurisprudence, art history, architecture, cultural studies, psychology, pedagogy, exact sciences.
Production activities: Lawyers, lawyers, consultants, experts, secretaries, cashiers, clerks, designers, jewelers, hairdressers, fashion designers, tailors, designers, decorators. Psychologists, teachers. Dating services, registry offices, wedding palaces, cultural institutions, fashion salons, stationery.
Medicine: Neurology, cosmetology, psychotherapy.
Sport: Athletics, dance sports, rhythmic gymnastics. There are a lot of actors with Libra rising or with Venus in the first house.
Art: Painting, music, variety art. Generally speaking, art comes in practically many forms.

Of course, you also need to act in a way that is fair and just and not mean-spirited, otherwise the karma will come back to you! If you are involved in a legal matter, you may be concerned about an unfair outcome. You can dispute final decision, calling into question the entire trial process. There may be legal complications or something that obstructs justice.

You may be biased or unfairly judge others, unable to find the truth or a balanced perspective. Your opinions are biased and swayed by others. Be mindful of how you judge or criticize others and make sure you have a balanced view before you swing the sword of justice!

Libra's work: often considers small concerns beneath his dignity and avoids them. A strongly developed sense of justice and permitted means of play. The higher its development, the more intense the work, especially after 29 years (Saturn cycle). A person’s intelligence is emphasized; he is always in search of new knowledge, new thoughts, and spiritual interests. Interested in psychology human relations, knows how to advise, help people resolve personal issues, and often acts as a magistrate. Lives with the problems of the present time, is very enterprising, but to be active he needs cooperation with other people, since one cannot complete the work he has started.

Scales and balance of justice

Each zodiac sign is ruled by a Tarot card from! The Libra zodiac sign is ruled by the Justice card. Represented by scales in astrology. So the harmony tending towards the duality of Libra is heavily represented in the Justice Tarot Card, but what does all this symbolism mean?

Justice card intuition

Not to mention, Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, making it an exceptionally attractive sign. This is a direct response to their inner scale, weighing right and wrong before making any decisions. But even with these sporadic bursts of momentary confusion, Libras manage to make decisions with grace once they balance their knowledge with intuition! And speaking of decision makers, this referee can actually call the shots!

Libra career: Marriage and cooperation, as well as social contacts, are very important to him. A person is constantly forced to take into account the interests of other people, often sacrificing his own. Libras achieve success in the partnership business; they need to have a companion. Works well in a team. He can become a boss very unobtrusively, demonstrating a lack of special zeal and indifference to power. He achieves heights thanks to the favor of his superiors, who do not see him as a rival to their further growth.

The Judge depicted on the Tarot card radiates this charming Libran energy and maintains diplomatic balance through the Karma scale in the left hand. But where does this intuition come from? The number 11 is incredibly intuitive and is one of only three numbers in numerology powerful enough to be called a "Master Number".

But just like everyone else, Libra's balance can also go down the drain. She won't be exhausted for long though. As the official seeker of truth, Judge Judge wields a double-edged sword, allowing her to cut through any fog or confusion that stands in her way. This allows her to clearly identify areas of life that require closer examination - even though these truths may be uncomfortable to come to terms with. Just as the scales represent Libra's balance, this sword points upward, signifying victory and restoring balance!

Libra Business: Usually a person is a little persistent and to successfully conduct business he needs partners, preferably more proactive ones, since he does not like open competition and aggression. He is prone to luxury in his personal life, which may not always be appropriate - it would be smarter to save for old age. Large quantity Libra needs money primarily to ensure freedom from many everyday responsibilities. Libra's business in providing psychological assistance and consultations is successful various types- legal, psychological, astrological, medical. Tutoring, representation of interests, abstracting.

And, hidden in her crown of power, there is a sparkling green stone, which acts as the third eye chakra, allowing her to see and see clearly what was previously hidden in the shadows of concepts and confusion. Now that you know more about the justice card, see if this card shows up for you!

When it's time for you to do the right thing, take a big step that includes absolutes or accept responsibility for some of your actions and move on, the Tarot deck will reveal the Justice Card in your reading. There is little that you can retreat to once you have set the course required by the Tarot court.

Libra Health: In general, Libra is fragile, neat and vulnerable person. The slightest insult, someone's rudeness - and he can get sick. Libras are advised to drink more fluid during rest periods and arrange “apple days” (kidney drainage). Kidney diseases, radiculitis, nephritis, uremia are typical. Walking, gardening, and dancing are helpful. Libra needs an atmosphere of cordiality and warmth, as well as sexual balance (a satisfying partner). The elements shown are sulfur and phosphorus. Herbs include basil, tonic baths with thyme, rosemary and basil.

She sits on the unedged stone place, dressed in the red court servant's robes and a simple crown on her head. Suspended between two gray stone columns, the fabric behind it conceals the golden sky. In the left hand it is a scale, evenly balanced. There is a sword in his right hand.

The robe and crown signify her status as a servant above the reprimands of authority, but upholding the law. The scales represent opposing arguments, both sides of the story, the possibilities of what will happen depending on the choices you make. Does the sword represent the final decision you will make? the sword will destroy the possibilities of other things.

Libra Partners: Good compatibility with signs and . Poor compatibility with signs and . This, although correct, is too general a statement. The true compatibility of two people (and not just zodiac signs) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of the partners.