Scenario of the holiday "School of Magic and Wizardry" based on Harry Potter. Summary of the lesson "good wizards" Personal time after class

Fairy tale therapy is a form of cognition and treatment of the soul, like any other psychotherapy. Fairy tale therapy explores fairy tales as a form of existence and manifestation of mental processes and creates fairy tales that have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Fairy tale therapy focuses on the plot of mental processes, that is, on the stories that happen to the soul. These stories are archetypal, that is, universal for people of all cultures and times. Fairy tale therapy proceeds from the fact that the unconscious develops and manifests itself according to certain schemes, the number of possible variants of which is rather limited and cognizable. These schemes are very convenient to study in the form of fairy tales. In this sense, fairy tale therapy is a form of deep psychotherapy, although in terms of its accessibility and universality it is quite applicable to “superficial” and “current” tasks.

One has only to say “Once upon a time” or “In a certain kingdom - in a certain state”, as it is already clear that a fairy tale begins.

What is it about these simple words? “They contain a mysterious formula that has been steadily shaping spatial interest for thousands of years, long before the advent of the now fashionable neuro-linguistic programming. And it is hardly a coincidence that one of the very first books of the founders of NLP is called in a fairy tale way: “From Frogs to Princes”!

Centuries-old folk wisdom is richer than any author's theory, and fairy tale therapy is based on the inexhaustible wealth of this wisdom and the boundless potential of psychological possibilities.

A simple example: “Grandfather planted a turnip. A large, very large turnip has grown ... ”For some reason, not a word about how it was watered, weeded, etc. Do you know why? This turnip has GROWN ITSELF. And the fairy tale says that one has only to start a business, how it will go, and luck will certainly smile! - In official language, this would be called labor stimulation by modeling cause-and-effect relationships. A fairy tale is a mirror reflecting the real world through the prism of personal perception. Everything that does not happen in life is possible in it. And remember, there's always a happy ending! The listener is always involved with what is happening, he can imagine himself as any of the characters, experience all the vicissitudes of the plot, responding to them with his soul. This is a true chance to understand and accept yourself and the world, increase self-esteem and change in the desired direction.

And everything happens easily and simply, one might say - effortlessly. You will say: “Why, then, is a psychologist needed, since the fairy tale does everything by itself?” Well, for example, to ask questions, the answers to which a person “pulls out of himself”, because everyone knows them himself, only he does not know about what he knows. A psychologist, apparently, can be compared with a living instrument that can orient, show direction, but you should not demand that he go your way for you.

You can make a fairy tale an assistant in the upbringing and education of children, in knowing yourself, in mutual understanding with others.


  • to help schoolchildren learn to better understand other people: classmates, friends, others;
  • to instill in students ethical norms of behavior in society, communication with each other.

Lesson progress

I. Greetings.

Hello guys, nice to meet you.

Guys, what have I done now?

How can you greet a person without words? How?

- And now each of you will come out from the desk and greet whomever you want.

Now turn to the guests and greet them.

II. Introduction to the topic.

Teacher. Today we will try to become wizards.

Teacher. In the works of which literary genre do you find the most magic, mystery?

(children's answers)

Teacher. People who work magic are called wizards. What do wizards do?

(wizards - help heroes, do good deeds.)

Teacher. It turns out that kindness is practically a synonym for magic. This means that you and I can be magicians if we develop good qualities in ourselves and do good deeds. Folk wisdom says: "Kindness is the sun." How do you understand this expression?

III. Therapeutic fairy tale "Star Country".

A)Introductory comment.

Today we will go on a fabulous journey. And these magic beads will help us get into a fairy tale. Now I will approach each of you with a box. And you choose the bead that you like best. Take care of this bead so that later thanks to it you can return back. And now, when everyone has chosen, squeeze your bead in your left fist, close your eyes and think about what is good and good in your soul, for what qualities you love yourself, appreciate, respect. Who is ready, open your eyes. Everyone has their own pace. We patiently wait for everyone.

So, you and I ended up in a fairyland and now we will listen to one story.

Fairy tale "Starland".
In one fairy-tale country, there were stars, so the country was called Starry. The stars were different: blue and white, yellow and blue, green and pink, red and even black. They were also different in size. Very tiny stars lived here, medium-sized ones lived here, and even huge stars lived. Among them there was not a single star exactly like the other. But they all had one thing in common. The soul of each star was filled with love for all the inhabitants of this fabulous country. Therefore, they saw only good and kindness in each other, and from this they shone with an amazing magical light. The star country from this wonderful radiance was unusually beautiful and unique. Peace, harmony, mutual understanding and love reigned everywhere.
But one day the most vile of all the mischief in the world flew over the Star Country, the evil wizard, whose name was Dirty Pakostevich. Saw the Starry Country Dirty Pakostevich and envy boiled in him. How so, he thinks: love is all around, beauty, peace. Nobody fights, nobody fights. And there was no peace for Pakost Pakostevich. Unfortunately, there are still such specimens that feel very bad if others feel good.
And conceived dirty trick Pakostievich his evil deed. And so that the stars would not recognize him, he turned into a wind of change and began to whisper that, they say, in other countries they live more cheerfully, more interestingly and better. The stars were worried, worried. They also wanted to live even more interesting, even more fun, even better.
“But what needs to be done for this?” the stars asked.
“Everything is very simple, you need to find shortcomings in others, scold all the time, criticize more, remember all the misdeeds that were once committed,” Pakost Pakostievich taught with knowledge of the matter.
But the stars couldn't do it. And the evil wizard began to teach them further.
“Hey, you,” he called out to a black star named Adelaide. - Why are you so black? I know, I know, you're too lazy to wash. Fu, dirty, what ... A ton of soap is needed to wash such a grimy one. Hee hee hee... ha ha ha...
Someone picked it up, someone said nothing ... But it did not become more fun. And the black star Adelaide began to grow dim right in front of everyone's eyes from rude ridicule and did not shine with an amazing magical light as before. But the dirty trick Pakostievich did not let up.
“Hey, hulk,” he called to the big green star Iolanthe. Here it is corroded ... Look, soon you will leave the whole country without food with such and such appetites. Ha ha ha...
Nobody stood up. And from rude ridicule, the bright green star Iolanta began to fade. But the dirty trick Pakostievich still did not let up. He walked up to a little pink star named Yuuta and started laughing at her.
– Oh, I can’t… What kind of a minnow is this? Not an asterisk, but some kind of microbe. Just look at it under a microscope. What is the use of it, in vain only smokes the sky. And he laughed merrily again.
From such rude and evil words, strange laughter, the tiny pink star Utah almost completely went out. And then many stars picked up the idea of ​​Dirty Pakostievich. They began with great zeal to look for flaws in each star, criticized each other, recalled all the misdeeds that had once been committed. And from rude, offensive words, bad thoughts, love began to leave, and souls began to be filled with hatred, anger, envy. And because of this, the stars faded, dimmed and no longer shone with the amazing magical light that once gave the unique charm of the Starry Country. Beautiful and bright earlier, it turned into a dull, gray, lifeless country.
The first to come to her senses was a very young white star named Lyuska. She decided to save her beloved homeland at all costs. "What to do?" thought Lucy. “Maybe wait for a good wizard? But when will he arrive? After all, you can wait a year, and two, and three, and thirty-three, or even not wait at all. And we must act right now, immediately, otherwise it may be too late. And she began to act at her own peril and risk ...
Instead of shortcomings, Lyuska began to find virtues in the stars, looking for that kind and good that was in the soul of each of them. First she turned to the black star Adelaide.
– Adelaide, you are very kind, you always took care of the sick little stars. Thanks to your attention, sensitivity, patience, they recovered faster.
And a miracle happened. The faded little star Adelaide suddenly shone again with an amazing magical light.
- Hooray! Happened. Kind words help, - Lyuska rejoiced overjoyed. And she began to act more confidently.
– Iolanthe, I have always admired your responsibility, your punctuality. After all, you've never been late in your life. And from these kind words, Iolanthe flared up again, sparkled, shimmering with all sorts of shades of wonderful green.
Then Luska spoke to the tiny star Yuta.
- Although you, Yuta, are very small, your soul resembles a huge inexhaustible storehouse of all kinds of interesting creative ideas. It is thanks to you that our holidays were so fun and interesting.
And Utah shone again with an amazing magical light. Luskin's idea was picked up by other stars. They began to look for something good and good in each other that was in the soul of each of them. And a miracle happened. The stars flashed one by one like the lights of a New Year's garland. Again the Starland shone with an amazing magical light, again it became beautiful and unique, perhaps it became even more beautiful than before.
And the dirty trick Pakostievich realized that he had nothing more to do here and went home. He flew off to look for a country whose inhabitants love to find shortcomings in others, but do not notice virtues, where they love to criticize each other, quarrel, remember mistakes and mistakes, where they remember insults for a long time.

- But didn’t the dirty trick Pakostevich accidentally fly over your country?

Issues for discussion:

  • So you've heard an amazing story. What is it about?
  • What does this tale teach? Will it fit in life?

IV . Psychotherapeutic exercises:

This story reminds us that we are all different. Everyone has their own body, their own form, and how we fill this form with love or dislike for ourselves and others depends on each of us. Looking for in ourselves or in another person only shortcomings, blunders and mistakes, we thereby push a person to become even worse, lose faith in his own strength, desire for good deeds. And vice versa, emphasizing dignity in a person, we help him to become even better.

The fairy tale teaches that one cannot recklessly trust everyone in a row, remember that there is both good and evil in the world, that sometimes, with our silent consent, someone does terrible things. There are situations in life when the most ordinary person must take responsibility for changing this situation. And sometimes you should not rush to change something, you need to be more tolerant of each other. And there is so much more to learn from this story.

Now take the bead in your left palm, squeeze it in a fist, close your eyes, put the bead to your heart and think about what experience each of you will take with you from this fabulous story. Let this experience help you to be kinder and more tolerant to each other in life, help you find the kind and good that is in the soul of every person. Who is ready, open your eyes. Everyone has their own pace. We patiently wait for everyone.

A) bead.

So, guys, we are back from a fabulous trip. We will now string the beads on one common thread and tie its ends. Look what wonderful beads we got! What different beads! So we are all different. Look, each bead is connected to others, but at the same time it exists separately. So a person sometimes wants to be with everyone, and sometimes he wants to be alone.

See how tightly the beads fit together, as if they are very friendly with each other. I want you in the class to be united and friendly too.

B) the sun.

(on the board there is a drawing of the sun and the words: warmth, care, honesty, mutual assistance, anger, hatred, etc.)

Teacher. The sun sends you magical rays. You must choose and write down on the rays the qualities that the guys in our class should have in order for our class to become friendly.

Now your task is to develop these qualities in yourself, and share them with those who are close to you.

B) necklace.

To our lesson, the good fairy handed over a magic ball. From this ball we cut the thread. Take this thread and make yourself a necklace. In our classes, both boys and girls often quarrel. And so I want boys to be friends with girls in our class. Let's exchange wishes with each other by tying strings to a classmate's necklace. Now we will better understand ourselves, girls - boys, and boys - girls. Let the magic necklace remind us how we should treat each other.

D) Modeling from plasticine "Fear".

We return from the Magical country to the Earth. There is nothing to be afraid of in a fairyland, but on Earth we are often haunted by fears. But even fear can be taken into your own hands. Take plasticine and fashion your fear, what we are afraid of.

“Now let’s take our fear into our hands and throw it into the water!!!” Let fear drown and we will not be afraid on our planet Earth.


Guys, be magicians - do not forget about magic words and good deeds. Look again at the symbol of our class hour - the Magic Sun. Let it once again touch all of you with its rays and help us all to be kinder and create magic in our complex world.

Since Misha is a fan of Harry Potter, I did not have to puzzle over the theme of the birthday. It was decided to spend the birthday at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In order to convey the atmosphere of Hogwarts as much as possible, I hung pictures depicting various mythological creatures (unicorns, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, etc.), downloaded a coloring book about Harry Potter, music for films about him, made a stand on which the class schedule hung ( bilingual), plan of Hogwarts, Hogwarts Anthem and Emblem.

In the room on the wall were the names of the faculties, photos of the deans and the director of the school, the "song of the hat", the runic alphabet, images of the ghosts of each faculties. Stars and white ghost balloons hung from the ceiling. Inscriptions were attached to the doors - the names of various special rooms and classes, for example: "potions class", "great hall", "help-room", "prefects' bathroom", "trophy hall", etc. Spiders hung next to the sign to the Forbidden Forest.

The following inscriptions were also prepared: "Platform 9 3/4" (hung on the gate) and "Welcome to Hogwarts!" (above the entrance to the house).

The invitation was also prepared in the spirit of Hogwarts.

In the invitation, in the lists of necessary things, I left 2 items - a hat and a magic wand, but despite this, I still prepared a few more hats and magic wands. Prepared high school diplomas.

I am very grateful to my parents and friends, who once again helped me to have an interesting and fun holiday. Thanks a lot to everyone!


  1. Prof. Albus Dumbledore. (dad)
  2. Prof. Minerva McGonagall (mother)
  3. Prof. Pomona Stem (friend's mom)
  4. Prof. Serus Snow and Filius Flitwick (friend's dad)
  5. Prof. Rolanda Bibin (friend's older sister)

Before entering the "Great Hall" children are met by prof. McGonagall (hereinafter M.G.).

McGonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts! The banquet dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year begins, but before you take your seats in the "Great Hall", you will be divided into 4 faculties. This is a very important ceremony!
You should also know that during the entire time that you will be at school, your faculty will be your second home!
So, please ... (to the appropriate music, the children enter the room, where the professors and the director of the school are already waiting for them).

McGonagall: When I say your name, you will come up to me, sit on a stool, put your hand in your hat and pull out a note with the name of the faculty. I start!

M.G. Say the name of each child in turn. The child whose name is called puts his hand into the hat, pulls out a note with the name of the faculty and gives it to M.G., who reads the name of the faculty out loud.

Children stand in faculties (teams). After the distribution procedure is completed, the word is transferred to the headmaster Albus Dumbledore (hereinafter A.D.).

Probably, it would be possible to sing the anthem, but we decided not to do this, so as not to drag out the process.

Props: sorting hat, cards with the names of faculties.

Albus Dumbledore: Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year at Hogwarts! While the banquet has not yet begun, I want to say a few words to you. Today is a special day. Today we celebrate not only the beginning of a new school year, but also the birthday of one of the students of the school!

HELL. calls Misha and together with everyone wishes him a happy birthday. Wishing everyone a good mood and a happy holiday!

Everyone applauds. The banquet (snack) begins. After the banquet, everyone goes to class according to the schedule.

Lesson 1

Pomona Stem introduces himself to the children and says that today they will learn how to brew a potion that uplifts their mood and fills them with energy. Distributes recipes and manages the process.

I made several copies of the recipes. The recipes for the potion hung on the wall, lay on the table in front of the children, and one was read out by the teacher. All the necessary ingredients were on the next table. The potion was an ordinary compote.

Needless to say, the kids really enjoyed this activity. The potion was brewed with great pleasure.

When everything was ready, Pomona put the "cauldron" on fire, all together cast the spell "Reducto!", and the potion began to boil, and the children went to the next lesson.

Props: recipe, "cauldron", containers with ingredients, spoons, ladle.

I got the idea from the script of Elena T. "School of Magic".

Magic Potion Recipe

Pour boiled jellyfish and dragon eggs into the cauldron. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add mandrake flowers and immortelle leaves. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Carefully combine the resulting mixture with toad legs and crocodile tears. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Pour in 2 tbsp. l. bat saliva. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add 3 tbsp. air crystals. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Put on the stove and cook for 20 minutes.

Let it brew for one quarter of an hour.

  1. Boiled jellyfish - peeled apples, cut into slices;
  2. Dried dragon eggs - dried apricots;
  3. Mandrake flowers - strawberry;
  4. Immortelle leaves - mint;
  5. Toad legs - dried lime;
  6. Tears of a crocodile - water;
  7. Bat saliva - honey or jam;
  8. Air Crystals - Sugar

Lesson 2

Meets children prof. Severus Snape(hereinafter S.S.). He greets the children, introduces himself to them and says that today the children will be learning the Cornish pixies.

To make it clearer to the children who they are, I hung a little information about the Cornish pixies on the wall. And before starting the lesson S.S. "shortly, so for 40 minutes" (joke) told the children about them.

S.S .: In order to be able to cope with them, you need to get to know them better. And to get to know them better, you need to be in their place. That's why I'm turning you all into Cornish Pixies! He casts a spell: "Mutenluten Malinpesti!"

Game: Cornish pixies

All the children turned into Pixies, Snape is the leader. Pixies on the command "Moveman!" start to run and make chaotic movements. After a while, the host utters the spell "Immobilus!", And everyone should freeze in place. Then Snow gives the command "Smooth movements!", then "Immobilus!" etc. Anyone who moves or laughs is out of the game.

Command Options

  • Smooth movements!
  • Free movement!
  • We move like a lion on the hunt!
  • Like a sleep fly!
  • Like a fast train!
  • Like a hurrying hedgehog!
  • What a funny frog!

After the game ends, Snape says goodbye to the children and they go to the next lesson.

Lesson 3

Meets children prof. Minerva McGonagall greets them and announces that today in the Transfiguration lesson they will learn how to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a frog. He distributes diagrams to the children, and together they make a frog.

We turned a sheet of paper into a frog using the origami technique. For clarity, I printed out a scheme for making a "jumping" frog.

The frog is ready, we press it with a magic wand or a finger, we say the spell: "Avada Kedavra", and the frog makes a jump.

This is where the lesson ends. The children leave for the next lesson.

Props: sheets of origami paper (you can use plain paper) and a diagram.

Lesson 4

Welcomes children prof. Filius Flitwick. Flitwick tells the children that the simplest thing in the art of magic is levitation, i.e. lifting and holding an object in the air. And today they will learn it. But first you need to learn the spell: "Wingardium Leviosa"!

Then the practice begins.

Game: Hold the balloon

Children are divided into 2 parts: 2 faculties stand on one side and 2 opposite. Flitwick throws up a balloon with his magic wand, while saying the spell: "Wingardium Leviosa"!

The first team members must carry the balloon to the opposing teams without letting it fall, and you can’t toss the balloon with your hands. You can blow on it, you can throw it with your head, nose, in extreme cases, with your magic wand.

Members of opposite teams pick up the ball and carry it back in the same way. When all the children complete this task, the lesson ends.

Props: 2 balloons, nose, head and. etc. participant.

Lesson 5

Meets children

prof. Roland Bibin.

Greetings, introduced. She says that in her classes the children will learn how to play Quidditch. Explains the rules of the game.

Game: Quidditch

2 hoops are suspended on a rope. On one side and the other, lines are drawn with chalk - special marks. On the one hand, to one line, the "catcher" stands, and on the other hand, to the other line, the one who throws. On the opposite side of the territory are a broom and balls.

Game progress:

Children are divided into 2 teams and stand on one side, behind the hoops. At the whistle, the first team members run for brooms and balls. At this time, the second players of the team approach the special line and prepare to catch the ball. The first ones take the balls, sit on brooms, jump to the hoops to a special mark and throw the balls into the hoop, and the second players, the “catchers”, standing behind the hoop, try to catch these balls.

After the ball is caught, the second player ("catcher") sits on the broom to the first player, and together they jump back.

The first player remains in place, and the second (who was the catcher) with the ball jumps back to the line and throws the ball into the hoop, the third team member becomes the catcher. Catches the ball, sits on a broom and jumps with the second player to the first.

Then the second player stays with the first, and the third returns to the hoops on a broom, throws the ball, and the fourth catches, etc. Whose team will gather on the opposite side of the site faster, she won. This is where the lesson ends.

Props: rope, 2 hoops, 2 brooms (with "Nimbus 2009" stickers), 2 small balls, whistle.

I had two options for ending the holiday, depending on the amount of time and the desire of the children.

First, after Quidditch, Dumbledore holds a final quiz. He congratulates everyone, presents diplomas of graduation from the school. Then a banquet with a birthday cake and a disco.

Second: conducting preparations for the tournament "Three Wizards".

Our children played with pleasure, no one got tired and everyone was ready to continue, so we also held the second part.

Triwizard Tournament

Prof. Dumbledore congratulates the children on the end of their classes and announces that the next Triwizard Tournament will be held soon. And he wants all Hogwarts students to be well prepared for him. To do this, all students need to pass several tests.

Test 1. Solve the maze

Dumbledore gives the children mazes with letters. And to them - forms to fill out. Letters are placed inside the labyrinth. If the children correctly find the way out of the maze, then they will get a word that they will have to write in the form. In our case, these were the names of the faculties.

I took the labyrinth and the idea from Tatyana Evtyukova's script "You turned fifteen ..."

Props: 4 labyrinths with a hidden word, a form to fill out, pens.

Challenge 2. Find the golden dragon egg

Having finished the maze, the whole team sits on a broom, jumps to the balls and starts to pierce them.

The children's task is to find out where the golden dragon egg is hidden. One of the balloons contained a note that read: "Look for the golden dragon egg in the Forbidden Forest!"

The rest of the balloons contained notes that said "Hello about Voldemort!".

For each team, a bunch of balls was prepared (according to the number of participants), which was given to the team on the spot.

Props: balloons according to the number of children, a broom (optional), notes, toothpicks.

Trial 3. Find the banner of the faculty

After the team finds out where the egg is hidden, she runs into the Forbidden Forest, finds her egg and opens it.

I attached a picture with a sleeping dragon to a tree, hung "golden eggs" under it. The golden eggs were golden balloons. In order for the team to recognize their egg, ribbons with the colors of the faculty were tied to it.

In the egg was a note-task: "Find the banner of your faculty!".

In addition to the note, the egg contains one rune and a runic alphabet. The children take everything and return to the castle.

Props: golden balls, rune, runic alphabet, ribbons with the colors of the faculties, a picture with a dragon.

With the help of professors, children decipher what their rune means by finding it in the runic alphabet. We used the following runic symbols:

e - Ehwaz - "Horse" s - Sowilo - "Sun" k - Kaunan - "Torch" t - Tiwaz - "Arrow"

Having guessed the rune, the children receive a map showing the location of their banner, and they go in search of it. If they correctly identified the place, then there will be a picture and a sign - a symbol corresponding to the found rune.

On the territory of our precinct, in conditional places, the corresponding pictures were hung, and under them I attached the banner of each faculty.

After the banner is found, everyone returns to the castle.

Albus Dumbledore and other professors congratulate the students on successfully passing all the tests and present them with diplomas and memorable gifts.

Everything went cheerfully and dynamically, the children were satisfied, I, frankly, also received satisfaction from the work done. There was a complete feeling that the time and effort were not wasted. Although very tired.

As gifts for each child, I put in a bag: stickers with the image of the heroes of "Harry Potter", a small badge with a funny face and a bag of "Golden Snitches". The Golden Snitches were Ferrero Rochers.

From unrealized

  1. There was an idea to make the "distributing hat" "talking". I thought of compiling a list of called children and, according to this list, in the same sequence, record on a tape recorder in a raspy voice literally a few words about each child. But then, firstly, it took a person who would turn the tape recorder on and off in the right place, and secondly, not all the children came, and the sequence would be broken, they would have to urgently rewind and look for the right child on the tape. Although it was possible to come up with something to realize this idea. It seems to me that with a "talking hat" it would be more interesting.
  2. After the placement ceremony, I wanted to photograph all the children with professors on the threshold of Hogrvats. I forgot what I regret.
  3. At the magic lesson, it was originally planned that Misha would show several tricks, he had even begun to prepare, but then for some reason changed his mind. Then it was decided that Prof. Flitwick, but this idea, unfortunately, could not be realized.
  4. There were several ideas for a Transfiguration lesson, namely: buy makeup paints, let the children paint themselves and turn into some kind of mysterious creature; develop some ideas for turning an old teapot into something; turn the blot into a real image, but still settled on origami, it was faster, easier and no less exciting.
  5. One could do divination, astronomy, tell fortunes on runes, and also find out the number of one's name, because. and Ancient Runes, and Divination, and Numerology are part of the Hogwarts curriculum.

In general, I want to say that the topic is fertile, and at the School of Witchcraft you can arrange not only birthdays, but also other holidays.

All the best to you and good luck in all your creative endeavors!

They attended school with pleasure and received there not only practical knowledge in mathematics or chemistry, but grew and developed as a person. Many parents complain that the modern curriculum needs to be modernized: lessons should be more interesting and revealing, and teachers should have undeniable authority. These criteria are best met by the school created by the writer Joan Rowling - Hogwarts, which all children dream of getting into, and, to be honest, many adults.

Since the release of the Harry Potter story, the world has been upended. The children got acquainted with the wonderful world of wizards, and the school where they would like to really study and gain knowledge. Experts say that the school of wizardry was copied from the Anglo-Saxon system of teaching closed schools, but Rowling managed to bring into this system not only charm, but also attractiveness, something that would stimulate children to learn.

The created rules of the school, the order of lessons and teachers became the reason that every child and adult would like to get an education in this school and spend at least one day there.

Of course, in the created Hogwarts, the world of wizards has its drawbacks. For example, it is much more convenient to use ballpoint or gel pens, rather than using ink and even beautiful pens. Although no one would refuse a “fast-writing” pen. But still, there are more pluses in Hogwarts that you should arm yourself with and use. And maybe after a while, it will be possible to say about each school - magical.

Children are a single school organism

Each academic year at a magical school is associated with the accumulation of points. Points are awarded for brilliant answers, services to the school, and sporting achievements. In addition, there is a system of punishment - fines, which deserve special attention. After the end of the school year, the winning faculty is announced at the magical school.

What gives such a system of education? First, the spirit of competition, the game. Children, by nature, are best at taking things in the form of a game, and are always focused on winning. So why not turn learning and achieving personal goals into a game? In pursuit of the cup.

In addition, the Hogwarts system teaches and sets up children for a team result. Points are common, but everyone can receive and lose them, but the whole class will be responsible - losing the coveted award and the title of the best class / faculty of the school.

Teaching children collective responsibility teaches them to be responsible not only for themselves, their actions, but also for their consequences. After all, this is what the modern school is aimed at. Such a system will teach children to be responsible for the actions of their friends and relatives, to work in a team. And, as you know, well-coordinated work of the team will help to achieve higher goals.

Even the famous game of Quidditch (the sport of wizards) and House competitions show that a team of the elite upholds the honor of the entire House and the winner's cup is important and so desirable.

Rowling has created a whole new world, which, although different from non-magical, has similarities in the basics of the universe. Hogwarts is not the only school; there are similar educational institutions with teachers, students, their own culture and traditions in other, remote corners of the world. One of the books described a competition aimed at the creation of friendly international relations, the formation of ties, the exchange of knowledge and cultural values.

Today's children, who are limited by the realities of modernity and devoid of magic, live in a world with blurred boundaries. Children should be ready to communicate and even compete with representatives of other countries and completely different education systems. International olympiads, competitions and creative marathons will help achieve these goals. Unfortunately, if creative competitions are more or less developed, and their development can be tracked, then Olympiads and competitions directly related to education are underdeveloped. But such useful connections will help children get acquainted with such a diverse world today, and not be afraid of it tomorrow.

Personal time after class

Lessons at the school of magic are the main means of obtaining knowledge, it is here that the teacher tells and shows his subject, and practical exercises are worked out. But meanwhile, as, probably, in any closed school, each student has his own schedule and personal time, which he can devote to himself and to the work that he likes - rest, games and entertainment.

The modern world and demands have caused increased stress on children: school, lessons, homework, numerous circles and sections for personal development - a marathon that every child runs every day. These are heavy loads, which, in the absence of proper rest and a planned day, can cause depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even more serious disorders. Which, by the way, happened to Hermione, who even made a deal with time to attend extra lessons.

Modern schools, society and parents lack one thing - care not only about the load on the child, but also about his unloading.

Every self-respecting magician should master the practical skill of using magic, which is what students do in the classroom. The lessons at the school are built according to the principle: theoretical, after the practical part. Students first talk about the benefits of the mandrake and its dangerous properties, and only then proceed to the direct care of it. At the same time, the teacher is always there and ready to help and re-explain to the student about the properties and rules for caring for a plant or animal.

Modern children easily own tablets and already one-year-old kids can unlock their father's iPhone and find a channel with cartoons, and this is where the practical skills end. Not every child can even warm up their own lunch, and teenage girls sometimes do not know which side to approach the gas stove and how to peel potatoes. Parents can remember their training: labor lessons, when boys learned how to make stools, and girls how to sew, embroider and cook borscht.

Modern schools for the most part have abandoned this practice, and even labor lessons today are embroidering an almost finished composition lined with flowers. There is no need to talk about the basics of cooking at all.

The teacher is indispensable

The main thing that I would like to borrow from the magic school is the undeniable authority of the teacher. For Hogwarts, a teacher of a certain subject is almost indispensable, there were some nuances, but they were only temporary. Even inveterate rebels and hooligans always listened to the professor, and the parents had no idea to doubt the competence of teachers and their teaching methods.

Hogwarts teachers are unique in their own right, and even one's own death is not a good reason to cancel a lesson. The magical school has a unique ghost teacher who teaches the history of magic.

Many believe that magic is something that is not available to a "mere mortal". Something that lies beyond the scope of ordinary life, and has nothing to do with every person. something that is available only to a select few.
This opinion was formed by centuries of persecution of magicians and the purposeful introduction into the worldview of people of the opinion of magic as something that does not concern them, and in general, by and large, a "myth".
We will not go into details of who needs it and why. Let's rejoice that now the illusions over magic are dispelled, and people are beginning to realize the essence of everything, and the essence of magic in general.
Everyone who understands that he is more than just a chewing and pooping body begins the path of self-development. All such people come sooner or later to magic in order to understand who they are, to understand where and whether there are limits to human capabilities, and to answer the question about the meaning of life.
Magic - for me - is life itself. This is her full-fledged living, in the full sense of the word. In all senses. Magic is the science of being human. A man with a capital H, the real Son of God, as it is said in the Bible - the Old Testament, chapter 1 - that God created man in his own image and likeness. But no one thinks how we can and should be like God?
The fact that they themselves are the creators of their lives. The fact that our thoughts are able to clearly and concretely translate into reality. And magic just deals with the knowledge of its human capabilities, and the application of all this in practice.
ritual magic - this is like the first step, helping to move from understanding the physical world to the spiritual one. The next stage of development is the pure magic of thought, will, images.
Each person can at any moment of life start the path of the Magician - the path of self-knowledge, self-development.
In this article, I will recommend literature that, in my opinion, will help you take the first step into the field of magic, and understand your capabilities in it. Some of these books, at first glance, are not related to magic in its ordinary sense, but all these books as a whole make you understand what the consciousness of the Magician, the Human Creator, is and begin to develop in this direction.
So, recommended reading:
To understand magic in general:
1. A series of books by Vladimir Megre "Ringing Cedars of Russia"
2. Papus "Practical Magic"
3. Lori Cabot "Power of the Witches"
For those who prioritize developing clairvoyance, I recommend:
1. "Textbook on extrasensory perception"
Having mastered the basics of extrasensory perception and having understood the essence of magic in general, you can already walk along the Path where everything will help you, go tips, meet the right people - God will lead you along the path to yourself - and Magic is the path to God, the path of the person who decided become God like his Father.
Do not think that this is the path of complete and unlimited happiness. In calm silence there is no movement and no growth. True abilities are developed not by exercises, but by overcoming life's problems, by solving what your life depends on ...
To help you, I publish the symbol of the talisman The Way of the Magician, its brief description from its creator Maga Manira:

Talisman "Way of the Magician"

It allows you to touch the magical sciences without fear and comprehend them in all their complexity and depth.
Leads to the formation of the spirit, awakens hidden abilities and talents.
The path of a magician is, first of all, the path of a researcher and self-development. A magician is a person who endlessly comprehends his abilities, and who has embarked on this path, chooses the path of endless development, putting it in first place in his life. A magician is inseparable from knowledge, it is impossible to be a magician and not understand the structure of the mechanism of life, energies, interactions between various forces.
Working with such a talisman, you choose the path of development and knowledge for yourself. This does not mean that knowledge and talents will appear overnight by themselves, in isolation from you. This is a path of transformation, analysis, study, practice - sometimes a life-long one. Talisman - helps to keep a landmark, follow your choice, access to important information and assimilate it. This is a long-term path of development, and of course, touching the interaction with such a talisman, one must be ready to embark on this path, or never embark on it. It is impossible to try to become a magician. The future magician confidently knows what he is going to, and has made his choice. Those who try, most likely, will refuse this path, because they will face many trials and hardships, which are so necessary for the formation of spirit and strength.
The channel of the talisman is the formation of a connection with developing sources and the awakening of inner aspirations. During the period of work with the talisman, the channel can be put in sight. The main key, the symbol of the talisman - can be drawn on the surface of the blank under the talisman and arranged for carrying with you. What form your talisman will take depends on your imagination and creativity.
You see 2 pictures - the symbol itself (on a dark background) and the channel - on orange.


The purpose of the lesson: to teach to evaluate words and deeds; develop in the child the desire to show good feelings; develop the skills of a sensitive and caring attitude towards others.

Methods: conversation, explanation, story, game, exercise.

Resources: an album, a reader, an audio recording, from the Music from Fairy Tales series, a package containing sweets (fruits, toys, etc.), fluffs made of cotton wool or other soft material.

circle of joy

Hello golden sun! Hello blue sky! Hello my friends! I am very glad to see you!

Let's dream

"If I were a wizard"

Imagine that you have become wizards and you can make everyone love you. How would you do it? Music sounds. (Children's reasoning).

let's play

Love Fairy Letter Game

The teacher says that in one kindergarten there are such children who do not love anyone - neither themselves, nor friends, nor their relatives. The Fairy of Love heard about such children and was upset. She asked to listen to some stories that happened to such children and give them advice.

Story one

In one family there lived an old grandfather. It was difficult for him to move. He walked with a limp, leaning on a cane, and often stopped to rest. Two brothers lived next to him. Seeing grandfather, they began to laugh, imitating his walk.

What can you say about these boys?

Do they love themselves?

Do they respect grandpa?

If they respected him, what would they do? (Children's reasoning).

Story two

There are a lot of people on the tram. Everyone is driving home from work. One girl saw that there was an empty seat and quickly took it. The girl was pleased that she sat right at the window, not paying attention to those who were nearby. And her mother was standing nearby, and in her hands was a heavy bag.

What would you do if you were a girl?

Do you think the girl respects her mother, loves her? (Children's reasoning).

Story three

One boy received a toy as a gift and brought it with him to the kindergarten. I showed it to the guys, but didn't let it play with it.

What do you think of such a boy? (Answers of children).

It is important for every person to be loved and respected, and that he himself loves and respects his relatives and relatives.

Warm up

Children stand in a circle.

Swap places those who love the sun; Swap places those who like to smile; Swap places those who are loved by grandparents; Change places those who said kind words today; Swap places those whom mom and dad love; Swap places those who love their kindergarten; Swap places for those who are loved by friends.

Circle "Heart to Heart"

Exercise "Warm fluff"

In one fairy-tale country called the "Land of warm fluffs", all people were very fond of giving fluffs to each other. As soon as they met each other, they immediately took out a warm fluff from the bag and gave it as a gift. It meant: “I am glad to meet you; you are very good; I love you very much. The fluff is soft, warm, multi-colored, and it is pleasant to hold it on the palm of your hand. Each person, having received a fluff as a gift, cpa3v felt warmth, attention and care.

The Fairy of Love sent a bag of warm fluff for each of you.

The teacher distributes fluffs made from pieces of synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, tinsel, fluff and other soft materials.

Each fluff needs to be warmed in the palm of your hand and whispered to her gentle and affectionate words of love. If you give a fluff with words of love, it will become magical.

The teacher offers to give fluffs to friends with good wishes.


How do you feel about those who love you, who care about you? How do you show your feelings?

Remember those who love you, treat them with respect, smile more often and be happy!


Think, please, what kind of fluff you would like to give to the Fairy of Love. Draw fluff.

Additional material for the lesson:

Wizard's Hat Game

To play, you need multi-colored cards and a hat. The teacher gives the children three multi-colored cards each, sits them around him and says: “A good wizard lives in the world who heals sick children. He flies to the patient, puts his magic hat on his head, and the child instantly recovers. He also flies to you, only you do not see him, because he is invisible. But the trouble is, this wizard is a terrible confusion. And now he has lost his hat and has been looking for it for the second day, and she lies at

us with you. (The teacher shows the children a hat.) There is only one way to return it to its owner. Do you want to help the wizard and all the sick children at the same time? You need to fill his hat with your colored cards, and then, flying by, he will notice it. But there is one more condition: so that the hat does not lose its healing power, multi-colored cards cannot be put just like that. Each of you must help the other in some way and only after that put down your card, otherwise the hat will no longer heal children.

During the day, the teacher reminds the children that by the evening the hat should be filled with colored cards, and you can put them only after the child has helped a peer. In the evening, the teacher gathers the children again and solemnly places the hat on the windowsill so that the magician can find it at night.

E. Permyak "How Masha became big"

Little Masha really wanted to grow up. Very. And how to do it, she did not know. I've tried everything. And I walked in my mother's shoes. And sat in my grandmother's hood. And she did her hair, like Aunt Katya's. And tried on beads. And she put on a watch.

Nothing worked. They just laughed at her and made fun of her.

Once once Masha decided to sweep the floor. And swept. Yes, she swept it so well that even my mother was surprised:

Masha! Are you really getting big?

And when Masha cleanly - washed the dishes clean and dry - wiped them dry, then not only mother, but also father was surprised. He was surprised and said to everyone at the table:

We did not even notice how Maria grew up with us. Not only sweeps the floor, but also washes dishes.

Now everyone calls little Masha big. And she feels like an adult, although she walks in her tiny shoes and a short dress. No hair. Without beads. No watch.

It's not like they make the little ones big.