Shamil Alyautdinov meanings to read the Holy Quran. How did Shaitan defeat Shamil Alyautdinov?! "unknown planet" talk show

Koran- final Scripture, given by God to people through God's last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (may the Creator bless him and greet him).

In strict transliteration the name Holy Book- “al-Qur’an”, that is “ read Revelation" As you know, God's Revelation was revealed gradually. When it was collected together, it was called the Koran.

The most significant recent stages of the religious development of mankind are the period of Moses, to whom the Torah was given by God, the period of Jesus, to whom the Gospel was given, and the period of Muhammad, to whom the Koran was revealed.

The Torah (translated from Hebrew as “teaching, law”) is the first five books of the modern Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The Torah in its original form, from the point of view of Islam, is the Holy Scripture given by God to the prophet Moses, but its original form has not been preserved.

Gospels (ancient Greek " good news"), according to Christianity, are early Christian works telling about the earthly life of Jesus Christ. There are canonical Gospels - Mark, Matthew, Luke, John (included by the church in the New Testament of the Bible) and apocryphal ones. The Church attributes the authorship of the Gospels to the apostles and their disciples, but Islam has a different point of view on this matter, which will be discussed in more detail below.

The original text and meaning of the Holy Scriptures (Torah, Gospels) have undergone many changes and distortions. In addition, some of the many Gospels are individual historical figures Some of the priests and church fathers were canonized, but some were not.

The Gospel in its original form, from the point of view of Islam, is what the Lord instilled in the prophet Jesus.

The Koran contains the following lines:

“He sent down to you [Muhammad] the Book [the Holy Quran] with the truth in confirmation of what was previously [revealed by the Creator from the Holy Scriptures], He sent down [before that] the Torah and the Gospel. [He revealed this] earlier as the right (correct) path for people [of past historical eras]. [And now, step by step] he has brought down that which separates right and wrong (separates right from wrong) [that is, the Koran]. Indeed, those who do not believe in the signs of Allah (God, Lord) will face severe punishment. He [the Creator] is Almighty and rewards what he deserves” (see);

“They [pious, God-fearing people] are those who believed in what was revealed to you [O Muhammad] and what was sent down [by God] earlier [Torah, Psalter, Gospel, individual sacred scrolls]. These people have not the slightest doubt about the eternal. They're on straight path from their Lord, and they are those who have achieved success [in the worldly and in the eternal]" (see).

Regarding the last sacred scripture, the Koran, God promised that until the End of the World it will remain in its original form:

“Verily, We have sent down [through Our final messenger] the Revelation [the Quran], and We will undoubtedly guard it [from any external interference, distortion until the End of the World]” ().

Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger of God, after him there will be no prophets, no messengers and Holy Scriptures from God.

The Koran says about this:

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men [his family will not continue in a direct line] male line] . However, he [the Prophet Muhammad, and this is the meaning of his life] is the messenger of God and the last of the prophets. [After him and until the End of the World there will be no prophets or messengers of God. If anyone declares himself to be such, then he is a liar, and there is no doubt about it.] The Almighty knows about everything, without exception” (;

"Believers, answer God's call and the call of His messenger, because the Prophet is calling you to something that will infuse (breathe) life into you [revitalize you spiritually, giving you new feelings, opportunities, thoughts, moods, aspirations, values, priorities and perspectives. By practicing the Quranic teachings and instructions of the Prophet, especially in matters of self-discipline, attitude towards family, neighbors and people in general, you can seriously transform your earthly life and count on eternal happiness].<…>[Remember that] you will all be gathered before Him [before the Lord of the worlds on the Day of Judgment and you will see the result of your efforts and efforts or indifference and carelessness]" ();

“We [says the Lord of the worlds, using the pronoun “We,” indicating Our greatness] sent down the Quran in Arabic [language] and explained in detail the [possible] dangers [warned about them in advance] in order for people to awaken a sense of piety in themselves. Or, perhaps, it (the Koran) will be some kind of reminder for them [will make them think]” (see);

“[This is] a Book given to you from Above. And let not your heart be oppressed because of it [or because of the difficulties that must be overcome in preaching the values ​​​​set forth in it]. [It was given to you so that] through it you could warn [people], and also as a reminder [of wise, useful instruction] for believers. Follow what is sent down to you from the Lord, and do not follow any patrons other than Him. Rarely do you remember [this, like many other things]” ().

Reading the Quran in the original and studying its meanings is useful, majestic before the Almighty and rewarded by Him:

“If you [a person] read the Koran [in the Arabic original, even without understanding the text], We [says the Lord of the worlds] establish double protection between you and those who do not believe in the eternal” ().

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Creator) said: “Read the Koran [in the original, and also study its meanings]. Truly, on the Day of Judgment he will appear as a protector [one of the protectors] for those who were close to him [periodically read it in the original, studied the meanings in any of the languages ​​of the world and practiced them].” The first suras of the Koran, which will be materialized by the Almighty on the Day of Judgment and will stand up for the protection of those who studied their meanings and practiced them, will be the suras “al-Bakara” (The Cow) and “Alu ‘Imran” (The Family of ‘Imran).

Hadiths about the Quran

Prophet Muhammad also said:

- “Truly, whoever does not have [in whose memory there is] nothing from the [original] Qur'an [in Arabic], he is like a destroyed (ruined, devastated) house."

- “Whoever reads a letter (harf) from the Book of the Most High [that is, from the Koran], then for this he will receive a unit of reward (hasan), and the reward for it will be tenfold. I am not saying that “aliflammmim” (word) is a letter (harf). However, “alif” (the letter of the Arabic language) is harf, “lam” (a letter in Arabic) is harf, "mim" (also a letter in Arabic) is harf» .

- “Verily, Allah (God, Lord) through the Quran raises some[Quranic meanings motivate them to become better in every way: smarter, stronger, more pious, richer, more generous] and puts others down[through the Koranic meanings they justify their powerlessness, laziness, miserable beggarly existence, their cruelty, violence, bad manners].”

Through powerful Quranic meanings, the Creator raises some and lowers others. By their choice! Our time, like, I believe, the past centuries and millennia, has vivid living examples of this prophetic statement. The Holy Scriptures raised some believers with their deep and great meanings to the highest levels of creation and abundance and lowered them to lower levels cruelty and destruction, murder and violence “in the name of God” of others. That's what Judgment Day is for - to put everything in its place.

Their appearance dates back to the 11th-2nd centuries. BC e. Cm.: Newest dictionary foreign words and expressions. M.-Minsk, 2007. P. 805.

“[Muhammad, during periods of revelation of Scripture to you] do not try to quickly move your tongue (lips), hastily [repeating, fearing to forget] it [the text]. Verily, We [says the Lord of the worlds] will certainly gather it [the Quran, parts together in your heart, in your memory] and read it to you [so that you will not forget, you will be able to read it from memory whenever you wish]. If We [the Creator continues to you] read it [for example, through the angel Gabriel], then follow this reading [without worrying that you might forget something]. And after, truly, We will certainly reveal it [we will gradually reveal to humanity all the beauty and depth of the Quranic text]” (Holy Quran, 75:16-19).

Hafiz - those who know the Holy Scriptures by heart in the original, are the custodians of Divine Revelation.

Read more in Ildar Alyautdinov’s book “Tajvid. Rules for reading the Holy Quran."

The only thing is the second coming of Jesus, who will confirm the truth of all the prophets and messengers of the past, including the prophet Muhammad.

The Prophet had four sons, but they all died in infancy. Zeid ibn Harisa is his adopted son, not his own.

For more information about the children of the Prophet, see, for example: al-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. In 17 volumes. T. 11. P. 356.

This narration does not contradict the reliably known fact from the Sunnah about the second coming of Jesus, since this will not be the beginning of a new Divine mission, but the completion of what he had previously begun and, in continuation, left by Muhammad (may the Almighty greet them both), without introducing anything new.

See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 314, Hadith No. 252-(804); Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharkhriyad al-salihin [Walk of the Righteous. Commentary on the book “Gardens of the Well-Behaved”]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 2000. T. 2. P. 5, Hadith No. 1/991.

See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 314, Hadith No. 252-(804); Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharkhriyad al-salihin [Walk of the Righteous. Commentary on the book “Gardens of the Well-Behaved”]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 2000. T. 2. P. 5, Hadith No. 2/992.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim. See, for example: as-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. P. 128, hadith No. 2093, “sahih”; at-Tirmidhi M. Sunanat-Tirmidhi[Compendium of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002. P. 813, Hadith No. 2918, “hasansahih”; at-Tirmidhi M. Sunanat-Tirmidhi[Compendium of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 465, Hadith No. 2913; Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharkhriyad al-salihin [Walk of the Righteous. Commentary on the book “Gardens of the Well-Behaved”]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 2000. T. 2. P. 8, Hadith No. 10/1000.

Hadith from ‘Aisha; St. X. Muslima. See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 312, Hadith No. 244-(798); Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharkhriyad al-salihin [Walk of the Righteous. Commentary on the book “Gardens of the Well-Behaved”]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 2000. T. 2. P. 6, Hadith No. 4/994.

Hadith from Ibn Mas'ud; St. X. at-Tirmidhi, ad-Darami, etc. See, for example: at-Tirmidhi M. Sunanat-Tirmidhi [Compendium of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002. P. 812, Hadith No. 2915, “hasansahih”; Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharkhriyad al-salihin [Walk of the Righteous. Commentary on the book “Gardens of the Well-Behaved”]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 2000. T. 2. P. 8, Hadith No. 9/999.

Hadith from ‘Umar; St. X. Muslim and Ibn Majah. See, for example: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 318, Hadith No. 269-(817); as-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. P. 117, hadith No. 1909, “sahih”; Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharkhriyad al-salihin [Walk of the Righteous. Commentary on the book “Gardens of the Well-Behaved”]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 2000. T. 2. P. 7, Hadith No. 6/996.

Shamil Rifat uly Alyautdinov Islamic theologian Type of activity:

Imam-khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque

Date of birth: Citizenship:


Children: Website:

Alyautdinov Shamil (Shamil-Hazrat) Rifatovich ( Shamil (Shamil khazrәt) Rifat uly Alyautdinov) (born in 1974) - Khatyb of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, Islamic and author of numerous books on Islamic topics.


Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov was born in January 1974 in Moscow. A descendant of people from the village of Chembiley, Krasnooktyabrsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region. Tatar by nationality.

Since 1991, he has officially worked in.

From 1997 to the present, he has been a preacher (imam-khatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill, in 2002 he was appointed deputy mufti of DUMER for religious issues, in 2005 - head of the scientific and theological council of DUMER.

Author of numerous articles and books on Islam, written in an accessible and informative manner. Among more than 20 books, some of which became bestsellers. Author and project manager of the popular RuNet site

Russian and foreign media often turn to Shamil Alyautdinov for an expert opinion on modern Muslim and near-Muslim topics (he was interviewed more than 200 times, including such Russian television channels as Channel One, Rossiya, Ren TV, Mir, such radio channels as “Radio Russia”, “Vesti FM”, “Russian News Service”, “Echo of Moscow”, “Radio Liberty”, such print news publications as “The Economist”, “Echo of Power”, “Time Kz. photogallery", "Psychologies", "Metro", "Telecentre", "New Izvestia", " Big city", "Risalat-Message", etc.).

Religious activities

Shamil Alyautdinov is one of the most prominent representatives new wave Islamic theologians and preachers of Russia. The oral and written sermons of Shamil-Hazrat operate at a qualitatively new level of enlightenment, which frankly does not reach most all traditional Islamic structures in Moscow. Author of numerous articles and books on Islam, written in an accessible and meaningful form (mainly in the “question-answer” style, which is typical for theological works in the Arab tradition).


Author of numerous books on Islamic topics: “The Path to Faith and Perfection”, “Answers to Your Questions about Islam”, “From Topic to Topic”, “Reality”, “Islam 624”, “He and She”, “He and She” 2", "He and She 3", " Different opinions... Why?”, “Cry of the soul or crisis of the spirit”, “Fasting and zakat”, “Muslim prayer practice", "Muslim Law 1-2", "World of the Soul", " Otherworlds", "Everyone will see Hell", "Life on Mars, or You're Not Here", "The Holy Quran. Meanings" (four volumes), "Children and Islam", "Men and Islam", "Gift for Son. Formulas of happiness. For children from 5 to 60", "Gift for daughter. Formulas of happiness. For children from 5 to 60,” author and project manager of the popular RuNet site

QUESTION: Assalamu alaikum dear aha!

I ask you to forgive me for attacking and insulting you because of my illiteracy when you wanted to open our eyes about the mistakes of Shamil Alyautdinov. Then I thought that some stranger will attack such a famous scientist and imam, whom everyone respects and appreciates. Today I read on the Internet and on social networks a dismantling of Shamil’s appeal due to the refusal to invite the SAMK of Kazakhstan. I didn’t think that Shamil was capable of such fitna, people insult each other and curse on social networks because of his letter. Once again I ask for your forgiveness. Your sister.

ANSWER: wa alaikum as salaam dear sister!

What is the difference between a fanatic and a sectarian?! They blindly and fanatically follow their false scientists; they are therefore lost sectarians of Satan who do not want to see the truth, trusting only in the insanity of their false teacher. Satan defeated them.

How did Shaitan defeat Shamil Alyautdinov?! As simple as that - I gave him a taste " popularity" and "money" ! I wrote about this back in February 2013, but then many of his blind fanatics began to attack me, despite the evidence I provided. Then I had to focus on his big mistakes twice -

Shaitan closes the eyes of these fanatics, so under the influence of Shamil’s sweet speeches they do not even see the gross mistakes of Shamil himself and my evidence from the Koran and Sunnah. For them, the insanity of some Shamil is more important than the Koran and Sunnah. For them, Shamil’s call to make everyone “trillionaires” instead of Muslims in the first place is more important than to be a righteous Muslim. This is especially true for our illiterate female representatives, for whom beautiful words and Shamil’s pretty face is more important than the truth.

Please read the words of self-praise from Shamil’s website about yourself: “ By the way, Shamil Alyautdinov is the author of more than 30 books on Muslim and near-Muslim topics, head of the theological resource (since 1999), , whose goal is to help people live to their fullest potential by taking advantage of God's limitless gifts and opportunities. Besides, . The Russian Spiritual Directorate of Muslims has been working in the official structures since 1991. He received his higher theological education at al-Azhar University. Since 1997 he has been the imam of the Moscow Memorial Mosque».

Did you read it carefully?! Would a sane person without pride and arrogance, if he does not suffer from mental illness, write the following words about himself: “ Shamil Alyautdinov is the author of the only theological translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran in Russian"?! And other translations of the Koran into Russian are not theological translations, but are just a pitiful interpretation of illiterate people?! It was Shamil, at the instigation of the shaitan, who turned the translation of the Koran into Russian into chatter! Therefore, those who began to read its translation, without even finishing a few initial surahs, will refuse further reading of the Koran altogether!!! This is not a semantic translation, but a caricature of translation!

Shamil also has too high an opinion of himself, praising himself: “ Founder of the Trillionaire Project - I found something to brag about! Instead of calling on all Muslims to unite, he calls on all Muslims to abandon the Koran and Sunnah, become trillionaires and study the works of Western scientists - infidels, in order to become successful people! Thus, he stupidly refutes the Koran and Sunnah, proving that success depends not on the will of Allah, but on the books of infidel scholars . Therefore, Shamil calls on Muslims to shirk, to ignore the Koran and Sunnah!

Shamil also turned the Koran into a musical work, accompanying the suras and verses with musical compositions. Now imagine what you will listen to - the Koran or a beautiful melody?! People who have seen his translation say that on the last pages of the translation of the Holy Quran there are advertisements of several companies, astaghfirullah!!! This is Shamil’s complete ignorance!!!

Shamil specifically incites fitnah with the words: “ Why don't some people want to educate others? “If a person did not suffer from arrogance and pride, would he really write like that?! What can he give not only to Kazakhstanis, but to all those who read and listen to him?! Nothing but your delusion and insanity! As if Kazakhstan doesn’t have enough of its own educators – sectarians!

Allah taught Shamil the Arabic language and gave him knowledge. And Shamil decided to make money on this by selling a translation of the Koran - selling the mercy of Allah Almighty! Shamil is not a poor man, but a very wealthy businessman, he could give out his translation for free, earning rewards from Allah!

If Shamil had dressed not in a secular fashion, but like ordinary imams, then during dubious seminars illiterate women with their hungry looks would not have undressed him and there would not have been so many divorced and married women in seminars. Here is one of the comments from the Internet: “ it was a long time ago: I went to Sh. Alyautdinov’s website, in a section like “Question to the Imam”... I started reading people’s questions and answers to them. It was cool: most of the answers were given approximately according to the following templates: “you will find the answer to your question in my book...”, “I recommend that you buy my book...”... etc. ».

Shamil’s seminars are pure commerce and have nothing to do with the spread of religions!!! If he were truly God-fearing and wanted to spread religion among people, he would have recorded his lectures on video and distributed them for free through his website. But he doesn’t do this, and only those who buy tickets can listen to his lectures in these seminars. The fact that he became one of the businessmen is shown by his action - he sent a businessman who organizes lectures to the SAMK of the Republic of Kazakhstan for permission.

Why is Shamil spreading fitnah among Muslims after the refusal of the SAMK of the Republic of Kazakhstan?! Yes, because he is afraid of earning less money. Because there are many illiterate people in Kazakhstan, especially women, who idolize him and buy his books, even if they don’t read them. Look at his website, where he constantly advertises and sells his books with dubious content. If he were a truly literate person, he would have accepted the refusal of the SAMK of the Republic of Kazakhstan with due understanding and would not have listened to the instigations of the shaitan and his nafs, would not have shown his baseness and complained to all readers of his website that he was refused an invitation to Kazakhstan. In this way, he deliberately provokes his fanatics - sectarians and incites fitnah in Kazakhstan, because He doesn’t have enough money from selling his insanity to Russia! This is the whole reason - the instigations of the shaitan! Shamil has now become a slave of Satan, a slave of money and fame!

Let us continue our attempts to understand the meanings of the eternal texts. Our interlocutor - Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov (Shamil khәzrәt Rifat uly Alyautdinov), imam-khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Gora, Islamic theologian and preacher, author of numerous books on Islamic topics, author of the first theological translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran.

- We have repeatedly touched upon the topic of texts that are system-forming for the development of human civilization. Considered by some as a monument, by others as a living text, the Qur'an is one of those texts that has influenced modern daily life hundreds of millions of people. At the same time, there are dozens, even hundreds of translations of the Koran, and from time to time new interpretations and interpretations appear.

Therefore, the first question to the author of the theological translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran is this: why has not a single interpretation been made in the centuries since the Quran appeared in the life of mankind? It would seem that everything is clear: the text is unchanged, it cannot be edited - they would just take it and write it once and for all...

Imam Shamil Alyautdinov: The point is that the Qur'an is truly unchanged in its original Arabic. But islamic culture and the values ​​of the Holy Koran already in the first decades of the appearance of Islam on the Arabian Peninsula spread over very large territories.

Initially, both the Koran itself and the sayings of the prophet himself say that these values ​​are given for all people, beyond national and cultural boundaries. But at the same time, both the Koran itself and the statements of the prophet clearly indicate that Islam does not deny the cultural component. There are different ages, cultures, nationalities, geographical locations, and in all these differences the shades of meaning of the Holy Quran are present and revealed, including the difference in time, say, the Middle Ages and our time.

Imam Shamil Alyautdinov: From century to century, including in Arabic, two - five - ten-volume books by different authors were written; somewhere greater emphasis was placed on historical nuances and commentary...And all this was published in huge editions. Even in my personal theological library there are interpretations of the Holy Koran, written eight hundred years ago...

If we talk about literary Arabic, the presence of the Koran led to the fact that Arabic It has been preserved that he has preserved the core of the literary language - in Muslim theology everything is written in the literary language. And if modern man has no middle and higher education, it will be extremely difficult for him to understand anything: street language (and there are a variety of dialects) is very far from the literary language...

(Listen to the program in the recording of the Radio Russia broadcast)

QUESTION: Assalamualaikum dear brother!

You wrote a lot about Shamil, at first I didn’t like it, I didn’t like your attacks on a respected and authoritative imam. I thought you were crazy. But then, after reading your articles again, I realized that you did the right thing. Because until that moment no one even wanted to think that Shamil could make a mistake. And now we all know that he is also human and capable of mistakes. I have long dreamed of reading Shamil’s translation of the Koran. Now I don’t know if it’s worth it? M.

ANSWER: wa alaikum as salaam brother M!

I usually touch on topics that few people can answer and always tell the truth directly. Therefore, not everyone can immediately change their worldview. Unfortunately, you are not alone, there are many like you who blindly and fanatically believe any word of this lost person. He is usually followed by completely illiterate people who really do not understand anything about religious issues. Just the other day, at the request of one brother, I corrected some of Shamil’s mistakes -

I can’t say anything about Shamil’s translation of the Koran, but if you want to read it, I can’t dissuade you from doing so. I can't impose my own on you subjective opinion, but I can only offer my subjective opinion, as they say, people’s tastes are not the same, you decide for yourself. I previously wrote an article: “How Shaitan defeated Shamil Alyautdinov.” So, in my opinion, the current Shamil is not at all the same Shamil who was 5-6 years ago. Shamil was defeated by Shaitan, giving him a taste of money and popularity. Any God-fearing person, especially an imam who has his own website, is obliged to disseminate knowledge for free. According to the Sunnah, it is forbidden to take money for the transfer of knowledge!!! What is Shamil doing?! Shamil immediately offers all those who ask him questions to buy his books! He even sells the translation of the Koran - he put everything into business flow! I would never have thought of stooping so low - to Shamil’s level! Shamil, instead of earning rewards from Allah for transmitting knowledge, on the contrary, having listened to the shaitan, sells this knowledge. If this knowledge were correct, one could remain silent, but with his ignorance he misleads everyone. Therefore, imams like Shamil are worthless!

If I’m not mistaken, I wrote earlier that Shamil turned the translation of the Koran into chatter. Who can read this kind of chatter to the end?! Any person who wants to read a translation of the Koran, starting to read Shamil’s translation, will immediately put this book on the shelf; few people can cope with such a mockery of the Koran, and such a person will develop a persistent aversion to reading the Koran!

Here, for example, please read the translations of the same verse translated by Kuliev and Shamil, then compare for yourself:

Translation by Kuliev: “We created many jinn and people for Gehenna. They have hearts that do not understand, and eyes that do not see, and ears that do not hear. They are like cattle, but they are even more lost. It is they who are the careless ignoramuses” (7:179).

And this is the translation - Shamil Alyautdinov’s chattology: “...They [who found themselves with nothing and suffered a complete collapse in eternity, during the period of conscious stay in the worldly monastery] had hearts that they did not understand [sensitivity, receptivity, responsiveness, generosity of soul, gentleness, compassion were not inherent them]; they had eyes with which they did not see (they did not want to look closer) [to see an alternative reality, in addition to the one to which they were already accustomed], and ears with which they did not hear (they did not want to listen) [new knowledge, instructions, edifications were often alien to them, They did not see them either in life, or in books, or in the oral instructions of other people, and they also did not listen. Many of them took everything from life, indiscriminately, and thought little about it]... They are inattentive (careless, careless) [with their incorrect attitude towards life they reached the highest levels in these unsightly qualities, or rather, the lowest. They could not, did not want, did not want to rise to something more than drinking, sleeping, absorbing food and uncontrollably increasing their wealth or apathetically inaction. The fear of remaining hungry and worldly gluttony deprived them of earthly well-being and eternal happiness. This is their choice, in it they were absolutely free]” (Holy Quran, 7:179) /2/.

And what can you say now that you have compared the two translations?! By the way, Shamil calls his translation a “theological translation of the Koran,” as if other translations were infidels or amateur! What a theological translation this is, this is the translation of a mentally ill person trying to prove to all of us his eloquence, chatter and erudition! You can also read Shamil’s self-praise about himself below (in bold!):

“As the author of the Trillionaire Project, a believer and owner of an inquisitive mind , I’ll give a few more paragraphs useful information in order to create more solid foundation strong desire awaken from sleep, transform and, for example, take part in the mentioned project (“Trillionaire”), starting to write, dream, magnetically attract your tomorrow today . So...".

Would a person in his right mind write such words about himself?! Allah warns us in the Qur'an that " no one knows what will happen to him tomorrow! And Shamil, with the help of infidel authors, invites Muslims to change their lives, become rich and successful. Allah said: “Say: “The unseen belongs to Allah alone.” (10:20). Even the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not know the secret. The Almighty said: “ Say: “I do not tell you that the treasures of Allah are with me, and I do not know the unseen. I'm not telling you that I am an angel. I follow only what is revealed to me.” Say: “Are the blind and the seeing equal? Won't you think about it?" (6:50).

This verse is said specifically to people like Shamil:

« Indeed, many are deceived by their passions, not having knowledge" ( 6:119).

Allah Almighty said: “Whose speech is more beautiful than the speech of the one who calls to Allah, acts righteously and says: “Indeed, I am one of the Muslims”(41:33). And Shamil calls on all people, together with Muslims, to become “trillionaires” by reading books by infidel authors!

Shamil and people like him cannot understand that Allah, 50,000 years before the creation of the World, predetermined all our destinies, determined for each a share of his wealth: “There is not a single creature on earth for which Allah does not provide food. Allah knows their place of residence and place of storage (the womb or the grave). All this is written in clear Scripture." (11:6). Therefore, no matter how much you read the infidel books recommended by Shamil, no matter how much you walk on your head, no matter how much you walk backwards, you will not earn more or less than what Allah has ordained for us! Even such elementary concepts are beyond the power of Shamil’s mind, not to mention complex issues Sharia:

“Every misfortune that happens on earth and to yourselves is written in the Scripture even before We created it. Indeed, this is easy for Allah,” “We told about this so that you do not grieve over what you missed, and do not rejoice at what He has given you. Allah does not like any arrogant braggarts."(57:22,23).