Penalty for the thorn sign, or rather for its absence. The “Spikes” sign and the new traffic rules: what you need to know. What date does the Spike sign come into effect?

Due to changes in the law on April 4, 2017, this article has lost its relevance. Punishment for the absence of a sign “Spikes”, “Beginner driver”, etc. Now there is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. Read more about these signs

Increasingly, similar questions like " Today I was fined for not having a "Spikes" sign. Is this legal?". Indeed, if a car is equipped with winter studded tires, then the traffic rules make it mandatory to have a “Spikes” sticker on the rear of the car, as stated in the appendix to the Road Traffic Rules in its 8th paragraph. And for 2020 it reads as follows:

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, into which the letter "Ш" is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - on the back of motor vehicles with studded tires. tires;

In general, this measure is aimed at warning drivers of cars moving behind so that they can increase the distance to the car in front of them in order to avoid a collision with it in case of emergency braking. By the way, if you don’t have this sign, then you won’t get anything for it - at least, there shouldn’t be anything according to the law, since sanctions for the absence of the “Spikes” sign on a car are simply not provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses according to the data, relevant also for 2020 - no “November innovations” or new changes to laws were made during the year. However, traffic police officers continue to fine legally illiterate drivers for this sign.

But how do they fine for this if no sanctions are provided - after all, the resolution must indicate the article, which, by the way, also determines the amount of the fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign?! It's simple - inspectors successfully replace another article, passing it off as desirable and legal. Let's take a closer look - there is such an article in the Administrative Code under number 12.5, paragraph 1 of which tells us the following:

Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

We now know what fine is imposed under what circumstances. Meanwhile, the section of the Rules where the “Spikes” sign is indicated is called “ Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety".

But in the traffic rules there is also a note called " Application. List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited". And, if you carefully read the last three paragraphs, then you probably understood what the catch is and why you cannot be fined for the absence of the “Spikes” sign.

Let us explain: Article 12.5 and its first part refer in their direct text specifically to Note to the Traffic Rules, and therefore applies exclusively to violations of those traffic rules that are specified in this Note - in particular, there is a prohibition on driving a car in the event of a faulty

On the eve of the winter season, many car owners change the wheels of their vehicles to rubber equipped with metal studs. These tires are ideal for driving on ice or packed snow. However, the use of a tread with spikes often entails such an unpleasant consequence - damage to the car behind it by stones flying out from under the wheels or by the spikes themselves, which come off the rubber due to strong friction loads. In addition, a car with studded wheels has a shorter braking distance, which must also be taken into account when choosing a distance for the driver behind a moving car.

To warn road users about the use of spikes, a special sign is used, which is placed directly on the vehicle. Is the “Spikes” sign required on a car when using studded winter tires? Where should this designation be installed: on which side should the sign be, and is it possible to glue it on the rear window? When should the Thorns sign be installed: only in winter or should it be used all year round? You will find all the answers to questions regarding the “Spikes” sign below.

Using the “Spikes” sign: what the traffic regulations say

On April 1, 2017, amendments to the document entitled “Basic provisions for the admission of a vehicle to traffic” came into force. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 333 of March 24, 2017, paragraph 8 of this regulatory act was supplemented with a provision obliging owners of cars with studded tires to install a special warning sign “Spikes” on the car.

In accordance with paragraph 2.3.1 of the Road Traffic Regulations, operation of a vehicle that does not meet the Basic Provisions for Admission to Public Roads is prohibited. This means that from April 2017, you can drive a car with studded wheels only if you have the appropriate sign - designed in accordance with GOST and placed in accordance with established requirements.

“Spikes” sign: dimensions according to GOST

The appearance of the “Spikes” warning sign is selected to make it as visible as possible to all road users. An equilateral triangle with a bright red border and a large black letter “Ш” on a white background was chosen as the basis for the image. At the same time, the state standard establishes the minimum dimensions of the sign and its elements:

  • the length of the side of the triangle is at least 20 cm,
  • the width of the red border is 1/10 of the length of the triangle (minimum 2 cm)

This format of the sign allows the use of its image on paper - plain or self-adhesive, as well as the choice of any size at the request of the car owner, but not less than the established minimums.

Where to put the “Spikes” sign?

Clause 8 of the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Participate in Road Traffic contains a phrase that obliges the installation of a sign warning about the presence of spikes “at the rear of the vehicle.” Accordingly, the choice of location for its placement will be limited to the surfaces of the rear window, trunk lid and bumper.

From a practical point of view, glass would be the best choice, since it is smaller than the trunk lid and bumper and is susceptible to contamination - a sign stained with dirt will simply not be visible. In addition, the paper product itself will last much longer if it is glued to the inside of the glass.

The current traffic rules do not provide for any sanctions for an unsuccessfully chosen place to place the “Spikes” sign, so the driver must fulfill only two basic requirements:

  1. Have a sign made in accordance with GOST (size, color design).
  2. Place it at the rear of the vehicle.

Important! Experienced motorists always place the “Spikes” sign in a visible place and make sure that it is visible to other road users. Otherwise, it will not fulfill its role - to warn road users about the dangers caused by installing studs on wheels. It must be remembered that anyone can find themselves in the driver’s seat following a car with studded tires, and such a situation will always be associated with the risk of damage to the body and windshield due to flying stones or the studs themselves.

Location of the “Spikes” sign: which side to glue on?

Since regulations do not establish requirements regarding the side of placement of the “Spikes” sign, one should be guided by the desire to make it most visible to other road users. Obviously, for drivers who predominantly drive cars with left-hand drive, the best place will be the left side of the car in front. Hence, the most optimal choice for placing the “Spikes” sign should be considered the lower left or upper left corner of the rear window.

On the roads you can see relatively large vehicles with warning signs. Let us remind you that the size of the “Spikes” sign on the rear window is adjustable only to the extent of its minimum parameters. Therefore, we can only talk about issues of aesthetics: theoretically, the owner of the car has the right to use the entire rear surface of the body of his car as a sign!

The question of where, according to GOST, the “Spikes” sign should be placed cannot be called correct, since the state standard establishes requirements exclusively for the appearance of the image, while the place of its installation is regulated by the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Participate in Road Traffic: “the driver is required to install the sign behind the vehicle."

Fine for not having a “Spikes” sign

Changes made to the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to traffic regarding the use of the “Spikes” sign automatically added a corresponding clause to the Code of Administrative Offences. Thus, Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses now states that the fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign is 500 rubles. At the same time, the law allows the replacement of a fine with a warning. The traffic police inspector can mitigate the sanction at his own discretion.

The possibility of getting off with a warning in no way makes the article on the need to put up the “Spikes” sign formal: the introduction of a fine means that legislators consider the problem to be serious and will insist on punishing persistent violators. We must not forget that a vehicle that does not meet the requirements of the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Participate in Road Traffic is prohibited from being operated on public roads. At the same time, avoiding any troubles, be it a fine or compensation for damage caused to someone else’s car, is very simple: just buy or print out a sign yourself and stick it on the rear window of your car.

For reference: Federal Law No. 437-FZ, which entered into force in 2016, makes it possible to reduce the amount of the fine paid by half if the violator manages to pay it off within 20 days after the fine is issued. This 50% discount applies to a limited list of violations, but sanctions for the absence of the “Spikes” sign are included in this list. This means that if you take a responsible approach to your civic responsibilities, the fine for the “Spikes” sign will be only 250 rubles.

How to make a “Spikes” sign according to GOST yourself?

To make your own “Spikes” sign, you only need to have some geometry skills, as well as have a sheet of paper and red and black markers on hand. To create a paper sign in the minimum acceptable dimensions (with a triangle side width of 20 cm), an A4 sheet is suitable (its width is 21 cm). The most important thing is to clearly observe the proportions regarding the length of the side and the thickness of the red border - 1 to 10. On the remaining A large printed letter “Ш” should be depicted inside the white square sign.

To make the future sign durable, it is recommended to use thick paper for drawing - at least 80 g/m. sq. The ideal option would be self-adhesive paper, which will allow you to quickly fix the resulting image cut along the contour on the glass. An alternative option is a sign made on thick white cardboard and three suction cups that should be installed at the corners of the triangle.

Help! A template that can be downloaded from our website will help you save a lot of time and quickly make a “Spikes” sign in accordance with GOST and established dimensions. Go through and review the pdf file, which will help you print the sign, made strictly in accordance with the regulations. Before printing, set the required image scale, insert the most suitable type of paper into the printer and get a finished sign in just a few minutes!

Use of the "Spikes" mark in other countries

When driving a car with studded wheels outside of Russia, you should remember that in most European countries, tires equipped with metal studs are prohibited by law. The reason is that such wheels destroy the road surface, therefore, in order to save on road repairs, European legislators establish requirements for winter wheels. However, the use of winter tires in winter in Europe is mandatory.

Slightly different rules apply in Scandinavian countries. Thus, it is legal to drive on the roads of Finland on studded wheels, but the law allows their use strictly from November 1 to March 31. There are also strict requirements regarding the number of studs on the wheel and the “density” of their placement. In addition, legal regulations differ for different modes of transport (trucks, cars and motorcycles). For example, on a passenger car with 13-inch tires, it is allowed to install no more than 90 studs protruding beyond the tread line by no more than 1.2 mm. There is no requirement in European countries that would oblige the installation of a “Spikes” sign on a car.

It must be remembered that in winter, customs inspection at automobile checkpoints in European countries necessarily includes an inspection of tires. If the tires have studs, and local laws prohibit their use, entry for such a car into Europe will be prohibited. How do Europeans solve the issue of crossing the border when, for example, heading from Finland to a country where studded tires are prohibited? There are only two ways out of the situation:

  1. Change your tires in advance to regular winter ones at the tire shop closest to the border.
  2. Rent a car that meets the requirements.

Foreigners who arrive in Russia in a car with studded tires are required to bring the vehicle into compliance with the requirements of Russian laws, that is, install the “Spikes” sign on the car.

The Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate reminded motorists that in case of driving on winter tires with studs, in addition to observing all precautions, it is also necessary to put a corresponding mark on the rear window of the car - the “Ш” sign. Otherwise, the driver will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

The corresponding amendments to the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses came into force on April 4, 2017, and in the spring some motorists already had to pay to the treasury for not having a sticker. True, due to weather conditions and the lack of need to drive on winter tires, there were only a few such “lucky” ones.

But with the onset of cold weather, drivers again “changed their shoes,” and most often, especially outside large cities, it was studded tires.

The State Traffic Inspectorate answers about the direct purpose of this sign: “its meaning is to inform drivers who are driving behind that the car has studded tires,” the department told Gazeta.Ru.

It turns out that each driver will decide for himself what to see in this warning - be it a possible shortened braking distance or the danger of encountering stones flying out from under the wheels. The department also clarified that issuing a fine or warning remains at the discretion of the traffic police inspector: most likely, if the stopped driver of a car without a sticker, but on spikes, does not have serious traffic violations and unpaid fines, the traffic police inspector can simply warn him with peace of mind . It is important to note that

If the car is registered to a legal entity, and the inspector nevertheless decides to issue a fine for the absence of the notorious sign, then it is the driver who will have to pay, and not the organization.

So it is better for professional drivers to carefully study the vehicles they are entrusted with, and, in the case of using rubber on studs, stick a triangle on it. By the way, you won’t be able to pass the technical inspection if you have winter tires without this sign.

With the arrival of the cold season, some motorists complained about the shortage of necessary stickers and decided to make them themselves.

As the State Traffic Inspectorate assured Gazeta.Ru, there will be no complaints against “handicraft” signs, the main thing is that they comply with the requirements established by law.

Thus, government decree No. 1090 dated October 23, 1993 (as amended on July 12, 2017) states that the “Spikes” sign should be in the form of a white equilateral triangle with the apex up with a red border, in which the letter “W” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side).

Despite different approaches to finding the right sign, motorists agree on one thing - in order not to run into a fine, it is better to stick the letter “Ш”.

Drivers will be forced to change their shoes

Despite the rule that drivers are required to drive in winter on winter tires rather than summer tires, there is no penalty for this discrepancy.

In 2015, legislators proposed introducing a fine of 2 thousand rubles. for such a violation, but the initiative was not supported. Theoretically, in this case, the traffic police inspector can issue a fine of 500 rubles for driving a vehicle with malfunctions. True, in the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited”, the traffic rules only stipulate tire wear (Section 5 “Wheels and Tires”, paragraph 5.1). There are no rules in the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding liability for failure to change summer tires to winter ones.

Meanwhile, participants in the “Safe Roads” project advocated tightening responsibility for driving in winter on summer tires. “It is necessary to pass a law establishing a fine for the use of car tires out of season and give the regions the opportunity to set the service life of tires themselves,” said the coordinator of “Safe Roads” Sergei.

According to the press service of the project, the adoption of this law will ensure traffic safety on Russian roads.

According to Bidonko, the introduction of fines for using car tires out of season will force motorists to switch to winter tires with the arrival of cold weather.

“Also, such drivers significantly complicate road traffic, because in order to avoid getting into an accident, they slow down. Of course, just introducing fines without educational work will not help; this work must be carried out annually in the media and social networks so that drivers understand the importance and their responsibility,” Bidonko explained.

As the deputy noted, work on the draft federal law on fines for using out-of-season tires has been underway since 2014.

Starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers can impose a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code:

Calendar winter will arrive in only two months. And in Noyabrsk the first snow had already fallen, the ground was frozen, and car owners rushed to tire shops to change the shoes of their iron horses. This is the first rule for drivers as cold weather approaches.

Let us remind you that a sticker with the “Spikes” sign must be affixed to the window of a car with studded tires. This rule came into force in April of this year.

Back then, there was no heated discussion about the innovation on social networks in November. But the law is the law. Violating it is more expensive for yourself. Moreover, traffic police officers carry out raids every day and catch violators. If your car does not have a sticker, be prepared to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Due to worsening weather conditions, lower temperatures and the formation of ice, the State Traffic Inspectorate of Noyabrsk urges car owners to take care of their safety and change summer tires to winter ones. This will help to avoid an accident during sharp braking, and thanks to the spikes, which allow you to stop in a matter of seconds, the driver will not crash into the car in front of him, says traffic police officer Oksana Markina. - And you need to stick the “Spikes” sign on the car window. This will warn the driver that the braking distance of his car on slippery asphalt is much shorter than that of other road users driving on summer tires.

The “Spikes” sign must be in the form of a white equilateral triangle with the top up with a red border, in which the letter “W” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side).

The only requirement for installing the “Spikes” sign is given in paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions, namely, the sign must be installed at the rear of motor vehicles.

So the “Ш” sign can be installed anywhere: on the rear window (inside or outside, and inside only if there is no “tinting”), on the door or trunk lid, on the bumper, on the rear lid of the body, on the awning.

Starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers can impose a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which (in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation), operation vehicle is prohibited, which entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

We remind you that in accordance with 2.3.1. Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to check before departure and ensure the good technical condition of the vehicle on the way in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.

“Spikes” sign, where to install it, fine for missing a sign: why do you need tires with spikes?

Russian winter is a serious test for car enthusiasts. If in cities the road surface is most often cleaned, then on federal and regional highways you will not get such a gift.

In order to increase safety when driving on slippery roads, studded tires are often used, which behave differently than regular tires in emergency situations.

Studded tires are designed to reduce the braking distance of a car. This becomes especially important when you lose control of the vehicle on a slippery road. Accordingly, a Spikes sign is required to inform other road users that the vehicle may brake suddenly.

You also need to know that when the wheel speed increases, the studs tend to fly out and can damage the vehicle behind. The Spikes sign warns other drivers to keep their distance.

The Spikes sign is glued to the rear window so that it can be seen from a distance of 20 meters. Traffic police inspectors advise placing the sticker on the top (most visible) part of the glass.

The correct sticker is a triangle with a side of 20 cm, surrounded by an inner contour in red, in the middle is the letter “W” in black on a white background. A sticker that is too small is equivalent to no sign.

The absence of the Spikes sign entails a fine of 500 rubles (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 1, Article 12.5). You may be denied a vehicle inspection, and an accident in which someone rear-ends your car will be called a mutual accident.

Fine for lack of a spike sign 2017: from what date, article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

According to government decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017, from April 4, 2017, the state traffic inspector may prohibit the operation of a car with studded tires that does not have the “Spikes” sign installed.

Sanctions for the absence of the “Spikes” sign are provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

NOTE: It is not an offense to display the “Spikes” sign if there are none on the tires of the vehicle. Accordingly, when replacing winter tires with summer tires, it is advisable, but not at all necessary, to remove the warning sign.

By government order of March 24, 2017, the absence of the “Spikes” sign on a vehicle prohibits further operation of the vehicle. The law came into force on April 4, but now, during the cold season, it has become especially relevant.

Drivers are interested in whether it is really so important to stick a sticker with the letter “Ш”, and also what risks they face if this sign is missing and new penalties.

Indeed, at first glance it is quite a simple question, but practice shows that not all drivers are fully aware of this topic.

Since April 4, changes in road rules have been in force in Russia, which relate to the presence of the “Spikes” sign on cars. Drivers suddenly had to remember about the triangle with the capital letter “Ш”, which, it seems, was not always taught in post-Soviet driving schools.

According to the new traffic rules, identification signs must be installed on cars, such as “Spikes”, “Beginner Driver”, “Deaf Driver”, “Transportation of Children” and others.

In case of their absence, punishment is provided in the form of an administrative warning or a fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

The “Spikes” sign belongs to the information group and signals you as a road user that a vehicle with studded tires is driving ahead.

This suggests that on a slippery road (especially important in winter), the braking distance of this car may well be shorter than you expected. Therefore, the distance between you should be slightly greater than under normal circumstances, in order to avoid an emergency in an emergency.

Russian motorists pay the greatest attention to the fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign. Now in Russia, many people use cars with studded tires - and the absence of a sign about this is included in the list of faults for which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.

For the absence of such a sign, a traffic police officer can draw up a report and fine the driver 500 rubles. Also, the presence of this sign is now required to pass a technical inspection.

Everyone knows that in Russia it is prohibited to drive on summer tires from December to February, and on studded tires for three summer months. It turns out that the autumn and spring periods are not regulated by law; therefore, the driver at this time has the right to choose the wheel covering himself. And if the choice falls on studs, the corresponding sign should appear at the same time as the replacement of the wheel cover.

On the other hand, if the sign is not removed for the summer period, then no one will punish the driver. On the contrary, some experts do not recommend removing the “Spikes” sign from the vehicle at all.

The thorn sign can be purchased in a store or made independently. In this case, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The sign is a red triangle with a black letter Ш inscribed in it.
  • The length of the side of the triangle is at least 20 cm.
  • The width of the red border is 10% of the length of the side of the triangle.

In practice, the “Ш” sign can not be found on every car with winter tires. To put it bluntly, less than half of Russian drivers use this sign.

In this regard, the question arises: is it necessary to glue the “Spikes” sign at all? Is this required by law?

Clause 8 of the main provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation:

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

“Spikes” - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, in which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - on the back of motor vehicles with studded tires tires;

In addition, consider clause 2.3.1 of the traffic rules:

2.. The driver of the vehicle is obliged:

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition on the way in accordance with the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.

Thus, the “Spikes” sign must be installed on the vehicle. This is required by traffic regulations.

In addition, starting from April 4, 2017, the absence of the “Spikes” identification mark is included in the list of faults for which the operation of vehicles is prohibited:

7.151. There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 “On the Rules traffic."

The only requirement for installing the “Spikes” sign is given in paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions. Namely, the sign must be installed at the rear of motor vehicles.

There is no information on this issue in other regulatory documents. So the “Ш” sign can be installed anywhere: on the rear window (inside or outside), on the door or trunk lid, on the bumper, on the rear body cover, on the awning.

In general, before installation, inspect the car and choose a place where a triangle with a side of 20 cm will fit. Attach the sign there.

Starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers can impose a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code:

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Please note that this article deals with the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited. In 2017, paragraph 8, which refers to the installation of the “Spikes” sign, refers to such faults.

Therefore, the punishment for the absence of the “Spikes” sign is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

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