The most powerful candle spell to fulfill your plans. A 100% wish fulfillment ritual

One of the oldest Christian holidays is Easter. On this day biblical tradition The resurrection of Jesus Christ took place. This symbolizes the victory of good over evil, as well as light over darkness. Easter is celebrated on different days, due to the fact that this date is calculated according to lunar calendar. On this day, all traditions and customs are a reminder of the voluntary sacrifice of the son of God for the sake of the happiness of all people.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a real miracle, therefore in Christianity Easter is a very important celebration, which always involves reading special prayers for Easter. For seven weeks before Easter Sunday, Christians observe Lent. It requires abstinence in food and behavior. The last week is especially strict.

This period by day reflects last week life of the son of God on earth. Every day requires Christians to observe special traditions and read prayers. On Easter, all believers make wishes and ask God to fulfill them.

Prayers and conspiracies that are read on Easter are distinguished by enormous power and energy. If you pray sincerely, you can cure serious illnesses. Also, prayer requests on Bright Sunday can become a real amulet for your own family from misfortunes and hardships in the future. It is believed that prayers for Easter attract good luck, help you successfully start a new business, and even improve your financial situation.

What prayers are read on the night before Easter?

On Easter, believers can read any prayers. The main thing is that sincerity and faith be present in the soul while reading prayer texts. The power of any prayer increases due to the enormous energy of a bright day. Prayerful appeals to the Higher powers bring with them salvation and purification of the soul.

Prayers for Easter can be read both in church and at home. In the second case, this should be done in solitude, which will facilitate the right attitude. During prayer, nothing should interfere. It is recommended to pray in the red corner in front of the icon of the Savior. It is recommended to light three church candles. It is necessary, looking at the flame of one of the candles, to fully concentrate on your desire and free yourself from extraneous thoughts. It is important to concentrate completely on prayer.

Main prayer “Christ is risen from the dead”

The main prayer on Easter night is “Christ is risen from the dead.” It has a very deep inner meaning. Every believer must realize that by resurrecting, the Son of God demonstrated to the living that the soul is eternal. She remains alive even after the death of her body. Death for a person only means a transition to another world. Thanks to the feat of Jesus Christ, believers realize that after death they will rise from the dead in order to find peace in the Kingdom of Heaven.

In Russian, the prayer sounds like this:

“Jesus Christ rose from the dead, trampling down death by death, thereby giving hope and life to those in the tombs. Having seen the resurrection of the Son of God, let us worship our Lord, the one, Holy, sinless. Let us venerate Your Holy Cross; on Your Holy Resurrection we pray, sing and glorify. Only You are our God, we know no other but You in our lives, Your name we call. Come, all believers, to venerate the saint Christ's resurrection. Joy and happiness have come for the whole world. We bless our Lord and sing His resurrection every time. Through the Holy Cross joy came to the whole world. We sing of the resurrection, for the Son of God survived the crucifixion and crushed death through death. Amen"

During Easter and prayer calls, people cleanse their souls, they are spiritually reborn. This is also facilitated by the fact that the celebration takes place in the spring, when nature is reborn after winter sleep. Magical energy Have a nice day can attract good luck and prosperity into a person’s life. And this has been confirmed for many centuries.

Very strong prayer sounds like this:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Everyone knows that Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary, as the mother of Jesus Christ, bore. She gave birth, baptized with the holy word, fed and watered. She taught the Son of God to sincerely pray, protected and saved with all her might. And after His great feat at the Holy Cross, she sobbed, shed bitter tears, and lamented like a mother. The Most Holy Theotokos suffered together with her son. On Holy Sunday, Jesus Christ rose again, giving people great hope and joy. From now on, all Christians glorify our Lord, the glory of him spreads from earth to heaven. Today, with His power and His immeasurable mercy, He protects and cares for us servants of God. He hears our prayers and accepts them all, saving us from all troubles. Hear me too, Lord, help me, save me and protect me from adversity and troubles now and forever. Amen"

Prayer for health and well-being for yourself and loved ones

The following prayer to bring prosperity into life not only for yourself, but also for loved ones should be read not only on Easter, but also on other days. But at the same time on Easter Sunday prayer appeal acquires special power.

It sounds like this:

“Lord Almighty, Lord Merciful, Lord Just, help me, the servant of God, bless me with a happy Easter. Fill me and my loved ones with light energy holidays. Let bright, joyful tears cleanse my soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hear my appeal, all Highest Ones Heavenly powers. Pray for a prosperous life path all of us sinful servants of God (name the people). Protect me and my loved ones from human malice and the unkind thoughts of enemies, tame the rage and anger raging in the world around us. Surround us with your holy and just army, grant us harmony and peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Powerful Easter prayer for love

Love is a very important component of happiness human life. It is necessary to pray for it to come into life on Easter. If you have already met your betrothed, and your thoughts towards him are pure, you can perform a love ceremony. When baking Easter buns, prayers must be read.

In addition to strong prayers for marriage, you can also use special magical rituals for Easter. For example, one of these rituals can be performed using Easter cake. On Easter Sunday, you need to take a piece of Easter cake, kiss it and whisper the following words over it:

“Holy Easter cake, hear me and give my kiss to my betrothed. May we live happily with him. As he saturates himself with you, his soul will be filled with a huge soul towards me.”

After this, you should treat your loved one to a piece of Easter cake. It is important that no one else eats it.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you use it on Easter. love magic for selfish purposes. Any actions and prayers for Easter should be filled with bright feelings and can only be used when you are sure of mutual sympathy.

There is also a very powerful prayer for marriage. It sounds like this:

“All-merciful Lord, I, the servant of God, know that I am happy only in love for You. With all my soul and heart I believe in your power and mercy. I fulfill every holy will of Yours. I entrust myself to You, rule my soul and fill my heart with the meaning of life known only to you. You are my Creator, so save me from pride and pride, let reason, modesty and chastity become my adornments. Your law commands people to live in legal marriage. So let me meet a person on my life’s path who will become my support in life. May we live with him in peace and harmony. Help me fulfill my destiny, for you said that a wife should be given to her husband as a helper. So that the human race can multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble appeal and help, so that my betrothed and I can glorify your holy deeds from now on and forever and ever. Amen"

Prayer protects against troubles and misfortunes

Prayers for Easter, which are amulets against troubles and misfortunes, are considered especially effective. It is important to say such prayer requests in solitude with lit candles.

It sounds like this:

“Glory to the Father Lord, Glory to the Son Lord, Glory to the Holy Spirit. Hear me, Almighty God, save the servant of God (proper name) from evil, misfortune and misfortune. Deliver me from intrigues, gossip, slander, inventions, secret intrigues. Let my enemies not set trapping nets for me, and let them not use poison or sword against me. Let human cunning bypass me and not threaten me imprisonment. Don't let it hurt me evil word, said by an enemy in the heat of the moment. Protect me from drowning and flooding water, from evil and furious animals, from violent hurricanes, from freezing ice, from burning fires. Save me from the words of the harmful evil sorcerer, from terrible ailments and illnesses, from death in vain. Save me, Lord, from the inverted Cross. Give me my Guardian Angel in defense, so that he will lead me along the righteous path and drive away enemies from me, and constantly pray for the salvation of my soul. I said my words and did not forget them. Save me and save me, save me from all troubles and evils. Amen"

It is very important, when reading such a prayer, not to remember the names of your specific enemies, since in this case the prayer appeal will not have a general protective effect. This prayer for Easter is very effective if you only suspect the existence of enemies. The prayer appeal should be repeated at least three times in a row. The words should be pronounced very slowly and clearly, fully aware of their deep meaning.

Easter prayer for money and wealth

Easter prayers are often used by believers to attract wealth into life. In addition to them, you can use various magical rituals. Very effective ritual is an action in which three Easter eggs are used - gold, silver and red. Such attributes should be placed in a container filled with holy water on the night before Easter, and washed with it in the morning. After this, according to the sign, you can expect good profits this year.

In addition, in morning hours on Easter, you should attract money using another ritual. First, you need to read the “Our Father” several times; in the process, you should think that attracting money into life will allow you to receive many useful benefits. After you manage to tune in accordingly, read the following plot:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The holy day is coming, the people are honest and righteous happy holiday the sincere rejoices. The bells are ringing loudly and joyfully, believers are heading to the temple, so let the money come to me so that they can find a reliable shelter for themselves in my wallet. On Easter they always give out alms to the poor, so I ask You, Lord, to help me ensure prosperity in own home. Amen"

Be sure to speak the coin in special words on the night before Easter; they sound like this:

“In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Let money come to money, a penny attracts a penny. How people wait for the attack Happy Easter, and strive on this day to the temple of God, so let the coins strive to my house. Amen"

The enchanted coin must be put in your wallet and worn all year.

Prayer for healing (from three deaths) on Easter Day

Prayers for healing read on Easter are extremely powerful. The prayer appeal known as “from three deaths” is considered especially powerful.

“In the name of the Father, our eternal Creator, in the name of the Son of God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever. Amen! Luke Christoverg served the Lord God under Tsar Manuel Komnenos. He served in the gilded Holy Lavra. It so happened that on the eve of Easter, in the gilded monastery, Hodegetria, the Most Holy Theotokos, appeared to two blind people. She brought the blind people to the Blachernae Temple. Angels, cherubim, seraphim descended and sang before Mother, the blind received their sight. The holy monks wrote this powerful prayer, after which all 40 saints blessed it. Truly! The Lord indicated: “Who this prayer reads it on the night before Easter, with its help he will escape from three deaths.” In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

This prayer should be read 40 times in absolute solitude with lighted candles. In addition to this prayer, other prayers aimed at healing should be read on Easter. If it so happens that one of your relatives is sick, then you need to perform such an Easter ritual. The ritual can only help believers heal. To do this, take a cross from a sick person and lower it into holy water. After this, you need to read the following prayer over it.

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the holy kingdom of heaven there is a healing spring. The one who touches the water, who healing water He washes himself, and all illnesses and illnesses will be washed away forever. I took that water and gave it to the sick servant of God. Amen"

This prayer is considered especially powerful when it is read by a close relative. Almost always it helps the child to heal if the mother reads it. After the prayer has been read pectoral cross should be taken out of the water and put on the sick person. Holy, enchanted water should be used to wash a sick person. It is advisable to distribute the water in such a way that there is enough for washing for 7 days.

If the disease is unknown and doctors cannot help, then the sick person must collect the remains with his own hands. Easter meal and take them out to the garden, where to bury them. Moreover, it is necessary to divide the collected parts into four parts and bury each one in the corners of the represented rectangle. After this, the sick person should return home and not talk to anyone in the household until the next morning. According to reviews, health improves significantly the very next day.

Easter prayers for early marriage

There are many Easter prayers, which are used for marriage soon. But in order for the betrothed to meet in the near future, a special ceremony must be performed. For this you need to paint the eggs in a special way. In the ritual set you need to use blue, green and red eggs, 3 pieces each. You need to put stickers on them with images of wedding paraphernalia. These could be wedding rings, flowers, couples in love. When decorating Easter eggs you need to say the following words:

“Just as believers love Holy Easter, and throughout their lives they value and remember their mother’s affection, so let men love me more than ever, and appreciate me more than ever. Let them follow me in herds, so that I can soon find my betrothed among them. Christ rose on Easter Sunday, and the suitors came to me on this day. Amen"

Painted eggs should be placed on a beautiful plate and left to stand on the table throughout Easter night. In the morning you need to immediately eat the egg you like. The remaining eggs should be distributed to friends; you cannot leave them in your own home for later.

Unmarried girls can ask a groom in the near future directly during the Easter service. To do this, you should say the following words to yourself:

“Lord, hear me, God’s servant, give me a good groom, let him be kind and prosperous in boots and galoshes, and on a horse!”

How to pray on Christ's Sunday

You need to pray on Bright Sunday of Christ as often as possible. This can be done not only in the temple, but also at home. Particularly personal prayers should be said in solitude with lighted candles in front of the icon of the Savior.

Easter prayers are very powerful, they allow you to find the meaning of life and strengthen your faith. Any prayer effectively cleanses the soul of negativity and fills the soul with joy, kindness and love.

The prayer “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ” is considered especially important at Easter; it should be said many times by every believer on this day. It can be read anywhere, not just in front of the icon. The appeal has a deep inner meaning. His goal is not to ask the Lord for any benefits, but simply to praise and glorify the Creator. It is read at liturgies, and it is also offered by believers at home.

The Resurrection of the Lord is not just an ordinary holiday for Christians, but a great significant celebration. It is recommended to repeat this prayer every day for 40 days after Easter Sunday. The prayer in Russian is as follows:

“We who have seen the Resurrection of Christ, and we all believers, will worship the holy Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, the only sinless one. We bow low to Thy Holy Cross, Jesus Christ in holy resurrection we praise: You are great and mighty god ours, we don’t know anyone else, we call Your name everywhere. Come, all believers, to worship the holy resurrection of Christ: it brought joy and hope to the whole world. Having endured a terrible crucifixion, our God destroyed death by death.”

You should definitely visit the temple on Easter. It is believed that if you oversleep the service on this day, then for good luck in next year It's not worth counting on. It is correct to not only read prayers for Easter, but also enter the temple. Before entering, be sure to cross yourself and bow three times, each time pronouncing the words in the following order:

  • First bow- “Lord Almighty, be merciful to me, a sinner.”
  • Second bow- “Lord, cleanse me from sins, have mercy on me, give me hope.”
  • Third bow- “Forgive me, Lord.”

All described actions should be performed after entering the temple. After prayer, you should go up to the icon of the Savior and kiss the place where the feet of Jesus Christ are located. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and other Saints should be kissed on the hand. It is important to remember that the Easter service must be defended to the end, only in this case all the prayers offered will be effective. It is important to maintain kindness and joy from the festive event in your soul all this time.

Easter is a time of renewal in every sense, a time when you can make wishes. They will definitely come true.

Easter rituals, conspiracies and rituals for the fulfillment of desires are of interest to quite a lot of people today. The peculiarity of rituals is that they are universal. With their help, it becomes possible to solve problems in various aspects of life and make many innermost dreams come true.

The main thing is to act with strong faith.

Feel free to dream, make a wish and everything will definitely come true.

It is believed that on Easter the heavens open and God fulfills any wishes made with with a pure heart. We make a wish for Easter like this: we wake up early, and mentally or whisper say in open sky your wish three times. At the same time, it is important to remember that the desire should be formulated about oneself, about oneself, and not about another person, and the desire is pronounced as already fulfilled.

Well, you can’t ask God for money. But good job you can ask.

Spell to make wishes come true for Easter

Do you have a wish that just won't come true? Then I recommend performing a conspiracy to make your wishes come true during Easter week. At this time, many desires that the Lord God asks for are fulfilled. Try it too. To read a conspiracy to make a wish come true, you will need a colored Easter Egg. Place it carefully under your left armpit and stand with it throughout the entire all-night service. Try not to crush the egg. On Easter Sunday, eat an egg in the morning with the words of a conspiracy to make your wish come true. A little time will pass and your wish made for Easter will definitely come true. So, the words of the conspiracy to fulfill wishes for Easter.

“Christ is Risen!

His glory and power are from earth to heaven.

Send, Lord God, to me, the servant of God (name),

Consolation, all my affairs have a happy resolution.

Whatever I think, let it come true,

Whatever I think, let it come true.

Everything will come true and grow together,

To my delight, God's servant(Name).

Help me, Lord, to fulfill my desire

(describe in detail the desire whose fulfillment you are waiting for).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Six-day conspiracy

By using this miraculous ritual, you can achieve the fulfillment of both one innermost desire and the gradual fulfillment of many of your desires. To make your dreams come true, you need to read this conspiracy 3 times every day, for six days:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is important that you do not forget to recite the Lord’s Prayer after each reading. Prayer is very effective, but it will only help you if you take some actions and make your own efforts to achieve what you want.

Easter ritual to fulfill a wish

To carry out this ritual for wishes, you will need 7 Easter candles, preferably red.

At Easter, you need to think and determine what you really want. Be honest.

The desire is chosen. On a piece of paper, you first need to write gratitude to God ( To the Higher Powers) for what you already have. It's not only material assets your life, but also people, personal qualities. At the end of the letter of gratitude, you state a request for help in fulfilling your desire. It must also be written down.

Now take one candle, light it and read the written words out loud or silently. The candle should burn out. Hide the leaf until next day. You perform similar actions for 7 days. On the last day, the leaf needs to be burned and the ashes simply thrown away.

In a week you will definitely receive support in fulfilling your desire.

Your faith in the power of your desire is of great importance.

Easter ritual to fulfill a wish

In this ritual, you need to turn to the brownie so that he can help you fulfill your desires.

Take a piece of Easter baking and treat the brownie, putting it in a secluded corner and say the following words:

“Brownie, brownie, we are having a big feast, come and eat, listen to my desire. I want there to be peace in the house, a feast at the table, peace and quiet in my soul, God’s grace.”

Then say your wish out loud. The owner of the house, having eaten Easter food, will definitely contribute to the fulfillment of all your desires.

Easter rite of fulfillment of desires

To carry out this ritual you will need icons: Christ the Savior; personalized icon (with your name); icon on which the image of Kazan Mother of God; Saint Seraphim of Sarov; with the image of all the saints; icon depicting the Wonderworker Nicholas; icon “Consolation” with the image of the Holy Mother of God.

All images must be small in size. Having collected all the icons, take 7 small sheets of paper. Now write down as you wish on each piece of paper. You can choose one wish for all images or for each icon as desired. Now you need to attach the sheets with wishes to the back of the icons. To do this, use church wax.

Then place all the icons depicting the Saints on the table, which should be covered with a snow-white tablecloth. Place a candle opposite, reading the words of the conspiracy:

"Lord God, Holy Mother Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, the servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Afterwards you need to immediately read the prayer "Our Father" three times, and then ask God as sincerely as possible for the fulfillment of all your deepest desires. You need to speak in a whisper all the time while the candles are burning. As soon as at least one candle goes out, you stop reading the prayer. After finishing, you must carefully place all the icons with notes between the pages of the Bible and be sure to leave them for forty days.

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Prayer to regain lost strength


We need to wait for Holy Easter. Before you start your meal, cross yourself with a painted egg and, after kissing it, say: “Christ is risen. And my strength returned to me. And just as the Orthodox world is now coming home from church, so I, the servant of God (name), have a growing strength. And as long as people love Easter, my strength in me (name) will not diminish. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen." The egg should be eaten without salt and without washing down.

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Prayer for health


How to get back vitality: If you feel constant fatigue and loss of strength, then in the morning, on Easter, before you break your fast, cross yourself with a painted egg and say: “Christ has risen, and my strength has returned to me.” And like the Orthodox world, it is now going home from church , so my strength, servant of God (name), is growing. And as long as people love Easter, my strength (name) will not decrease in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen." - The egg must be eaten without salt and without drinking anything, after which the lost strength will return to you.



Prayer on Easter night that will cure any illness. Checked!

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Bright, joyful, full of forgiveness, faith in life and love - Easter. In 2017 Easter, main holiday Christians falls on April 16 - we will be ready to meet it with peace in our souls and abundance on the table.

Preparing for Easter 2017

By folk tradition The holiday of Easter is a day of renewal and rebirth, the awakening of nature after hibernation and the beginning of change. In addition to the changes around, every person must prepare for this day spiritually and physically. Long fasting on the eve of the holiday helps to cleanse the body and spirit of a person. During this period you should only use lean food, neither sin nor swear, forgive all offenses, discard bad thoughts and forget evil.

On the eve of Easter it is necessary to carry out general cleaning home and throw away old unnecessary things. This will promote cleanliness and well-being throughout the year. In the old days, they always whitewashed walls and stoves, carefully washed and repaired everything, sewed new clothes for the whole family, so that the home and all household members are renewed for the onset of the great holiday.

IN Maundy Thursday On the eve of the holiday, they always washed in the bathhouse. On this day, during the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, so the morning water on this day has special properties. healing properties. You need to swim at dawn, before sunrise, to cleanse yourself of sins. When taking a bath, you should imagine how pure light washes your body along with water.