The system of magic in fantasy is like an exact science. Properties of essential oils and their use in magic Robert Howard, Steve Perry

In the 3rd century BC. e. a smart guy named Euclid collected all the information about contemporary geometry and wrote the famous “Principia”. At the end of the 17th century, Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation and the principles of mechanics. In 1869, Mendeleev classified the chemical elements and created the Periodic Table.

Each of these pundits sorted out the achievements of one scientific field. Of course, their works were later supplemented and their laws were reformulated. You went through all this at school. Today you will find a topic that is not yet taught at school. We will classify magic. And the source of our research will be works of fantasy.

§ 1: Primary concepts

When reading any work of the fantasy genre, we encounter a world that is in many ways similar to ours, minus the wonders present there. The “realism” of a fictional world usually comes down to the fact that the laws of physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc. work in it, just like in ours. Moreover, usually, if the laws of history and social development do not work in the world, this is a mistake, and not the “special intention” of the author, who is not very versed in history and sociology. We will call all the mentioned laws Constant.

But with magic the situation is completely different: each fairy-tale world has its own magical laws. To talk about them, we need new definitions.

Definition 1: Miracle- a phenomenon that contradicts constant laws. If a miracle becomes scientifically explainable, our research is not interested in it.

Definition 2: Magic- a system that allows you to cause a miracle to occur and repeat it under certain conditions. For example, a man fell from the 16th floor without insurance, but remained alive. A typical miracle, because it contradicts, if not mechanics, then at least statistics. But it will become magic when the same person can repeat a similar trick five more times. Note that with this definition, a priest, a sorcerer, and a psychic all become magicians.

Definition 3: Mage- a creature with magic. In the above example, the suicidal loser will become a magician only if he himself uses magic that allows him to somersault from the 16th floor.

Definition 4: Source of magic- the power to break permanent laws. Any magic gets the right to temporarily ignore certain laws due to something. The place or substance from which this right originates will be called its source.

Definition 5: Method of obtaining magic- a sequence of actions performed by a magician necessary to access the source of magic. Even in magic, cause and effect works. The answer to the question “what must a magician do for a miracle to happen?” - and there is a way to obtain magic.

Definition 6: Magician Properties- a set of qualities and skills that distinguishes a magician from a no-mage. Not in all fantasy universes can anyone become a magician. Sometimes only a few are capable of this. Who exactly depends on the specific conditions.

§ 2: Classification of known magical systems

Here we have clarified some primary concepts. Now it's time to look at them in more detail.

Sources of magic

1. General magical energy. When using this type of source, any magician draws energy from a general field that is not tied to any object or phenomenon. The whole difficulty lies in the ability to connect to this field, and then retain and direct the energy in the right direction. Otherwise, all magicians have the same capabilities and, as a rule, anyone can become a magician after training.

Examples: magical ether, general energy field, “Yarn” of the Forgotten Realms.

2. Internal forces. To achieve his goals, the magician uses the hidden powers of his own body. The difficulty is that the body's resources are not unlimited and require replenishment. In addition, in order to draw large amounts of energy “from within”, you first need to accumulate this energy within yourself. The self-improvement of a magician lies in increasing the volume of internal energy.

Examples: psionic energy.

Examples: demons, genies, warm-blooded (for vampires).

4. Borrowing forces of an impersonal nature. In this case, as in the previous one, there is also a search for external sources, but of a more general order. In many ways this source is similar to the first. The main skills are connecting to the source and retaining energy. The difference is that the source may not be available to everyone.

Examples: elemental magic, the World of the Dead, natural landscapes, the Source in the Wheel of Time.

5. Special items. In a version of such a system, the magician does not have direct access to energy, but works only with its carrier, on whose power everything depends. Carriers have a lot of disadvantages - they are usually limited in range and methods of influence, are quickly consumed, and sometimes even have their own will and mind.

Examples: magic staves, magic rings.

6. Special places. There are worlds in which only specially designated locations have special powers. The ability to obtain and use this power is the key skill of a magician in such a world. Finding a suitable location is not the last skill in a magician's arsenal.

Examples: sacred groves of the Druids, graves of ancient heroes, magical battlefields, anomalous zones.

7. Faith. Sometimes it is faith that allows one to deviate from constant laws. Moreover, both faith in yourself and other people’s faith in you. Magicians use both. The art of convincing other people to believe in you or in the reality of imaginary events will be key for the magician of this system.

Examples: the reanimation of fantasies and nightmares, the exorcism of demons by priests, the nature of divine powers in the Forgotten Realms.

Ways to get magic

1. Ritual. With this method, the magician simply performs a sequence of certain actions, without thinking about the reasons and without imagining what is happening at the level of physics. All he sees is the end result. Here the clarity of actions and the complexity of the ritual are decisive.

Example: ritual dances, church rituals; magic in Harry Potter, the spell of the red priestess in Game of Thrones.

2. Scientific. The method is based on the theory of magic. Efficiency depends on the depth of knowledge and freedom of thought of the magician. The theory of magic itself can be deeply anti-scientific, even from the point of view of formal logic. The scientific method is only a name, but not the content!

Example: magic in Krynn (“Saga of the Spear”), in the universe of “The Witcher”, Sprague de Camp “Certified Sorcerer”.

3. Instinctive. This use of magic involves closer contact with energy. The magician himself may have no idea about theory or rituals, but at the same time he works directly with magical material at the level of instincts, shaping and directing it as he needs.

Example: Robert Jordan “The Wheel of Time”, Roger Zelazny “The Chronicles of Amber”, “Magic Taken”, “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, “Doctor Strange”, Susanna Clarke “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell”.

Robert Howard, Steve Perry. "Conan and the Four Elements"

He muttered an Arcane spell composed of the dark formulas of Evil. The wizard's body shook under the onslaught of forces coursing through him. In a hoarse, low voice he said:

Come out, come out, child of the Gray Countries! Come out, oh come out, you spawn of hell! Come out, come out, for I command you!

He then added the Seven Words of Parchment. It took him great effort to pronounce each of the Seven Words. Any carelessness could mean immediate death: one wrongly pronounced word - and the demon could break free from the pentagram that bound him, which was inscribed on the stone slabs.

A terrible cry rose from the depths of the mountain, as if someone was plunging into molten lead a creature that did not belong to this world.

Smoke began to billow in the center of the pentagram. Flowing from one point in space, it spread out in disgustingly stinking dark red clouds mixed with bright yellow fog, and gaping wounds seemed to open in the calm air. Hellish flashes of light blinded my eyes; then the smell of sulfur was heard. Suddenly, a demon appeared inside the geometric figure. Black mucus flowed over his body; every pore of him exuded a stench. He was one and a half human height in height. His skin was the color of fresh blood. Naked and hairless, he stood in a magical pattern on the floor. Only a blind man would not have seen his terrible masculinity.

Who dared? - the demon rasped. He rushed towards Sovartus to grab the throat of this man with jet-black hair and a wedge-shaped beard who was smiling at him. The force wall closing the pentagram pushed the demon away. Giant muscles bulged in the monster's arms as he hit the invisible barrier with his fists. He screamed. This cry contained all the fury of the underworld. The demon bared his long white fangs...

Mage Properties

1. Innate gift. This case is the antithesis of the statement “magicians are not born.” Either this gift is there or it is not. And there's nothing you can do about it. Of course, the mere presence of a gift does not mean the ability to use it. But if it is not there, then, alas, even the deepest knowledge in theory will not bring anything.

Example: immortals from Highlander, dragons, Roger Zelazny's Changeling, Spellbound.

2. Training. Anyone can become a magician, but only after undergoing special training and acquiring the necessary knowledge. Despite the obvious availability of this property, the learning process is usually complex.

Example: magic in Krynn (Saga of the Spear), Doctor Strange

3. Special merits and exceptional circumstances. There are worlds where magic becomes available only to the most outstanding individuals or is bestowed by chance (for example, after a lightning strike to the head). Moreover, it is distributed by higher powers or the will of blind fortune.

Example: the Nazgûl, lords of the domains of Ravenloft.

Roger Zelazny. "Obsessed with Magic"

He felt a trembling in the dragon spot, the air was filled with threads of spells. He reached out and grabbed a bunch of threads, clenching them into his fist. Wrapping it around his hand, he snapped it like a whip, right in front of his opponent’s face.

As soon as the whip of threads approached, the stranger intercepted it. Snatching the whip, he directed a retaliatory blow towards Paul. The density of the threads of spells between them became so impenetrably thick that Paul had never seen before. The density of the threads almost completely hid the enemy.

Paul rotated his left hand, trying to roll the threads into a ball. Suddenly he plunged them into flames and threw the burning ball at the enemy. Turning his right palm back, the man deflected the burning beam. Then he raised his arms and shook his hands.

The light in the room pulsed. The air was teeming with threads of spells. Like awakened snakes, they wriggled and sparkled in different colors. They became thicker, and now the ominous veil completely hid the enemy.
The pulsation of the draconian birthmark merged into a single current, covered the entire right hand and caused numbness. Paul directed all his energy to the spot, concentrating his will on searching for a clear, distinct image of the enemy. Immediately, the enemy’s silhouette flashed with multi-colored lights and sparkled like a rainbow in the rain. The room disappeared. Paul noticed that his body was also luminescent.

Two people found themselves face to face, separated by a small world filled with movement and shifts of light.

Scope of application

1. Impact on the environment. Moving objects by force of will, throwing harmful destructive spells, turning one object into another - this is an incomplete list of such influences. The cooler the magician, the more serious the “impacts” caused. Particularly cynical magicians even build their own magical castles in this way. In my opinion, a very rude and unaesthetic way of showing power. There would be no slaves or hired workers to use!

Examples: telekinesis, combat spells (chanting “Fireball, fireball, fireball!”).

Avada Kedavra!

2. Impact on consciousness. A very elegant way to eliminate competitors. Let them figure out for themselves what is going on in their heads now.

Examples: illusions, suggestion, self-hypnosis.

3. Impact on the body. Using the hidden forces of the body. Not as powerful and impressive as working with the environment, but quite self-sufficient. Apart from your body and a source of energy, nothing is required. And when they are still one and the same substance, it’s generally wonderful.

Examples: werewolves, self-healing, levitation.

4. Movement in space and time. The dream of our childhood: once - and already at school, at home, at sea - to emphasize what is necessary. And even better - fly to yesterday, correct the mistake in the test... I pay special attention to foresight and prophecies. If the predictor received this knowledge by moving part of his consciousness into the future, then this is the very sphere of magic. And if he is a meteorologist, then there is no smell of magic here.

Examples: teleportation, creating objects from the void, summoning extraplanar beings, time travel.

Andrzej Sapkowski. "Lady of the Lake"

Dazzling lightning struck the floor, shards of terracotta and sharp pieces of mosaic whistled in the air. The second lightning struck the column behind which the witcher was hiding. The column broke into three parts. Half of the arch fell off the vault and fell to the floor with a deafening roar. Geralt, pressing his stomach to the floor, covered his head with his hands, realizing how ephemeral such protection was from the pounds falling on him. He prepared for the worst, but it wasn't that bad at all. He jumped up, managed to see the shine of a magical shield above him and realized that Yennefer’s magic had saved him.

Vilgefortz turned to the sorceress and smashed the column behind which she had taken refuge into dust. He shouted furiously and pierced the cloud of smoke and dust with fiery threads. Yennefer managed to jump back and responded by firing her own lightning at the sorcerer, which, however, Vilgefortz reflected without any effort and almost playfully. He responded with a blow that threw Yennefer to the floor.

Geralt rushed at the sorcerer, brushing the plaster off his face. Vilgefortz stared at him and extended his hand, from which flames hissed out. The Witcher automatically shielded himself with his sword. Oh wonder! The rune-covered dwarven blade protected him, cutting the fiery streak in half.

Ho! Great, witcher! What do you say to this?

The Witcher said nothing, but flew away as if he had been hit with a battering ram, fell to the floor and rolled around, stopping only at the base of the column. The column split and fell into small pieces, again taking part of the dome with it. This time Yennefer failed to cover him with a magical shield. A huge piece that fell off the arch hit him in the side and knocked him off his feet. The pain momentarily paralyzed him.

Yennefer, chanting spells, threw lightning after lightning at Vilgefortz. Not a single one reached the target, all were powerlessly reflected from the magical sphere protecting the sorcerer. Vilgefortz suddenly extended his arms and quickly spread them to the sides. Yennefer screamed in pain and rose into the air. Vilgefortz clasped his hands together as if he were squeezing out a wet rag. The sorceress howled shrilly. And it started to curl...

§ 3: Classification of selected magical worlds

One of the problems of fantasy writers is that they stubbornly refuse to reveal the secrets of their magical systems. Or they themselves don’t know them. So it turns out that there is magic in the world, but why and how it works is anyone’s guess. We will determine by secondary characteristics. In addition, in most known worlds, several magical systems coexist. Some appear there as a tribute to tradition, others are borrowed, and others appear to the author as some kind of innovation, which is not always the case. To paraphrase a classic of the genre, to create new magic, it is not enough to paint the fireball green.

Of course, it is most convenient to classify the worlds for which there are game manuals. And it would be even better if the magic system was created first, and then the world was made “for it.” In this case, the authors ask themselves in advance what magic is and how the characters get it. But we will not limit ourselves only to such worlds, since the most talented science fiction writers talk in detail about the magic of their fantasy universes.

Let's try to apply our classification of magic systems in practice and consider the magic of individual fantasy worlds, those that have been worked out most deeply.

Forgotten Realms

In the world of Fairun, magic developed and reworked along with the system of role-playing rules. First it was AD&D, and now it is D&D 3.5 edition (d20 system). The basis and source of the Kingdoms' magic is the "weave", an all-pervading substance controlled by Mystra, the local goddess of magic. Mystra keeps the Weave in order and protects it from stupid people trying to get their fingers deeper into it. In addition to the “Weave”, there is also its reflection - the “Shadow Weave”, created by the goddess of darkness named Shar. Every mage, and priests in this world are actually considered mages, uses Weave for their spells (a few use Shadow Weave instead). Any creature has access to magic, but some are endowed with special abilities by nature. The complete classification of Fairun magic looks like this.

Sources of magic- general magical energy (“Weaving” of both types). You can also use magic items and borrow powers from demons, but all this is an indirect use of the same “Weave”.

Ways to get magic- ritual or scientific. Priests have the first option, university magicians have the second.

Mage Properties- training, innate gift, special merits/circumstances. They teach here a lot and in different ways, so there is a wide choice of schools and areas. Some are lucky with a special natural gift, and there are also entire races of magical creatures - elves, dragons, etc. The gods celebrate special merits here. I won’t say that there are many, but precedents are known.

Scope of application- all four. With such a variety of training systems, this is not surprising.


A world that is in many ways similar to Fairun, because it exists and develops in the same game system. With one exception - no one gets into it just like that. The Dark Forces of Ravenloft, in charge of everything, choose who gets into it, how and what to do in it.

Sources of magic- general magical energy. She is personified by the Dark Forces of Ravenloft. As far as I know, they are not particularly discriminating, and even priests of the light gods can count on support for their spells.

Ways to get magic- ritual and scientific. Here magic is subject to the same laws as in Fairun, but it is unclear whether this is a natural property of the world or the desire of the Dark Forces.

Mage Properties- special merits/circumstances, training, innate gift. If the last two properties are the same as in the previous world, then special merits here have a completely different status. Any creature following the path of Darkness receives new abilities and opportunities from the Forces, in return losing the remnants of humanity. Having walked this path to the end, rarely was anyone happy with the result.

Scope of application- all four.


The world is known to all fans of the genre from The Chronicles of Amber, written by Roger Zelazny. In it, the children of Oberon and the Unicorn move between worlds, just as we move between subway stations. And sometimes even faster. All worlds are reflections of each other and are strung, like beads on a thread, on one Road, at the extreme points of which are Amber and Chaos. Those who have passed initiation can move along this Road.

Sources of magic- special items, special locations. By “locations” I mean the Labyrinth and Logrus, and by objects I mean maps and other artifacts. Although from this point of view both the Labyrinth and Logrus are objects.

Method of obtaining magic- instinctive. No rituals, no system - only the will of the magician and the forces available to him.

Mage property- special merits/circumstances. They mean passing through the Labyrinth or Logrus. After this, the magician gains power.
Scope of application - movement in space. Or more precisely, between spaces.


The world of Ursula Le Guin is familiar to us from the adventures of Ged the Falcon, Lord of Dragons. In this world, the one who knows the true names of things and beings becomes a magician. And even dragons and the most powerful magicians have a true name!

Sources of magic- borrowing forces of personal nature. Knowing the true name gives power over both the object and the creature.

Method of obtaining magic- scientific. Only by studying the names and thinking through the right combinations can you get the desired result.

Mage Properties- education. Memorization of names and practice of determining the true name are the main disciplines.

Scope of application - environmental impact. Any object or creature with a name is susceptible to magic.

Ursula Le Guin. "Name Rule"

Here Mr. Underhill began to slowly blush, as always happened when one of the villagers began to be rude to him. However, something unusual happened next. He suddenly turned yellow all over, his hair stood on end, and the next moment the terrible lion let out a deafening roar and rushed, baring his white fangs, down the hillside towards Blackbeard.

But Blackbeard was no longer there. A giant tiger, the color of the night sky streaked with thunderbolts, jumped towards the lion...

The lion disappeared. Near the cave a grove of tall trees suddenly grew, black in the weak light of the winter sun. The tiger froze in the air at the very edge of the shadow they cast and turned into a fiery tornado that lashed dry black branches with tongues of flame...

But where the trees had just stood, the hillside suddenly swelled, and streams of silver-tinged water rushed down, threatening to drown the flames. But there was no fire anymore...

In an instant, two hills appeared before the wide-open eyes of the fisherman - a green one, familiar to him from childhood, and a new, bare brown hill that had come from nowhere, ready to absorb the falling water. All this happened faster than he could blink, but what he saw now, opening his eyes, made him groan and close his eyes even tighter. Where the waterfall had just flowed, a dragon was already hovering. Black wings shielded the entire hill from sunlight, and its open mouth spewed fire and smoke.

Under this terrible monster stood Blackbeard, grinning contemptuously.

§ 4: Magic and life

Now let's turn to magic in our reality. There are systems that seem downright magical to the uninitiated. In fact, there may not be anything supernatural in them, and all the “miraculous” results are quite explainable by modern science. They are of interest only in terms of placing these phenomena in our classification of magical systems. I would like to note right away that we will only talk about form, not content. But whether this is real magic or only formally falls under this definition is a completely different question!


Source of magic- internal forces. Moreover, these are always the forces of the patient himself, directed in the direction the magician needs.

Method of obtaining- scientific. This can be argued, since there are special training courses.

Mage Properties- learning, natural gift. This requires some innate abilities that are developed through training.

Scope of application- impact on consciousness.


Source of magic- internal forces, general magical energy.

Method of obtaining- ritual, scientific. Yoga is both a philosophy and corresponding physical exercises. Taking philosophy as the “scientific basis”, and exercises as rituals, we will bring yoga to the above classification.

Mage Properties- education.

Scope of application- impact on the body.

Final word

So, you have just read a short course on the structure of magic. Like the works of Euclid, Newton and Mendeleev (with which we began the article), this course can be supplemented and even revised - in future articles of the World of Fantasy.

The scope of our course is the creation of new magical systems and the classification of well-forgotten old ones. Based on our research, you can classify the systems of magic in other works yourself. For example, the use of the Force in Star Wars or magic in Harry Potter.

But remember that magic is an art. But art cannot be put into a framework. And yet, magic is deception. So don't trust anyone who tells you that they understand real magic. I'm a magician myself, I know!

“One ether permeates the entire universe”
Taoist wisdom

“Everything came from the ether - everything went into the ether and will return”
Nikola Tesla

“There is nothing in the world except the ether and its vortices”
Rene Descartes

“If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequencies and vibrations”
Nikola Tesla


In this work I will try to give a general idea of ​​the ether - the world environment that fills the entire world space and which is the building material for all matter (living and nonliving) as well as fields (magnetic, electric, electromagnetic, gravitational, torsion and biofields). I will show how he was forced out of science, thereby driving it into dogmatism and axiomatics (free invention and fantasy), as well as the connection of this crime against science with magic, “free energy” and the UFO phenomenon. Restoring the ether in scientific works will not only give fresh breath and a new look at many paradoxes, but will also allow us to move forward, thereby giving humanity not only new technologies, but also opening up new horizons. Moreover, all paradoxes began to appear precisely thanks to the removal of ether.

Since the topic of the broadcast is directly related to physics and mathematics, I will try to give as few mathematical tabs as possible, but I will do this as necessary or in cases where it is critical. Also, the topic of ether is so huge that it cannot be described in the volume that is necessary; ether is the topic of books, not just articles. But I will try to describe and explain everything as clearly as possible.

Many, reading these lines, will ask themselves the question: “How can such things be combined? How does Magic fit in with the UFO phenomenon or Science, especially if science considers Magic to be quackery and UFOs to be non-existent?” I will answer this question and many others that may arise. I will talk from an ethereal point of view about such phenomena as telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, about the “subtle bodies” of humans, about alchemy and transmutation of elements, and so on. But first things first.

Before we begin our excursion into the world of ether, it is necessary to give some definitions.

  • « Free energy» – etheric energy, which can be obtained anywhere in the Universe and in unlimited quantities.
  • Ether– the global environment, a real compressible gas that fills the entire universe and gives birth to all the diversity that we observe, and is also the building material for matter and fields. Ether particle - Amer, several billion times smaller than an electron. (d = 10 -45 m; m = 10 -114 kg)
  • UFO– Unidentified Flying Object – an object whose physical nature cannot be explained; in some cases it is a spacecraft of extraterrestrial man-made creatures.
  • Transmutation of the Elements- the transformation of some elements into others, for example, base metals into noble ones. Is a research field of alchemy.
  • Ethereal Wind– directional movement of the ether (somewhat similar to ordinary wind).

I think many readers are familiar with the rest of the terms presented. To begin with, I will tell you a little about the history of the broadcast, then I will gradually move on to other topics.

1. A little history of Ether...

Ether, as a global medium, has been a constant companion of science throughout almost its entire history, from Ancient India to the beginning of the 20th century. Already in antiquity, the ideas of ether were very widespread.

The main ancient Indian teachings - Jainism, Lokayata, Nyaya and others, such religions as Brahmanism, Buddhism, contained teachings about “Akasha” - ether, a single all-pervading substance that is not directly perceived by the senses. He is one and eternal. Matter - pudgala consists of the smallest particles of anu, forming atoms - paramanu, possessing mobility - dharma.

In the Sankhya teaching, prakriti - matter - is the ungenerated root cause of all things. She is eternal and omnipresent. This is the most subtle, mysterious and powerful substance. Its elements - the Huns - are simple, indivisible and eternal.

In ancient Chinese Taoism, in the canon of Tao Te Tzu and the treatises “Zhuan Tzu” and “Lao Tzu” it is said that the whole world consists of coarse particles “tsu” and the finest particles “jin”. They form a single “qi” - ether, primordial, united for all things. It consists of “yin” - the material basis, and “yang” - the energy basis. All things are interconnected, and yin and yang appear everywhere.

In ancient Japan, it was believed that all space was filled with muteku - an unlimited supernatural force, devoid of qualities and forms. The mystical absolute tekeku is the nature of the ideal principle “ri” associated with the material principle “ki”. “Ri” - energy is eternally connected with “ki” - matter and does not exist without it.

Thales of Miletus (626-547 BC), ancient Greek philosopher, founder of ancient and European philosophy and science, founder of the Miletus school of philosophy, raised the question of reducing the entire diversity of phenomena and things to a single fundamental principle (primary element), which he considered liquid - that is, he considered the ether to be a liquid.

Thales's student, Anaximander (610-546 BC), introduced into philosophy the concept of the first principle - “apeiron” - a single, eternal, indefinite matter that gives rise to the infinite diversity of existence.

Anaximenes (585-525 BC), a student of Anaximander, considered this first principle to be gas, which by condensation and rarefaction forms all things.

The ideas of the “first principle” were also developed by Leucippus (5th century BC), who put forward the idea of ​​emptiness, dividing all things into many elements; and further - by his student - Democritus, who is considered the founder of atomism.

Some accounts claim that Democritus studied with Chaldeans and magicians, first sent to his father's house to teach the children, and then visiting the magicians in the country of Media (northwestern Iran). Democritus did not attribute to himself the authorship of atomism, mentioning that he borrowed atomism from the Medes, in particular from the magicians - the priestly caste.

“The dominant idea of ​​​​magicians (mighty) is inner greatness and power, the power of wisdom and knowledge. According to some evidence, the magicians borrowed their knowledge from the Chaldeans, who were considered the founders of stargazing and astronomy. The Chaldeans, who were given great importance in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, were priests and fortune-tellers, as well as naturalists, mathematicians and theosophists. Magi founded magic - a doctrine that allows based on knowledge of the secrets of nature, produce unusual phenomena. Subsequently, this teaching, unfortunately, was discredited by numerous pseudo-magicians - charlatans.”

(c) “Atsyukovsky V.A. Popular Ethereal Dynamics".

Democritus pointed out that atoms, the elements of matter, are physically indivisible and cannot be cut due to their density and the absence of emptiness in them. Atoms are endowed with many properties of bodies in the visible world. In all their diversity, atoms form all the contents of the real world. However, at the basis of these atoms, differing in shape and size, lie amers - truly indivisible, devoid of parts.

Amers (according to Democritus) or “elements” (according to Epicurus), being parts of atoms, have properties completely different from atoms. For example, if atoms are inherently heavy, then amers are completely devoid of it.

This paradox remained unclear for a very long time, which led to a significant distortion of the teachings of Democritus. Thus, Alexander of Aphrodia already reproaches Leucippus and Democritus for the fact that the amera, which have no parts, are comprehended by the mind in atoms and are their building material, are weightless. In fact, this misunderstanding continues today.

Thus, the ether has a fairly ancient history, going back to the very beginning of the known history of human culture.

How was the airwaves lost? Why don't they say anything about him now? And even more than that - it is forbidden to talk about Ether, as well as Magic. It's taboo.

The ether was lost at the beginning of the 20th century by A. Einstein in his work “The Special Theory of Relativity”. It was based on the fact that the experiments of Michelson and Morley to detect the absolute speed of the planet and the speed of the ethereal wind did not produce results - with which Michelson categorically disagreed, since already in the first experiment the results were not zero, although much less than expected. This theory is based on postulates - free inventions, assumptions, unproven and taken on faith. Several of these postulates are as follows:

  • The speed limit in the Universe is the speed of light. This limit is based on the Lorentz transformation, which states that the mass of a body increases with increasing speed. (m = m 0 /(sqrt(1 – v 2 /c 2)), where sqrt is the square root, v is the speed of the body, c – speed of light, m ​​0 – body mass at rest). The most interesting thing is that Lorentz derived this formula based on the assumption that the ether is motionless.
  • Absence of ether in nature. There is only one justification for this postulate - if you remove the ether, then the theory of the universe will be simple, if left, it will be very complex. This was a very stupid assumption that led physics to a dead end.

An interesting fact is that in his work “The General Theory of Relativity”, A. Einstein states:

“According to the General Theory of Relativity, space is endowed with physical properties, thus the ether exists. According to the General Theory of Relativity, space is unthinkable without ether.....”. That's it.

Magic in this context is connected with the fact that Magic allows a person to control the ether through his mind, will and consciousness. But according to the official version, a person does not know how to do this, and in general, this does not exist, these are fairy tales, obscurantism... That’s where it comes from already The unity of Magic and Science begins to manifest itself - science studies the ether from a material (and not only) point of view, Magic - allows a person to control it on the basis of knowledge about nature and developed consciousness...

In our time, the ether does not exist for “official” science. The USSR issued a decree that it was generally forbidden to criticize the theory of relativity. This law is still in force in Russia, only it is called the “commission to combat pseudoscience”... a sad fact, considering the problems humanity faces.

2. About subtle bodies, frequencies and vibrations, telepathy, telekinesis...

To begin with, I will tell you a little about the main building material of the universe - the etheric toroidal vortex. The interest lies in the fact that the torus is a form that is found at absolutely all levels of the Universe. The shape of the magnetic field is a torus, a tornado in motion is a torus, the field of a galaxy is a torus, particles are a torus, and so on.

Rice. 1: Earth's magnetic field

Rice. 2: Human biofield

Rice. 3: Magnetic field of the galaxy

Why torus?
There are several types of gas movement.

  • Diffusion (three types) – mass transfer (if different densities); transfer of momentum (if there is a flow velocity gradient in the gas); energy transfer (if different temperatures).
  • Translational (two types) – laminar flow (wind); first sound (transmission of a small pressure increment).
  • Rotational (two types) – open rotation (tornado) and closed rotation (torus type).

But the only form that can localize compacted gas is toroidal motion. Thus, the toroidal vortex is the only formation that can be identified with microparticles.

There is one truth But: the fact is that with increasing gas pressure, the temperature increases, therefore the pressure increases. Since the pressure increases, the vortex should disintegrate (the kinetic energy of the molecules will simply disperse them all). Therefore, for a gas to be compressed by external pressure, it must be colder. This is actually true. Near the tornado, the air temperature is sharply lower than the ambient temperature, which compresses the tornado and forms a boundary layer - something that prevents what flew inside from flying out. The same boundary layer prevents the toroidal motion from breaking up. In the boundary layer, due to the high gradient (that is, difference) of velocities, the viscosity of the gas is also reduced, and the vortex rotates in the boundary layer, as in a bearing.

A very logical conclusion follows from this - all the laws of the Universe are the same at all its levels and there are no special laws at the micro or macro level (at the end of this article I will give all the links to all the necessary resources, where you can become more familiar with everything).

So, the basis of everything is one medium - the ether, which forms our entire Universe in all its diversity.

What, then, do human “subtle bodies” consist of? From the air. Only different bodies act and operate at different frequencies. The fact is that our world is not static. Everything is in motion, everything vibrates, and everything has its own vibration frequency. The “thinner” the human body (relatively thinner, just for ease of perception), the higher its vibration frequency. This is the meaning of magical practices - to bring the vibrations of your mind and “bodies” as close as possible to the vibrations of the Universe, that is, to increase them. It is known that every emotion has its own frequency and that in fact a person experiences only 2 emotions - fear and love. Fear has a very low frequency, and the lower the frequency of the signal, the more destructive it is. Love, on the contrary, has a very high frequency, which is why many esoteric, occult and religious movements talk about love (not the same love as in Romeo and Juliet, here the meaning is different). This example can also be carried out using electricity. Question: Why does the output of the Tesla Transformer, which is measured in kilovolts, not kill, while even a low amount of low-frequency or “constant” volts can kill? The answer lies in the frequency of this signal. The bottom line is that the output of a Tesla transformer has a very high frequency and even kilovolts of a high-frequency signal will not cause harm, since such a signal tends to be evenly distributed throughout the entire object. An absolute analogy in my opinion.

So, the subtle bodies of a person vibrate, and each of them has its own frequency. The frequency increases from the physical body to the mental body. These are the very biofields that are considered non-existent by “official” science. There is one very exciting experiment. It lies in the fact that if you tear off a sheet and bring it to the output of a Tesla transformer (or other source of high-frequency electromagnetic field), it will begin to glow, but only for a certain time. This effect is called the Kirlian effect.

This effect lasts only the first minutes after the flower or leaf is picked, then the glow ends. What happens? This is a question that, even from the perspective of the ether, is very difficult to resolve, but not impossible.

The manifestation of life processes, as is known, lies in metabolism. What is metabolism? This is the exchange of one substance for another, but only chemically and not physically. We are primarily interested in the energy component of this process, since in chemical reactions either absorption or release of energy occurs.

If in the cells of a living organism the separation reaction processes are constantly going on, and in others - the connection reactions, then points of absorption and release of ether from the surrounding space arise (how this happens is described in). The largest such points are the very “active points” or “acupuncture points” on the human body, and that is why they are so important. These points are not indicated anywhere in the anatomy; on the other hand, they have other properties: low resistance compared to other areas and a sharply increased dielectric constant. Each of these points is connected by a channel to a specific organ. Together, all human organs are intertwined by “energy meridians,” or conduits of energy. And if you influence a specific point, for example, with acupuncture or warm it up with special wormwood cigars, this will lead to an improvement in the condition of this organ. This also means that there are many drains and sources of ethereal flows, which form those same glows if they are illuminated by a high-frequency electromagnetic field (or one learns to see them). What will be seen depends on which “body” of what frequency is illuminated. Also, this radiation carries information about what is happening in the body, and the higher the glow, the healthier the body, the easier energy processes occur in it. The question arises: why did nature create us this way?

From the perspective of the ether, the matter is quite simple to explain. Since different processes occur in each organ, then, accordingly, the streams of ether that form the biofield will be different, therefore, for energy exchange, different channels will be needed where this energy will flow.

Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, dowsing, extrasensory perception - these are the very manifestations of the subtle or “biofields” of a person.

Telepathy– communication between people or animals at a distance.

Telekinesis– the ability to remotely influence an object, move, lift, and so on, without the help of hands and only with the power of the mind.

Dowsing– the ability of a person, with the help of a vine or a frame, to find underground sources of various kinds: water, ore, and so on.

After the above, effects such as telepathy, telekinesis and so on become a little clearer, and it goes without saying that anyone can do it. From these positions, the process, for example, of telekinesis, looks like this. Since every living organism has a biofield, being able to control this field, or the flows of ether that a living organism exchanges with the Universe, you can remotely influence objects. Having learned to control these flows through your mind, you can direct their clots to certain points. What happens? The flow of ether, which is controlled by the mind, blows on, for example, a pen lying on a table, and since drag resistance acts, the pen rolls. From this we can conclude that the higher a person’s consciousness, that is, the closer his frequency is to the frequency of the Universe, the more powerful the effect will be and the more energy can be extracted. Here we need to remember about such a concept as resonance. If there are waves with the same frequency, then they can mutually reinforce each other. This is the essence of magical practices - to bring your consciousness as close as possible to the vibration frequency of the Universe, thereby creating a resonance of two (or more) frequencies. That is why, the lower a person’s level of consciousness, the worse it is for him - the difference in frequencies increases.

Telepathy from these positions also seems understandable. Since every thought is an electrical impulse (roughly speaking), and since the most powerful and intense energy processes occur in the head area, having learned to control the energy of a thought, we will be able to send it through the ether to the recipient. The difficulty is how to do it, how to learn...

Things like healing, hexes and curses now suddenly have a physical reflection. What happens? Everything is very simple - it is enough to negatively influence a certain channel or part of the field (or damage it in a certain place) and this will quickly cause changes in it and the connected organ. Or vice versa - you can restore a field that is clearly weaker or thinner or not so bright, and this change will heal the organ associated with this point.

3. Alchemy and transmutation of elements

Alchemy is the science of the general transformation of elements, the ancestor of modern chemistry - it arose in ancient times. Most agree that the birthplace of alchemy is ancient Egypt, which in ancient times was called “Khema” and gave this science the name “al Khema”.

Numerous researchers of alchemy who wrote more than one treatise about it, for example Pierre Eugene Marcelin Berthelot, recognized the close connection between alchemy and magic, the art of the Median magician priests (mighty) to produce miraculous phenomena based on knowledge of the secrets and laws of nature.

The beginning of alchemy is associated with the legendary personality Hermes Trismegistus (“Thrice Greatest”), therefore the art of making gold was called hermetic. In his honor, columns with hieroglyphs containing alchemical recipes were erected in Egypt. In Egypt, only the sons of the pharaoh priests could be initiated into the secrets of alchemy.

In addition to Egypt, alchemy also flourished among the ancient Babylonians and Chaldeans. The Babylonians had the first ideas about the connection between the planets and the metals known in antiquity. From these peoples, alchemy went further - to the Persians and Chinese.

M. Berthelot pointed out that descriptions of various instruments that were used by Jewish alchemists were often given, as well as the texts of Moses’ recipes, according to which the weight of gold was doubled. From the texts of Pliny the Elder and the Gnostics it follows that in Rome the transformation of copper and its ores into silver and gold was considered a fact.

Alchemy, as well as magic, were incomprehensible to the uninitiated, at the same time, they promised a lot (for example, enrichment, youth, and so on), and this could not be explained in any way except by the intervention of the devil. Therefore, magicians, alchemists, mathematicians and other scientists were oppressed in every possible way, and the practice of these arts was prohibited for many centuries. For example, according to Roman law, activity (and even simple acquaintance) with alchemy and magic was punishable by exile or death. And in general, everything that was related to science or the study of nature was persecuted.

Greek alchemy flourished primarily in Alexandria in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. It was taught at the University of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy I and called the Musaeum, and the main experiments were carried out in the main center of natural and medical sciences - the Temple of Serapis. By order of the Greek emperor Theodosius (374-395), the temple of Serapis was destroyed, and in 391. The famous Library of Alexandria perished, destroyed by Christian fanatics. The activities of the Museum partly continued until 415, when, at the instigation of Patriarch Cyril, the Museum was finally resolved, and the philosopher and mathematician Hepatia was brutally murdered.

Among the alchemists of the Middle Ages, Roger Bacon (1214-1294) is especially famous. He openly preached the idea of ​​the unity of substances and the possibility of transmutation - the mutual transformation of elements. This, as well as his laboratory studies, gave him the reputation of an adept, that is, a person who owned the secret of the “philosopher’s stone” and knew how to carry out transmutation with its help. His works - “The Mirror of Alchemy” and “The Secret Actions of Nature and Art and the Insignificance of Magic” are the most harmonious of those that have survived.

It is known that to obtain gold, a “philosopher’s stone” was needed. But it was not a stone in the literal sense, but a powder or liquid, or, in modern terms, a catalyst. According to Bacon, one gram of the philosopher's stone was enough to turn 1000 kg of base metals into gold. There were two “philosopher’s stones”: the main one - “red lion”, “red stone of wisdom”, “great elixir”, “magisterium”, “panacea” - served as a catalyst in the transmutation reaction, and the second - secondary - “white lion”, “ white tincture”, “small magisterium” - was intended only for the transformation of metals into silver. The main metals for transformation were: mercury and copper for transformation into gold, lead - for transformation into silver.

Also, according to some sources, the philosopher's stone also served as a universal medicine: its solution, the “golden drink,” was supposed to heal all diseases and rejuvenate the old body. It was rumored that adherents who drank this drink could live up to 400 years. Therefore, the secret of the philosopher's stone was very carefully guarded.

Alchemy existed until 1819, when the last “Hermetic Society” of alchemists, founded in Westphalia, collapsed in 1790.

The basic philosophy of alchemy was that there is one primary matter from which everything is made. It is this circumstance that creates the possibility for the mutual transformation of elements.

Alchemists fully understood that for the mutual transformation of elements it was impossible to do without a catalyst, which does not participate in the reaction, but allows this reaction to occur. The philosopher's stone is that very catalyst.

The reactions in which alchemists obtained both the philosopher's stone and noble metals with its help were distinguished by the use of various substances - salts, acids, alum, vitriol, and so on - ordinary substances, but they were left in the light for several days and were carried out at high temperatures and must be in sealed containers.

There was also nothing special in the preparatory reactions: techniques such as burning, distillation, crystallization, and fixation (hardening) were used. The reactions took a long time. During the main reactions, there was a “fight beyond anything imaginable,” and when the reaction was completed, some salt must be put into some product, which in reality “is not salty at all,” and then the “fight it becomes a hundred times more cruel.”

A. Lavoisier put an ideological end to alchemy, showing that it is impossible to transform some elements into others by chemical reactions. With the clarification of the concept of simple bodies and elements, the question of the transformability of metals with the help of the philosopher's stone was finally closed. But is it final......?

Academician N.N. Semenov expressed it in 1933. and confirmed in 1977. following:

“A hundred years have passed since the discovery of the catalytic action; and now scientists also understand little why catalysis occurs at all, as it was a hundred years ago. Without understanding the very essence of the phenomenon, we, naturally, cannot give any instructions on the rational choice of a catalyst, and technically there is nothing else left but to find the right catalyst by trying thousands of substances in the order in which they are on the shelves of chemical laboratories."(“Nature”, 1978, No. 2, p. 68).

4. UFO

For many it will seem strange that I decided to include aliens here. But if you look a little more broadly at our world, at what it is like, how huge it is, what opportunities it contains, and ask yourself the question: what if somewhere out there, there are civilizations that are much older than us, that have unraveled the secrets of the Universe and learned to control them... and what if they flew here?

For official science, the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations is not worth it - how can you fly here if such huge distances? And if you consider that in physics it is believed that the speed of light is the limit, then to fly to the nearest star, it will take 4 years to fly at the speed of light. Too slow. After all, if it turns out that this is so, the question will arise of how they were able to get here. What technologies were used? After all, it is known for sure that no amount of oil, uranium or coal is enough to accelerate to the speed of light, let alone overcome it... If so, is it possible that this could be beneficial to someone? There are a huge number of people (both on this part of the planet and overseas) (and not ordinary people) who argue that this is beneficial to those who have a monopoly on energy resources: oil, gas, gasoline... And this is logical, considering the power of those who print money or own oil... After all, if it turns out that you can endlessly draw energy from the “non-existent” ether and get to any point in the Universe with a gigantic speed much higher than the speed of light (the speed of light is only the speed of the second sound in the ether, or transverse vibration, and the speed of longitudinal vibration is 16 orders of magnitude , that is, 10 16 times higher) and if it turns out that all people are connected with him and connected with each other, what will happen? That's right - the world will turn upside down. After all, if it turns out that this is true, the question will immediately arise about the technology that these civilizations use, how they were able to overcome such vast distances.

Meanwhile, the number of reports of contact with UFOs, and sometimes even their pilots, is growing. And surprisingly - crop circles. If you look closely at them, most of them have the shape of a torus, circular or vortex.

Rice. 4. Two-dimensional torus

And what is being done for this? And for this, the existence of the ether, the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, and the magical abilities of man are denied... Everything is being done to ensure that humanity continues its sleep, right up to the physical elimination of those who disagree: Stefan Marinov (in his experiments completely disproved Einstein’s theory of relativity), Vladimir Ivanovich Dainenko (began teaching etherodynamics - the science of ether at Moscow State University in 2000), Eugene Mallov (worked with cold nuclear fusion) - were physically eliminated, and the list goes on and on. Information is censored in every possible way; instead of programs that will enlighten people, they usually show all sorts of “shows”. Any topics related to the ether, magic, extraterrestrial civilizations are ridiculed in every possible way, and people who openly talk about it are called “paranoid”, “crazy”, “ignoramuses” (at best). Maybe those who talk about this are wrong? What if not?


The topic of broadcasting is so huge that entire books and volumes, not to mention articles, are devoted to it. In this short work, I did not cover very, very many ethereal phenomena, for example, the evolution and birth of galaxies, the origin of the magnetic field of celestial bodies, the processes occurring on the Sun, the formation of atoms and molecules, electrical and magnetic phenomena, gravity, and so on. I just wanted to give a good introduction to this topic, and show that this medium can once again unite science and magic, and make them unified, the way they should be. Moreover, the etheric environment implies the magical abilities of a person. After all, the most important question is how could matter create intelligent life? How? There are claims that our Universe, although material (or not?), still has consciousness and intelligence, and that the intelligent beings that live in it are the means through which this Mind knows itself. Nikola Tesla spoke about this. She argued that there is a Mind that knows everything, and from which this knowledge can be drawn. From these positions, Necromancy is the most suitable means of studying the universe and oneself, as it allows one to get closer to frequencies that are simply out of reach.

Essential oils have long been used in witchcraft rites and rituals. Unusual aromas of various herbs and roots were part of rituals and an integral element of magic. Magical incense, essential oils, candles and even flowers - anything that emits a scent can serve magic and witchcraft.

Is it possible to overestimate the ability to smell and smell? We cannot imagine life without the sense of smell. When we have a cold and our nose is stuffy, food becomes tasteless and the world loses its color.

Smells matter when choosing a pair. After all, we determine by smell whether a particular food is worth eating! But have you ever wondered what power, what magical power is hidden behind fragrances?

The influence of odors on a person occurs in two, so to speak, planes. Let us consider them separately, conventionally calling them “scientific” and “magical”. Let’s immediately make a reservation that when describing the properties of aromas, we will take both into account.

“Scientific” explanation of smells and aromas

The ability to quickly respond to odors, to identify them as threatening or attractive, has developed during evolution as a mechanism responsible for safety. Therefore, a person is very susceptible to odors, and this is the secret of their action.

However, the aromatic substances of essential oils and incense are very volatile, spread quickly, enter the nasal mucosa and almost instantly affect the nervous and endocrine systems of the body. Thus, one or another “scenario” is activated, certain functions are stimulated.

For example, perception sharpens, relaxation occurs, or, conversely, attention increases. It may start to make you sleepy or, on the contrary, a wave of vigor will come, your tone will increase. It all depends on what scent you choose and for what purpose. Aromatherapy is built on this principle.

Aromatherapy is the healing of body and soul with the help of aromas.

In addition, associations also have power over us. Thus, the aroma of coffee beans invigorates and clears the mind, not only because it affects the nervous system in this way, but also because it is associated with a good start in the morning and a day that promises wonderful events.

The magical influence of smells and aromas

The second layer of influence is magical influence. We are talking about those effects that cannot be explained by the science known to us. But it can be explained by the magic we know.
The magical properties of smells and aromas are in one way or another connected with the elements to which the aroma belongs, with planetary and zodiacal correspondences. Thus, fragrances bring success, promote good luck and prosperity, attract money, and attract love. Some of the aromas also protect against damage and the evil eye.

The magic of smells combines the use of essential oils and their mixtures, incense in the form of sticks, cones, and resins.

Let's not forget about scented candles! A separate story is magical handmade perfumes. Creating a magical perfume requires a long learning curve, just a perfect sense of smell and the highest level of skill.

For this reason, we will not dwell on this in detail, but will only express our highest respect to those who are able to enclose entire stories, fairy tales, landscapes and images of stunning beauty in a bottle of perfume.

Magical incense

Incense in the form of sticks or cones is used very, very actively in rituals. They are inexpensive, produce pleasant looking smoke (especially the wonderful trailing incense cones!), and a set of various types of incense can be found in the treasured bedside table of every self-respecting witch.

The only caveat is that the aromas of smoldering incense are somehow smoky, and if you see the word “fresh” in the description of the aroma, this, of course, is not the same freshness as in a living plant or in oil.

Aroma candles

On the contrary, the easiest way to get a gentle, warm aroma is to light a scented candle.

Choose candles scented with natural oils and botanicals, or make your own—it's easy.

Do not use scented candles purchased in supermarkets or untrusted places for magical purposes, as candles scented with artificial substances will not give the expected results.

Magic resins

The same goes for resins. Some resins, such as incense or copal, are something of a classic of ritual magic; they produce good smoke, but require careful handling and some skill.

Essential oils and their use in magical rituals

Essential oils are fragrant substances whose molecules are small enough to quickly evaporate or penetrate into the human body.

They contain neither oil nor fat, so they are called oils conventionally. These are concentrated odors and the essence of the plant's life force, a kind of blood and lymph. They are not used in their pure form or are used very rarely for local application.

Essential oils are usually added to carrier oils. They are quite easy to use, and the palette of scents is simply amazing. Sweet, spicy, oriental, woody, floral - the choice is huge.

The use of essential oils in magic is possible in several ways:

  • aroma lamps;
  • mixtures with base oil for application to the body or objects;
  • without a base oil, apply a mono-aroma or mixture to objects (application to the skin can be dangerous!);
  • add to the bath, creams, shampoos and other feminine things to adjust the image (for example, to increase attractiveness, attract success, etc.)

The magical properties of essential oils are very extensive, and you can find a scent for any task.
First of all, let's discuss the nuances of use.

The magical properties of odors and their proper use are very important, but you must follow some safety rules!

Do not leave a burning aroma lamp unattended! Always fill the water tank with enough water. Also, do not leave burning incense, resins, or candles unattended.

Never apply undiluted essential oil to your skin! An allergic reaction or even a burn is possible. Always dilute essential oils in a neutral carrier oil.

For example, you can use jojoba oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, avocado oil, olive oil. Choose oils with a mild aroma.

Don't overdo it: essential oils have a very high concentration of aroma. A few drops are enough.
Now that we have clarified the issues of safe use, let's get down to business.

What essential oils are most often used in magic?

Love magic

  • Vanilla
    Awakens sensuality, increases vitality, restores energy. Vanilla also increases sexual appetite.
  • Vetiver
    A scent that attracts love and family well-being. The smell of a prince on a white horse - it combines all the best at once.
  • Jasmine
    A sensual, truly loving scent. Aphrodisiac. Jasmine immerses you in sensual fantasies, enhances charm and attractiveness.
  • Ylang-ylang
    One of the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is especially good for women. Ylang-ylang not only increases attractiveness and enhances beauty, but also helps not to lose your head. Helps harmonize energy and gain integrity of spirit.
  • Musk
    An aphrodisiac aroma that attracts the opposite sex. Moreover, it can be used by both men and women. Musk awakens courage and helps to express oneself.
  • Neroli
    A powerful remedy for increasing attractiveness and beauty. Neroli helps to gain irresistible attractiveness.
  • Patchouli
    Dark and thick, patchouli oil has been used since ancient times as an aphrodisiac. Patchouli has a thick oriental aroma and neutralizes negative energies.
  • Rose
    The true scent of love, and that says it all. Rose helps to enjoy life, increases attractiveness and eloquence.

Spiritual magic

  • Anise
    Helps enhance divination and clairvoyance abilities. Anise is the first assistant to the tarot reader and fortuneteller.
  • Orange
    Invigorates, improves mood, clears thoughts. At the same time, sweet orange gives charm and attractiveness, while bitter orange enhances leadership qualities.
  • Lemon
    Restores energy, tones and invigorates. Disinhibits the psyche. Lemon is the strongest adaptogen.
  • Pink tree
    Ideal for restoring mental balance. Rosewood relieves stress and quickly brings you back to life.
  • Sandalwood
    The aroma of spiritual purity, sublime and clear. Sandalwood is ideal for meditation and astral travel. It protects against evil and drives out negativity.

  • Carnation
    The strongest invigorating, tonic aroma. Drives away evil spirits, promotes strengthening and healing. Clove enhances courage and gives courage.
  • Geranium
    The strongest protector and healer of the aura and energy field. Geranium perfectly eliminates the effects of stress.
  • Cardamom
    Aroma is a protective amulet; with it, you are literally not afraid of any black magic. An energetic, light aroma that enhances mood and energy levels.
  • Cedar
    One of the sacred plants in several cultures, the oldest incense. Cedar cleanses and elevates the spirit, protects from evil and brings favor of the gods.
  • Lavender
    Delicate, feminine scent. Heals body and soul, improves mood and relieves stress. Lavender relaxes even to the point of relieving muscle tension.
  • Lotus
    Sacred plant in ancient cultures. The aroma of purity and spiritual perfection. Lotus promotes healing and helps to establish contact with the subtle world.
  • Myrtle
    The aroma of spiritual purity. It protects from evil and from negativity directed in your direction. Myrtle is one of the most powerful healing aromas.
  • Sagebrush
    Has the strongest protective properties. Wormwood expels evil and negativity of any kind.
  • Thyme
    Promotes the manifestation and development of magical abilities. Thyme awakens the true essence, invigorates and excites.
  • Tea tree
    Panacea for a damaged, weakened aura. Tea tree harmonizes and corrects distortions on the subtle plane. It also has strong healing properties.
  • Sage
    Clears the mind, protects and purifies. Sage gives you the courage to express your feelings and act actively, without regard to others.

Money magic

  • Basil
    The scent of money. Attracts prosperity and prosperity. Use basil to scent your wallet and you will always have money in it.
  • Verbena
    Attracts good luck, sharpens the mind and helps find solutions to problems. Verbena is very helpful in cleansing and expelling negativity.
  • Cinnamon
    Pungent, invigorating aroma. Cinnamon attracts money and financial luck.
  • Nutmeg
    A fragrance for money meditation. Nutmeg attracts good luck and awakens internal reserves.
  • Mint
    Soothing fresh scent. Mint purifies and attracts money and financial luck.

The use of essential oils in magic

Essential oils are widely used in various magical rites and rituals.

Let's group essential oils by purpose. You can use scents alone or in mixtures.

We will look at the mixtures below, but for now let’s see which scents are suitable for what.

To achieve your goals

In order to achieve what you want and fulfill your dreams, you will need courage and a clear mind. Citrus aromas, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger will help you.

To attract love

If you strive for sensual relationships and carnal passion, choose patchouli, neroli, musk. Dreaming of a more romantic relationship? Rose and ylang-ylang are what you need.

For good luck

When choosing an essential oil that brings good luck, you should focus on your Zodiac Sign. We will not present clever tables here - in any magic online store you will find ready-made sets of essential oils, selected according to astronomical correspondences.

For money and prosperity

Basil is the strongest magnet for money. Cinnamon and vetiver are also good. Lubricate your wallet with these oils and apply these essential oils to the objects that bring you money - your work tools, your cash registers, the doors of your store. Below you will find several recipes for magic money mixtures.

For weight loss

Essential oils that help you lose weight are primarily appetite suppressant aromas. These include mint, cinnamon and cypress. All citrus scents are also good. They improve your mood and help you avoid stress.

From damage

Sandalwood, palo santo, wormwood, cloves, and cedar are excellent against negative energies, the evil eye and deliberate damage.

Oils for beauty and wrinkles

Love is the best cure for wrinkles! And neroli, rose, jasmine and vanilla will help you find and hold it.

Mixtures of essential oils for various magical rites and rituals can be purchased in specialized online stores.

Important! There have been quite a few fraudulent trading sites popping up on the Internet lately. Therefore, you should carefully consider your purchase and purchase mixtures only in trusted stores!

With money and prosperity, you can prepare mixtures of essential oils yourself at home. There are a lot of different recipes on the Internet for preparing magic oils.

Scott Cunningham, in the book “Recipes for Magical Potions,” which is a classic of Wiccan literature, gives the following recipes:


  • 4 drops of tonka bouquet
  • 1 drop vetiver

Used to attract wealth of all kinds. Rub this oil into candles and light them, visualizing wealth.


  • 5 drops patchouli
  • 5 drops cedar
  • 4 drops vetiver
  • 2 drops ginger

Apply this oil to your body and hands, rub into green candles. To receive money, rub into banknotes to ensure their return.


  • 3 parts bouquet of bergamot mint
  • 1 part basil
  • 1 part patchouli
  • 1 pinch crushed cinnamon

Mix essential oils and add cinnamon to the oil base. Oil up your hands, cash registers, and front office door for an influx of cash.

Oil blends for love and passion

Chinese recipe for a romantic date and tirelessness in love: two drops each of anise, fennel, rosemary, jasmine and ylang-ylang oils. Use when taking baths or add small amounts to massage oil.

To awaken sensuality and refresh passion, mix 1 drops each of jasmine and vanilla oils, add 5 drops of lavender and 2 drops of cinnamon oil.

There are a huge number of books and printed publications on the topic of aromas and smells in magical rites and rituals.

We have already mentioned “Recipes for magic potions”, which give a general idea of ​​the laws and rules for working with aromatic substances for the preparation of incense, oils and ointments.

We also recommend the fundamental work of S. Mirgorodskaya S. “Aromalogy: QUANTUM SATIS”, dedicated to essential oils. And, of course, the book by the famous perfumer Anna Zvorykina, the author of truly magical perfumes “From carnation to sandalwood”.

The magic of essential oils is a vast topic worthy of study and practice. Take your first step into a magical world that opens up so many possibilities!

Not all science should be a banal and strictly regulated process, as Technocracy proclaims. So say the Sons of Ether, and they practice exactly what they profess. The Sons of Aether enjoy everything from the mad wonders of Victorian-era science to cutting-edge alternative scientific theories. While other techno-mages explore new worlds, the Sons of Aether take the discarded trash of technology and transform it into creations of their imagination. For them, no invention is too strange, no theory is too bizarre - they find a way to modify and use anything. Controversies? Impossibility? Nonsense - there are only doors that have not yet been opened by Science!


The Sons of Ether, whose roots can be traced back to the Middle Ages and who have recently undergone a series of changes, have a very complex past. The fundamental principles of the Tradition are described in a document called Kitab al-Alasir, the Book of the Ether, in which early philosophers advanced the idea of ​​a science based not on observation but on faith. This document, supposedly based on the writings of ancient philosophers and translated using several cryptographic systems, eventually surfaced in 12th-century Spain, where a pair of enterprising mystics—the Hermetic artisan and the Templar—took the teaching seriously. They created the Guild of Natural Philosophers, aimed at the study of metaphysics and mysticism. Together with the most sensible workers of the Renaissance, these guild members rushed to create new creations and inventions. However, while the Order of Reason proclaimed a rational and comprehensible state of the universe, the Guild believed that creation works due to the spark of genius in man, that the universe is limitless as long as it is considered so.

The Guild of Natural Philosophers has managed to survive, albeit in subtle ways, hidden among various groups of creative pioneers, never truly uniting since the days of its founders. However, the Renaissance era gave way to the age of technology, thanks to which opportunities arose that humanity could not even dream of before. Those who were able to discern these possibilities, who strived for something significant instead of denying prospects, continued to carry the banner of the Guild until it took shape as a recognized part of the Order of Reason. The spark literally ignited simultaneously with the development of electricity, as these scientists formed the group of Electrodynamics Engineers.

For a good half century, Engineers promoted the wonders of electricity, the value of experimental observation, and the power of the spirit of exploration. Their methods retreated in the face of the more rational aspirations of the new Technocracy. Wanting to plunge into the unknown, left on the margins of wild theories and discredited sciences, Engineers threatened the technocratic idea of ​​​​a safe, stable, systematic scientific world. Condemning the Engineers' methods, the Technocracy imposed sanctions on them, even going so far as to publicly denounce their pet theories. The fact that the Technocracy declared the ether a fiction was the last straw. The Convention took a new name - the Sons of Ether - and turned to the Traditions for help.

Over the next few decades, the Etherites developed modern theoretical sciences in an alternative way and updated old ones. From backpack engines to quantum mechanics, from chaos mathematics to aetherships, they embodied their commitment to truly inspired science in numerous original inventions. Their travelers crossed the globe as heroes whose deeds—which were too incredible to be recorded as facts—seeped instead into popular literature. And they continued to dream - and build.

Today, the Sons of Ether occupy a prominent place in the Council of Traditions. Although many consider them to be abnormal or simply unstable, their devices and inventions sometimes work where other magic cannot. And their close familiarity with technology gives them advantages in the fight against the Technocracy. As science penetrates into an infinite number of subtler realms, the Sons of Ether have even more new things to study. Quantum theory accepts the subjective perception of the universe. The theory of dark matter postulates the existence of an invisible but massive substance surrounding us - ether. The Sons of Ether have always renewed the old, and this is manifested in the vitality of their Tradition.


Given the restless and chaotic nature of most Etherites, it is not surprising that the Tradition itself is a match for them. Their students are provided with scientific audiences and philosophical discussions. And often after the discovery of nature, Kitab al-Alasir - after a true Scientist quietly leaves a copy of the book next to a student. The student who is able to break through the barriers of traditional logic and realize his own theories contrary to the properties of the universe can begin his apprenticeship as a true Son of the Aether.

Once begun, the student's development proceeds according to the academic order. Etherites correspond and print magazines and newspapers to promote their theories. Publication in Paradigm, the Etherite journal dedicated to universal science, is the most prestigious of such works, but other publications and publications may also have weight. Those who continually produce useful and interesting theories - especially those who build functional devices based on them - deserve recognition. The better developed the student and his theories, the more he deserves praise. As a result, the Sons of Ether receive titles such as Doctor and Master of Science.

Previously, the Supreme Chamber, which led the entire Tradition, was the Chapel of the Horizon, located near Paris, but now, to discuss the development of the Tradition, Scientists gather in more straightforward premises. Typically, Masters of Science and Doctors constitute the Supreme Chamber, which serves partly as a parliamentary and partly as an academic body. However, while the student may serve as "brute force", every true Scientist remembers that inspiration is a deeply personal approach, and gives meaning to the ideas of any Etherite. In theory.


Etherites tend to cluster together in groups - even despite the extreme discrepancies in their theories. Often, several scientific experts share knowledge in their fields of work to work together on a large project that requires all of their knowledge. Etherite factions usually arise from such associations. Some communities are stable enough to attract new members and remain homogeneous.

Etheronauts (Ethernauts) - pioneers of space, exploring the limits of the universe and other dimensions in search of new wonders to bring to Earth. They visit other worlds on their powerful ethereal ships, sabotage the work of the Explorers of the Unknown and bring back samples of wonders. With their incredible knowledge of Matter, some of these pioneers have developed theories that can protect their ships from the storms that rage between the dimensional walls, and their once-ridiculed group can become a powerful tool in the exploration of the Umbra.

Well organized Utopians (Utopians) want to build a better future on Earth with the help of Science. These Scientists not only disseminate effective devices to improve the quality of life, but also effective ideas - expressions of wonder, hope and unity. Their sense of social duty makes them help others and create unusual theories that are accessible to everyone.

The few remaining Cybernauts (Cybernauts) - wanderers on the Digital Network, seeking to subordinate it to their desires. These Etherites passionately believe that the Network is the next battlefield of the Awakened, and that the consciousness of the Sleepers will make their choice there. Of course, most magicians - that is, Scientists - have much more important things to do on Earth these days, so the Cybernaut faction is falling out of favor. However, the Web is an ideal place to try out theories in virtual space, where they are much less likely to harm the real world.

Progressors (Progressivists) wish to modernize the Tradition, starting with internal politics and structure and up to the reworking of theory and practice. This predominantly female faction argues that the Tradition has done a poor job of maintaining social development in recent years, and that the Etherites' tendency to rely on outdated social constructs and outdated technology is too restrictive for the Tradition as a whole. Most Progressives want to start by renaming the Tradition and introducing a more democratic system of government.

Term Mad Scientist (MadScientist) refers to those Etherites who are clearly inclined to create dangerous devices of dubious purpose. It's sad, but true - the genius of the Etherites is often combined with some imbalance, or with the desire to perceive the "big picture" in a form in which it does not correspond to the essence of the task. These Etherites gave birth to legends like Doctor Frankenstein, whose worthy efforts were perverted to disastrous results. They are not so much part of a single faction as they are an example of a known phenomenon that exists within the Tradition.

And finally Adventurers (Adventurers) - Scientists who rely not only on their scientific prowess, but also on physical ability, intelligence and courage to explore new areas of the world, fight "villains" and perform heroic deeds. While many may deride them as simplistic, the four-color successors of Doc Savage and John Carter certainly have some nostalgic appeal. Modern Adventurers take a more pragmatic approach, using their amazing Science to create fantastic, but often camouflaged, armor and weapons to carry out their crusade against criminals, hypocrites and madmen. Again, they are not so much a real force within the Tradition - there is no "Legion of Super-Heroes" - but a new subspecies of scientists.


While the Technocrats view the universe as a static pattern, explainable through appropriate science, the Sons of Ether reject such a view as foolish. The universe is too limitless and its changes are too diverse to be governed by any single formula. Of course, the very fact of observation affects the result, as the Technocracy itself found out during the recognition of quantum science. Therefore, discovery and invention are personal processes, guided by the wonder and inspiration of the individual. There is no “impossible” or “dead end” - just a path that someone else was unwilling to explore. From the "debunked" theories of the past, the Sons of Ether create the wonders of the future.


Considering how widely their theories differ, the fact that the Sons of Aether can communicate with each other at all is a miracle in itself. Their concept of science is highly individual by definition, even more so than the magic of other Traditions. Each individual Ethereal has their own opinion - on almost everything. As a result, it can be very difficult for two Etherites to find common ground when discussing their practice, especially if both Etherites hold mutually exclusive theories. And both of them, of course, are right - this is confirmed by the fact that the inventions of both work. Since Etherites have difficulty achieving internal understanding, it is almost impossible to imagine them becoming understood by other Traditions. Any three Etherites discussing a magical issue will immediately produce five to seven different - and equally incredible - theories. This individualization makes it very difficult for the Etherites to spread their complex ideas and impressive theories, and makes it even more difficult for these theories to be adapted to other Traditions.

Theory and practice

According to the Sons of Ether, all magic comes down to Science. Perception defines the universe, and therefore each scientist builds his own model of reality. From here the individual can come up with theories about how reality works as he understands it, and these theories allow him to create. Through serendipity, a scientist creates inventions, imbues them with a spark of energy, and understands them on a level that no one else can achieve.

The inventions of the Etherites are, of course, deeply individual. Some are extremely whimsical, others are more practical and based on "real" science, such as the phasic energy defense system. The creative inclinations of each individual scientist influence his style. Therefore, some Etherites use large, bulky creations born of technology from the 1950s or earlier, while others create new offshoots of modern technology and create wonderful, compact and convenient devices. Some Etherites also experiment with mental abilities, physical phenomena and pseudo-mysticism - especially those belonging to the Adventurer faction.

When an Etherite deduces a new theory and builds an invention around it, it is common practice to announce it through community periodicals. Thus, each Etherite will be able to study the theory, determine its personal effectiveness and use or modify it at will. It was in this way that a great many simple inventions were distributed among all the Etherites. Where other Traditions might rely on Spells to create repeatable effects, the Aetherites have gizmos and formulas that have been common, refined, and time-tested.

The use of special materials depends on the individual scientist. Some choose primarily one unique material for their work - the most common example is ether - while others are more pragmatic. Scientists are known for using everything from carefully and handcrafted fibers and parts made of plutonium, silver, biomaterials or even stranger substances, to devices built from outdated technology repurposed to perform new functions. Let's say, robots assembled from food processors.

Area of ​​Specialization: Matter

Common Foci: Computers, ethereal goggles, engineering circuits, hand tools, mathematical constructs, mental disciplines, scientific instruments, special alloys, chronometers

Concepts: astronaut, gadget lover, physician, natural philosopher, social scientist, theoretical engineer, merchant

Quote: The true wonder of science is not its ability to explain the universe, but its ability to ask new questions.


Akashic Brotherhood: Their monks teach useful discipline and mental techniques, but must realize the power of the material sciences.

Heavenly Choir: Worship before the divine is very good. But only if it does not overshadow personal development.

Cult of Ecstasy: These are great for giving your new invention a wash!

Dream Interpreters: Completely incomprehensible.

Euthanatos: How can you become so fascinated by death that you live by it?

Order of Hermes: Repeatable formulas, but too rigid for true inspiration.

Verbena: Didn't black magic die out during the Dark Ages?

Adepts of Virtuality: They rely too much on imagination, but they create some useful toys.

Empty: There is no inspiration without a spark of spirit.

1 Doc Savage is the hero of a series of adventure novels and comics from the 1930s. Reprinted in the 60s.

2 John Carter is the main character of the “Martian Cycle” of the novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Reprinted in the 60s.

An excellent topic that helped me remember what was what (well, it was a long time ago for the first time).

But the Calculator is underrated. That is, as a class, of course, he is not needed, but his abilities... 30 minutes to figure out what’s what and you won’t find a better mage. Yes, it will take some time to learn the necessary castes, but a Wizard with a side “Math Skill”, wearing a full set of magical power (I’m not talking about 94 faith) is able to take out the entire map in one turn. And if at least one of the party is dressed in a chameleon, then at least someone will not die. I’ll have to try to upgrade his ninja so that the wizard can be used in two hands, and see what’s better, additional magical damage, or still 2 sticks in two hands.

For reference: CT 5 Holy. At the very beginning of the battle, everyone’s CT is a multiple of five, and usually this lasts a couple of turns, and then the spread begins. To your party, if you don’t want to die Chameleons (and don’t care that even the knights will be flimsy because of this) Destroys 600 HP per cast at level 25. Plus, you can protect yourself from it by absorption or immunity to holiness. The same amount of healing for those who are chameleons. And if you take two female wizards (and ideally also provide them with a Ribbon, just in case), then this will turn out to be completely evil. P.S: And work at least in pairs and the first one will cast faith on everyone at the beginning then the second one can deal up to 999 damage. Apparently you can’t inflict more in a turn (=

The Prime Number + Hight skills will also be very useful for battles in difficult terrain, and, indeed, almost everywhere, but I hardly use level, although I spent a lot on it.

And the most important point - no need for mana. And this makes it possible to neglect the “short charge” improvement and wear, say, heavy armor. And then the reflex is freed, because there is no need to worry about mana, you can safely use an auto potion or, in general, some kind of Hamedo/Grab Blades because, as we know, both options greatly increase survivability. It's just easier to get Hamedo than to level up the military side all the way to samurai.

And the second important point no need to charge. What magicians spend on charging, such as the character spending time pronouncing words (during this time he can be thrown into any of the types of silence), in the person of Math Skill "a, apparently, is played out by you while you are looking through all the parameter options in order notice everything correctly.

List of castes that make sense to study.

holy (cure is not needed due to the same chameleons)

haste stop/dont move (helps if archers are charging or lancers are jumping)

Pray Faith for working in pairs

Verdict Must Have. It's very easy to learn such a small number of skills that you'll learn anyway while you're, say, making your way to the Oracle. After him, all the magicians fade into the background (well, except perhaps for the Mediator, because they are pigs).