How long does the service last? What day does military service begin?

The peculiarity of the Divine Liturgy is that it is during this service that the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist (communion) is performed. This sacrament contains the essence of Christianity - the restoration of man's unity with God.

The Liturgy consists of three parts - Proskomedia, Liturgy of the Catechumens and Liturgy of the Faithful.


The priest and deacon read prayers called “entrance” in front of the closed royal doors, then enter the altar and put on sacred vestments.

The priest performs actions over five special loaves that symbolize sacrifice. It is at this time that Transubstantiation takes place - wine and bread become the Holy Gifts, the blood and flesh of Christ.

Concluding the Proskomedia, the priest blesses the censer and asks God to bless the Holy Gifts - bread and wine. All this time, the altar remains closed, and the reader on the choir reads the Book of Hours.

Liturgy of the Catechumens

A catechumen is a person who undergoes the catechumen - preparation for the Sacrament of baptism, during which he learns the basics of the Christian faith. Nowadays, people are most often baptized in infancy, so the question of announcement is not raised, but the name of the second part of the liturgy has been preserved. Everyone is allowed to attend this part of the liturgy - both baptized and unbaptized.

Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (LPD)

Church tradition attributes this liturgy to the authorship of St. Gregory the Great (Dvoeslov), Pope of Rome, who lived in 540 - 604. However, authorship may be disputed.

This liturgy differs from the others in that it uses gifts that were previously consecrated at the liturgy of Basil the Great or John Chrysostom. Liturgy is served only during Lent. In particular, on Wednesday and Lent, some holidays (if they do not fall on Saturday or Sunday of Lent), on Thursday of the 5th week of Lent, as well as on the first three days of Holy Week.

In essence, LPD is Vespers, which is accompanied by a certain ritual observance of believers. for the health and peace of people.

Liturgy of the Catechumens

The liturgy begins with the exclamation of the priest, “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.” After this, a litany with certain petitions is pronounced and figurative antiphons are sung in choir (Psalms 102, 145, the Beatitudes - on holidays), festive (three short antiphons dedicated to the twelfth holiday) or daily (three antiphons sung on weekdays). At the Liturgy of the Catechumens, excerpts from the Apostle and the Gospel are read, notes about and are remembered. This part of the liturgy may be attended (that is, by those who are not enlightened by the light of the Christian faith). In the ancient Church, after the completion of the Liturgy of the Catechumens, the unbaptized left the church. Currently, this practice is not observed. The Liturgy of the Catechumens ends with the words of the litany that the catechumens should leave the temple; then the faithful (baptized people) are mentioned.

Liturgy of the Faithful

The main part of the liturgy. On it the transfer of the holy gifts (still bread and wine) from the altar to the throne takes place while the choir sings the Cherubic song. The main parts of this part of the liturgy are the Creed and the canon, in which the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated. The canon is usually called "The Grace of the World." The first preparatory words to the Eucharistic canon are: “Mercy of peace, sacrifice of praise.” This is an announcement that a bloodless sacrifice is beginning to be offered in the temple. The Eucharistic canon is the most important part of the entire liturgy. At the Liturgy of the Faithful, the hymn to the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” and “Our Father” is also sung. At the end of the liturgy, believers partake of the holy mysteries of Christ.

According to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” the start of a conscript’s term of service is the date of assignment to the military rank of “private,” which should occur on the day the conscript arrives at the assembly point. The corresponding entry in the military ID - about the assignment of the rank of "private" - must be made after the conscript has passed the medical control board at the assembly point. There can be no exception. But just in case, the conscript should check whether the corresponding entry was made on the day of arrival at the assembly point.

The entire time a recruit spends at the assembly point, after being awarded the military rank of “private,” is included in his service period. As a rule, military personnel do not stay at the assembly point for long, but it happens that some can be kept there for more than one week. The fact is that it is allowed to have a reserve of conscripts, which is used, if necessary, to replenish military teams in the event of illness of individual conscripts or the impossibility of sending them for other reasons. Moreover, it is prohibited to return privates who are in reserve to military commissariats. They are distributed to the last teams to fulfill the quota of conscription of citizens for military service. This is the reason for the delay of some conscripts at assembly points, as well as the refusal of the command to leave from the assembly point.

Is the time to go home after demobilization included in the service period?

Amendments to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” from January 1, 2008 canceled regular leaves for conscripted military personnel, thereby depriving the command of the opportunity to reward conscientious military personnel with early dismissal. Today, the term of service in the Russian army is exactly 12 months (neither a day earlier nor a day later). The date of completion of conscription military service is the day when the serviceman is excluded from the lists of the unit, except in cases where the serviceman: is in hospital treatment; at his request, remains in the military unit until the day of departure of the vehicle carrying out individual or organized transportation of military personnel being transferred to the reserve; participates in ship voyages; is in captivity, in the position of a hostage or internee; missing - until he is recognized as missing in the manner prescribed by law or declared dead; in relation to a serviceman who is suspected or accused of committing a crime, preventive measures are taken in the form of detention in a guardhouse or observation by the command of a military unit.

There are cases when the command meets the soldier halfway and releases him from the unit’s location a few days earlier, but such situations are rare and are possible only if the commander takes personal responsibility for them.

Going home from a military unit after demobilization does not count toward the total service life.

How to terminate a Windows service process stuck in stopping status? I think most Windows administrators have encountered situations where, when trying to stop (restart) a service from the graphical interface of the service management console (Services.msc), the service freezes and hangs in status Stopping. After this, you cannot stop the service in the console, because Service action buttons become unavailable. The easiest way is to reboot the server, but this is not always possible. Let's consider an alternative method that allows forcefully terminate a frozen service or process without the need for a reboot.

If within 30 seconds after trying to stop the service, it does not stop, Windows displays the following message:

The xxxxxxx Windows service on the local computer could not be stopped.
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the request in a timely manner.

Windows Could not stop the xxxxxx service on Local Computer
Error 1053: The service did not respond in a timely fashion.

When you try to stop such a service with the command: net stop wuauserv, a message appears:

The service is starting or stopping. Please try again letter.

Terminating a stuck service with TaskKill

The easiest way to terminate a frozen service is to use the utility taskkill. First of all, you need to determine PID(process ID) of our service. As an example, let's take the Windows Update service, its system name is wuauserv(the name can be viewed in the service properties in the services.msc console).

Quite often this problem happens, especially after installing updates on Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2008 R2.

Important. Be careful. Forcing a critical Windows service process to retire may result in a BSOD or system reboot.

On the command line with administrator rights (this is important, otherwise there will be an access denied error):
sc queryex wuauserv

In this case, the process PID is 816.

To force terminate a hung process with PID 816:

taskkill /PID 816 /F

SUCCESS: The process with PID 816 has been terminated.

This command will forcefully terminate the service process. Later, you can return to the service management console and manually start the service (or completely, if it is not needed).

Headshotting a frozen service can be done more elegantly without manually determining the process PID. The taskkill utility has a /FI parameter that allows you to use a filter to select the necessary services or processes. You can stop a specific service with the command:

TASKKILL /F /FI “SERVICES eq wuauserv”

Or you can not specify the name of the service at all, ending all services in a frozen state using the command:

taskkill /F /FI “status eq not responding”

After this, the service stuck in the Stopping status should stop.

Force termination of a frozen service from PowerShell

You can also use PowerShell to force stop the service. You can use the following command to get a list of services that are in the Stopping state:

Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service | Where-Object ($_.state -eq "stop pending")

The cmdlet will help end the process for all found services Stop-Process. By combining both operations into a loop, we get a script that automatically terminates all processes of suspended services in the system:

$Services = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -Filter "state = "stop pending""
if ($Services) (
foreach ($service in $Services) (
try (
Stop-Process -Id $service.processid -Force -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Warning -Message "Error. Error details: $_.Exception.Message"
Write-Output "No services with "Stopping".status"

Analyzing hung processes using Resmon

You can determine the process that is causing the service to hang using the resmon resource monitor.

Process Explorer: Terminating a hung process from under SYSTEM

Some processes launched from SYSTEM cannot be terminated even by the local server administrator. The fact is that he simply may not have rights to some processes or services. To terminate such process(es), you need to grant the local Administrators group rights to the service(s) and then terminate them. To do this, we need two utilities: psexec.exe and ProcessExplorer (available on the Microsoft website).


The day will come when everyone who has served the term established by law or the terms of the contract will face the questions: “How did I fulfill my military duty?”, “What did military service give me?” and finally, “What’s next?”

The answer, and quite a definite one, to the first question will be given by the commanders and colleagues in the unit, unit (ship), as well as their own conscience and honor. The main criteria for this will be the specific results of combat training and personal discipline, attitude towards fellow service members, military deeds and actions. Crossing the threshold of a checkpoint for the last time with a clear conscience, with a sense of fulfilled duty, is what a real soldier has always strived for and strives for.

The second question about what military service gives to those who devote their strength, knowledge, and energy to it is more complicated. The nature of the answers to it depends on many circumstances. But each of them also has something in common, proven by centuries of history, the experience of entire generations, and life itself.

There are no words, military service, like any other big business, requires complete dedication and certain self-restraints. But, limiting in one thing, it allows one to assert oneself in another equally important area, to acquire something that is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to obtain outside the army.

The first thing a soldier acquires is a feeling of fulfilled Duty. This feeling elevates a person, primarily in his own eyes. In the army, we often realize for the first time that we are citizens of our country, we begin to understand the high meaning of Duty to past, present and future generations of compatriots.

Military service provides an opportunity to objectively evaluate oneself, one’s ability and willingness to be useful not only to one’s loved ones and friends, but also to the Motherland, the Fatherland, and the people. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Try to do your duty and you will find out who you really are and what you are capable of.”

Every citizen who honestly fulfills his military duty acquires an irreplaceable moral right to look directly and openly into the eyes of his compatriots, not to shyly turn away his gaze from either a gray-haired veteran, or from his peer, or from his younger brother. After serving in the army, you will do what you must and are obliged to do according to your Conscience and according to the Law.

There is no doubt about the comparison of military service with school, in the broadest sense of the word - a school of spiritual, moral, not to mention physical, maturation. But the army is not only the highest school for performing military duty. This is also a school of true friendship and camaraderie. There is no brighter and stronger bond than selfless military brotherhood. There is no lesson in life that would help you get to know not only yourself, but also other people in the way that military service allows you to do - this is one of the most difficult and potentially dangerous types of human activity.

The weak in spirit in difficult conditions gets lost and loses, the strong, on the contrary, hardens and gains. For the first, the army is a continuous chain of losses and unrealized opportunities. However, in reality, most of them, as a rule, turn out to be imaginary, apparent. The weak are generally prone to exaggeration and gloomy projection. He always looks for the culprits of his worthlessness not in himself, but around him, in external circumstances. Something always interferes with weaknesses, while the main obstacle to the realization of one’s, as a general rule, inflated claims is itself. For the weak in spirit, everything is wrong, everything is wrong, except the emptiness of one’s own “I”.

The strong can extract something significant even from small things. In military service he finds for himself something that is difficult, if not impossible, to find in the vast majority of other fields of activity. And we are talking not only about spiritual and physical maturity. The army contributes to the maturation and self-realization of an individual’s hidden capabilities and talents. It is no coincidence that not only generals and naval commanders emerged from the army environment, but also outstanding statesmen, writers and artists, musicians and sculptors, scientists and designers. The overwhelming majority of pioneers of unexplored geographical latitudes are Russian officers, soldiers and sailors. They were the first to explore both the air ocean and the underwater depths, and conquered outer space.

Among the army acquisitions that are vital for any active person, one of the first places is the habit of diligence, accuracy, order - in a word, discipline. Those who think that discipline is needed only in military service are greatly mistaken. As the famous Russian military leader of the 19th century wrote. General Dragomirov, “the difference between military and civilian discipline is in the strength of tension, but not in the spirit or basis of it” and “it’s a pity for those people who are not imbued with it.” Not a single area of ​​activity, not a single profession, job, specialty and even relationships in the family can be productive and beneficial for a person who is devoid of a sense of responsibility, diligence, tact, that is, everything that is covered by the capacious concept of “discipline” .

The habit of being disciplined, cultivated by military service, is the most important acquisition of a person. It prepares for civil and social life and work, opens up prospects for professional growth and a career in any chosen field of future activity. It is for this reason that heads of enterprises, organizations, institutions, and personnel authorities, when hiring, give preference to those who have gone through the school of army life and have actually mastered the requirements of military discipline. It is also important that every former sergeant, sergeant major, soldier, sailor, leaving the army, takes with him solid organizational and labor skills, and often a specialty and even profession that is very scarce in civilian conditions.

The army stays with the soldier for the rest of his life. Thanks to the special attitude of the state towards those who have fulfilled their military duty, they feel the sovereign’s care even when they become a reserve soldier. The period of military service is counted towards his total length of service. He enjoys advantages when entering state educational institutions, and has the right to be reinstated in his previous position at the place of work before the army. Military personnel serving under contract, after reaching a specified age or length of service, are assigned an increased pension and are provided with other benefits and benefits.

In other words, those who have completed military service and have withstood its difficult trials with dignity gain immeasurably more than they lose.

The army also offers an answer to the question “What’s next?”, what should one devote oneself to after the expiration of the established period of service?

First of all, you can conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the person of the commander of a military unit and continue serving on a voluntary basis in a mastered or newly chosen military specialty. Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving under contract enjoy the basic rights and benefits of personnel. They are paid the appropriate salary and the stipulated allowances to it, as well as one-time benefits; free food and provision of clothing, travel on public transport, to the place of the next vacation and back are guaranteed, housing is allocated (from a separate room in the barracks, dormitory to office living space and a permanent apartment, paid at a reduced rate). These military personnel are exempt from paying income, land and property taxes, and are subject to compulsory state insurance. The choice of contract service is also promising from the point of view of the possibility of parallel training in civilian educational institutions or in their preparatory departments.

Military personnel with higher or secondary education, who have demonstrated themselves positively in military service and who meet the requirements of the Armed Forces, can become warrant officers (midshipmen). Those who do not have the required level of education are sent to special schools for warrant officers, where, undergoing free training, they are in the position of cadets of military schools.

Finally, for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who have finally decided to devote themselves to military service and become officers, the doors to military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are open - to military schools or institutes, the Military University or academies. Graduates of military educational institutions, the duration of free education in which ranges from 3 to 6 years, receive secondary or higher military education and one of the prestigious civilian specialties that meet state educational standards. Upon graduation from the university, they are given an all-Russian diploma of education and are awarded the officer rank of lieutenant.

But most importantly, a graduate of a military educational institution receives one of the most noble and historically revered professions among the people - the profession of defending the Motherland.

To serve honestly and to complete your service with dignity means to become a Person inspired by a sense of fulfilled duty and looking to the future. A person capable of achieving the highest goals in life.

Liturgy is the main Church service. What time does the liturgy begin and how long does it last? Why and when does the liturgy take place in the evening or at night?

Below is the main thing you need to know about the time and duration of the Liturgy in Orthodox churches.

Liturgy takes place in every church

The Divine Liturgy is the central service, since during it the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrament occur (or rather, the Liturgy itself accompanies these Sacraments). All other services in one way or another precede the Liturgy - although they can take place the night before or even earlier.

Liturgy takes place at least every Sunday

The regularity of services depends on the temple: the location where the temple is located and the number of parishioners. In other words, the Liturgy takes place in the church as often as is actually needed.

Icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” at the Moscow Compound of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

How long does the liturgy last in church?

The duration of the liturgy may vary depending on the day or temple. But this does not mean that the composition of the service changes radically. For example, on especially solemn days, part of the prayers, which are sometimes read by the reader, are this time sung in chorus.

In addition, how long the liturgy lasts can be influenced by such seemingly insignificant factors as the speed with which the priest and deacon serve: one leads the services faster, the other slower, one reads the Gospel at the same pace, the other more measuredly . And so on.

But speaking in general terms, on days the Liturgy lasts longer than on ordinary days - sometimes up to two hours.

On Easter night or Christmas Liturgy lasts no longer than usual, but the night service itself turns out to be many hours long - since the Liturgy is preceded by a long All-Night Vigil.

Night service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, photo:

What time does morning service start in church?

On the one hand, the answer to this question is most often the same as to the question: “What time does the Liturgy begin,” since in almost all non-monastic churches the only morning service is the Liturgy.

Another thing is that in some churches (where there is only one priest) sometimes it takes place not during the service, but before it, and therefore those who want to confess or take communion come earlier.

But in monasteries, morning services begin much earlier, since a full daily cycle of services is held there.

For example, before the liturgy in monasteries, the Hours are necessarily read (this is a small service that includes the reading of certain prayers and individual psalms), and on most days a midnight office is also served, which can begin at 6 a.m. or earlier.

In addition, the charter of some monasteries also stipulates, for example, the daily morning reading of akathists, and a prayer rule, which will also take place in the temple. Therefore, in some monasteries, morning services, in fact, stretch for several hours, and the Liturgy, as expected, crowns this cycle.

This does not mean that the laity receiving communion need to be present at all monastic services - they are intended primarily for the inhabitants of the monastery (monks, novices and laborers). The main thing is to come to the beginning of the Liturgy.

What time does the evening service start in church?

As in the case of morning services, the specific start time of the evening service is determined by the charter of the temple or monastery (they can always be found either on the website or on the doors of the temple). As a rule, evening worship begins between 16:00 and 18:00.

The service itself, depending on the day or the foundations of a particular temple, lasts from one and a half hours to three. In monasteries, on special days, evening services can last much longer.

Evening worship is obligatory for those who are going to receive communion the next morning. This is due to the fact that the Church has adopted a daily cycle of services, which begins in the evening, and the morning Liturgy crowns it.

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