Solitaire recamier. Madame Recamier's solitaire - the subtleties of French fortune telling

Fortune telling solitaire Madame Recamier - famous card solitaire, named after Madame Julie Recamier (Madame Recamier 1777-1849), one of the most famous women France of the Napoleonic era. She was brilliant and refined, smart and educated, well versed in mysticism and applied magic. Madame Recamier was a trendsetter and a big fan of playing solitaire on cards. The beautiful and charming Madame Recamier gathered around her outstanding poets and artists, famous thinkers and popular statesmen, including crowned heads. Many famous men they loved her and worshiped the gift of the seer. Madame Recamier's special solitaire fortune telling, compiled by Julie to predict the future, is named in her honor. Madame Recamier's solitaire allows you to take a deeper look at current events and gives you the opportunity to look into the future online for free. Fortune telling solitaire by Madame Recamier is a card solitaire game of twenty-five cards, each of which contains images of different objects, but not whole ones, but four halves of an image of an angel, a month, scissors, keys and other objects.

To carry out fortune telling, you need to lay out vintage solitaire mysterious French beauty, five cards in five rows and find a complete picture in the rows among the disparate halves of the pictures. Look carefully to discover which images are combined from two halves of pictures lying next to each other or in adjacent rows; these could be a cutting board, scissors, or some other images. Each matched image in the pictures will be a separate prediction.

There are so many curious people who can’t help but look behind the curtain of their lives, their fate, and find out what awaits them around the next turn in the road of the present. Because it's enough large number adherents of card fortune-telling resort to a popular type of prediction called “Madame Recamier.”

This ancient type of prediction is named after its founder, a representative of the French aristocracy, Julie Recamier. Contemporaries claim that she was a real beauty, she went down the aisle early, had a golden mind and extraordinary charisma, thanks to which she founded the Parisian literary and political salon. But in her free time, she did not paint pictures or literary stories, but skillfully played various solitaire games.

Recamier's layout has unprecedented accuracy. It shows what will happen in the future and helps to interpret the current situation in the present.

Playing solitaire this type of fortune telling differs from usual ways predicting the future playing cards. The main feature of “Recamier” is that special cards with pictures are used for fortune telling. The standard deck consists of 24 elements. The cards are arranged in 5 rows of 5 cards each. When played, solitaire has the following form: each card depicts certain pictures of 4 different symbols, which, when coinciding, form a complete picture. The latter should be considered the main symbol, which indicates a specific important point in the life of a fortune teller.

The fortune-telling solitaire “Recamier” also consists of a list of interpretations of symbols. So, after adding up all the symbols that are available to you, it is recommended to check the list. This is necessary in order to determine the results of the prediction. You are allowed to repeat the fortune telling procedure as many times as you wish. So, if the results obtained do not coincide with your hopes and expectations, you should simply shuffle the cards, remove them with your left hand and lay them out again.

To do this, you need to cut out 25 cards and draw halves of 4 symbols on them. But remember that they should not be repeated twice, and if they coincide, they must create a single symbol. You are allowed to use both traditional and come up with your own designations. They interpret important parts of your life and indicate changes in it.

Take ready deck cards, shuffle it, play 25-element solitaire. Remember the most important thing: before you start unfolding, clear your consciousness of extraneous thoughts, listen to the subconscious, try to establish a magical connection with it, relax and try to clearly formulate the question. Only by observing these conditions will Madame Recamier solitaire be able to accurately reveal all the secrets.

So, after the solitaire game is played, the answer to your question will be each symbol that matches on two cards next to each other. It is generally accepted that no more than 3 characters match in one procedure.

We bring to your attention the most common symbols of fortune-telling “Madame Recamier”:

  1. Umbrella - symbols of dreaming.
  2. Libra – doubts, a sign of hesitation.
  3. A snake is a nuisance.
  4. The road is a path, there is a journey ahead.
  5. The bell means trouble.
  6. Spruce - loneliness, relies only on itself.
  7. The cat is a flirt.
  8. The book is a government house.
  9. Lightning - a second decision.
  10. A fire is home comfort.
  11. Glasses - it’s worth thinking about your own actions.
  12. The cross is destiny.
  13. Letter - wait for some news.
  14. Swords - quarrel.
  15. Skull – illness, negative emotions.
  16. A glass is a holiday.
  17. The sun is the dawn of life, a new stage.
  18. Anchor – stability of position.
  19. Kopek – monetary position.
  20. Crown - achieving what you want.

Madame Recamier's solitaire version 2

Fortune telling by Madame Recamier is one of the most famous card layouts in the form of solitaire. This fortune telling came from beautiful France and the Napoleonic era from one of the most popular and famous woman of that time - Madame Recamier.

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about this woman. Madame Recamier was the first beauty at the French court, known for the fact that all men went crazy with her looks and manners. She was also the hostess of the French literary salon.

Recamier ruled over men. She had angelic features, which was very attractive. And at the same time, she was cheerful, loved to dance, laugh, she awakened all the thoughts and imaginations of the men who were nearby. On the one hand, Madame Recamier was very unapproachable, but on the other hand, she desperately flirted and made advances. She seemed to adapt to the man’s taste, and it seemed to him that this was his type. Recamier knew exactly what she was doing.

For both contemporaries and followers of that era, the figure of Madame Recamier remained a mystery and enigmatic. This woman broke the hearts of many men of her time, including very influential and famous ones. Dukes, princes, writers, even Napoleon's brother Lucien, they were all passionately fascinated by the amazing woman. In her salon she invited the most famous people that era.

Madame Recamier's Solitaire

Madame Recamier's Solitaire

Madame Recamier was very educated and smart woman. She came up with and compiled all the rules and subtleties of fortune telling on cards. It allowed us to look into the future.

The famous Recamier solitaire also attracted more people to her salons. She told and showed fortune telling to visitors and guests, and predicted their future! Even after Recamier's death, fortune telling remained popular; many people believe that it is very accurate.

Fortune telling by Madame Recamier is 25 special cards that are played in solitaire. Each card contains a picture of four different objects. These could be keys, scissors, the sun and others. The peculiarity is that these are halves of objects. During the fortune telling process, the cards are laid out in the form of a square, but you cannot peek. Five by five square. When the cards are laid out, you open your eyes and see what went right and what didn’t. You need to look very carefully at all the cards, all the connections of the pictures. It is necessary for the two halves to connect, this is the result. All coincidences of objects mean something. This is already the second period of fortune telling. You need to correctly decipher the received pictures. But you don’t need to think and come up with a meaning, Madame Recamier had everything written down, all the meanings.

Fortune telling by Madame Recamier is considered ancient and one of the most interesting. This solitaire game will help you look into the future and show you the present. But only you can find out for yourself whether this is true or not. Playing solitaire itself is very exciting. Solitaire will calm you down, take up your free time, and make you think about some personal problems and matters. Before the fortune telling, you need to relax and focus on the questions you would like to ask.

Fortune telling by Madame Recamier online or manually?

For our generation, of course, there are two options for Madame Recamier’s fortune telling – Madame Recamier’s fortune telling online and real cards. Regular cards you can always either make it yourself or buy it in special stores. But in all cases, it is a similar deck, the same layout.
When doing fortune telling online, you simply follow the instructions on the website. Before clicking on the layout button, you need to focus on the question you want to ask. If the answer is not clear and unclear, you can try to lay out the cards again. But it is believed that one should not guess many times a day.

If you like to really guess, then feel free to buy real cards Recamier. The meaning of the pictures is the same as online, only the image may differ. In order for the cards to get used to you and be filled with your energy, you need to wait a couple of days before the first fortune telling.
Madame Recamier's fortune telling process

For fortune telling to work, you need to find a quiet place where you will not be distracted. Focus on the questions you want to ask. Basically, the cards ask about the future. What awaits in the near future. Then they are mixed, mixed on the table in a circular motion, collected again into a deck and laid out eyes closed.

Some creative people decide and create Recamier maps themselves. It's not difficult, but it turns out very impressive. All you have to do is draw everything correctly.

Fortune telling by Madame Recamier for love and more

The meanings of the Recamier cards are the same in all fortune telling. Let's consider all the options that are available. Libra, road, Christmas tree, laurel wreath, castle, snake, umbrella. Also a key, a book, a ring, a ship, a crown, a penny, a fire, a cat, a cross, a swan. There is also a windmill, moon, swords, horseshoe, wine glass, candle, heart, duck, flag, flower, chains, skull and anchor. Each item has its own meaning.

For example, a flower means happy love, and the flag carries the meaning of success at work.
There is also the symbolism of the skull - these are health problems, and the sign of the cat is some new and interesting acquaintances.
A ship promises happiness and love.
Swan is always pleasant positive news in life

All meanings will be accurate if you guess according to all the rules, especially if you focus on the question.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards there were 40 symbols depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have direct meaning and indicate exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Love fortune telling on gypsy cards, the Tarot will tell you how the hidden person treats you and what he thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

The layout provides answers to questions regarding health, work and relationships. The explanatory map complements the answer and gives a clearer picture of the events that the main map provides. Select a question type from the list below.

One of the oldest games, Dominoes, is closely related to fortune telling, which was performed on dice with dotted numbers. Fortune telling on one domino bone helps predict fate, find out hidden and important events that are already happening or are about to happen, and most importantly, answer the question “What awaits me?” To get your prediction, choose one of 28 dominoes.

An ancient method of fortune telling “Yes or No?” on two dice gives a simple answer to a clearly formulated question. For this fortune telling, a round napkin was used on which two cubes were thrown, then the sum of those cubes that remained on the napkin was calculated. If both cubes were outside the napkin, no more guessing was done that day. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question and click on the bowl to start fortune telling.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a loved one” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Just three gypsy cards They give an exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

Fortune telling with Madame Endora's cards

For what purpose do we meet this or that person in our lives? A very interesting question for many, especially when we're talking about about close relationships. The “Karmic Union” layout on Madame Endora’s mystical cards gives answers to the most cherished questions regarding the union of two people in this and previous lives: what lesson should you learn from this relationship, what role do you and your partner play in the relationship, and what needs to be done to complete a karmic lesson. Ask your question and choose 13 cards from the deck.

Each of us constantly creates our own reality, but the predetermination of events to one degree or another changes our plans, and even desires. Also, this fortune-telling may help the seeker understand the meaning of his actions, life and why everything turns out in a certain way. Fortune telling “Predestination” using one of the most mysterious oracles of Madame Endora will help you find out what is within your power and what is destined by fate. Think about your question or imagine a situation and select 12 cards from the deck, paying special attention to the key significator card.

Fortune telling on the Endora oracle “Progress or stagnation” is used in cases when a person needs to decide on his life, in what state at the moment where his affairs are and in which direction to move in order to achieve the best result. This layout will show you what your achievements are to date, what obstacles exist, where you should direct your strength and what will be the result of your actions or chosen path.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora “Oracle of Peace” is similar to the similar fortune telling “Four Winds”, but provides even more information related to the physical and spiritual spheres. With this chart you can find out full description personality in three time periods: present, past and future. A fairly universal layout that allows you to track the development of events, find out the reason for a particular action and situation, and also foresee what the situation you are interested in will lead to or what a person will do in the future.

Fortune telling on the Oracle of Endora “Oracle of the Four Seasons” is used in cases where it is necessary to find out the cause of the situation, how it formed in the recent past, what served as its foundation in the distant past, what development trends it has in the near future and how the matter will end in the distant future . You can also make plans for events specifically for the 4 seasons of the year, in which case four cards will characterize the actions, events and actions of the corresponding time of year. concentrate and ask your question, then select cards from the deck.

The Prophet's Fan of Endora oracle is used to tell fortunes and foretell future events. This alignment will show the fate of the intended person in material, spiritual, love, and also in relation to health. Madame Endora's cards are always carried symbolic meaning, therefore the decoding should not be taken literally; try to understand the images provided and connect them with events in life.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora "4 winds" is one of the best ways find out your destiny. The mystical, mysterious cards of Madame Endora will help you find out the most exciting secrets of the present and past, and will also give a forecast of what awaits you in the future. The transcript is quite voluminous and comprehensive, so read the text carefully and you will definitely find the answer to your question.

A lot of people simply cannot resist learning as much as possible about their destiny and the trials that life has prepared for them. This is why many people resort to this card fortune telling, like "Madame Recamier".

It is worth noting that Madame Recamier's fortune-telling is one of the most popular among other fortune-telling games, in which cards are also laid out in the form of solitaire. This fortune telling came to us from France thanks to its creator Julie Recamier.

Who is Madame Recamier?

At the French court, Madame Recamier was considered the most beautiful courtesan, known for her talent to drive men crazy. She also ran one of the most famous literary salons in France.

Recamier had extraordinary power over men. Her facial features were angelic, which immediately endeared her to any person. At the same time, she was very lively and cheerful, loved to laugh and dance. Madame Recamier, on the one hand, flirted with men, and on the other, she was unapproachable, like a rock.

Recamier always knew what to do: it seemed that she amazingly knew how to adapt to a man’s taste.

It is worth noting that her favorite pastime in her free time was absolutely not her passion for literature, but card layouts with which she interpreted the current situation and predicted the future.

Solitaire Recamier

Madame Recamier was a very smart and educated woman; she managed to create a unique fortune-telling using cards that revealed the future for her.

More and more people came to her salon to hear the prediction of their future. And after her death, fortune telling remained very popular, and many modern women believe in its accuracy.

The basis of fortune telling is 25 cards that are played in solitaire. Each card had a picture of four various items(sun, keys and others). The peculiarity is in the halves of these items.

The cards are laid out in a five by five square with your eyes closed; you cannot peek. After unfolding, you can open your eyes and see if any halves match. Each item that matches has its own meaning. The resulting pictures need to be correctly deciphered, but there is no need to invent anything on your own, because Madame Recamier described in detail all the meanings.

This fortune telling is considered the oldest, but at the same time the most interesting. After all, with its help you can look into the future and solve the problems of the present. Be sure to relax as much as possible before fortune telling, and all thoughts should be occupied with questions to which you would like to receive an answer.

Which is better to guess: manually or online?

The current generation has two options for fortune telling at its disposal. The first option is fortune telling on real cards, and the second option is fortune telling online.

As for fortune telling online, you need to follow the instructions that are on each site. Before you press the button on the solitaire game, you need to concentrate on the issue that interests you. It is worth noting that if you receive some incomprehensible answer, then the alignment can be repeated, but they say that guessing many times a day is prohibited.

Fans of real fortune-telling can purchase cards from Madame Recamier. Of course, the meaning of each of the pictures is identical to the online image; only the image itself may differ slightly.

If you purchased cards, they should be filled with your energy. To do this, before the first fortune telling, at least two days must pass from the moment you purchased the cards in the store.

Fortune telling process

It will be useful for beginners to learn how to tell fortunes using Madame Recamier's cards.

Fortune telling should be carried out in the quietest and most peaceful place so that no one can distract you. Next, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the questions. It is advisable to ask cards about the future. Now they need to be mixed in a circular motion, after which they are laid out again, only with their eyes closed.

People with imagination try to create their own cards for fortune-telling by Recamier, which is not a complicated process, you just need to draw everything correctly, and the result can be amazing.

It is worth noting that if you follow all the rules of fortune telling, then all the meanings will be as accurate as possible, the main thing is to focus on the question.

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