Dream of a deceased grandmother leaving home. Why do you dream about a dead grandmother according to the dream book?

Dreams about deceased relatives carry positive symbolism. If you see your ancestor in a dream, this does not mean something bad, but is a warning about possible negativity. Why does the deceased grandmother dream about her granddaughter? Let us consider in detail the interpretation from various dream books.

The grandmother is the keeper of the family, support and support. Esotericists claim that after death physical body the soul remains alive. If it comes in a dream deceased grandmother, which means she is trying to inform or warn about something - always for the good.

However, a real relative does not always appear in a dream; sometimes he can come in the form of a grandmother evil spirits. Therefore, if the grandmother simply came to talk about nothing or offer some gifts, the dream is not considered good. You cannot take gifts from the dead, but you can give them.

If you just saw the image of a deceased grandmother, interpreters determine the following:

  • For an unmarried girl, a dream prophesies a wedding;
  • businessmen - good profit from the deal, a successful contract.

It is considered a good omen to see two grandmothers at once - this is a sign of family protection, a reliable talisman against the vicissitudes of fate. If the grandmother came to the dream together with the grandfather, a responsible and fateful stage in life awaits - an important family ceremony.

If your grandmother comes into your dreams constantly, then you should pay attention to your life path. What are you doing wrong? As the head of the clan, the grandmother tries to prevent unreasonable actions and protect her from troubles. As soon as you correct yourself, your grandmother will stop appearing in your dreams.

Different dream plots

Sometimes in a dream we see various pictures, as if they were happening in reality. What does it mean to see grandma's house? Psychologists believe that the dreamer lacks the warmth of home and the support of relatives. Grandma's house personifies comfort and peace, confidence in tomorrow and the inviolability of family traditions.

If you saw that your grandmother entered her house, prosperity and wealth will soon await you. Seeing a relative's funeral - the interpretation of the dream depends on the weather. If the sun was shining during the funeral ceremony, favorable changes await. If the sky is overcast during the ceremony, expect trouble.

If you see grandma baking pies and setting the table, then expect guests to come to the house. At the same time, try to adhere to the traditions of hospitality that your grandmother taught you during her lifetime.

A crying grandmother asks to visit her grave and remember her in a Christian way. If the grave is far from you, visit the church and light candles for the repose. You can order sorokoust. If this is not done, someone in the family will become seriously ill.

If you saw a relative in the form of another person, the dream warns you not to deal with dubious people. Be careful and careful. Hugging a revived grandmother means good luck in life, well-being and health. It’s bad if your grandmother kisses you - it promises illness, troubles in your personal life and at work.

Conversation with grandma

Esotericists associate conversations with the dead in a dream with troubles and danger in reality. However, sometimes you can get valuable advice and a warning about danger through conversation. If you hear a voice but do not understand the words, the dream warns of trouble.

There are many testimonies of dreamers who were saved from harm by the voice of their deceased grandmother. Psychologists believe that our subconscious speaks in the voice of a deceased relative, which we simply do not hear in the ordinary bustle of life. It is in a dream that we will be able to listen to the voice of the subconscious in the form of the grandmother whom we trusted during her lifetime.

It is considered a good sign if a grandmother asks for money or clothes. In reality, wealth and many new things await you. If a relative asks for food, it means she is going to patronize you in everything.

If a relative gives money, many dream books consider such a plot to be a harbinger of bankruptcy - you will be left without everything. If you accepted clothes from your grandmother, in reality you will repeat her karma (fate).

It is considered a bad sign if a deceased relative invites you with her and promises some riches. This plot may foreshadow an unexpected death. If you managed to refuse the offer, in reality you will cope with any difficulties, recover from your illness and defeat your enemies.

If you follow your grandmother, you will face the same end as hers. Giving someone's photo to grandma means death awaits that person.

A conversation with a grandmother, on whose body traces of decay are visible, is considered a bad omen - this indicates a serious illness for the dreamer. Also, a dream can foretell a collapse in life - life will go downhill.

Grandmother in a coffin

What does it mean to have a dream in which you saw your ancestress in a coffin? It depends on the plot of the dream picture:

  • if the grandmother rises from the coffin, the arrival of relatives awaits you;
  • talking to a granny lying in a coffin is unlucky;
  • if grandma is crying, wait family quarrel and troubles;
  • kissing a grandmother in a coffin means separation from a loved one;
  • Grandma lies in a coffin in your house - to illness due to her own fault.

Some dream books give negative interpretation a dream with the body of a grandmother in a coffin. This warns of misfortunes: divorce from her husband, family troubles. However, other dream books see in this plot a foreshadowing of financial well-being.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother living? If 40 days have not passed since the death, the dream is an echo of experiences. The interpretation of a dream after the anniversary of the funeral depends on the circumstances of the dream:

  • For unmarried girls, the dream predicts a wedding;
  • talking and hugging grandma - you did not fulfill your promise to her;
  • if you hug an old lady, this is a sign of good health;
  • if an old lady hugs you, correct the mistake you made in life;
  • two grandmothers - a warning not to make mistakes in life.

Always, after visiting the dead in a dream, light candles for the repose and visit the graves of your relatives.

This source interprets the dream depending on whether your close relative is alive or dead.

Seeing your deceased grandmother alive in a dream means that something in your life is causing difficulties. That is why I had such a dream. It usually gives advice and answers to many of your questions. Therefore, listen carefully and remember what grandma tells you. This will definitely come in handy in life.

But deceased woman- an omen of long life. You can thank her very much for visiting you in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book

This interpreter believes that such dreams can be interpreted flexibly, and they do not always have a negative connotation.

If in a dream the deceased grandmother is alive, you hug her, you don’t have to worry. The dream prophesies long life, during which you will be accompanied by good health. You are not afraid of dangerous diseases; all illnesses will be mild. But this interpretation is only fair if everything is fine with you now. For sick people this is not good sign.

If your grandmother hugs you, think: somewhere you made a mistake. She will soon make herself known and you will regret your action.

Receiving kisses from a deceased relative is evidence that in the near future you will need patience to survive a difficult period: illness, problems at work, coldness in relationships.

If you yourself decided to kiss her, the dream is not so bad. It means a short separation from loved ones.

Attending a grandmother's funeral is a dual symbol. The weather plays a decisive role here. Was it warm and sunny during this event? Then relax: material profit and good news are just around the corner. It’s worse if there was bad weather outside. In the near future, changes will happen in your life, but, alas, not for the better.

Combined dream book

Many interpretations overlap with each other, different dream books they are unanimous in their interpretation of the image.

Esotericists are clear in their explanations of why a living grandmother dreams. This auspicious sign, which predicts happy life. Nothing can disturb your peace of mind; the subconscious has answers to all questions. You just need to listen to your thoughts.

If you saw your relative dead in a dream - do not despair, this dream is very good. It means long life.

Seeing a deceased grandmother alive in a dream immediately after the funeral means easing suffering for this deceased person.

Watch carefully dreams with your grandmother in the leading role. After all, they don’t just appear in dreams, but contain hints and advice for the future.


Did you dream of a deceased Grandmother alive, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a deceased Grandmother living in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

    In reality, my grandmother died 2 years ago. I dreamed that we were preparing a funeral for my still living grandmother, we sat down to remember my grandmother, poured a glass of juice, she gave it away and took another glass of soda, I drank it, I intended the glass for her, she left, we sat down at the table next to the guy sitting next to me, I loved him, I felt it. that there was my boyfriend, but I had never seen him in my life, I asked him where my grandmother was, and not the woman I knew, sitting opposite me, dressed in black, she said why did she die a few minutes ago, I laid my head on the table, burst into tears, I woke up in real tears

    My grandmother died 3 years ago on Easter, or rather in the morning when the eggs and Easter cakes are illuminated. I didn’t go to the funeral, she lived in Belarus, and my mother and I were in Russia, the child was small, so I didn’t go. I had never dreamed of my grandmother before, nor of the dead in general. Dream: I’m walking from home to the post office next door, it’s summer outside, there’s sunshine, birds, flowers. I go to the post office, I don’t remember what I did, I had some kind of receipt, but I didn’t pay any money. And next to me I see my grandmother, young, beautiful, fashionably dressed, and as if she works there. I look at her, and she pretends that she doesn’t know me. I know that she seems to have moved and doesn’t live nearby. I left the post office and cried, I could see my tears, I was offended that she didn’t recognize me.

    At night during the shelling (we live in Donetsk), my daughter dreamed of my mother, her grandmother, who died 5 years ago. She asks my daughter to give her a child (great-grandson) for protection and security. The daughter gives the grandmother a son.

    Hello! Please explain, I dreamed about my late grandmother, as if she was alive and giving me the keys to the apartment, while trying to open it with her keys and they didn’t fit, but the keys she gave me fit and I managed to open the lock

    Hello. Today I dreamed about my grandmother (on my mother’s side) who died 3 years ago. During her life, she loved me more than anyone. I dreamed that she gave me a banknote. I didn't want to, but I took it. Maybe because now I have small financial problems. Then we walked around the market with her. She went ahead and I stopped to look at things. And I lost sight of her. I searched all the rows of the bazaar, but never found it. I tried to dial her phone number, which she never had, and of course without success. The number was unclear and long. Then I saw my mother-in-law at the market. I don’t really remember what I dreamed next and then I woke up. In general, when I dream about her (I rarely dream), these dreams are pleasant to me.

    I dreamed of Grandma, who died 20 years ago, as if she was sleeping in her apartment, there were a lot of flowers in vases nearby, I understand that she died a long time ago and I am very surprised by this. I want to sweep the apartment, since it’s not very tidy, I see a vacuum cleaner and a broom, I take a broom to wake up my grandmother, I collect the garbage but there is no dustpan, I collect it in some kind of piece of paper... I don’t remember further.

    Hello. I dreamed about my deceased grandmother. I was near the hospital and saw her, approached her, said that what a fool I was, that I did not appreciate the time spent with her and did not visit her often. He hugged her, she silently put her hand on her head and smiled. Then, as if she went to the hospital, I talked to her on the way, then as if the grandmother began to swell, I said I would help her and dragged her onto the bed, but not in a hospital bed, but like in a house. Then he said goodbye and said that I’d write it off and need to run on business. My grandmother had problems with her legs and often became numb. Before that, I also had a dream, as if I saw my grandmother and the hospital. After she died, a month later she was involved in a traffic accident and miraculously remained alive, without receiving more than one fracture, she simply flew out of the car. Could this be related? The first dream was a month and a half ago, the second yesterday. 3.5 months have passed since the accident. What could this mean? Thanks in advance.

    My husband's grandmother died after a serious illness. I dreamed that we came to my husband, and my grandmother was alive and fell out of bed, I picked her up and carried her to the bed in my arms and put a pillow under her head.

    I dreamed of a long-dead grandmother on my father’s side, alive, beautiful, kind and sitting on a chair with a half-smile in my house. I’m glad, I hugged her, kissed her, I was surprised to feel the cold on my lips, once again, again - a cold cheek (pink in appearance), I remembered - she’s not alive. I really wanted to hear what she started to say (calmly, slowly) But my mother began to talk a lot herself, turning attention to herself. My husband saw this, we tried to attract attention to ourselves, But (the feeling was up) the grandmother...disappeared. I sobbed bitterly on the floor, even screamed like a groan. And she waved her mother away (or maybe she tried to beat her with small movements). And from the words that everything my grandmother said would be important to me, even if she just loves me, I woke up with mixed emotions. That kiss on the cheek?! And today is January 8, if you can, help me explain.

    I dreamed of a dead grandmother who had been dead for 40 days. We go with her on the bus. I stand in front on my knees, cry a lot and hug her. She pats me on the head and says that everything will be fine, that everything will work out and that she will help me.

    She saw in me how I came to my own sister I was looking for her grandmother in her house. And I found my grandmother, who was lying on the bed and sleeping with her mouth open. I woke her up, as soon as she saw me she said “you have arrived” and began to hug me tightly and cry. I also hugged her and cried. And in the dream there was a feeling of saturation from the fact that I saw Her.

    Hello! My step-grandmother died a long time ago. In a dream I found myself in her house, then she appeared, took my hand and we walked out of the house into the backyard the whole time she was silent, she just walked and I followed behind. We walked to the barns. In reality, everything is the same, only the barn where you led should be to the left, but we went to the right. We went into the barn, there was an open cellar and there was a ladder downstairs, she let me go and went down. I didn't even dare look there. Although there was a wire with a light bulb nearby. And when she came down it became light there! Tell me what to expect.

    My grandmother died and I dreamed about it yesterday, April 20, 2017, I was standing in the courtyard of the house near her entrance, and from the balcony my grandmother called me to eat, and another grandmother of mine (still alive) stood nearby and also called me to eat, then I woke up in anxious state.

    Good afternoon. !I dreamed that my grandmother was alive, although she died! That I came up to her and asked if she was okay and if she wanted water, etc., and she smiled and said that everything was fine with her and she didn’t need anything!! Why this dream? ?

    In a week, it will be 5 years since my grandmother died. I dreamed that I was running out onto the road and at that moment my grandmother was walking, in the same clothes as she was buried, she just looked at me and I ran after her, but I ran, somehow strangely, at the same time I was running and as if I was flying, and once!
    white flash. I find myself in some kind of black place and in front of me is some kind of screen, and there is a guy, his photographs. Grandma tells me, either you will be him or you will be back. I grinned, said that he was not handsome and that I would be better at myself, and then I woke up.

    I dreamed that my deceased grandmother was alive and smiling. I'm bad at walking at the moment after an injury on crutches and asked her to hold my hand. I went and stumbled. I fell, and then my grandmother fell on top of me. It turned out that I sort of pulled her along with me. And I woke up. I have knee surgery ahead of me. But this is still in question. What is the reason for such a dream? Tell me please.

    Hello! I had a dream today. In a dream, I dreamed that my beloved deceased Grandmother was alive! She and I were driving to my aunt’s house, but on the way, I can’t remember, I found myself behind the wheel, I stopped at a red light, the traffic cops were closing the road as the president was about to pass, the car began to slowly drive back and the handbrake was completely stuck! We got out of the car with my grandmother and walked along the alley, and then onto the highway, there were a lot of people, everyone stopped a taxi, my grandmother was very old, she was 84. A car stopped for us, there were 3 guys and 1 girl there, they asked what time it was and drove back. We were the very first and stopped a taxi, but young girls wanted to get ahead of us and blocked our way. I was very angry because of the disrespect towards my grandmother. So in general)) she stopped very beautiful white car, there was a very sempotic young man driving, he stopped when he saw my grandmother) so I put a white pillow in front, I don’t know how it ended up with me, and sat back with my grandmother. He took us to his aunt's house. Grandmother was very grateful to him. The next day we again ended up there with my grandmother and again this young man picked us up, but it was no longer he who was driving, but his friend. He was sitting in the passenger seat. I forgot to indicate the address where we were going and it so happened that we drove along a different road, there were hundreds of beautiful shops and cafes, I showed my grandmother the opening of a new cafe, he said that we tried it in another city (smiling) and I kissed her (((you won’t believe it as if she was alive))) soft, gentle face)) Grandma took great care of herself)) so)) the guys said let’s go in and have something to eat, but we were in a hurry, my aunt had to fly away. We refused) at that moment Mom called me, I told her everything, she was angry with me and didn’t believe me. (The guy smiled) I was very upset and complained to my grandmother, saying that she doesn’t believe me, how can Granny do that. She said the main thing is that my granddaughter is nearby and I see everything. Don't worry. And at that moment my mother woke me up and I woke up (((I hope you will answer me))) please)) because if Grandma were alive she would not have walked with me like that)) she was very old and strict ((( but I was her most beloved granddaughter!(

    I came to my grandmother myself, I was not alone with the children; the dog (there were 2 of them) did not let us through, but only one growled at the children. Then I got strict and she retreated. Then my grandmother came out, she was silent, and we followed her, but we didn’t go into the house, we were on the veranda (there was bird poop all over it). Sparrows, many sparrow chicks just hatched (bald). In addition to my boys, there were (little) nephews there, although they are now adults. And they broke one egg, with a chick that had not yet hatched, for which I scolded them. After which I woke up. We were still riding the motorcycle backwards. And my grandmother died a long time ago.

    I dreamed that I was looking for my grandmother in her house, but in the dream she was still alive, I just couldn’t understand where she was (the moment in time when she was already a little sick and she was locked at home, if she was alone, that’s why I can’t in the dream understand where she is)

    I dreamed of a deceased grandmother alive in her yard and asking me to fix the roof. I replied that it was necessary to change the boards, she replied that if she knew, she would have done it, I said why would one of the brothers bring it. I saw a new board in her hands.

    We were gathering at someone's house (unfamiliar), my relatives came there - my uncle, his wife, my grandfather (alive in reality), but for some reason almost all of them were slightly thinner. We had a family gathering, and my other grandmother, who is also alive, was also present. A few minutes later I was told that my (deceased) grandmother would come and that all this time she had been alive, she had just gone to live in another house. I was very shocked. My grandmother came in from another room and I saw her alive, I jumped on her with hugs and started crying, kissed her (sort of) on the cheek and then started crying, and then said, “I knew that she was alive all this time, I knew that she just left." I don’t remember her reaction to my hugs or words. I don’t remember that she hugged me back, or even said anything. The dream was in warm colors, it was pleasant and very joyful for me.

    I dreamed about my grandmother for the second time in my life, the first time after my operation and I immediately felt better, and today she was very happy with me in my dream, I hugged her and called her home with me, but she refused. My grandmother lived in Ukraine and I saw her several times when my father took me there, and she could talk people out of the evil eye and heal animals. I also dreamed of my dead mother and father, and together I came to my grandmother. Why? My grandmother had small and larger turtles running around on the floor, and some guy was playing with one of the turtles and she reprimanded him not to leave the turtle alone, saying let it crawl.

    I’m in a situation now. Today I dreamed about living relatives, I remember exactly that my grandfather is my father’s side and my father’s and my grandmother’s on my mother’s side, and I also dreamed about my late grandmother and great-grandmother on my father’s side. My great-grandmother was sick in a dream and in very bad condition she was lying in bed on white bed linen and they asked me to take her to the toilet and put some drops in her nose, but I didn’t do it, and my grandmother was sitting next to my grandfather, then I went to the attic, and there was my grandmother on my mother’s side and she gave me slippers, I returned to the house and I put them on but then quickly took them off and said that I wouldn’t wear them. The whole action took place in our village house, which burned down, and my grandmother was in it... this was about 9 years ago.

    Hello!I dreamed about my grandmother twice. She died 7 years ago. In the first dream, she stood in the distance, we did not communicate. In the second dream, she was preparing something from dough (pies or dumplings) and complained that she was alone and no one was helping her.

    I dreamed of my grandmother, she and I went to the garden, she was planting raspberries, at the same time I was arguing with other people who behaved inappropriately and talked to me, then I started eating ripe raspberries that were lying near my grandmother, and argued with some a woman who did not speak well of our family, after the woman left and my grandmother warned me that I needed to behave more modestly

    My late grandmother and I were walking in the village during the day, she came towards me, I was looking for a house of friends, we walked across the street to our house together, she wanted to see her youngest daughter, I said that I could take her and then we walked without touching each other all this time friend

    Good afternoon. In the dream, I was in a hurry with my son to get on the plane, I had our tickets in my hands, my mother walked behind and was leisurely, and I urged her on and said quickly, quickly, my son was also distracted by some shops with toys, I already ran with him to the airfield where is our plane, and then I remember that I didn’t take my passport, the time is 15.45, the plane takes off at 16.00, and I understand that I don’t have time to go get my passports, I’m very upset, and my mother asks me, she spent a lot on the ticket, maybe she can still return it. I answer that each one costs 4 thousand, and I’m already running in the opposite direction to have time to return the tickets, and then it dawns on me that a foreign passport is not needed. An ordinary passport is enough, I run back, but I understand that I don’t have time and I’m very upset because my grandmother (my mother’s mother, she died in May of this year) is dying and I need to say goodbye to her.

    Hello, I’m pregnant and I dreamed about my grandmother who died 6 years ago. I saw her and ran up to her and began to pick her up, almost spinning her around. Then she started kissing. And I tell her, grandma, how are you there? She says it’s fine there, I left, now I’m back. I say how can this be? It doesn’t happen, she says it happens, it happens. Then I started asking if she saw dad there (dad hanged himself 2 years ago), she answered yes, God forgave him, he doesn’t drink anymore, he bought himself a car, he’s here now too... and then I woke up

    Hello! My daughter dreamed of my mother being alive. It was as if all of us relatives had gone to the sea. We found an apartment to rent and came and some other people were there. There were beds and there wasn’t enough room for everyone. The grandmother invited my daughter to go to bed with her if she wanted. And my daughter woke up.

    I dreamed that I arrived at some house, there was a beautiful lawn and a pond in the fence, the house itself was large and looked beautiful. On backyard, a long golden-colored chain, which is attached at one end to the house, and at the other end to my deceased grandmother, who I dreamed of being alive. I started talking to her. I vaguely remember what they talked about. There were also a lot of chickens sitting in specially built boxes. I don't remember anything else

    Once we were planning to go somewhere, we talked about everything, everything was fine, we laughed, smiled, then we pick her up in the car, she gets in, we talk, then I don’t remember anything and in a dream I understand that this is not real, there is no one, I’m alone and I'm crying a lot

    I dreamed about my grandmother, she died 15 years ago. And in her dream, I know that she died and she says she has gold jewelry in her closet, etc., she says that I should take it and everything I need

    Well look. I dreamed about my grandmother, who is alive. She called me on the phone, said hello and I answered her the same. Then she said a very scary thing. She said: “Someone you don’t see is following you.” After her words, she threw the phone. And shadows appeared in the doorway, I stood in an abandoned house. This is where my dream ends. What does it mean?

    Today I dreamed of a long-dead great-grandmother alive with a strange face with beautiful white teeth, cheerful. I brought it on a sled into my mother’s yard, she grabbed some of my mother’s clothes from the laundry line, crumpled it up and gave it to me. Then she got out of the sled. She climbed onto the stone and was so cheerful, she hummed and muttered something. I looked at her in admiration and told those around me that this is my grandmother. And suddenly in a dream I remembered that I couldn’t talk and woke up abruptly.

    It was like a dead grandmother, for some reason my mother (her daughter) and I were straightening a dilapidated grave (although in fact the grave was in excellent condition), and somehow everything fell apart, and we saw a young, cheerful grandmother. Moreover, she was getting younger before our eyes. I really wanted my grandmother to admit that she loves her daughter (this is my mother’s resentment since childhood) and, it seems, I succeeded. And then we laid her dressed in a grave, you couldn’t call it robes, and there didn’t seem to be any negativity.

    I dreamed that I was sleeping in the same room with my grandmother, and through the dream I heard the door slam, as if she had gone out, then I got up and went out onto the landing and saw that she was lying on the floor, I picked her up and brought her into the apartment and laid her on her bed. I was in a white nightgown, and then I thought she couldn’t go out in just a nightgown and came out, I saw her coat and a warm scarf hanging on the period, I took them and hung them on a hanger

It is very difficult to see your dead relatives in a dream. But decoding what exactly the grandmother who died in the dream means real life, is not always negative.

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother?

The meaning of the dream may vary depending on whether you dreamed about your maternal or paternal grandmother.

Maternal grandmother

  • A relative is full of life and energy - a romantic acquaintance awaits the dreamer. You should not treat it as a fleeting romance; the relationship may well take shape into a strong and happy marriage.
  • This is not the first time the deceased has come and is always trying to tell or show something - there are too many unfinished matters hanging over the sleeping woman. You need to try to deal with them, otherwise it can lead to serious problems.
  • If a relative hugs a sleeping woman tightly, in real life she will have a long life, devoid of serious illnesses. If such a disease already exists, it will begin to recede.

Paternal grandmother

Sleep is a warning. Most likely, the dreamer is too frivolous, and she may pay for it.

It’s worth putting aside excessive gullibility: the enemy, hiding under the mask of a well-wisher, is preparing a sneaky blow.

Late grandmother: Vanga's dream book

Vanga gave an extensive interpretation to such dreams. To determine whether it is worth looking for meaning in a dream, the period that has passed since the date of death matters.

  • If 40 days have not passed from this moment, this is only your grief; the dream does not carry a negative load. It's just hard for you to come to terms with your loss.
  • If the period is longer, you can resort to interpretation.

For a young girl, such a dream is news of an imminent marriage.

  • A warm conversation with a grandmother, who is perceived as alive in a dream, communicates a forgotten promise. You probably gave it to your relative at some point.
  • The old lady hugged you - you recently made a mistake, and this threatens problems. Try to understand where exactly you went wrong, but everything can be corrected.
  • You hug your relative - illnesses will bypass you.

But if she calls or beckons, inviting you to go somewhere, this is bad. Expect serious illness or death. If you refused to go after her, the illness will be severe, but you will recover.

Both grandmothers appeared - a good sign. They protect you from all kinds of troubles.

I dreamed about a dead grandmother according to Miller

Miller believes that in the case of such a dream, it is worth asking about the health of relatives.

  • If in the dream a relative was in her house, perhaps you are striving for the wrong ideals.
  • She lies in a coffin - your chosen one is cheating on you.

Interpretation of Madame Hasse

  • According to Hasse, if your grandmother looks alive and well, you kiss her, know that your love will not be reciprocated.
  • If someone other than you kisses her, your well-being will be shaken.
  • You receive a kiss from an old woman in a coffin - expect changes.

Seeing a dead grandmother in a dream - Menega’s opinion

  • According to Menega's dream book, an old woman asking for food or money means that you have no obligations to her.
  • It's not a good sign if she eats any sweets. This may hint that your loved one is simply using you.

I dreamed that my dead grandmother was alive

When you see an elderly woman with someone else’s face, but you know, this is a relative in front of you - be careful. They will try to drag you into a scam, or the person you trust will actually turn out to be a deceiver.

If grandma looks like she did when she was alive, and you consider her alive, your wishes will come true.

Grandma dies in her sleep

  • An old woman dying in a dream - bad news is rushing to you.
  • She died and was put in a coffin - watch your actions. Your rash actions can lead to serious discord in the family.

Communication with the deceased grandmother

Hearing the voice of a deceased relative is not very good good omen. This is usually a sign that hard times have come for you. However, the deceased can give you advice that will be very useful in the future. Therefore, it is advisable to remember such conversations.

  • She scolds and reproaches you - trouble threatens, the cause of which you will become. Don't try to blame others for your sins, rather correct your behavior.
  • The old lady is crying - possible major quarrel with relatives or illness.
  • Granny is upset - you will face serious obstacles that will not be easy to overcome. Financial difficulties are also possible.
  • Grandmother leaves and you cannot catch up with her - this means a break in relations with your loved one. For married people - to divorce.

A dead grandmother comes to her granddaughter in a dream

It is very difficult to understand why the deceased grandmother dreams about her granddaughter. Perhaps she came to shame her granddaughter for what she had done or was about to do. This happens especially often if the granddaughter grew up with an old woman, and there was a trusting relationship between them.

It is better to think about your behavior, especially if it concerns men.

  • But it could also simply be evidence that the granddaughter has lost loved one and experiences it.
  • If a granddaughter sees in a dream a dying relative whose death is easy and painless, the dreamer will distinguish herself in the service, and her successes will be noticed.

I often dream about my deceased grandmother

A relative who often appears in dreams demands completion of what she started. Something that you started but never completed needs to be completed urgently. Perhaps she could still have resentment for the lack of attention paid to her during her life. Visit her grave and transfer your care to the elderly relatives who are still alive.

Warning signs

The appearance of a granny in itself does not foretell trouble, but there are certain details that can give the dream a negative connotation. If you cannot understand why your grandmother is dreaming, pay attention to the signs contained in the dream.

  • One of these signs could be a conversation with an old woman in a coffin. In this case, grief awaits you. If she is crying in a coffin, a scandal awaits you, which you will take to heart.
  • A kiss given by a grandmother may herald the beginning of a dark streak.
  • A joyful old lady is also not a good sign. People who manipulate you can push you into serious problems, which will not only result in significant expenses, but will also greatly damage your reputation.
  • You see your grandparents in their house in a dream - one of the descendants of the old people will become seriously ill.
  • And if she lies in her apartment in a coffin, you risk getting sick. But this disease can be avoided, because its cause is your lifestyle.
  • A conversation with a deceased woman, if you definitely remember in a dream that she is dead, also portends illness.

Some dreams associated with the appearance of a deceased woman even foreshadow death.

  • So, if in a dream you pass someone’s photograph into the hands of your grandmother, he will die. If you hand over a photo and she doesn’t take it, death will be miraculously avoided. However, such a dream can also be a good sign.
  • If an old woman refuses to photograph a seriously ill person, he will soon recover.
  • Going after the deceased is also a very bad omen. It also threatens death.
  • The sign that one should not take anything belonging to the dead also extends to dreams. If you take something from a deceased grandmother, you are at risk of serious illness or death.

Dream details

Some details of the dream have their own own interpretation, which has a rather strong effect on general meaning sleep.

  • I dreamed about grandma’s apartment - your loved ones do not support you enough in difficult situation. Grandmother returns to her apartment - to wealth.
  • A funeral in clear weather means prosperity awaits your family; in bad weather, a dark streak awaits.
  • If you dreamed of a recently deceased relative lying in a coffin, she has unfinished business in this world.
  • Seeing your grandmother’s reflection means you are confused. Understand your thoughts, feelings and actions.

In addition, if the reflection speaks to you, listen to the words and advice. They almost certainly carry very important information.

A grandmother in a dream is very often a projection of our subconscious into a form convenient for perception. Therefore, such dreams are often warning, and sometimes even prophetic.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

Grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloring.

For a girl, she symbolizes her fears of her unattractiveness and fear of being left without sexual partner.

For a woman, grandmother symbolizes fear of loss. sexual attractiveness.

For a young man, his grandmother symbolizes his fear of being inadequate.

For a man, grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems.

Seeing living loved ones people dead, means their life will be extended.

A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.

Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich.

If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it.

Seeing a single dead person means marriage, and seeing a married dead person means separation from relatives or divorce.

If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world.

The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.

If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect.

And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him.

Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for.

Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors.

Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that he from the other world treats the person who saw this dream favorably.

Anyone who sees that the deceased is giving him some good and pure thing, will receive something good and pleasing in life from the side from which he did not expect.

And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit bad deed.

Seeing a deceased person rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world.

Greeting a deceased person in a dream means receiving favor from Allah.

If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life.

If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon.

The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106).

Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved.

Seeing yourself sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person in a dream means longevity.

Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died.

Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his life in a dream means that he is in afterlife not very good.

Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds.

A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security.

If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person.

If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Interpretation of dreams from