Dream Interpretation I'm ugly. “Why do you dream about beauty? If you see Beauty in a dream, what does it mean? Dream Interpretation - Beautiful views

The article on the topic: “dream book of being beautiful in a dream” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Every woman dreams of seeing herself beautiful. And even though this doesn’t always happen in reality, even though many become beauties only in their dreams, but dreaming, as they say, is useful! But not everyone knows what such metamorphoses mean in dreams. But now we will “throw back the curtain” from the mystery, and dream books will help us with this. So let's get started!

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing yourself incredibly beautiful in a dream is simply wonderful! Because such a dream predicts mischief and a good mood in real life.

The dream that a girl with an external defect sees herself as a beauty has a slightly different meaning. Most likely, your dreams, the dream book tells her, will remain dreams.

Natural beauty as a symbol of sensual happiness

I dreamed that you couldn’t get enough of your reflection in the mirror - to happiness and well-being, Tsvetkov’s dream book gives hope.

An older woman sees herself beautiful and young in a dream - men will not be able to escape from her charms in reality.

A girl with an imperfect figure sees herself as very slim - Vanga’s dream book gives joy to a quick marriage proposal, and maybe even to marriage itself.

For a girl with a plain appearance, seeing herself beautiful and happy means meeting a guy who will appreciate her for the beauty of her soul.

"Buy" charm, or Beware of lies and betrayal

Did you dream that you evaluate your appearance by looking at your reflection in the mirror? The interpretation of the dream depends on what you see: you dream that you look thinner, beautifully made up - you will not be able to “see through” the deception. And if you see yourself in a way that is not at all what you would like, you will “identify” liars at first sight.

Admiring your slender body in a dream means you yourself will decide to deceive, but it will be revealed, and you will be subject to discontent and accusations from people you know.

Giving beauty is a sign of patronizing help

If you dreamed that you were a hairdresser, and your clients were all beauties for whom you did stylish hairstyles, you would need the patronage of a high-ranking person, the Lunar Dream Book prophesies.

If you have a dream that you are a cosmetologist or massage therapist who turns plump and pimply young ladies into beauties - in fact, you are stuck in a boring task that you cannot cope with.

Seeing yourself as a beautiful young woman with long hair, helping others present themselves in the best possible way - you will help your friend in a delicate matter.

“They meet you by your clothes...” or Success is already rushing towards you

A dream in which you can see yourself dressed up and beautiful, in a chic dress, in heels - well-deserved success awaits you. Moreover, you will be lucky in literally everything, the Gypsy Dream Book pleases with its interpretation.

Seeing yourself dressed in a wedding dress is a sign of success in matters related to family and home life. You will be able to become an ideal housewife, and it will bring you pleasure.

If you dreamed that you were spinning in front of a mirror in elegant clothes that you sewed for yourself, you will make a splash in society, the Eastern Dream Book prophesies.

If you dreamed that you were trying on a fur coat, it signifies a quiet, spiritual mood.

“Ugly” dreams – pay attention to your health

The nightmare is that you are turning from a very beautiful young girl into an old woman - listen to your body and evaluate its condition. Although, if in a dream you become young and lovely again, your fears will be in vain, predicts Miss Hasse’s dream book.

To dream that your dress turns into rags right before your eyes is a sign of injury or an accident.

Out-of-format appearance is a sign of creativity and fresh ideas

Seeing yourself beautiful in a stylish dress and with a fashionable haircut, but at the same time realizing that no one appreciated your beauty and hairstyle because of your unusual style - you will have many brilliant ideas, but not all of them will be perceived by your loved ones the way you would like.

Do you dream that you are trying to repeat the image of a famous person depicted in a photograph of a glossy magazine? If after the transformation you become very similar to the “star”, your creativity will be appreciated! But if you and the lady in the photo don’t look alike at all, it’s better to hold off on ideas.

Walking around the city in summer in a swimsuit and a fur coat, shocking the public with your appearance - you can be congratulated. You will be able to convey your plans in real life to the right person, the Spring Dream Book foretells.

What does it mean to see yourself in a dream in a mirror with a woman trying on a rich dress, and I as the owner of the establishment where this is happening.

Why dream of seeing yourself beautifully dressed and with impeccable makeup?

Why, according to the dream book, do you see yourself beautiful in a dream?

A very positive dream that predicts favorable circumstances and good changes in life for a girl or woman.

Usually, seeing yourself as beautiful in a dream is quite natural for a young lady who is looking for her own type of femininity and wants to please others.

But for ladies of mature and even old age, this dream also predicts positive changes in life.

This is what night vision means, in which you like yourself in the mirror or see yourself from the outside, in the reflection of shop windows, as a beauty, even if this does not correspond to the image in reality.

Dreams of a young girl

In adolescence, even ladies with a beautiful face and body can feel ugly. Therefore, it is not surprising if they see themselves as pimply ugly or awkward individuals.

Rarely does anyone, during the transitional period of their life, see themselves as beautiful and attractive in each of their dreams, but if this is so, then, as the modern dream book writes, everything will soon be good and pleasant in your life.

Many books indicate that you can receive pleasant gifts and hear good news.

Often girls have dreams in which they are attractive, but with a completely different appearance. For example, a brunette dreams that she has become a blonde, and vice versa. If you dream about such scenes, it means that you radically want to change not only your appearance, but also your own inner world.

But often such night scenes turn into disappointment and the inability to achieve what you want. Especially if the type of beauty presented during a night out does not at all correspond to your actual appearance.

Dreams after adolescence

Seeing yourself as a young or even completely young girl who has turned 25 or older is a sign of pleasant memories or unexpected joy. Such a dream predicts a favorable combination of circumstances and a good surprise for you.

After this night vision, some people buy gifts or things that really bring happiness or open up a new chapter in life, others meet pleasant and good people, communication with whom makes you truly happy.

Seeing yourself as a young and beautiful middle-aged woman is good news. Books indicate that you will bask in compliments and enjoy life.

Sometimes this dream predicts communication with many acquaintances or an invitation to some holiday. If you are planning to change your appearance, hairstyle, makeup, then the experiment will be successful and will bring you a lot of good.

For an elderly lady to see herself young in a dream - to news about adult children and grandchildren. Sometimes the appearance of such stories predicts joy, pregnancy in a young family and well-being, including material ones.

Some books indicate that very soon you will be happy with your life and how things will turn out. But this is the only way to interpret a dream in which you see yourself as an attractive person, but without excessive makeup and cosmetics.

Sudden transformation

Why dream of seeing yourself as a bright, well-groomed girl, but natural, without unnecessary makeup or an image that does not correspond to reality? This is a sign of good health and a significant improvement in your affairs.

It is especially favorable to see such night scenes if you dreamed of beauty, which you can easily achieve in reality, even if you visit a beauty salon or hairdresser.

An image in which beauty is unnatural and more reminiscent of makeup, or you see something other than yourself in the mirror, predicts doubts, troubles and often tears and worries.

Perhaps what you have in mind will turn out to be impossible, and you will encounter great obstacles. Night pictures in which you see something other than yourself reflected can predict trouble for you. Especially if the beauty was shocking, provocative and frightening.

Why dream of seeing yourself beautiful in a painting, photograph or on the cover of a fashion magazine? This dream predicts vain dreams and expectations for you.

But if in everyday life you are used to dressing and behaving provocatively or too brightly, expect condemnation and gossip. This dream predicts scandals for you due to the fact that someone will envy you and spread unflattering rumors.

The dream book interprets seeing yourself as very beautiful in the reflection of water as a sign of illness or danger, especially if it disappears. Some books indicate that after this night vision, the one who saw it may get sick or even die.

It's a completely different thing to admire yourself in the reflection of shop windows. This dream predicts good changes in life and that you will be successful and popular.

House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Seeing yourself beautiful in a dream

Dream interpretation of seeing yourself beautiful

Why do you dream of seeing yourself beautiful in a dream?

A dream in which you see yourself beautiful, well-groomed, richly dressed, with luxurious jewelry may mean that you lack self-confidence; this is what prevents you from achieving your plans, successful self-realization and happiness in your personal life. However, you are aware of this shortcoming, so you are ready for change.

Such a dream foreshadows imminent changes in life, but only if you learn to value yourself and gain confidence in your own abilities. If at the same time in a dream you see a lot of beautiful people around you, it means that you will find friends who will help you become bolder and trust the people around you.

Why do you dream about Youth?

English dream book

The young people you dreamed about is a dream that will be followed by joyful events in your home.

But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your age, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to maintain your health.

For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If you dream of a young man or girl, this is a harbinger of pleasure.

If you dream that you are young, this may indicate your imminent illness or even death.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing many young people in a dream is a sign of health.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing young people in a dream means good spirits for the elderly.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream foreshadows the normalization of family relationships and complete mutual understanding between spouses after some misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that trying to regain the positions you previously lost will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it is best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents as young, this is a harbinger that you will renew your long-standing acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, it means that in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones.

Having a young lover in a dream and indulging in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you made is correct and you are in vain tormented by doubts about this.

To see in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance of taking your lover or husband away from you - such a dream foreshadows fierce competition in the business sphere and entrepreneurship.

Seeing a new moon in a dream foretells a promotion at work.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing your youth means illness and death.

Ukrainian dream book

As you dream that you are getting younger, you will get sick.

Universal dream book

When you are young, life energy flows out of you. But the fact that you have lived for quite a long time does not mean that you are old - what helped you realize that you are young?

Seeing yourself in the mirror - what does such a dream promise?

Why dream of seeing yourself in the mirror in a dream

The mirror is a very bright, strong symbol that has many interpretations, both positive and not so positive. That is, in a dream you see yourself in the mirror as you really are. Having analyzed your own reflection, as well as a dream with a mirror, you can at the same time accumulate knowledge about yourself, about your strengths and weaknesses.

At the same time, the mirror has long been considered a kind of magical symbol, with the help of which communication with the other world is carried out. It is no coincidence that during fortune telling it was in the mirror that their betrothed appeared to young girls. Thus, this item can also be considered a symbol of imminent marriage. However, if you dreamed that you saw yourself in a broken mirror, your hopes are not destined to come true.

What does it mean according to the dream book to see yourself in the mirror? If you see your face in the mirror while you sleep, you should be prepared for certain changes in life that will be quite serious and noticeable. Another interpretation of such a dream is a prediction of imminent disappointments, strong worries and worries.

Often such a dream also means duplicity, hypocrisy, and reluctance to reveal one’s true face. Moreover, such a characteristic can apply both to someone close to you and to yourself. Are you always honest and sincere with others? The dream in which you see yourself in the mirror makes you think about this.

What does it mean according to the dream book to see yourself in the mirror as a pregnant woman? For a young girl this is an unfavorable sign. She must take care of her reputation. But a woman who will soon give birth should not be afraid. Since such a dream promises an easy birth.

What does it mean to see yourself very beautiful in a dream?

Positive Drop

Seeing yourself beautiful in a dream portends you happiness, health and well-being. In general, seeing yourself in the mirror is a change. Seeing yourself beautiful is a good change. Good luck!

Peace of mind, success in business.

To a happy and kind life.

This suggests that you underestimate yourself. You need to get yourself in order - makeup, hairstyle, wardrobe, try to become like in your dream. You will notice how you will feel much better.

See yourself slim

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself slim dreamed about why you dream about seeing yourself slim? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see yourself slim in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – See

Seeing a physically unpleasant, repulsive creature.

Dream Interpretation - View

View - view - wandering. A mountain view in a dream means you will have benefits and profits without difficulty. Naked, deserted appearance - anxiety and uncertainty.

Dream Interpretation – See

A dream in which you see someone at a great distance from you means difficulties in your relationship or the possibility of meeting only after a long time.

Dream Interpretation – Seeing your hair gray

Warning against unnecessary expenses. Seeing a young woman without hair in a dream means hunger, poverty, illness. Seeing a man without hair means abundance, wealth, health. If you dreamed that your body was covered with hair from head to toe, this portends you some kind of cowardly act, an inability to control your destiny. Seeing an old woman without hair in a dream means poverty, illness, hunger, and a bald old man, on the contrary, means good luck. If you dreamed that you couldn’t comb your hair and the comb broke, this portends trouble. If you dream that your head (or beard) is being shaved, the dream warns you of the danger of losing your fortune, or getting sick, or losing loved ones. Seeing your hair falling out in a dream means troubles and loss of property.

Dream Interpretation – Seeing your hair

Seeing your hair means seeing your vitality and what happens to it.

Dream Interpretation - Beautiful views

Dream Interpretation – Seeing yourself naked

The lack of clothing as the basis of a dream can be interpreted as concern for one’s state of mind. Even if you are not aware of some problems, this does not mean that they do not exist. Something still undermines your soul, causing anxiety, to which the unconscious reacts first of all; it then sends signals that reach consciousness in symbolic form.

Dream Interpretation - Types

Views – beautiful, wide – happiness and prosperity – miserable – unknown future, obstacles.

Dream Interpretation – Seeing yourself in a dream

Seeing yourself in a dream means that something important will happen soon.

Dream Interpretation – Seeing yourself with long hair

Seeing yourself with unusually long hair means you feel tired, or you will soon go on the road.

Beautifully dressed to see

Dream Interpretation Seeing beautifully dressed dreamed of why in a dream you dream of seeing beautifully dressed? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see beautifully dressed in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Dressed

If you see yourself dressed in white clothes, someone is plotting something against you.

Dream Interpretation – Beautiful view

See the view (beautiful)

Dream Interpretation – Beautiful

Seeing beautiful things in a dream means grace that will spread to you and people close to you.

Dream Interpretation – Beautiful, beautiful

You see some beautiful things in a dream - fate has prepared grace for you; you are young, beautiful, healthy, smart, lucky, respected, promising, what else do you need?

Dream Interpretation - Beautiful views

If in a dream you see a beautiful landscape filled with warm sunshine, and you are pleased to look at such a picture, then a happy future awaits you. Sometimes a dream predicts a secret meeting. A pitiful view or a dull landscape does not promise anything good. Dejection, melancholy and sadness await you. See interpretation: landscape, terrain.

Dream Interpretation – Beautiful

A beautiful dream, beautiful things in a dream portend joy for you and your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Dressed in red clothes

A bad dream that does not promise anything good. You have blocked the subtle channels of your mind under the influence of tridoshas that are out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or whether the disease can be cured, thereby snatching you from the clutches of death.

Dream Interpretation – Dressed in a long dress

A reward awaits you

Dream Interpretation – Beautiful

Wearing an expensive and beautiful dress means prosperity for children and grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation – To be beautiful yourself

To great pride.

Face beautiful

Dream Interpretation Face beautiful dreamed of why you dream about a beautiful face? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a beautiful Face in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Face

Seeing your face smooth, clean and pleasant in appearance in a dream means well-being and success in business. Seeing your face beautiful in a dream is a sign of reconciliation and success in business. If you dream that in a dream your face has become indecently beautiful, then try to give up bad habits and avoid doing things for which you may later be ashamed. Looking at your face in a dream means that you need to make a decision on an issue that is of great importance for your future. A face stained with mud in a dream is a sign of shame. Seeing your face in a dream as unlike yourself means that something will change in your life so much that you yourself will be surprised and ask the question: “is it you?” The same applies to a dream in which you will see the face of another person unlike him. Seeing many faces around you is a sign of change. Change will be good if the faces around you are beautiful or happy. If the faces in the dream are terrible and frighten you, then expect losses, disappointments and beware of the machinations of your enemies. To see closely the face of a familiar person staring at you in a dream means that that person does not trust you and is trying to find out more about you before becoming your partner or simply getting close to you. A dream in which you saw that your spouse is very handsome and has a beautiful, healthy complexion, then happiness and prosperity await you. Seeing a stranger with a dark face in a dream foretells success in business. If in a dream you see a woman with a very dark face, then a serious illness awaits you. Seeing a smiling face in a dream means that you have true friends and you will soon receive good news from them. Seeing an interesting face in a dream is a harbinger of dissatisfaction with oneself, illness or poverty. Seeing your face pale in a dream is a sign of weakness of your spirit or an unenviable position in which you will forget what laughter is. However, just as pallor often passes quickly, so your situation will soon change for the better, and joy will return to your home. To see the face of an enemy or rival pale in a dream means that his affairs are going very badly and you had a hand in it. Rejoice. But your triumph will not last long. Seeing a face through glass is a sign of good changes or success in business. Applying makeup to your face in a dream is only normal for women. For men, such a dream predicts shame and disgrace.

Dream Interpretation – Face

Seeing a beautiful face with delicate features and a charming smile in a dream means that your children will be happy thanks to your tireless efforts and concern for their future. A youthful, rosy-cheeked face suggests that you will have social entertainment and a carefree pastime.

Dream Interpretation – Face

To obscure your face means to receive bad news.

Dream Interpretation – Face

Seeing in a dream a beautiful open face with an ingenuous look means that you can, without any fear, participate in the entertainment that will befall you in the near future. But seeing an ugly, gloomy and angry face portends undesirable events.

Dream Interpretation – Face

“show your true face” - accidentally open up, show yourself from the unsightly side. “Don’t drink water off your face”; reconcile, don’t look for faults in others. “Face to face” close meeting, frankness, sincerity, openness, trust in relationships. “Laugh in your face” shows contempt.

Dream Interpretation – Face

if a person sleeping in a dream sees his face beautiful, then this is a sign of a good position in worldly life, good news and joy. And if he sees it black, this is a sign of news of the birth of a girl from someone whose wife is pregnant, as the Koran says: “When one of them is pleased with the good news about his daughter, his face darkens, and he becomes sad and dejected.” .(Sura-Nakhl, 58). If he sees that his cheeks have fallen off, he will beg people for alms and will live only on alms. And if he sees that his face has turned blue, then he is a criminal. The blackness of the face also indicates that he lies a lot or will introduce an innovation into religion that is contrary to the Sunnah. And a yellow complexion perhaps indicates love and affection or illness. A cheerful, lively and white face is a sign of the good condition of its owner, whether he is alive or dead. A white face is a sign of honesty, truthfulness and strong faith in Allah.

Dream Interpretation – Face (your own or someone else’s)

Clean and beautiful - to prosperity. A stranger - a profitable commercial offer will come from a stranger. Reflection - you will be able to reveal the secret conspiracy of your competitors. Peer closely into the faces of friends and acquaintances - in difficult times, your loved ones will help you. A satisfied smiling person means financial stability. Admire - your position in society will be significantly strengthened. A face without a torso is a big change with a good outcome. Seeing something fresh, rosy and cheerful foretells useful services from kind people.

Dream Interpretation – Face

A beautiful, open face seen in a dream means that you can participate in entertainment without any fear.

Dream Interpretation – Face

This is a reflection of your attitude towards others and your thoughts about them.

Dream Interpretation – Face

Meeting face to face with an official is a great success.

For several days in a row in my dreams I see myself in new clothes, so fashionable and beautiful! and definitely a beautiful scarf around your neck. Why?



A thin, airy (decorating) scarf - for a trip to warm countries, to the south.

New clothes, renewal - everything is good; especially achieving a goal through perseverance.

In a dream, it can mean both harmony with oneself and disagreements with friends. In many ways, the meaning of a dream with a mirror depends on the smallest details of the plot and the mood of the dreamer.

Why do you have a dream?

    Children's dream book

    If the dreamer’s own reflection evoked only positive ones, then in reality, a person is in harmony with himself and is satisfied with his current life. If the reflection in the mirror evokes unpleasant emotions, even fear, then the person is torn from within by anger, resentment, and envy.

    A frequently recurring dream means that the sleeper needs to understand himself and restore peace of mind.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Look at your reflection in the mirror portends a quarrel or argument with one of your relatives. The conflict will be associated with the illness or death of one of the family members.

    See yourself in a broken mirror portends the death of one of the dreamer’s loved ones. Seeing an exhausted, sad person in the reflection predicts failure in business or discord in a love relationship. The dream may also indicate the death of your soulmate.

    See your happy self in the mirror the reflection means that soon the dreamer will feel in love again.

    Women's dream book

    Seeing a lot of mirrors is indicates deception on the part of others, serious obstacles on the dreamer’s path to the goal. Looking at your reflection in the mirror predicts a quarrel with loved ones. For a married woman, such a dream indicates a quarrel with her spouse and a possible threat of divorce.

    Seeing other people's reflections in the mirror means that the dreamer in reality is acting dishonestly, contrary to his principles and conscience. Seeing the reflection of an animal promises disappointment in a loved one, loss of faith in love.

    Looking into a cracked mirror predicts disappointment in your romantic partner, discord in love relationships. Looking into the shards of a broken mirror portends death, grief, misfortune.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Seeing a mirror in a dream predicts a fun time, a noisy feast, participation in a party. A cloudy mirror indicates intrigues of friends, gossip and intrigue.

    A dirty mirror in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will have to experience severe emotional shock. A clean mirror in a dream foretells a successful completion of business or a successful undertaking.

    A mirror covered with cloth in a dream indicates the secret motives and actions of the dreamer himself.

    How did you see yourself?

    Seeing yourself beautiful and blooming in a mirror in a dream promises quick changes in your personal or professional sphere. Looking in the mirror and seeing gray hair in your hair means that soon the dreamer will have a long journey ahead of him all alone.

    Seeing yourself completely gray and old says that any little thing can throw you off balance. It also indicates psychological or neurological illness.

    Seeing yourself without hair on your head in the reflection indicates a decline in vitality, chronic fatigue. Seeing your old face in the mirror promises good health and professional success and career growth. The dream also indicates financial well-being and social recognition.

    Seeing yourself fat in a dream also indicates profit, promotion. For women, the dream promises an opportunity to become famous.

    Your actions

    For a woman or girl to see herself in a dress in a dream, it promises family disagreements or loss of a trusting relationship with her partner. Seeing yourself in a wedding dress means showing signs of attention from people of the opposite sex, leading to the emergence of an easy, non-binding romance.

    Painting your lips with red lipstick in front of a mirror portends the dreamer a meeting with a mysterious stranger who will actually turn out to be a braggart and a deceiver. Putting on makeup in front of a mirror or putting on makeup in a dream indicates futile attempts to find out the truth or achieve success in one’s field. The dream book hints that in achieving his goal it is better for a person to take a different path.

    Trying on a dress in front of a mirror in a dream portends a new love relationship, pleasant flirting. But if the dress was dirty or wrinkled, then the dream foreshadows deception on the part of a loved one. The dream also foreshadows health problems.

    Spin in front of the mirror, try on different clothes means that in reality a person feels beautiful and attractive. Combing your hair in front of the mirror means the beginning of a new romantic relationship.

    Walking naked in front of a mirror means that in reality the dreamer risks getting into an awkward situation. Dancing in front of a mirror in a dream indicates professional growth and success.

    Washing a mirror in a dream portends tedious chores and worries. For a young girl, a dream indicates attempts to regain her good name and justify herself to society.

    Can't see your reflection?

    Looking in a mirror without a reflection indicates the dreamer's internal contradictions, his mental disharmony and inability to make the right decision.

    Also a dream indicates the negative magical influence to which the dream was subjected ts - damage, evil eye, curse. This needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible.

    Dead man in the mirror: interpretation

    Seeing a dead person in a mirror in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer is committing stupid, arrogant acts that harm his reputation and distance him from his true goal. A person needs to engage in introspection of actions and intentions.

    Seeing a dead person in the mirror behind you means that soon the dreamer will radically change his worldview. Noticing an unfamiliar ghost in a mirror in a dream foreshadows the danger and maliciousness of the dreamer’s enemies or rivals.

Many have heard that seeing your double in reality portends misfortune. Does this sign relate to dreams? Sometimes you can observe yourself in your own dreams from the outside. Isn't this considered a split personality and separation of the soul from the body? Answer this question “What does it mean to see yourself from the outside in a dream?” Various interpreters will help.

It should be noted right away that if you see yourself sleeping in a dream, we are talking about a lucid dream or entering the astral dimension. In this case, the astral body sees its physical double from the outside.

To understand the meaning of sleep, you need to remember:

  • what you were wearing;
  • what was the appearance - hairstyle, makeup;
  • where the dream events took place.

The form of clothing in a dream can be the most unusual, just like your own image. Let's consider military uniform:

  • seeing yourself in a military uniform is a sign of an unexpected action;
  • for women, a military uniform promises an acquaintance with a powerful man;
  • trying on a military uniform means moving up the career ladder;
  • The esoteric dream book considers an image of any shape to be a symbol of outdated stereotypes.

Let's consider meaning of smart clothes in a dream:

  • For girls, this dream promises happiness;
  • the bride's dress portends a valuable gift, the fulfillment of desires, sometimes an inheritance;
  • feeling beautiful in a dream - you love being the center of attention;
  • a white lace dress portends good news;
  • the red robe symbolizes vicious acquaintances;
  • to be in the clothes of a loved one - you have completely captured his heart.

A bad omen is considered to be a dream in which you wear The bride's dress gradually darkens- this portends illness. Black clothes dreams of minor troubles. However, if you felt comfortable in a black dress/suit, this symbolizes a reassessment of life priorities.

See yourself in your usual or home clothes- to early news, an important event in life, changes. If a married man sees himself in someone else's clothes, soon a certain person will try to seduce him.

New clothes portends radical changes in life. For girls, the dream promises a meeting with a soulmate or a wedding; for women, pregnancy.

Hair and beard in a dream

Sometimes you may dream of a completely opposite appearance, which is not characteristic of the dreamer. Some people may see themselves in the most fantastic form or image of an animal. Let's look at some common dream images.

Beard in a dream portends profit for men, A women meeting a good person. Pregnant a beard foretells the birth of a boy.

Hair color may also not correspond to reality. For married women see yourself as a blonde portends the sincere love of a husband: you are his only and most beloved. Red color hair foreshadows temptations in life. Black hair promises many obstacles along the way.

Various states

In a dream you can experience various states, for example, your own death. In this case, death symbolizes only reincarnation or a warning, and not a real event.

Seeing yourself killed high voltage - warns to be careful with electricity. Seeing yourself killed by a maniac - be careful with new acquaintances. Drowning in water and seeing how one’s own body is pulled out of the depths is a immersion in sensuality.

Choking on the rope strangled - pay attention to your health. Another interpretation is a person who does not allow one to breathe freely. This could be strict parents or a class teacher at school, a strict boss or a picky principal.

Seeing your own funeral- to dramatic changes in the dreamer’s personality. The dream also foreshadows big changes in life, a new life direction or a change of profession. Something old will leave your life and new perspectives will open up.

Suffocate in the water- you lack emotions and feelings, you have set limits and rules for yourself. Free yourself from prejudice. If you were suffocating in clear water, the dream symbolizes a change in worldview and life values. Seeing yourself in troubled waters means becoming the center of a conflict situation. Seeing yourself soaring above the water means you will successfully overcome difficulties.

A good omen is a dream in which the dreamer saw myself soaring in the sky. This plot portends great happiness and success in all endeavors.

Meaning according to dream books

Modern dream book considers his own image from the outside to be a good omen. In the near future, you will be able to implement your own projects and make your dreams come true. Seeing yourself pregnant from the outside does not bode well for older women, but for young girls it promises a meeting with their soulmate.

Dream book of the 21st century . Did you happen to see yourself naked in a dream? You will soon receive a valuable gift. Seeing your own reflection in the mirror means conflicts with your loved one. Seeing yourself dead in a coffin - expect troubles in the business field.

For girls, seeing your image as beautiful and attractive means meeting your love soon. Seeing yourself beautiful and confident is the help of an influential person in achieving career growth or starting your own business. If a girl saw herself in the image of a man, things will go uphill.

Universal dream book warns: see a bald head on your own head in a dream - to difficulties in implementing plans. See yourself drunk- events will soon occur that will radically change your life and even your image.

See yourself in the form of an old man- to increase authority, increase in salary. See yourself young- good health, prosperity, excess energy. Soon you will improve not only your physical condition, but also your material condition.

See yourself as a child- to a meeting with an insidious person who will let you down. It's better not to trust him. Get fat in a dream- to improve financial condition. However, you should not devastate your inner world in pursuit of money.

It almost always appears in a positive meaning - the beauty of nature, architectural buildings, landscapes, faces, the richness and brightness of colors, the intensity of sunlight and a general positive aesthetic aura, which is a typical sign of peak, happy dreams and the fulfillment of innermost desires in the future in reality.

However, there is one exception: seeing yourself as especially beautiful means trouble, illness, and even death risk.

1 Beauty according to the Dream Book 2012

Beauty in any form is a need for beauty. The need to “act nicely.”

1 Beauty by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Beauty in any form is the flowering of spiritual powers. A beautiful child means mutual love and a happy union; a beautiful woman is a pleasure in life; spiritual harmony.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Beauty by Slavic dream book

Dreaming of beauty means:

To be the most beautiful is a source of great pride. Seeing someone beautiful is good luck in love. Venus in Leo.

1 Beauty by Modern dream book

Beauty dream meaning:

Beauty in any form predicts goodness.

A beautiful and wonderful woman in a dream is an omen of pleasure and good luck in commercial affairs.

A beautiful child promises mutual love and a happy union.

Seeing yourself beautiful in a dream means that you will flatter yourself.

Seeing others beautiful in a dream predicts that you will rejoice in the trust placed in you by serious, decent people.

1 Beauty by Christian dream book

Beauty, handsome in a dream - In any form, beauty is an auspicious dream. A beautiful woman means pleasure, material wealth. A sweet, beautiful child - mutual love, a happy union. Dreaming of being beautiful in a dream means being incredibly flattering. to see others beautiful - you will enjoy the trust of frivolous people. Beautiful nature, surroundings, landscape, view, paintings. If in a dream you seem unusually beautiful, it means that in reality you will soon be struck by a serious illness that will undermine your strength and disfigure you. A similar fate will befall anyone who appears particularly handsome in your dream. If someone’s beauty grows and grows in a dream, it means that his death is on the verge.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Beauty by Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

A very beautiful and extensive panorama of nature. Very beautiful people (guys and girls) - to fulfill your desires.

1 Beauty by Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Beauty in a dream means:

According to ancient Vedic sources, when a person dreams that he is unusually beautiful, this is an alarming dream that warns that your beauty will soon disappear and that some kind of disease will cause this. Your health will deteriorate significantly and your body will weaken. If you dreamed about how your beauty grows and increases, this is an extremely bad sign that warns of approaching death.

1 Beauty according to the Small Dream Book

In general, beauty symbolizes goodness. Seeing a beautiful woman in a dream means upcoming pleasures and success in business; a beautiful child - to love and happiness in family life. If in a dream you see yourself very beautiful, then such a dream may mean an inadequate attitude towards yourself. Seeing others as beautiful means that people will trust you.

1 Beauty by Tsvetkov's dream book

The beauty of a landscape, a view, a painting is the fulfillment of innermost desires.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Beauty by Vedic dream book of Sivananda

Why does a woman dream of beauty:

If you dream that you are beautiful, then this is a sign that you will become ugly due to illness, and your body will weaken.

Growing beauty may indicate death.

1 Beauty according to Miller's dream book

Seeing beauty in a dream means:

Seeing beauty in any form is extremely good. The beautiful woman of your dreams will bring pleasure into your life, and it is possible that profitable business deals await you.

If you dream of a well-built and beautiful child, this means mutual love and a happy union.

1 Beauty by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

A dream with beauty in the dream book is interpreted as:

In any form - a favorable dream.

A beautiful woman means pleasure, material wealth;

sweet, beautiful child - mutual love, happy union;

to be beautiful is to be incredibly flattering;

to see others beautiful - you will enjoy the trust of frivolous people.

1 Beauty by Esoteric dream book

Dreaming of beauty means:

Seeing something beautiful means a good period of time, peace of mind. Beautiful people are for trusting, calm relationships with people. Beauty disappears, fades, is replaced by ugliness - you are tormented by fears, you value too much what you have. But your fears are unfounded.

1 Beauty by Dream book alphabetically

Beauty dream meaning:

Seeing beautiful people in a dream is generally a favorable sign. If you admire the beauty of athletic men showing off their biceps and triceps at a bodybuilding competition, in reality you will experience strong sensations from unexpected events.

Beautiful women in your dream foreshadow the trust of people who stand firmly on their feet and have great weight in society. If you dreamed of an exceptionally sweet and beautiful child, this means mutual love and a happy marriage.

Seeing your chosen one as unusually beautiful and charming in a dream means success in love and increased attention from men. Seeing yourself beautiful and attractive among all the other ladies in your dream is a harbinger of the fact that you should slowly tune in to a quick and rapid rise in your career. A dream in which an outwardly handsome man does not behave beautifully at all means that you are destined for experiences because of the person whom you mistakenly considered your friend. If, on the contrary, a man of repulsive appearance behaves impeccably towards you, in reality you will receive recognition and fame in your circles.

If you dream that a hairdresser gave you an incomparably beautiful hairstyle, in reality this may be followed by a frivolous pursuit of trifles, which will lead you to obvious disappointment. If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers and an elegant manicure, then in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated, and your goodwill and generosity will attract a lot of new friends and fans.

Seeing beautiful things in a dream foreshadows the receipt of all sorts of benefits, which will affect not only you personally, but also your relatives. If in a dream you are given a beautiful necklace, in real life you will be surrounded by honors, the right to which you yourself will doubt and feel awkward in this situation.

Beautiful clothes or underwear are a sign of future success in business. Beautiful melodic music portends a charming pastime and peace of mind.

1 Beauty according to Rommel's Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of beauty:

Seeing the beauty of someone or something in a dream is a symbol of happiness.

The beauty of the landscape, paintings - to the fulfillment of desires.

The beauty of a woman or a man - to the joy of love and success in commercial affairs.

A beautiful child means a happy marriage.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Beauty by Family dream book

What beauty can mean in a dream:

Seeing beauty in any form is extremely good.

Beautiful things seen in a dream mean grace that will spread to you and those close to you.

If you dream of a well-built and beautiful child, you have mutual love and a happy union ahead.

For someone who loves to see in a dream that his beloved is beautiful and sweet, this portends him a quick and successful marriage. In addition, a beautiful woman can also dream of profitable commercial deals.

If in a dream you see yourself beautiful and attractive, it means it’s time to wake up to happiness.

1 Beauty by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Beauty in a dream means:

Beauty in a dream, expressed in any form, is a very good sign.

Seeing beautiful things in a dream means grace that will spread to you and those close to you.

Seeing yourself beautiful is a sign of good fortune.

Seeing beautiful people in a dream means earning the trust of people who stand firmly on their feet in this life.

A beautiful woman from dreams will fill your life with special light, and a beautiful child will become a harbinger of mutual love and a happy union.

A loving person who sees in a dream that his beloved is beautiful and sweet will expect a quick and successful marriage.

1 Beauty by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl dreams of beauty, it means:

If a lover dreams that his chosen one is beautiful, this means that he will soon marry her and their marriage will be happy and long.

For a woman, seeing beautiful people around her means being surrounded by wealthy fans.

A beautiful child - dreams of mutual love and a happy marriage.

1 Beauty by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why does a woman dream of beauty:

What does it mean to dream about beauty? What exactly do you mean by this word? If beauty for you is, first of all, beautiful landscapes, views or paintings, then the dream promises you the fulfillment of your deepest desires. Therefore, if you saw beauty in a dream, you can rejoice, obviously, you will be able to achieve what you could not even hope for. In any case, this is the meaning of your dream.

1 Beauty by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing beauty in a dream means:

The beauty that you saw, no matter what it was expressed in, if it managed to capture your imagination, that’s good. So, if you dreamed of beauty in the guise of a beautiful woman, this may symbolize the lucrative business deals ahead of you or the receipt of some kind of pleasure in reality. Beautiful paintings or landscapes that opened up to your eyes, such beauty predicts the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. And if beauty for you means children, if you saw a particularly beautiful child in a dream, it means mutual love with your chosen one and the conclusion of a happy marriage with him.

1 Beauty by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Interpretation of a dream about beauty:

When beauty appears to you, you see something extraordinarily beautiful, the dream turns out to be a prediction of a good streak in your life, the onset of, if not happiness, then peace of mind. Agree that this is already a lot. If beauty was expressed in some beautiful people that you dreamed about, this is also a good sign, promising that you will be able to establish trusting, calm relationships with others. But to see how beauty disappears, dissolves and in its place something ugly, dirty appears, the dream is caused by the fears that torment you, various phobias. You are extremely afraid of losing what you have, what you truly value. However, your fears have no basis.

Dream interpretation of seeing yourself beautiful

Any person wants to have an attractive appearance and be liked by people around him. This is especially true for women. It is not surprising that in a dream we can see ourselves slimmer, younger, more attractive. Can what you dream be considered a simple game of imagination? Or is this a message from above that is worth unraveling in order to lift the veil of the future?

Why do you dream about beauty?

You can often come across a saying that if you dream of a more ideal appearance than you actually have, then this dream is a stimulant. It should provoke you to take care of yourself, to put yourself in order.

For a reliable interpretation, it would not be amiss to scroll through a couple of dream interpreters.

Beauty in a dream according to the dream book

This dream can have both a positive and a sharply negative interpretation.. The latter includes the opinion that seeing oneself beautiful in night vision is a terrible disease, as a result of which the dreamer’s appearance will change beyond recognition.

Miller's Dream Book

Why dream that you have turned into a beautiful girl? A pleasant time awaits you. You will frolic and relax.

True, the dream book is not so lenient towards those girls who in reality have a real defect in their appearance. If you see yourself in a dream without it, then perhaps everything you dream about will remain unrealized.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about your very attractive reflection in the mirror? To material well-being and family happiness.

Transform into a beauty in a dream

For an older woman to be young and pretty in a dream is a sign of constant signs of attention from the opposite sex.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • A girl whose shape is far from ideal, seeing in a dream that she is slim and attractive, means a quick marriage proposal from a young man.
  • A girl who considers herself ugly in reality, but observes her beauty in a dream, will have a meeting with a guy who will sincerely love her for her inner qualities.

Watch yourself in the mirror

The dream book divides such a vision into two parts; the interpretation depends on what is seen:

  • Watching yourself, slim, wearing makeup, with a beautiful hairstyle, and at the same time liking yourself - you will be misled, and you will not be able to unravel the deception.
  • Seeing yourself with a new, attractive, but unusual appearance - you will be able to unravel the insidious plans of spiteful critics.

Why see yourself as young

When an older woman in a dream sees a beautiful girl, young and beautiful, instead of herself, it means that you are young at heart. You don’t feel your age, and, interestingly, people around you also think you’re attractive. This vision is a statement of fact, and not a prediction, this is exactly what the dream book believes.

Seeing your former youth in a dream

There is an interpretation that an attractive appearance seen in night vision signals you about a sharp deterioration in health that will occur in the foreseeable future.

The dream book is also inclined to consider such visions as a fear of old age. You are afraid to find the first signs of aging in yourself, you want to prolong your youth. Unfortunately, this is an inevitable process, so it is worth taking care not only of appearance, but also of spiritual enrichment.

Watching someone else's beauty in a dream

It happens that in a dream you see a beautiful person who gives you pleasure with his very appearance. What could such a dream mean?

  • If you dream that you see a beautiful girl, then the near future will give you a lot of pleasant moments.
  • Seeing a sweet, beautiful child means you will be happy in your marriage.
  • Beautiful people will trust you.

Be beautiful and happy

If you dream that you are sincerely happy about your beauty, then the interpretation of the dream will be ambiguous.

Some dream books predict true happiness for you in real life, while others believe that joy in a dream will turn into sadness and tears in real life.

A girl who dreams that she is beautiful and happy will find joy in her family life. Your feelings with your spouse will be mutual, real and lasting.