Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a mirror. Why do you dream about a mirror? Full interpretation

Dream interpretation of seeing yourself in the mirror

Mirror surfaces have always been considered a portal between the real world and the other world. There are many beliefs associated with these items. Girls use it to tell fortunes, magicians use it in their rituals, a lot of horror films have been created about it, and science fiction books have been written about it.

Dreaming of reflection in the mirror

After dreams where you happened to see your mirror image, you need to remember all the details; they can significantly change the interpretation. Then you can safely take up the dream book or go to an expert.

How different dream books interpret a mirror in a dream

Why see your reflection in the mirror? There is more than one interpretation of this plot, and predictions about what the mirror itself means in dreams.

Children's dream book

This dream book gives a rather interesting interpretation of such dreams.

A mirror is a reflection of the subconscious of a sleeping person:

  • if you liked the reflection, then you live in harmony with yourself;
  • if what you see in a dream scares you, then you are oppressed by unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Resentment, anger, envy, jealousy are feelings that destroy you from the inside, and you need to get rid of them.

The appearance of such dreams will stop if you understand yourself and recreate your inner balance.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of a mirror

A mirror is a sign that there will be obstacles along the way that will be difficult to overcome. People around you are trying to mislead you, they are not telling you the truth, they are giving you false information.

For a woman, the appearance of a mirror in a dream promises irreconcilable conflicts with her husband, up to and including a complete break in the relationship.

Look at yourself in the mirror - you will quarrel with loved ones.

Why see the reflection of other people - they will treat you unfairly.

To see the reflection of an animal - you will lose something important, or you will be disappointed in a certain person.

The most negative interpretation is the symbol of a broken mirror - after such dreams you should prepare yourself for grief, loss, misfortune, death. And for women, seeing cracks in the glass means complete disappointment in their partner or an unhappy marriage.

Dream book of the 21st century

This dream book gives a rather positive interpretation of dreams about a mirror. Seeing him in a dream means a merry celebration, a party, a feast.

But, at times, such a symbol can show you that a friend is not behaving honestly, weaving intrigues, plotting intrigues for you.

Why do people in relationships dream about a mirror? For an imminent wedding or the revival of old feelings.

For an unmarried girl, a mirror dreams of meeting her future husband.

Seeing yourself reflected in the mirror, the same as in real life, means financial well-being.

Seeing beautiful means a pleasant and happy life.

If you see yourself with a reddened face, you will be surprised.

Seeing your reflection in the mirror

Looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing the reflection of the beast means the successful completion of all affairs.

If you see rashes and pimples on your face, your life will soon change for the better.

Why give a mirror in a dream - to a truce with your enemies.

Why receive it as a gift - a tempting financial offer.

If the reflection is light, then only good changes await you, but if it is dark, blurry, with cracks, then expect trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Look at yourself through reflective glass - you will argue and quarrel with relatives. The cause of your conflicts will be hidden in the sudden illness of one of your relatives.

To break it is the death of a loved one.

Miller's dream book gives an interesting interpretation of why you dream of looking at the reflection of your loved one:

Look at yourself according to psychology and seers

Psychologists believe that mirrors are the door to our subconscious.

Seeing the reflection of unnecessary objects, or vice versa, there will not be enough of them - you perceive the reality around you in a distorted way, or you idealize events too much, or you see everything in black.

The seer Vanga believed that looking at yourself, your reflection, means that you are highly dependent on the opinions of the people around you. You often analyze and engage in introspection.

Why do you dream that you cannot see your reflection? You are under the power of dark forces, perhaps you have been damaged. Vanga advises to come to God for help.

Nostradamus said if you dream of your reflection, then you will learn the news. Looking in a mirror in a dream, but seeing a monster there - you are insincere in your promises, such behavior devastates you from the inside, you yourself suffer from it first of all.

If you dream of guessing in front of a mirror surface, you do not know how to independently take responsibility for your actions, make decisions, and you are tormented by doubts.

What exactly do you see in the mirror?

Interpreters take a very responsible approach to considering such dreams. Everything is taken into account: your feelings, the direction of your gaze, reflection, the state of the mirror itself.

If you have set yourself a goal to find out why you dreamed about a certain plot, consider it from a variety of perspectives.

What part of the body will you see in the mirror?

  • If you only dream about the reflection of a face, then big changes await you. Your world will literally turn upside down.
  • Look at yourself as if from the outside, you see both your face and its reflection - you are not a sincere person.
  • Looking at your full-length silhouette and seeing yourself more beautiful than in real life - they will try to deceive you, wishful thinking.
  • After dreams in which the reflection was full-length, you should beware of diseases.

Does the reflection match reality?

In a dream, you may see your reflection completely inconsistent with reality. Do such dreams have a specific message, or do they simply show your extraordinary view of things? In addition, they can promise you pleasant changes in life, or threaten the approach of troubles and misfortunes.

Positive Predictions

Reflection doesn't match reality

Modern interpreters interestingly interpret a dream in which a woman saw herself in the mirror image of her old self. It portends your career advancement. Your financial situation will improve significantly, and with it will come public recognition.

For a man, seeing himself aged means long life and excellent health.

Seeing yourself fat in the mirror means you will achieve success. The fatter you are, the higher your status and financial situation will be.

Beware of trouble

You can look in the mirror and see yourself ugly. After such dreams you will have to go through several unpleasant moments, perhaps life will take a sharp turn in an unpleasant direction, be patient.

Seeing yourself gray-haired, with a long, braided braid - you have a long road ahead of you, which you will need to overcome alone.

Dream books generally say that seeing yourself gray is negative. A gray-haired image suggests that you will receive sad news that can throw you off balance for a long time.

In a dream, you began to look at your reflection, but you seemed completely different to yourself - be extremely careful in your statements, do not trust your thoughts to anyone. They may be misinterpreted and you will lose your reputation.

Seeing the silhouette of another person instead of your reflection means you are not happy with yourself. You try to find an ideal for yourself and strive to imitate it.

You often have a dream in which you see yourself bald - your vitality is running out. The image of a bald head is a reflection of your inner world, you are too open, your energy flows away from you in a stormy stream, take action.

What outfit did you wear when you looked in the mirror?

The most common interpretation of dreams in which you saw yourself in a dress, in a mirror, in a dream - to family troubles.

Seeing your reflection in a dress

Reflecting in a wedding dress is a positive vision. You will be visited by a bright feeling, a love affair, perhaps just a light flirtation with a work colleague.

But, if the dress was dirty, then you will soon end your relationship with your loved one, according to the dream book.

It is believed that a wedding dress means health. And a mirror image is an individual who thinks like you. Such a dream could mean that you will soon meet a like-minded person.

Also, a mirror image of you, in a white dress, is a dream of receiving an offer for a pleasant job. If you liked the dress and admired yourself, then you tend to greatly exaggerate your merits, consider your appearance more beautiful than it really is. The dream book also says that the delight that the dress evokes in you speaks of your desire for self-satisfaction.

Why look at your reflection in a dirty and torn dress - it means health troubles. Worse dress means worse health.

The main thing is not what dress you were wearing, but your inner feelings. They are the ones who set the tone for the interpretation.

Seeing yourself completely naked in the mirror in a dream means you will be surprised at how events will unfold.

Also, seeing naked people in the mirror suggests that you are too shy and give in to difficulties.

Sometimes you can come across an interpretation that says that seeing yourself naked in the mirror means a loss of life direction, loss of values, and depression. Others argue that such a dream indicates that you always believe that you have the last word.

Other interpretations of the reflection in the mirror

  • Starting a conversation with your reflection means a good time spent with pleasant people.
  • Intimacy in front of the mirror - you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • If your reflection is distorted, then you can safely get ready for the journey, a pleasant journey awaits you.
  • Seeing yourself as a little beautiful girl looking in the mirror - you will achieve your goal even earlier than you thought.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to Miller’s dream book

Admiring your reflection is a sign of impending disagreements, the culprit of which will be you. Looking in the mirror but seeing someone else's face means illness of a close relative. Breaking it is a terrible sign, foreshadowing the death of a loved one. If you find people you know in the mirror, take a closer look at them; most likely, they don’t like you and want to cause harm.

If a young woman dreams of fragments from a mirror, this predicts an unsuccessful marriage and her partner’s infidelity. Seeing the face of your spouse instead of your reflection means family relationships will reach a dead end. Whether your couple will be able to survive the crisis is up to you to envy. A mirror located on the wall is a harbinger of imminent deception on the part of a loved one.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to Vanga’s dream book

Looking at yourself is a sign that in reality you are able to analyze your affairs and actions, adequately perceive criticism and correct mistakes. You are an obligatory person; if you promise something, you will certainly fulfill it. Looking in the mirror and not seeing your reflection - the dream predicts that evil forces are sowing evil with your hands. The only salvation in this situation is to go to church and pray. A broken mirror promises misfortune and a lot of tears. Fortune telling with it is a sign of curiosity. You are interested in literally everything.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to Freud's dream book

The image you see in the mirror is a reflection of your true desires and fantasies, that is, you see yourself as you would like to be in reality. If the mirror is dirty and you can’t see anything in it at all, it means that in reality you are experiencing some kind of dissatisfaction, confusion, or dislike for yourself is manifested so strongly that you don’t even want to look at yourself. Broken symbolizes collapsed happiness and unfulfilled dreams, as well as the infidelity of a partner. An inverted mirror indicates self-doubt and sexual fears.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A dreamed mirror is the personification of mystery and duality. If you see your face in it, expect good news. Breaking it in a dream is a sign of the treachery of your comrades. To see the appearance of a monster instead of your reflection - a dream indicates inner emptiness. A large mirror covered with film indicates intrigue behind your back. In order not to lose everything, you should not take risks and tell even close friends about your plans.

Not seeing your reflection is a sign of an approaching illness. Fortune telling on mirrors speaks of uncertainty and inability to make independent decisions.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to the Mayan dream book

To see a broken mirror in your dreams - soon you will learn a secret that has been hidden from you for a very long time. The legend says that if after such a dream you draw a red circle on a small mirror and throw it away, the news will be good.

Just seeing it means unexpected expenses. Admiring yourself is a sign of boasting. Not seeing your reflection means getting lost in life, decaying as a person. Also, such a dream may indicate that your body has been taken over by evil entities from the Subtle Worlds.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to the gypsy dream book

A mirror seen in a dream foreshadows betrayal by friends. Breaking this item means you will become a traitor. Perhaps everything will happen suddenly, you don’t want it, circumstances will just turn out in the most unfavorable way.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

- broken foreshadows separation;
- seeing your reflection - a dream promises good news from afar, profit;
- seeing yourself at full height - to an unpleasant illness;
- no reflection - to failure;
— a miniature mirror reflects inner lightness;
- finding it is good luck;
- to lose - to gossip;
- an antique mirror prophesies significant changes in life.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

This image allows you to look at yourself from the outside and soberly evaluate your actions, behavior, and thoughts. Often reflects the falsity of an individual’s beliefs, a tendency to copy and follow other people’s advice.

Why do you dream about a mirror - according to Veles’s dream book

Seeing your dirty face - a dream means growing problems with your reputation. You have been slandered by people you trust. Seeing yourself clean means correcting past mistakes. If you are in the center of many mirrors, this is a sign of magnetic energy, attractiveness, and you arouse obvious interest in the opposite sex. A broken mirror symbolizes changes, primarily internal ones.

Why do you dream of a mirror - according to the Wanderer’s dream book

Mirrors are a symbol of self-awareness, introspection. If you see your entire reflection, it means you are thinking about your true purpose. Breaking a mirror means the violent death of a relative.

Meaning of other dreams:

  • Why do you dream about your ex?
  • Why do children dream?
  • Why does a girl dream
  • Why does a girl dream
  • Why do you dream about your loved one?
  • Why does a man dream?
  • Why do you dream about a dead man?
  • Why do you dream about relatives?
  • Why do you dream about mom?
  • Why do you dream about grandma?
  • Why do you dream about your father?
  • Body parts in a dream

  • Why do you dream about Teeth?
  • Why do you dream about Hair?
  • Why do you dream about Hands?
  • Why do you dream about Blood?
  • Why do you dream about the Head?
  • Why do you dream about Legs?
  • Animals in a dream

  • Why do you dream about snakes?
  • Why do you dream about a dog?
  • Why do you dream about a cat?
  • Why do you dream about rats?
  • Why do you dream about a Horse?
  • Why do you dream about Mice?
  • Why do Spiders dream?
  • Why do you dream about Fish?
  • Why do you dream about Cockroaches?
  • Why do you dream about Bear?
  • Why do you dream about worms?
  • Why do you dream about lice?
  • Why do you dream about a Cow?
  • Why do Birds dream?
  • Why do Wolves dream?
  • Why do you dream about Chickens?
  • Why do Rabbits dream?
  • Why do you dream about Crocodile?
  • Events in a dream

  • Why do you dream about Pregnancy?
  • Why do you dream about Treason?
  • Why do you dream about Childbirth?
  • Why do you dream about sex?
  • Why do you dream about a wedding?
  • Why do you dream about a Kiss?
  • Why do you dream about Work?
  • Why do you dream about Fight?
  • Why do you dream about Shopping?
  • Why do you dream about an accident?
  • Why do you dream about War?
  • Nature in a dream

  • Why do you dream of Water?
  • Why do you dream about Mushrooms?
  • Why do you dream about the Sea?
  • Why do you dream about Flowers?
  • Why do you dream about Eli?
  • Why do you dream about the Field?
  • Why do you dream about Roses?
  • Why do you dream about Apples?
  • Why do you dream about Snow?
  • Why do you dream about Strawberry?
  • Why do you dream about Rain?
  • Why do you dream about Potato?
  • Why do you dream about the River?
  • Objects in a dream

  • Why do you dream about White?
  • Why do you dream about Money?
  • Why do you dream about the Coffin?
  • Why do you dream about Red?
  • Why do you dream about House?
  • Why do you dream about the Ring?
  • Why do you dream about Dress?
  • Why do you dream about Fire?
  • Why do you dream about Death?
  • Why do you dream about the Car?
  • Why do you dream about Meat?
  • Why do you dream about Cemetery?
  • Why do you dream about Fire?
  • Why do you dream about Eggs?
  • Why do you dream about an airplane?
  • Why do you dream about the Church?
  • Why do you dream of Gold?
  • Why do you dream of a Train?
  • Why do you dream about Shoes?
  • Why do you dream about the Road?
  • Why do you dream about the Icon?
  • Why do you dream about the Mirror?
  • Why do you dream about the Knife?
  • Why do you dream of a Clock?

A mirror has long been considered a complex, magical object, because many fortune-telling and superstitions are associated with it. Night vision, in which you see yourself in the mirror, will allow you to make assumptions about your near future. By reflection one can judge the dreamer’s internal state, his thoughts and aspirations. Such a dream allows you to look into your inner world, but depending on the details of the dream, interpretations vary greatly.

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      What was the reflection like?

      The way you saw yourself in the mirror surface will help you decipher the dream. You also need to remember how you felt when you saw yourself in the mirror. The reflection in the mirror in a dream could be different:

      • If your reflection was clear and you liked it, this is a favorable sign. You are free from torment and anxiety; you live in harmony with yourself.
      • Seeing the reflection without distortion is a sign of wealth and prosperity.
      • Looking in the mirror and seeing yourself beautiful - life promises you joy and happiness.
      • An ugly reflection in a dream can be interpreted as a warning. You may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Others' opinions of you will be negative, and you will realize that you did wrong.
      • If your reflection was unclear and dark, such a dream portends trouble.
      • Seeing your own reflection in the mirror and getting scared is a sign that you are overwhelmed by negative emotions. They prevent you from living in peace and destroy you from the inside. The dream book advises to get rid of bad thoughts, let go of everything bad, then joy and peace will come into life.
      • Looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection of an animal in it is a sign of success in business.
      • To see someone else's reflection in a dream instead of your own is a sign of self-doubt. You are constantly looking for an example to follow. However, you need to learn to accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses.
      • If you saw yourself in the image of an old woman in the mirror surface, you will soon receive a promotion. Your career will go uphill, luck will accompany you. If a man saw himself old in the reflection, illnesses and illnesses will bypass him, he will live for many more years.
      • If you see yourself fat in the mirror, this dream promises you financial well-being.
      • Looking at yourself as thinner in a mirror surface is a sign of illness.
      • But seeing yourself gray-haired in the reflection is a bad sign. You are about to learn some unpleasant news that will greatly upset you and deprive you of your balance in life.
      • Seeing yourself naked in the reflection means you will be completely disarmed by how events will turn out. Sometimes this dream indicates the dreamer's inability to cope with difficulties.
      • If the dreamer does not recognize herself in her reflection, this foreshadows family troubles.
      • Seeing yourself in reflection with luxurious long hair means a cloudless life.
      • If you have a bald spot in your dream, it is a sign that you are exhausted. You have no strength left to fight the circumstances.
      • If in a dream you appear before a full-length reflective glass and see yourself more beautiful than you are, they want to deceive you.
      • Some dream books claim that seeing your own full-length reflection in a dream is a sign of illness.
      • There was only a face in the reflection

        You should pay attention to what the face you saw in the reflection looked like:

        • If you dreamed that you were looking in the mirror and examining your face, get ready, your life will change a lot.
        • A face with freckles in a mirror image promises happiness to the sleeping person, but it will not last long.
        • If in a dream your face turns red, it means surprise and surprise.
        • You may dream that in a dream you are watching yourself and can see both your face and its reflection in the mirror. This night vision indicates that you are prone to pretense and do not always show sincerity in your relationships with others.
        • In the Islamic dream book, acne on the face means success and positive changes.

        In a wedding dress

        Seeing your reflection in a wedding dress is a sign of romance and heartfelt feelings. If you admired your reflection in the mirror, admiring your wedding dress, then sometimes you attach too much importance to your merits.

        But if in the dream the wedding dress was dirty, this foreshadows a separation from your loved one. This dream is also a harbinger of illness.

        Why do you dream about long hair - interpretation from dream books

        Broken mirror

        A broken mirror in dreams has a special meaning, but the interpretations are generally unfavorable. If the mirror you look in shows cracks, your loved one will upset you.

        Looking into a mirror that is broken means that your dreams will not come true. If a girl has such a dream, her dreams of a betrothed will soon not come true.

        The dream warns that you will be deceived by your business partners and foretells interference in business. This especially applies to men.

        A mirror with cracks or a broken mirror is an unfavorable symbol. In business, he predicts failure, and in his personal life - disappointment and loneliness.

        Dream Scenario

        Seeing yourself in the mirror in a dream - contradictory sign. Its interpretation directly depends on what actions are performed in front of the mirror, and on other details of night vision. Possible actions in front of the mirror:

        • If you dreamed that in your sleep you were having fun and making faces in front of the mirror, you have to travel with a friend.
        • Look closely at your reflection in the mirror - you will be given valuable advice.
        • Admiring yourself at night is a sign of success in love affairs.
        • Looking in the mirror and shedding tears means that you are ready to leave all grievances in the past and improve your relationship with your partner.
        • If the mirror you look in is dirty, then you will have to regret what you did.
        • If you dreamed that you looked in the mirror and saw yourself pregnant, this means pregnancy in real life.
        • If in a dream you saw yourself reflected with a different hair color, a turning point will come in your life. In the future, both pleasant changes and troubles may await you. It all depends on the actions you take.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of yourself looking in the mirror- means that you will encounter many discouraging disagreements; the cause of your suffering will be someone else's illness.

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream- portends the sudden death of a relative.

See others in the mirror- foreshadows their unfair actions towards you.

See animals in the mirror- means disappointment and loss.

A young woman saw a broken mirror in her dream.- promises an unsuccessful friendship and a not very happy marriage.

See your lover in the mirror, pale and haggard- to his death or failed engagement. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will grow. But after a while, agreement will reign in your hearts again.

Just see a mirror in a dream- a sign of possible imminent deception or difficult obstacles to overcome. For a woman, this dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts or divorce.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Mirror- reflects our inner essence.

For example, the dreamer sees a witch in the mirror- it's herself. Also - concern about our image, about how people perceive us.

Break the mirror- losses, failures.

See yourself in the mirror in a different way- to change. The direction of change will be indicated by the image in the mirror.

Freud's Dream Book

Images in the mirror- are your fantasies, desires.

In the mirror you see yourself as you want to be- you have manifestations of narcissism.

If you see a mirror in a dream- you tend to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that you do not dare to commit in real life.

Dirty or foggy mirror- symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life.

Washing or wiping a mirror- symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Broken mirror- symbolizes your collapsed and unfulfilled dreams.

Mirror facing the wall- symbolizes your sexual fears.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing something strange in the mirror instead of your reflection- a sign of confusion. You seem to have little control over the situation and events in your life may become unmanageable.

Seeing someone else's reflection in the mirror instead of your own- a sign of deception and empty illusions. Most likely, you are seriously mistaken in assessing your capabilities.

Get scared when you see a strange reflection in the mirror- means that an incorrect assessment of the situation can cause you serious harm.

Cracked or broken mirror- a sign of sudden changes that threaten to unsettle you.

Mirrors too narrow- a sign that you look at things too one-sidedly and therefore risk making serious mistakes.

Dressing table in a dream- indicates that you clearly lack concentration, and this may have a bad effect on your business.

Jewish dream book

Mirror- fake friends.

Solomon's Dream Book

Mirror- marriage.

D. Loff's Dream Book

In dreams, mirrors convey a clear reflection of something, display objects, introducing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland, they serve as a door to another reality. The mirror often causes anxiety because of its ability to show us unvarnished what lies ahead, forcing us to interpret what we see and think about whether we like it or not.

If the mirror inconsistently reflects objects, adds or removes details- then it represents a reflection of the perception of life against the background of the real state of affairs. In this case, the dream indicates to you a misinterpretation of the motives driving others, which manifests itself in a reluctance to accept these motives “at face value.” (Who or what is added or removed from the mirror?) Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually a fantasy generated by the subconscious. After passing through the mirror, Alice discovered that it was a metaphor indicating the presence of other worlds. Does your mirror serve as a GATE or a line for crossing the BORDER of another world? What excites or frightens you most about this new world?

Dream book for a bitch

Mirror- many obstacles will arise.

If a married woman sees herself in a dream as a young girl standing in front of a mirror- then the disease will not escape.

If you dream that you are looking in the mirror-you will love someone.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Break the mirror- loss through betrayal, separation; see your face- news from afar, personal profit, the birth of children, what you look like - this is the attitude towards you around you; see yourself entirely- to illness; no face- illness, failure; unfamiliar- big changes; mirror for a girl- innocence; smash- lose your virginity, get married.

Collection of dream books

Mirror- a step away from reality. Reflection of reality.

If a person sees himself in a dream looking at his face in the mirror- bad, that means another wife.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A mirror is one of the most mystical objects, which has gained the reputation of a “conductor” between reality and the other world. They fascinate with their ability to reflect what is in front of them, sometimes embellishing or distorting the actual image. Mirrors placed in a special way are an indispensable attribute of fortune telling with candles. The world on the other side of the glass is an attractive subject for art, and is mentioned in books and films. When interpreting what a mirror means in a dream, one can understand that different sources take into account its mystical aura.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a mirror in a dream

Interpretation according to Gustav Miller's dream book a mirror is a symbol of deception. Difficulties will appear as if out of nowhere, and it will take a lot of strength to overcome them. A broken mirror means tragic losses. A well-known interpreter takes into account who happened to be seen in the reflection. If yourself - this is an indication of obstacles on the way to the goal due to disputes with others. Seeing another person in the mirror is a sign of injustice; animals are a disappointment.

Vanga's Dream Book suggests that one’s own reflection in the mirror is a symbol of dependence on other people’s opinions. Not seeing yourself is the influence of dark forces, which you urgently need to get rid of. Fortune telling on mirrors is an attempt to find out the future. A broken surface means grief.

According to the dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov seeing your own face in the mirror means receiving news from afar. Not reflecting means deterioration of well-being. Seeing a stranger is a huge change. For men, a broken mirror means separation from friends or a loved one. The reason for the breakup will be betrayal. For young girls, a damaged object means a loss of innocence.

Dream book of the 21st century interprets the dreamed mirror positively. Exciting events lie ahead.

Russian source believes that if you dream of a mirror, it represents some timidity and uncertainty. Attempts at self-knowledge and looking at yourself from the outside.

American dream book interprets the mirror as detachment from reality. The habit of dreaming a lot instead of acting can play a cruel joke on the sleeper.

Dream Interpretation of Ontopsychological Interpretations Meneghetti suggests that the mirror represents falsehood. This can be either insincere relationships with others or erroneous beliefs.

According to Freud's dream book reflection in the mirror represents desires in reality. Admiring oneself is a tendency toward selfishness, self-exaltation, and narcissism. A cloudy or dirty surface that makes it difficult to see the reflection symbolizes sexual dissatisfaction. The famous psychotherapist argued that unrealized erotic fantasies can disrupt mood and lead to various problems. A mirror turned backwards means subconscious fears. The dreamer is afraid to realize his intimate desires.

Why does a woman dream about a mirror?

A woman’s dream about a mirror suggests the need to take time for herself, her beloved. If everyday things don't allow you to breathe easy, you should decide on your priorities in order to pamper yourself.

However, if you often dream about a mirror married woman, it’s time for her to take a closer look at family relationships and figure it out. Maybe the feelings are not as sincere as before, or it’s just the influence of everyday problems.

Mirror pregnant a woman is a warning. The slightest incomprehensible symptoms are a reason to consult a doctor.

Dreamed mirror girl, in which she admires herself in full growth - to a change in status. There will probably be a marriage proposal soon.

Mirror bride portends a slight misunderstanding associated with excessive excitement about the upcoming celebration. A broken mirror dreamed of before a wedding warns that the marriage will not be very happy.

Why dream of seeing yourself in the mirror

When you happen to see yourself in a mirror in a dream, this is an indication of excessive focus on other people’s opinions. Worry less about it.

Consider your reflection in the mirror in an unusual interior - to change. It is even possible to move to another city.

Look in the mirror in a dream, but to see another person means to suffer from an unfair accusation. If it was an acquaintance, then soon his secret will become known to the dreamer.

For girls look in a pocket mirror, and fixing your makeup - for a romantic date. For married ladies, the plot may mean an outburst of feelings for a spouse, or an infatuation with someone else. In any case, a whirlpool of passions cannot be avoided.

Looking into a broken mirror- a negative symbol even in a dream. The collapse of plans, betrayal of friends and loved ones will follow.

What mirror did you see in your dream?

A loved one can deceive, that’s why you dream about a mirror without reflection. For women, this is a sign of family complications.

See someone else's reflection in the mirror and get scared - to numerous troubles in reality, which will not leave time for rest. If there were no negative feelings, and the person was familiar, this is an indication of his sympathy.

Dreamed dead man in the mirror is interpreted taking into account the gender of the sleeper, but the meanings are quite similar. Men need to understand their own plans and desires, and women need to stop wasting time on trifles in order to successfully achieve important goals.

It's good if you dreamed large mirror in a dream. In reality you will have a rest, noisy and pleasant.

When you dream of a mirror with a crack, you need to prepare for a negative period. The changes that will occur around will become a test for the dreamer. A cracked mirror can portend health problems for loved ones. For lovers, such a dream prophesies separation and even parting.

The collapse of carefully calibrated plans means broken mirror. In reality, due to the betrayal of friends or business partners, there is a risk of being left with nothing.

If you dreamed about numerous fragments mirrors scattered around, you will experience severe emotional shock. It will be difficult to remain rational.

Old a mirror in a dream means an attempt to understand oneself, to find answers in the past. However, if the surface is hidden under a layer of dust, you need to beware of two-faced people around.

Closed the mirror is a symbol of sadness and loss. Someone is withholding important information. If the sleeping person covers the mirror himself with a cloth, in reality he will have to lie and not say anything. This will lead to remorse.

Small chores are symbolized by a dream pocket mirror. Individually they are simple, but the problem is their abundance.

If you happened to see in a dream right away many mirrors, then this means confusion in reality. There will be no confidence in who can be trusted, fear of being deceived.

Two mirrors in hands- to a difficult dilemma. There is a choice to be made.

For girls, a new mirror foreshadows the appearance of a person who will take an important place in their life and heart. Men after such a sign can take on any projects, but only after checking all the details.

Actions with a mirror in a dream

Smash the mirror is a double symbol. This is a disruption of the plan, as well as the revelation of secrets. For family men, the dream threatens a showdown with their other half due to love affairs. If a young girl dreams of breaking a mirror, she may soon lose her virginity. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as an upcoming wedding.

Married women combing your hair in front of the mirror to an unpleasant conversation with your spouse. For single girls, this is a warning against unreasonable actions and thoughtless spending. For men, such a plot means a fiasco in a love adventure. This is also a reflection of daily fears about the thickness of your own hair. However, the negative meanings are softened if you happen to comb your hair in front of a mirror with a fine comb. You will be able to successfully complete the work you started.

Applying cosmetics in front of a mirror- to new sensations from romantic relationships. Passions will not bypass you.

The plot of the dream in which it happened try on clothes and seeing one’s own reflection is interpreted depending on how the outfit looked. Exactly in size, well cut and sewn - career achievements lie ahead. Clothing with defects means hard work awaits, and only through determination will you be able to turn the wheel of fortune in your direction.

To the girl try on a dress in front of the mirror, but not seeing how the outfit looks, means falling in love, which will make you forget about everything.

Admire yourself in a mirror in a dream - to a successful coincidence of circumstances. But if your own image annoys you, you don’t like it, or even scares you, you need to pay more attention to your loved ones.

It's good if you dreamed dance in front of the mirror. It will be advantageous to demonstrate your talents and service zeal to your superiors. However, this plot also has a cautionary meaning: narcissism is not the best character trait.

Wash the mirror- painstaking work. Diligence will lead to success.

Rub mirror - to restore a shaky reputation. It will be possible to completely refute all rumors and gossip.

To the subconscious awareness of the inevitability of future changes, dreams buy mirror. If it is small or pocket-sized, their scale will be local. A huge mirror or even a dressing table is a more grandiose change. If the object is new, they will happen for good, but if the object is old or has flaws, it foretells quarrels within the family and problems at work.

Find a mirror is a good omen. A successful period awaits ahead.

The loss of a mirror is interpreted unfavorably. A deterioration in the state of affairs in reality can lead to depression.

Giving someone a mirror means reconciliation with ill-wishers. Receive - make a profitable deal.

When interpreting what a mirror means in a dream, you will have to take into account a lot of nuances, but the interpretations will help to avoid complications.