Compatibility of a lioness and a Taurus. Everything will become clearer over time: compatibility of a Leo man and a Taurus woman

There will be enchanting outbursts, loud quarrels, and passionate reconciliations. This is considered to be highly controversial zodiac compatibility, but it can become familiar and pleasant for both. Cancer and Leo even have a chance for a long-term union that will culminate in a happy ending.

It is very ambiguous, because they are drawn to different ideals. Cancer is a gentle and emotional man who, nevertheless, is used to deciding everything within himself, without burdening others with his feelings. He, of course, can show off his sense of humor in the company of friends or become a leader in a business project, but he always wants to quickly find himself at home, where a comfortable life and a reliable wife will await him.

But the Lioness, no matter how her fate turns out, will always need to shine. Yes, so that her brilliance would be noticeable to everyone and recognized by a crowd of admirers. If she is building a career, she should occupy a prominent place in the hierarchy, and ideally, be a leader, boss or star. Young woman

Leo cannot stand routine in anything: neither in their lifestyle, nor at home, nor in entertainment. If, God forbid, she fails to realize herself in society, then she will experience inevitable dissatisfaction with life, and take out her anger on her loved ones. This is her way of self-affirmation in case of an unsuccessful career.

Don't think that Cancer is indifferent to Leo's brilliance. If he meets him on his life path and doesn’t fall in love, he will still be drawn to the representative fire element. The fact is that this is, as it were, inherent in nature. Leo is the zodiac sign that follows Cancer on the calendar.

So they have a lot in common, maybe even ideals. Only Leo does everything easily, effortlessly, as if playfully. And Cancer has to achieve success in society, in work, in financial sector hard work. When Cancer compares its successes with those of lions, it asks the question: why am I less recognized? There is no logical answer to this - the stars just aligned that way...

If a Cancer guy falls in love with a Leo girl, then everything becomes much more complicated... And Leo women are very attractive to Cancer men. Because the latter love beauty, are greedy for sought-after girls and perceive the possession of such as confirmation of their life success and status.

She, basking in the attention of fans, may not notice the rather modest-looking Cancer man. They often do not produce a stunning external effect and are not particularly bright in temperament in society. Such a guy will seem somewhat boring and even faded to the ambitious and brilliant Lioness. But if Cancer really wants something, then he will achieve it - slowly but surely. When a Cancer man has his eye on a Leo girl, his long journey of courtship begins. Little by little, step by step, he will get closer to her and create an aura in which she will feel protected and loved. Even such a strong girl needs to feel supported by a man and be confident in the stability of his feelings. It is with this that the stubborn Cancer will bribe and conquer the Leo woman. And then the difficulties begin...

Cancer man and Leo woman: will love flare up and go out?

The fusion of fire and water can be quite hot and sensual, or perhaps a path to gradual extinction. They even imagine love itself differently. For a Cancer guy, this is an abyss of tenderness and depth of feelings. And for the Leo girl it’s an enchanting holiday. She needs animal passions, passionate confessions and unbridled manifestations of feelings.

At the first stage, Cancer shows caution and caution. Oddly enough for a man, he tries to consider each of his girlfriends as a companion for life, since the search faithful wife– his main task in building his personal life. Yes, Cancers most likely do not have random one-night stands. Since it is difficult for them to decide on intimacy, they must first understand their partner and get used to him.

But Leos do not need to burden themselves with such worries. After all, they feed on strong emotions - the intensity of feelings here and now is important to them, and not their reliability and convenience in the long-term time span. For fiery girls, a love relationship is a flash of lightning that penetrates every cell of the body.

At first, such differences can intrigue, captivate and inspire solving secret desires each other. In addition, the natural “unearthly” attraction between the Leo woman and the Cancer man still arises by itself (neighboring zodiac signs magnetically drawn to each other real life). In short, the initial stage of the relationship will be easy for them - everything will be wonderful, even wonderful.

Further, they will enjoy physical intimacy. The passions that flare up between them are usually very pleasant and involving. For some time, both the Leo girl and the Cancer guy can forget about the whole world against this background. In addition, the novelty of sensations in their sexual relationship may not be exhausted for quite a long time. But already during this period, their union will most of all rest on the fact that they both play the roles of the “best version of themselves.” Cancers show off their moral strength, self-confidence and demonstrate miracles of endurance in relation to the quirks of Leo. The latter, in turn, are a little fenced off from attention outside world, because they concentrate on the carnal pleasure that the beloved gives. Moreover, physical pleasure will also be fueled by moral and emotional pleasure: Cancers, in the midst of a love fever, do not skimp on praise and flattery. It may even seem for a moment that these two can replace each other with the whole world. But no...

In the compatibility horoscope, conflicts in this couple are inevitable, no matter how you look at them. And first of all, because they are similar in many ways. Let's say that both the Leo girl and the Cancer guy cannot show tolerance towards their other half and bend over. And in a couple, one person, one way or another, must do this, at least periodically.

What will lovers notice when passions subside? Cancer is very susceptible to the influence of his feelings and emotions. Therefore, his mood often changes. The lioness notices this and gets annoyed. As befits the king of all animals, sometimes she can get really angry. And then Cancer will not be able to hide in its shell from her fiery anger. In addition, he will not strive to retreat, endure and remain silent. This guy also explodes in anger in response. They can quickly make peace, because the Leo girl is not used to sulking for a long time. But Cancer will take a long time to leave. And at this time, don’t expect tenderness, compliments and expressions from him - he’s offended.” watermark"will demonstrate all the coldness and alienation that he experiences inside. It turns out to be a vicious circle...

Every step up career ladder The Cancer man perceives Leo as his humiliation. He will experience severe mental anguish - and again move away from his beloved. She will not worry about this for a long time and try to patiently heal the emotional wounds of her chosen one. This is the opposite for a woman - she will want to earn more and spend more on herself, on entertainment, on pleasure. As a result, she moves away from their quiet pastime in favor of social life. And there the Lioness always has a sea of ​​admirers. Look, flirting, a new hobby, and easy dates - she constantly needs admiration and pleasant courtship. The Cancer man will feel this even on an intuitive level. Scenes of jealousy and attacks of self-doubt in Cancer - this is what it will all turn out to be for them. love relationship. Even if she does not succeed at work, one day she will begin to lack attention from her chosen one, and the Lioness will look for love somewhere in society. The result will be the same.

Do not think that only water can put out the fire; the fire can be stronger and evaporate the water. Only the Leo girl acts openly - she directly states and eloquently demonstrates that she will never give up public attention, a career or innocent flirtation. By the way, it is difficult for Cancer to understand how flirting with other men can be innocent. He is actually a terrible owner and can be jealous even unreasonably. But unpleasant surprises from Cancer for a Lioness often turn out to be unexpected - something like a bucket cold water, abruptly poured onto the head.

Even if this can be avoided, the Cancer man will never find sufficient comfort and homeliness in this relationship. The lioness will miss the strong male shoulder, which you can always rely on.

Despite his external manifestations, a Cancer man in bed will be very good lover for the Leo woman. He likes to take apart his own and his partner’s feelings and desires. This tendency of his will find good fulfillment in sexual relations with his beloved Leo.

She does not experience any complexes and is ready to follow any desires of her body. This is very inspiring for Cancer. Moreover, she worries about his desires too.

He will subtly respond to her urges and may adapt. She will show a wild imagination and give him real fiery passion.

Family, marriage and children in the relationship of Cancer and Leo

If their love overcomes all difficulties, and this couple finds their own harmony, then the Cancer man and Leo woman can be happy in marriage, but not completely.

Cancer man is not the best ideal husband in the representations of the Lioness. After all, her companion must be a strong, proud and super-successful conqueror-king - a match for her. So there is a high probability: she will miss the firmness and success in life in her husband Cancer.

At the same time, if they have a classic family, she will be a great housewife. In view of this, the risk of such a marriage is also that the woman will feel as if she is investing more in the family than he is - this depresses the Lioness. It turns out that Cancer has only one path to happiness with her - to climb to the pinnacle of success in life and bring gifts worthy of a queen to her feet.

Mainly, all family values ​​and traditions will be based on it. In their couple, he is the conditional keeper of the warmth of the home.
If a Leo girl does not make a career, then her Cancer husband should create conditions for her in which she could pursue a hobby or develop some talents. It is simply vital for a Lioness to shine in some area.
If you have children, then it is quite possible that she will direct all her authority, ambition and talents to raising them.

The Leo woman finds the Cancer man to be gentle, receptive, strange and very attentive. He tries to dominate her, allowing her to make decisions on her own. The Cancer man has a very changeable mood, but he takes care of the Leo woman and always takes into account her feelings. He will protect her from ill-mannered and vulgar offenders. The Leo woman has found a man who values ​​her highly, but something in this relationship still bothers her. This is some kind of uncertainty that makes you feel some awkwardness, like a warning spoken in a whisper. But what is its meaning?

Her vague sensations are the leadership of the Cancer man, whom astrologers call cardinal sign. This means that courtesy and gallantry, subtle humor and gentleness hide behind a person who is capable of skillfully managing everything, including the life of a Leo woman. At the same time, the Cancer man never shouts in her direction and does not become scatterbrained in his demands.

The Leo woman is not afraid of a direct challenge, which to some extent will even be a stimulus. But somewhere deep down she feels that the Cancer man is gently guiding her. Whatever kingdom they have, they will rule it together. She will be able to attend all the balls, give orders around the house and choose linen and silverware. IN special days she will sit on a throne made of roses with a smile on her face. But he will decide the really important issues. The Leo woman’s whims will, of course, be fulfilled out of love, but periodically her impulsive desires will be rejected by the Cancer man’s foresight.

This will be a surprise for her, because the Leo woman believed that he should embody the qualities of representatives of the Water sign - compassion, kindness, sensitivity and gentleness. But the Cancer man is actually endowed with all these traits, but what should he do with leadership? Pisces and Scorpios do not have this quality, so if the Leo woman is not satisfied with being controlled, she will have to look for a partner among these signs. True, Pisces are still endowed with pronounced evasiveness, and Scorpio will be furious if his pride is touched, which he will never do gentle man Cancer.

It is ruled by the Moon, so it will gently reflect the sunlight of the Leo woman, illuminating her with it, and this reflection will be very valuable. She was born under the sign of the organizer and can allow the Cancer man to lead her, while organizing this leadership. The patronage of the Sun and Moon will allow this couple to abandon hackneyed rules in all aspects of life. The Leo woman will awaken unprecedented courage and originality in the Cancer man.

And it would seem that they are different like the Sun and the Moon, but they were still able to meet and love each other. It is worth noting that the union of a Cancer man and a Leo woman is quite difficult, but far from hopeless. They need to learn to take into account each other's interests and correctly distribute responsibilities. To get to know and understand their partner well, they must overcome many obstacles. The Cancer man is very quiet and domestic, but at the same time jealous. She loves to dress extravagantly and attend various parties.

The Leo woman does not like his partner's passivity. Many acquaintances notice that the Cancer man fades against her background, and they look like an unequal couple. She tries in every possible way to stir him up with her defiant behavior, but he prefers to hide from his problems. The Cancer man resists being dominated, and the Leo woman would not refuse the role of the head of the family.

Love on the physical level in this union will be a discovery of freshness and novelty and the unnecessaryness of familiar patterns. A Cancer man's feelings are impressionable, quiet and poetic, while a Leo woman's are passionate and sometimes serene, so their physical union can be a magical experience. But such a union of Water and Fire cannot be calm. There are times when the Leo woman’s pride is hurt and she becomes cold, and the Cancer man may feel rejected and even be rude to her or cry, although the reason will be far-fetched. It is important for both of them to remember that the main thing in their relationship is tenderness, and when it disappears, along with it goes the peace and joy of physical intimacy.

The mood of a Cancer man changes along with the phases of the moon, which instantly affects his feelings. This not only bothers the Leo woman, but sometimes makes her angry. But her heart knows how to easily forgive, especially if she loves. At the same time, the Leo woman does not hide her grievances for long. When her Ascendant or Moon are in Cancer, both will be offended, but not at each other, but against someone outside their union. In this case, dissatisfaction should not affect the Cancer man's mother or deprive her of attention. The Leo woman needs to know that her mother is the most sacred thing for him. Leos usually do not keep old grievances, Cancers, on the contrary, hold on to them very tenaciously. A Cancer man would be happier if he learned a lesson in generosity from a Leo woman.

Cancers are very constant, and the Leo woman needs to feel like a queen-wife, and not just a girlfriend, so marriage between them is very likely, especially if their relationship has been tested for strength by all sorts of disagreements. And when this happens, the Cancer man must remember that his other half needs to subjugate someone or something. She may try to control him, so it is better for the Cancer man to contribute to the realization of her career or allow her to completely manage the house. Otherwise, the Leo woman will feel unhappy, and the Cancer man will not know where to hide from her power. He may begin to wash his grief with wine or leave completely until she asks for forgiveness. But this may be useless, since the Leo woman does not like to apologize.

She needs to learn to tame her pride, and he needs to crawl out of his shell and, rising above all insults, find himself in each other’s arms. When the elements of Fire and the elements of Water mix contrary to all laws, an amazing integrity is created that recognizes the laws only created by the two of them.

Representatives of these zodiac signs form a complex union. They have different characters, life priorities and goals. The Cancer man is a gentle and sensual person. He values family values. The Leo woman, on the contrary, strives to spend time outside the family. She loves company and recognition. Next to such a lady, the partner feels lonely. Between these people there are established strong relationships, if they tune in to the “same wavelength”, support and respect each other.

Compatibility in love and marriage

A difficult relationship develops between a Leo woman and a Cancer man. Partners live in different worlds. At the beginning of a relationship, a strong sexual attraction keeps them close. But over time, differences in character and temperament surface below the surface. The lady begins to be annoyed by her closed and uninitiative partner. She tries to put pressure on him and “stir him up.” A man does not like such an intrusive encroachment on his personal freedom. On this basis, quarrels and mutual grievances arise in the couple.

For a Leo woman, universal recognition is important. She loves to be in public and achieve success in her career. The flirting of ladies and crowds of admirers infuriate the Cancer man. He is jealous of her.

Stopping attempts to change each other will help spouses live in peace and harmony. It is better for the wife to resolve important issues and develop relationships, and for the husband to provide for the family financially and arrange home. If a partner surrounds a demanding companion with care and admires her, he will become more attractive in her eyes.

Sexual compatibility

Between these people there are harmonious intimate relationships. The Leo woman gives her partner warmth and tenderness. The Cancer man gives pleasure to his chosen one. Both love long-lasting caresses and appreciate tender touches. In sex, differences in temperament bring partners closer together.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

Representatives of these zodiac signs form a neutral business alliance. Each individual is an excellent worker. But joint activities are not always successful. The Leo woman is a strong and powerful person. It is important for her to be a leader. On this basis, she can conflict with a calm and detached Cancer man. The partner is hardworking, but works slowly. He relies on his intuition and does not seek to lead.

Compatibility in friendship

Representatives of these zodiac signs rarely become strong friends. They have different lifestyles. They become friends if they both need moral support. The Cancer man surrounds his Leo girlfriend with care and empathy. He does not skimp on compliments and praise, which raises her self-esteem. The Leo woman brings brightness to the measured life of her Cancer friend and fills it with new emotions. Thanks to her, he gets out of the gray everyday routine.

Compatibility between them is quite difficult, because their characters are directly opposite. She, with her royal manners, and he, with his delicacy, cannot always understand each other. However, an alliance is also possible between them. Its duration and strength will depend on many factors. In particular, his desire to be with her and her ability to restrain her too strong emotions. Only patience, wisdom and time can help this couple be together.

Compatibility of Cancer and Leo in LOVE

Love suddenly breaks out between them. She is too amorous, and he cannot help but notice her bright image. Despite his pliable nature at first glance, he will make a choice in her favor or against her. He is polite and gallant, and she cannot immediately understand that it is he who makes all the decisions in their couple. She will lead external life as before, but the inner one will become more dependent on it. It won’t even immediately occur to her that she has become addicted.

He skillfully controls her and her emotions, but only as long as he believes that he needs this union. In order for him not to be disappointed in her, she needs to put in a lot of effort. First of all, completely abandon the sarcastic tone. He needs respect from her, as well as her submission. He will lead, but his dominance is reasonable, so it is better to submit to him, because he makes all decisions exclusively in her favor.

Compatibility of Cancer and Leo in MARRIAGE

Marriage ties between them are possible if they decide to discard all previous grievances on his part and misunderstandings on hers. Having concluded an alliance, they will communicate more on the same topics. However, everyday life and other difficulties will require drastic decisions from them. And in this case, he will assume the undoubted role of leader. She will like to submit to him, since she believes that such a situation is temporary. However, this is precisely the situation that remains between them.

The financial sector can become a serious stumbling block between them. He is used to deciding everything on his own, rejecting unnecessary expenses. Having children can also be a serious test for her, because it will require her to take this issue seriously. But she still needs to try to learn to enjoy raising children, so as not to destroy her marriage with claims and discontent.

Compatibility of Cancer and Leo in BED

The intimate relationship between them is more harmonious. Here he receives sincere pleasure from her warmth and tenderness, which the Sun generously gives her. She also enjoys traveling along lunar paths. Such a combination of the Sun and Moon is sure to become harmonious. In this area, opposites, on the contrary, attract each other and make the union stronger and more durable. This area of ​​relationships can be the key to solving problems.

He likes long foreplay and she is a lover of pampering. They like everything the same - long caresses, gentle touches, the leisurely process itself. And then they are so interested in chatting side by side. She will speak, and he will listen, and at such moments they understand that they have done the most right choice in your life. Harmony, peace and joy from owning each other will fill both.

Important for girls to know!

To maintain a relationship with him, you should exchange your carefree attitude towards life for stability. You can experience passion with him, but he quickly switches to solutions practical issues. It is important for him to create home comfort and raise children using the right methods. If you can give him all this, he is unlikely to want to break off the relationship. Sincerity and a desire to cooperate are important with him, then he will try to give the best to his wife.