Consciousness is infinite. We won't die! Sensational scientific basis for eternal consciousness

Stories about how a person graduates from one university and another, but still cannot find himself, can be heard everywhere. They only seem funny, but in fact, the inability to find a job you like, your life’s work, is a real drama for a person. The advice of our psychologist will help you cope with this problem.

“My problem may seem typical to you, but I really need your advice. How to find a job you like? I can’t decide what type of activity I want to do, although I’m already 23 years old.

This year I graduated from a pedagogical university with a degree in history teacher and educational psychologist. However, I didn’t go to work at school, mainly because of the low salary. True, I cannot say that I am very sociable (which is important for my specialization).

A friend helped me get a job as an assistant accountant at the company. Assessing my capabilities, I believed that I managed to find a job I liked and that this profession would suit me, since I can do monotonous work for a long time, I am efficient, and responsible.

However, in practice it turned out that this area is not interesting to me; working with numbers causes boredom. Besides, I don’t understand much about this profession; my eyes hurt from constantly working at the computer. Therefore on present moment I'm confused.

I can’t understand what my soul is about, how to find a job I like. I am very tormented by this problem, it is important for me to decide professional world. Bronislava Dashkevich."

How to find a job you like, answers psychologist Elena Poryvaeva

You neglected the main rule successful person find a job you like and spend huge amount time for something that is not interesting to you, and you continue to do it until now. Naturally, now you have driven yourself into such a corner that it will be extremely difficult for you to reach your real self.

Firstly, your education is good. As for low school salaries, it depends on what school and what level of teaching. I know teachers who earn at the level of an average top manager.

True, for this you need to really know and love your subject well and do something other than teaching at school. For example, private lessons, running clubs (in your case, historical clubs are just that; children have always had and still have an interest in history), etc. Many publishing houses are always looking for scientific editors.

There are tour guides in the excursion bureaus of your city. Lord, how can you get lost with such an education? Dozens of places and dozens of related professions are open to you! Why do you need accounting? In fact, the taste for a profession awakens when you master it.

If you view your profession as a way to earn money, then it’s better to get a job somewhere as a salesperson or manager and forget about trying to find a job you like. The responsibility is small, there is enough money to live on... But why then get an education? To be?

Are you asking how to find a job you like? But in order to find something where to put your soul, you need to dig a little deeper than a textbook or instruction. So think about it, because you once chose history for something? Reach for this source within yourself! There is something there... We don’t just choose a profession. And if you develop this, then perhaps you will find your true calling! And this is the only way to find a job you like! There is no other way...

“I’m 27 years old, but I still can’t decide what I want to do in this life, I can’t choose a job I like. There have always been problems with determining the path: at school I couldn’t decide which subjects I liked, then I couldn’t choose an institute in advance, leaving everything to chance, and in the end I entered a technical school that no one wanted (based on the principle where they took me). I graduated and still went to college (immediately at 2), but I couldn’t choose which one to study at. Therefore, I finished both (now I understand that time was wasted).

The problem is that I always understand what I shouldn't have done in the past! But I don’t understand what to do now or in the future... I would be very grateful if you help me find a job I like. Maxim Baranovsky."

How to get a job you like, answers psychologist Elena Poryvaeva

You want to understand “what needs to be done in the present or future” and do not find the answer because you are looking where it does not and cannot be. There is no rule that would determine your life and would know how to do it and how to carry it out correctly.

No matter how thorough your internal inspection, as long as you approach yourself with an external yardstick, the result will be internal apathy and lifeless uncertainty about how to find a job you love.

Imagine that on a clear sunny day you are walking along a path and come to a fork. Three roads, three possibilities. One road leads to the forest, another to the river, the third to the meadow. You can go anywhere, but you will only have time to go one way before sunset.

What will determine your movement? If you are tired of the sun, then head to the forest, if you want to freshen up, then to the river, if you are attracted by the smell of herbs and flowers, then to the meadow. Your choice will be simple if, standing at a fork in the road, you ask yourself, what do I want right now, and allow yourself to follow your desire.

But you will freeze in indecision if you start thinking: what if the water will be cold, and mosquitoes will eat in the forest, or I would go to the river, but how wonderful it will be to bring home a bouquet of meadow flowers, etc., etc. You are going nowhere at all you won’t go if the fear of getting lost is stronger than all your desires.

So in life, in itself, both the one and the other path are only a possibility, but it will become correct when the possibilities of this path find a correspondence with your aspirations and life needs to find a job to your liking.

The problem is not the path as such and not the lack of desires, but what a person does when standing at a fork in the road: does he hear himself or does he lose touch with himself in the stream of thoughts.

I am convinced that your first task is to at the moment is to weaken the depressive effect of any external assessment and all external imperatives, to deny them the right to replace the voice of the “inner self.” Perhaps these changed conditions will help you find a job you like, and let the living voice of your feelings and desires and inner aspirations emerge and speak.

How to get a job and find yourself?

After that, Maxim sent me another letter.

“Thank you for answering, at least some clarity has appeared. You described everything correctly, the desire to “conform” is very deep in me. I don't know who put the idea in my head of how it should be, but it is. And I went to college because I had to fit in (how can a person live without higher education?) True, I guess about this intuitively...

I realized that I need to listen to the call of my heart, but, apparently, my heart is crushed by my mind, since it is silent... So I’m sitting at work and trying to imagine what I want, how to find a job I like... I want to leave here. .. But then the mind intervenes and crosses out everything: you can’t leave, you need to do a lot of work, you need to get money, etc. The chain of these “musts” is very long... And the mind is the strongest of all, since it blocks all other feelings.

Sincerely, Maxim Baranovsky."


Good afternoon, Maxim! I am glad to hear you again, glad to continue the conversation we started. I see my task as telling you what I managed to understand in the process of reading your letter.

You write that you felt an impulse to “get out of here...”, but the mind immediately intervened and suppressed this impulse with its iron-clad arguments. The force of the need to find a job to your liking spreads its power so widely that the line becomes indistinguishable, cutting off excess demands that can be neglected. The mind holds back feelings in order to cope with the solution of the main task: it must prevent you from making a mistake.

Both your mind and your feelings are subordinated to one idea that once firmly settled in your soul: I can live only if I conform. And since life depends on it, the fear of not conforming dominates over everything else.

The outside world, which is work, becomes a real test: it makes demands, imposes responsibility, and threatens that in case of a mistake the court will be merciless. How to find a job you like and how to find yourself?

As long as you handle your responsibilities, you can maintain the appearance of compliance. But as soon as you make a mistake, everything falls into place: your inner fear that all other people are better, smarter, more competent than you is confirmed in reality. The discrepancy becomes obvious and tangible.

The purpose of this letter is not to find a job to his liking, but to tell the prisoner that he is held hostage not by the world, but by himself. The world around him is nothing more than a reflection of the world going on inside the prisoner himself. And the main thing he lacks in this world is self-love, unconditional love, allowing him to be loved no matter what.

Maxim, enough has been said here to learn and understand a lot, but this is not enough for concrete changes. The changes that occur within you, the emergence of questions, tension, fatigue, a feeling of dissatisfaction and the desire to understand yourself - all this together is a significant driving force that can change a lot. I wish you to find a job you like and do everything possible to ensure that the movement started within you continues.

We all love “twenty ways of this” and “thirty ways of that” style articles: structured lists, concentrated information - just the thing for reading on the run or during your lunch break.

Today I want to write an article in the same style, based on personal experience and refuting the traditional ways of finding a job for the soul.

When I'm tired of working at financial sector, then, like many in a similar situation, I thought - what would I really like to do? Without answering this question myself, I, in the spirit of the times, blamed it on the Internet: OK, Google, how can I find a job to my liking? Google gave me a bunch of information. But it didn’t help me very much, and here’s why.

What is usually advised in such articles?

Remember what you wanted to become as a child?

Childhood, they say, is selfless and not clouded by everyday problems, and therefore, it is childhood dreams that will lead you to your real calling. Great, I remember very well what I wanted to be as a child. An astronaut and a princess. I don’t remember exactly, at the same time or not, but both professions at my current age of 38 look a little doubtful for implementation.

I wanted to become an astronaut when I re-read the science fiction books of Belyaev and Krapivin: to search for new worlds, to explore universes, to heroically create a bright future for earthlings - it seemed romantic and the right thing to do.

I dreamed of becoming a princess solely to wear beautiful dresses to the floor and ride a horse, certainly white, around your own kingdom. In my opinion, this dream appeared after the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella,” if anyone remembers that one.

What now? Now I am not really drawn to explore space, I prefer earthly nature; I don't really like long dresses- I prefer jeans with sneakers. So both of these dreams, although they remained touching memories, did not help me find a new occupation.

Ask yourself: what do you love most?

Write a list of three to five to ten favorite hobbies and think about how you could make money from it? What professions are related to your hobbies?

Write book reviews? To be honest, I’m not sure that you can make good money from this, but this is also not the business that you have your heart set on. I don’t want to make reading a chore.

Write: writer, copywriter, translator.

Copywriting, by the way, is the activity closest to my liking. I thought about it for quite a long time, studied content exchanges, demand, literature. But something in my heart was categorically against it. I realized that since writing has always been my biggest and most cherished dream, writing custom advertising texts and articles for me is akin to a betrayal of this dream.

Don't get me wrong, I consider quality copywriting a very worthy occupation. But this is just my cockroach: I’m afraid to write texts to order. I'm afraid that it will become a routine and will kill the magic and the desire to write what you want.

Travel: By the way, there are many options here.

Travel journalist for magazines like GEO National Geographic (that's cool, yes; it also implies epic mastery of photographic equipment).

A tour guide or guide in another country (but this is more likely not a travel job, but an opportunity to earn money abroad).

Photographer. Stewardess. Cruise ship employee...

All these professions imply that most of You will have to spend time traveling and treat your surroundings practically: look for angles, interesting places for reviews, non-trivial attractions for tourists. It's all great, yes. But what I like most about traveling is the leisurely contemplation of nature and architecture, away from the tourist trails and during the off-season for tourists. In addition, with a teenage son and a Siberian cat, I cannot now afford to constantly travel around the world. Alas.

Cats: veterinarian or breeder. Oh no. Both professions - no. A veterinarian makes me like a ballerina makes an elephant. I am terrified of everything that has to do with treatment, injections and, God forbid, blood. The breeder doesn’t either: otherwise all the kittens will simply stay with me, because I won’t be able to part with a single fur ball.

What's the result? Everything I like is not very suitable for my dream job. It turns out that it is not enough to look for an activity in the field of your hobbies; it must also intersect with character traits, personality type and personal cockroaches. This is where the following common advice comes to the rescue.

Take Career Guidance Tests

Passed by. In principle, a good way. Gives a wide variety of options. Various tests offered me to work: as a journalist, lawyer, scientist, creative manager, interior designer (which is very “hot”), but they did not find out the main thing: I am a complete introvert. I prefer working alone to any work with people, ideally remotely and with correspondence on Skype.

One of these tests gave me the following verdict:

“People of this type are distinguished by analytical abilities, rationalism, independence and originality of thinking, the ability to accurately formulate and express their thoughts, solve logical problems, and generate new ideas. They often choose scientific and research work and conditions that give freedom for creativity. Work can captivate them so much that the line between work time and leisure time is blurred. The world of ideas may be more important to them than communicating with people. Material well-being it usually doesn’t come first for them.”

And as a suitable profession I was offered the profession of web analyst. Let's say it looks like the truth, but it's still not the same. I have always dreamed of creativity, and if you choose a business to your liking, then it should definitely contain a decent amount of creativity.

Other common methods

Asking the opinion of relatives and friends, moving forward a year or five and presenting myself in a new capacity, thinking about what I would like to learn - also did not work very well for one reason or another.

What to do? I don’t know if I was just lucky or the system worked, but I was lucky enough to find what I loved. In your new profession I am absolutely in love with the interior 3D visualizer, and every new day that I spend creating my 3D worlds makes me infinitely happy. But when I started looking for a job I liked, I had no idea about such a profession.

How did I come to her? I tell you and invite you to try to follow my path.

Create an image

Find a time and place where no one and nothing will distract you. Forget about childhood, about “should” and “it’s customary”, about loans and rent, about your education, about diplomas and other honors, about many years of experience in the profession, forget about everything. If you are reading this article, it means that not everything in your life suits you and it’s time to imagine a new life.

So, imagine that you have already found your dream job, it doesn’t matter at this stage what it’s called. Take a piece of paper (it’s better to write by hand than to type on a computer; this is where special neural connections of the brain are activated) and describe: how do you imagine yourself in your new capacity?

For me perfect job- it's me, laptop, cat, quiet workplace in my apartment or in a small house, my family is nearby, and nothing else. No tedious trips to the office, traffic jams and crushes, no open-space, God forbid, meetings, meetings, business meetings, dozens of colleagues, hundreds of reports and a bunch of bosses. No more overtime or staying up late - how many years of my life have I wasted on this!

Type of work: something highly technical to use the brain; something creative enough so that it is not cramped or boring within the given framework; something quite broad so that you never stop learning and so that there is no limit to perfection. Something like that.

What is the ideal job for you?

Find out what it's called

Now that you have formulated a future image for yourself, try to identify the work that will lead you to this image. There are several ways. Try everything.

If you are comfortable working for a permanent employer full-time or part-time, look for vacancies on the largest job search sites: and

The trick here is in the filters. If you already know what industry you'd like to work in, look for it. If you don't know, watch everything. Most likely, you can hardly imagine what various professions are now required and you will be very surprised at their range.

The main thing at this stage is to suppress in yourself “I can’t do this” and “I can’t do this.” Now you just need to determine the name of your dream profession.

Here’s a quick look at the vacancies (salary in brackets) in the section “Working in the field of entertainment, art, and mass media in St. Petersburg”: copywriter/content marketer (RUB 50,000), dancer of exclusive dance show programs/dancer ( 90,000 rub.), studio pottery instructor (45,000 rub.), text writer/copywriter (in English) (60,000 rub.), doll decorator (45,000 rub.), quest administrator (50,000 rub.) , wedding planner (40,000 rub.), actor (Father Frost/Snow Maiden) (15,000 rub.). The quest administrator made me especially happy!

Search using different areas and filters, not even limited to the search city.

If your dream is freelancing, look for your dream job on freelance exchanges.

I recommend monitoring demand on four exchanges:,,, The last two are international, suitable for searching if you know English at least at the schoolchild level. But they will greatly expand your search capabilities.

Look at what projects customers require, how much they are willing to pay for them, and what basic requirements they have. You will definitely like something that is in demand.

Here's a quick selection of the most popular requests: website design, landing page creation, video editing, online store promotion, managing groups in social networks, copywriting, logo creation and many, many others. Some of the non-trivial ones I came across were: do a smoke removal calculation, create a car booking system, go to the library..., but this vacancy made my day: “Sex toys 3D modeling for 3D printing, only advanced level”...

If you have specific goal For example, if you want to live and work while traveling, start by finding and reading the blogs of inspiring people who are already doing it.

Most often, in their blog, authors directly or indirectly indicate their occupation; you just need to read it carefully. For example, for those who dream of traveling, there is a fairly well-known blog by Masha Dubrovskaya, which contains a huge amount useful information. Read, study, get inspired!

If you are brave, original and dream of doing something completely unique, look for lists of unusual professions.

Professions such as dream salesman(the company for making dreams come true is located in the USA, in Chicago), brain remover(this is a specialist who must remove the brain from the heads of killed animals and send it to restaurants for preparing delicacies), braider(braid braider) train pusher(such a profession has already appeared in Japan and the USA, payment is made for each person packed onto the train), professional sleepyhead(for testing the comfort of hotel rooms), tropical island caretaker, water slide testers And deep ocean explorers- actually exist and applicants are periodically invited to them. Go for it :)

If you don't 100% like anything, choose the job that suits you best as a starting point, even if you're not happy with everything about it. There is one trick here, described in the next paragraph.

Believe in the universe and the space of options

It's difficult at first. The secret is that as soon as you start going from point A to point B - to your dream job, completely new opportunities and options suddenly open up for you that could not have opened up at starting point A. You meet someone, you learn new information, you get new offers that you would never have received without moving. Therefore, if you were not able to immediately find the right option, and you were not able to plan your entire path to the end, but you intuitively feel that you are walking in the right direction - believe this feeling.

It was this step that led me to my dream profession. I started trying out the profession of “interior designer”. Understanding its basics, requirements, methods of training, I came across a description of the specialization of an interior 3D visualizer, and the inspiration came immediately - this is it!

You too: you will begin the journey, begin learning, communicating with new people, with professionals and mentors, and this path will open many other forks for you. You will definitely have plenty to choose from!

Try on a profession

Try it new job profession. Sign up for training courses. Get an internship, trainee, or assistant professional. Feel your feelings. The feeling of joyful excitement, the desire to learn more and more nuances, the desire to grow and develop in the chosen direction did not leave you until the end of the course or internship? Hooray, you have found your business!

If it has left and you are disappointed - well, it doesn’t matter! It's great that you tried it, otherwise how else would you know that it's not for you? Crossing out options brings you closer to that cherished one. In addition, you gained useful experience and new acquaintances! You can take a break and try something else.

Take a big step towards your dream

So, have you found a job you like? Congratulations! The most important thing remains: to take a step from a dream to its fulfillment. Do it! Just prepare yourself properly first. Work in your chosen field in the evenings, on weekends, on holidays (this is temporary), earn your first money, your first clients and your first experience.

At your current job, make savings in the form of a financial cushion for the first time (ideally for six months). Be patient and support your household. Believe in yourself. Remember that at first it will be difficult, very difficult and unusual, but if you don’t give up at this stage, then everything will work out.

Is everything done? Bingo! Receive a bonus as a gift - happiness. I'm not kidding, doing the job of your dreams, receiving pleasant feedback from customers, growing and developing professionally in your chosen field, making money doing what you love - this is the real happiness, available, in general, to each of us.

Join us! Share your achievements, doubts, victories and difficulties.

Many people wonder how to find a job they like, so we decided to share our experience in this matter. What immediately comes to mind famous saying- “all our problems are in our heads”, it fits this case perfectly. This article will be in a non-standard format for our website, first we will talk about our vision of this issue, and then we will share the story of our subscriber, he will tell how he found his dream job.

All these mistakes are taken from the life experiences of many successful businessmen. We did not invent anything new, all this was taken from the personal experience of the authors of this article and one successful subscriber.

We hope that these mistakes will help you understand which direction to move and what not to do. Well, let's move on to the practical part of the article. And if you don’t have a dream, we advise you to read this article - “”, perhaps after reading it you will have new thoughts.

Mistake #1 “Dreams”

Dreams are great, it was thanks to them that people managed to go into space, invent light, the Internet, telephones and a bunch of other amazing things. If you have a dream to become someone (no matter who or how crazy it looks), try to become that person.

But when implementing this, it is very important not to lose your head. For example, if you have wanted to play the guitar all your life, and now you have forgotten about it and are working in a company in order to provide for your family, you cannot just take everything and leave it and follow your dream.

Here it is very important to feel the line between outright madness and a dream. To begin with, you can find a job that will take you less time than the previous one and will give you the opportunity to spend more time training. Of course, this is too radical a step for many and few will do it, but the goal was to convey that you can do anything if you want.

Mistake #2 “Fear”

This mistake is related to the first one; many people never actually realize their dreams because they are too afraid to do so. In order to achieve something, you need to sacrifice something. All successful people know this rule and understand that nothing will come of it if you don’t overpower yourself.

This situation is like fear young guy when he likes a girl but is afraid to approach her to meet her because he is too afraid that she will tell him no and he will feel awkward or something. But if he doesn't approach her, he'll never know what she'll tell him.

Therefore, most people prefer to hide their dreams behind fears and come up with all sorts of excuses for themselves.

Mistake #3 “A hobby cannot become a job”

Many people, especially in the CIS, like to say that “a hobby is a hobby, and work is work.” Implying that these things are not compatible with each other. But we, like most successful businessmen who made their fortunes themselves through “honest work,” are of the opinion that a hobby can easily become a job, and most of them turned their hobby into a job. For example - Steve Jobs, Sam Walton, Richard Branson and many others. By the way, we advise you to read the section, and it contains very interesting things on this topic.

Mistake #4 "Lack of Purpose"

Without a goal, any work will not bring pleasure. Everyone who enjoys their work has a goal. For example, Henry Ford had a goal to make a car that would be affordable for every American. It was this goal that forced him to move forward and work tens of hours a day.

For each person, the goal can be different, someone just wants to prove to others that he is worth something and this motivates him, others want to do whatever interests them, like Richard Branson (we highly recommend studying history and listening to audio books of this businessman ). This is one of the most amazing businessmen we have ever written about.

Error No. 5"

Not many lucky people managed to find their calling the first time, the stories of successful businessmen confirm this. Many of those who the world now knows as the richest people did not begin their journey from the simplest professions, for example, Brian Tracy, in his youth he worked on a ship, sawed timber and worked in many other hard jobs.

Today, many people know Brian Tracy as a successful speaker and motivator who inspires millions of people every year with his books and trainings around the world.

Error No. 6 “Don’t put yourself in a box”

Many people limit themselves when looking for a job, telling themselves: “I’m too stupid for this job, I can’t count quickly, etc.” etc.” Of course, they don’t do this intentionally, they really think so. Such thoughts appear in many people, this is a deep psychological question (why they arise), for those who are interested in this question, we recommend reading books about psychology.

Without going into too much detail, this is a negative mindset that can be easily suppressed during training. Simply put, you just need to increase your self-esteem. Remember that once you didn’t know how to do everything that you know how to do now (walk, write, talk) and all the other things you know. Skills are experience and training and nothing more.

Remind yourself of this when flattery comes to mind. bad thoughts and just do it (realize your dream).

Subscriber story “How I found a job I liked”

When we were writing this article, it turned out that one of our subscribers wrote to us, we started a conversation and he said that he would like to share his story of how he found his job to his liking. And we decided that this would be an interesting experience for other readers.

Story from a subscriber: “How I managed to find a job I liked”:

Before I found my dream job, I spent over 6 years looking for work that brought me pleasure in the process of doing it, during which time I resold over 10 different jobs in a variety of fields.

I literally took on everything I could, but despite the high salary, I could not stay in one place for long. No, I wasn’t kicked out, I just felt that this was not what I needed. I worked for a long time as a webmaster, then at a construction site, then as a freelancer, then created templates for websites, and so on. But that’s the point, let’s go straight to the moment when I realized what I would like and how I realized myself in this.

Step #1 Brainstorming

I decided that first I needed to decide what I would really enjoy, no matter how strange it may sound to many, I liked 2 things, playing the console and creating something interesting from scratch, it doesn’t even matter what (I liked the process itself), I decided to try my hand at new field, then it sounded wild (as it was in those days), this area was not as developed as it is today (and practically no one has ever done anything like this) here in Russia.

In general, I decided to combine 2 favorite things, create and play online games. That is, I created my own blog + channel on YouTube and began posting my games there with comments, guides and much more. But at this stage it was just a dream, I continued to work at my main job and decided to devote my free time to this idea.

Step #2 Implementation

Now I needed to realize my crazy idea, at this stage I was faced with dozens of problems that then seemed to me to never end. I remade the same videos hundreds of times, and there were very few views. The videos themselves were uninteresting, the sound hissed, the camera did not capture well, and so on.

More than once I thought about abandoning this business, since a year had already passed and I had not achieved any tangible results. After all, the goal was to make it my job, that is, to make money from it. A few more months passed and I still managed to catch the wave and I corrected most of my mistakes, now let's go to large quantities new subscribers, views, the site and channel finally came to life.

Step #3 Enjoyment

Having gone through this whole path, I still managed not to give up and achieve what I wanted, luck frankly turned away from me, but despite this I was still able not to give up, which I am very happy about. Today, with the help of my website and channel, I am already earning the same money that I made at other jobs, and I have become much happier because I am doing what I really like.

I hope you too will be able not to give up and find a job you like, which will give you a lot of positive emotions, just like it did for me. I also wanted to note that reading or listening to the stories of successful people can change your life, they are the ones who inspired me to look for my dream job. I would like to wish good luck to everyone who has decided to change their life for the better.

Sincerely, Roman Sokolov.

Well, that's all for us, we hope now you know how to find a job you like, or at least, we have given you the direction in which you can move. I would also like to note that this is especially important for our young subscribers. That you should always have a backup plan. You certainly need to follow your dream, but you should also understand that you don’t need to leave university or college to do this. Many start with stories of successful businessmen and I think they can repeat the story of Steve Jobs. We do not recommend this approach; it is better to try to implement it like Roman in your free time, for this there are weekends, vacations, vacations, etc.

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The most wonderful work is the one that brings you pleasure. When you do what you love, you don’t feel the same amount of fatigue that is always present. good mood and the desire to do even more. But the problem is how to find a job you like?

Where to start

First of all, you need to figure out what is happening in the soul, what it wants. To do this, you need to ask yourself a few simple questions:

  1. What does “work for the soul” mean?
  2. Is the financial side of the job of any importance?
  3. Will I be able to make some sacrifices for the sake of what I love?

It is important to analyze your “I want” and understand what exactly is important: the financial side, recognition, self-realization, etc.

If you look inside yourself and be honest, the answers to these questions will be easy. A clear answer to the question will certainly tell you in what direction you should move, in what field of activity to look for yourself.

Oddly enough, in order to decide on the choice of business, you can just dream. To do this, sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes and imagine what brings you the most pleasure. It will help if you remember what you wanted to become when you were little, and why it didn’t happen.

All desires and memories will need to be written down on paper, or better yet, done. Write down even those that seem ridiculous: there will always be time to cross them out later. After everything has been written down, re-read it carefully. There is sure to be a use for every hobby or interest.

The main thing here is that work performed with interest and love will certainly generate income.

Analysis of existing work

The work you're already doing can provide a lot of clues. You can contact your colleagues and ask them the following questions:

Sometimes a state of depression or problems in other areas of life (family, health, etc.) do not allow you to fully appreciate what you already have. Try to look at your activities from the other side, perhaps it turns out that everything is not so bad. If you still don’t like the job, you should determine what specifically doesn’t suit you about it.

There is no need to quit right away - you can always do this. Sometimes a simple transfer to another position or a change of department can solve the problem. If this does not help you have fun and find harmony with yourself, then a change of activity is simply necessary.

How to find a job you like? Sometimes it’s enough just to look at what exists with different eyes.

The importance of doing something you love

Without enjoying your work, you can very quickly lose any interest in it. The goal will remain the same - to earn money so that you can pay bills, dress, buy groceries, etc. With such a course of life, you constantly look at the clock so that the working day ends sooner and mark the days with crosses on the calendar until your vacation.

You need to remember that it is almost impossible to make good money and achieve success in a job that you don’t like. After all, there is neither the strength nor the desire to work 100%.

It has been proven many times that those who work with love and enthusiasm achieve much greater success in life. Therefore, it is very important to find a field of activity you like. So that every morning the thought “I want to go to work” arises.

The secret of success lies not in the work, but in the person, as far as it is revealed. The more you enjoy what you do, the more active you will be. The desire to work makes you develop and improve.

Work from home

It is often found that family circumstances limit areas of activity. It's no problem. By listening to your inner voice and analyzing your interests and hobbies, you can find a job at home. It will bring not only pleasure, but also income.

Of course, the first place to work from home is the Internet. There are enough activities here to choose from. For those who love handicrafts, you can photograph the process and then sell photos of master classes. The curious will definitely enjoy copyright and rewriting.

Blogs are common on the Internet; you can create your own project on a fascinating topic - it’s interesting and profitable. Even an accountant can find work on the World Wide Web. The main thing is desire.

Network marketing is common on the Internet. If you have a soul for this type of activity, then making the right choice you can improve your financial situation.

It is very important when working on the Internet not to fall for scammers who are trying to lure money out of them in every possible way.

And you should remember that even in order to earn money at home, you need to study, because water does not flow under a lying stone.

Where to find the job you want?

After an analysis of existing work has been carried out, and the reasons for the reluctance to carry out such work have been identified labor activity, you can safely start looking for a new one.

With active searches, new ideas will be born, do not ignore them. Don't be afraid to experiment. The path may be thorny, with mistakes and failures, but it doesn’t matter. Sometimes, at first glance, an activity seems exciting, but in fact everything is boring and uninteresting, and vice versa. The main thing is the final goal.

If a new activity is at least a little interesting, do not ignore this moment, develop it. When it becomes boring and tiring, don’t hesitate to leave. We must never forget that work for the soul should bring pleasure and make you happy. “I want” should prevail over “need”.

Important to remember

When choosing a job, there is no need to be lazy and afraid. If it suddenly turns out that your education is very different from what you like to do, do not despair. It's never too late to study, and several degrees are prestigious. Psychologists advise changing your field of activity every seven years. Don’t be afraid to change something, try something, in a word – make up your mind! In fact, it is a great happiness to make a living doing something that brings you pleasure.

If you don't like it current job– leave, don’t wait until your patience is completely exhausted. It is important to move forward and not sit in one place. Leave your comfort zone and go in search of what you love.

In pursuit of prosperity and stability, many often forget about family responsibilities. This point is very important, because relatives and friends, especially children, need care and love more than, for example, material benefits or the most elite school.

Working to your liking will help you not only find wealth and pleasure, but also see your purpose in life. For this you need little: just look into your inner world and understand what desires lie within it.

Congratulations! You have taken the first step towards finding a job you love. From right the question asked at least half of the success depends. Be glad you put it that way. This means that something more than necessity speaks to you. Finding a job you like is not so easy. Many people have been looking for themselves in different ways for many years. And, in the end, they found it. There are simply no specific deadlines. Life may be similar, but biography is not. Therefore, be prepared to be patient and not lose heart.

5 practical ways to find a job you love

The question “how” is a question of action

Work you love is work that brings you joy. There is no other way to track it. I want to get up in the morning. At the end of the working day, one feels ready to continue tomorrow. You learn something new for yourself, learn something new. This area of ​​life makes you happy. In theory, this is work for the soul. But in practice this is not always the case. Love for such things that a person leaves on earth can leave and come again. It can last a lifetime. Or you may stay there for a while, and then work doesn’t seem to make you happy, and you start looking for something new. It is difficult to keep track of this, moreover, it is not under the control of a person, it cannot be contained. That’s why be prepared to be patient and not lose heart. Someone wise said that there are people who live one life, and there are those who live many short ones. The main thing is to do something, to search.

1. And yet, how to find a job you like? You know, all the answers about oneself usually already exist within a person. A good psychologist knows this and asks questions so that the person draws his own conclusions. Qualitative tests for vocational guidance are based on the same thing. If you are at a crossroads, try taking a similar test. Please note that this results in a professional field or set of professions that is suitable for you. If, after passing the test, you end up with one answer: “builder” or “programmer,” then look for a new one. Because a person cannot be fit into one specific profession. The test should tell you about 3 areas where, judging by the answers, you are most drawn. And the choice of something specific is yours.

2. The second way to search is to start from your talents. That is, because you immediately get it as if you had already learned this somewhere. But in fact, you have it naturally. You intuitively understand what's what. This is talent. Think carefully, every person has his own talent, at least one. Some have several, it’s more difficult for them. I don’t want to use big words, but perhaps this is a professional purpose, who knows. Talent backed by hard work will undoubtedly bring you the happiness you desire.

3. What did you love as a child? In childhood, a person is least susceptible to information meat grinder. The little man still has no prejudices or confusion in his head, so his soul is not confused. He behaves naturally, which in every possible way embarrasses adults who have forgotten how to be children. Remember what you liked to play as a child, how you behaved, what did you like? What did you want to become? If you don’t remember, ask your loved ones. In the matter of finding yourself, all means are good, and this is even more so.

4. And finally, the fourth way out is to do something without thinking. The first thing that comes to mind and is approved by the heart. A trial and error method that will lead you to what you love. In words, everything is very simple - water does not flow under a lying stone. This is a good option for those who are used to action.

We have described for you four ways that can help you find yourself. Be patient. This is advice both for those who have just embarked on this path, and for those who have been looking for a long time. But the most important thing is yet to come, read to the end.

A pure soul is the key to successful searches

Yes, such a turn. Do not think that this is advice from the realm of something unrealistic. On the path of life, desires attach themselves to a person like leeches, which complicate his life. Among them are desires for power, fame, wealth, and abundant attention from the opposite sex. Without love, it is appetites that are never satisfied. Their mother is greed. They blind and make a person unhappy. And they always lead astray. Therefore, when you answer the question: “how can I find a job I like,” never be guided by the desires described above. Maybe this is why in the modern world there is so much music and words of the same type. Think about it, art is a mirror of life, reflecting the world as a whole.

Method number 5 - the most secret

When looking for a job you love, be more modest, knowing that the most important wealth is your soul. And she rejoices when you do good to someone. Modern world forgets about it. There are a lot of problems, which means a lot of work. Think about what problems and how you would like to solve them. The wording of the question is no less important here. To answer, consider abilities. Well, for example: “I want to help people with their jobs.” How to do this? Become an HR manager, go to work at an employment center, become an entrepreneur and create jobs, etc. Or: “I want people not to get sick.” Become medical worker, or sew warm clothes, or become a comedian, and prolong people's lives.

Despite all the simplicity, you do not come to such awareness immediately, but over time. The sooner the better, so we hope you'll listen. The solution must be realistic existing problems, or omissions. Emptiness should not be multiplied.

P.S. Hurray for everything that happened!

And, at the end of the article, I would like to give an inspiring The first biography that came to the author’s mind is life path Italian actor, director and screenwriter, Paolo Villaggio. Born in 1932, his youth was spent in the years of devastation and poverty during the Second World War and its consequences. Paolo did a lot of work after finishing his studies! And a waiter, and an announcer, and an accountant in one of the large companies, until, at the age of 35, he finds his true calling. And he uses all his previous experience to create his most famous paintings. How do you like it? That's how everything is needed for something. So be patient and go ahead! You will definitely be lucky to find a job you like.