Status about God and family. Statuses about God with meaning


Create in the image and likeness? Oh, I've heard that before.

I heard, I saw, I know. I even realize it.

I remember those who called themselves people. Pathetic creatures. But they were so different... Some had a mind, others had a heart that dictated the path. And someone was selfish, greedy for power and fame. But…

Oh yes, there is one "but". Everyone has a soul. No matter what vice overwhelms a person, he always remained himself, albeit somewhere there, in the margins of consciousness.

Almost every one of them valued his own life above all else, but because broken heart they could step into oblivion without fear, without hesitation. It was funny to see this. Know and remember.

Oh yes, I remember. I... I'm the same. Almost. Is it a man?

I don't remember. My soul is old and thin, barely holding on to my physical body, under the weight of what I have experienced. But memory and longevity are an eternal punishment for me, for all my deeds. And therefore, I create now. Out of boredom and hopelessness. To entertain yourself at least a little, to find meaning for a brief moment. After all, in order to lay hands on myself, I will never be able to muster up the courage and audacity. Courage to face the darkness, enveloping and empty, like nothingness, and audacity... To look into the eyes of all those whom I will leave.

So... Clay molds, getting your hands dirty. Red, with a little bit of sand and lake mud mixed in. She is wet, even too wet, she smears her hands and slips out of my old-age tenacious fingers, knotted with arthritis.

In your own image and likeness, you say?

You can't do this, oh, you can't. Let them be flawed. Let there be orphans and wretches, let there be selfish freaks, not those who know love and tenderness that knows how to kill. It doesn't matter who. Each other, prey, those who want to kill them.

And I will make greed their greatest virtue. Let them accumulate, protect, groom and cherish their treasures, which in reality are nothing. A pile of sparkling stones.

By putting lust into them, I will make them multiply a hundred times more than necessary. So that children are a bargaining chip, a reflection of the unrealistic dreams of their parents, so that children suffer and become copies of those who gave birth to them. Let them rape, humiliate, kill, making each other writhe in pain and disgust.

I will give them more than enough pride so that they can pass by the old people who need a crust of bread. So that they forget their own parents, so that they hate those who are lower in status, forget their unwanted friends...

And to some, very, very few, I will give love and compassion. So that they suffer the most, surrounded by similar things.

Create in the image and likeness? Why, if you want to be a creator?

It is much easier to create your children crippled in order to take care of them and have fun watching them swarm.
Like flies in the mud, by God. Oh, well, yes. Pun.

Although, no. I'm not God. I... I'm human. At least in your own thoughts, it’s worth admitting.

And so... Two figures are ready - male and female. Roughly put together, more schematic than correct.

As soon as I blow on them, puffing out my cheeks and taking a deep breath before doing so, how...

No. And yet, no matter what, I am human.

I am a Man.

The man who created these for himself. In the image and likeness. Almost.

I'm human.

Creator. A crooked and blind artist paints pictures while listening to the music played by a wandering musician under the window. Untalented.

Hi all! Here is a collection called Statuses about God with meaning with cool photos. Take the status you like and post it on your favorite network. Bye!

Without fear, people turn into reckless fools who often lose their lives. Isaac Asimov Fantastic Voyage II

Love and be loved...

We are the masters of our destiny. We are the captains of our souls. Winston Churchill

Pharmacies need to sell time. It also heals.

In misfortune a friend is known and an enemy is exposed. Epictetus.

Who is a wanderer? Eddie asked himself, only to answer immediately. — A man whose gaze is always directed beyond the horizon. Stephen King

Money spoils a person. Especially when others have them all the time.

Every day you become more and more convinced that life is a highway. Some slow down, others drive...

Every person has at least ten opportunities to change their life during the day. Success comes to those who know how to use them. Andre Maurois

About my friend, I boldly tell the whole truth, looking into her eyes... By the way, she too...

Voluptuousness is the occupation of people who are not occupied with anything else. Diogenes

Any anger is a consequence of weakness. Russo J.

Our paths may diverge, but in my heart there will always be only one friend - you.

You cannot ask for happiness, you cannot avoid unhappiness if you yourself have acted badly or worked carelessly. Mo Tzu Mo Di

A woman takes everything from a man. Even the last name.....

Luck is the companion of the brave.

They told me something like this: handsome, smart, kind, loyal... I’ll probably get a dog

And, do you know what I like more than anything in the world? wake up from your kisses.

Having listened to the advice of kind passers-by, I walked through the forest.

The problem is that by not taking risks, we risk a hundred times more.

Women need cuteness to be desirable to men; It is unreasonable for beautiful ladies to be attracted to men.

New diet: 3 days only juices; 5 days of only porridge; 7 days only apples. Then 9 days Then 40 days

A Russian person is not someone who has nothing. This is the one who has nothing, and to hell with him.

A family without children is like heaven without angels.

It is enough for men to know that they are believed in. It is enough for women to know that they are loved. And that they are beautiful, and that they are not fat. In short, they need to know everything!

Financial independence is the ability to live on the income of your own resources.

In women, gratitude is only a tiny step away from love. Giacomo Casanova

If a friend is drowning, you need to become an island for him. An island of friendship, where he can relax, find solace, gain strength and patience, and return to the ocean again.

Betrayal is the price of fear or beautiful life. Victor Zubkov

Today the past called and said that she missed me, and I hung up and ran to kiss the present.

Sometimes you want to die, disappear forever... and only time can help. Or your own will.

I am exactly the same as everyone else: I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it. Paulo Coelho. Alchemist

Persons exposed to daily labor endure it, even if they are weak and old, more easily than strong and young people without habit. Hippocrates

Why do you talk about life instead of experiencing it? Erich Maria Remarque

We don't need the help of friends so much as the confidence that we will receive it. Democritus

The most talkative woman is a drunk man.

Work is not a virtue, but an inevitable condition virtuous life. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Women have only two weapons: mascara and tears. But we cannot use them at the same time.

The average person is concerned with how to kill time, but the talented person strives to use it. Schopenhauer A.

If old love does not rust, why does it start to creak? T. Kleiman

If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A. Vampilov

They say children are the flowers of life. But mine doesn’t even want to sit on the potty. Probably not an indoor flower.

If the problem can be resolved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it. Dalai Lama

I want a tanned butt, I want awesome breasts, but all my plans for the summer only result in booze.

It seems like today is Wednesday, but I want to kill everyone like it’s Monday.

When Good is powerless, it is Evil.

Don't say anything stupid - the enemy is listening!

It used to be that you would send someone in the heat of the moment, and then you would worry in your soul: did you get there... didn’t you get there?...

If you don't make mistakes, then you are unable to make a decision. Warren Buffett

Exchanging kisses on camera means no more than exchanging glances on the street. Jeanne Moreau

The Lord protects us all. But the shelf life is different for everyone.

British scientists have found that when the price of a barrel of oil is $100+, officials simply do not have time to spend all the money, and economic growth begins in the country.

My best friend is very educated: she cursed for half an hour - she never repeated herself.

She's mine best friend. She thinks I'm slim and I think she's a natural blonde.

80% of success is showing up in the right place at the right time. Woody Allen

A smile is the curve that straightens everything. Phyllis Diller

Woman and spring are symbols of the birth of life. So let your men today give you as much warmth and light as spring gives us!

The collection of Statuses about God will be meaningfully supplemented, and all inaccuracies will be corrected. Leave comments and rate the article.

The basis of faith is spiritual poverty and immeasurable love for God.

The limit or height of perfection of faith is the dispassionate immersion of the mind in God.
Blessed Diadochos

... Do not judge anyone, and to do this, try not to say anything about anyone: neither bad nor good. This is the easiest way not to be condemned in the next world.
Schema-abbot Ioann Alekseev

In all trials, seek patience, not deliverance; if you deserve it, it will come to you soon.
from the diaries of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova

We are looking for God outside, but he is inside.
Oscar Boethius

One God, one faith, one blood, one day, one life, one love, one breath, one syllable, one essence.

Faith consists not only in being baptized into Christ, but also in fulfilling His commandments.

All reasonable people profess one religion. However, they do not say which one.
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

If some bitch has trampled on your heart, then this is not a reason to stop believing in love.

The road to Truth has two steps: one is Knowledge, the other is Faith.
Ilya Shevelev

We ask God and complain only when we feel bad. However, when we feel good, we don’t thank him for it. Who does a person turn to when there is no one to turn to?

Faith must come from the heart, and not from the mind, then it is faith, and only then is it effective.
Luule Viilma

He who goes against God is lost in himself.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Faith in one God is the key to the inner unity of man.
Ilya Shevelev

In all creations the Lord is visible to us, and man and bird strive upward.
William Shakespeare

People argue whether there is a God or not, but one thing is indisputable - faith in God makes a person a Human.
Ilya Shevelev

We pray for mercy, and this prayer should teach us to respect merciful actions.
William Shakespeare

For some, faith in God opens their horizons, while for others they become confined to faith.
Ilya Shevelev

He trusted God with his faith.
Anatoly Rakhmatov...

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God. Statuses, statements about faith in God

“Know thyself” was inscribed above the entrance ancient world. Above the entrance of the new world will be written: “Be yourself.” Christ's commandment to man was simply: “Be yourself.” This is the mystery of Christ.

Believe in yourself! Believe in him! Believe in our feelings.

Love has no religion. God has no nation...

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. This is my religion.

God endured and commanded us!

God thinks about us, but does not think for us.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, Bible

Anyone who has faith even the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

He who expected from God swallowed the fire, he who earned his labor sewed a fur coat.

Whatever God pleases is suitable.

God is not in power, but in truth.

Forgive, Lord, my sins!

God will give the day, God will give food.

We all walk under God.

Who does a person turn to when there is no one to turn to?

Faith in God is faith in yourself.

By faith the Lord can create everything, but at the same time the perfection of the life of Christians is in humility.

Statuses, statements about faith in God

Faith of the Canaanite! Christian verses about the Holy Spirit


Christian Poems about Serving God -
in the Holy Spirit, about Pentecost

/Matt. Ch.15: 22 art./

There was a woman standing at the Temple,
She cried with her heart,
"..- God give me strength to see
Living sun, heaven!..
There are only tears in my heart,
The only daughter is sick
And who can heal?
To have a pure soul?...

Here is the old man who gave her hope,

There is, he says, one prophet,
What comforts the soul, the heart!
Gives your mouth a sip of water!
He is Jesus, from Nazareth,
And He was sent - to the “sons of love”,
And you are a pagan, a Canaanite,
And your daughter is blacker than darkness!..

But the mother, grieving with a meek soul,
She told the old man:

"..- Peace be with you!
I believe in the Eternal Lord,
What He will not leave is in trouble!
I love my daughter!
And I will not leave her soul -
In the kingdom of darkness,
I know there is a God of Eternal Life,
Giving "the sun of love!"

And the elder showed with his hand:

Look, the crowd is coming,
And in the middle of it is Jesus!
Great, true, Prophet!..

A tear of love covered my heart,
And suddenly she shouted:

O Son of the Tribe of David!
My daughter is sick at heart!
Can't get up, can't see the light,
He's mad with his soul!
And there is no “sun of the Testament” in it!
And there is no “Your truth” in it!

"I am sent to the true sons,
To the lost "sheep of sanctification"
So that they can come to the Blessed Temple!...

The Canaanite woman answered,
Falling at the Feet of "Living Love",

O Son of the Tribe of David!
Don't pass me by!
You are the Master!
Lord of the Covenant!
Came to the "Sons of Israel!"
And I am nothing.. A Canaanite...
And I cannot enter the Temple,
But I Believe in the Living God!
The Fire of Prayer is the Light of Love!
I ask You, Great Lord,
Heal my daughter!

Though You are sent to the sons of “Hosanna!”
To the people of "true praise"
I Believe the Voice of Prophecies,
The Living Prophet is the Lord of Love!
And the dogs pick up the crumbs,
From all the tables of the living Lords,
And “by meek faith” they belittle,
To drink - "streams of waters!"

O Lord, Holy Heaven!
I Believe - Your truth!
I humble myself before You!
Take away the sadness from my soul!
I want to drink the water of Life,
The Lord of Prayer is the God of Love!
..- Oh, Jesus!
Lord of the Covenant!
I am like a “dog” - at the feet of praise!

I pick up crumbs of faith,
My heart is all in tears,
I want to taste the "manna of life"
And be with your daughter in Heaven!..

And meekly, with heart, diminishing,
With a sad soul, lamenting,
She saw the whole “Light!”
Spiritual, True Testament!

Jesus' eyes are like the sun!
And in the rays of Holy Love,
She heard the words:

".. - Go!
Your daughter is healed!
She called the prophet Lord!
You were jealous of meek faith!
Granted to you - “seal!”
In the Holy Spirit - grace!
Fasting with a prayerful soul,
You saw - the light is alive!
And God blessed you,
We covered with the oil of truth!

And the sun of light is above you!
And "morning of the Angelic dew!"
Do you believe in the Lord, the Living One,
What can remove the shackles of darkness!

And Heaven - Heaven, opened!
Oh Hallelujah! Honor, Praise!
My daughter is healed with her heart,
Through prayer he sees - “the sun of the day!”..

And no - deceit,
No - malice,
And there is no “shadow” on the Soul,
She was given the “Crown of Living Prayer”,
"The sun shines" - doubly so!

With a meek prayer, shining,
Mother bowed to the Kingdom of Paradise,
In the Prophet - seeing Heaven,
She saw Christ!

Having drunk the Blessed Love,
In her Heart is Eternal Light,
Her daughter is Peace and Joy!
In her Soul is a Living Testament!

And the Holy Spirit is the Veil of “Hosanna!”
Breath of Angelic Heavens,
"..- Your sins are forgiven!
In your Heart - “The Light is Risen!”

There was a woman standing at the Temple,
Having accepted the cover of living love,
In the Holy Spirit - I was jealous,
After all, her daughter is like “the light of dawn!”

Thanks to the Lord God,
She went to her home,
And at the "threshold of grace"
Her daughter told her - “...- God is Alive!!”
Amen! 03/04/2011.