Statuses about God and life. Quotes, statuses about God, Christ, faith, life

Do not bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you.

Anyone who has faith even the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

A person who, being rebuked, hardens his neck, will suddenly be crushed, and there will be no healing for him.

Faith is the wing of prayer. Not having faith, this wing, my prayer will return to my bosom again.

Take care of the one who cries for you. God protects you for her tears.

Know how to listen; Even a little impatience can lead to big unpleasant consequences.

God has plenty of room for the righteous.

Forgive me, Lord! I didn’t listen to You, but You asked whether to send me a cross from the very beginning. If I had listened, I would have gotten rid of all this unnecessary fuss.

You can hide it from people, but you can’t hide it from God.

Love must be in the heart, and not on the tongue, and it must be shown in deeds, and not just in words: otherwise there will be hypocritical love. He who has love in his heart, seeing his brother’s need, helps him.
(Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Pray to God, and stay in good spirits!

God's water runs on God's earth. God's dew sprinkles God's soil.

Everyone is about himself, but God is about everyone. It is not because of our sins that the Lord is merciful.

You walk under God - God's will you wear.

God sees who will offend whom (or: who loves whom).

God puts to shame human judgments (St. Dmitry of Rostov).

If God wants it. If God commands.

God is with you (i.e., I forgive, I bless; or: go away, get rid of it; or: come to your senses, come to your senses).

God exists as long as people believe in him. Statuses about God and faith in God

All joy comes from God. Wherever I am happy living soul- in dirt, in confusion, in poverty - God appeared everywhere and laid down his rights.

By faith the Lord can create everything, but at the same time the perfection of the life of Christians is in humility.

Only through the eyes of love can we see a person as he is in his very depths, in his very essence, and treat him accordingly. This is how God treats us.

We ask God and complain only when we feel bad. However, when we feel good, we don’t thank him for it.

Anyone who doesn't believe in future life, dead to this one too.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Those who interpret the signs do so at their own peril.

People would never believe in God unless they were allowed to believe in him incorrectly.
George Saville Halifax

Faith is an oasis in the heart that the caravan of thinking can never reach.

For some, faith in God opens their horizons, while for others they become confined to faith.
Ilya Shevelev

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God.

He trusted God with his faith.
Anatoly Rakhmatov...

I don't know what God is, but I definitely know what he is not.

He who goes against God is lost in himself.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, Bible

Faith must come from the heart, and not from the mind, then it is faith, and only then is it effective.
Luule Viilma

God does not walk, but measures the good (it is said when happiness changes).

I'm starting to feel like God. People only remember me when they feel bad...

Thank God that you are already my beloved!

People, clean your dirty tongues.

Statuses about God and faith in God

For one reason or another, many of us have to turn to God. At this moment, we are like little children who ask their parents to protect them from all kinds of adversity. We don’t always find a way out, but VK statuses about God can help us with this.

Profound Sayings About God

Sayings of the great about God

The topic of statuses about God is more than serious. It can be best illuminated by people whose authority is unshakable in our society:

Statuses about God for important life moments

Many people remember the Creator only when something negative happens to them. There is no shame in getting out of this with God in your heart, but only when you are with him in the future:

  1. Talking with the Lord means discovering in your mind what has long been hidden in your soul.
  2. For religion, majority is not about the number of people behind a certain idea, it is about approval of it from a moral point of view.
  3. Judging by the miracles that happen, God is definitely not the most responsible.
  4. Lack of faith is not absurd, it is everyone’s personal choice.
  5. The decision about the existence of God is important only for ourselves, certainly not for him.
  6. The uniqueness of God lies in the fact that he is unique. And another thing is that he couldn’t choose his religion.
  7. Many believe in immortality, but few trust it.
  8. No one should convey the essence of the Creator: everyone should understand it themselves.
  9. There are so many different thoughts about God, and so little is said about love. It’s a pity, because without it you definitely can’t comprehend God.
  10. The more often you turn to God, the more you are beyond your strength. Or maybe you just think so.
  11. The Creator in our general understanding is unbearable.
  12. God should not be confused with an angel.
  13. Roads do not lead to the Creator - he is already omnipresent.

Choose statuses for your page and tell your friends about your greatest thoughts!

Faith of the Canaanite! Christian verses about the Holy Spirit


Christian Poems about Serving God -
in the Holy Spirit, about Pentecost

/Matt. Ch.15: 22 art./

There was a woman standing at the Temple,
She cried with her heart,
"..- God give me strength to see
Living sun, heaven!..
There are only tears in my heart,
The only daughter is sick
And who can heal?
To have a pure soul?...

Here is the old man who gave her hope,

There is, he says, one prophet,
What comforts the soul, the heart!
Gives your mouth a sip of water!
He is Jesus, from Nazareth,
And He was sent - to the “sons of love”,
And you are a pagan, a Canaanite,
And your daughter is blacker than darkness!..

But the mother, grieving with a meek soul,
She told the old man:

"..- Peace be with you!
I believe in the Eternal Lord,
What He will not leave is in trouble!
I love my daughter!
And I will not leave her soul -
In the kingdom of darkness,
I know there is a God of Eternal Life,
Giving "the sun of love!"

And the elder showed with his hand:

Look, the crowd is coming,
And in the middle of it is Jesus!
Great, true, Prophet!..

A tear of love covered my heart,
And suddenly she shouted:

O Son of the Tribe of David!
My daughter is sick at heart!
Can't get up, can't see the light,
He's mad with his soul!
And there is no “sun of the Testament” in it!
And there is no “Your truth” in it!

"I am sent to the true sons,
To the lost "sheep of sanctification"
So that they can come to the Blessed Temple!...

The Canaanite woman answered,
Falling at the Feet of "Living Love",

O Son of the Tribe of David!
Don't pass me by!
You are the Master!
Lord of the Covenant!
Came to the "Sons of Israel!"
And I am nothing.. A Canaanite...
And I cannot enter the Temple,
But I Believe in the Living God!
The Fire of Prayer is the Light of Love!
I ask You, Great Lord,
Heal my daughter!

Though You are sent to the sons of “Hosanna!”
To the people of "true praise"
I Believe the Voice of Prophecies,
The Living Prophet is the Lord of Love!
And the dogs pick up the crumbs,
From all the tables of the living Lords,
And “by meek faith,” they belittle,
To drink - "streams of waters!"

O Lord, Holy Heaven!
I Believe - Your truth!
I humble myself before You!
Take away the sadness from my soul!
I want to drink the water of Life,
The Lord of Prayer is the God of Love!
..- Oh, Jesus!
Lord of the Covenant!
I am like a “dog” - at the feet of praise!

I pick up crumbs of faith,
My whole heart is in tears,
I want to taste the "manna of life"
And be with your daughter in Heaven!..

And meekly, with heart, diminishing,
With a sad soul, lamenting,
She saw the whole “Light!”
Spiritual, True Testament!

Jesus' eyes are like the sun!
And in the rays of Holy Love,
She heard the words:

".. - Go!
Your daughter is healed!
She called the prophet Lord!
You were jealous of meek faith!
Granted to you - “seal!”
In the Holy Spirit - grace!
Fasting with a prayerful soul,
You saw - the light is alive!
And God blessed you,
We covered with the oil of truth!

And the sun of light is above you!
And "morning of the Angelic dew!"
Do you believe in the Lord, the Living One,
What can remove the shackles of darkness!

And Heaven - Heaven, opened!
Oh Hallelujah! Honor, Praise!
My daughter is healed with her heart,
Through prayer he sees - “the sun of the day!”..

And no - deceit,
No - malice,
And there is no “shadow” on the Soul,
She was given the “Crown of Living Prayer”,
"The sun shines" - doubly so!

With a meek prayer, shining,
Mother bowed to the Kingdom of Paradise,
In the Prophet - seeing Heaven,
She saw Christ!

Having drunk the Blessed Love,
In her Heart is Eternal Light,
Her daughter is Peace and Joy!
In her Soul is a Living Testament!

And the Holy Spirit is the Veil of “Hosanna!”
Breath of Angelic Heavens,
"..- Your sins are forgiven!
In your Heart - “The Light is Risen!”

There was a woman standing at the Temple,
Having accepted the cover of living love,
In the Holy Spirit - I was jealous,
After all, her daughter is like “the light of dawn!”

Thanks to the Lord God,
She went to her home,
And at the "threshold of grace"
Her daughter told her - “...- God is Alive!!”
Amen! 03/04/2011.

Quotes, statuses about God, Christ, faith, life.

In compassion lies love so powerful that it is greater ordinary love. If you have compassion for another, you begin to love him more.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

✞ Jesus had wooden cross and a heart of gold, and now many have golden crosses and wooden hearts ✞

Love sincerely! Goodbye quickly! Kiss slowly! Laugh uncontrollably! And never regret what has passed!

Some thoughts are the same prayers. There are moments when the soul, regardless of the position of the body, is on its knees. Victor Hugo


“Happy is the one who feels happy” St. Theophan the Recluse

Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change, and courage accept what I cannot change.

Let's not skimp on the warmth: We all need moments of understanding. Let your friend’s soul feel light from our participation and attention.

Music is the only universal language, it does not need to be translated, soul speaks to soul. Averbakh Bertold

I have learned to be content with what I have (Phil. 4:11) and with what I don't have and who I don't have.

God bless! For everything, thank God! From these wonderful, holy words, dark thoughts and burdens recede. Peace, consolation, joy come to a person’s soul

Start thanking God for what you have and He will give you what you lack.

Joy is not the absence of suffering. This is the presence of God.

There is no closer acquaintance, no closer connection than the connection by unity of thoughts, unity of feelings, unity of purpose. St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

Not in God is strong, and in truth. Some with weapons, others on horses, and we will call on the Name of the Lord our God! Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Listen to God in the commandments so that He will hear you in your prayers. (St. John Chrysostom)

Do not look for support in people, but in God, and the Lord will send reliable friends in spirit. Archimandrite John (Peasant)

To her, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother...

"It is a great egoism to think that you are capable of correcting others." (Schimonk Paisiy Svyatogorets)

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Don't waste your time. This is the stuff life is made of!

You can know someone for a long time. But he will betray you later. You may not know someone well. But he will lend a hand in trouble...

It is better to be deprived of respect than to be tired of being useful.

Above the law can only be love, above truth only mercy, and above justice only forgiveness!


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When a person gives himself completely to God, then God gives Himself completely to man. monk Simeon of Athos

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, Bible

The basis of faith is spiritual poverty and immeasurable love for God. Venerable Macarius the Great

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God.

A wise person does not grieve about what does not exist, he rejoices in the present.

Anyone who has faith even the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

Religion is a fashionable surrogate for faith.

Approach God not through rituals and ceremonies, but through inner feeling. Heaven is neither a place nor a time.

Let us praise God, who grants death to the faithful in darkness and joy in despair.

We ask God and complain only when we feel bad. However, when we feel good, we don’t thank him for it. Who does a person turn to when there is no one to turn to?

God thinks about us, but does not think for us.

Faith is an oasis in the heart that the caravan of thinking can never reach.

Believe in yourself! Believe in him! Believe in our feelings.

There are two wise people: me and people, I believe in myself.

Only through the eyes of love can we see a person as he is in his very depths, in his very essence, and treat him accordingly. This is how God treats us.

I'm beautiful in my own way, Because God doesn't make mistakes.

Take care of the one who cries for you. God protects you for her tears.

Faith is the wing of prayer. Not having faith, this wing, my prayer will return to my bosom again.

Do not bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you.

Faith in one God is the key to the inner unity of man.
Ilya Shevelev

When God closes one door, he opens another; but we often do not notice it, staring at closed door...

By faith the Lord will create everything, but perfection Christian life in humility.

To prove God is blasphemy; to deny it is madness.

I will destroy everything that I have built for so long. In my soul I will erect new temple. Away from those people you don't deserve. And I definitely won’t betray those around me...

“I do not believe that the percentage of believers in God among scientists is lower than among other professions.”

Christians are people who heard and responded to the call of Jesus Christ.

Faith consists not only in being baptized into Christ, but also in fulfilling His commandments.

Without faith and without works, God will not accept prayer.

Tell me, father, where is justice in this world. The truth has clearly merged, but mercy does not rule in this world. Give me the strength not to lose...

The greatest regrets in our lives come from times when we ran away from God.

If your faith does not motivate you to change, change your faith.

Faith is the art of holding on to what you once accepted, regardless of changes in mood. (C. Lewis)

No one has done anything great for God without taking a great step of faith.

Commit your deeds to the Lord, and your undertakings will be accomplished. (Proverbs 16:3)

Obedience without faith is possible, but faith without obedience is never possible.

It's always scary to take a step of faith. If it weren't scary, there would be no need for faith.

Believing in yourself leads to disappointment, trusting in God will never disappoint.

I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart and glorify Your name forever" (Ps. 86:12-13)

Panic is a killer of faith.

Statuses, quotes about faith in God