Stephen of Perm short biography. Stefan Permsky - short biography

Stefan of Perm (c. 1340 - 1396), Bishop of Great Perm, Saint, Enlightener of Perm, Apostle of the Zyrians

Born around 1340 in the city of Ustyug in the family of the clerk Simeon. When the future saint's mother, Mary, was still three years old, Saint Procopius the holy fool from Ustyug predicted to her the birth of a holy son. Under the influence of his pious mother, possessing great abilities, Stefan from a young age showed extraordinary zeal for serving the Church: in one year he learned to read and helped his father in the church during divine services, acting as canonarch and reader.

Saint Stephen of Perm. Icon with life, 1st half of the 17th century

In his youth, the saint accepted monasticism at the monastery in honor of St. Gregory the Theologian in Rostov. The monastery was famous for its rich book collection. St. Stephen wanted to read the Holy Fathers in the original and for this he studied Greek. In his youth, helping his father in the church, he often talked with the Zyryans. Now, having mastered the rich church culture, Saint Stephen was burning with the desire to convert the Zyrians to Christ.

To enlighten the Zyrians, the future saint compiled the alphabet of their language and translated several church books into it. To compose the Zyryan alphabet, he used the Zyryan banknotes, which they carved on thin quadrangular sticks (passes). Bishop Arseny of Rostov (1374-1380) consecrated him to the rank of hierodeacon. Having prepared himself for missionary activity, St. Stephen appeared in Moscow in 1379 to Bishop Gerasim of Kolomna, who was then managing the affairs of the metropolitanate, and asked him: "Bless me, Vladyka, to go to the pagan country - Perm. I want to teach the holy faith to unfaithful people. I I decided either to bring them to Christ, or to lay down their heads for Christ. The bishop blessed him with joy and consecrated him to the rank of hieromonk. He provided him with antimensions, holy chrism and liturgical books, and Grand Duke Dimitry Ioannovich gave him letters of protection.

From Ustyug, St. Stephen descended along the Northern Dvina to the confluence of the Vychegda, from where the settlements of the Zyryans began. He was greeted with extreme hostility: they made a fire of firewood, they wrapped him in straw to burn him; but no one dared to approach him with a lighted torch. His gentle appearance and fearlessness disarmed the Zyrians, and they themselves began to ask him to preach to them. The preacher of the faith of Christ endured many labors, struggles, hardships and sorrows, living among pagans who worshiped idols, "fire, water, trees, stone and a golden woman, and a magician, and a sorcerer, and a tree."

The Zyrians were especially reverent before the so-called "squeaky birch". The birch, huge in thickness and height, grew on an elevated place. The Zyryans gathered to her and sacrificed the animals they had hunted. Saint Stephen set up his cell not far from the birch and used the gatherings of superstitious pagans by the tree to teach them the holy truth. Then Saint Stephen cut down and burned the birch to eradicate superstition. The Zyrians were going to kill him. The saint addressed them with a sermon:

"Judge for yourselves, are your gods strong when they cannot protect themselves from fire? Are they gods when they are so weak, and not only have no sense, but also hearing and sight? And from me, weak, they failed to protect themselves your deity. Are not all your other gods the same? The Christian God is not like that. He sees everything, knows everything and is Almighty, for He created the whole world and provides for everything. And how good He is, especially to those who know Him! I wish you well preaching to you the True God, He will love you, will do you good, when you begin to honor Him sincerely."

On the site of the "purple birch" St. Stephen built a temple in honor of the Archangel Michael, the Destroyer of the spirits of darkness.

The baptized Zyrians themselves began to destroy what they used to worship: they cut down sacred trees, crushed idols; rich gifts intended for pagan altars, they brought to Saint Stephen. He ordered the Zyryanin Matthew, who served under him, to set fire to everything and only allowed the use of the linen for wrapping the legs.

But the final turning point in the Zyryans occurred after St. Stephen shamed their chief priest, Pam, who rebelled against the spread of the holy faith. The priest entered into an argument with Saint Stephen. “You Christians,” Pam said, “have one God, and we have many helpers both on land and on water, giving us happy fishing in the forests and supplying Moscow, the horde and distant countries with its abundance; they tell us secrets in sorcery inaccessible to you." Saint Stephen replied that the True God is one; Omnipotence is one thing, and the impotence of god-idols is evident from experience. After a long debate, the priest Pam, in justification of his faith, volunteered to go through fire and water, and demanded the same from Saint Stephen. “I do not command the elements,” Saint Stephen answered humbly, “but the Christian God is great: I go with you.” Pam trembled and begged to save him from certain death. “You are witnesses,” said St. Stephen to the assembled people, “he himself demanded to resolve the dispute about faith with fire and water, and yet he does not want to be baptized. Who is Pam to be considered now? What to do with him?” "Deceiver put to death," the people replied, "if you let Pam go, he will do you dirty tricks." "No," replied the saint, "Christ sent me not to put anyone to death, but to teach. Pam does not want to accept the saving faith, let his stubbornness punish him, but not me." Pam was kicked out. In gratitude to the Lord for the victory over the head of the pagans, Saint Stephen built a church on Vishera in honor of Saint Nicholas. After this, the preaching of the saint about Christ began to go more and more successfully.

St. Stephen of Perm drags the Zyrian sorcerer Pam into the fire. Original drawing by K. V. Lebedev

In 1383, Saint Stephen was made Bishop of Perm by Metropolitan Pimen. As a loving father, he tirelessly cared for his flock. In order to confirm the faith of the newly converted, Saint Stephen opened schools at the temples, where holy books studied in Permian. The saint looked closely at the students, took into account their abilities in order to appoint priests and deacons from among them. St. Stephen taught some of his students to write in Perm. The saint built churches, in which he placed priests from Zyryan, introduced worship in the Zyryan language. St. Stephen translated into the Zyryan language the Book of Hours, the Psalter, selected readings from the Gospel and the Apostle, the Paremiion, the Stichirar, the Oktoich, several feast services and the Divine Liturgy.

During crop failures, the Saint supplied the Zyrians with bread, saved them many times from the violence and bribes of the Tiuns, facilitated their taxes, protected them from attacks by other tribes, interceding for them in Moscow. The fruit of his exploits and virtues was the conversion of the entire vast Perm land to Christianity - he himself baptized the population of Little Perm (later - the Komi region, i.e. the Vychegda River basin), and then his students and followers spread the Faith. This great work was accomplished by the power of faith and Christian love. The life of a saint is a victory of faith over unbelief, love and meekness over malice and impiety.

The touching "in absentia meeting" of St. Stephen of Perm with the venerable Sergius of Radonezh, which was in 1390 during the trip of the saint to Moscow on church affairs. St. Stephen passionately loved the Radonezh ascetic and very much desired to see him on the way from the Perm land, but could not do this due to lack of time. Being 10 versts from the monastery of St. Sergius, Saint Stephen, having prayed, turned towards the monastery and bowed: "Peace be with you, spiritual brother!" Saint Sergius, who was sitting with the brethren at the meal, got up, prayed, and, bowing in the direction where the saint was passing, answered: “Rejoice you too, shepherd of the flock of Christ, and may the peace of God be with you!” The deep spiritual connection between St. Stephen of Perm and St. Sergius of Radonezh is also evidenced now by a special daily prayer to them at a fraternal meal.

In addition to the construction of churches, St. Stephen founded several monasteries for the Zyrians: Spassky Ulyanovsk Hermitage 165 versts from Ust-Sysolsk, Stefanovskaya - 60 versts from Ust-Sysolsk, Ust-Vymskaya Arkhangelsk, Yarenskaya Arkhangelsk.

"Zyryanskaya Trinity" - an icon of the Holy Trinity of the XIV century, according to legend, written by St. Stephen of Perm, which has the oldest surviving inscription in the Komi-Zyryan language, made in ancient Perm writing.

Saint Stephen is also credited with painting several icons. The most famous of them is the "Zyryanskaya Trinity" with an extensive inscription in the Stefan alphabet in the Komi language.

In 1395 St. Stephen again went to Moscow on the business of his flock, and here he died on April 26, 1396.

Honor and legacy

The body of St. Stephen was laid in the Monastery of the Savior Beyond the Wall (in the church on Bor in honor of the Savior) in the Moscow Kremlin. The Zyrians bitterly mourned the death of their apostle. They strenuously begged the Moscow prince and the metropolitan to release the body of their mentor to Perm, but Moscow did not want to part with the remains of the great saint.

Thanks to the work of the saint, Orthodoxy was firmly established in the Permyak region, and the Stefan alphabet was used by educated scribes in the 15th-16th centuries to write individual inscriptions and notes on the margins of books.

The glorification of St. Stephen began at the beginning of the 15th century. His first life was written at the end of the XIV-beginning of the XV century by Epiphanius the Wise, a disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who had previously lived in the same monastery with the saint and loved to talk with him. The Akathist to St. Stephen, based on the life of Epiphanius, was compiled by Hieromonk Pachomius Serb, who came to Rus' in the first half of the 15th century. Subsequently, the biography of the saint was enriched with details from other legends about him - for example, in the first life of Epiphanius, there is no mention of the safe-conduct of Prince Dmitry, about the miracles of the saint, and about the case with the "squeaky birch."


1. So in the Life of St. Procopius, according to the researcher of the life of St. Stephen Alexander Kotylev. The article states that St. Procopius predicted in his early childhood to Stefan that he would become an educator of Perm.

2. Or spruce.

3. In the Life he is called "Pam-Sotnik".

4. according to Life - 700 people

5. Now stored in the Vologda Reserve

6. dates the first life to 1472 - perhaps this is the date of the compilation of Pachomius's work.


Prayer to St. Stephen of Great Perm:

  • Prayer to St. Stephen of Great Perm. Saint Stephen, Enlightener of Perm, Apostle of the Zyrians, one of the greatest missionaries of Russian Orthodoxy. Heavenly patron of the Perm region, temple builders, missionaries and teachers. They turn to him for prayer help to admonish pagans, non-believers and sectarians

Akathist to St. Stephen of Great Perm:

Canon to St. Stephen of Great Perm:

Hagiography and scientific-historical literature about St. Stephen of Great Perm:

  • - Pravoslavie.Ru
  • Stephen of Perm- Tree
  • Apostolic feat of St. Stephen of Perm- A. Krasheninnikov

The meaning of STEFAN OF PERM in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia


Stephen of Perm is a saint. Born (about 1340) in the city of Ustyug. Accompanying his father (a rural deacon) to the temple, he learned church singing and the charter. After that, he focused his attention on the Zaryan language, which was spoken by almost the entire local population. Even in the early childhood of Stefan, Saint Prokopiy the Holy Fool from Ustyug predicted to him that he would be an educator of the Permian people. Under the influence of this prediction, he moved to Rostov and entered the monastery of St. Gregory the Theologian in order to prepare himself for missionary service. This was the time of the educational activity of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who soon became a friend of Stephen. The idea of ​​the young ascetic to serve as missionary work for Perm was approved by all. To enjoy Holy Scripture and the works of the Church Fathers, Stephen learned the Greek language; but he soon realized that the success of preaching among the Zyryans would not be ensured if he did not know the Zyryan language. Soon he mastered this language so much that he began to translate the services of the Orthodox Church into it. To compile the Zyryan alphabet, Stefan used the Zyryan banknotes, which they carved on thin quadrangular sticks (passes). Having visited Ustyug, Stefan became convinced of the ability of the Zyryans to learn new concepts and rules of life in their own language. He found helpers for himself, and the whole region soon resounded with the word of a new doctrine for savages. Stefan went to Moscow, where he received the blessing of Metropolitan Saint Alexy and was made a presbyter. Grand Duke Dimitri gave him a safe-conduct. In 1379, having been about 40 years old, Stefan went to Perm, and never returned to Rostov, whose inhabitants still honor him along with the Rostov saints. Stefan reached Kotlas along the Northern Dvina and Vychegda and began to preach the Christian doctrine. He was greeted with extreme hostility: they made a fire of firewood, they wrapped him in straw to burn him; but no one dared to approach him with a lighted torch. His meek appearance and fearlessness disarmed the savages, and they themselves began to ask him to preach to them. Wherever Stephen was, he built churches and chapels, destroying pagan idols. Sermon in Gala and Ust-Vym, where he destroyed the deified birch, threatened him with death, but here the first church in the region was built. Stefan was once again in Moscow, and in 1383 he was made bishop of the region he had benefited from. Stephen died on April 26, 1396. See Archpriest Popov "St. Stephen of Great Perm" (1885). N. B-v.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is STEPHAN PERM in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • STEPHAN PERM in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Stefan of Perm (c. 1340 - 1396), Bishop of Great Perm, Saint, Enlightener of Perm, Apostle ...
  • STEPHAN PERM in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Perm (about 1345, Ustyug the Great - 26.4.1396, Moscow), leader of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 2nd half of the 14th century, church writer. Get a haircut in…
    (c. 1345-1396) Russian missionary-educator in the Komi lands from 1379, 1st bishop of the new Perm diocese (winter 1383-84). Compiled the alphabet of the Komi language ...
    Saint. Genus. (c. 1340) in the city of Ustyug. Accompanying his father (a rural deacon) to the temple, he learned church singing and the charter. …
    (circa 1345 - 1396), missionary-educator, first bishop of the new Perm diocese (winter 1383/84). Compiled the alphabet of the Komi language and translated it into ancient ...
    ? Saint. Genus. (c. 1340) in the city of Ustyug. Accompanying his father (a rural deacon) to the temple, he learned church singing and ...
    Stefan ...
  • STEPHAN PERM in the Spelling Dictionary:
    stephan ...
    (c. 1345-1396), Russian missionary-educator in the Komi lands from 1379, 1st bishop of the new Perm diocese (winter 1383-84). Compiled the alphabet of the Komi language ...
    (1 Cor 1:16, 16:15) - a member of Chr. Churches in Corinth, mentioned thrice by St. Paul in the first letter to the Corinthians. His family,…
  • STEPHEN in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (crown; Acts 6:5) apostle and first martyr, the first of the 7 deacons appointed by the apostles. The sacred writer of the book of the Acts of the Apostles speaks of him, ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (d. c. 35) Christian first martyr and, according to legend, the first deacon. He preached in Jerusalem and was stoned. Memory in the Orthodox…
  • STEPHEN in encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in the world Nikolai Pavlovich Arkhangelsky, born in 1861) is a spiritual writer, a graduate of the Kazan Theological Academy, Bishop of Mogilev and Mstislav. …
  • PERMIAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Mikhail is a writer and translator of the 18th century. He studied at the Alexander Nevsky Seminary, was the clerk of the embassy church in London. In 1750…
  • STEPHEN in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • STEPHEN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    III THE GREAT (? - 1504), ruler of Moldavia since 1457, pursued a policy of centralization. Won wars with Hungary (1467) and Poland (1497), ...
    STEFAN YAVORSKY (in the world Simeon Iv.) (1658-1722), church. activist, locum tenens of the patriarchal throne from 1700. In 1689 he became a monk. Pres. Slavic-Greek-Latin...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEPHAN UROS II, see Milutin ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEPHAN OF PERM (about 1345-1396), Russian. missionary-educator in the Komi lands since 1379, the first bishop of the new Perm diocese (winter 1383/84). Made up the alphabet...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEPHAN THE PRIMARY (? -1227), led. župan from 1196, king of Serbia from 1217; from the Nemanjić dynasty. Received the royal title from the Pope; …
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEFAN NEMANIA (1113 or 1114-1200), led. zhupan ok. 1170-1196, founder of the Serb. state-va and the Nemanich dynasty. Achieved recognition of Serbian independence. gos-va ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEFAN LAZAREVICH (c. 1377-1427), Serbian. prince from 1389, despot of Serbia from 1402; from the Nemanjić dynasty. In the fight against Ottoman expansion ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEFAN DUSHAN (c. 1308-1355), king of Serbia from 1331, king (from the end of 1345) created by him as a result of the annexation of Macedonia (1345), Albania ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEFAN VOEVODA (nickname Myzga), leader of the cross. restore in Moldova in 1566. After the defeat, he fled to the mountains ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEFAN BATHORY, see Batory ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEPHAN III THE GREAT (? -1504), ruler of Moldavia from 1457, pursued a policy of centralization. Won the war with the Hungarians. (1467) and Polish. (1497) troops, ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEPHAN I, see Istvan I ...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEFAN (Stefan) Joseph (1835-93), Austrian. physicist. Experimentally established (1879) the law of radiation of an absolutely black body (S.-Boltzmann's law). Tr. by diffusion...
  • STEPHEN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    STEPHAN (d. c. 35), Christ. first martyr and, according to legend, the first deacon. He preached in Jerusalem and was beaten...
  • PERMIAN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PERM UNIVERSITY, osn. in 1916 as a branch of Petrograd. un-ta, since 1917 they are independent. university Training in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biol., geol., ...
  • PERMIAN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PERM OPERA AND BALLET THEATER. P.I. Tchaikovsky. In 1878, a theater building was built, in which dramas, operas, operettas were staged (entreprises ...
  • PERMIAN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PERM PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, leads the history of the Higher. female Frebel Courses (founded in 1917, in 1921 transformed into Pedagogical Institute), in ...
  • PERMIAN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PERM SCIENTIFIC CENTER of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organized in 1988. 4 scientific. institutions...
  • STEPHEN in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (in the world Nikolai Pavlovich Arkhangelsky, born in 1861)? spiritual writer, graduate of the Kazan Theological Academy, Bishop of Mogilev and Mstislav. …
  • PERMIAN in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    Michael? 18th century writer and translator He studied at the Alexander Nevsky Seminary, was the clerk of the embassy church in London. In 1750…
  • STEPHEN in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Stephen) (c. 1097-1154), also called Stephen of Blois, King of England, third son of Stephen Henry, Count of Blois and Chartres, and his wife ...
  • PERMIAN in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    pe "Rmsky, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" Rmsk, pe" rmsky, pe" rmsk, pe" rmsk, pe" rmsk, pe" rmsk, pe" rmsk, pe" rmsk, pe" rmsk, ...
  • STEPHEN in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • PERMIAN in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
  • PERMIAN in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    p'ermian (from Perm, city; geol.); but: Stefan...
  • PERMIAN in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Permian (from Perm, city; geol.); but Stefan...
  • PERMIAN in the Spelling Dictionary:
    p'ermian (from Perm, city; geol.); but: stephan...
  • STEPHEN in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (d. c. 35), Christian first martyr and, according to tradition, the first deacon. He preached in Jerusalem and was stoned. Memory in the Orthodox…
  • PERMIAN in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    Perm adj. Following the Carboniferous (about the last period of the Paleozoic era in history ...
  • PERMIAN in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    adj. Following the Carboniferous (about the last period of the Paleozoic era in history ...

St. Stephan, pro-sve-ti-tel of Per-mi, apostle Zy-ryan, born around 1340 in the family of the Ustyug pri- even C-meo-on. Under the influence of my b-go-che-sti-howl ma-te-ri Ma-rii, ob-la-giving pain-shi-mi-s-be-but-stya-mi, he from a young age, he showed an unusual zeal for serving the Church: in one year you learned to read sacred books and mo-gal father in the church at the divine service, performing the full duty of the ka-no-nar-ha and the reader.

In mo-lo-before-sti, the saint took a different-ness in the mo-on-sta-re in honor of the saint-te-la in Ro-sto-ve. Mo-na-styr was famous for being a god-like book-collection. St. Stephen wanted to read the holy fathers in a sub-linguistic and for this he studied the Greek language. In his youth, helping his father in the church, he often be-se-do-val with zy-rya-on-mi. Now, ovla-dev-bo-ha-that church-kul-tu-swarm, St. Stephan went-rell-la-ni-em to-ra-tit zy-ryan to Khri- st.

For the enlightenment of the Zyryans, he composed the az-bu-ku of their language and translated several church books into it. For the movement of the blessings of the Rostov Bishop Ar-se-niy (1374-1380) consecrated him to the rank of hiero-di-a-ko-na. When-go-viving yourself to the mis-si-o-ner-sky de-i-tel-no-sti, St. Ste-fan appeared in Moscow (1379) to Ko-lo-men-sko-mu epi-sko-pu Ge-ra-si-mu, someone managed then de-la-mi mit-ro-po-lyi, and pro- his strength: "Bless me, Vla-dy-ko, go to the country of the language - Perm. I want to teach the holy faith of infidels I decided to either bring them to Christ, or lay them down for Christ for Christ. The bishop, with ra-do-stu, blessed him and consecrated him to the rank of hiero-mo-na-ha. He supplied him with an-ti-min-sa-mi, holy peace and god-serving books-mi, and the great prince Di-mit- Riy Ioan-no-vich gave him protection letters.

From Usty-ga, St. Stephan descended along the Northern Dvina to the point where you-che-gda fell into it, from-where-yes on-chi-on- se-le-niya zy-ryan. A lot of work, struggle, deprivation and grief, you-ter-sang the pro-weed-nik of the faith of Christ-hundred-howl, live among the tongues -kov, in a kl-nyav-shih-sya ido-lam, "fire-nu, in-de, de-re-vyam, stone-nu and gold-to-toy ba-be, and ku-des-ni -com, and the sorcerer, and the tree-view".

Especially-bo blah-go-go-ve-li zy-ryane re-ed so on-zy-va-e-my "about-where-if-howl be-re-zoy." Gro-mad-naya in thickness and height be-re-for grew-la on an elevated place. Zy-ryans so-bi-ra-lied to her and brought-but-si-li as a sacrifice to pre-by-ty animals. St. Stephen set up his cell nevda-le-ke from be-re-zy and used the gathering of suu-faithful tongues at de-re-wa to teach them the holy truth. For that, St. Stephen cut down and burned a be-re-zu for is-ko-re-not-nia sue-ve-riya. Zy-ryans were going to kill him. The saint turned to them with pro-ve-dyu: "Su-di-te sa-mi, are the gods of your shi strong when they cannot protect yourself from fire? Are they gods, when they are so weak, and they don’t have not only sense, but also hearing and sight And from me, weak-bo-go, it’s not so-me-lo to protect yourself from your deity. -gi va-shi? Not such is the God of Christ-an-sky. He sees everything, knows everything and is all-powerful, for he created the whole world and about everything "No. And how good He is, especially to those who know Him! I wish you well, preaching to you True God. He will will love you, will bless you, when you begin to honor Him sincerely. On the site of "pro-kud-li-howl be-re-zy" St. Ste-fan built a temple in honor of Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la, bottom-lo -zhi-te-la spirits of darkness.

Baptized-shi-e-sya zy-ryans sa-mi began to demand what they used to do before: ru-bi-li sacred de -re-vya, co-kru-sha-li idol; god-da-da-ry, pre-signed for the language of the victims-veins-ni-kov, they bring-no-si-whether to the holy Ste-fa-nu . He ordered the servant-living-she-mu with him, zy-rya-ni-well, Matthew-fairy to pre-da-vat fire, and only dosed about-ver-you-va-ing legs.

But the window-cha-tel-ny re-scrap in the zy-rya-nah pro-iso-went after the way St. Stefan shamed their chief priest -tsa Pa-mu, someone rose up against the races of the pro-country of the holy faith. The priest entered into an argument with St. Stephen. “You, hri-sti-an,” said Pa-ma, “one God, and we have many helpers both on land and on water, according to -give us happy fishing in the forests and its life-saving supply to Moscow, or-du and distant countries; they communicate to us in the sorcery-in-va-nii of secrets that are inaccessible to you. St. Stephen answered that the True God is one; all-mo-gu-s-stvo is one thing, but the demon-si-lie of the gods-idols is obvious from experience. After long disputes, the priest Pa-ma, in order to justify his faith, volunteered to go through fire and water and the same shaft from St. Stephen. “I don’t command sti-khi-ya-mi,” humble-ren-but from-chal St. Stephen, “but Christ-sti-an-sky God is great: I’m going with then-boy" and, having prayed, took Pama by the hand to go into the fire. Pa-ma for-tre-pe-tal and mo-lil from-ba-vit him from certain death. “You see-de-the-whether,” said St. Stefan, having gathered-she-mu-sya on the road, “he himself tried to resolve the dispute about ve-re with fire and water, and, one-on-one, does not want to be baptized. For whom should Pa-mu now be considered? What to do with him? . "Deceit-shchi-ka to put to death, - from-ve-til to the kind, - if from-let-pa-mu, he on-de-la-et you-be-pa -to-stay". "No," the saint answered, "Christ sent me not to pre-da-vat someone to death, but to teach. Pa-ma doesn't want to accept the spa-si-tel-noy faith, let his perseverance on him, but not me. Pa-ma was vy-driven. In the blessing of the Lord, for the relief of the head of the tongues, St. Stephen built a temple on Vi-she-re in honor of St. ti-te-la No-ko-bark. After this, after all, the saint about Christ became more and more successful.

In 1383, St. Stephen was ordained bishop by Ma-loy Per-mi. As a loving, abundant father, he tirelessly took care of his flock. For approval in the faith of new-in-constitutions, St. Stefan at the temples from the roof of the school, where the priests books were studied in the Permian language. The saint at-smat-ri-val-sya to the students, teach-you-shaft their abilities in order to make priests out of them and dia-ko-nov. St. Stefan taught some of the teachers to pi-sat in Perm-ski. The saint built a church, in some way he put priests from Zy-ryans, introduced divine service in the Zy-ryan language -ke.

St. Stephen re-led into the Zy-ryan language Cha-so-words, Psalm-tyre, selected readings from the Gospel of Ge-liy and the Apo-sto-la , Pa-re-my-nick, Sti-khi-rar, Ok-them, several festive services and Divine Liturgy.

During a crop failure, the saint supplied the zy-ryans with bread, many times he saved them from the on-power and bribes of the ty-uns, made it easy chal them in-da-ty, defended from na-pa-de-ny other tribes, walking for them in Moscow. The fruit of his in-motions and good-ro-de-te-lei has become the con-ra-sche-tion of the entire vast Perm land to Christ-sti-an-stvu. This ve-li-some de-lo would-lo co-ver-she-but with the power of faith and hri-sti-an-sky love. The life of a saint-te-la is a be-yes-faith over unve-ri-em, love and a little bit - over evil-fight and nothingness.

Umi-li-tel-but "for-och-noe-da-nie" saint-ti-te-la Ste-fa-on Perm-go with the pre-beautiful Ser-gi-em Ra -to-nezh-skim, former-neck in 1390 during the trip of the saint-ti-te-la to Moscow according to church affairs. St. Stephen, h-ra-cho, loved Ra-to-nezh-sko-go in a move-no-ka and very much wished to see him on the way from the Perm land, but could not use it because of a lack of time. Located 10 versts from the monastery of the pre-good Ser-gius, St. ra-til-sya in a hundred-ro-well obi-there and with a clone said: "Peace be to you, spiritual brother!" Reverend Ser-gius, who sat together with his brother at a meal, got up, prayed, and, in a clo- niv-shis in that hundred-ro-well, where the saint-ti-tel passed, answered: "Rejoice, you too, pasture-you-ryu hundred-yes Christ-sto- wa, and the peace of God, yes, b-w-wa-et with that battle!

About the deep spiritual connection of the holy-ti-te-la Ste-fa-on Perm-th and pre-be-good-no-go Ser-giya Ra-to-tender and now there is a special all-day prayer to them on the fraternal tra-pe-ze.

In addition to the arrangement of churches, St. Stefan founded the os-no-val for the zy-ryans and several mo-on-sta-rei: Spassky Ulyanovsk desert 165 versts from Ust-Sy-sol-ska, Stefa-novskaya - 60 versts from Ust-Sy-sol-ska, Ust-Vym-skaya Ar-khan-gel-skaya, Yareng -skuyu Ar-khan-gel-skuyu.

In 1395, St. Stephen again went to Moscow on de la pastor and died here. His body would-lo-lo-same-but in the mo-on-sta-re "Spa-sa behind the wall" (in the temple on Bo-ru in honor of Spa-si-te-la) in the Moscow Kremlin. Bitterly cry-ki-va-li zy-ryans kon-chi-well of your apo-hundred-la. They strengthen-len-but upra-shi-va-li Mos-kov-sky-prince-zya and mit-ro-po-li-ta from-let-put to Perm the body-lo them on-standing-ni- ka, but Moscow didn’t want to part with the rest of the ve-li-ko-ho-ty-te-la.

The pro-glory-le-nie of the saint-te-la Ste-fa-na on-cha-moose back in the na-cha-le of the XV century. Life was-lo on-pi-sa-but soon after the death of the saint-ti-te-la in 1472. Serving him with-sta-vil hiero-mo-nah Pa-ho-miy Serb with hiero-mo-na-hom, teacher-no-one pre-do-no-go Ser-giya Ra-do- tenderly, someone ho-ro-sho knew the saint-te-la and loved with him be-se-do-vat.

See also: "" in from-lo-same-nii svt. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.


Troparion to St. Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm

Divine desire / from a young age, Stephane the wise, kindled, / the yoke of Christ took thou / and the people were frozen with unbelief of the heart of old, / having sowed the Divine seed in them, / evangelically spiritually gave birth to you. Thou didst preach him,// may save our souls.

Translation: Striving for God from a young age, Stefan the Wise, you inflamed, lifted the yoke of Christ () and people whose hearts have long been overgrown with weeds of unbelief, sowing the Divine seed in them, you evangelically gave birth spiritually. Therefore, honoring your glorious memory, we pray to you: pray, Whom you preached, for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to St. Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm

Self-appointed to those who are not looking for you, saint, you have found yourself, / people, freed from idol flattery, you brought you to the faith of Christ / and you shamed the sorcerer pansotnik, / the same and the first bishop and teacher of Perm was you, a spiritual child. having got rid of idols by you, we cry out thanks to you // Rejoice, Stephen, wise teacher.

Translation: According to your calling, to people who did not want you, saint, you appeared and, freeing from, led to christian faith and you shamed the main pagan priest, therefore you became the first and teacher of Perm. Therefore, your spiritual children, as those who got rid of idols thanks to you, we will lift up to you thanksgiving prayers: "Rejoice, Stefan, wise teacher."

Prayer to Saint Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm

О, Богоосвяще́нный и равноапо́стольный Стефа́не, но́вый Богове́дения пропове́дниче и просвети́телю Креще́нием святы́м великопе́рмских во идолопокло́нстве живу́щих люде́й, ко и́стинному Ева́нгельскому све́ту путеводи́телю, па́стырю до́брый и учи́телю прему́дрый, Ду́ха Свята́го сосу́де избра́нный, Христоподража́тельный в Небе́сный Сио́н наста́вниче и руководи́телю, о́браз благонра́вия всем благоче́стно жи́ти to those who wish, a well-crafted mental ship, through the sea of ​​this world to the heavenly haven of the floating, ruler, marvelous in hierarchs, crowned with Divine grace, all-Russian lamp, great miracle-working and prayerful warm! To you, in the tenderness of the soul and the crushing of my Sertz, the cursed and sinful, well -being treated and gloat, asking for your self -melodious to be a goodness, and your God's prayers, my abority, remodel. with salvation; and, as a Good and Humanitarian, may it deign to walk comfortably in this world to the end of my belly, at the time of my separation from life, sow my spirit in repentance and peace as His holy angel graciously receive, and may it give me the miraculous and gloomy demonic spirits in the air to pass unhindered and to Him shamelessly stand before worship, and immortal and blessed life with all the saints forever. Amen.

Second Prayer to St. Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm

Oh Equal to the Apostles St Stephen of Christ! To you, repentant ones, we faithfully flow and cry out before your holy image, asking for your help and intercession to God, and ask us, servants of God, with your prayers (names), from Him mercy: the remission of many of our sins, health to souls and bodies with salvation; may the Lord please us with your prayers to walk comfortably in this world until the end of our life, while at the time of our separation from life, sow our spirit angels with His angels in repentance and peace, graciously accept, as if from the gloomy and evil-spirited spirits and people unhindered, we will shamelessly stand before Him and worship, and let us live immortal and blessed lives, with all the saints, forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to St. Stephen of Perm

Kondak 1

Chosen to the saint, wise teacher, Equal-to-the-Apostles Stefan, exude many-healing gifts with all the faith to you, laudable we will describe to you with love creating your memory; but you, having boldness to the Lord, free us from all troubles, calling: Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Ikos 1

Having foreseen your angelic life in the flesh of all creatures, the Creator, from your youth prepared you into an honest vessel, the same teach you to cry out to you: Rejoice, your three-year-old mother, blessed Procopius, proclaimed saint; Rejoice, before your birth the great prophesied. Rejoice, surprising you with the birth of your parents; Rejoice, God-pleasing request of pious parents. Rejoice, holy branch from the pious root; Rejoice, enlightened peer in learning more than books. Rejoice, in youth the mind is perfect and awake; Rejoice, thou who didst love Christ from childhood. Rejoice, wearer of His yoke; Rejoice, world and its good despised. Rejoice, thou who subdued thy flesh of the spirit; Rejoice, habitation full of grace. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 2

Seeing the futility of worldly cares, blessed Stefan, you departed from the house of your parents, settling with those who work for God in a monastic life; do not make your life the same, but you consecrated it to God, crying favorably to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Mind, unreasonable to a carnal man, having acquired from your youth, God-wise Stephen, surprised you with the talents of your soul's wisdom. We also cry out to you: Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness; Rejoice, instead of temporal good things, you acquire eternal. Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity; Rejoice, wise teacher of patience. Rejoice, mirror of brotherly love; Rejoice, fasting leader. Rejoice, thou who didst work with thy prayers; Rejoice, monastic rule of piety. Rejoice, interlocutor of saints; Rejoice, victorious with the patience of visible and invisible enemies. Rejoice, champion of the faith; Rejoice, imitator of the apostles. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 3

The power of the Most High, miraculously strengthening you in soul-saving labors, Stefan, the servant of Christ, showing the first preacher of the Gospel, then the first bishop and prayer book, let us all, enlighten with the light of your virtues, we cry out to His wondrous God in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the grace given to you from God to drive away ailments, you were a good shepherd, gaining wickedness on the mountains of the erring and directing on the true path. For this sake, we heal with your prayers, we cry out to you: Rejoice, destroyer of godless idolatry; Rejoice, destroyer of heresies. Rejoice, planter of orthodoxy; Rejoice, teacher of those who err. Rejoice, accuser of peace-loving people; Rejoice, punisher of voluptuaries. Rejoice, hostile reconciler; Rejoice, consoler of the cowardly. Rejoice, exterminator of malice and envy; Rejoice, guide to temperance. Rejoice, guide to a sober life; Rejoice, in despondency of the hardened corrector. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 4

Diligently reflecting a storm of evil thoughts from yourself with fasting and prayers, thou hast appeared the temple of the Holy Spirit, O Nemzhe unceasingly from thy youth in all piety and purity, being accustomed to singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing Bishop Arseny of Rostov your chaste life and diligence in glorifying and chanting the wondrous deeds of God, acting and instructing the Holy Spirit, calling you and the clergy and the city of Ustyug in the cathedral church, she pronounced you a reader; then, in a monastic life, the Kolomna Bishop Gerasim labored more than others, by the same time the Holy Spirit, put you a deacon and a presbyter, and in this sacred dignity, by the action of Divine grace, you appeared to be a good mentor of the monks and the worldly, but glorifying God, in the Trinity we worship, we also cry to you : Rejoice, habitation of heavenly wisdom; Rejoice, partaker of true joys. Rejoice, blessed with heavenly peace; Rejoice, long-suffering temptation to acquire. Rejoice, Christian faith rule; Rejoice, goodness of the Divine stream. Rejoice, guardian of spiritual meekness; Rejoice, abstinence teacher. Rejoice, salt of the world; Rejoice, all-luminous lamp. Rejoice, on the candlestick of incorruption set to shine for everyone; Rejoice, city, stand at the top of the mountain. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 5

The godly star of the northeast appeared to you, when for the sake of enlightenment, for the sake of the light of knowledge of God, you flowed into the idol lands, yes, all, knowing the Creator of the universe, with us with one mouth and one heart cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the kindness of your soul, testifying to many gifts, Bishop Gerasim, at your request, having provided people with the necessary things for baptism and consecration of churches, joyfully let you go to Great Perm. We honor your apostolate with these greetings: Rejoice, co-eternal apostles; Rejoice, vessel of wisdom. Rejoice, intelligent luminary; Rejoice, broadcaster of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, meekness of the gospel image; Rejoice, diligent zealot. Rejoice, pillar of piety; Rejoice, friend of the fear of God. Rejoice, spiritual trumpet of the Gospel; Rejoice, organ of psalmody and doxology. Rejoice, wise mentor; Rejoice, to the blessedness of the eternal guide. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 6

The preacher of theology was not lazy in a land that did not know God, and with your good life, love and faith in your broadcasting acquired so much, like unbelief, honoring your good deeds, having learned to cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascension of Christian piety into the lands, corrupted by idolatry, when you began to sow the Divine seed in the godless, and affirming them in faith with your true example, dedicated everything to God; we will describe the praiseworthy ty: Rejoice, will, seeking incorruptibility, acquiring; Rejoice, filling the head of the mountain of wisdom. Rejoice, contemptible earthly wisdom; Rejoice, disgusting eyes from worldly charms. Rejoice, having used your mouth to praise the Lord; Rejoice, language divine sermon arranging. Rejoice, open hand for prayer and almsgiving; Rejoice, having written many soul-saving books with the same. Rejoice, having prepared your heart with fasting and prayer in the habitation of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, directing your nose to vigil and the gospel of the world. Rejoice, everyone your body abstinence depressing; Rejoice, thou who sanctified the soul and body with unceasing contemplation of God. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 7

Although the secret of eternal salvation is to be told by the Permian, you were the first to get used to the unknown of their words and be a conversationalist close to them; even having drawn up letters and with them for their edification and the service of the Divine, having depicted many scriptures, he bestowed upon them the help of singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New and saving people who heard the teaching of the Permian people, oviya scold, oviya ask for baptism, and wondering marvelous life yours, with teaching, out of the mouth, according to, glorifying God; but you conceded with her baptism to enlighten people and sanctify temples to the glorification of God. For this reason we sing to you: Rejoice, good shepherd; Rejoice, Christ's new confessor. Rejoice, wise teacher; Rejoice, thou who hast accomplished thy holy apostolate. Rejoice, abolishing idol flattery; Rejoice, beam of light of the Gospel. Rejoice, destroyer of the darkness of delusion; Rejoice, surprising the unbelievers with your teachings. Rejoice, straightening up the pride of the world with your meekness; Rejoice, merging the sheep of Christ into one flock. Rejoice, guarding your spiritual flock to God with favorable prayers; Rejoice, quick helper to all who call upon you. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 8

You showed a strange miracle, God-wise Stefan, setting fire to the nasty idol goddess, always surrounding you with various weapons, demonic worshiper, kill you if you want; but you, praying for the conversion of the erring, with silent meekness overcame these, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole, Stefan is wonderful, body and soul dedicated to God, abiding in the unceasing labors of Divine theology and despising the threats of the ungodly, who prevent you from preaching the glory of God. For this sake, we cry out to you: Rejoice, earthly angel; Rejoice, heavenly man. Rejoice, invincible vitia; Rejoice, fearless warrior of Christ. Rejoice, true zealot of Christian piety; Rejoice, accuser of the enemies of the Church of Christ. Rejoice, shameful vitiy of the wicked; Rejoice, pillar, from the night of ignorance to the Sun of Truth lead. Rejoice, divine mouth, proclaiming salvation to the world; Rejoice, voice of heavenly truth, make wiser. Rejoice, enlightening the unfaithful with the light of the Gospel of Christ; Rejoice, like the warmth of the sun, who has frozen their hearts, warming them and thereby bringing many fruits to the Church of God. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 9

All angelic nature rejoiced about your piety and purity, about your courage, patience, vigilance in prayers, fasting and jealousy according to God; in one of them, enduring, as if you were incorporeal. We cry out to God who is glorified through you: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetii of the gossip of the godless, creating spells, dumb, the power of the cross overcame all their sorcery. But we, having seen victorious enemies on visible and invisible enemies, zealously cry out to you: Rejoice, wondrous creator of undoubted faith; Rejoice, thou who hast put to shame the living in the Living God with the hope of the worshipers of demons. Rejoice, laying down your soul for the love of God and neighbor; Rejoice, divine friend of the fortress. Rejoice, organ, proclaim the glory of God; Rejoice, thunder, frighten those who tempt. Rejoice, destroyer of idol flattery; Rejoice, accuser of the devil's wiles. Rejoice, pride to his destroyer; Rejoice, O fruitful fruit of your labors. Rejoice, unfaithful wiser with your manners; Rejoice, leading the perishing to receive eternal glory. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 10

Save at least the Permian land, in every possible way you tried to enlighten me with holy Baptism; then, with your hand of idols, crushing and crushing the ungodly temples, on the ruins of their Christian churches, monasteries and schools, the contented one erected and taught the One Trinitarian God to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall and fortification in the wickedness of Perm, the sorcerer pansotnik with great insolence in the host affirm the insane verb: whoever passes unharmed by water in winter and who is not afraid of fire, that faith is true and sacrifice to the Creator of heaven and earth is pleasant. But you, humbly speaking verbs, cried out to the Almighty for help, and by faith, all the power in His name, having gained hope, you dragged the wise sorcerer into the fiery flame. He, frightened by the power of God, confessed before all his weakness and the cowardly seduction. And so all the Permian countries in the true faith will be verified conversion. For this sake, we bless you, wise Stephen, with these: Rejoice, shield of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, mirror of humility. Rejoice, image of great hope; Rejoice, ark of miracles, arranged by God. Rejoice, thou who didst glorify the evil sorcerer and expel from that land; Rejoice, followers of his on the path of the true reversible. Rejoice, shameful prince of this world; Rejoice, abolishing idol sacrifices. Rejoice, you created the labors of the Permians from catching animals for their benefit; Rejoice, good to them, instead of soul-harming before the idols of burning, in need of them and for the service of man, showing them, and thus their country is wise. Rejoice, expanding the limits of the Russian preaching of the word of God; Rejoice, not only temporal, but also eternal good Permian open. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 11

We bring prayer singing to you, St. Stephen, who, on the way back from Perm, praying Holy Trinity and blessing the monastery, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, having foreseen for several fields of wisdom, honored the grateful with the brethren at the meal with worship. But we, who have always acquired a prayer book about our souls and your bounty, are not able to count, with grateful hearts and lips to God, who acts by you to heal everyone, we cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-giving lamp to those who are in the darkness of idolatry, Father Stephen, appeared to you, and to the end you cheerfully saved your flock, protecting the newly enlightened people with your prayers to God and appointing from them the shepherds and teachers of Perm; therefore, ending your course, you prophetically predicted about it, your relics of many healings to the reigning city of Moscow, as a pledge of your prayers and warm intercession, you bestowed, but you rejoice in spirit with the angelic chinmi. For this sake, praising thee, we say: Rejoice, visit the faithful everywhere in spirit; Rejoice, take away from hellish death. Rejoice, delivering the snares of the flatterer; Rejoice, give us eternal blessings instead of temporary ones. Rejoice, doctor, heal sinful wounds; Rejoice, instead of the death of the eternal belly, I intercede. Rejoice, healer of the sick; Rejoice, special guardian of Russia. Rejoice, for all those who come running to you have a strong visor; Rejoice, ornament of the reigning city. Rejoice, all-Russian luminary; Rejoice, companion of angels. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 12

We honor the grace of the healing of St. Stephen, great in the saints, with heart and lips; and let us give honor to him, which is greater by his good deed, let us strive in every possible way to imitate his virtue, yes, favorably to God, we cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing to you, Stefan, about those who call you for help, warm intercession and quick intercession from enemies visible and invisible, we all praise you, Equal-to-the-Apostles preacher of God, and we believe that the Lord and God, preached by you in Perm and glorified in your body, with your prayers all gives us. The same cry to you: Rejoice, having received the Kingdom of Heaven through spiritual poverty; Rejoice, having received eternal consolation of repentance and tenderness with tears. Rejoice, having received a new inheritance with the meekness of the earth; Rejoice, hungering and thirsting for the truth, now be sated. Rejoice, having obtained mercy through alms; Rejoice, thou who wast worthy of the sight of God with purity of heart. Rejoice, adopted by the peace of God; Rejoice, for the sake of the patience of truth, you have acquired the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, reproach and endure all the evils of Christ for the sake of being pleased; Rejoice, for by your example the way to salvation is opened to us. Rejoice, with your prayers make your labors and deeds easier; Rejoice, by your intercession with Christ God eternal salvation give us. Rejoice, Stefan, great miracle worker.

Kondak 13

Oh, great saint, Equal-to-the-Apostles Stephen, accept this small prayer of ours, implore the Ascetic and Performer Jesus, may the reigning city and every city and Christian country be delivered from the presence of foreigners, from heresies and schisms and from all kinds of misfortunes, and may the coming torment of all be swept away, Him crying: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer one

O God-sanctified and Equal-to-the-Apostles Stephen, a new theologian preacher and enlightener with the Baptism of the Great Permian saints living in idolatry, a guide to the true Gospel light, a good shepherd and a wise teacher, chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit, Christ-imitator in heavenly Zion mentor and leader, an image of good manners to all piously live to those who wish, the skilful mental ship, through the sea of ​​this world to the heavenly haven of the floating, the ruler, wondrous in hierarchs, crowned with Divine grace, all-Russian lamp, great wonderworker and prayerful warm! To you in the tenderness of the soul and the contrition of my heart, as the accursed and sinful (name), I faithfully flow and before your miraculous tomb, in it your holy relics rest, crying out, asking humbly for your help and warm intercession to the Blessed God, and ask with your God-pleasing prayers from Him philanthropic mercy, the remission of many of my sins, soul and body, health with salvation; and, as a Good and Humanitarian, may it please you to walk comfortably in this world to the end of my belly, at the time of my separation from life, sow my spirit in repentance and peace by His holy angel, graciously receive, and may it give me past the gloomy and malicious and fierce demonic spirits in the air to pass unhindered and to Him shamelessly stand before bowing, and immortal and blissful life be honored with all the saints forever. Amen.

Prayer two

Oh Equal to the Apostles St Stephen of Christ! To you, repentant ones, we faithfully flow and cry before your holy image, asking for your help and intercession to God, but with your prayers ask us, servants of God (names), mercy from Him: forsaking many of our sins, souls and bodies, health with salvation ; may the Lord please us with your prayers to walk comfortably in this world until the end of our life, but at the time of our separation from life, sow our spirit, our angels with His angels in repentance and peace, graciously accept, as if from the gloomy and malicious and fierce demonic spirits in the air of the past unhindered, we will shamelessly stand before Him and worship, and we will be honored with immortal and blessed life, with all the saints, forever and ever.

Canon 1 to St. Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm

Canto 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and the Spirit will be filled;

You have learned the Holy Scriptures from infancy, God-bearing Stephen, thou hast come to a distant place, and God is known to you by the ignorant.

Where the charm is revered byashe, there now God is ignorant of you, St. Stephen, knowing. In the same way, we commemorate Your sacred memory.

By your God-inspired teaching, you taught people to believe in Christ and evade idol charms. For this sake, all of you, as a co-eternal apostle, we honor with songs.

Bogorodichen: You are the One, the Bride of God, sitting in the Highest, you carried on your hand, the flesh of the former: You were chosen from all ages, a friend worthy of the Almighty.

Canto 3

Irmos: Your hymnologists, the Theotokos, a living and unenviable source, spiritually affirm the face of your copulation, in Your Divine glory vouchsafe the crowns of glory.

Thou, O saint, was not afraid of the people who were then ungodly, but thou boldly betrayed the idol from the idol to the fire, and thou taught all to cry out: there is no saint more than Thee, Lord.

With the namesake courage and humility of temper on the sheep, the meekness of the killers was changed, for this sake, you were married to the crowns, St. Stephen.

Bogorodichen: Thee, intercession is not blasphemous, Bogomati, having acquired and placing hope in Thee, we are saved and, resorting to You, we are all saved.

Sedalen, tone 4

Canto 4

Irmos: Sit in glory on the throne of the Divine in a cloud of lightness, the Most Divine Jesus came to the Incorruptible Hand and call for salvation: glory, Christ, to Your power.

Like the sun, your pure life of ascendance, saint, driving away the darkness of idolatry from your people, you taught everyone to cry out: glory to your power, Lord.

Magical bells and whistles, as if wise, thou hast shamed, and these from Christ's flock of your words, like a sling, thou hast driven away, and thou hast taught to call all: glory to thy power, Lord.

Like a true hierarch is quiet and meek, father, you were and a pillar of piety appeared to the Church, you taught your people piety to cry out to Christ: glory to your power, Lord.

Bogorodichen: We offer thee a weapon against enemies, we tear off the sorrows of all fierce circumstances, and we avoid heretical indignation, Mother of God.

Canto 5

Irmos: Terrified of all about Your Divine glory: You, O Unsophisticated Virgin, had you in the womb over all of God and gave birth to you the Flightless Son, giving peace to all who sing about You.

Thou didst raise up with thy teachings of old in the darkness of ignorance the people lying, the children of God and the light showed thou the heirs, from then on, the saint, we all philosophically honor.

The wisdom of the Holy Spirit by grace in your mouth poured out self-creatingly and brought people to the knowledge of Christ, saint.

Now stand before the great light, like a chaplet, saint, remember your fair wealth, which you have acquired with many labors, father, let us all bless you.

Bogorodichen: Ascension from Thee is the mental Sun and the light rays of His Divinity are open to all, Mother of God, the Mistress, we glorify Thee all.

Canto 6

Irmos This divine and all-honorable celebration, God of Wisdom, Mother of God, come, let us clap our hands, we glorify God who was born from Her.

Thou hast cultivated the broken heart of your words, who has frozen the people of the heart, sowing the Divine seed in them, bringing the red fruit to Christ, the saint, thou hast brought.

By the rapids of your teachings, the idol kindling, wise Stefan, extinguishing, with your divine words of the faithful heart, you have approved.

Having taught people to believe in the Consubstantial Trinity, the wise Stephen, from the filth of idols to the Living God, you led.

Bogorodichen: Terminate my sins of the handwriting, granting resolution to my sorrows and passions, and keep me intact, Lady.

Kontakion, tone 8


Canto 7

Irmos: Do not serve the creature of God-wisdom more than the Creator, but the fiery rebuke is masculinely correct, rejoicing, singing: venerable of the fathers, Lord and God, blessed be Thou.

He is a wicked sorcerer, even speaking blasphemy against piety, by you, wise, as if lawless, we will drive away new people from Christ's flock. We call to Christ: Blessed be the God of our fathers.

Gloriously, as if having passed from the world to the worldly, the saint, drawing near to God with dwelling and communion, sing: blessed is the God of our fathers.

Bogorodichen: Having rid yourself of the first oath by Thee, having passed to the everlasting Life, rejoice, we call Thee, glorious Lady, Who gave birth to God to us.

Canto 8

Irmos: The youths of the pious in the cave Nativity of the Mother of God saved to eat. Then, therefore, what is being formed, now acting, lifts up the whole universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, works, and exalt Him to all ages.

Your words are instructed your child, saint, from the darkness of idols to the light of God's understanding, having passed, unanimously crying out to Christ: bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord and exalt Him forever.

The light of the three-solar Trinity, having settled in your Divine heart, enlighten all people with holy baptism and teach the Creator the Redeemer to cry out: bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bogorodichen: Mouth and mind of the Theotokos Thou wisely, we sing of Thee, the Most Immaculate: Thou hast given birth, Most Pure, overlaid with the flesh of God and the Lord. To thee, Devo, we sing and exalt forever.

Canto 9

Irmos: Let every earthly one leap, Enlighten with the Spirit, let the nature triumph of the incorporeal minds, honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, and let it cry out: Rejoice, Blessed Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin.

Through your labors, saint, even on earth, Heavenly peace is pleasant, where the saints and the righteous are blessed with all-bright triumph. Otonuzhe and remember us, your memory forever glorifying.

Wishing to improve the eternal and incorruptible, O saint, and even leaving the world of the imaginary sweet ones, you followed Christ. The same and the hierarchical face were combined thou art, most glorious.

Having learned the dogma of piety, the wise saint, the zealot was an apostle and deposed the idol charm. We honor your memory with dignity.

Bogorodichen: Desiring to take on the flesh, dwell in Thee, find the Mother of God alone, the most holy of all, truly reveal the Mother of the Virgin.


Canon II to St. Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm

Canto 1

Irmos: Having passed through the water, as if I were dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: Let us drink to the Redeemer and our God.

You have reached Perm, saint, and there the sublime charm, the wise Stephen, humbled you, and shamed the fierce sorcerer with your wise teachings.

The demonic weapon is strong, holy hierarch, thou hast blunted, and, having defeated those by the power of God, to all Christ, the true God, you confessed Him, and you also received a crown from Him, Stefan.

With divine love, father, let us inflame, you were not afraid of the length of the way, lower than the ungodly people of resistance, but you endured everything and brought everyone to God.

Bogorodichen: From the root of the royal, thou hast vegetated, the King of Christ, the Word of God, more than mind and meaning, she gave birth to thou from Thy pure blood, purely by nature is manifest and the only Hypostasis.

Canto 3

Irmos: The heavenly circle of the Verhotvorche, Lord, and the Church of the Builder, you confirm me in Your love, desires to the edge, true affirmation, the only Humane.

Like a wise and sensible companion, he prefers spiritual nobility over carnal sweets, like a wise teaching to everyone and into the knowledge of God new people, father, brought you.

Having cleansed your mind from passionate anxiety, like Christ, you came to seek the erring, you found them, sing to Him with them: nothing is holy, more than You, Lord.

Having acquired the bogus-speaking language, the saint, by the sacrament of Theology, taught people to believe in the Trinity, the One Godhead, pray for us, Stefan.

Bogorodichen: The rod that vegetated Christ, the color of incorruptibility, the golden censer, all the Thou vem, Pure, of the Divine Being, carrying coal on the hand, God-blessed.

Sedalen, tone 4

The mind of the most wonderful and cheerful teacher, the church adorned the priesthood, and with the muddy teaching of the sorcerer, like a wolf enraged, driving away the words of Christ from Christ's sheep, and preserving her spiritual children harmlessly, let us praise, faithfulness, Stefan the most praised, saying: pray to Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Canto 4

Irmos: Hear, O Lord, the mysteries of Thy sight, understand Thy deeds, and glorify Thy Divinity.

Save yourself, pray to the people, whose teachings you have enlightened and taught you to cry out: glory to your power, Lover of mankind.

From God, the reception of the priesthood is the election, by Divine power over the robes, apostolicly enlightened people from the darkness of idols and taught you to cry out: glory to Your power, Lover of mankind.

Bogorodichen: The Ark of Thee, from afar, was a prototype of the law that was written by God, in the womb the Word of God was born inexpressibly, the All-blameless, richly nourishing the souls of those crying out: glory to Your power, Lord.

Canto 5

Irmos: Enlighten us with Thy commandments, O Lord, and with Thy lofty arm grant Thy peace to us, Lover of mankind.

By divine zeal, saint, we are liquefying, the vain idols of the destruction of the final fire betrayed you and, bringing the unfaithful to the faith, you taught everyone in Three Persons to believe in the One Godhead.

The accursed sorcerer is ashamed, although the people of Christ are turned away from faith, to God, glorifying you, the most sacred Stefan the Wise.

Bogorodichen: Thou hast adorned virginity with kindness, Evin has covered the evil-looking stud, who has given birth to Christ, the robe of immortality that bestows upon you those who honor you.

Canto 6

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil and my stomach draws near to hell, and I pray, like Jonah: from aphids, O God, raise me up.

The pastoral baton of reception, the saint, the teacher was a new people, most glorious Stephen, according to the apostle, having been everyone, but bring everyone to Christ, most glorious.

The sword is sharp on both sides of your tongue on the crafty sorcerer, be, the saint, stopping that muddy teaching; we also glorify you with sacred songs.

Bogorodichen: Find the Omnipotent Spirit on Thee, O All-blameless One, and the Word of God dwell in Thee, and the flesh be inexpressible, and remain unchanging.

Kontakion, tone 8

Self-appointed to those who are not looking for you, saint, you have found yourself, people, having freed from idol flattery, you brought you to the faith of Christ and shamed the sorcerer pansotnik, you were also the first bishop and teacher of Perm. For this sake, your spiritual child, as if you got rid of the idol, grateful to you with a cry: Rejoice, Stefan, wise teacher.


Every worldly passion, except, father, having been, from youth, you were diligent in wisdom and detailed art, you reached Theology. And having come to distant lands, even though God was not very much known, but the charm of demons was revered, there you taught people apostolicly to believe in Christ, crushing idols and shaming the sorcerer, you were the saint. Even so, your spiritual child, as if you got rid of the idol, we call you grateful: Rejoice, Stefan, wise teacher.

Canto 7

Irmos: From Judea, having come down, the youths in Babylon sometimes, by the faith of the Trinity flame, stoked the cave, singing: God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.

Ubo runs, having been defeated by you, Blessed Stefan, the wicked sorcerer, we get rid of all his wisdom and malice, crying to Christ: blessed is the God of our fathers.

Even with you, ancient enlightened people, wonderful to St. Stephen, as if I live, we say: do not leave us, your children, as you promised, that we all call with you to Christ: blessed be the God of our fathers.

Having been anointed with the oil of Divine joy, as if the saint had been anointed, you brought new people to the knowledge of Christ and taught everyone to cry out to Christ: blessed be the God of our fathers.

Bogorodichen: Now all are filled with the light of the Divine by Thee, Most Pure One, for Thou hast appeared to the door, even God has spoken to the world, enlightening by faith calling: Blessed, Most Pure, the Fruit of Thy womb.

Canto 8

Irmos: The King of Heaven, Whom the warriors of the Angels sing to, praise and exalt for all eternity.

As if some brave voivode appeared to you, most blessed, eradicating idol temples, and having saved people from those charms, taught you to cry out from the soul to Christ: bless the Lord, all things, and exalt Him forever.

Penetrating into the depths of the Holy Spirit, you drew the Divine mind from there. In the same way, you enriched the Church with Orthodoxy to the Creator, the Redeemer, cry out: bless, all things, the Lord and exalt Him forever.

In Christ's allowance you cloaked yourself, you drove away evil demons from people. This is the heavenly heritage, father, with the saints you received and with them cry to Christ: bless, all things, the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bogorodichen: Eve was banished from the animal tree, communion was forbidden; But you, Virgin Mother of God, exuded eternal life to the world, giving life-giving action to the faithful.

Canto 9

Irmos: Truly the Theotokos, we confess Thee, saved by Thee, Pure Virgin, with the Incorporeal faces of Thee majestically.

By the divine desire we always strive, wisdom and reason have learned, according to the apostle, you have turned people away from delusion, and you have taught God to believe in Living, praiseworthy saint.

Everyone good image You were pleased, leading to the Highest life, humility and meekness. The same from everywhere, Christ arranges a shepherd for thee with His people, pray to Him to save all who sing to thee.

Even to God, with the desire of passions, thou didst wake up, with the all-night standing of talent, thou perceived thou to see the beings there of inexpressible kindness, Stefan.

Bogorodichen: You appeared, Virgin, Mother of God, more than nature, giving birth to the Word of God, His Father I will burp before all ages, as if it is Good; Even now we understand the body above, even if we are dressed in the body.


Neither by man, nor from man, but from God, we accept the election of hierarchship, even before darkness, the sons, now the children and heirs of the Light, you created by your teaching, wise Stephen.


Stephen of Perm occupies a very special place among the saints ancient Rus'. He entered Russian history as a missionary who devoted his whole life to the enlightenment of the pagans, the creator of the Perm letter and translator into the Perm language (the language of modern Komi) of sacred books.

Stefan was born around 1340 in the city of Veliky Ustyug. From ancient sources, his nickname is known - Snore. His father, Simeon, served in the Church of the Holy Mother of God - the main temple of Ustyug. The name of the saint's mother was Mary. In the Life of the famous Ustyug holy fool Procopius, it is said that he predicted the birth of the future saint: when Stephen's mother was only three years old, Procopius bowed to her in front of everyone. The saint's father, Simeon, was also friends with blessed Procopius.

Veliky Ustyug neighbored at that time the lands of the Komi (Zyryans); it was through this city that the shortest route to the boundless Perm, as this country, inhabited by pagan Permians, was called. Probably, back in Ustyug, in childhood, Stefan learned the Permian language, which he later knew perfectly.

Love for learning, and in particular for languages, generally distinguished him. Stefan learned to read with extraordinary speed. While still a youth, he was made a canonarch (reader of canons) in the very church in which his father served.

Reading sacred books, deep and sincere faith, love of knowledge prompted Stefan the path he followed throughout his life. He left Ustyug and went to Rostov (the center of the diocese, which included his native city), where he received tonsure in the monastery of St. Gregory the Theologian, known as the “Zatvor”, or “Brotherly Gate”. During the tonsure (which was performed by the abbot of the monastery Maxim, nicknamed Kalina), Stefan retained his baptismal name.

The Rostov "Zatvor" was famous for its library, which contained many books - both Slavic and Greek. (The latter, apparently, were rare in Russian monasteries.) Stefan learned Greek to perfection and learned to read and understand Greek books well. He continued his education, trying to penetrate into the very essence of the knowledge hidden from him. “With prayer and prayer, he became worthy of reason, and if he saw a wise husband and a reasonable and spiritual elder, he became his interlocutor and interlocutor, and spent the night and day with him, asking inquisitively what he was looking for; and the parable of reason was understandable to him, and that which was unknown and not interpreted, everything was sought out and interpreted by him; and he wanted to listen to every divine story, words, and speeches, and teachings to tell. This is how the famous Old Russian scribe Epiphanius the Wise (the author of the Life of Sergius of Radonezh), who also lived at that time in the Rostov “Zatvor” and closely communicated with St. Stephen, tells about Stefan. Epiphanius later lamented that he had to argue with the saint more than once about this or that text they read and even be an "annoyer" to him. In the monastery, Stefan also became an experienced scribe: "He wrote the holy books very skillfully and quickly."

During his stay in the monastery, Stefan finally established himself in the idea, which, apparently, he came to in his native city: to enlighten the pagan Zyryans, to introduce them to the Christian faith. But this requires holy books, understandable to ignorant pagans. “And Stefan himself learned the Permian language, and composed a new Permian letter, and composed the alphabet of the previously unknown Permian language, as expected, and translated Russian books into the Permian language, and translated, and rewrote.” It was a great feat, similar to that once accomplished by Saints Cyril and Methodius, the Enlighteners of the Slavs. It is believed that when inventing the alphabet for the Komi-Zyryan language, Stefan used signs carved with zyryans on thin quadrangular sticks that served them as money. The main liturgical books were rewritten with the newly invented signs - apparently, the Book of Hours, the Psalter and the Missal.

By that time, having been in the monastery for several years, Stefan had been ordained a deacon. In 1379, before starting his sermon, Stefan went for a blessing to the locum tenens of the metropolitan throne, Bishop Gerasim of Kolomna. The bishop was very surprised at his plan, but, seeing his sincere desire and readiness for a feat, he blessed Stefan. Then he elevated him to the rank of priest and provided him with everything necessary for the consecration of the church. Stefan received permission for his activities from the civil authorities and stocked up with a safe-conduct from Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich. However, none of the authorities followed him. Stefan went to the Permian land alone. Moreover, later he would have to defend the Permians more than once from the violence of princely tyuns and bailiffs.

The saint began his sermon from Kotlas (Pyras). At first, he had to endure a lot of evil from the pagans, says Epiphanius: “bitterness, murmuring, reproach, blasphemy, reproaches, humiliation, vexation, reproach, dirty tricks, and sometimes threats: they threatened him with death, they even wanted to kill him, they surrounded him with clubs and with long poles, deal fatal blows though. One day, a lot of seditious people gathered against him, and, having brought a lot of armfuls of dry straw and fire, they surrounded him with that straw around and wanted to burn him at will. However, the Lord protected him. The saint contrasted evil with meekness and humility; he himself did not raise his hand against the pagans and endured their abuse and threats, but at the same time he tirelessly continued his preaching.

Soon, having baptized several local residents, St. Stephen built a church at the mouth of the Vym River (a tributary of the Vychegda). Subsequently, he built a monastery in Ust-Vymy, which became the main center of the new diocese.

Life tells about such a case. One day St. Stephen came to a particularly revered sanctuary of the Permians, where their idols, made of wood, stood. At that time there was no one there. Stephen managed to set fire to the idols, and the sanctuary burned to the ground. The saint did not run away, but remained in that place, waiting for the pagans. They, indeed, soon came running, seized with rage, and rushed at him with axes and drecolle, thinking of killing him. Stefan did not say anything to them, but turned to God with a prayer - and suddenly the fury of the people surrounding him was replaced by calmness. No one even hit him - partly because the meekness of the saint humbled them, partly, probably, because people were afraid to touch the man who came with letters from Moscow itself. And later they often reasoned like this: “How can we beat or drive him away when he has letters from Moscow? Now, if he were the first to enter the fight and hit one of us, then we would tear him to pieces and thus could justify ourselves. But in response to our insults, he will not say an angry and reproachful word, enduring everything with patience, and we do not know what to do with him.

As soon as Saint Stephen noticed pagans gathered somewhere, he immediately hurried to them and entered into conversation, preaching about Christ. Sometimes people themselves came to him for a conversation. Especially often they came to the church built by the saint - not even because of prayer, but out of a desire to look at the beauty of the church that they had never seen before. (So ​​once the Russians themselves believed in Christ, captivated by the beauty of the church service.) And so an increasing number of people joined the Christian faith.

The saint walked at least a thousand kilometers across the land of Perm. He destroyed sanctuaries and cut down sacred trees Zyryan - more and more often with the help of yesterday's pagans themselves, who were baptized. The old deities could not punish him - and this, in the eyes of the people, served as proof of the truth of the teaching brought by St. Stephen. The locals had a custom to decorate idols with the best skins of animals caught on the hunt - sables, martens, ermines, as well as other valuables. No one dared to touch them - the disobedient was inevitably struck by a fierce disease. The saint fearlessly tore off the jewels, brought, as he said, as a gift to demons, and threw them all into the fire. (However, he ordered one of his servants to make pants, onuchs and “legs” out of precious skins and wear them to ridicule the demons.) The saint did not take anything for himself - and this disinterestedness of his also aroused the amazement of the Permians, who were accustomed to the greed of immigrants from Moscow .

The life tells about the dispute between the saint and a certain sorcerer-sorcerer named Pam. Previously, he was considered the first in the entire Perm land, while the preaching of the saint deprived him of power and wealth. Pam repeatedly persuaded the locals to drive Stefan out of the country and return to the faith of their fathers and grandfathers. “What good can come from Moscow to us? he said. - Isn't it from there that hardships come to us, heavy tributes and violence, and tiuns, and closers, and assistants? For this reason, do not listen to him, but rather listen to me. The people answered that Pam should argue not with them, but with Stephen himself: if he overcomes him, then they will also leave the new teaching and return to the old gods.

Stefan and Pam argued with each other for a whole day, and Stefan, according to the story of the Life, refuted all the arguments of the sorcerer about the advantages of his faith. Finally, having lost hope of defeating the Christian preacher in a verbal duel, the sorcerer offered to test by deed which side the truth is on, namely, to pass the trials of fire and water: both Stephen and the sorcerer himself had to enter the flame - the one who comes out safe and sound will prove the truth of his doctrine. Then both had to enter one hole on the Vychegda River (it was winter) and exit the other. Stefan agreed. They set fire to a certain hut, and when it caught fire, the saint, having prayed, took the hand of the sorcerer and resolutely headed into the very flames. But it turns out that the sorcerer was brave only in words: he was afraid of a strong flame and did not dare to enter it. The saint seized him by the clothes and began to forcefully drag him into the burning hut. Pam resisted, backed away, and finally, falling to the ground, began to yell that he was afraid to touch the fire. And so it was repeated three times. The monk, having won a victory over the sorcerer, turned to the people, asking what should be done with the disgraced magician. “He is worthy of execution,” people answered. Magus was seized and brought to Stefan. Stephen, however, refused to execute him, but drove him out of the country. Pama knows about this that he and his family went to Siberia; According to legend, the inhabitants of the village of Altim on the Ob descended from him.

The number of Stephen's disciples continually increased. New churches were being built, so that there was a need for a special bishop for the Permian land. Around 1383, Stefan went to Moscow to the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and Metropolitan Pimen, who then ruled the Russian Church, to ask them to appoint a bishop for newly converted people. Metropolitan Pimen ordained Stefan himself Bishop of Perm. At the same time, the Grand Duke granted Stefan part of his income from Perm, the right to duty-free trade in Russian lands and the collection of duties from merchants and industrialists who came to Perm. The new bishop also received rich gifts from the Grand Duke.

In the rank of bishop, St. Stephen worked for the Permian Church as diligently as before: he led pagans to the faith and baptized, built churches, appointed priests, and established monasteries. The monasteries founded by him are known: two Arkhangelsk ones - in Ust-Vymy and Yarensk, Spassky and Stefanovsky in the Ust-Sysolsk region. The great merit of the saint was the spread of schools in which Stephen taught his students the literacy invented by him; he organized the correspondence of books, continued the translation into Perm liturgical books- and not only from the Slavic, but also from the Greek language. (Unfortunately, not a single book written in the Permian language has survived to our time; only a few inscriptions have survived.) Stefan became a great benefactor for the entire Permian people. He cared not only for the spiritual needs of his flock, but also for their material well-being. During the famine that engulfed the Permian lands, the saint distributed his grain supplies and money to the starving, took care of the delivery of bread from Ustyug and Vologda. He tried to protect Perm from the attack of its restless neighbors - the Vogulichi (today's Mansi), the Vyatchans, and also the Novgorod ushkuin robbers. In 1386 Stefan visited Novgorod for this purpose. He also visited Moscow. In 1391 Stefan participated in a council of bishops called by Metropolitan Cyprian. Probably, it was during this trip to Moscow that a well-known miracle occurred, testifying to the special spiritual closeness established between St. Stephen of Perm and St. Sergius of Radonezh. This miracle is told in the Life of Sergius.

Once a saint who had great love for Saint Sergius, hurried to Moscow on business of his diocese. The road along which he was traveling ran about eight versts from the Trinity Monastery. Unable to visit the monastery and intending to visit it on the way back, the saint stopped, got off his wagon and, after reciting the usual prayer, bowed to St. Sergius with the words: “Peace be with you, spiritual brother!” Sergius at this time was sitting with the brethren at a meal. Understanding the bishop's worship, he rose from his seat and, having also made a prayer, in turn bowed to the bishop: "Rejoice you too, shepherd of Christ's flock, and the blessing of the Lord be with you." On the site where, according to legend, St. Stephen bowed to St. Sergius, a chapel of the Holy Cross with a well was subsequently erected.

The last time the Perm bishop visited Moscow was on Easter 1396 (April 2). Soon, however, he fell ill and, having been ill for several days, reposed on April 26. Epiphanius the Wise describes the saint’s death in this way: “And thanksgiving and prayer had not yet departed from his lips, and he, as if wanting to sleep, began to doze off, and, plunging into a quiet sleep, quietly and serenely breathed his last, having reposed to the Lord.” The saint was buried in the Cathedral of the Savior on Bor in the Moscow Kremlin (the cathedral has not been preserved). His remains, according to legend, rested there openly until the invasion of the Poles; after that they were hidden. Near the tomb of the saint, his hierarch's staff was kept; later he was taken away by the Poles, but in the middle of the 19th century he was returned to Russia and is now in Perm.


Life of St. Stephen, Bishop of Perm, written by Epiphanius the Wise. SPb., 1878;

Old Russian legends (XI-XVI centuries). M., 1982;

Prokhorov G. M. Stefan // Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Rus'. Issue. 2: Second half of the 15th–16th centuries. Part 2. L., 1989.

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Gerasim of Perm, saint (+1442) Gerasim (+ c. 1441–1443), bishop of Great Perm, saintJanuary 24, January 29 on the day of memory of the three Perm saints He was the third bishop of the newly enlightened Zyryansk people and a worthy follower of St. Stephen, the Enlightener

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Pitirim of Perm, Saint (+1455) Pitirim of Velikoperm, Ust-Vymsky (+ 1455/1456), Bishop, Holy Martyr August 19, January 29 on the day of memory of the three Perm saints and in the Cathedral of the Vologda Saints Born in Yaroslavl. He was instructed in monastic virtues by a certain

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Jonah of Perm (+1470) Jonah of Great Perm, Ust-Vymsk (+ 1470), bishop, saint. Commemorated on June 6, January 29 on the day of memory of the three Perm saints The fifth bishop of Veliko Perm and successor in the chair of the holy martyr Pitirim (+ 1455). Ordained to the Great Permian Department

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Shmch. Andronik, Archbishop of Perm and Solikamsk († 1918), Comm. 20 June Vladimir Alexandrovich Nikolsky was born on 1 August 1870 into the family of a deacon of the Yaroslavl diocese. He received his initial education at the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary, where he received monastic vows.

Stephen of Perm

FROM tefan of Perm - saint. Born (about 1340) in the city of Ustyug. Accompanying his father (a rural deacon) to the temple, he learned church singing and the charter. After that, he focused his attention on the Zaryan language, which was spoken by almost the entire local population. Even in the early childhood of Stefan, Saint Prokopiy the Holy Fool from Ustyug predicted to him that he would be an educator of the Permian people. Under the influence of this prediction, he moved to Rostov and entered the monastery of St. Gregory the Theologian in order to prepare himself for missionary service. This was the time of the enlightening activity of the saint, who soon became a friend of Stephen. The idea of ​​the young ascetic to serve as missionary work for Perm was approved by all. In order to use the Holy Scriptures and the works of the Church Fathers, Stephen learned the Greek language; but he soon realized that the success of preaching among the Zyryans would not be ensured if he did not know the Zyryan language. Soon he mastered this language so much that he began to translate the services of the Orthodox Church into it. To compile the Zyryan alphabet, Stefan used the Zyryan banknotes, which they carved on thin quadrangular sticks (passes). Having visited Ustyug, Stefan became convinced of the ability of the Zyryans to learn new concepts and rules of life in their own language. He found helpers for himself, and the whole region soon resounded with the word of a new doctrine for savages. Stefan went to Moscow, where he received the blessing of Metropolitan Saint Alexy and was made a presbyter. Grand Duke Dimitri gave him a safe-conduct. In 1379, having been about 40 years old, Stefan went to Perm, and never returned to Rostov, whose inhabitants still honor him along with the Rostov saints. Stefan reached Kotlas along the Northern Dvina and Vychegda and began to preach the Christian doctrine. He was greeted with extreme hostility: they made a fire of firewood, they wrapped him in straw to burn him; but no one dared to approach him with a lighted torch. His meek appearance and fearlessness disarmed the savages, and they themselves began to ask him to preach to them. Wherever Stephen was, he built churches and chapels, destroying pagan idols. Sermon in Gala and Ust-Vym, where he destroyed the deified birch, threatened him with death, but here the first church in the region was built. Stefan was once again in Moscow, and in 1383 he was made bishop of the region he had benefited from. Stephen died on April 26, 1396. See Archpriest Popov "St. Stephen of Great Perm" (1885). N. B-v.

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