Holy Dormition Monastery Sarov Hermitage official. Hermitage of Sarov - place of worship of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Founded in 1916 as the People's University, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. Lobachevsky was lucky to become the very first university in Nizhny Novgorod. The very idea of ​​the organization arose much earlier - in 1896, when the next world-famous Nizhny Novgorod fair was preparing to open. Then this proposal was made a second time - ten years later, when revolutionary transformations began, in 1906. However, we had to wait another ten years before the opening. Today Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. Lobachevsky is one of the best universities in the country.


In 1918, the issue regarding the training of specialists for the national economy of the region arose most acutely. By decision of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Executive Committee, the new university joined the network of state universities. V.I. Lenin signed a decree, which was a legal act, thus legitimizing the birth of UNN. Lobachevsky.

Since September 1918, ten faculties of the university began their work. These are the faculty of professional knowledge, agronomics, civil engineering, mechanical, workers' encyclopedic, economic, historical and philological, biological, physical, chemical and mathematical. A little later - a month later - the medical faculty was opened in Sormovo, where a branch of the UNN named after. Lobachevsky with nine faculties.

Classical university

The time in the country was extremely difficult in all respects, especially economically. The young Soviet Union had just begun its formation, overcoming terrible devastation. Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky was almost closed. However, the local budget took over its maintenance, which is why it managed to survive.

By the thirties, industrialization began in the country, and on the basis of some faculties, narrow-profile institutes were created: medical, construction, agricultural, pedagogical, chemical and mechanical engineering. That is, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky has ceased to be a classical university. The situation worsened in 1931, when NIFTI (Physics and Technology Research Institute) was included in the university.


In 1931, the university began to provide fundamental universal knowledge as NSU, with three faculties: chemistry, physico-mathematics and biology. Still, the first Soviet university (since 1918!) did not cease to exist as a classical university. It received the name of the great mathematician in 1956 and since then began to be called UNN. Lobachevsky. Nizhny Novgorod I became even more proud of my university when the university received an even higher award. In 1976, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Today teachers of UNN named after. Lobachevsky are known all over the world. Among them are more than three hundred and thirty doctors of science, nineteen corresponding members and full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And more than a thousand candidates of science, forty-eight honored scientists, forty-six State Prize laureates, Nobel laureate- Honorary Doctor of UNN. Lobachevsky. The faculties of this university are the base of the scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


UNN is ranked among the leading and best universities in the country; it is among the top 800 universities in the world (QS World University Rankings). Currently, UNN includes eighteen faculties and institutes and four large research institutes. In addition, the university has a supercomputer center.

There is a nanotechnology center, a biomedical cluster in the university system, and a business incubator core in the innovation and technology center. In addition, the university typhoid information center is very famous, where they provide computer training to the visually impaired. Internet centers are open. Teachers, graduate students, researchers and students use a huge fundamental library. The university has a whole complex of museums, and also has its own printing house and publishing house. The pride of not only the city, but the whole country - Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. Lobachevsky. University address: Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Avenue, building 23.


Thirty thousand people from ninety-seven countries around the world are studying at UNN today. Among them are more than nine hundred doctoral students and graduate students. Excellent preparation allows the university to win international and All-Russian student olympiads in a wide variety of disciplines. Branches of UNN named after. Lobachevsky (there are eight of them: Arzamas, Balakhninsky, Borsky, Vyksa, Dzerzhinsky, Zavolzhsky, Pavlovsky and Shakhunsky) are in no way behind the main university; their “pupils” are also winners of the largest competitive programs that are aimed at developing innovation and Russian education.

For example, in 2006 there was a victory in the competition among seventeen Russian universities in the priority national project “Education”, and in 2009 UNN received the category of a national research university. Seven projects were won, with the help of which it was possible to attract leading scientists to Russian universities. Nizhny Novgorod University won a competition dedicated to the development of cooperation between higher education institutions educational institutions and organizations implementing complex projects for creating high-tech production. Currently, UNN is participating in a program to increase the competitiveness of our universities among the leading scientific educational centers in the world.

Master's degree

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky invites applicants to master's programs at faculties and institutes (there are fourteen in total) in the following (selective) training programs.

1. Institute of Biology and Biomedicine (biology exam): immunology and molecular biology, biochemistry, neurobiology, biomedicine, microbiology and virology, biophysics, animal and human physiology, plant physiology, botany, vertebrate zoology, invertebrate zoology, biology. There are sixty budget places here.

2. Faculty of Radiophysics (exam in radiophysics): radiophysical methods in ecology and medicine, computer radiophysics, information systems and processes, quantum radiophysics, laser physics, acoustics, physical electronics, electromagnetic waves, static radiophysics, nonlinear waves and oscillations, radiophysics. There are forty budget places here.

And twelve more faculties and institutes of Nizhny Novgorod State University prepare future masters within the walls of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky. A master's degree will allow you to study at the highest level that exists in domestic state professional education. Experienced specialists, scientific luminaries and expert practitioners teach here. The graduate will receive one of the most prestigious diplomas in the country. To the master's program at UNN. Lobachevsky can be applied to applicants who already have a bachelor's degree or a specialist's diploma.


Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky very widely uses the principle of “open education”, in particular the system of education through electronic and information technologies. This method has huge amount advantages, since it frees up a lot of time for the student to earn a living and study, or to engage in creative scientific work. What is e-learning? First of all, these are independent studies with materials contained on electronic media - a personal computer, PDA, mobile phone and so on.

The student receives consultations, advice, and assessments from an expert teacher through remote interaction. Study materials are delivered on time and this too does not waste time. In addition, there have long been certain standards for distance learning tools and specifications for all educational technologies and materials. E-learning UNN named after. Lobachevsky provides not only in terms of obtaining a classical university education, it offers training in many courses, including preparatory courses (plus ten points for the Unified State Exam!), advanced training, and many others.

Pros of distance learning

Teachers like this form of work because it helps to form an information culture, master modern technologies, and increase the efficiency of regular teaching activities. In addition, all educational web resources are being developed: electronic textbooks, technologies, and a range of educational services.

Students also really like this form of education. When it is possible to obtain the necessary or additional materials from anywhere in the world, which modern Internet technologies allow, studying will move easily and quickly, in addition, there is always the opportunity to reinforce acquired knowledge with the help of electronic manuals, submit completed assignments and consult online with a teacher .

Other benefits

Compared to traditional education, electronic education has a long range of significant advantages. This, first of all, concerns freedom of access, that is, a student can study absolutely anywhere and even without interruption from professional activity. Training costs are significantly reduced. Training is carried out flexibly in terms of the sequence and duration of studying the necessary materials. Here the student chooses independently how and at what time he needs to study, that is, there is the opportunity to adapt the learning process to his own needs.

This is very convenient for people with disabilities, for young mothers with small children, for those who have found themselves in the profession and do not want to interrupt their work experience. The opportunity to develop and keep up with the times is also worth a lot. All users of distance learning - both teachers and students - improve and increase knowledge and skills in accordance with standards and modern technologies. Electronic courses will always allow you to update educational material quickly and in a timely manner. In addition, all students receive equal opportunities; learning does not even depend on the quality of teaching, although at UNN it is always at a very high level. And the most important thing for a student is the assessment of knowledge. The criteria for e-learning are very clearly defined.

Bachelor's degree remotely

E-learning is based on the principles of self-direction under the watchful eye of teachers. After enrollment, students of UNN named after. Lobachevsky receive Internet access to the UNN e-education system. The main information resource is methodically developed educational materials V electronic form, in content and volume meeting all the requirements of the educational standard of Russia.

The study of disciplines is moving according to the schedule. The student must independently master all the theoretical material contained in the electronic lectures, consulting, if necessary, with teachers, and also perform the necessary practical tasks and laboratory work. After which there is testing and intermediate certification (test or exam; distance educational technologies are also used here most often). The educational activities of each undergraduate student are scrupulously documented, teachers monitor the entire learning process and promptly correct it.

In person and remotely

The most interesting thing is that full-time students at UNN named after. Lobachevsky are taught using distance learning educational technologies. Each student has access to the above-mentioned electronic guided courses, and knowledge testing is traditionally carried out remotely.

In addition to future masters and bachelors, UNN named after. Lobachevsky trains graduate students and doctoral students at the special Institute of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, which was created in 2003. Its main goal is to train scientific and teaching personnel of the highest qualifications, and the university’s contribution to the overall system of scientific, methodological, information and analytical work is simply enormous.

Friends, let's explore the past a little more before we return to our time.

Well, having visited 1903 on the day of the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov, let’s return to the present 2003, the centenary of the canonization of St. Seraphim. Your humble servant was present at this event as an ambulance driver (I then lived with my parents for a year and worked in a hospital) So everything took place before my eyes. Many pilgrims from all over Russia, a huge number of foreigners. The event was impressive, and I was lucky, only two calls, and the rest of the time I was present at the ceremony.

Photos from that day and more. And finally the final touch...
Caves of the Sarov Monastery.

The emergence of the caves of the Sarov Monastery dates back to the very years of its history. A description of the beginning of the construction of caves was given in his MANUSCRIPT “The Legend of the First Residence of Monks” by the founder of the monastery, Hieroschemamonk John, in the traditions hagiographic literature. According to him, John began to dig a cave half a mountain from the Satis River above the source, where now the very entrance to the caves is near his tent” in 1692. Tired of work, he lay down to rest in a hut, and in a dream he had a vision. It was as if he found himself near the city of Kyiv, and Metropolitan Hilarion - the same one who once began to be the first to dig the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery - blessed the work he had begun. Obviously, he designed the caves in Sarov according to the model of those in Kyiv. The analogy between Sarov and Kiev was continued when the church built in caves was consecrated in honor of Anthony, Theodosius and other saints of the Kiev-Pechersk.

Unfortunately, the construction and use of the Sarov caves are not described in as much detail as we would like. But it is obvious that in the first years of the monastery, under the founder John, their role in the life of the Sarov Hermitage was more significant than later.
On the 16th day of March 1711, the caves were completed in a half-mountain, which reached almost half of the monastery underground; entrance to these from outside the monastery, and different places These cells were made, in which the monks previously lived..

First of all, this means that at the time of the author of this quote, Abbot Markellin, who wrote a book on the history of the monastery in 1804, no one lived in the caves.) In his accounts, John also mentions a small cave. The entrance to it was located to the west of the main cave entrance. In 1709, a church was built in the dungeons. This structure has been preserved. The temple is small - its maximum dimensions are 9 by 6 meters, the vault is supported by four columns, each more than a meter in diameter. Permission to consecrate the underground church was obtained with great difficulty, the reason for which is unknown to us. The locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky, allowed the opening of the church only on May 30, 1711, after the petition of princesses Maria and Feodosia, sisters of Peter I. They also donated new church particles of the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers, which were kept in it under the throne.

IN recent years During his life in Sarov, Abbot John spent a lot of time in solitude in caves. The coffin he prepared for own funeral, stood in one of the underground cells.
Services in the underground church continued until the 1730s. The ventilation system was imperfect; dampness deteriorated wood and liturgical books. And if under John attention was paid to the repair of the dungeons, then after his departure from office and death the church became inactive for many years.

In August 1778, Bishop Jerome of Vladimir came to Sarov Hermitage to consecrate the newly built Assumption Cathedral. While touring the monastery, he visited the underground church and expressed a desire to resume worship there. This required repairs. Penza landowner Nikolai Afanasyevich Radishchev (father of the writer A.N. Radishchev), who was present in Sarov at that time, expressed his readiness to help. He bought a marble altar plaque for the church, made in St. Petersburg. In addition, a cast-iron iconostasis was made, a ventilation shaft was brought up, over the exit of which to the surface a small dome with a dome and a cross was built. After repairs, Bishop Jerome consecrated the church on August 15, 1780.

Due to dampness, the iconostasis and church utensils in the church of Anthony and Theodosius had to be renewed and changed. Under Abbot Joseph (1872-1890), the cast-iron iconostasis was replaced by a silver-plated copper one with gilded copper icons. The iconostasis was 5.6 m long and 2.1 m4 high. Services in the church were held at that time only once a year - on the day of remembrance of the Kiev-Pechersk Wonderworkers. The caves served rather excursion purposes. Below are the impressions of some of the pilgrims who visited them.

At the entrance, everyone received a bunch of lit candles, the shutters thundered, the iron door creaked, and we, descending into a gloomy dungeon, began to make our way through winding passages, following an experienced guide. Here, he said, pointing to a small depression in the wall of the cave, lived people who left the world for the spiritual light, which illuminated their path to eternal bliss." The wax Crucifix, two images and a tin lamp preserved the memory of the amazing life of hermits and testify to the power of faith that resettles a person from a charming world into a dark, damp den, where a difficult struggle with old habits and passions awaits him and where only the hope of heavenly reward remains the consolation of a suffering life.
Narrow vaults. The taller ones have to bend over. We are going as a party of pilgrims. As always, the monk is the driver in front. He gives explanations here and there.<->We walk, as usual, with burning candles in everyone’s hands; the monk has a whole bunch of candles. The light wavers, trembles, splashes in timid strips across the gloomy, damply cold walls, fearfully touches them and sadly crawls behind curious strangers further and further into the depths of the cave hidden in the darkness and cold. They showed simple rusty iron crosses, large, heavy rusty chains<...>. Her feeling of some strange, painfully terrible alienation of special frightened amazement and then timid shame does not leave her... Our flesh, the human soul, loving the sun, light, colors, the multi-colored expanse and distance of the earth, resists, groans, grumpily complains<.. >why, why is it so necessary to go here, into the underground, gloomy, damp and cold depths of the deserted caves, to climb here, into these cramped and narrow cracks: “Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many follow it, but narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and not many find it...
On July 18, 1903, during the celebrations for the canonization of Seraphim of Sarov, Nicholas II visited the cave.
There has never been a shortage of legends associated with the Sarov caves. After the closure of the monastery, rumors began to spread persistently that the length of the passages left by the monks was actually much further; rumor brought the dungeons to the spring of Seraphim of Sarov (2 km) and even to the Diveyevo convent (14 km in a straight line). There is no material evidence of the existence of these passages, although eyewitnesses periodically appear who either “walked” through them themselves or remember how their deceased relatives told about these passages.

It is interesting that the Sarov monks themselves began to forget over time the history of the origin and purpose of the monastery caves. In the Sarov Desert at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, pilgrims were told legends that the caves were allegedly dug by the Tatars during the Golden Horde or even by robbers.

The oldest plan of the caves known to us dates back to 1780. He was cited in his notes by the novice of the Sarov Desert Afanasy Illarionovich (“Notes” of Afanasy Illarionovich date back to 1780-1785, they were published along with the plan of the caves in 1904). This plan is very conventional; it reflects only the approximate relative positions of the corridors and cells. The plan is known in two versions. One is in the Central State Archive of Mordovia in Saransk among the papers of Afanasy Ilarionovich, the other is in the “Manuscript Collection of the Sarov Desert” fund, stored in the RGADA10 Underpasses in the Saransk version of the plan they are called “streets”, each with its own number - from 1 to 9.

The same Saransk archive contains another plan of the Sarov caves. There is no date on it, but it is obviously of later origin - late XIX or the beginning of the 20th century. The correctness of a plan can only be confirmed by comparison with the original. In our case, the object was inaccessible - when a secret object was created in Sarov, the entrance to the dungeons was walled up, and gradually the caves and everything connected with them began to recede into the realm of urban legends. We do not know the exact time when the entrance was closed - there are no documents yet It was not possible to find. This date can be approximately estimated from the inscriptions (graffiti) made on the walls of the caves; in addition to numerous names, there were several dates - April 3, 11956 (the graffiti has now been erased during restoration).

At the end of the 1980s, a public historical movement began its activities in Sarov (then Arzamas-16), which officially took shape in 1990 as the Sarov Hermitage association (the permanent chairman is A.A. Agapov). Among the tasks of the unification were, of course, research papers associated with caves. Searches were conducted in the archives, old-timers were questioned. The association decided to start excavation work in the spring of 1992. Then one of the old-timers, L.S. Rusin, indicated with a high degree of confidence the location of the entrance to the dungeon. As it turned out later, he was wrong in his memories by only 5 meters, but even these 5 meters cost us two months of work.

The entrance to the caves was opened on July 22. The main impression was the fairly decent state of preservation of the dungeons. It was known that in the early 1950s, the cathedrals that stood on the monastery square above the caves were demolished by explosions. We were afraid that because of this the caves would be destroyed. Fortunately, this did not happen, and the underground structures, located at a depth of 8-12 m from the modern surface of the earth, survived, despite occasional destruction. OH. Maslov carried out the first topographic survey of caves; the total length of the passages that were accessible in 1992 was about 300 meters. The modern arrangement of corridors and cells coincided well with the late Saransk plan. No restoration or conservation work was carried out at that time, so it was decided to fill up the entrance to the caves again.

But the Sarov caves soon reminded of themselves. On December 16, 1992, a water supply failure occurred on the monastery square, creating a hole about 5 meters deep. As it turned out later, an old pipe burst, and about five hundred tons of water and fifty cubic meters of soil went into the entrance to the caves that opened at the bottom of the failure. Interestingly, the failure occurred in a section of caves that was inaccessible in July 1992 and was absent from the “late” Saransk plan. Then in December we managed to walk about 20 meters of this newly opened passage, which had not been trodden in for about a hundred years.
human leg. It lies closer to the surface (at a depth of about 6 meters), and perhaps that is why its preservation turned out to be worse. Apparently, it was used very little at all, since there was no soot on the ceiling of the passage, while the ceilings of the accessible passages were all covered with it.

A plan of caves with areas that are currently inaccessible was found in the Tambov archive by employees of the Moscow scientific and restoration enterprise Simargl12. It quite accurately reproduces the well-known part of the dungeons, and, in addition, it shows three rather long branches from the main system of passages to the west. Apparently, the failure occurred in the northern or middle branch, while the locations of two of the three branches could not be found from inside the caves.

In the summer of 1995, the historical association reopened the entrance to the caves. The condition of the caves in 1995 turned out to be much worse than in 1992. The entire floor was covered with a layer of mud several tens of centimeters thick - a consequence of the accident. From the thin trace left near the ceiling of the main corridor and the underground church, we concluded that for quite a long time the caves were completely flooded, until the water found a way out of them (obviously in the spring).

After opening the entrance, the dungeons were accessible to anyone for some time, and this had the most disastrous consequences. In particular, hooligans destroyed the inscription about the consecration of the church, carved in 1711 on one of its pillars.

Since the mid-1990s, the city authorities finally found funds for professionals to take over the Sarov Caves. The survey of the caves was carried out by the above-mentioned company “Simargl”. Its employees studied the condition of the caves and made a restoration project. Currently, work is underway in the caves restoration work, free access to the dungeons is closed.

Despite the unconditional progress in the right direction, the problems of the Sarov caves are still far from being resolved. The main two dangers that threaten them are heavy traffic and dilapidated communications. As fate would have it, the architectural (and underground) complexes of the Sarov Desert ended up in the center of the city; one of the busiest city highways passes over the caves. Restricting traffic is an urgent need to preserve the monument, but it is difficult to implement, since due to the difficult terrain, the construction of a bypass road will be a very expensive undertaking. Water-carrying communications on the monastery square were laid in the late 40s - early 50s. The longer their service life, the greater the likelihood of a repetition of accidents similar to what happened in December 1992 (and no one counted how many smaller ones there were). The collapse map in the caves almost exactly repeats the communication pattern. It would be a shame if the monument from the late 17th - early 18th centuries cannot be preserved.

Holy Dormition monastery Sarov Desert founded at the beginning XVII century in the north of the Tambov province in Temnikovsky district (now the city of Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region). Known as the place where the monk labored Seraphim of Sarov, one of the most revered Orthodox ascetics and saints.

The founder of the Sarov Desert was Hieromonk Isaac(in the world Ivan Fedorovich Popov, son of the clerk of the village of Krasny Arzamas district). The consecration of the first temple of the Sarov monastery took place June 16, 1706. This day is considered the founding day of the monastery.

Number of brethren in 1733 year there were 36 people. IN 1744 year, the first stone temple was erected and consecrated - the Church of the Assumption. IN 1752 year, the stone Church of John the Baptist was built over a spring under the mountain. IN 1758 year, the stone building of the Church of the Life-Giving Spring was built. Also by this year, stone walls, two corner towers and the holy gates were erected.

Monastery in 1764 year. From an ancient engraving.

The main shrine and decoration of the Sarov Desert was the Assumption Cathedral. Its external appearance was similar to the Kiev-Pechersk Assumption Cathedral. He was consecrated in 1777 year. IN 1784 year the stone Temple of St. Zosima and Savvaty was built.

IN 1789 year, construction of the monastery bell tower began (construction was completed in 1799 year). WITH 1825 year, the Sarov Hermitage became a place of all-Russian pilgrimage.
The Church of St. John the Baptist was built in 1827 year. The building of the monastery refectory was built in 1828 year. IN 1861 year over the grave of Fr. Seraphim a chapel was built. IN 1864 The construction of the Church of the Life-Giving Spring was completed.

IN 1878 year, a stone two-story building was built to accommodate pilgrims from the common people visiting the Sarov Hermitage.

IN 1897 year in the Sarov Desert, the temple of Seraphim of Sarov was founded, consecrated in 1903 during the canonization of the Rev.

Monastery at the beginning XX century. Photo from the bell tower.


1. Bell tower (preserved)
2. Church of Saints Zosima and Sabbatius (being restored)
3. Temple of the Life-Giving Spring (planned restoration)
4. Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (planned restoration)
5. Temple of John the Baptist (current)
6. Temple of Seraphim of Sarov (active)
7. Church of All Saints (active)
8. "Tsar's" palace (preserved)
B. Corner towers (3 out of 5 preserved)
D. Children's clinic (new building)

Green- preserved (or already restored), yellow- planned for restoration (or already being restored).

Men's Sarov hermitage in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Nizhny Novgorod diocese

Chronicles indicate that the first hermit monk who chose Sarov Mountain for an ascetic life was the Penza monk Theodosius, who came to the Old Settlement in the year. The successor of his exploits two decades later was the young monk of the Arzamas Vvedensky Monastery Isaac, later in the schema John. By the year, Hieromonk John managed to organize a common life for the monks who wished to stay on Sarov Mountain. The first monks settled independently, and their settlement did not have any status. By the year, John obtained permission from Tsar Peter Alekseevich and the blessing of the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Stefan (Yavorsky), to establish a monastery and to build a church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos and. In May of the year, construction of the church began, and already on June 16 of the same year, the first temple of the Sarov Hermitage was consecrated. This date is considered the founding day of the Sarov Monastery.

The activities of Father John were not limited only to the external structure of the desert. Along with the first church, a monastic cenobitic brotherhood also arose. John, with unanimous consent, began to write the charter of the Sarov monastery according to strict ancient models. In the year the charter was approved, and subsequently became a model for many monasteries in Russia.

Over the course of several years, the territory of the monastery was surrounded by a fence. After the construction of the first church, two more churches, a refectory, and cells for guests were erected in the monastery, and by the year a cave city with an underground church was ready.

The first temple of the monastery - in honor of the Life-Giving Source - was rebuilt in and then in the years. The temple was distinguished by its vastness and abundance of light; it amazed with the skillful painting of the walls, the wealth of utensils, and the precious iconostasis. The main value of the cathedral was the especially revered and richly decorated icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Life-Giving Source.

The most ancient structure in Sarov are caves. The emergence of an underground city with streets, cells and an underground church is one of the most early years Sarov Monastery. The underground church in the name of the Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers Anthony and Theodosius was built in the year, and was consecrated with the assistance of the princesses Maria and Theodosius, sisters of Peter I, it was they who sent the iconostasis, sacred vessels, books and donations for this temple.

The last temple of the monastery was founded in the year, consecrated for the first time in honor of St. Seraphim Sarovsky.

There were 70 monks and 240 novices in the monastery per year. Sarov Pustyn was a sociable non-staff monastery and was under the control of the abbot.

Closing of the monastery

The destruction of the monastery began in the year when an instructor first arrived in Sarov from the district town of Temnikova with the right to establish a commune here. The monks, in turn, asked to organize a labor artel in the monastery with a charter reminiscent of the monastery charter. However, the Temnikov land department considered that the monks, due to their civic immaturity, were incapable of self-government and taking initiative in running a large farm on new socialist principles.

In September of the year, the first OGPU task force arrived at the monastery demanding a contribution of 300 thousand rubles, and in November a one-time emergency tax in the amount of one million rubles was imposed on the Sarov Pustyn. Following this, a campaign began to open and destroy the relics of Orthodox saints. On November 17, by decision of the IX Congress of Soviets of the city of Temnikov, the commission opened the shrine containing the relics of St. Seraphim.

The economy of the Sarov Monastery was ruined, the shrines were desecrated, the relics venerable elder taken away in an unknown direction. In March of the year, a government decision was made to liquidate the Sarov Monastery; the remaining property and buildings were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Nizhny Novgorod NKVD department.

Modern period

After the closure of the monastery, the Labor Commune of the N4 NKT factory was created ( people's commissariat labor), the main task of which was “to re-educate street children through the involvement of pupils in labor processes.” Up to a year, about 3.5 thousand children lived in the commune. After a year, the commune was closed, and in its place a correctional labor colony for teenagers and adults of the NKVD system was organized.

Since November of this year, after the liquidation of the NKVD colony, its production base has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Mechanical Engineering. According to his decision, the production of pressing equipment and high-explosive fragmentation shells of 152 mm caliber will be organized in Sarov. The plant was reconstructed, constantly expanded, and in the year it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition and received N550.

During the period from - gg. Here the production of shell casings for Katyusha rocket mortars was established. Every fifth projectile fired at the enemy had a casing manufactured at the N550 plant.

In the year Sarov was elected by Yu.B. Khariton and I.V. Kurchatov to create a secret facility on its territory, the purpose of which was to create nuclear weapons. After a year, for reasons of secrecy, Sarov, or, as it was then called, “Settlement KB-11,” disappears from all maps for a long time. Its names are constantly changing: KB-11, Moscow Center-300, Kremlev, Arzamas-16. Through the efforts of leading scientists, technicians and workers, headed by Yu.B. Khariton and I.V. Kurchatov, the secret facility begins to actively function.

Revival of church life

On September 26 of this year in Sarov, for the first time in 62 years of desolation on the Far Pustynka, a prayer service was served to St. Seraphim of Sarov. Orthodox parish in Sarov was formed in the city, although it was possible to register it only in the city, after the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim. On August 2 of the year, on the day of the transfer of the relics of the saint to Diveevo, he visited the city His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. His Holiness the Patriarch consecrated a cross on the site of Pustynka, where the monk labored, and a monument by the sculptor Klykov.

On July 14, the church in honor of All Saints, a former monastery cemetery church, was transferred to the parish of the city of Sarov.

In the same year, the Church of St. John the Baptist, decapitated and rebuilt in Soviet times, was transferred to the diocese.

The women's Orthodox Serofimo-Diveevo monastery is located in the village of Diveevo. People from all regions of Russia and from other countries come there to venerate the relics of Seraphim of Sarov. The name of this saint is associated with numerous miraculous healings.

From the history of the monastery

A small village, named after Murza Diveya, appeared in the middle of the sixth century. These lands, complementing the princely title, were granted by Ivan the Terrible. The village was located on crossing pilgrimage roads. Travelers heading to the Sarov Monastery stopped at a wooden local church in honor of Archdeacon Stephen and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The wanderer Melgunova Agafya Semenova also arrived there.

The chronicle of the Seraphim Diveyevo Monastery indicates that the woman stopped to rest in a local church. During Agafya's sleep, the Mother of God appeared and indicated that she needed to stay in these places, build a stone church and found a women's community. According to the Bible, it was in Diveevo that she cast her last lot Heavenly Queen after Kyiv, Athos and Iveria.

The village at that time looked like a workers' settlement. There was no spiritual atmosphere on its territory. Agafya and her daughter settled not far from the village. After some time, Agafya’s daughter became seriously ill and died. Despite grief and strong emotions, the woman nevertheless fulfilled her vow and began building the church. To do this, she sold all her property and began to build a temple with the proceeds. After construction is completed, Agafya begins to organize the community. For this, land was needed.

For a long time they could not find the required plot, but in 1780 the landowner Zhdanov sacrificed land, which is located next to the church, for the convent. On it, having received the blessing of the diocesan Vladimir authorities, Agafya builds three cells and encloses them with a fence. Mother herself lived in one, the novices lived in the second, and guests stayed in the third. Agafya’s contributions to the construction of the Assumption Cathedral in the Sarov Monastery were quite large.

Father Pachomius takes spiritual leadership over the sisters and agrees to provide food for the newfound community. In turn, the sisters sew clothes for the monks and do handicrafts. Soon Agafya fell ill and died at the age of 55.

The first mention of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery was in 1808. Its abbess at that time was Anastasia Kirillovna, who led a very strict lifestyle and demanded the same from her novices.

asked to soften the charter for the monastery's monasteries, but the request was not granted. After this, the Mother of God appeared to Sarovsky in a dream and indicated that it was necessary to create a new monastery into which the sisters should move.

Since then, two monasteries have appeared in the village. Both are under strict police control. Reason for observation was the lack of registration. The communities were registered only in 1839. In 1942, they united into one community, “Holy Trinity Seraphim Diveevo Convent.”

Location of the Diveyevo Monastery

The Monastery of Seraphim of Sarov is located in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region on the banks of the Vichkinza River.

Seraphim Diveevo Monastery address map

Index - 607320, region - Nizhny Novgorod, Diveevsky district, Diveevo, Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. The pilgrimage center telephone number is 8 (831–34) – 434–45.

To get to the monastery, you need to travel a certain path with several transfers. Information for pilgrims who want to offer prayer to Seraphim of Sarov and bow to him (details can be found on the official website):

  • The most convenient way You will arrive to the monastery through the city of Arzamas. Public buses run from its station to the monastery. The travel time will be no more than one and a half hours.
  • From Moscow to Diveevo can be reached by car or train. For cars from Moscow, the road goes through Balashikha. You should turn onto Murom before reaching Vladimir. Further follow the signs through the cities of Navashino and Ardatov.
  • By train from Moscow to the station Arzamas (Kazansky station) trains run daily.

Diveevo Monastery

Seraphim Diveevo Monastery photo

Temples Diveevo

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky was built convent for a century and a half.

  • First Temple, which gave rise to the monastery - the Church of the Kazan Icon Mother of God. It was built on the site of a wooden church. Construction lasted from 1773 to 1779. Mother Alexandra personally took part in its construction. This temple is three-altared. Summer two limits of Kazan and in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker; warm winter limit - in honor of Stefan;
  • To the temple with the permission of Seraphim of Sarov, the Churches of the Birth of the Virgin Mary and the Nativity of Christ were built;
  • In 1865–1875 In the center of the monastery, the five-altar Trinity Cathedral was erected - the heart of the Diveyevo monastery. It contains the relics Venerable Wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov. The temple was founded after his death, but during his lifetime Father Seraphim predicted that there would be a huge cathedral in Diveevo;
  • In 1907 was laid Transfiguration Cathedral. Its construction was completed in 1916, the consecration of the throne took place on September 3, 1998;
  • Along the line with the cathedral at the end of the nineteenth - beginning of the twentieth century, a five-tier bell tower was erected.

Holy Groove

Wikipedia says that the Diveyevo Monastery differs from other monasteries in the presence of a special shrine. This is a ditch located around the monastery, along which Holy Mother of God.

Seraphim of Sarov, one of the elders most beloved by the people, commanded to dig a ditch. At the same time, he said that the Antichrist would not be able to jump over it.

In winter and summer, without ceasing, the sisters dug a ditch until the very death of the priest. Seraphim said that everyone who stays in Diveevo from morning to morning will be happy, because the Queen of Heavenly Mother of God herself visits these places every day.

During Soviet times, the ditch was destroyed, but in 1997 its restoration began. On July 31, 2006, the ditch was completely landscaped. According to the behest of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, people have been walking along the Kanavka for almost two centuries in the footsteps of the Queen of Heaven.

Hermitage of Blessed Paraskeva of Sarov

One of the places that is interesting for visitors to visit is the house of Blessed Pasha (in the world Irina Ivanovna), which today has become a museum. The woman, immersed in prayer, led hermit life and worked for the good of the monastery. She was born in a peasant family and went through a lot. Having received the blessing of Elder Seraphim, Pasha lived in Diveevo, first in a cave that she dug herself, and then in a small house - a cell - for more than 30 years. There is evidence that she could foresee the future. The grave of Blessed Praskovya is located near the Trinity Cathedral.

The museum has only three halls, one of which is entirely dedicated to the life of Seraphim of Sarov. In addition to documents and old photos, it contains a cover embroidered by the hands of the Russian Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna. The cover was donated to decorate the ark with the relics of the saint. There, visitors can see an accurately recreated fragment of the elder’s cell. The furniture in it was once made by the reverend himself.

In the second hall everything remained as it was under the blessed mistress: the meeting ancient icons, dolls, table with tea set.

In the third room there is a collection of many personal belongings of the abbess: photographs, portraits, a collection of monastic clothes, including the festive outfit of Praskovya Ivanovna.

As before the revolution, in the desert the nuns read the Psalter incessantly.

Holy springs

In the vicinity of the Diveyevo Monastery there are 6 holy springs, five of them are directly on the territory:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Mother Alexandra;
  • Iveron Icon of the Mother of God;
  • icons of the Mother of God of Tenderness.

It is not difficult to navigate the location of the sources. For this purpose, a map of the monastery is located at the entrance. Those who want to plunge into the sacred waters need special clothing: for women - long shirt made of thick fabric, for men - a short shirt. If there are a lot of people in the bathhouse, you can take a dip in the water using a walkway or wooden ladder. Before this, you should spend some time in the chapel, immersed in yourself or in prayer.

The most distant source is Seraphim Sorovsky. It is located 15 km from Diveevo. A bus from the monastery goes there every day at 13.00. Tickets can be purchased at the pilgrimage center in advance.

A magnificent picture opens up before travelers: a hill with tall pine trees, at its foot a spring that formed a lake and bathing houses made of logs. They say that the shirt in which pilgrims plunge into the lake acquires special medicinal properties. The water in the holy springs is cold even in summer, but this does not stop visitors who sincerely believe in miracles.

When is the best time to go to Diveevo

At any time of the year, Diveevo is attractive in its own way. In spring there are blooming apple trees and lilacs in the monastery garden, enveloping the entire surrounding area with a wonderful aroma. However, when choosing Easter days for your trip, you should be prepared that there are a lot of pilgrims in the monastery at this time.

The most popular season for guests of the monastery is summer. The village looks festive and elegant during this period because of the many colors, which fill the front gardens and flower beds of monastery buildings and hotels. And swimming in holy springs in warm weather is a great pleasure. The only negative is the queues in the changing rooms at the baths.

Autumn is magnificent in Diveevo. In the clear, still warm air, the ringing of bells and birdsong can be clearly heard. Against the backdrop of an unusually blue sky, the golden domes of the temples look special.

And in winter the monastery is never deserted. The water of the springs seems almost warm compared to the winter temperature and there are always people who want to get into the water.

When planning to visit Diveevo, it is better to stay there for three to four days. During this time you can get better acquainted with the monastery, visit temples, walk along the Holy Canal and venerate the relics of Seraphim. Fully experience the special atmosphere of a place filled with grace and holiness and immerse yourself in a healing spring.

What to bring from Diveevo

Returning from a trip, many people bring gifts to their relatives and friends. Church items are taken away from Diveyevo: icons, crosses, “The Chronicle of the Holy Diveyevo Monastery.”

The land is very much valued by pilgrims. They believe that even a small handful of it will protect its owners from illness and misfortune. The land is collected in only one place - behind the chapel of Seraphim of Sarov. There is a small embankment there for this purpose.

Rusks from rye bread and butter, consecrated on the relics of the elder, are taken in the saint’s chapel in the summer, and in the vestibule in the winter. Transfiguration Cathedral. For crackers, it is better to bring a bag with you; a bottle for butter can be purchased at church shop. According to legend, if you add homemade regular bread crackers to consecrated bread crackers, they receive a particle of miraculous power.

“Lesenki” cookies, which are baked according to an old recipe, are popular. It can also be purchased at the store. It's inexpensive and tasty. Well, monastery bread is beyond any praise.

Where to stay overnight

The choice of overnight stay depends only on financial opportunities. This could be a rented room in the private sector, a monastery hotel, a hotel room (from 2,000 rubles), or a guest house (1,500–3,000 rubles). The Diveevskaya Sloboda hotel complex, stylized as beautiful log houses, offers billiards and a sauna in addition to accommodation and meals. There are guarded parking lots.

To stay at the monastery hotel, you must contact the monastery pilgrimage center in advance. This can be done through the official website. Food and stay it is paid for by labor - obedience. Pilgrims carry out the work assigned to them in the kitchen, in the workshop and in the refectory. They peel vegetables, clean the temple and the monastery grounds, and take care of the garden and the Holy Canal.

You are allowed to enter the monastery territory only in formal clothing. Women must wear a long skirt and headscarf; the man is in trousers and a shirt. Cleavage, miniskirts and shorts are not allowed. If necessary, you can buy the necessary things in the shops near the monastery. There are no exceptions for children.


If you have been asked to carry out an assignment at a monastery, but for some reason you cannot do it, refusal will be accepted absolutely normally. Any help is gratefully received. Work for the benefit of the monastery is sure to be rewarded by the Monk Seraphim!